The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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RP'Hv' tiW&2ZFWw
Sermons Were Also In Keeping with
tho Services of the Day St. Paul's
Elect Officers Funeral of Miss Mc
Cracken Fifth. Ward Caucus for
Special Election Salvation Army
Christmas Dinner Barbers Will
Close Tomorrow Other Notes and
Personal Mention,
Christmas services wen IipIiI In
loarlv all nf tin1 ulmroliPrt .vcfterilny,
Anrl iho rc'RUltir choirs wuc tillKiui'iit
i"l by sperlnlly scliM'tt'ir sliiKfM mid
111 StrtllrUllltll.llslS. Till' 'lUHtOl'A lie-
llvored sermons ntiproprlati' to tln oc-
I'llFloll, and law COIlSlOKIltldtlH were
In attendance tit the ililfcrent places
ill' worship. Tho ilooonitlons were in
(Mcatlvc of tho yracon, iinil Chrlstumi
tiees, holly wreaths, crosses and
crowns were In evidence In ninny pul
pits. At the First IJiipllst church the day
wnt one to lie l'enietntiei'od, In
t ho mornltiK Uev. Matthews took bis
text from Luke 1: 7-ff, nnd discoursed
m the subject, "The Day-Sprlti!: from
on High." Tliu choir rendered mi an
them, "The New Horn Klntr," with
excellent effect. Additional iintheni.s
were sun? at the evening (service.
The sliifrers were .Misses Annie Dag
Kor, Minnie Carpenter, Kdltli AVI1
lluins. Annie Uotrers, Dr. T. M. Hen
derliiij?, Charles Penusi, Thomas D.
.lames and Dr. J!. O. V.ecldoe. Miss
lltith Beddoe sang n solo, "The Nativ
ity," in excellent voice.
TIip Hlhlc school orchestra of the
"Washburn street Presbyterian church
look a. prominent part in the services
yesterday, and the inutile rendered
was of a. high standard of excellence.
Two large Chirstmas trees were set
-,ip on either side of the pulpit, and
Dr. Moffat preached sermons anent
the birth of Christ and the lessons to
be drawn from his life. The choir,
under tho direction of Prof. ( 1". Der
innn, sang a ntimlier of selected pieces,
and the programme Included anthems,
solos and hymns.
The services at tlie Simpson 11. 1'-.
church were under the direction of the
p-istor. Rev. .1. D. Swe"t, and the
chorister. lJrof. AY. V. Jones. Tins
Simpson Hale (liiartelte. a fenuil1-,
chorus ami several soloists rendered
the musical programme, and Dr.Sweet
spoke along tho line of Christ's birth,
out eor i and COLDS
Last Chance
Holiday Shoppers
You're too busy to read adver
tisements today, and we're too
busy to devote time to writing
them. We would therefore mere
ly say that if you have not
bought your Holiday Gifts yet,
come along and
Buy 'Em at
Bargain Prices
for if it's in the wood, we'll clean
up the balance ot our Holiday
stock before closing time tonight
Globe Warehouse
life, death and resurrection. Two spa
Hal anthems were rendered nt the
morning service nnd three In the even
ing:. The soloists were Harry Acker,
Thomas Abrnm., , William X,tmg,
Misses Kvn Kittle. Anna Jones nnd
Helen Thtmin.
Thirty voices were heard In ill-'
chnlr at tho .Inclison iitrcet Unptlst
church under the leadership of Prof.
Lewis Davis. Dr. do Oruchy delivered
"The Christmas Mess-age" In tho
morning and the entire service wan
one or Joy and Kindness. A children's
chorus rang In the evening specially
written composition, called "Think of
the Children," which was arrange.!
by Prof, Davis. A number of sotim
and anthems were relideicd by tho
chnlr members Individually and col
lectively. The evening set vice nl the Sumner
avenue Presbyterian church was Riven
up to the Sunday school children. 11"''.
aleel Brown, superintendent of tho
school, delivered an adiirets and Uev.
MIIiiimii spoke on the ".leys of Christ
inas," Solos nnd recitations wore
given by Misses Louise Klynn, Anna
Kvnns, l.ottle riieen, Uz'lo llarrl.s,
Siihlim Kuclrlni nnd Helen D'avls.
The chnlr of the Hamilton sheet
Methodist Kplscopal church rendered
special music tit both sirvlees, unit
IIv. Men .linger took for his morning
theme "The Star of Bethlehem," an'l
In the ovenliu the subject of his dis
course, was on "A New Way to Heav
en." 'William lBous? played a vio
lin solo at the morning wii-vlce and
the choir sang' several anlhenis.
The English nnd Welsh 1st nnd
Congregational churches also observe 1
the ilap appropriately, special music
being rendered nt the various serives.
Additional Christmas txorclses will
be held tonight and tomorrow night In
several of the churches, principally
for the pupils of the Sunday schools.
St. Paul's Pioneer Corps.
The annual election of olllcers In St.
Paul's Pioneer coins was held yester
day afternoon at the regular meeting
held in Masonic hall, and a smoker was
enjoyed after the election. 'Pile result
was as follows:
President, Daniel I.enahan: first vice
president, John MeAndrews; second
vice-president, Henry Halney; treas
urer, James .1. Million: recording secre
tary, Thomas J. McNamara; financial
secretary, William F. Riley: auditors,
Frank McLaln, Thomas Uarley. John
Hoard of directors, Frank Gibbons,
William Hasklns, Mortimer Hognn,
Frank Walsh, William F. Riley. In
vestigating committee, Thomas Karley,
Walter McNIchols, Henry Hainey.
Marshal. John Langan; captain, John
Murray: first lieutenant, Michael Cul
kln: second lieutenant, Thomas Jlc
G ul re.
William Sharpe, John McAndrew,
John Murphy, Thomas McGraw and
Mortimer Hogan were elected delegates
to the quarterly convention to be held
in St. John's hall, Pine Brook, on Janu
ary 13, 1901.
Funeral of Miss McCracken.
The funeral of the late Hattie Mc
Cracken was largely at'tended yester-
day afternoon. Services were conduct
ed nt 2.30 o'clock at the homo of de
ceased's parents on South Hyde Park
avenue by Itov. ,t. P. Moffat, D. D.,
pastor of the Washburn Street Presby
terian church.
Misses Drake and Kaufman snug sev
eral selections, and Iho pnll-bearora
were Kdwnrd Morse, Thomas Hughes,
Duncan Hall nnd Mr. French. Inter
ment was made In the Dttntnore ceme
tery. The services were attended by J. W.
McCracken, of Pen Van, N. V.. a
brother of deceased, nnd Mrs. Rll Plok
ersglll, of Chlltonhnm, Pa.
Fifth Ward Primaries.
The Fifth ward vigilance committees
have decided to hold the caucus for the
nomination of n successor to Select
Councilman Richard H. Williams, re
signed, on Wednesday, January 2, be
tween ,r1ie hours of I and 7 p. in.
All candidates for the ofllco are rc
(inested to register with Dr. Struppler.
142 South Main avenue, on or before 9
l. in. Saturday, December 29. The spe
cial election will be held on Tuesday,
January 8.
The candidates thus far mentioned
ure W. K. Thayer, Richard Morgans,
George Carson and Hobert J. Williams.
Salvation Army Dinner.
The custom Inaugurated by the Sol
vation Army of serving Christmas
.11 liners to the poor will be continued
by the locnl corps tomorrow. Adju
tant Jaegor anticipates 'that many
more than last year will be served at
the barracks on Price street. Baskets
loaded with good things will also be
sent out. by the nrmy to those who
are unable to leave their homes.
All who desire to contribute money
or food stuffs to the cause are request
ed to send the same to Adjutant Jae
ger, thp officer In charge, nt 100S Price
street, to-day.
Sunday School Exercises.
Tho Christmas tiree exercises for
the primary department of the Simp
son Methodist Kplscopal Sunday
school will be hold this afternoon, be
ginning at 4:30 o'clock. A musical
and literary programme will he ren
ileieil and gifts will be distributed to
the children.
The scholars of the intermediate
an 1 Bible classes will present a 'can
tata tomorrow evening, under the di
rection of the church chorister, Prof.
W. W. Jones. It Is called "All Hall to
Santa Claus," and will include repre
sentations of Uncle Sam's latest ac
quisitions. Cases in Police Court.
David John Francis, of Beddoe court,
was fined $3 In police court Saturday
morning for what appeared on the
docket to be his "first offense."
William Millar, of Lafayette street, a
diminutive prisoner, who wanted to
take a fall out of Patrolman John
Thomas, and who was later tucked
under the policeman's arm on the way
to the station house, paid $ for his
William J.McDermott. a blacksmith.
of 441 Third street, has announced
hin-Jjelf as. a candidate for select
council in the Sixth, ward.
James Timlin, of Keyset- avenue,
employed as a driver in the Cayuga
mine, hud his loft foot caught be
neath the wheel of u car on Satur
day, and the amputation of several
toes was necessary.
A son has been born to Air. and Mrs.
John Kngles, of Luzerne street.
An agreement has been entered Into
by the barbers of West Scranton to
close their shops all day tomorrow.
The shops will be kept open until
midnight to-night.
John Jordan, of Tripp Park, has
resigned as overhead line man with
the street railway company, and ac
cepted a position at the Mt. Pleasant
William Puiin Morgan, of Jackson
street, was recently presented with a
number of gifts by the employes of
the Diamond mine as a token of the
esteem in which he was held ny them
as outside foreman.
Miss Margaret, the 12-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. p. H.
Thomas, of ulifi North Bromley avenue,
entertained a number of friends re
cently in honor of her birthday.
Mrs. M. H. Jones, or Llndyay, Pa.,
who returned home on Saturday from
a visit with her mother, Mrs. John
M. Bcvan, of Hampton street, was
tendered a farewell reception prior to
her departure by a number of friends.
The remains of the late William
Hughes, who died at S10 North Sum
ner avenuo, were taken to Mahonoy
City on Saturday for Interment.
The lemalns of Susan Shlbonas, the
child who died from burns received
while playing with matches:, were In
terred In St. John's German Cnthollo
cemetery on Saturday morning.
The newly elected officers of Hyde
Park lodge. No. MO, F. and A. M will
be Installed In Masonic hall AVednos
day evening. A collation will bs
served after the Installation.
County Commlssoners' Clerk K. K.
Hobathan is confined to his home on
South Hyde Park avenue with a suvere
attack ot rheumatism.
Arch Mears, of South Main avenue,
Is home for the hollUuys from the Bos
ton Technical school,
Mary, the Infant child of Mr, and
Mrs. George Wulker, of 1112 Hampton
street, died yesterday morning, and will
bo buried In the Minooka cemetery at
2 o'clock this afternoon.
The members of St. Brendan's coun
cil, Young Men's Institute, held a spe
cial meeting yesterday afternoon for
the purpose of completing arrange
ments for opening their new home fes
tival tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. ICddy and three children, of
Shamokln, are the guests uf Mrs.
Joseph Hughes, of South Hyde Park
Mrs. Junies M. Hilton, of Tenth
street, Is convalescing ufter a sevura
Willard Tanning, of Washburn
sheet, und Reuben Ullllngbum. of
Tenth .street, tiro op tho sick list.
Ktigene Felluws, jr nnd Tudor Wil
liams, of South Main avenue, students
at Cornell, ure at their homes for
tho ChristiiioH holiday,
Kdwurd Jones, of South Main nvo
hup, a student at Vale. Is spending tho
holiday vacation with his mother,
Mrs. D, Jl. Jones.
John H. Lewis, of Academy street,
has returned home from n stay of
several months In New York.
.Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Blesecker, of
North Bromley avenue, are entertain
ing Augustus Hkjecker nnd son,
of Mount Pocono.
Mrs. Khihnrdt, of Gouldsboro, Is at
tending her son, Kmll, of North Sum
ner avenue, who Is suffering from an
attack of erysipelas.
Oscar Yueer, of North Sumner av3-
Scranton Citizens
Gladly Testify.
It Is testimony like the following that
has placed "the llttlo conqueror" so far
above competitors. When people right
here at home raise their voice In praise
there Is no room left for doubt. Rend
tho public statement of n Scranton
.Mrs. K. Williams, or 127 North Sum
ner avenue, Hyde Park, suys: "1 had
severe pnln In the small of my bank,
extending upward and around my
waist. At night It was Impossible
to sleep very long In one position and
at times pain made me so nervous I
lay awake for hours turning from one
side to the other trying to find a com
fortable position. There 'was also a
kidney weakness that was very annoy
ing and distressing at times. I was In
such misery that 1 wns unable to ilo
my work about the house, and. In
fuct, 1 was completely used up. I re
sorted to tho services of a doctor and
he did me good, but I wns far from
being a well woman. A Indy friend
recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to
mo so highly that I got them at Mat
thews' Drug store. The first box did
me so much good that I continued the
treatment and took six boxes alto
gether. I received more relief from
this remedy In a short time than from
all other remedies I hnd taken."
For sale by all dealers. Price CO
cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buf
falo, N. Y sole agents for the United
Remember the nnme Doan's and take
no substitute.
nue, Is spending a few days with his
parents at Hazleton.
Mrs. John Armstrong and ilaughte",,
Harriet, are visiting friends In
Mr. und Mrs. Wlnlleld S. Fellows,
of Philadelphia, are tho guests of
relatives In town.
Miss Martha Hughes, of North Gar
field avenue, a student at Blooms
burg state normal school, has return
er home from a trip to Washington,
D. C.
John H. Phillips, superintendent of
the West Scranton postofflee. is ill at
bis home on Washburn street with
an attack of typhoid fever.
John Davis, of the Chicago Theologi
cal seminary. Is visiting his parents
on Fourteenth street.
Forest Dorphlmer. of Bueknell uni
versity, is visiting his parents on
South Main avenue.
Funeral of Karl Kline Held Yester
day Large Number of Acci
dents Other News Notes.
The funeral of the late Karl Kline,
which took ir.lace from the house, 1016
Stafford avenue, yesterday afternoon,
was well attended. Rev. Schmidt, of
the Church of Peace performed the
ceremony and the Arbciter society
sung the funeral songs, both at the
house and at the grave.
The pall-bearers were Fred Stachel,
August Koochlneke, Albert Bengal' and
John Boch. The flower-bearers were
John Huppsrtz and Franz Swift.
Chapter of Accidents.
Charles Fox, of Neptune place, while
trimming meat In Stower's packing
house Saturday, cut his hand so badly
that it was necessary to take him to
the Lackawanna hospital, where eight
stitches were necessary to close up the
Frank Zeno, an Italian laborer In
the Connell mine, had his hand sever
ly crushed Saturday by a fall of rock.
Dr. Manley dressed the wound.
Bertha Ardnung, small daughter of
Gus Ardnung, fell down stairs Satur
day, breaking her arm. Dr. J. J.
Walsh reset the fracture.
Charles Schneider, of Beech street,
who is employed in the Cliff works. Is
suffering from a very severe accident
which may cost him an eye. Mr.
Schneider is plate puncher and was
engaged in punching a hole In an Iron
plate when he was struck In the eye
by a Hying fragment of steel from the
puncher. He was removed to the
Moses Taylor hospital, where his
wound was dressed. The physicians
fear the piece of steel penetrated the
eye ball, in which case Mr. Schneider
will lose his eye,
The funeral of the late Patrick
Walsh took place Saturday morning at
0 o'clock from the family residence on
Cherry street. Services were held at
St. John's Catholic church, where re
quiem mass was celebrated by Rev.
M. J, Fleming. Interment was made
In the Cathedral cemetery.
The little Cedar Avenue Methodist
Kplscopal church was crowded to th"
doors last night with an enthusiastic
Methodist congregation. For the past
week they have been holding revival
meetings and many have Joined the
church on probation. Hex. Houston,
the blind evangelist has been conduct
ing these meetings. Last night he
spoke on "How I Lost My Sight and
Became a Preacher."
Saturday evening the entertainment
committee of Division No, 2;i, Ancient
Order of Hibernians, met at A. J. Mul
derlg's store for tho purpose of com
pleting arrangements for a social to
be held In their hall, Dec, 28.
A delightful entertainment Ih being
arranged for tho Sunday school chil
dren of the Cedar Avenue Methodist
Kplscopal church tonight, Selections
from "Corals of Yuletlde" and "The
Son of the Highest" will be Bung, to
gether with recitations fron several
members of the Sunday school, Inter
mediate to this will be the exerelsen
of the Infant class, songs and recita
tions. At the conclusion of the enter
tainment nuts and candy will bo dis
tributed among the children.
Miss Grace Turner, of 345 Pear street,
wus tnken to the Moses Taylor hospi
tal Thursday, suffering with hemor
rhages of the lungs.
Y. M, 1, council, No. 179, met yester
day afternoon In Pharmacy hall to
Install their newly elected olllcers and
also to make arrangements for their
banquet, to be held New Year's night.
Miss Krma Reiner, who resides on
Cedar avenue, Is very sick with
John P. Donahue, who has been at
tending the University of Pennsyl
vania, Isspending his vacation at his
homo on Stone avenue, ,
J. Duggun Qulnn Is home from Notre
Dame, Ind,, where He has been attend
ing school,
We have been importers, wholesale and rettll, of Japanese Art Goods for more than 20
years In the United States and Japan. During the last few months certain circumstances havt
caused a fiecessnry dissolution of the partnership now existing, and we have decided to dispose
of our stock of fine . ,
Sale commenced Monday Afternoon at 3. 30 p. m. and will continue each day throughout the weelc
The public is invited to visit the store at any time during the sale, for inspection,
seats for ladies. This is an extraordinary opportunity and eveything must be sold.
S Shimamura
Well-Known Resident of This Bor
ough Met Death Last Night by the
Explosion of the Crown Sheet of
the Engine He Was Firing Mike
De Santo Attempts Life of Frank
Moutiloney Christmas Exercises
in the Churches A Horse Im
paled Other News Notes.
Howard Potter, of this borough, a
fireman on the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western railroad, met death last
night at Roekport Hill, near Wash
ington, N. J. The 'crown faheet on the
engine on, which he was working blew
out und frightfully scalded him.
He was a young man who had re
sided here for some time, being a son
of William Barton Potter, of MeKeau
county. The remains were brought
here and are at the homo of his
grandmother, Mrs. Dings, on Blake'y
street, where he made his home.
, He was a member of the Locomotive
Firemen's Brotherhood, Knights of
Pythias and King Solomon Lodge, F.
and A. M.
The funeral will be held from St.
Mark's church on Wednesday at 1:30
o'clock nnd will be In charge of King
Solomon Lodge, F. and A. M. Inter
ment will be be made ir. Holllster
vllle. A Stabbing Affray.
A stubbing affray and shooting look
place mi Pine street on Saturday
night among the foreign resident":.
It appears that Mike De Santo was a
suitor for the hand of a daughter of
Frank Montllonev, which did not meet
with parental favor, and op. Sntaurdny
night De Santo started out for blood.
De Santo appeared at the home,
and after a few words fired three
shots at Montilonoy, but his aim was
poor and none took effect. Montllonev
procured a warrant for ills arrest,
and when ho returned De Santo stab
bed him twice, once in the body and
also on the arm, neither wound being
De Santo fled, but later In the even
ing was captured by Officers Qulnn
and Sacco, who took him before
Squire Coonoy, who sentenced him to
the county Jail In default of of $1,000
bail. .
Christmas Services.
At all the churches in town special
Christmas music was rendered. At
the Methodist church the following
piogramme was given.
Morning Organ voluntary: doxolo
gy; Lord's Prayer: hymn, Joy to the
World, reading scriptures: prayer;
anthem, by choir, "Sing, O Heavens:"
offertory, talk to children, "The Llttlo
Boy Jesus;" hymn: sermon, subject,
"The First Notes of the First Christ
inas Song:" prayer: hymn, "lark,
What Means These Holy Voices'.'";
Evening service Organ voluntary;
hymn; scripture reading: prayer; an
them, by tho choir. "Glory Bo to God
In the Highest," by Thompson; olfer
tory; hymn; sermon, subject, "The
Wonderful Name Jesus," prayer;
hymn; benediction.
At the Presbyterian church Tlev, W.
F. Gibbons preached two strong ser
mons appropriate to the season, large
congregations being present both
morning and evening. The choir main
tained its reputation for always doing
things well and their special Christ
mas music was excellently rendered.
Dunmore Christian Church.
The Tripp Avenue christian Sunday
school, Dunmore, will hold their Christ
mas exercises on Monday night. The
following progrumme will bo rendered,
Interspersed with fcpeclal music by the
Song. ,.,,.
llci Itation
Unit Jt Ion lun
cilutioii ..
llci llation
.Ili'lin Kr.iiH
(iconic H'.uiui
1 1 cue W.iltcl
. ..b.ilicl Kni.illriili;c
D01.1 Alnmoic
Sin (ihU
I.ilic t'otwll
Mx lihU
,,M.lltOI('lil ,S'',lll.
,.Ui.l(- Mihici
,,, I.illic Kent
, , I .coi,.ii il Cummins
Kmma Krotzi'i
jiiiI Coilnnc llilnk
Iil.i lludpt
l.'omuil llriiil;
,,,.., IMInr Powell
, ,, lcv,!c CiiiuiiiImi
..,.,, Maltha WuuVl
,l, 1'imcli
A Horse Impaled,
A attached to tho delivery
wagon of McMillan & Harper took
fright on Saturday night while stand
ing In front of their store and ran
awuy, It detached Itself from the
wagon and dashed wildly up Hlakoly
street, dragging the shafts behind It.
When near the Pennsylvania fun
house It ran Into one of tho Keystone
Brewing compuny's wagons and Im
paled Itself on thu tongue, running
It clear through its body, It was
necessary to shoot the animal to end
its sufferings.
Case-Swingle Wedding.
The wedding of O. W, Case and
and Miss Hllen Swingle was solemn
ized lust Wednesday evening at tho
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
& Co., 124 Wyoming Ave
Mrs. D. C. Swingle. The ceremony
was performed by Uev. Thomtw
Youngs, of Wayne county. The couplo
were atended by Service Hclns and
Miss Helen Cnse.
Among the guests In attendance
were: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Slack, Mr.
and Mrs. I. S. Frenell. of Green Itldge;
Miss Jennie Frenell, Mrs. J. B. Barnes,
Clarence Barnes, Y. A. Swingle and
William Hagen. The guests were en
tertained at a supper after the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Cnse have com
menced housekeeping and have the
best wishes of many friends for a hap
py married life.
Brevard Harris, of Concord, N. C
is spending the holidays with his wife's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. P. Savage,
of Green Itldge street.
Orin Simmons, a former resident ot
this place, but who now lives at East
on, being employed by the Lehigh Val
ley railroad, is visiting his old friends
Word has been received by Mr. M.
W. Chamberlln of the sudden death
of his nephew, Harry Chamberlln, of
Bethlehem, who Is well known here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlln leave to at
tend the funeral at that place today.
At the Presbyterian church tonight
the Christmas exercises will be held
by the members of the Sunday school.
The music will be unusually fine, the
title of the pamphlet from which It Is
taken being "The Voice of Rejoicing."
The Crystal Literary and Dramatic
club, which hns been rehearsing the
fine melodrama "Arizona" for some
weeks, will produce the play with all
its elaborate scenic effects, at the Audi
torium on Christmas night. The play
depicts life 'in Arizona, deals largely
with features surrounding a regular
army post, In which the life of cavalry
men and infantnymen is mingled, and
there is a charming bit of a love story
wrought out in its movement. The
members of the Crystal club have been
rehearsing this play with much energy
and there Is promise of a very capable
rendition of Its dlfllcult lines and the
attendant scenes. It Is now being pro
duced at the Herald Square theatre in
New York city and is the biggest suc
cess of the metropolitan season.
The following Is the cast of charac
ters: Henry Canby, owner of Arapahoe
ranch, P. J. Cafferty; Colonel Bonham,
of the Eleventh United States cavalry,
J. J. Moran; Sam Wong, a Chinese
cook, W. J. McDonnell, who also Im
personates Lieutenant Halleck, of the
cavalry: Mrs. Canby, wife of the
rancher, Miss Anna V. Roche: Estelle
Bonham, wife of the colonel. Miss
Helen L. Duggan: Lena Kellar, a wait
ress, Miss Anna T. Welsh: Lieutenant
Denton, of the cavalry, D. J. Evans;
Bonlta Canby, sister of Estelle, Miss
Kathryn I, Henry; Miss McCullogh, a
school teacher, Miss Loretta ('. Dug
gan; Dr. Fenton, surgeon of the cav
alry. P. J. McGuIre; Captain Hodgson,
of the cavalry, M. J. Gahagan; Tony
Mostano, a vuquero, J. J. Nealon; Ser
geant Kellar, of tho cavalry, P. J. Mc
Donnell; Lieutenant Young, of the
cavalry, T. J. Barrett; Major Cochran,
of cavalry, P. J. Foley.
There will also be a number of cow
boys, soldiers nnd spectators introduced
Into the action of the drama. Miss
Llbble Neary will be the musical direc
tor of the play; M. F. Lynch, stage
manager, and J. H. Kelly, manager. A
social will follow the play.
The funeral of Edward Grlflln, of
Mary street, took place yesterday af
ternoon from the home, Dr. Guild, of
tho Providence Presbyterian church,
olliciating. A iiuartette from the
church sang two selections. There
were many floral offerings by near
friends of the deceased. Interment
was made at Forest Hill cemetery,
James Collins, of North .Main ave
nue. Is slightly Indisposed.
The North End Glee club met yes-'.
terday afternoon In their rooms in
O'Mnlloy'.s hall.
James Lewis, of West Plttston, is
tho guest of relatives on Parker street.
Michael Noone, of Niagara univer
sity, Is spending his Christmas vaca
tion with his parents on Green street.
Liveryman George K. Athorton has
begun to run his four-horse band
wagon between the square and central
city, Mr. Atherton's wagon will run
every hour for the accommodation of
tho people of North Scranton.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Provi
dence Methodist Episcopal church will
hold a special meeting Wednesday
morning at 10 o'clock in tho church
Attorney Charles V. Dawson, of San
derson avenue, has returned home
from New York city. ''
Mrs. Edwin Gee, of Ithacu, N. V
returned homo after visiting Mrs, H.
F, Babcock.
Miss Emma Davis, of Baltimore
Pharmacy college, Is spending her
Christmas holidays with her parents,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Davis, of North
Main avenuo.
Willard Lswls, of North Main ave
nuo, Is spending his Christmas holi
days with his parents.
John J. Evuns, of Deacon street, Is
a cnndldato for common council from
the First ward at tho next spring
William Holmes, of Parker street
nnd Holllster avenue, was kicked last
Friday afternoon by a vicious mule In
Storrs No. 1 mine and badly Injured.
James Timlin, or Keyser avenue,
employed us a driver boy at tho Cay
uga mine, was painfully Injured while
tit work Saturday. His lsft foot was
crushed beneath the wheels of ono of
the cars, necessitating tho amputation
by Dr. J. P. Stunton of several toes.
Hels & Burgunder, Lessee and ManzerJ
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
rvenlnR lVrfoi ninnce nt 8.15.
Matinee 1'crfonnancc at i!.l.",.
Xmns Mutineo nnd Night, Dec 25.
America's Orcatcst Comic Opera Comcdlsn,
Thomas Q. Seabrooke
AH Star Cast, 03 In Company.
Prices 25c, 50c, 73c., 1.00 and 1.50. Box seat,
Matinee 23c, 50c, 7uc. nnil $1.00.
Sale of scats opens Satimlay at t) a. m.
Evening Performances at 8.30.
.Matinee Performances at 2,Cfi.
Thursday and Friday, Dec. 27 and 28
Burke & Chase Vaudeville Co,
Ilemlcil bv
Queen of Magic in her oriftinat conception,
And a company of vaudeville artists Including
MeM.'ilion and Kin;;, Mr. and Mrs. .limmlc liar,
ry. Prof. Howard and his ponies, doa-s and mon
keys, Kelley and Violcttc, Zimmer, Mabel Mait
land and tho Ilesi-ett Mnrslull Company.
Prices Evening, 2.',, 50, 5 Be; luntinee, 25 and
50c. Children to any part of the house, 15c.
Scats on ealo Tuesday at t) a. m.
Managers and Losers. Local Representative
Week Commencing MONDAY, DECEMBER 2.
Supported by his own company, presenting a
repertoire ot hiff New York miccces.
Evening prices--10c, 20c, 30c Matinee price
10c, 20c Ladirs' tickets .Monday evening, 15c.
New Gaiety Theatre
The High Class Vaudeville Production,
Mcginty The Sport
Three, Days Commencing
A Bisc Favorite with everybody.
Miss New York, Jr,
Prices Evening, 15c, 23c, 35c, 60c; matine
prices, 15c., 25c
. -f -T--f--r- -T--r-r
JUST out ;
Tho PhflPtflrfiolii (vMMnt
iud uw-oiwiium u.viuwut j
X Samter Bros. X
The Asbury Methodist Episcopal Sun
day school will conduct Christmas ex
ercises in the church, Tuesday evening.
A programme of much merit has been
prepared for the occasion.
Iiilli, aged II yeaiv, wlto of Christian Oman,
of !).' Iriiiiir nviniH', Dunmore, died at her Iioiiid
I'Mcrd.i.v. Mic is Mini veil by her huibjnd and
seeul children. The (iintinl will take place at
2 o'clock mi Tuesday fmm her lata residence.
Mis. Teiesa Robinson ( 'oh in dies Saturday
ululii at the Home for i lie Friendless age n.1
,cns. Funeral today ul "J o'clock from the
'rt'-,ldtiiu'. lnti'iinent In 1'oicst Hill cemetery.
An eloquent seniiou on "Pilate's Tredlci
inenl" was preached last night In the Green
Ridgti ll.iptlit church by the pastor, Rev. W. J.
Rev, II. E. O'llrieii, of Pittsbursf, tho evaji(?e
list nildrCN,cd two ery luifo nifctlnRa yester
day at tlw African .Methodist Episcopal church
in Howard plate, The hcrviccs arc lo be con
tinued throughout this week,
"Routes and Temilnalt" rfis the theme spoken
on by Secretary Adair at yesterday afternoon'
meeting In tho Rallinad Youn;; Men's Christian
ucMK'iatlon rooms. The Cambria quartette rcn.
dered excellent ."elections.
All special Eerviccri at the. First German Mdli
odlst EpUtopal I'liurcli wero yesterday postponed
owing to the indUpoillon of the putor, Rev,
Gustav Ilolilin, The Christmas exercises will be
held Tuesday, with children's service In tho
J deeply niovini? scene was presented last
niirht at the Adams Avenuo rlupel of the Bec
ond Presbyterian church, when the pastor, Rev,
James Hughes, pleached a funeral sermon tor
Ills daughter, Civeiidol.iii, win) died recently.
Rev. Mr, Hushes plituicd with fatherly tender
ness thu beautiful Cluistian life led by hi dead
The visible assets of the Scranton
Correspondence School were sold Pri
dny afternoon by Constable Ira Mitch
ell, of the Ninth ward, on a writ of
execution Issued by Aldcrmun Myron
Kussou, on an $81 judgment secured
by tho Rcertor lilunk Boole company.
Wage claims for ?19l and a rent olalm
from the Delaware and Hudson com
pany, with other claims, were also
Tho sale broiiht about $300, the In
ternational Correspondence Schools
buying In most of tho Htock. The
building will henceforth be used by the
si,i', ry. v'M..j( ,, , i
- A. -aiVU j
J-V W. ';' - jA: i Jt ,.-.,
, . .A.,fc ", Jf 1 .,. OV?