T.,M ....47V3P ?,tM'jnjJpTT'iiJv f-v-rw- -HfrvMi-it-w 'jiWjswtw? 5-T't5vi?5S?Sr r-i fi "rv, .-' . . f 1 THE SCRANTON TMBUNIfi-MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1900. V t ant. HksiO's I Phosphates and Hypophoiphitcs Added without change cf taste. Be9t Milk for Fnmily Use " " Babies thrive on it " Cold by Druggtitt an J Grocers, Write fof booklet. f THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO., CCHAN70N, PA. "V'V.'.'n-'tk.'.'.'.'.-.t c.''c.-v'.'.-Ci.'tf Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. r Per J)C Quart' LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO ldepboueOrderi Promptly Dell voroi !f'3'7 Adims Avenus. 5(ranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office Station. D., Xi. ft W. Passenger Phone 826. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIAUST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office Hour a. rn. to 12.80 p. m. : ! lo t William. Bulldlnr. Opp. PnstotDeik. y"VT QMIONIJTCABE "P7 CITY NOTES : 4 - -f - -t- AT OllU. rilOOl,. Tin; Chilsluns exudes of the I'uinsvlvaiila, Oril school will In InM this evining at 7.80 i. in. (1111.11 IMi:i SIJIinKNi.Y.-Coiiincr lioluits was notilicil esluday of tin1 death of .1 c In 1.1 in Ol.vphant without iiieillt.ll nltcutlancc. 'the vae will be investigated today. IIHOKi: A WINDOW. .lulin Itijno.v was itm tl.iy night ancstoil uii l'rnn avenue h, I'aliolmiu Kujus on the chugo uf hit iking e vvlndiw at iMttith's cigai foic. Up was jplmliy illicit Mil. . v. nowint ciiom:.v. Mtmnp . . Dower Mas on Safunlaj' plpcteil tnislrc lit a nutting of tin' eieditois of S. I.. Calltn, limk uipt, lu'lil in (lie ofllip oi Hefciio In It inkiupli.v aii Wnrnior. I.IO CUTMII.n. .liilm Sell n f. of )! Maple Mirer, lui jctenli lil.ni to the lo.i-, T.ilnr laispital with one of his legs Ittrih tiitsluit. He is entphneil it the hl.ist tiniiue .ind was ueieil li'luiiu the liuinpns of i .U-. , Till: I'itlMl.lts' I1M.U The .iiiiui.il ilinti' of Snaiitnii Tipos,'iaihiial union. No. 112, will he rn hi New Yp.ii's ee at Mii-ie hill ainl own tiikcl punliasrr is entitled to a ihiiiip on a MO fcobl pine Willi li will be Kiten away. nivonrnsrir ni:(iLN.-i.nu.i ii.hi-.. n. i iui next fiienil, 11. K. Njie, Iipkiiii on Satnidiy a Hilt in ilKoue .ikjIiisI lit r liiisli mil, l'i iiliiuml Hansen. Mie ihnyis him wilh ile-ntion. The i ii iple wne li'.inieil in Npleinlni, !-)., mil IimiI togcthci until Maiih, IS'is. ( liniVlMAS D.N( i:. The l.lile Daniiiu' tk.ss will eonihict their setomi .iniiinl Cluistmas soei il at V. M. 1. hill (omoiiow ininiii';. Piofessm M. 1'. (Wilkin, John W.iMi an.l .limes ,1, Mmlon will ilireit the djuee anil Miss Kate Iti.udon will play the piano .icioiiip.inimiiits. Till: WKKK'S CU:Altl.:.--'Hie ileaiinu-s for the list weik, as npoiied by the Nianton Clear. Iiu House iKsoiiatlnn, weie as Pillows: bjndij, s-Hl.nol.Ai; Tuesil.iy, ' i.i.OlliAij Wed da, !?177,7ii0.tH: Thni-dij, Vi'l.Witfltli l'ilil.i, SiVi, I'll.tiS; Satnnlay, isltiil.dill.U; total, -l. Iil,il 'H. Ml r.H SriMTK Willi M:. -Uinmo Mistcis, of oea. was held in Nino hail b Mdnm.in Millar. SaVtunlay, on the ih.iiKe of niiellj lo iiniinils. He winks in .shift No. 1:1 nf the I'enn f.,l.iul.l Coal eoinpniy and ls.uin-ed nf stiikln one of the mine mules vith an ae, nittim; ,i IiIk cash in its hide. i:w yi:ah's iti:ci:i'iin.--iiip maiusir. unit seuetaius of the t'ential oinii; Uonun's rinlstiaii .isMKl.it Ion will leuhe the filiml. of llu Herniation on New U.u's daj iiom 0,.!0 in 10 p. m. (t.Miiiiastle drill fiom 7 lo s and lnii-ie finiii 8 to 10. The lonkim; sihoid ill lip open for inspei tion and lss Mnlih and t. mie ot her pupils will leielu'. l!i:SIVl'i:i AIIIIIM'. I'jtrlik O'lliiin (Kilted a ill.tuibancc on Linden stieet Mtiinln ntlit mid llenely rislstrd Spedal Ollliei Terwlllluei, who tiled to must him. Willi the aid of 'a trolmnn (loerllt, be was soon Mibduul and was jpfiteiilay niurnini: lined Juhn Thuintoii, who put up a t-tiiMiorn Unlit when ane.led on .South Washington .mime hj I'alioliuen WaUh and reui"y, na tlncil ijj. t'llltlST.MH i:i;HCI.M:Who (hilstims e. rrd.es of the Klin 1'aik ruiudiy sihoul will be In Id ClirUtiiuis iiIkIiI al 7 n'llml. in the main aiidltorliim, 'I he pnici.iliiiue Is nf uiiii.ua! e. nllriiie. (Jjfiii will be dLtrlhiitiil lo the mun biri of the M'hool. At i.uh rntiauu' of the iluinli time will bo peion blailniied who will mehe kUU for the l'loreuie t'llttenloii Jls,on mm ciery pcison p, expettul to lulni; wine Ki(t. CASi: l)lSShKI).-IMholinjii M. .1, Walsh was on ftaliiul.iv niiilit arrulKiinl bifoie Aldeiiiian Millar, iluiued with atsault and luliery bv IMuanl V. Ilnsli, of 2.VS Itailioad ntrniie, Th'p affair Brew out of a dbpute at last Tuesd.u'a pedal clcdlon In the Klelitcrnlh ward, wlien Sir. Hush's brollicr, William, was iletteil com. ltxtttltltKatttktlttlltKttitit r if CIGARS for , CHRISTMAS GIPTS Finest nnd Freshest Ever brought to this market. IMPORTED KEY WEST PORTO RICO SPANISH DOMESTIC Boxes of 25, 50 and 100 each. OPEN EVENINQS, X A ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ir if V te v K K K V te if K i E. C. Dean. 408 Connell Building. I PHONE BS23. ft' MtalatatatiMtt ) m limn count llmcii. Itiisli iiuilo some Irnublp In tin' litiolh mill was ejcilcd liy tin' iilllrir. 'Iho nltlrt lii.ilt dlMliaigt'd the case. ItOIIH I'lllT.. Ten oi- eleven pasengpis "n uiip of tlip npccl.il l'clcisliing i trs inn .vestertkij, managed to riilp from 1'itfcntl avium? to laitk avvuniii amine fice of chime last evening. Ihey bi'.inhil the car In I'clcrsburg, ulil their file', mill when Ihpy leached Laih-avvaiini avenue de tnniiilnl Uaiislcis. There being no iar t Irani fer llieni to, the I'omluctor wa.s ntuble to ncicde to tlulr demands, whereat the paisongcn clam oieil loudly for their lights nmt at last li.nl their nickels U'fuiuliil. VACANCIES IN THE THIRTEENTH REGIMENT Captains Bevnn, of K, and Burk- house, of C, Besign Captain Stokes May Follow. Theie nre two captaincies In the Thirteenth ruRlinent vacant, with the proMpect of a thlitl tturlritr the present woelc. The captains who have reslRneil are I'nptain Ilnrson Y. Jlovr.n, of Com pany K, and Captain Kilwartl H. Jiiii'khouse, of Company C. Their resignations were handed In durlntr the ptt.st week, and were nccepted with much tpRiet by Colonel WatreM be cause both vnuiiK men have been cap able anil elllcient ofllcers. The reason assigned for the reslir natlons In both Instances was that the duties oi' the position Inlet fered too much with tholr business affairs. The third leMsnalion, which s- especlel this week, is that of Captain Fiomont .Stokes, ot Company P, who is Bennr nlly conceded to be one of the best drlllniastets in the prtianl. Captain Stokes was recently ap pointed superintendent of the Hill side Coal and Iron eompany's mines near PIttston, nndjias within the ipast week moved to that city and will make his future home there. Those in a position to know -ay that his resig nation will be forthcoming within the next few days. It Is generally conceded that First Lieutenant Hilton O'Connell, of Com pany K, will be elected to sucecd Captain Sevan at the election, which Is to be held on January f. in the arm ory, and that Second Lieutenant Is.ia" Brown will be made lir?l lieutenant. .Just who will be elected second lieu tenant is an open iiuestlmi. The date for the elect Ion to nil the vacancy in Company C lias not yet been lived, but it is almost certain that when it is held First Lieutenant Joseph Heliieerel will be electi d to 1)11 the vacancy cauetl by Captain Hurk house's resignation. If Captain Stokes resigns First Lieu tenant Ueome C. ' Men-lam will In all probability bo chosen in his plac Lieutenant Jlerrinm (was up to a few weeks at!" inspector of ride piaotice, but iesii;ned this position tt accept the Hist lieutenancy of Company F, to which he was elected unanimously. If he Is chosen captain, "second Lieu tenant Henshaw will piobably be raised to the first lieutenancy, and Flr.s-t SseiKant Derby to the second lieutenancy. The spritiK inspections will be com menced by Ma for V. S. Millar, in spector ol the Thin' brigade, in Feb luary. The Thlileenth UKiment Is the last on the list to bo inspected, and it Is piobable that it will be Installe I m the magnificent new aiinoiy before the doughty majoi looks up and down the company lines. Scranton Postofflce. Order Xo. .11. Cliilslnias Day. December 2.1. HoO, will be obseived at this ofllee as fol lows: Carrieis will make un deli vet y in morning. (leneial delivery and stamp windows will be open fiom Ii a. in. to 11' noon. Ileglstiy and money order windows will remain closed all day, Collection from stieet letter boxes will be made as follows: On Main avenue, between West Lackawanna avenue and Washburn stieet; also West .ackawanna avenue and Lackawanna avenue to Adams avenue. Adams avenue to Mulbeiry street, Mulbeiry street to Ftanklln avenue, and all boxes between these points, will he made at 1 p, m. The usual evening collections will also be made. This older of business will also be observed for New Year's Day, January 1. 1D0I. ICiua IL Hippie, ostniaster. Newest Calcndaif. Reynolds Bros, For Sale. Two heavy and one light delivery wagons: one buggy pole; cash register: two pipe-cutting machines; ono four hoiHG-power engine; $1,500 worth gas fixtures and supplies; 3,500 plumbers' and steam-tutors' supplies, and one two-seated open wagon, Hunt & Connell. Sterllns Desk Blotters, Reynolds Bros. Clear Havana Cigars. 20,000 Imported and Key West clgara at Now York prices for box trade, O'Harn'a cigar stoie, 4.11 Spruce street. Mounted Pocketbooks, Reynolds Bros, Cigars by the Box. Standard brands, 12 or 25 In a box for $1.00 or inoro at O'llara's cigar stoic, 431 Spiuco stieet. Fancy Leather Rags. Reynolds Bros. Mounted fountain pens, Reynolds Bros, Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been uwd for ocr FIITV YIJ.nis 1.. MILLIONS of JIOI IHIIIS for their CIIII.11n.KN WIiUh'tIIKTIIIMI. Willi I'KhTKOT sUCui :s3. II SOnrlllS llio Lllll.ll. bUITKNS 11, ,!ii.,o ALLAS all 1'AINi C'JItKS WIND COLIO. "nil in ths best remedy for DUIIItllOlJA. Sofj ,y Druziitati in eury part of tlio world. i0 tua and uiik. for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing svrtin " anil tak no other kind. Twcuty-lhu ituU a bottle. ' CAR MEN ARE ON STRIKE C'liiittiiilcil mill I'.irp 1,1 ainp dividends as tlio Htockholtlers, their wageH, whatever they may bo. icpreyeiitlng the capital on which thoy draw dividends, If a man tecelves wages of $700 a year ho gets a divi dend check every three months eiittl'.' alent to that which a stockholder would get on $700 capital. It Is our Intention to put that plan In opera tion hole as soon as conditions war rant It. This Htilltn will not, to say the least, help to hasten the umdltlnn.s1 that will warrant It. The men havo acted hastily, and I tlnctiely rcgrjt It. Wo must operate our road, how ever, and If we cannot do It with the old men, we will or cotitse have to get now ones." fleneral Mnnager'Sllllnian spoke In the same stialn, lie mill further that the .company will have cars ruiinlm? this mot nine,, and will add to tholr number tight along until the full equipment is In motion. Mr, Hllllmnn nlso said that If tha statements contained in his letter aio brought into ipiestlon, he Is satlsne.l to have The Tilbtltio designate a com petent accountant to examine the company's books and make a public etatement as to whether or not the allegations contained in the company's answer are correct. Ho also Invites Investigation of his statement as to how the wnges paid here computes favorably with those In the surrounding cities of Wllk-s-Barre, Hazletun or the cities of Scran ton's size throughout the Tnlio:l Stoles. In Philadelphia the old men re ceive eighteen cents an houi, ho says. In Scinnton they receive only a frac tion of a cent less. Tills, the company believes, Is fairly liberal, when the dlf fcience in size and wealth of tho two cities Is concerned. Tho men had a meeting last night, and framed the following statement to the public: To the Public: 'I he Serauton stieet 1 ir men feel that the public Is fairlv ic qii.iiiit.il with the lonj; hours we hie been lompelled to work and the meaxre eompiiisatloii the Tuition company's cniplojes rcfciic. Our decision Sunday tnornliip; lo discontinue woik was- takm only uf tc 1 a full, free and thor ough discussion and eli.iu.tho efforts to ticure an amicable settlenunt of our dillereiK-es with our employer. We depiecate the failure of our efforts to reach a satisfactory understanding with the Traction company, w-blih fact f 01 ceil us Into a stiike. We me fully iiiguiant tint Hip sii-pemlon of li.ilfle on the street e.us- will s-otueuhit hnass bu-iness and we deli.vid :ui' action that would inlirfeie wilh the businp.rf of the iit. inei tliants to the list inssihle moment, nut of enii sjilpratinii for them ami the Fhopphu puhlie Rem tally. We appuciate the uecps.-i( of lminjr and ic tainlni; publle rnp.it 1 1.- nnd the iinioii 1111 'ti.isies its dcteiuiinitlon In fondutt the union hide of the present sduumh ulthmit any melt or lawless action on 1 lie pirt of any inimbei of 0111 union. 'Ihe nipk.Ms of the entile siem finiii l'on t Cih to l'ittston are un inimoils in the demand Milmiittcd to om- fuiplovcis and eer. woikiuiu his disioulimied woik and Is de teiuilueil to inniiu idle until satisf iiton 1 nm is siotis are made to the workmen, 'the appeal In all frii mis and smpatlii7i is to kip us th"ii iikii. il siippmi and fiel conlidnit Hut idoi, will lie nui reward. Kseiutiie comuntiee Dni-lon UTS uuli;im lied Association .sturt liailwa.i Lmplo.Ms. MKN FROM PHTLAIJ15LPHIA. The report that men weie being le-u-ultcd in Philadelphia to take the strlkeis' places grew by night time to the dimensions- of "a siieclal train load on the Delaw:aie and Hudson to arilve at 10 o'clock." A crowd of the strikers was at the depot to tu-.n them back, If possible, hut the report proved erroneous. Business men are very much per plexed over the blow- that the slnke will deal to their holiday trade, par ticularly today. Some of tlio blgget houses weie yesterday trying to ar range fur busses to rim specially f 10111 Dunmoie, Providence, South Scranton and West Scranton to their stores. Atherton'.s and Archbald's liveries in Providence ran wagons from the "cor ners" to Lackawanna avenue dining the day and up to midnight. A committee or the Wilkos-Bart street car men came up yesterday lo llnd out what the Scranton men did and proposed to do today. They said that the Luzerne county men woujd very likely go out on Thursday. Potls vlllu men are also threatening strike. NUMBHIt ON STRIKE. On Thursday tho company dlscliniged from Its service P. AV. Iheen, one of the membeis of the grievance committee. This furnished the pro-strlku element a .sttong weapon and they wielded it with effectiveness. The discussion on the company's an swer continued from 2 o'clock until nearly 4.110, and shortly after this latter hour the announcement was made that the strike was oidered. Tho men left the hall eheeiintv and In many other ways Indicating enthusiasm. The number of men on strike Is ::00. The niember.shii, of the union Is 278. The company opciates sixty-live miles ot track in a tenltoi-y thirty miles long.and ordinarily runs between seventy-live and ninety cars. It owns all stieet car lines between PIttston and Forest City, Including that of tho Carbondalo Railway company, which was bought at a receiver's sale, Match 1, moo. Only two cam, Nos, 110 and 156, were run yesterday. They weio taken out of the Linden street barn at 10,53 a. 111. and from that time until 5.30 p. m when darkness set In, they mndn Ir regular trips on various of the Sctan. ton lines. Superintendent Patterson The "Ifs" A short name, but a very busy family. They'ro also very numer ous, scarcely a community being without many of Its members. And any attompted progress or Improvement must pass their criticising or foreboding ca". Strange It Is, yet true; that hundreds of well-meaning folks allow "IF" ideas to Iniluonco their action and delay tho enjoy inent of comfort. Then, wonder why their circumstances never change, "If 1 knew It would pay, If saving were easier than spend ing. If I weie cortnln of living, Tf wages were higher, if noth ing seemed to hinder. If, If" Think nf It! "Wero It possible for such people to save and Mill spend to "eat their cako and yet keep It," all Imagined dllilcul ties would disappear, Rut shrewd savors long slnco learned tho fol ly of such logic, and will smile sure. Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor. Wyoming and Spruce and ctews nindo Up of foremen, ills patehcrs, chief clerks nnd tho like, in mined tho cars. Very few passen gers were carried despite the rain and not infrctittcntly a car made a round without taking up a single fare. Not oven the s?inl)laimo of any In terference was nollccd. The strikers did not begin to gather until late In the afternoon, and then they assem bled at the headquarters of the United Mine Workers, 215 Lackawanna ave nue, "to talk things over," as one of them put It. Men weie sent out to watch the cars that weie running nnd note the pas scngetsi A committee was appointed to have cards printed for distribution at Hie hotels nnd railroad stations, giving notice of the strike to the strangeis and lequestlng them not tn ride on the cars. Other men were de tailed to tile several stations to watch for the coming of a crowd of Phila delphia men, who, It was reported, tho company hud secured to take their places. The report was given color by the discovery that bunks were being titled up In tho company's gen eral olllces on Lackawanna avenue. Till: CORRKSPONDKNCK. Tho correspondence which passed be tween the men and tho company Is con tained In the answer presented by Gen eral Manager Slllltnnn, Saturday: Scranton, l'j Dec. il, IO01). J. 1'. Collins. P. W. Ilritn, M. .1. IMrntt, 1'. .1. Shea, P. .1, TIkiic', committee, and to the emplojes of the Scranton Hallway Company. 'Hip itboe-li.itunl tomnilltec piesented to mc on 11, c-. l'i the follow Imr petition. Mr. I'liiiik Mlllmaii, .Ir., tienornl Manager Scran. ton Hallway company, Scianton, l'a. Dear Sir: s a committee icprc'entlnir all the iiintoiiueii mid eoiuluctois in jour employ, we li.ni' I iet 11 Instructed to piemt to joti n stite inent of our riowuics, and icqiiest thai mil lilie It join earnest consldnallon. We contend tint our hours of labor 1 er day are too many on net mint of Hip arduous and loiistanl duty and Isi ponsihlllty of our positions. We feel that we ale Justltled in isltlni; that the bonis be re duced from 12 to 10 pel tkiy. because uf vein rat prospeilty, and -because laboilni; men in all iTinchcs hap recently been giantcd increased waxes and lechiteil hours uf labor, while we luae not been advanced w-hateiT. We cliliu that on account of our Ion.; hours of labor, we liaie not suftlcient time for piop.r rest ami recreation, that our Idle houm aie too few to admit of 0111 l.lkihi.- ailiantaKo rf means at baud to Improve our londltion mentally iintl .set i. ill,), and that while a meat body of work men in our country aie nteiiiui; the bcnflls of ail S-hotir day, we die tompelled to woik one and a Inlf times that number of hours per day. We bellevu that the Luxe amount of huslniss and iniipasid ejtniims, tuahles the compiuy to (riant us better conditions than wc now woik under. I'ollowlmr aie the .liiiindiucnts we request that J oil make: 1. A Ill-hour ilij. 2. All cuitiliictoi-. and moloriuen in the cm ploy of the Suititou It.1ilw.1y tompany for one (I) tai 01 our, 20 cents per bom. :k l'or new nun: 1'iist three months', IS cuitf, per Imui ; second time month, 10 cents per hum; thin! Ilnee month-., 17 cents pel houi; fniiilh three months, Is cents per hour. All Inrn iniplojcs shall tifche 11 otnts pir hour. Ham nun ttuphwed by the company K months or 111010 nhall letdve 17! tents per hour, and whin uoiklng with a helper sdnll receive 20 cents per hour. Mm cmplo.ved in the maehi-.e shop on the llour shall iiceive 17 Me. per houi, and win 11 tmplnied 011 II001- end lathe shall le eiive 20 cents per houi, aftei one en. Ten hoiiis shall inli-titl.to a daj'a woik. 'Ibis scale is to prevail on all lines opeiatuy bet ttnr Porcst City .mil l'ittston. a rrspcrttiid' ask -in answer to this com munication Ii Mnn1l.1v next. Die. 171I1. licfpict fully ouis, .1. I', t OLLI.Ns, p. w. iuti:i:.v. m. .1. nnm:ir, P. J. SHEA, 1'. .1. Tllil IJ, Committee. 'ihe uianiKiiuiid of the compuiv has ilvni this petition the i.iiifiil toiisideiation width it mints with the idea of pie-inlliii; to ou 1le.11 lv and faiily the actual uiiulitliiii, which most dcti inline the au-uci of the toiupauy at the pit tnl lime. In H-iMiil lo loiidilltms and liouis of cinplo nient, the company wishes .a .ill times, in the futiui' as in the p.i-l, In do cvciv thine in its povvir, i'011-.istcul with the icquiicmcnts of its servite lo the puhlie, to impiove siuh conditions ly shoitiiiinir Ihe iitiius, m otheiwisc, and ta ready at any tine to lo.ishln pi.11 tii.il misbps tlous width ate f.ivoied by .1 uniorit of the iiiotoimin and louduilors ' We would tall ,our attention, hovvevti. to Ho lad tint om- bonis of labor are It si. tlini on nihil slice! lallvva.Vs in this lotalit and lb.it nu are paid for mote tune than von actually wmk. lull uav lit-111 ' Kin 11 for 1111.1l times, which aver .11.07 minutes 111 every twelve horns. In lciiaid In vv.iKtj, the infonuation cm which nu hiscil nui icqiiest fin an advanie is not met. The tails ,ne as follows: Kaily in ruin, the tonipiny, anticipating a pio-peiom ear, Milimtaniy ouVicil its emploves, on Ihe hcrauton division, ell.i t ompeiisitious, vvliiih, fiom rdi. 1 In Dee. 1, amounted to an aver age in ircasc in wages of .1 27-100 pel nut. In stiad of hiving a prospeinus ear, tlieie was a heav loss in eniiiiiigs to the to. op my, on at count of the nui stiike and the intiriiiptlou 10 tiatlle tlue to (lie paving ot provithnte load and fin Ihtsp and other causes tlieie w.is a laige in eitase In 1 penes, .11 that iu.tead ot a fair iut lease, as anlit ipaleil, the -uiphis lainings ovii opnating expenses, iulcre-t ami taxes for the 1 It v 11 months tmliuz Nov, :il, I'M), weie 40 ti cent. Itss than dntiiig the sime months of the previous car. A street railway company c.iiiticii lollotv Ihe eu.tnm of utli"i kinds ot busi ness and of stt.im lailmitls and im lease its priics to its p.itluns dmiiig pm-perous tiiuis, 'Ihe f.ue it mains at .1 cents, notwithstanding the fact that the company must piy higher prices for nil ot the 111.1te1i.1K and supplies which it liu.vs. On the other hand, oiir wagis aie not icdiiitil timing haul times, as evidenced liming the cars IS'U to lts'17, Ihioiighout whiih yeais ou hitl steady iiiiplomcnt at full wages. The fhst ami old tllviiltud evel made to ihe stuikhohlcis was paid on sept, , l'Hlo, and amounted to only 1 per cent,, so tint the cm phi.vcs teitiilnly leiilvcd 11 fail shue of what cvtr pinspiiily the lompiu.v cnjo.vetl in ltioO. Tho advanee 111 wages made Ia-i rtbiiiaiy and the tllviiltud of Sept. 1, 1'HIO, would not luvc been mule if the management tnuld liave an titipattil tho unsatisfactory earnings of the past car. Ill addition to the ahove, the emploves ot the I'aihtinUile Hallway toiupauy, weie fin luiiliilily laisetl to Ihe same stale of wages as pun 111 .-sti.inioii, wueii me opeiatiou of lint company was taken ovei by the Siranton Hall way tonipinv Jlaich 1, l'.iuu, this .imoimting to a substantial inciea-e to Ihe einploes of that ill vision, although the earnings of that division have shown a steady decrease. 'Ihe wagts now pahl are higher thin is paid on other mails In this locality, ami as high or hlglur than In most titles of the L'nlled Stairs, of the size of Strantou, ('ondudois niul motor. men wliti have bet 11 witli the lonnuiiv four eiis or more, and lucre are 40 per cent, of the whole minihir, are paitl highti wages than in otlni hliuihr ilties. During the mining vcar the toiupauy will sutler a large loss in earnings during Hie toiistim lion nf the Lackivvaiina ave nue viaduct ami Ihe lomplctlmi of the I'nivl tlente 10.ul piving, It Is Impossible to estliuite this, but the lompany 1 aunot expei 1 any In. cie.isp in piollls until these ami other needed impinvcmintK are tumplettil. 'the maiuigtuient tidies to state positively and frankly its pollc that Its implues .lull shaie with Hie slot kliohlti.s in the protlts of the company anil ln.it It will be picparcd to con. still an Inneue in wages wlientvtr the rouill. tlmij warrant n. You tan rely ahsoluttly 011 the good faith of the muiiagcmi lit in this matter, the wages whlih ou ask for would amount (0 an aveiage advantc of s 8-10 per cent, over tho November pay roll, including the extra coin pens it ions. It woiinl be impossible (or the cone piny to nay such rates, even In tho most pros pilous times. Under present conditions, the lomiiaiiy would not cam the Inti'iest on its bonds and taxes, were meli i.ilts in foiee, and .'i. ,u,,w wit eu1.11 ,. uasis wotiKi loreo It into bankruutiv. In vlivv of tho (acts stated above, ou will apprnlato that any advanee made at the pre nit lime vvouhl lie piimatiire ami not warrant ed by the ronilltlons, ami vvu must tlureforo 'Inline In .iiioilu to .voiir letiuest. In conclie 1 on, vve wish to say tint Hie maiugimeiit cle. lies to com nut tiles good lelatlons and inuliial loiilldniie whlih liavu alw.is existed bitwein the louipjiiy aiiv a cmplo,.s, and trusts Hut Id. until 1 will leeelte doin oti the same rare ill and lomcrytlve coiuldnatlon whlc.i it lias hail (inni (he company, We would urge upon oci the desirability ol a nil attendance of our tmplocs when this quest Ion L again consid. ere d. Wc note Iho conimitteo's request that our re ply should be nude through tho committee and not by persona notification. We think, on fur. Iher consldc ration, ou will agree with us that as this is a matter' which concerns all of our unplocs, that each one should be notified o( our aiisivci. SCHANTON ItUMVAY COMPANY. Uy THANK SII.LIMAN. JII Ociierul Manager. Prince Oscar's Condition, fly Cieluslvc Wire from The Associated Tress. Stoekboliu, Dee. 2.I. The condition ol Prince Oscar, duko ol Scanlc, eldest sou ol the crown prlnco o( Kvvcili'n and Norway, who lias becu teilously ill, is now much Inipiovcd. SPOKE ABOUT HIS DAUGHTER REV. JAMES HUQHES PREACHED HER FUNERAL SERMON. Touching Discourse Lost, Night in tho Adams Avenue Chapel When tho Pastor Referred to Qontle Character of the Daughter Whom Death Recently Removed from Earth Her Sweet Memory Will Never Fade, for It Is Enshrined in tho Hearts of tho Household. The Rev. Dr. .lames Hughes preach ed p. funeral sermon last night In the Adams nventie chapel, New Yor't street, for his oldest daughter, who died somewhat suddenly the week be fore last at the residence of her par ents, 15'ifl Mavioti street. The cliapol was crowded with sym pathizing friends, and the choir, of which Miss Hughes had been a mem ber, sang some special hymns suitable for the occasion. Mr Hughes took for his text the words, "Her sun Is gone down whllo It was yet day." The main portion of his sermon was to the following ef fect: 1 fiel I mint speak to ou this evening about my daughter. She was very dear to us, .nui lift death dan bom a great tumble. It may appear strange for me to preach the funeral sermon for my departed child, but she Is the uppermost thought In my mind and no one knew her as well as we did. We thank Cod for having s-parcd her to u for seventeen vcars and a half, during which time she was a grpit commit In the home, (or her life both illumined and garnished the domes tie circle. We never knew her worth anil many CMt'l lent lis btfore the Lord of Life took her to heaven, as wc do now. The te.xt which wc have appiopriatcd very fit tingly Illustrates her existence in this world, ami especially in our family, for we can truly say that her sun went down white It was yet day. The riling of Hie sun, the shining of the sun, and the setting of the sun, aie, to many, themes of consider idle Interest, and this can be truly said by us in lclation to the one whose untimely death wp mourn, foi tier advent among lis, her sojourn with us, and he departure from us, aie to us subjects ot sailed Inteiest. HER LIFE ILLUMINED. Her Hie and death have not been like an ar low cleaving Hie air, the comse of whose tllglit was Immediately obliterated by the closing up of the atmospheip, hut 11101 c like the shining sun, which guilds while it illuminates, and whoso illvny sheen Is seen after It has passed the hoiion. Mi-s (liven, as we affectionately called htr, was born In Kngland, hut when four cais of ago vve took htr with us to South Africa, where wc lived and liboioil for ten yeais, during which time we buiied tluee .lounger tliildien, and the lined one we speak of tonight was languishing. We returned to Kngland, wheie wc traveled for twelve months in quest of domestic health. Wp then i.nue tn America, where her health im proved eoiishleiably, and she became more-robust Hi 111 she had evel been. Since our arrival here she joined the clmre-h, and fiom that time to the day of her death sho was deeply inteiested in Clnistlan work. She became nn active membei of the Christian Kn deavoi sotiety and was rhtiimau of 0110 of the committees at the tune of her tloniNo. She then became a teacher ill our Sunday stlniiil, where she bad a class of seventeen boys, for whose benefit she labored with pra.veiful delight. She was greatlv elated when a banner was picsented to the class for good conduit, nnd devoutly thankful when it was read out by the setietai.v befoie the whole school, time after time, tiiat "Mi-s Hughes bad a perfect class." Some of those dear hos aie piesent this evening and 1 want to tell them that their late teacher hopes to meet them nil in heaven. 'I hen, again, she joined the choir, and did what she could to assist in hailing the praises ot (ind at Hie seniles hold here for public wor ship. She was vei.v deeply inleicstctl in Ibis branch of hei work. Her sinteic desire was to see an etlit lent choir leading in levcicnt song tho piaises nf Jehovah in this chapel. Turning to the choir, Dr. Hughes said: LOVED THEM ALL. Mv friends, she loved vim all, and I am sure It would ineiease lie 1 fclledly in the le.ilms of glorv to leain that von continue faithful to tho Masiir. She was' always delighted to lie with 3011, and I am peisiiuleil she is looking (01 ward to the time when she will have the opportunity to give ou a coidial giectlng in that better land. Mtuh of brr time was spent in song. Many sweet pieces of music she composed, and oft ilitl she make the home resonant with sacred melody. The veiy last thing she played on her plino was "Hlory to Cod in the Highest" and the lory next I011111 she intended singing heie alone, or with Mr. nankin, the leader of the choir, was tint beautiful hymn, "Only rtcmcmbcrrt! by What I Have Done." 1 am thankful to Cod that by divine help she did many things that will keep her memory gieen ami (ragrint for many years to come. We never bad any difficulty in getting her to attend church. Whene-vcr this place was open or woishlp, s"he was here, mill when heie, I lip lieve, she conducted Ihtm'U with that saereel decorum which becomes the House of Cod. Her pnents have never hail occasion to lcbuke her, for elthei neglect of the House of Cod, or for anything like levity or misdemeanor while there. She was a gieat comfort to us 011 this account. She was endowed witli a sensitive undue and a generous brail. Anything hi shape of eiuclly even to dumb animals would cause her to shed tcaix. She would not allow any poor poison lo go (10111 tho door without ti.vlng to render some as sistance. She has received the blessing rf the poor many I hues, whlih she cherished as im pel Ishable gin lauds, While' she Ind fully recoveird from the frailly which she had contracted in South Allien, and which biuileiieil her life (or rainy caii, and whllo Iter Christian Usefulness was incieailug dill', It was then when our hopes and expecta tions weie Hie brightest, It was then tli.it fatal shaft was burled by an Invisible band, and the soul of the dear one mounted up on high, "Her sun went down while it was yet day." Hut wo should remember that the setting ol the bun is nf t en as glorious, as Ihe rising of the same. It not only guilds the horizon with amber and gold, but It seems to Invite the mind to follow it through the resplendent xista through which it hns passed. Such was the departuio of this sweet young saint. Her death was almost painless and her end was as a summer evening, Her sun went down early, but the light cf her life will linger long among us. As when the grcit luminary ol tho heavens bids good night to tlio world, the win dows aro not Immediately daikened, so with our beloved daughter, though she has passed the horizon and gone tar across the border land, the light o( her Hie still lingers with us, (or "though dead she yet speakcth." WILL NOT FORGET HER. Her place in the Sunday school will be taken by another, but the dear boys tho taught will not soon orgct her, Ihu chair she occupied in the choir will be filled by another, but the joung people who blended their voices with tier's In praising Cod will remember dear Gvvcn (or many long years to tome, Thu home which she adorned and cheered may have to experience other violent changes, but the sweet memory of Mary avvcndolen will never fade, (or it is enshrined In the heart ol tho house hold. Wc thank God most devoutly or the grace that shone in Hie life of our daughter, and wo earnestly pray (or the continuance ol that power which shall enable use to continue sincerely to uy: "Tho Lord gavo and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name ot the I.oitl." Mr, Huehes thanked the friends at tho chapel, and those who did not wor ship there for their many kindnesses to Mrs. 'Hughes und himself In their sacred sorrow. The Night Before 1 Look at Our Bargains. .... Beautiful Plates, 50c. Toilet Pieces nt less tlinn cost. A Dorllinger Cut Glass Carafe for $4.00. A Llbbey Carafe for $3.75 in the latest lovely Chrysanthemum and Brilliant 25- cuts. Open Stock Dinner Oeo V Millar & JCJ. V. IT&lfllal X mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $ TEETH Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work m,). $3 Set of Teeth $5 Alt work guaranteed for 10 cars. Call and have your teeth examined free ol charge. Satisfaction or no pay. Schimpff, the Jeweler, That's the name. You've heard it a good many times most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver sation, for the one implies the other. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of theii novelty. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol whal you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think, when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality -v apparent 317 Lackawanna Avenue. Rogers, Is Showing the Most Complete Assortment -Holiday Gifts in Jewelry Sterling Silver Watches Clocks Diamonds Etc Ever Brought to Scranton Come See 213 Lackawan na A ven ue ooooooooooooooooo SOXXKKUX:0UXKSXUX50UttXX:attto The New Neverslli) As phalt Removable HORSESHOE CALK. Horse cannot slip and will outwear three sets or any other calk manufactured. C U SOLE AGENTS. v mm mm 7VXXMMMMXMirMMMMMMsUJ The Christmas Monday loft, and the choicest and daintiest designs Box Papers, Stationery Sets, Fountain Pens, Ink Stands, Leather Goods, Bibles, Prayer Books, Silver Novelties. R. E. PRENDERGAST, 207 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Scranton, Pr. Christmas Sets much reduced In price. gj Vvxva'MaeW. I Co m Wjomlnsr Arcnae -5 WUi Walk In and Look Around. S Extracted Absolutely Without Pain. Our F.vslein of t'MNbl'.SS Dentistry is fur superior to the old method of doing xvork. Up both llll und cxliact teeth without the 1cal paitlcle of pnlu. Our pilccs for tho present are cctriindy low, and If you are In lit cil of any Dental work. Call and havo vtitir teeth examined. We make ft specially of fine Crown nnd Ilrlckjp Work anil It will pay jim to e-all anil get our prices before going elsewhere. All work absolutely Painless. Dr. ReyeT, Dentist 5M Spruce St., Opp. Court House. Jeweler ooooooooooooooooo nn 126 and 128 lllii Franklin Ave. 1 tunuf jTrntfur JKJwMIMl llkWK ii tod On this last day given you to select on. gilts, let us suggest CALENDARS It signifies good luck to get a calendar giv you, as the saying runs, and you know the m'vo is always blessed. We have about a tliousati 3 i a f 4Stft& &&-( fr;-." VU ijj, & t-w - .-. V ? !;' K - C