i' ' . ' "il'1. Whf k.i jr?y. gvgntr. -y.H-tyyrgT'jW-sref v. v . ri 1 v I ' ' . 1 ,r...,T J?'-. V ' r-" '' V It-'" . -'T, 't,," "' VlrtlfiTtrt v I .,.-,- - - l'l' 'v ' 'n'TT,''! J J1 ," . V V X 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1900. i ly " vVv73w2vi'lllflllllBHtf SiRuroRGS AclffessaiitfyandJhmpty: Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. rest' Is Sti the most acceptabfefbxn The laxative prmcSpfcs of plants mown to actjnostAcactfcJoIIy. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN FHANCI3CO. CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. H.Y. for sale by druggists - price 50t per bottle. Ice Cream, BEST IN TOWN. 2F Per 5JC Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 deplume OrAen Promptly Dallvtrad !3f3ij Adams Avenua. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., L. & W. Paiaengei Station. Phone B2B. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat CfT.ce Hours . m. to IJ.30 p. m.: S to William Butldln. Opp. PostolSo. ?MS. S2 (WS I CITY NOTES I -f 4--f - AT.DI1RM.VMO MAllWAOn.-fieorKO Jl.nncs and Alice Spencer vine jcslcretoy married liy Alderman Kittson. Hath p.irtles lhc in West Scranton. DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Georffn Jennings, of South Scraiiton, was yesterday committed to the county jail Ly Alderman Kussnn. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct arc tliu cliaigiq pre feired. S'IRUCK BY CO.U.. Antliony AlcMjlno, a h. Iiorer at the Pine Riook colliery, was taken to the Lackawanna hospital jcoterd.iy siilIeuiiK irom a severe cut in the arm where lie was struck by a piece ot Hying; coal. FIXGKIt ClllMICD. Dennis Kealon, of 5Jj I.uzcino stunt, had the top of one of his lingois cni'hed with a rail while nt work yesterday in the South Steel mill. The crushed part was amputated at tha Moses Taylor hospital. DINNERS TO Till: l'OOH.-I'ini felons for the Christmas dinners to the poor, which tuo uu ally nioticlccl ly St. Luke's, arc to bo sent to tho parish house today, where a committee of tho Women's guild will bu in waltlnc to re icle them. SPRIGS Or HOLIiY. The Relliany IIojc.1i Im plement company, which is coinpoed laigvly of SrrsntonljiM, U distributing a unique sou venir of Christmas lu tho chape of .prlBs ot holly cron on (heir tiaU of land, which U kuotth .n Ilethany Beach, ami i on tliu shore of Dela ware. STRUCK BY CYCMST.-GeoiKH Jlllhr, the colrticd barn bo? of U. II. faliadt was klrucl by a hiryclUt while crossing U',i.liliijton ainue .it ew street last night. Ho was thrown to th.j piuiufnt and had imo of Jils hand.s badly in lui'id. IIb leeched treatment ut the Lackawjmu liCspItal, Si tlOlttTIlB IIOSPlTAb.-C'ontiibutloiH to Ilia (Ip Linus dinner of tho patient) in I.aiUwann.i loplUl are again requested. Heretofore the i.Jlurous chailty of Scranton has not been up lUlid to in vain for this, piupose, and it 1 iijulidmlly expected at tho hospital that the mi'H'iit t'lnlslinoaV teajcu will not prove to be ' eipiional. A rUNIJllAIi 8i:RMON'.-Li,t Saturday tho Itfv, Mr. and Mi. Ilughea buried their oldest 'Jui.'litiT, Miss Hut'hei had been a cry nselul iitcinln'r of the Adanu Avcmio chapel, New York y,tA,nKnnn,mttm CIGARS , x n x x x M X X X X X X ft- for CHRISTMAS GIFTS Finest and Freshest Ever brought to this market, IMPORTED r. K 'I vtiv iimum ZV PORTO RICO JW SPANISH J.; DOMESTIC K .TJoxcs of 25, 50 and 100 each. p OPEN EVENINQS, It It ' V It H E. ,C. Dean. 408 Corjnell Building. phone es's'ea. )''-i)i'taX-,tV:ii (tlffcl, ot nlilolt Mr. HiirIim Is ntnf. The lather will pniuli Ms ilauuhlcr's liinernt nor mon tomotrow evening nt 7.H0. PROF. BUELL REMEMBERED. Presented with a Loving Cup by Former Pupils. Tim clnsfl of 1D01 of llio School of tlio Liiekawnnnn gave a highly enjoy nblo otitortnlnmont nml dance nt the fcIiooI rooms last night, und Incident ally tho affair was mnile the occasion of tho presentation to Prof. Walter J I. Uucll, of Itotehklss, Mass., with a loving cui by the alumni nnd alumnae of Lackawanna, who remember tho hours Hpent nt the Institution under his guidance. Tho loving cup was also In the na ture of n tribute to tho crystal wed lug of Professor Ilucll. It Is of rock crystal, with tdlver standard, and bears tho pretty Inscription, "Dec, 111), 1900. Presented to Prof. AV. II. Utioll by former students of 'the Lackawan na,' In loving remembrance of bygone days." Last night's exercises were largely attended nnd thoroughly successful. The main school room wns hnndsomo ly decorated with Princeton and Ynla banners, while above all predominated the crimson and whltu of Lackawanna itself. Tho senior class of tho school put on n two-act comedy, to begin tho enter tainment, nnd the young actors did their roles more than justice. "Tho Host Laid Plans" wns tho title of the play, and tho scene wns tho country home of one Airs. Wycherly. AVnlter E. aunster, esq., then wade the speech In presenting tho cup. In a few apt words Professor Bucll ex pressed Ids appreciation of the honor done him. nnd spoke feelingly about the school und Its future. YOUNG CAMPBELL PEACHED. Youthful Shoplifter Causes Arrest of His Pal, Eugene Murphy. James Campbell, of Fourth street, the boy who was on Thursday night m rested In Jonas Long's Sons' store, having been caught In. the not of tak ing articles from tho counter, "pencil ed" yesterday morning to tho police on his fellow conspirator, 'it he boy who ran away. This boy, ho said, was Eugene Mur phy, of 535 Third street. The police hied themselves to that place and ar rested the Murphy boy,who Is about IS years old. On his clothes were found a number of stolen articles, In cluding paper dolls, gold stick pins und other trinkets, which woro Iden tified as having been taken from the Long store. He was arraigned before Alderman Miller and hold In $300 ball, which wa3 furnished. The Campbell boy was allowed to go on his own recognizance. OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED. Members of Union Lodge, F. and A. M., Had an Enjoyable Night. The newly elected ofllcers of Union lodge, No. 291, Free and Accepted Masons, were last night Installed In Masonic hall by E. P. Kingsbury, act ing as district deputy grand master. After the installation ceremony there was a bounteous repast served by Caterer Barnes. There were live tables arranged and at them were seated over 123 of the members of the lodge and Invited guests. Mr. Kingsbury acted as toast master, and brief nddresses were made by Mayor Molr, Rev. Dr. J. B. Sweet, David J. Davis and Ellery Thornley. The officers installed were as follows: Worshipful master, J. F. AVardell; senior warden, Fred E. Sykes; junior warden, Edward M. Truesdell; secto tary, Morris A. Clarke; treasurer, E. P. Kingsbury. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. t Under this hcadiiiR Kliort Idlers of interest Rill be published when accompanied, for publica tion, by the writer's name. The Tribune does not assume rejpon'lbllity for opiniuns lieie txpiesed.l ' t Not a Mammoth Organ. Edilor of The Tilbune Sir: lu Tliur.il.ij ' isvue uf Tlip Tiihunr tluio is an article from jour Ojibondale (Oiiosponileut descriptie of the new oitt.ui now being creeled in tho Tiinitj- I'liKcotml thuidi of that city, headed "A Mammoth Organ." While conci.itii. l.iting the chinch en their choice of .1 buildir (Uulf hinge, of Iloston), who Is noted for Ids line Instrument, penult me to say as one whoso Knowledge of pipe oigans is Rimpwh.it conipio-ien-ic that the oigan mentioned is not a lniin moth one in any sniso of tho woid. The mam moth organs of the woild are like llios'j m ,e town lulls at Sjilntj-, I.iicipoul and Leeds, the Roj-al Albeit Hall, In London, the Auditorium, in CIiIcjro, the churches of Saint Sulplee and Notie Dame, in Paris, the Cathedral of Ulm, In Ger many, and Saint Ilarlholomcw, in Xew Yoik, which contain fiom four tp live kejboaids and possess from eighty to one hunched and twenty, eight sounding stop.s, not to mention combination pistons, combination pedals and couplers in great piofusion. When compaied with thc-c an oigan wllli two kejhoards and nineteen sounding stop can scauely he called mammoth. The statement, ulso made In this uitldc, that tho C'arhonclale oigmi wns the largest in Xoilh eastern PiMiusjlv.mia, with the "posslblf" ex ception of llm oigan lu i:im P.uk rhintli, this citj", is fur houi tin triiih. The oigans in Ihe Kim Park iluueli, F1.111KII11 .Street Methodist LpUcnpal ilmri.li, Wliki'sdlaiie, and the Metho dist Kpiscopal chinch, Kingston, none of which tan be inllcd mammoth, 1110 all nearby, If not qiiiu', iwice us large us uic l JMioiiil.Uc organ, and there me sctvi.il oigins in this city as Luge ns the latter, not to mention other, in Xortli eastern I'eniujlvanla. This letter Is not sent with any deiie that the Cnilmndilo church shall Ihtnk any lens of their instrument, which, for its sire, 1m admir able specifications, but to coriect an tironi'iMH Jmpre.slon as to what constitutes a mammoth 01. BJii. Vciy linlj, .1. Allied Penntnglon. Scranton, Pa., Doc. SI, JWK), How About a Pair of ladles' "Queen Quality" shoes for u Christmas gift. AVhat Is appreciated more than a nice pair of shoes, Motion's shoe store, DOS Lnckuwnnna avenue. Cigars by the Box. Standard brands, 12 or 25 in a. box for $1.00 or tnoro at O'Hnrn's cigar store, 431 Spruce stteot. Fancy Leather Hags, Reynolds Bros. Little Red Slippers, for tho children. 7Cc, Mnhon's shoo store, SOS Lackawanna avenue, For a Cold In the Head Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets. Mountedfountalnpens, Reynolds Ilros. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been used for over FIFTV YL'AIIS bv MILLIONS of MOTIIURS lor their CHILDHl N VVHILB- TKKTIIl-NQ. with 1'KHKEOT SLUCllsS H SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the OUMS ALLAYS nil PAINi C'JRES WIND COLIC, a.uj Is the best remedy for DHRRIIOEA. Sold by DruagUt In every part of the world, lie sure and ask h't "Mrs. Winslow's Soothln- Sjruu," SFW.' VIADUCT CASE BEING HEARD TAKING OF TESTIMONY BEOUN YESTERDAY. Tho Main Question nt Issue Is Whether or Not tho Proposed Ex penditure for Consequential Dam" ngos la a Debt That Can. Be Con tracted Without tho Consent of the People The Plaintiff Is Testing Matter with View of Securing Himself and Others, ArgumontH on tho bill of equity brought by Luther Keller to test the validity of the ordinance providing for the "West Lackawanna avenue viaduct were herd .yesterday hofore Judge John P. Kelly, In court room No. 2, I. II. Burna and II. M. Streeter ap peared for Mr. Keller. City Solicitor A. A. Vosburg, Major Everett Warren and J. S. Clarke, of Philadelphia, a'p peared in defense of the ordinance. Col. F. L. Hitchcock nnd Charles E. Daniels appeared respectively for the Scranton nnd West rildo boards of trade. The ordinance It attacked mainly on the ground that tho contemplated ex penditure Is Illegal In that it will in crease 'the city's debt beyond tho two per cent, limit, .which, under tho law, can only be done by a vote of the people. The defense Is that the proposed ex penditure Is not such a debt as tho law contemplates In Its limitation, and further that If it should be held to bo a debt subject to said limitation, It would be waved from exceeding tho limit by reason of the fact than the subtraction of $230,000 debt, which was authorized by a vote of the people for the construction of the Roaring llrook nnd Linden street bridges, would leave a margin sufficient to in clude the proposed expenditure. Tho attacking party holds that this subtraction cannot be made: that a debt created by vote of the people is to be regarded in the same light as one created by councils, when this mntter of limitation Is eonridered. The city does not make any nctual 0-penditure, the defense contends. The Delaware.Lackawanna and West ern Railroad company and the Scran ton Hallway company pay the entire cost of the viaduct. Tho city only as sumes tho resultant damages, and un liquidated damages nro not held by the law to be debl. Mr. Clarke was heard specially on this latter contention. Ho went ex clusively Into the definition of debt nsd indebtedness, the words used in Sec. S, Art. 9, of the constitution in which the limitation In question is presented. Among other proofs ad vanced In support of bis argument were excerpts from the standard au thorities to the effect that "debt must be for a definite amount due by cer tain and oxprctw agreement," and that "debt Is properly opposed to un liquidated damages." Assistant City Clerk Evan Morris and City Engineer Joseph P. Phillips were on the stand in the morning, pre senting tho ordinance and the blue print attached, and in the uftersoon Mr. Phillips was examined at length by Mr. Hums and cross-examined by Major Warren, on the viaduct plans nnd tho damaging effect the viaduct will have on abutting propertj. Mr. Keller was on thu stand in the morning, explaining how the erection of the viaduct would damage his prop erty. In the course uf his examina tion he made the .statement (that If the city would give him security for the expected damages the .suit would be witluliawn. The hearing will b continued to day. Swavtz Makes Accusations. Lafayette M. Swnrtz began proceed ings yesterday to siecure a divorce from his alleged unfaithful wife, Ita eliel Richards Swartz. Jle says that on Nov. 21, 1900, and Nov. 27, lliOO, at 117 Grove .street. Dun more, she had telations with Edward Richards. They were married June 27, I&93, and lived together until tho first of the present month. Marriage Licenses. .lolm Peleiir.-Ki ,' Lung Pond Pa-be Klabau l.lj Railroad au'uuc George Unties Sliennan ai-uua Alice Spcmri US South Fihnoie avenue OBITUARY. Miss llatlle McL'racKrii, nged 21 yens, died at 2 o'clock jestuday morning at her home, 111! South Hjelo Pail; utpuup. after a ten weeks' illness. Decerned was tho daughter of Mr. and Mis, I.eioy McCiaeken and a sinler of Mr. .John P. Dean, Sallie, llissie, Arch, Samuel, Roy and .T, W, .McCricken, tho latter of Pen Ynn, X. V. 'llio funeitl seniles will be conducted .it the housu loiiioiiow afternoon at '.'.iifl u'elock bj Rev. J. P. Jlotr.it, 1), ., of the Washburn Stieet Piisbyterl.in iluueli, of which deceased was a iniiubri', luteimcnt will be nude in the Diinmoie ecmeleij-, Prlcnds desiilng to lew the iciu.iius can do so botwe;cn 12 and 1 o'clock tomotrow- at the hmi-e. Ileniy Vol, of 52ei Leo eoiiil, died last night ill his Inline of hejit failure. Deceased was a eleik lu Ilia Scinntou House nml was well Known in tliu ally. Ho wniked all ycstcrdaj-, went linino for supper and about 7.S0 o'clock left to attend a lodge meeting, He ictiuned about IMS o'clock and, bitting down, said to his wife: "(lood-bjr. I'm going fast, Doctors Allen and Dunnell were lias illy summoned," but on their nrrla a few minutes later fouml Vols was dead, a sudden attack of heart failure causing death. He was b) ycais of ago and lited lu this city during tho last seventeen ycais. He is tunhed by a, wife, scleral joung children, two hiothers and' one sister. During the past two jcars his health has been undermined by asthmatic trouble lMwaiel (lilffln, ogee! &0 jcars, died yesterday ut tho family home, 470 Mary street, He was onq of the oldest rceidents of North Scranton ami U survhed by a wife and the following children; Ambrose, Edwin, Cliailes, Elizabeth and Mrs. U. 1!. Miller. Tlic funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from lhc residence. Mr, YacKI, ol llcecli stieet, died Thursday af. tcinoou alter a lingering illness. Deceased was U years of oge and Is sunlvid by one daughter, Tliu icmaius will bu laid to rest today In Mlnooka cnueteiy, Maij-, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Donnell, of Cherry street, died Thursday morn ing. Slip had been 111 for some time, but was thought to be recovering, bliu was burled tit the Cathedral cemetery. Karl Kline, a carpenter, living at 101(1 Staf. ford avenue, died jestcrday at thef-Moses Taylor hospital. Mr. Kline was born in Gcrmauy, lie will be burled in Washington cemetery. Lconaid Scsel, of Meadow avenue, aged S3 jcars, died yesterday morning, leaving a wife ami three children. Interment will be made Suudiy afternoon lu Jlluoolia ceinetciy, J. C. HIOHFIELD'S FUNERAL. Services Were Held at the Late Home ef Deceased, On Wednesday occurred ihe funeral of John q, Hlghfleld, Jr., tho Delaware, Lackawnnna and Western brnkomnn, who met mich a distressing death at Factoryvllle, Monday, by falling from the roof of a car of lite train on which ho wns working. Funeral services were conducted nt the late resldenco of tho deceased, 426 Monroo avenue, by Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce, pastor of the Penn Avenue Baptist church. Several appro priate selections were rendered by members of the church choir. The floral offerings were very beautiful and tcstl lled in nn eloquent wny to the esteem in which Mr. Highfleld wn.t held. The pall-bearers were Alfred Roscn orantz, David Bessemer, John Rein hart, Howard Duryen, Martin McAd ams nnd Guy Smith. Interment wns made in Dunmore cemetery. Mr. Highfleld was n man universally admired and respected by all who knew htm, and his sad death has caused gen oral rearrct. He is survived by a wife and two daughters, May, aged four, and Ruth, aged two years. DIVIDING CITY INTO DISTRICTS Measure That Has Been Introduced in Councils by Select Council man demons Its Purpose. "An ordinance providing for the di vision of the city into districts for tho appropriating of funds for street repairs and Imposing extra duties upon the street commissioner." How familiar these words are to the members of the city councils. They form the title to an ordinance which Is introduced nearly every year with perlslstent regularity and which Is an nually killed or allowed to die a peace ful death. Select Councllmnn Clemons Intro duced the measure on Thursday night. It differs very slightly from the one Introduced last year by Councilman Chittenden. It provides for the crea tion of our districts, as follows: First district Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth nnd Seventeenth wards. Second district Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Eighteenth wards. Third district First, Second, Third and Twonty-ilrst wards. Fourth district Eighth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth wards. The ordinance provides thnt all money for street repairs shall be ap propriated, not by wards, as at pres ent, but by districts, and shall be ex pended under the direction of tho street commissioner. Tho purpose of the ordinance is, of course, to do away with the evils of tho present system of permitting the councilmen to expend the appropriations for street repairs. Under the second class city law the sj'stem of ward appropriations is done away with and the money for the Improvement of the public high ways is expended under the supervis ion of the chief of the bureau ot strots and highways, an official cor responding to the street commissioner of a third class city. TO ENFORCE VACCINATION. Certificates Must Be Filled Out Be fore Jan. 15. The seeietary of the board of health Is having prepared several thousand blank vncclnation oertlllcates, which will be sent to the principals of the various public; schools and distiibuted by them to each and every school child. These certllleates must be .signed by a competent physician, und must be returned to the school before Janu ary 15th. The physician must certify that the child to whom he gives the certificate has either been vaccinated or has- suffered from iinallpox. Any child not picscntliu; such a cer-tlfie-ute befoie January 13 will be de nied admittance to tho public schools until ho or she can present one. DON'T MISS THIS DISPLAY OF Ombrella Bargains 25 $7.50 Umbrellas for $4.95' 50 $5.00 100 $3.50 t. 75 $2.00 4 t Just Received They are Ladles' and Gent's pick of the season's handles, Gold, Silver, Pearl, Ivory Tied Oak and Thorn, and an extra grade of close rolling Silk Taffeta. MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. For Chrlstmua the handsomest and largest display of Rox Papets over brought to Scranton. Buying this at a real stationery store assures you the best value and the most tasteful selection. Our boxes are made for us especially, Many novel designs and quality of tho best. Large, rich boxes from 50 cents to 17.60, Genuine Mahogany Boxes lllled with paper at hardly the cost of the wood, Stationery Sets, Desk Pads, Pens, Penholders, Fancy Ink Stands. Your most critical taste or fancy satisfied in tho fullest degree. R. E. PRENDERGAST. WASHINGTON AVENUE. Scranton, Fa. 807 MME. HERRMAN'S ADMIRER. The Mistress of Magic Has a Strange Experience in n Western City. Stories almost without number have been printed regarding tho experience of actresses with Individuals of uneven intellect who becomo smitten with the charms of tho fair ones that nro usual ly heightened by tho rays of tho cal cium light, nnd often prove to bo an noying with persistent unsought at tentions, Madame Adetalde Herrman, widow of tho late mnglclnn, who is now playing In tho nurko-Chaso vaudeville company, seems to have been the last to arouse admiration be yond that which nn excellent exhibi tion of tnlcnt would command. While filling nn engagement In Intllannpolls last week, members of tho company noticed n man sitting upon the front row who seemed to havo eyes for nothing except the net of Madame Hernnnn, a very beautiful woman, who gives a charming number in her "Night In Jnpnn." At each perform ance tho man, who had the appear ance of nn unsentimental tradesman, could be found in his placo during tho entire week. Mme. Herrman was not Informed of the nttontlons which tho other members of the troupe feared might bo those of n crank, as the knowledge would, It was thought do tract her attention from the work of illusion, which requires tho utmost skill and thoughtfulncss. On tho final performunco, however, the strange man who hnd seemed hitherto content to drink In the beauty of tho fair performer with burning glances, evidently plucked up courage, nnd during the applause that followed tho crowning feature of Mme. Horr man's act suddenly tossed an envel ope upon the stage at her feet. AVlth out waiting to sec where It fell he arose and hurried out of the theater. The Madame bowed acknowledgment nnd upon arriving nt her dressing room opened the package. It contain ed a handsome brooch nnd a sheet of paper upon which was written in a bold hand: O lady fair, thy beautj- lare And deftness so mjstcrious That supple grace and beaiuTug face Half joking half Imperious Doth make one Feutlinciit.il. Could I but pre.s with fond caress A kiss of lasting sweetness Upon the lips wlicic nectar chips, I'd woo with modest neatness, Or passion Oriental. After throwing tho package upon the stage tho man disappeared, find has not been seen since. And efforts to determine his Identity havo thus far been fruitless. Madame Herrman states that she feels gtarlfied that the admiration lu her case has taken the mild form of poetrj-, and that the smitten individual has not, as Is usual ly the rule, thought it tho proper thing to pursue her with threats of murder and suicide. CONCERT IS ON DEC. 29. Wrong' Bate Has Been Given for Cornell Event. It has been announced that the con- cert of the Cornell Music clubs would bo given in the Ulcycle club house to night. This was an error. The concert will be given one week from tonight. The Interest being manifested In It would go to Indicate that It will bo one of tho most successful college concerts ever given In Scranton. Newest Calendar?. Reynolds Bros. For Sale. Two heavy and one light delivery wagons; one buggy pole: cash register; two pipe-cutting machines; one four horse-power engine; ?1,G00 worth gas fixtures and supplies; $2,fi00 plumbers' and steam-fitters' -supplies, and one two-seatoel open wagon. Hunt & Connell. m Sterling Desk Blotters. Reynolds Rrns. Clear Havana Cigars. id.OtlO Imported and Key West cig.v'.s at New York prices for box trade. O'Hara's cigar stoic, l.ll Spruce street. Mounted Pocketbooks. Reynolds Ilros. $3.75 $2.50 $1.25 4 (, I. 4 This Horning. VWYWWWWWrfViWrfVWtf I What Shall Toilet sets seems to be anions tho popular purchases ol Ilia present. Tho lima u when a toilet set was used In tlm same room as lonff as there was nlecn lft. New It la clmngrel as often s the curtains or tha bureau arrangements for toilet net are nut chased to match tho pretty chent papers so much In fashion. A happy wall paptt must have with It, a toilet net whlph looks as If it, were of on piece. The blc sprawling blossoms scattered over the white ground, in just the stma iraet and -tlstlo plieet. " , See our stock from $1.85 to $23 OHMSTMAS SALE. ' KV. Qeo. V. Millar & Co. U2SS2? OPKV KVF.NtKng. mmmmmmmmmmmmmi TEETH WHHFTTl Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work (TS.,h) $3 Set of Teeth $5 All work guaranteed for 10 years, Call and have jour teeth examined free ot charge. Satisfaction or no pay. Schimpff, the Jeweler, That's the name. You've heard it a good many times most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver sation, for the one implies the other. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their novelty. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you .think, when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is apparent. 3 1 7 Lackawan na Avenue. 00C0000 ! Rogers, the Is Showing the Most Complete Assortment 1 Holiday Gifts in Jewelry Sterling Silver Watches Clocks Diamonds Etc Ever Brought to Scranton Come See 0 21 3 Lackawanna Avenue ooooooooooooooooo raamaiva ..i .CM Barney & Berry Skates, 45c a Pair. F001E & FULLER CO I Hears Building. EMPTY HOUSES CAN THE" BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN FOR RENT" COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE We Buy? Extracted Absolutely Without Pain. Our system ot PAINLESS Dentistry is far supsrlor to the old method, ot doing work. Wo both All snd extract teeth without the least particle of pain. Our prices for tho present are extremely low, and If you are In need of any Dental work. Call and havo your teeth examined. We maka a specially of fine Crown and Bridge Work and It will pay you to call and and All get our prices before going elsewhere. woric oDsoiuiciy rainless. Dr. Beyer, Dentist 314 Spruce St., Onn. Court House 00000X0Oc0 Jeweler oooooooooooooooo i! A- ('rJ5K,Vi. j.j 4 fjf V aai (,. kS.Tsl &A