The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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H TO UK Mil at Christum
U tilt.ut molt of sit,
tt'licn 'Hie nilrlli nl tlic jear i. nlMral
And. (he h:ulowa ate Iea.t to full.
'Xlifii to listen (or tnrnff fnotiteps
Thatlievrr iiroIii ilr.iw .lirnr,
Ami to wait (or n olec In tlic nllcncu
h trf timid tfio Ulirlilniat ihecr.
To know tint In drrnin or witklnR
Tho 'vai-nntr places uio tiunt,
Wlicn to Kiitlier In ilcjr loniinutilun
TIlO llttli! OIIC1 1111(1 (lip (lid,
Tho wanderer ami the nnlllne
Into the safe hnmc fol'd
Is tlio lirimn of liopu mict moicy.
'This ciirlHtAins-tldu pi-omlsos to be
perhaps a trifle Iphm Riy tlinn many
ot;,tlu)Hfjin tjic pnst, when not a nluht
of holiday woclt ami scarcely an utter
noon remalroft unoccupied. While tins
holiday HocJal, souxon In reality began
Tliuisday' nlBht with the I'rincnlnn
dinner, the date of which had been
changed In j. order to make It possible
for unrtergradtiutos to ntloml, but few
events Inrlmlintr much oliilmvullon oC
detail precedoH the New Year ball.
Tho Cornell duneo on the U'Jth It: the
subject of much Interested convcrrn
tion. ThK event, at the lllcyele club,
will bo delightful In every respect. The
concert will' be thoniost elaborate public
affair' of the year, an the Bucsts at the
dance will of course attend In evening
di-nsM, making n billllantly picliiivstiuo
effect In the pretty hall. Dances in
honor of college min are nlwnyn at
tractive, and usually result In "tho
time of tny life" for many a maiden
The New Year ball is tho much.
tahpd-of event of holiday week. Prep
arations are being rapidly completed
for the greatest success of the season.
While th committee numbers but
three gentlemen, upon whom falls all
tho details, which are many, the re
sults of their elforts will be as satis
factory as could bo desired. A unl(ii
hchemo-of decoration will be employe 1
In the ball room, where but few floral
effects will be noticed. Clarke will
decorate the sui.pcr and icceptlon
rooms. The former will be a bower
of oriental beauty by means of In
numerable Japanese lanterns of odd
an 1 pretty designs.
Hauor will furnish tho musl'-, and on
-this occasion there will be the necs-j-ity
but for one orchestra. Ilunhw
will cater, and ns Hie Invitations at-.'
from Reynolds Bros, it will be reer
that home patronage, is to be ob
served. Immediately after (he holidays ac
tive preparations will bo starle 1 in
the work of arranging the Marie An
toinette fete for the benefit of th
3 Tome for the Frlendless.The accom
panying children's fete, "The Plel
Viper of Hameli'n," will be eonsldeu'd
liy many the most pleasing feature of
.the entertainment,, produced as It will
'be "by. 'more than 100 'children In cos
tulne effects.
Jir. and Mis. Basil IT. Bctts, of 1731
North Washington avenue, gave a
unarming dancing party last night In
honor of MNs Hill, of A'irginia, a sis
.1er of tho hosless.The'T.reen Kldg.
Dancing club was included In the list,
yf guests. Those pres.jnl were: MIsm
"Davidson, Miss ISennell, Miss Mary
Davidson, Miss Hull, Miss Van C'leef,
Miss Dlmmlck. Mits Hclene Hull, Mlsi
Nettloton, Miss Kennedy, Miss Merri
man, Miss Ivnehlcr, Dr. L.. (.'. Kennedy,
Messrs. G. 1'.. DavhKon, Von D.nison,
Arthur, Hobert and Donald Hull, J,
H. Fuller, Sim for, Hrejk, Morss, Tripp,
KdWnrd S. June:), Ir. Conor, lit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Oodfrev
'will entertain a house party at the Jer-
'myn, Christmas week. Among their
''guests will bo Miss HtUght, of New
S'ork; Miss Simpson, of Khnlru: Mls.i
Bc'ssle Dean, of "Wilkes-Bairo; Mr. W.
t." Pierce, "of Philadelphia, and Mr. ,T.
''B. Fnssett, of Tunkhnnnock.
Mr.'and Mrs. Godfrey will give a dinner-dance
next Thursday night, when
. their elegant suite of apartments and
(, , the. corridors adjacent on the third floor
will be utilized as on previous ocea-
- The Misses HutchlnKs entertained at
cards nt their homo In Mooslc Tliurs
"day afternoon.The guest of honor was
Miss, of Carbondnle. Among
u the '.guests were Miss Benneli, the
-Misses Elizabeth and Grace Sander
son. Miss Edith Hill. Miss Mahal
'Schlager. "Miss Jessie Dlmmlck, Miss
.Jessie, nipple, Miss Josephine Dnslcr,
Miss Amy Northup, Slisa Tlelen S'e
'veps, ,Mis -'Rminii Burls, Miss Ge--.'trudo'
Miller, Miss Kdnu Williams,
'Miss'Etnma Foster, Miss May Albro,
;MIss Anna Atherton.MIss T.oulso Clun
','ster, Miss Helen Hulbsrt, Miss drover,
iMIss Bryden, of Dunmoro; Miss Cut
ler, the Misses McMillan, Miss Bry
den, ,Mlss Howe, of T'ittstun; Mlsi
v.Burr, of Carbondnle,
, Miss, Anna Dlehl will entertain u
company of guests on New Vear'.s ov
at the home of hor sister. Mrs. XAw
K. ItlClllll-il. nil AVhooloi- nvnmi.i In i
honor 'of Miss Hnllett, of Syracuse,
Mrs. K. Q. Powell will clve a
luncheon next Wednesday is honor of
, Mrs, Thomas Trask, of New York,
' The Qui Vive club will httvo n rtancj
December 2 at tho Bicycle club.
Miss Charlotte Hand, Miss Blsbeth
SVlnton nnd Miss Helen Hand attended
r luncheon on Thursday given by Miss
'Dunning, of WilHcs-Barre,
Mrs. A. de Orvllle Blacklnton gm-ii
r beautiful luncheon on Wednesday
'In, honor of Mrs. AVIlllnm Connell,
Tlio boys of the Induttrlal associa
tion will Bit round u log lire tonight
nt tho Parish house and hear Christ
mas stories told.
Mr, and Mrs, Jumos G. Shepherd
'delightfully entertuln-id the uiembcts
nf Elm Park Cluiulauiiua circle on
Tetday night,
, A'subscrlp.tlon dance will bo given
next Thursday night In the Knights
of Volumlnis club will bo un
der the patronngo of Mrs. William
Kelty, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien and Mrs.
I'lmo'thy Burke,
Sltmi Mabel McMahon, of New York,
rvlll be-the1 guests 'of the Misses San-
lor.son, pn Clay ayenue, during the
holldnys. .Miss MuMaluin Is a typi
cal Vassar girl of very brilliant attain
ments and many porsonul attractions.
Miss Cornelia Clalpln will entertain
with an informal tea nf "Tho Home
stead" next Thursday aflernoon,. be
tween the houis of 5 and S. She will
be assisted by Miss Bonnie, or New
Vorkj Miss Kdlth Torrcy, of Hones
dale and Miss Anna Lnvorty, of this
Miss Jessie Illpplo will entertain a
company of friends at n masquerade
next Thursday night at tho homo of
her parents, Colonel and Mis. K. II.
Miss Mabel Rchlager and Miss Helen
Stevens will be guests nt a house p-u-ly
next week given by Miss Uessle Loo
mls, of Wilkes-Bane.
Miss Khthor Moses wll entertain in
honor of Miss Martha .Singer, of Car
bondale, during Christmas week.
Mromeuts of People
MN (,'t.uv pr.isi'c Is 111 wlili im ulim-k ot
Ml-s Al.ny l)iil,nii h :i limn horn lion ding
wliiwil In Y lll,
Ml-s .Mmjoiic W.iurti Im H'tiirntd finni I'.ii rn
lnismii fur tlio hullilii.
.MI-.S Doiolhy lllmiiilcl. will vpind tin- holt
da.iN at WilinliiKlmi; IM.
I'rofi'M-ur .1. Jl. tli.iiuc will tin thi C'lirisl
ni:n luilldijs wllli liU iniuits at Salom, III.
.Mis Ann i lllll, of Dillon, V.i N the kuoiI
of her lister. Mi. Ilisil Ilctlv, nf Cu-cn lildu'i1.
Mr. and Jli. Jlllis T. Hand, of I'hlladillihl.i,
will spend ( luistiiMs wllli their paronN on .Icf
ftisnn ,icinie.
Mrs IVi i,i Own .lint the Misses Deen, nf )m
llle. will spend ( lnltmin with Mr. and Mrs.
V. JI. (ianliipr, on (Jiilnej arnne.
Di-piily Mtoincy Tied W. Kleilz ,u
ihul in I he- illy .(iti-iil.iy frimi ILirrNhniR and
will l.Miiniu until alter fhritm.n.
Mix Ciki A. Middleman, wlm U .illimlitis tlio
I'oicM I'.irk imlu'isily, St. Lonl, li., Is 'ptnd
Ins I In- lniliil.1,14 with Im- pnvnt, at Ciuieland,
HE SPIlllT of Christmas ceitainly
pervades the air, even if the snows
of other yeats no mine bless the
seasons with their .soft benediction.
You feel it in the smiles which fall
upon you unintentionally: In the kind
glances and the forbearance of the
good-uulured ciowds. The tramp rec
ognizes it when lie comes to your
kitchen door these ftosty mornings and
leceives, instead of hnish words, a
bountiful breakfast. "I couldn't turn
any man away hungry at Chilsttnas
t.ime," piously rcmniks the kltehfii
divinity, and therefore the trump step-i
in under the cover of the Christmas
spirit. The children play together moiv
amiably and an- preu-r naturally good.
Stern people unbend and frivolous ones
take on a look of gentle earnestness In
their desho to make some other body
happy. It Is a blessed thing, this
Chiistmas of ours, even If it does drive
us nearly wild with wnriles and haste
to crowd three weeks' work and seal eh
into one.
People do kind acts now just from
the picvaience of the Christmas s;iiilt.
The other day the passengers In a
street car saw a man smile cheerfully
when a solid young woman who was
also standing in the aisle luiched heav
ily upon Ids toes. Any other time of
the year he would have fi owned at her
savagely. They saw an old woman
enter the crowded aisle and the prompt
action of a shabby little maid, who in
stantly arose and with fine grace and
courtesy exclaimed eagerly to the
stranger: "Oh, take my seat, now do.
It's tlit-some to be sitting so long and
sure I'd just as soon stand as not." The
weary old woman sank heavily Into the
proffered place, while the shabby young
ghl who stands all day long on her
two tired feet In a store, swayed cheer
fully to and fro, as she grasped tho
last strap on tho line. She would prou
ably have done the kind act any dav,
for it was In her quick, merry Irish
heart to think swiftly for others, but
the appreciation of the little scene was
Instantaneous at this time, when nil
hearts ate warmer and emotion lie
nearer the urface.
Thus It Is sad that the tendency of
the age is to abandon the dear old
myths, or the pretty folk-lore that used
to make childhood's days the happier
for the belief. Tho youthful intellect
must now bo Trained with a big T.
With the "muchness" of Ideas emanat
ing from creat brains It Is discovered
that we have all been on the wrong
tack. It is wicked to teach the little
folks iho myths und superstitions of
the dark ages, and hence Kris-Kiingle
must bo lelegated to obllvon along with
Cinderella nnd AVIlllnm Tell und other
delightful memories who are 'real
enough to most of us. It Is such a pity
to disturb tho clilldion'ii Kanta Clans.
Surely ho Is the saintly Christinas Sphlt
going about over tho eaith these last
days of tho dying year to console us
for tho losses of the past, tho disap
pointments and the soriows. Surely It
will not harm the children to see In
him tho tender, gracious spirit which
at this season slips Into most hearts to
soften nnd turn them towuul those who
have been shut out during tlio twelve
month. From tlio white-bearded, laugh
inr old man with his gifts for good
children their thoughts will gradually
grow to recognize the f.plrlt of unsal
llshnoss which at tho Christmas tldo
enters Into all hearts to multe otheis
Tho desire to mako the world more
material, to destroy tho sweet old be
liefs of nthor years, seems entirely too
aggressive, particularly In tlic most
popular form of literature for tho
young tho books concerning wild unl
mals. For this reason nlono I yvould
taboo tho stories of Ernest Seton
Thompsou those wimdeiful fnsclnnt
In .studies, with their exquisite Illus
trations, which make- real persons of
tho furry characters. No man has
any right to send a book Into a child's
lifo that will cause so many tears at
"Wild Animals I Have Known." The
brilliant author explains his attitude
In these beautiful stories by saying
thut Iho lives of nil anlmul.v end lit
tragedy and ub his Is a futthful por
tlvo forests.
All human lifo ends in ways
more or less tingle, Yof a liter-
et3te?es' Perunafor couohs
and folds tm chudnen
m' w 'A
o .. el
' fcbi irAmlWA '
L O "
Ue-Pe-ru-na for La Grippe
and Whiter Catarrh.
TN EVERY country of the civilized
world the Sisters of the Good Shep
herd arc known. Not only do they
minister to the spiritual and Intellec
tual needs of the charges committed to
their care, but they also minister to
their bodily needs.
Whenever roughs or colds, la grippe
or pneumonia make their appearance
la grippe
listers are
among the children these si
not disconcerted, but know exai
remedies to apply.
With so many children to take care
of and to pioteet from climate and dls-
i use these wise and prudent
have lonnd Pcrtinu. a ne
s v. rj v. vt, s , . t. s o t . s ?
x imuLr
" e A
(.olumbiM, o , July 10th, 1000.
'Hi j P. run i Drug Mfg. Co.. C litmbus, O.
ticnticinon "A number of years tvo our atlcnti n was ca'led
to Dr. Damn n's I'urunu, nil simc t lion wo htivu u ud it witn
woml.rful rciiul.s for a if). cousin, colds uni c.i.arriial di.ens.-H
of tlic head a, hi stoiu i;h.
Forgipand w liter catiirrn especially il l'tu been of grat
service to the inmates of tli s institution."- Sisters o' the Good
There is no other disease so many
sided in Its "ill effects, so Insidious In
Its approach, so tenucious in Its hold
upon the system, as la grippe. Once
there, it stays until It is cured. I.a
grippe is one of the Ills that time will
npt cure.
The after-ell'ects of la grippe do not
locate in any pellicular organ. It
amounts to a general iiritablllty of the
mucous membranes of the whole body
a liabilities! and paleness of the mu
cous membrane. Komotlmi theie is
an over-amount of thin, watery mu
cous .'-ecH-ted, and at other times th -re
is a dryness of the mucous surfaces.
There Is no remedy In the world that
meets the conditions produced by In
gilppe better than tile remedy Perima.
l'eruna strengthens as It renovates,
.soothes while it stimulates, heals as it
expurgates. ""
Peruim is not a purgative, or cath
artic, or sedative, or stimulant, nor it
vegetable Or miueinl poison, ft reaches
the soui co of all diseases of the mu
cous membiaues by Its action on the
vaso-motor system nf nerves.
The following are snmpiis of the let
ters received by Dr. Ilnrtmnn concern
ing the cures Perun.i is making.
I lion. F. Simmons. United States
j marshal. Mobile, Alabama, speaks in
high praise of tile
merits of retu-
na. lie says:
"After having
used l'eruna for
a slant time 1
find that it is the
most excellent
remedy for the
grip and catarrh
ever prepared. 1
can heartily rec
ommend It to
any one." F.
M r. F r a n k
Bauer, of Mi-n-neiska,
ta, in a recent
5r r
- i
-. .
iin. r. siimiK in.
letter, says:
"I cannot say anything else but good
of your medicines. For seven win'ers 1
had suffered with la grippe, and by
each attack was con lined to the bed.
In the winter of IS9S, I was attacked
a line which Invariably described the
end of the hero, the heioine, the fond
lover, the sweet wife, would soon n
come extremely unpopular. Are not
the pleasnntest books in our memory
those which "ended well," as we term
it? Should we recall Jane Eyre,
Ivanhne, David Cupperflld and all the
other dear people of lletion with half
the pleasure if Ave had stood by their
death beds?
Aie not they still living dentures
whom wo may call to our minds at
will? Wo like lo remember them us
.still alive with the hopes and ambi
tions and the chariK-leristlcs we sj
love. If their cieators hud compelled
us lo witness tho pathelio close ot
their existence wo should feel httlo
I-lc.isuro in calling them out of their
Wo adored "Sentimental Tommy,"
but wish we had not been so curious to
find out what hurponed to him as lo
read "Tommy and fli-lmsl," we likj
lo recall tho stirring emotions awak
ened by "To Have and to Hold," but
"Prisoners of Hope" only leaves n
shadow where- there might huvo been
sun. We nru swift lo recommend ''Tho
Cardinal's Snuff Boc," but we are vo
ciferous In wondering why Mis. Cral
gte ever wrote such n dolsfully useless
book fis "Hubert qf Orange," Wo a'o
just like tlie childion who do not want
to hear that their fnviuitos tiro dead,
"Wnhb" Is a real creatine, and to veal
ot his sail end is to wepp, ovon for a
bear who has been naughty nt times.
The tragedy of Bobo's life Is n real
grief to nny reader. As for "Blnuea"
and all the other poor 111 Mo forest
folk, one small boy I know simply
howls nnd will not bo comforted when
tho Inevitable end of their brief story
is reached and so I say no author has
u right to bring so miiny tears to
children and gi own-tips, too, as this
greatest .student of animal life in
modern times.
Even tho little children may have
their minds so Imbued with tlio true
Idea of Urn Christmas spirit Incarnated
In Santa Cluus that the holiday muy
not mean all receiving, but a great
portion of tlio pleasure lie In giving.
So sweetly Is this Inwrought In some
youthful hearts thut it cannot but
weave a beautiful character, 1 know u,
little mil Id who had a blrthduy last
week. She was Just six, and it was a
great event, In that faintly tho chil
dren ure taught that on their birthdays
they must do some special act of kind
ness to somebody else, that because
they are glud to bo allvo and to have
their own loving parents and friends
they must think of others who may not
dWabmWfim mm
1 - - . A
TTZ-i ttMVAMUm KrSS- . J111 m Vtl .-j- I lllll 1 If
lf5iMxv- laisT-.-sj!" MWnwiiiill(l!BHHSB I
fM?. sg&y-' .77
g&li.W mMs"'' WNt-: -.
S m----i'" JJSii
oi v. t o v. , v. v. . uni'.i'.r.H n
with la gilppe. I had a terrible cough.
I asked my wife to get me a bottle of
Peruiiii. but as the druggist did not
have it she got me something else that
was highly recommended for la grippe,
costing the same as l'eruna. I took
that, but was not able to leave the bed.
"1 told my wife that If I did not get
l'eruna s-oun tout 1 would siu;cly oe a
grippe victim, as
: my lungs felt as
if knives wero
sticking in
tli em
" M y w i f ei
went to tow.i
and got me a
bottle of Peru
na. and I took
it four days tic
cording to i he
directions on tho
bottle. Tho llttli
day 1 look an
ik on my shoul
dre and wct
out ' into the
woods to chop
"1 hud another
I had' l'eruna 111
Mi. I'r.iuK Hum,
slight attack, but a'
tin- liot-si- it caused nu- but che trying
night. My wife wanted to send for the
doctor, but I took .small doses of Perll
mi ever half hour and improved right
along." Frank Bauer.
Henry Ulstln, the Inventor and mak
er of nil the band ins-trument.'! for the
Ilerirj Distill Manufacturing Co., at
Willinm.-.port, Pa Is probably the most
active old man in Philadelphia today,
lb- and his wife recently celebrated the
lltfii-tli anniversary of their marriage,
at their home, on South Ninth street.
Mr. Dtstln comes from one of the most
famous musical families of tho old
world, his father and grandfather be
foie him, as well as himself, having
played at almost all the royal courts
of England and the continent.
Mr. Dlstin writes concerning Peruna,
tlie world-famous catarrh cure, as fol
lows: 1441 South Ninth street.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 6, lSUft.
Br. S.J.?. Hartmun:
Dear Sir:"! write to Inform you
that I had a bad attack of la grippe
be so happy and by some sacrifice or
lemembranco thus mark the day as dif
feient. Tho small peison whose birthday
was to be celebrated with joy, and
with gifts nnd loving care, thought
much about the way she must mako
tills occasion significant. Once she baa
two friends who went away on a holi
day journey and never came home
again. She had missed them sorely, the
fnlr young girls with their bright hair
nnd laughing eyes, and tho tragedy
which met them on their way hud left
a deep Impression upon her childish
memory. So this blithdiiy of hers she
thought of those whom she would so
gladly greet, and as a consequence two
groves down In New England have
holly wreaths ubove them this Christ
mas, tnd two lonely, childless old peo
ple whose lives were made desolate one
day when dentil smote all their loved
ones at a single blow, ure cheered by
the kindly thought of a little child far
away among the Pennsylvania hills.
Saucy Bess,
The -lunger Maennerchor, of the
riouili Side, ure hard at woik reheain
lug for their first mlnstrul show, to ho
given pnily In January. The songs will
lie of tlie latest nnd many novelties
will bo Introduced in tlio chorus wing,
ing, Tho opening chorus will show up
the full strength of tho society and
with Lawrence's orchestra of ten
pieces will be ono of the over
given In tho city. The endmon nnd
clioius will number fifty people, Tho
entlro musical production will bo In
charge of Prof, v, C, Ott, of the Law
rence band, 'Who so suctssfully pro
duced two for tho Iiclderkrnnz so
ciety nnd ono for the Electric City
AVheelmcn, of this city.
! II I!
One of tlie blight musical stars of
the vaudeville company which will np
pear at tho Lyceum next Thursday and
Friday afternoon und evening will be
Miss Susie Kransi, who Is a vocullst of
unusual ability. Tho rendition of "Tlio
Holy City" by Miss KranK Is among
tho best musical features of the enter
tainment, though It is said she does
even better, Judged from un nrtlstle
standpoint, In Italian operatic airs
which are Introduced later,
Miss draco Spencer, who Is among
Mine. Thnborman-ltaudotph's most
promising pupils, possesses quulltlcu
tlons that would undoubtedly bring
success should she desho to use them
In a professional way. At the recent
operatic recltu, us well as ut the pres
a s t December
which lasted more
than three months
and which left me
with catarrh, and
several o t m y
friends advised me
to try your wonderful medi
cine. Peruna. I began with a
bottle the llrst week in Mnrcn
and It certainly did me a great
deal of good. I was so well
satisfied that I purchased an
other bottle and followed your
directions, which you furnish with
every bottle, and I am glad to say that
It lias cured me. I shall certainly rec
ommend tho Peruna to all my friends."
Henry Dlstin.
Mrs. Jane Gift, of Hebbardsvllle, O.,
writes the following: "I think I would
have' been dead long ago if it had not
been for Peruna. Six years ago I had
la grippe very bad. The doctor came
to see me every day, but I gradually
grew worse. I told my husband I
thought I would surely die if I did not
get relief soon.
"One day I picked up the newspaper
and accidentally found a testimonial
of a woman who had been cured of la
grippe by Peruna. I told my husband
I wanted to try It. Ho went directly to
tile drug store und got a bottle of Pe
runa. 1 could see the Improvement in
a very short time and was soon able to
do my work. I continued using It until
J wa.s entirely cured.
"I have Induced a great many to try
the medicine nnd all have had the
suine result. I have used it In my
family for my husband and children
for colds and la grippe. I would not
be without it in the house. I really
think It has added years to my life,
and I feel I have no one to thank but
Cod und Dr. Hartman. Jf other suf
ferers are induced to try this wonder
ful medicine they will join me in hing
ing its praises." Mrs. Jane Gift.
Mrs. Theophlle Schmitt, wife of the
ex-secietary of the German consulate,
writes the following letter to Dr. Hart
man in tegarcl to Peruna:
::I17 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus,
lientlemen "I suffered this winter
.with n severe attack of la grippe, and
having repeatedly heard of the value
of Peruna in such cases, I thought I
would try it. T
used it faithful
ly, and began to
feel a change for
the better the
second day, and
in the course of
a week I was
very much Im
proved. After
using three bot
tles I not only
found tho la
grippe had dis
appeared butmy
general health
was much bet
ter. I nm s-itls-
lled that Peruna Is a wonderful family
remedy, and gladly endorse it." Mrs.
Theophlle Schmitt.
Address the Peruna Medicine Co., of
Columbus, Ohio, for a book treating
I on catarrh.
entation of the "Gondoliers" In this
city some time ngo, Miss Spencer dem
onstrated thut she not only has a pleas
ing voice but Is gifted with funusual
dramatic ability.
Tlie Lawrence orchestra nt the
Gaiety theater, under tho direction of
Prof. Edgar Vlmil, Is as good as ono
hears in large cities. They receive
many compliments from the com
panies and ladies who play there.
Mr. Beeve Jones, tho well-known
pianoforte virtuoso, has not been figur
ing to any extent In concert work th's
seuson. Mr. Jones, however, is not out
of .music by any means, as future
events will probably demonstrate.
Mme. Blauvclt has announced that
she will resume opera again next sea
r.ilestiiifi coinniaiitU'iy, No, l.VI, at lliooklyn,
X, Y lust cu-iytliiug liy.dre on tlio morning of
Per. 11, 'I hero was no insiii.iiici-,
Mrildlan Sun cunnnamlory. No, IW, anil lllslng
SUr coiniii.uuloiy, Xo. 'Jul, at F-incantcr, l'u,,
li.ito un.uiscil to linlil a iiri'Ut Itcil Cui-d council
in April iii'-it, ami luvv iiiiiolnlcil committees to
t.ikt cliaigo ot tlio iiu'limiiuilcj for tint vvrnl,
'flin nix lomnunikTlcs of llun i-slong, Stt'olton
and MUllclown, I'.i., Ii.ivo rirraugcil a fceliolulo
nf Malta uccials for tlio w Intel 8i'u-.nn, On Dee,
0 l.ii nu ileli'BMtlons were ireient Willi Columlil.ui
conmiunJcry, Xo, 13', ut Mhldlctonn. 'flic neU
bocial w ill be lielil on Jjii. 8, with .Slur of
America coniniamlery, Xo. lia, at HarrUburg.
Aid j coininumlcry, Xo. 'Jib', at Johnstown, I'a,,
sent In a liberal donation to the Knights of Malta
lio-ilUl fund, and in temllni; in the rcinittania
Itecorder bit" II, IT, Lehman wrote! "Wo aio
Kolii' to Keep up the good work and in the future
you will Inar fioui us again. We hope that our
little mite may have the blessing of Clod in thli
glorious uuderuMu!;."
America commander)-, Xo, ESI, nt llenoio, I'a.,
rccchcd a lJlgft vlas.i by 6cvIj1 dlspciuiatloii on
Pec. 13, when Grand Itecorder Sir licorice I'lerre
gave the novitiates a thorough drill In the uiuvilt.
ten noik of I lie oidcr. The appendant Older of
tho lied Ciii and Scpukhure an conferred by
tlio dtgreo fctjlt of be bolde commandcry, Xo. 77,
of Villlaiiihiort, with Sir V. V, llardo, I', 0,, as
sovereign commander,
The Best Cold Cure
Is one you can take without Interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect tlie nfad or hearing like the con
tinued use of quinine. One that cures
speedily und leaves you feeling fresh
ami clear-headed, Such a ono Is
Krauso's Cold Cure, Price 25c. Sold
by Matthews Hros,
Tho busy shoo stores of Lewis &
Itellly will bo open this evening and
every evening until after the holidays.
Mn.. Theo. Sclimltt.
Thousands of Holiday Books
At Big Discounts from Publisher's Prices.
Wc are doing the Book business of Scinnton selling more
books than all other stores combined. Why ? Because prices are
lowest; because assortment is greatest; because every wanted
book Is here; because service is prompt and satisfactory.
What can be better'for a gilt, when a fair price is associated
with It ? Read' the particulirs which follow: 1100KS, In ticnnl, pnntr and
"linen, from IM down to .,, .V,
tlc, nlrily printed nnd hound tic,
imnt; worth up to ?1: iliiuw ut 21c.
HANDV VOIAlili: l.'hASSlCS, prettily
hound, ninny titles; pticcliil nt 2.V.
HANDY V0l,0.Mi:s, hound In watered
lll; rry pretty; fpeclnlml ,.,.,.1'iOc.
L-lll rillllnnn- Kni-I.l1 nt rii-.
'MVIIAT'IS WOHTlt WHIM: fcrlcs of re
ligion cln.lri: nt SOc.
POOTICAT. EDITIONS ill line cloth lilnil
lnc;i: nil pools Mt., !.',.
comi'miti: l'oirrioAr, iiditions, nit
licsl works: very ttioi-lal ut Wc.
l'OHTH hound u padded leather; hand-
uotiu- for lft nt J1.113
CI.0TII HOUND HOOKS, hitltldlnir Imiii-
Inllon; worth lfl I.1-.
NKW COrVltlOlir. HOOKS, all iuhlhed
Snme very h,ihdcome Librarv lid
Culf and genuine Levant, edition
other works.
TnACIHIR'.S I1IBM:S, Ilnssler and Nelson
edition; special fl.00
IM.tlsntATKII IIIIII,i:S. (ontiilnlnir lOTl
pictiire. teacheia' (dillon $1.50
OTlli:il lllllt.KS In elegant hither lii-id-
The Toys
Going, going soon be gone.
We never sold so many, (or
we never had so many to sell.
People are amazed at the quan
tities; the varieties.
Enough left though for all late
comers. Dolls, Go-Carts, Ex
press Wagons, Iron and Tin
Novelties and Games.
The Hen's Wear
We've told you about the Ties
and the Suspenders how good
they are for gift purchases. Now
we want to preach "shirts" a
Shirts in colored and white;
dress shirts, every day shirts.
Very good for gifts, you'll find,
''( you choose to give them.
The 'Kerchiefs;
Selling so many of these Half
Dollar Silk Handkerchiefs the
initials are what catch the eye.
Hand-worked, so the maker
says, and he ought to know.
For women and men.
Olher Handkerchiefs why,
bless you thousands of them, of
every kind and at every price
Irom the wee tiniest to the way
upest. The Silver:
Wouldn't a set of-Rogers Bros.
1847 knives or forks make a nice
gilt you'd be surprised to see
Jooas Long's Sods
' 1 1
Games Dolls
Sleds Candy Wagons
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
131 PENN
iiiu new nuvursii i as
plmlt Iteuiovablo
Horse cannot slip
and wllloiitwoir lliroe
st'ls or any otlior calk
ml... V ! . -
' 0M
At $1.50, ttpeclfil at ., $1.10
CIIAIttXS l)lt;i;i:NS' Nouns, bound hi
fluent leather; nl .,.,, SIO.OO
TIIACKIlftAY'S WOIIKS, bound In fine
leather; Rptdnl nt ,,..,, i,,ft'2.ftl
NUTS 01' HOOKS In fl Miliums hniiil-
fome liindlniri; dpcelal MIBO
IIOItATIO AbOnil'S WOHKS. In a vol-
liuic, line bindings; nt .,,,,.31,71,
IIOItATIO At-OKIl'S WOliKS. n 1 vot-
uiur, many tlllei; :rrlid ut ...,.,.tl.S
himily vrtlumei, leather, at .....i.,.'j.l.7fi
miIuiui-k, good cloth : special
IIUMHW OK Till! SOUTH, by Mari6n
f'rnwford, 2 volume; ut 5.B0
1'IVi: MTTU: I'KI'IT.It HOOKS, in cle-
untit lilmliiicn; special nt ...', 51,00
lri.MI! HOOKS by Martlu Flnley, for
girl! npcclnl nt 73c.
pirlei for bojs And girl, nt..,!..., Sfle.
tions of the Po ts bound in Tree'
de luxe ot the Little Minister and
- , , .
I 'inpa in price up to ...f?$7,;or
CATItOMO I'ltAVnil I100K8 III rreat u-
Bortmenf, pree from 10c. to 7 1 T5
KI'ISCOi'Ab ritAYCR HOOKS nnd Hym- '
I n.ils; hip; variety, from 50c. up lo ....$3 93
how many people have bought
them, thinking so.
Lots of other things in silver
though, if you prefer.
Ebony goods, too, in great
variety most of it silver trim
med, which brightens, up the
dark and interesting black of the
The Pictures:
locto $15,00.
Every price between. That
gives you quite a variety to
choose from.
The studies are most interest
ing; the color, copies of famous
paintings, attract the eye. Give
one or two, why dont you ?
We can frame up one to suit
vou, if you don't delay beyond
Third floor. ,
The Stationery:
Fancy Boxes at 35c, 3sc, 45c,
50c, 75c and up to two dollars.
The fifty cent ones sell the
quickest, with the seventy-five
cent ones close at their heels
only a few of the latt?r left.
The Colieee Calendars are out
from $2 to $1.25 not manv left,
we ve just taken theseTrom the
Other Calenders from iOc to
Christmas Cards by the hun
dreds. - ,
.' f
Spn 126 and 128
uUm Franklin Ave.
'i I
v M
"-V J.d
cw i '?.