The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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a ncwshialUffl,".pcr
soiiaffWilJali'llejua. fori puoWatlpnr may
ffoT-Utt at The Trlb
yme's'new offices In
.the riurke BullJIng,
jor. Sent by mall or
All, U10 Schools Hold Them Bofore
thft' yncnUon Some of tho Bto-
Alt lho"publlc schools nf tho city held
SipeClnl exercises yesterday afternoon in
ennimcmoiMtloti of tho Yulclltle. At the
central school uulldlnp; the feature of
llio'nfternoon was im auMrean given by
Kcvjj-lJivxWhnlpn, peculiarly nppronrl
iite;,to tjie npltlt of the occasion. The
''li'CECrntvn described the conditions
uhlch existed In tho noman world at
the". time." of tho birth of Chi 1st, the
Kovernmen'tnl und civil phases, tho dif
ferent religions, and the conditions of
life, morally nnd physically. He gave
a detailed general description of this
perlo'd of the world's history. His ad
dress was listened to with this verv
closest attention nnd was keenly en
Joyed by nil present. A quartette com
posed'olMIss Anna Brown, Miss Pearl
Olvcr, Chnrles Cavnnaugh and "William
Kwlgcrt gave a vocal selection, Miss
XJrowu" taking tho solo part with line
expression and well-modulated voice.
I'rof. Brydon, tho principal, gave tho
teachers and pupils a delightful sur
prise by 'presenting tho former with
boutonnlers of roses nnd the latter with
oiioM of pink carnntlons.
The schools of the city will now nil
he closed until AVcdncsday, January 2,
1H01, At the other schools of the city
some excellent programmes were pre
sented for the edification of the pupils
and their friends. A few of them fol
flioruf, "Ming tho Hells" School
llecitatlon, "The Clilldien's Message,"
Kllzabrtli Morgan
Kcutation, "fiiandmi's Mistake".... Km h Knapp
Iioublc Quartette, "Clilme On,"
MUes Oliver, Dimock, Heiulon, Clime, Uiiin-
dow,, IlutlJy, Sjmpon.
Recitation, "Blue jea ami 1119 ChiUtnus,"
OHc Sampson.
airls ChorM "O Holy XiKht"
Recitation, "What Ted Found in His Mock
ing" Ico fculllian
Itccitatlon, "Christina-) Children"... JI.iliol Oliur
Chorus, "Awake to Joy" School
Itecltalion, "The MMIcloe" Jladolin Mills
llecitatlon, "ChrMinas Treasures". .Alice Collins
Krcilatlon, ".Song of the Slocking,"
Arthur Gilby
Recitation, "Why Santa Clam Is Troubled,"
Ina Tingley
Tiio, "Ihe Dearot Uoy,"
Misses GrUivolil, Huddy and Knapp
nccilalinn, "Lops 'Foie I Knowril,"
; Lena Brandon-
llccilalloii, '".Ics "Fore Christmas"
Lily Griswold
IJnart.'ttc, "Glory to God,"
Mabel Oliver, George McIioImiii, Anna Milllgaii,
John llnncy.
Itccit.ilion, "Karly Christmas llornlnjr,"
Bessie Dimock
Itccilation, "Sanla Clans" lohn Harvey
Recitation, "1 Wonder if Santa U Coming,"
Maud l'llce
pelerMon on tlio Graphophonc.
Clioiius, "J)o You Know tho Songr" School
school xo. s miss vaxmirmauk's koom.
Smg, "Hi, You Know the "inn?" School
I licading, "An Old, Suct Storj"..Coia Goodwin
licciMtion, "Chrislinis Caiol"....i:dith Hubbard
Dialogue, "CliiUlinis in Foreign Landn,"
Two Hujs and Tho GUIs
IlPti'jtion, "An Kastein Legend,"
JMnurd Kimvorilry
liicilatkn, "Snow F.iliin." gnes McDonald
Miiir, "0, Land of .ludou" School
liVdt.ition, "liy Zinder Zeo" Duma Aldiich
Ueeilatlon, "ChiMniiV lliiggs
Dialogue, "Our IVIs,"
lluee Little Gills and One Hoy
liccitation, "Clnnlj" Florence Gair
llecitatlon, 'Tully'h Plan" Flounce Mineis
ltreitatiini, "If You're Good" Lillian Hjatt
Song, '"Ihe Child Jcus" School
Hceitatlon, "Little Itluo F.jcs'' llcna Mm ray
llcritition, "Oh, Dear!" Iia Millard
Kccltatlcu, "Memory J'oem" Harold Matters
Dialogue, "What the Mother Goose Children
WY.nt' Twelve Boys and Gill.
yon;.-, "Santa Claus Is Coining,"
litx Me) ere, V. lieiidon, I1U Brigg", Lottie
Itccilation, "Letter to Santi Clan,"
Maiih.t Cure! and Yiionica Itierdon
tlvdtaiicn, "JaiucVa C'hntiras Frenent,"
LMui Holies
liirllation, "Cluistnus Caml", .Mabel Campbell
rterltntiou, "Santa Clans on the Tialu,"
Uabel llamy
ltultjtion, "Grandma's Mistake"... .Stella Peck
Kcrltutinn, "Santa Clans aim Ihe Moum-,"
licxfoul Mvcit.
Soair, "In the Field" School
KI113 mg, Silcitlou fioiu MeudeNholin School
llceitallon, " ;inirelsoniu l'laep",.,,F. .McCabe
licc'tation , "A Christmas L'.uul"..,,.i. Bryant
Mnfing, "Iliad 'Christmas Bells" Sehuol
licc'tatlriii, "Tho l'lliial of J.uric, "..!'. NIcIioI.mhj
Itccilation, "Ihe Mistletoe Iluiigli" ...,M. Coo.,
Suiting, "Chii.-.t Was Bom in llelhlihciii."
Iiicllatlon, "'Ihe It Santa Clan,"
M. Holgatc
."Mi'tfns, "Siiita Claws Ilai Coino to Town."
mutation, "Jin1 'I'uro ChiMmas"....M. Leshor
Kccltation, "Santa Clans" S, ltouudj
Sitlgjng, "Chiming Bell',."
JleCftiitiou, "Chiistmas Twice a Yeai,"
Bim Biiirell
Itecliallou, "Sinta Ulau1. on the Train,"
M. Aithur
Itccltatiou, "Clirli-tmas l).i)",,li. ltoemiuclmejcr
Singing, "filmy to God. '
Itecltatiuu, Tim Mail in the Moon,"
M. Thompson
llearlinif, fioni "Tho Birds' Chifetiins Caiol,"
MU Jay.
f fCHOOL .NO. 2-Ml.sS UltVDF.X'.S UOOM.
( horns, "ILuk! A Song,"
llei-luiluu, "Ihe Mjiu l,llliiu'",,.riiiiiiis IMph
Iticlcailnn, "ltuu'ri t'liiiuniliiiin,"
,loi(ili Hilling
( hcni-, "lloiuiiah!"
Ilriltallnn, " hat the Muther finn-e- Chtl-
(lull Want lur CliUluii."
llecltutifni, "Wlien Daddy Llglitfi the Tuc,"
Mil mo I'ethlck
Tlicltation, "Sanla CI ms ami the Mouse,"
Clnrles Kalka
, "Clirhtmai llclU," Bcatrliu Iliilhciford, Fiaiicrj
Dolph Ldua I'.v.nis.
Recitation, "Lincoln's Speech",,,,, Frank Snillli
Dialogue Fniiiu I'liiwurden, Chatle Kafka,
Mna Smith, Florence lVnuuidui, John Kirk
,,w"ood, I lareuca fillei, Lois Dimock, 1'earl
Lamoicaux, hlcplicn Mottltt, Hazel I'attiii.
ItecitJtiou, "J(V 'I'oiu CluUtiinis,"
. Charlej Uatubinoi;
Ch'oiuH "Dear Santa Clans."
Itceitallon, "Santa Clans' Mistake."
llecitatlon, "Complaint" William Morgan
Chorum '".'liin of riiiMiius,"
itocilatlcn, "My Stocking" Claude ltchkop
llecitatlon, "'u Stocking to Weal,"
btt-iiheii Morfilt
Bolri, "I'nrle Jim' Cliiistinas lljniii,"
Frank llerbeit
Itecltntlcii "Lady Matel" Maiy llllains
Cures Cough or Cold at once.
Coutiuers Croup, Whooping-Cough, Bronchltli,
Cltippe aud Cousumptlon. fiu cl, lurv rnullt.
C, lluli'i CilU cure CoiMtipation. SO plIU J On
ltecllatlon'"The Oriolo'j Xent,"
" Joscpli ltcssllni;
llcillattofi, "A Ho)' Poc1ect".,Charlen LMabrook
Chorus,, "nrnt t'lirMmu Gift."
i I'alrrdny afternoon I ho icholars of MIm Anna
II. Lottus' primary class In Xn. 0 school on
Brooklyn street, held their Chrlstmai everclses.
Ihe room was handsomely decorated with ever
green, nnd a hcnllyolidcii Christmas tree, bright
with glittering ornaments dear to childhood
brought Joy to the many little bents that look
fo eagerly for something .icclal fioni "Dear
tld Santa Ckui," and they were not disap
pointed, cither. An elaborate programme win
ftccllcntly rendered, and the pupils were assisted
by an oicliestra composed of the following gen
tlemen. Mr. Flnnnery, violin; Mr. (iav.m, flutcj
Mr. V. Connors, jr., harinonlcnj Mr. O. Grif
fiths, Jr., Miarc drum.
The children, each und eiery one, did Jiihtlec
to their vciy able teacher, Miss Anna 11. Loftus,
in their iruditlons. Miss flcncWcte Collins and
Master Carroll elevervc rsperlal mention for their
portion of the entertainment, Mks C0III113 lo
cked with much elocutionary ability and ex
pression and Master Carroll sang "The Holy
City" in n pleasing and mellow voice, which
brought Just applause. A large number of par
ents and friends were present, and nil were de
lighted with the entertainment prodded by the
little ones.
Meet at the Harrison House ns tho
Guests of Dr. Oillis.
The Cnrbondale Medical society were
banriuottod at Hotel Harrison Thurs
day nlRlit by Dr. A. V. Gillls. The
fraternity meets in social session once
rach month at tho homey of tho vari
ous members, and this fitne it fell to
Dr. Glilis to be host. The occasion
was one of tho most enjoyable yet
held by tho society. Dr. It. Ottinan,
the president of the organization, was
chairman of the evening-.
The JL D.'s gathered at tho hotel
about S o'clock, and for upwards
of an hour had a eiulet, In
formal social time In tho coy
parlors of the house. Anecdotes
and reminiscences of the pro.
fesslon in this and nearby towns.
About D o'clock the banquet hnll was
thrown open nnd tho doctors sat down
to a feast, which, for abundance and
dellclousness, has never been sur
passed In this city. It was served In
Mine Host Monohan's best style, and
the doctors, who ate epicures ?m the
proper sense of the word, were loud
in their praises of the spread. The
menu was as follows:
Ousters 011 Half Shell. ,
Celery. Green Olhes. MKcd Pickles.
Chicken Croquettes. Oyster Patties.
Cold Itoast Beef. Ham.
Turkey with Cianbeiry Fiuce.
French Fried Potntes. French Peas.
Chicken Salad. Beet,
Fruit Cake. Walnut Cake. Chocolate Cake.
Vaiicty Cake. Lady Fingers.
Brick Ice Cream. Banauxs. Oranges.
Tea. CulTec. Chocolate.
After having feasted sumptuously tho
Inner man, the physicians were renelv
for a feast of wisdom. Dr. Graves was
to have delivered a paper, but was un
able to be present, so Dr. Ottman, tho
chairman, announced that the meeting
was open for an Impromptu discussion
on tho subject of rheumatism.
The guests entered Into the discus
sion with spirit and many valuable sug
gestions were offered. The gathering
broke up about midnight. The Janu
ary meeting of the society will be held
at tho home of Dr. Davis, In Jermyn.
The Berean Baptist Church Will
Have an Elaborate Musical Pro
gramme. The services -on Sunday in the Berean
Baptist church will be in harmony with
the season. Speciul Christmas music
will be rendered by the large choir,
under the direction of Miss Estabrook,
the efficient chorister, and Mr: O. It.
Grovelling and K. J. Bly will assist
in instrumental accompaniments. Miss
Price will preside at the organ. The
morning programme will be as follows:
lljiiin, "Angels from the Hcalins of Glory,
James Montgomery
Hcspousio Heading, "The Xatiwty,"
Itev. William 11. Grow
Anlhi "Blessed Is lie Tint Cometh,'
II. P. Danks
Scilptiire Lesson, Luke ii: 1--J0.
fjuaitette, "The 'Xew-lloin King"..C. II. Gabriel
Mis, Wukll, Miss Imnslnn, Mi-s Hall,
Mrs. Stanton. Itev. William B. Grow
Anthem, "Hail, I What Mean Those Holy
VeiiccbV" Fiancis G. Burett
Oftcitoiy t'Gate of Heaven" Berthold Tours
K. J. Bly, Clailnet.
Sermon, "God Fully Houiled,"
llcv. II. J. Whalen, D. D.
Antliciii, "Behold 1 Biing You flood Tidings,"
Il)liiii, "Come Thou Long i:pectcd Jesiis,"
Charles Wesley
Benediction Hev. William II, fliow
AH Figures Distanced by the Num
bers Who Went to the Mitchell
Jast night wuh another lucoid
breaker at tho Mitchell Hose com
pany's fair. Watt's hall was 'crowded
to Its capacity all tho evening. A
tine preigiamino was rendered in tho
entertainment part of the hnll. it In-clude-d
a piano selection by jjita
Oruco l'ugllano, a zither solo by Prof.
J, F. Crowcll, a trombouo solo by
Thomas Douthwnlte, u tenor solo by
by David I,ewla. After the entcitalu
ment tho hall was cleared of chairs
and dancing Indulged In uutll nftar
Tonight will bo tho Inst night nf
tho fair, when the various prizes will
ho nwurded, including the ?j0 In gold
and tho pii?.o turkey, "Undo Sum,"
Will Be Married Today,
Miss Maudo A, Taylor and Richard
a. Oohblodlek, of this city, are to be
man led ut noon today at tho homo of
Henry Smith In Albany, n. V, Mis
Tuylor has been in Albany for sevoral
days preparing for tho event, nnd Mr.
Oobbledlck left last evening, The young
pcoplo are prominent members of Trin
ity church, After a wedding tilp they
will reside in this city at the home of
the brldegioom's brother, Churles Cob
hledlck, on Wyoming street.
Going to Florida.
T. C. Robinson and wife, of this city;
Dr. SIckler, wife and daughter und
Mrs. Tewksbury, of Peckyille, are ar
ranging for a trip to Florida on Janu
ary 1,
E.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carban
d.ile edition, wilt be
pleaded to receive
callers seeking Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: fyew
386: old, 0423.
What Late Carbondnlo Citizens Left
to Their Hoirs.
Tito wills of sevornl Cnrbondale de
cedents have Just been mado public
by being placed on record In tho reg
ister's olllce In Hcrnnton.
Tho Into Thomns Q. Burke bequeath
ed to his son, Thomas Burke, and his
dnughtcrs, Mary Coatollo, Annie Lee,
Bridget Smurl, Sablna. Williams and
Tosslo Horlsh, $1 each. His wife, Brid
get, has tho use of nil his estate dur
ing her ilfe, nnd after her death all
realty and personalty goes to his son,
Michael K. Burke, who Is mado exec
utor. The will of tho lata James Barrett
was executed on November 6, 1900, a
few days bofore his death. Ho loft
Annlo Boland, JB; St. Patrick's Or
phanage, Hyde Park, $1,000; Sisters
of tho House of the Good Shepherd,
Providence, 1,000; St. Rose parish,
?1,100; M. L. Barrett, $n,000; Mrs. Mar
garet O'Hcarn, $4,000; Mrs. Bridget
McGee, $1,000. All tho rest of tho es
tate Is to bo divided between 'the last
three named per&ons.
Protestant Churches Will Usher In
the New Century by Special Re
ligious Services.
'The first week in the new century will
bo observed by the local Protestant
churches as a week of prayer. Joint
meetings will bo held in the different
churches, beginning Monday evening at
the Congregational church, Tuesday at
the Trinity parish house, Wednesday at
tho Presbyterian church, Thursday at
the Methodist, and Friday at the Bap
tist. At each meeting a pastor of a
denomination other than the church In
which It Is held will speak.
A New Society.
Tho Knights of the Roynl Circle Is
the name of the latest society in town.
It is an Insurance order and was or
ganized on Thursday evening. At the
preliminary meeting Trof. C. M. Lesher
acted as temporary chairman and E.
W. Reynolds as temporary secretary.
The organization was effected at the
office of G. Frank Couch, and the fol
lowing officers were elected: Worthy
ruler, Harry J. Hall; past worthy ruler,
C. F. Rose; worthy advisor, C. R.
Smith; -worthy secretary. W. J. Rob
erts; worthy treasurer, C. M. Lesher;
medical examiner, Dr. Malaun; worthy
chaplain, Thomas Bottemley; worthy
marshal, James Campbell; worthy
guard, Edward Rice; worthy sentinel,
Andrew Hansen: worthy managers,
Prof. Hockenberry, one year; Hon. M.
T. Burke, two years; George W. Evans,
three years.
In the Sick Room.
Miss Mary A. McLean is dangerous
ly ill at her home on Belmont street.
Yesterday afternoon it was rumored
that she had passed away, but her
friends were rejoiced to find upon in
vestigation that it was not true.
Paul AVynn is In the doctor's care.
William Passmore Is suffering from
an acute attack of rheumatism.
John Caffrey, of MayfUld yard, who
had greatly improved ftom an attack
of pneumonia, is again in a serious
C. G. Evnns, of this city, is con
fined to tho Bennett house in Blng
liamton with a sprained ankle.
Filst Methodist Fpiscopal chinch, Xoith
Church street, near bilem avenue llcv, A. F.
Chaffee, pastor; leshlciice, "il Teuace street.
Sunday rci vices, 10.30 a. m. and 7,!i0 p. m. ; Sun
day bchool, 12 111.; Junior league, a p. ui. ; Sen
ior league, (1.80 p. 111.; pra)cT meeting, Thurs
day e enlng at T.:!0 o'clock". There will be spe
cial hcreiccs held hero tomorrow, both in the
lnouilng and ee enlng, the full piogianmie of
which was printed in yesterday's Tilbune. The
pastor will preach sermons appropriate to Christ
inas and the choir will render special musical
tci'vicc's assisted by singeis and Mrs.
G. Ackeiinan, organist, and Leon Bly, liolinlst.
Filst (St. Paul's) Lutheran rhuicli. Chinch
sheet llcv, P. Lhlnger, pastor. Fourth Sunday
in Adeent. Sabbath school, 0.30 a. m. ; tcrUcos,
10.1,0 a. m.; Christmas celebration, 7.30 p. 111.
All arc cordially Invited and will Unci a hcairy
Berean Baptist church, corner Lincoln au'tiuc
and Xorth Chinch street Itev. 11. J. Wlulcn,
I), J),, pastor; residence, 113 Lincoln aeenue.
Minday cervices, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in.;
111 Id-w e ek. hcr ices, Thuisday, 7.30 p. in.; Young
People's society of Christian Kndeavor meets at
(1.30 on Sunday evening; Junior society ol Cluis
tian F.ndeavor meets Sunday, tf.30 p. in,; Sunday
school at 12 111.
Tilnlly I'lolcslaiit Fplscopal, 58 llher
stieot Itev. It. A. Sawyer, rector; residence,
L! liiwr street. Fouitli Sunday In Advent. Holy
Coiuiiiunloii at S a, 111. ; morning prayer and ser
mon, 10.30 o'clock; evening pra)cr mid address,
7,30 o'eloek; Sunday school, 12 in.; c enlng pray
er und lecture ceery Thuisday evening at 7,30
o'clock; Sunday school teachers' meeting every
Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock; Trinity guild
meets every Tuesday evening; MclieV guild
meets cuiy Wednesday allernoon. Trinity
chinch will hold ppeciat Christmas eveicises on
Cluistmas day, the programme ol which will be
pi luted in The Tribune later.
First Congiegatlonal, corner highth acimo and
South Church street Hev, M, fl, lllllott, pastor.
Sabbath services, 10.30 a. 111. and 7.30 p. in.;
Sundiy school, 2 p. 111.; Young Men's union,
:U5 p. in.; Y. 1'. H. O. H., (1.15 p. m,j pra)cr
sen Ice, Thursday evening at 7.30 p. pi,
Roman Catholic,
Chinch of ht, Hose de Llnu, N'oilh Church
street, opposllo Paik place Itev'. Thomas l
Coffey, rector; residence, el K01II1 Chinch sheet,
Assistants, Itev, John Dixon und Itev, Walter
- ,
First Presbyterian.
North Church street, near Salem avenue Itev.
Chailes lac, pastor; residence, Ml North Church
treet. Sunday services, 10.30 a, 111. und 7.30 p.
in.; weekly pra)cr meeting, 'Ihiusday evening,
7.3i) o'clock. Tho First l'rcsb)Uilau church will
hold their Cluistnus sen Ices a 'week from to
morrow, Welsh Presbyterian.
South Church sheet, coiner Ninth avenue
Sunday services, 10.30 a. 111. and 0 p. in.; Sun
clay school, 2 p. in.; inld-vveck services, Tues
day, 7.30 p. ni.
ilan m.iT
The following card Is placed In the
Reception nnd Consulting Rooms of the
Kuropcan Medical System at 400 Lack
awanna avenue, over the Paris Store:
Any person receiving treatment at
this office who is not satisfied with
the benefits received can have tho
full amount of the fee paid refunded
at any time within thirty days
from commencing treatment, and no
charge will bo mndo for treatment
or medicine furnished.
The European Medical System.
C. It. STRONG, M. D.
Medical Director.
Such an offer as the above has never
before been made to the people of
Scranton or vicinity, and It should con
vince the most skeptical person that
tho practice of The European Medical
System Is conducted in a straightfor
ward and honorable manner. This sys
tem of treatment Is applied with re
markable success In tho following dis
eases: Chronic Diseases, Diseases of the
Noso, Throat, Bronchial Tubes ana
Lungs, Catarrh, Diseases of the Stom
ach, Liver, Heart, Kidneys nnd Urin
ary Organs, Blood and Skin; Diseases
Peculiar to Women, Diseases of the
Nervous System arising from various
causes, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, etc.
Conultatlon and examination free.
Ofilce Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, 400 Lacka
wanna avenue, over the Paris Store.
Office Hours D to 12, 2 to 5, and 7 to
0 o'clock; Sundays, 10 to 12 only.
Keg Fund Elects Officers.
The Keg fund of Coalbrook colliery
held a regular meeting last evening
nnd elected officers for tho ensuing
term. These gentlemen were cho3en
by their fellow members: President,
Peter Brown; vice-president, Patrick
Duffy; financial and recording seere
tarw, J, t,, Goodwin; treasurer, Pat
rick Hart; keg man, Patrick Toolnn:
trustees:, J. B. Palmountain, John Con
nor. Tho object of the fund Is benevolent,
paying $1 a day to Injured members
and $75 If one of the members meets
death in the mines. The fund is sup
ported by the sale of empty powder
kegs, which bring S cents apiece. It
has been in existence about two and
a half years. It is rapidly growing,
having now nbout $10(1 in the treas
ury. Next Week's Plays.
"Tho Woman In Black." which will
be the opening bill at the opera house
next Monday evening, when the Hoeff
ler Stock company opens a week's en
gagement, had a run of six months at
the Broadway theatre, New York.where
it proved one of the greatest successes
ever seen in the metropolis. The scenic
and electric effects displayed throuch
out the play is positively elaborate.
The play will bo given a fine staging
here on Monday evening.
Ladles' tickets for Monday evening
are limited to 300, and should be re
served as early as possible. Grand
Christmas matinee, when "Daughter of
Corsica" will be presented, and "Alone
In Greater New York" at the night
A Christmas Bride.
Announcement is made that on
Christmas day, at St. Rose church.
Miss Elizabeth A. Coleman, of Orch
ard street, this city, and John J.
Mahady, of Archbald, will be united in
marriage. Miss Coleman is well and
very favorably known in this city. She
Is a graduate of the local High school.
The couple will reside in Archbald after
their return from their wedding trip.
A Miner Hurt.
Martin Nowick. a Polander, a miner
who is employed at the Last Chance
mine, while at work yesterday morn
ing was hit by a fall of rock and his
leg above the ankle was fractured. Ho
was taken to tho Emergency hospltnl,
and last night It was said there that
his condition was not serious, and that
he will recover in a short time.
Home for Christmas.
Thomas Nolan, of St. Bonaventuro
college; James Nealon, of St. Michael's
college, Toronto; Newell Van Bergen,
of Lehigh university; Joseph E. Bren
nan, of Dickinson Law school; Theron
Lee, of Lafayette college, and John
Aitken, of St. John's Military academy,
are all at home to spend tho holidays
with 'their parents.
Railroaders in Town.
Assistant Superintendent of Motive
Power J. R. Slack and Assistant Comp
troller Culver, of the Delaware and
Hudson company, of Albany, N. Y.,
were In this city yesterday on official
business. Martin Crippen, detective for
tho company, was also In town during
the day.
Mr. Orchard Resigns,
Chief Clerk T. B, Orchard has sev
ered his connection with the Dela
ware and Hudson Railroad. Mr. Or
chard tendered his resignation on
Thursday afternoon, and It took effcot
at once.
Meetings Tonight.
Court Lily, No. DO, Foresteis of
Diamond lodge, No. 26, Shield of
Mitchell Hose company fair.
Congregational fair.
Is in Mexico,
Thomas Brennnn, formerly of this
city, Is now located In Mexico, where
ho has extenslvo Interests.
Meetings Tomorrow.
St. Joseph's cadets.
Order of Hallway Conductors.
St. Boniface society,
To Select Councilman J, J. Munition
nnd Mrs. Mnunion, a son.
The P, ss'ng Throng,
It. H. Stilcklnnd was in Scranton
A, 8, Baker, of Scranton, was In
town Thursday night.
Atoll WaHdus, of Plymouth, was a
visitor In this city yesterday.
Fred Moses, of Wilkes. Barre, Is via
itlug his uncle, Julius Moses, tho Star
Frank KUpatrlck Is evpected homo
tomorrow from Rochester for the
Ci'tistmus vacation.
Contractor Nolan, of Pike street, ia
1 iflrl UHUUH
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the PlaceGuernsey Hal)
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
confined to his homo by an acute at
tack of rheumatism.
Mrs. Joseph Isger, Mrs. William
Knbinson and Harold Simrell wera
Scranton callers yesterday.
Mrs. J. J. Moran, nee Miss Margaret
Flnlan, of Now York city, Is homo to
spend the holidays with her parents
on Brooklyn street.
Joe Kobinson was In Ararat yester
day, fishing through the ice. H-3
brought homo over fifty pounds of
choice specimens of the finny tribe.
Miss Bartlett. who assists Mrs. M.
Q. Meeker at her private kindergarten,
left this city yesterday for her par
ents' home In Iilnshamton, where she
will spend the holidays.
The funeral of the late Patrick Bor
ffan, sr of Muyfleld, will take place
this morning. The cortege will leave
the house at 9 o'clock for the Chinch
of the Sacred Heart, where a requiem
high mass will be celebrated. Inter
ment will be made in St. Ttose ceme
tery, Carbondale.
There will bo another public meeting
of the citizens of the borough in At
torney Carey's ofTlco on Wednesday
evening, at which time a teport will be
mado concerning the standing of the
firm of silk throwers who are seeking
a location here.
Miss Carrie Sherwood is homo from
tho Scranton Oral school to spend the
Christmas vacation with her parents on
Fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Graves, Dr. nnd
Mrs. Graves, Frank Graves, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Graves, II. J. Wheeler and
Dr. S. D. Davis yesterday attended the
funeral of tho late Albert Graves at
Private John Miller, of Company E,
Tenth United States infantry, who Is
stationed at Cienfuegos, Cuba, writes
an interesting letter to his friend, Will
Buckingham, of this borough, in which
he describes some of the principal
towns of t)io island and Incidents of
army life. On the whole, ho Is appar
ently satisfied with tho service. He
mentions that John Tompkins, of West
Mayfleld, who enlisted with him, Is In
the regimental band, and at tho time of
wilting both were enjoying good health.
The children of the Methodist Eplsco
pul, Prlmitivo Mothodlst und Episcopal
Sunday schools are busy nightly re
hearsing their carols nnd Chrlstmns
music for their annual services.
Mrs. Margaret Ellis, of Avoca, Is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Chailes Davis,
of Secorid street.
Attorney Carey returned home last
evening from a business trip to Harris
burg. Tho choir of tho Primitive Methodist
church will sing carols on tho streets
on Christmas day,
William Williams, of West Mnylleld,
and Rev. Thomns Cook weio Scranton
visitors on Thursday,
Mrs, Fred Terwllllgor, of West May
field, who has been visiting relatives In
'Now York state, has returned home,
There Is n rumor atlont that tho sill;
mill is about to change hands. Mr.
Maxwell, however, will retain an active
Interest In tho mill, which will shortly
bo enlarged and new machinery added,
so that the present capacity of tho mill
will be utmost doubled.
Tho closing exercises in the publlo
schools yesterday afternoon wero very
creditably carried out by the children
and much enjoyed. At tho close of the
exercises In Miss Sara Mullen's room
tho following pupils, Allco OMirlen,
Alice McAndrew, Florence Mains, Flor
ence Miller, Mngglo Merrick, Raymond
Davis and Winifred Shaffer, presented
Miss Mullen with a pretty glove and
handkerchief box as u Chilstmus gift.
Counctliniin Wllllnin llnuilnL-. of,
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor
Third street, has just been re-appolnted
for another term as district deputy of
tho Knights of the Mystic Chain. Mr.
ltawilng is one of the most enthusiastic
knights in the district, and his re-appointment
Is an act of appreciation for
his valuable services.
The entertainment given by the pu
pils of St. Patrick's academy at the
Father Mathew opera house last even,
ing was enjoyed by a voiy largo .audi
ence. The programme, which has been
previously published, was rendered,
and the mnnner In which tho perform
ers acquitted themselves reflected
most creditably upon their instructors.
A special programme of music will
be given by the choir at the Presby
terian church at both services tomor
row. Appropriate Christmas sermons
will bo delivered by Rov. R. F. Ham
mond, the pastor.
Mrs. Henry Denric. of Delaware
street, who has been very III, is Im
proving. Among the students who are houvj
for the holiday season are Eugene
O'Eoyie, from St. Charles College,
Raltlmore; P. F. O'Malley and Hariy
E. Jones, from University of Pennsyl
vania; Leo .Lynch, from Johns Hop
kins University, Rnltimore; Misses
Jeanette Kingsley, from Bloomsburg
state normal school; Grace Lynch,
from St. Vincent Seminary, and Nora
Butler, from Mansfield.
"A Pack of Cards," a laughable
farce-comedy by n first-class com
pany, will be tho nttractlon at tho F.
M. opera house this evening. Singing,
dancing and other specialties will bo
Krause's Headache Capsules
are unlike anything prepared in Amer
ica. Thoy were first prescribed by Dr.
Krause, Germany's famous court phy
sician, long before antlpyrlno was dls.
covered, and are nlmost marvelous, so
speedily do they euro the most distress
ing cases. Price 2HC. Sold by Matthew
The skating In this vicinity Is re
ported excellent and is enjoyed by largo
George Hall and. family, of Main
street, haw moved to Scranton, a moto
central point for His business or com
mercial traveler.
Everybody is preparing for Christ
mas und the Christmas tree at tho
Mothodlst Episcopal church promises
to bo a grand affair.
Rev. R. J. Sautmler has begun a ser
ies of revival services at Highland,
Rev. H, W. Aimstrong of Vose, Pn
Is assisting.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative nromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
If It falls to euro. E. W, Grove's slg
natuie Is on each box, 25c.
A Skin of Boauty Is a Joy Forever.
ill 1 . r r,iii . tiiv' !. ifl4
i;uYt .mi " ........
Moth 1'aiwu:, KbU. ud fikt
detection, U ku
WM. Wlti 19 M
aruiltu w tut 1
t)touieU Ul'iep
0X1 Daue. Accept
no counterfeit of
JmUuru&m. Pr.l
A. Bdjro laid to
laJ ol the bmVli
( jiatlejith "Aaj
1 1 rvcommand Cour
I aud'a Crraiii ' M Ut
l8ht harurulof U
tha hkin ortDM
. tlona " lr mlm bf
W -! W ail PrujiUU u
ftBCT-aoods HmmUn In tb.U.B., Canada, ani JCun
u .tt
43 CfrVRh
z&tizjl M
Guernsey Hall
New Discovery By
The Misses Bell
A Trial Treatment FREE To Any
One Afflicted With Hair on Face,
Neck or Arms
Wo havo at Inst mmle tho discovery
which bus lmflled clifiiilBta and nil other
for centurloa-thnt 0 absolutely destroy
ing BUiiertlous lml r, root and Lrnucb,
entirely anil permanently, and that too
without Impairing in any way the nneat
or most setisttivo skin. It is scarcely
posilblB to overstato tho Importance of
this iliscovory. or tho great good and satis
faction It will be to those afflicted with
0110 of tho most dlsllKUrliiu and aitKravat
Ins blemishes that of superfluous balr on
tho faco of women, whether it be a mus.
tacho or growth on tho neck, cheeks or
The Misses Bell have thoroughly tested
its oincauy nnd are desirous that the full
merits of thoir treatment to wbioh they
have lven tho descriptive name cf "KILL-ALL-1!
Alii" shall be known to nil anllcted.
To this end a trial will bo sont freo of
chnrKOS, to uny lady who will wrltoforlt.
Without a cent of cost you can see for
yourselvos what tho discovery is; the
evidenco of your own senres will then
cotivlnco you that the treatment "KILL-ALL-HAIR."
will rid you ot one of the
irrcatcst drawbacks to perfect loveliness,
tho irrowtli of superfluous hair on the face
or ucok of women.
Plo&se understand that a personal demon
stration of our treatment costs you
nothing. A trial will bo sent you free,
which you can uso yourself and prove our
claims by Rending two stamps for mailing.
78 & 80 Fifth Avenue, New York
The nisses Bell's Complexion Tonic is a
harmless liquid for external application to
tho sldn. It romnves entirely all freckles,
moth, blackheads, pimples, and tan, and
cures entirely none and ecionm. and
heautlflca the complexion, Prlco Dl.OOper
hot tic, three bottles (usually required to
olour tho completion) $2.75.
The niises Ikll'a Capllla Rcnova is a
preparation for naturally restoring gray
locks to their nrlKlnnl color. Capllla
Koiiova Is really a IlalrFood, and strength
ons and invigorates tho hair in a natural
way, nnd thus restores Its original color.
Price f 1.60 per bottle.
The Misses tMVs Skin Pood Is n soft,
creamy, oxqulsltely wonted ointment, for
mild case of roi)ghne, redness, pimple,
etc.; is a cure in itself. Is an excellent
rotlrinir orcnm Price 78 cents rer Jar.
The Mlssea Hell's Lambs' Wool Soap Is
mudofrom pure oil of Lambs' Wool, Price
Hi cmH icr cake.
A complete line of above oxnulsite
preparations uro always kept In stook, and
t im iio li'.id from our local went.
'Through the Hesperian Gardens of
the West" Buns the Luxurious
The Finest Thing on Wheels,
Summer Lands of " California."
Special tlirousili train cormltlnur ol elecplui;
and dililiiRiiirs ttlll Uie Nrw Vork every Bat.
uiday, 'luiciljy and Thurvljy, t oim;t tiiitf di.
rtetly with the "Sunset Limited" at New Orleans.
l-'or full lnluriiutleii, fiec illustiuted (uniuh.
eU, map4 ami time titles, slsu lowest rails,
kkvpiuf cir tickets ami bKgaye checked. a.ily
to fcioutliini PscluV Co., 10!) S. Third ttiect,
1'htliidelpliU, Pa.
7 -H