BmmmmmmmmMmmammmmKMmmmmKBKSsisamMmMmmcaiBgisH&msm V u. ' Lit THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1900. 10 0 9 Extraordinary Receiver's Sale , We have purchased the immense stock of v: - S. L. GALLEN and will dispose of it at public sale beginning SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, AT 7.45 This Gigantic Stock of Dependable Herchandise Consists of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Etc. 3 a k 3 All to be sacrificed without regard to cost. The greater part of the goods was bought for this Fall's trade, and includes all the prevailing novelties in Suits and Overcoats. A conspicuous exam ple is an unbroken assortment of "RAGLANS," for which there is a popular demand, and Oxford Overcoats of every description. We must realize whatever money we can, so this desirable stock must go at any price. If your wants for Winter have not already been satisfied, it will pay you to lay in a season's supply for yourself and family at these unprecedented prices. We pledge our 3 4 225 AND 227 (tVMWW $. 4444444 44"4"&4"4i 4- i-44"i"2"494"4j 4 .fc . Cfifatstmas in the Cm 4 ' ,.;. 4. 4 .j .J. 4. 4 $ 4 4 4 $ Elm Park Churoh. At the morning and evening services al Kim Park church tomorrow there will be the usual elaborate musical programme under the direction o Mr. .1. Alfred Pennington, which charac terize the celebration of the Christmas-tide at thiis church. The Elm lark quartette, consisting of Miss Elizabeth Thomas, soprano; Miiis Helen Schramm, contralto; Mr. Alfred W'ooler, tenor, will be assisted by a pntd double quartette, consisting of .Mrs. W. 13. Bunnell, soprano; Mrs. James IS. Heckcl, soprano; Miss Mabel Oolvin, Icontralto; Miss Margaret Hughes, contralto: Mr. Edwin Bowen. tenor; Mr. Henry Evans, tenor; Mr. David Davis, basso; Mr. Morris Thomas, basso. In the praise service in the evening Mr. Pennington will be assisted in the Instrumental part of the service by H. T. Huffma8ter, pianist, and a bras? quartette, consisting of A. K. Lawrence, first cornet; Edward Ott, second cornet; John Jay, first trom bone; Philip Chlara, eecond trom bone. The brass quartetto will play from the gallery at the opposite end of the church from the organ. The pro gramme of the evening service will contain the words of all the selec tions. MORNING SERVICE. Chimes, Ringing and Change of Utile. Christmas Carols. Organ Prelude, "Noel," Uetliler Mr. J. Alfred Fcnnlngton. Scripture Reading. Hyms No. 102. Player by the Paitor. Anthem, "There Were Slicplicids," .'. Peel Triple Quartette. Scrlptuie Reading. Collection. Oigan, Oftertory iu A WlUtlng Anthem, "Let Us Now Go Unto Bethlehem," Gaul Triple Quaitette. 11 mn No. 100. Sermon, Rev. Dr, Homer Eton, of New York City Hjmn No. 1S1. Benediction. Organ, Poatlude in E Flat Weley Mr. H. T. Huilmaster. Chimei Ringing and Chango of fltflU, C'lirlitnias Caroli Mr. Aided W'ooler Or(,an Prelude, Christmas Offertory.,, Claussman Mr. Pennington. Ilymn, "Joy to the World," with Piano, Or gan and Brais Quartetti, Choir and Conjugation. Prayer by the Paster. Anthem, "Heboid 1 Bilng You (Jood Tiding," Pod Tilple Quaitette, ,ltli Oigan ami Piano, Tenor Solo, "The (Had Tidings" Breetcr Mr. Wooler, with Oigjn, Piiuio and Mollii. Responsive Scripture Lesson, Pjstor uud CoiisieR.illn Response by tlic Choir, "Gloria Pitrl," Hymn, "O Ccme All Ye I'aitblut," with Oigtii, Piano and UraH Quartette, Chqlr nnd Cougregatlun. AulTi(ni,k"Wliert Jeans Was Iluin".,Ciulcki.chank- Triple Quartette, nltli Organ and Piano, Alto Solo, "Hethlihein" .,.,,,,,, ,,, Coombs MIm Schramm, with Oigan unci Pinun, W(.s Schromm, lth Orgjn, Plana and Violin. Old ii(1IjU Carol, ''I.lltn Slher Uimp," lUrnby VJIiil I'ark Quartilte, nlh Piano and Oigan, Qnerlngl Irom All the people, Olfeitory (OrgatO-Caiitilena ,,, itti-ggall Mr. Pennluutoii. Pud for Soprano and llaad, "O Coino Manuel" .,,,,,, , , , , , CuumUi Mla Thomaa and Mr. Warren, with Piano and Organ. Duo for Piano and Violin ,,.,Schubeit , Mr, Pennington and Mr. Widmayer, Anthem, "Where la lie That la Born of the Jcwat" ....,.,.,... i. ,.,,,,,.,, ...Staininer Triple Quartette, with Piano and Organ. Baaa Solo, "The New Born King'' Coombs Mr. Warren, with Organ, Piano and Violin. Hymn, '"Hark,- Wi Mean Thoae Holy Volcea," with Organ, Piano and Hrasj Quartette. Choir mid Congregation. Mrt Aildrea by the l'uitor. Bopiam; Solo, "Tho ChrUtinaa Herald," Uisi Thoiua, with Organ, Piano and Violin. REMEMBER THE PLACE AND DON'T k 4 4 4- 4 4 4 V 4 4 4 Anthem, " Cod, Our God Has Comc"..TIn.nes Triple Quartette, with Piano and Organ. Hymn, "Coronation," with Piuno, Organ and Ilr.s Quartette. Choir mid Cansregition. Denedlction, by the P.ilnr. Oigan Postluilc, Tho Hallelujah fliorm... Harold Mr. II. T. Iludinaslcr. Fenn Avenue Baptist Church. Following Is the programme that ill be observed tomorrow at the Christmas exercises In the Penn Ave nue Baptist church: MOUSING. Organ prelude Offertory No. .! Ilalislo Hymn of praise, "Joy to the World." Scilpturc Reponsio reading. Gloiia. Invocation. Anthem, "Behold I firing You Good Tid ing,." i'eel Scripture reading. Hymn 10S, "Hail; the Herald Angels Pine." Prayer. Offertory, "Child of Bethlehem" Mrs. Brumlage. Sermon. Anthem, "The Natiutj" Hymn Hi, "Hail to the l.ord'a Benediction. Poitlude Toccata D Mln EVENING. Pi elude Andante .Sailer U.ii'mIio Anuointed." , Kadi Refrain, "The Lord Is in 111 Holy Temple." Ilymn 161. Scripture. Anthem, "Where Is He That Is Bom KIhk of tho Jena" Coombs Prayer. Offertory, "The New Born King" I,. Itpolr !n rmon. Anthem, "Song of Heaven" Roger Pinter, llj mn Kit (Antloch). Postludo .March Ilulliiiaut Members of (he vlinli Mra. L. II. lliuiidage, W, K. Jones, Herbert Murphy, Louise Oiiprr, Ncttlo L. Sujdam, Lulu Uhe, Minnie ltejuobU, Clara Bronnlng, Mamie Nyman, Mih. Arthur Long, Bculah Ulrica, May Hughes, Lillian Miller, ril.i Moore, Jay Alrle, .1, Gleaknn, William Cummlng.i A. BurnJ, William l .lone, Herbert Baines, Herbert Mcjers, Hugh Wllliauit, First Presbyterian Church. Tomorrow tho Clu'iftmas exercises will bo hold In the First Presbyterian church, when this programme will bo observed: MORNING KKRVICK, 10.::n, Organ Pielude, "Adejto Kidelis", .Dudley Hud, Mill I'lorciice II. ltidnuoud. Poxology Choir and Congiegatluu Prajer and Loid'R Prajer, I'.istor und ('ongiegation Anthcin, "Before the lleaeri," lloratlu W, Parker Mr. David btqihcm and Choir. , II) inn No. 17.1, "Mendelssohn." (Al ranged by V, II. Ciiinnilng.) Coiniiiiudincntrt ulid (iloll.i P.itlia, Ittspom.lte Heading .... Pastor .mil Cniigiegatiou Anthem, "Hie llabe of Light" ..L. It. licler Soprano and Tenor Solo ami Clioiui, Scrptun Heading ,,.TIie Pastor Myimi No, HI, "Antloch," Haudd Piajcr. Offertoiy "Paaloiale," Saint Saeiw Sermon Ilev, James MiLeod, ). I). Anthem, "Augello VolccV ,,, Gounod Sipiann and Alto Niloi mid Cliorus, Benediction. Pustlitde, Prelude iaud I'liguu ,, ,,,llach MI-4 Florence II, RUImioud. r.VIINING SKHVICK, 7,30. Prelude ,.,.,,,,,,.,,. ,,,,,, ,,,,.,,,,,,,, Wider ll)iuu No. 178, "St, touts" Itedner Anthem, "Noel," ,,.,,,,,.,.,, ,,,, .Gounod Soprano uud Alto bolon and ChoriM. Scripture Reading ,,,,, , , Pastor Anthem, "Peace on lUrlh," ..Mrs. II. II. Beadi Soprano and Alto Duet and Chorus. Ilium No. 187, "Kpiphany" I'. J. Hopkins Offertoiy Ilarltouo Solo, "The Herald Angels," Harrison Millard Mr. W, Wynn Watklns. Scinion ,,, Hev. James MeLeod, P. I). Antheui, "I hero Were Shepherds," James II. Rogers Altu and Soprano Solos ami Chorus. II) mn No. IS! "Canonbury," Schumann Benediction. Postlude, "Maidi Trlumplialc," ,,,.,, Gullmant CHIIUTMAS L'I10IIIS Sopuuos Mis. Uathryu Thlele, Mia. D. Brun- LACKAWANNA ches , , 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 iliue, Mi. i;. S. Waller, .i. M.utli.1 Matthen-H, JINt Kditli W'jtkini, Mis, Irene Tliomas. Alto, Mm. Lily JiMph-Kcllcr, .Mis. J. T. Wat kin,, Mis. Margaret James Mis Annie Watkius. Miss May Kingslnuy, Mi,s Jennie Thonia, Mi-s t.'eitrudo Watklns. Tenors Mr. D.iid Stephens Mi. Tom Thomas, .Mr. L. I,. Bower, Mi. V.. B. I)ales, Mr. I. II. Thurmau. Ilissos Mr. James Dickson, Mr. W. Watklns -Mr. .I.imeo i;. Wat kin,, Mr. ,1. It. James Mr. liidurd Watkin-. (Irganlt Miss l'lorcnce llliluuimd. Musiial Piiednr Mr, .Mm T. Watkin,. Second Presbyterian Church. At the Second Presbyterian church tomorrow, this programme will bo ob observed: MORNING. Organ Pieludr, "I.i,toialc" Giisla Mcikcl Christmas Carol, "Good Chii-lian Men Re joice," Old Knglish Anthem, "Theie Were Slicplicids," Vincent Mls Black nnd thoii. Offertory Qiiaileltc, "Calm on the Lisleiiing Car of Night" Maislon Miss Gaiagau uud iu.irtcttc. Organ Postlude, "Maidi Tiiumphaut" ..Vincent IIVKNING. Organ Pi elude, "Cantilcnc Pastorale," Ashmall Anthcin, "Thus Speaketh the Lord of Hots," Sir John Stabler .Mis Black, Chui us of Men'- Voices. Pull Choir Tenor Solo, "Tho Kastcrn War," ....Ncidllnger Mr. Glppcl. Anthcin. "Gloiy tn God In (lie lllgliest," (Prom the cantata of "Jesus of Nazareth." riiiniH of Women's Voices and1 Pull Choii, Soprano Solo, "Oh, Jeni-alem, Look About Thee," (erom the cantata "The Coming of the King" Dudley Buck .Miss niack. Qu.iilcttc, "Shepherds! Hail the Wondinus Miansei" Sclinecker Missis Black and Gaiagau, Messis. Glppel anil Moig.ui. Ilaiilune Solo, "O'er the Hills uf lliililehem," bhellor Mr. Ralph Williams.- Altu ,nciii, "The New-Born King," l.'CspoIr Miss Gaiagan, Atitlirin, "(iloiia in Kvclsii." Coiicono Misses Black and and Choh, Oigan Postlude, "Alleluia," Dubois J. M, Chance, Organist and Direitor, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, The rhrlstmas morning service at St. Luke's church will bo sung by the vested oholr of twenty-five voices J, YV C'onant, organist and choirmaster with tho following programme: Piniesslonal, "llaikl the Herald Angels," . Mciidclisohii cuile , Anglican Te Dciiiii In I! ,,,.,,,., , Wist llcuedic His Mai diaut Holy Communion, Inlrolt, "'Iho lliilhday of a Kliig,"..Ncdlingfr K)lle Mendelsohn Gloiia TIM ; Monk lljmn, "Adesto I'idcles" OiVeilorj, "Like Slher Lamps" lliinby Sand us , Steggail Coiniiiuuioii II) mn , Micphcrd Gloiia iu i:ci-lsls in C ,.,,,,. .,Foter Recessional, "Clui.tlau, Awake" Fuller Grace Lutheran Church, In tho Ornee Lutheran uhuicli, at Madison avenue and Mulberry street, Hev, laithor Hess Waring, pastor, tho Sunday school will have Christmas ex ercises Tuesday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Following Is tho pro gramme: Organ voluntary (elected) ..Mils Harriet Kline Opening chorus, "Glory to I'manuel",,., School Itesponshe Reading (tc!utcd). Prajer bv Pastor, Song, "Kaith's New-Born SaWor" Sdiool Words of Welcome ,,.,,,,,,,Mis Maude Moser Solo, "Song of the Ages," with chorus by sdiool. "The World's Great Need," an etenlse, by Klia, Kline, Lllllc Foss, L'thel Yost, Irene Sicbccker, Florence Nicholson and Iiene Loreuz, under training of Miss Florence Inlng. Song, "All Hail! King Fuianuel'' School Scripture Response liy Classes Solo, "Tho htoiy of Loe," with chorus by School, .,....,,,.,....,,MU3 Jcuule Kaufman K"J Trim vast arrav attendance, FORGET YOU CAN BUY GOODS AT MEN WANTED AT ONCE. "Christmas 1'iults," an acio'dle, by Kinina Sn-nld, Elmer Kaufman, Uyiou Wil eo, Frank Zimmerman, Janet Sunday, Flank Grail, Kllcn Orau, l!thel Bender, Lewis Sicbecker, under tiaining of .Mr,.. S.G. Wilcox. Sung, ""Stan for Jesus" Primary Class Ning, "While Shepherds Watched" ....School Recitation, "One Holy Night," Miss Jennie Seaman Duel for iol.i mul uolin Kallauodi II. K. and Herbert Xeibe. Song, ""J' a Peaceful Night" School Address by ihe pastor, "A Christmas Mar." Vocal duct, "Those Christmas Hells," MUses Ilairiot Kline mid Ljnulii Lolunnnn Gifts and Announcements. Closing Clioiiis "Angels Hosts Adoio Thee," School Benediction. "A Meiry Christmas and a llapr Nen ear." Superintendent, I). L. I'fckcv. Oiganist, Mis-, llaiiict Kline. Green Ridge Presbyterian. At the Christmas exeicises in the Gieon llidgo Presbyterian church to morrow, tills programme will be ren deicd: MORNING, io.::o. Oig.ui I'lcliide, Modcrato .... IllMICUlioll. aliitat!ou. Autluiii, "Joy to the Wculd", ...MourI.nn! .Sclinecker .MISs Mai tin, .1. ('. Wenkc and 'Choir. Christmas Lullaby for Violin, Ludunoiit Miss Mario Hill, .Mis, Wallets Hs l.ida, Miss IMii.i Ciiijl, Jesslp Rodilgui. Anthem, "Theie Wcio Sheplicicls" ....SchncLker Choii. Contralto Solo, Tho New Born King," Mi,s F.Me Puwell Caiol, "Tho Light'in Ihe Mangel" Gabriel Mi-s Jeasiu Polhamus and Choii. Postlude in O llruslie I'.VIINING, 7.1!0. Organ Voluntary, Modeiato Bottmun Antheni, "The Babe of Light, Glary".. ..Dressier Miss Martin. W. Conrad and Choir. Violin Obllgato, Mrs. Hollander, Solo, "The Star of Bethlehem," P. A. science ker W, A. Roberts. Anthem, "The Men," Mhss Rub) Viisl and ( holr Carol, "Softly the Night's Stealing" Gilbeit thi: ciiont. Sopranux Miss Kditli Martin, .Mr. .1, C. Wcnke, Mls llattle Gunslcr, Jli,s Ruby Yot, Miss Jessie l'ulhanuis, .Miss Alma Wade. Alto, Mrs. G. B. Uthinaii. Mls Clara Mc meyer ,MI Minnie Peck, Miss Rifle Pouell. Mrs. I Inlander, Violin. Tenors-W. Conrad, J. C. Wenke. .1. L. Riml son, Bas,o,-W. A, Roberts ' Kirkpalihk, A, Pill ing. Oiganist MKs Salome Becker. Chorister 0. Fred Whitteinoie. St, Mark's Lutheran Church. The Sunday tschool will hold its an nual Christmas festival on Monday ovenlg at 7 o'clock. An edifying pro gramme, presenting tne guici tmiiigs Ol IIICJ rsllVIIU U1IHI, C-Ull3innh "i ,w- cltatloiiH, dialogues and songs, will bo rendered by the members of the pchol, The church choir will assist by rendering a number of appropriate Christmas nnthems. On Christmas morning, Matin ser vice at 7 o'clock, and the main ser vice will be held at 10,110 a, fn with sermon by the pastor, Hev, Dr. Hamer; subject, "Christ Our Savior and King." The choir of St. Mark's Lu theran church has maUo special pre parations lo render choice selections of Christmas music, under tho direction o( Joseph Atherton, chorister, and Miss Clara Sanders, organist. A number of atldltlonttl singers will assist tho regu lar choir. Tho following programme will be rendered: Processional, "llilglillj- Gleams Our Banner," No. S'W The Vcrslde, lalm, Scriptuie, Piajer, ll)iiin No. t7 , ,,,,,,,,,,, School Addicts ol Wekoino ,,,,,,,,, ,,,.,Selnu Johnson Greetings Willie Michael Welcome (Motion KxeicUc) ' Kditli Stelmnaii, Lucy Walthcr, Katie Baltic, Blanche Wat reus, Minnie Wagner, I.lilc Wagner, Freda Woehrle, Anthem, "Ye Nations Bo Joyful" Beitiy Choir, "Hark Yo Men" , Carl Krlcger Love's Sweet Message ,,,, .F.nmia Mejerd Tho Star Above the Manger Willie AUpaugli ll)inn No. '-', "Come Hither'' School Good News ,,,,, , ,. .Irene Krlcger Tho Angels Slug lo Shepherds, Florence Pelkmlller Angels Neicr Cease to Sing Madgo Watroua Comes the Christ-Child Gentle, Allen Keller, Carl Dadunan Glorious Tiding, Ktcrdsc by Infant School. selves to give value received for every dollar expended, so don't judge the goods by the absurdly low prices. Call first, be convinced, pass judgment afterwards. Our loss means your gain. We respectfully invite the skeptical ones to visit our store, examine the offerings and compare the nrirac. irh 'lnwthinry f on in I iilna aiar nffaraA The airlw tiVtssr mill m-aiin Ua iu: uiijruuiig vi V.UUUI vuiubt.vv.1 Ullklbu. II"- tan VIOIIVI Will of bona fide bargains, so don't miss this snlendid nnnnriiiniiv. so don't hesitate to step in whether you contemplate purchasing or not. AVENUE SGR ANTON I Hjmn No. St1, "As Kadi Happy C hriflinas," Infant School Solo, "Lullabj" ltorn Deikmlller Dialogue, "Thank God for Cliiistnias" Lizzie L)liu, Maiy Wagner, llulda Wagner, T.l sie Vetter, Vem.i Veltcr, Alice Giienncl. Anthem, "Calm on the Night" I. A. Park Choii. Why the Angels Sing, Adeline von Wei&enllue, Minnie c,n Wcisenfiuc Our Joy Day Bdaiidie Watrous Christinas Bells lfred Wcikmeister Tenor Solo, "The Glad Story" Joseph Phelps Tliu Old Time Bells, Bertha Schuster, Lizzie Steigerwalt, Alice Gucn nel. Solo, "0 Little Child Florence Watrous With Kclio Chorus. The King of Kin'S Willie Kreinberg Duet, "Tho Babe of Bethlehem" J. S. Fe.iris .Mr. Joseph Atherton, Mrs A. h. limner. Tho Star Carl Johnson, Charles Larson, Her man The Song of Bethlehem Dora Steigerwalt A Motion Song, "Glad Christmas Chimes," Lena Larenu, Lucy Walther, Blanche Watrous, Diuett.i Michael. Male Quintette, "Chiming Belle," Mes-sis. Fred Rlugler, Geoige Schuster, Joseph I'helps, Anlliony Kragcr, Frank Bennett. A Child I.Ike Me S.uali Auer 'Ihe Prince of Peace Henry Waltliei, Henry Docll. Fianl; Gaulis, Wil lie Sealing, Gusla Giienuel. Good News fiom He.uen. Mabel Singer, Annie Gios Duel, "Cliiislniasticle," Lillian Mackrelli, I'.inily Metz Rejoice Celia llopp Anthem, "The New Bom King....K. L. Ashfoul Choir. Ilymn No. lid, "Silent Night." Dialogue, "Idle Words for Noble Deeds," 1,1111c Mackicth, Bertha Meti-. Cora Vetter, Flor ence Watrous, Margaret Sherman, Emily Metz, Selinu Johnson. Anthem, "Glorv to God in the Highest," Underbill, Choir. Orteiiug. AnnouncenieiiK Clcsslng Senile. Heiiediction. Rccedonal, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" School Simpson M. E. Church. At the Simpson Methodist Kphscopnl church, Ilev. J. B. Sweet, D, D pus tor, the following programme will he given by tho Simpson choir, under the direction of Prof. William H. Jones: MORNING SKRVICK, lO.IJO. Dcaology. Anthcin, "Behold! I Bring You Glad Tid ings" Sir John Go,s Choir. Ilymn, "Joy to the World." Prajer, Bass Solo, "The Star of Bethlehem". ..Schneiker Harry Acker, Sciiplum Lessons. Offeiing. Male Qu.iitelte, "Sing! Sing! (I Hcaicii," Pei kins Simpson Qu alette. Siiiuoii , By the Pastor Anthcin, "Break 1'uilli Into Joy," Simper tnolr. Benediction. F.VIIMXG AT 7,:t0. Anthem, "Tlie Wondrous Sloi)" Palmer Choir. Il)inn, "llaikl Tho Herald Angels Slug." Tenor Solo (Selected) Thonis Abiaham Prajer, Female Choius, "t.'hilstnias" Piusutl Choir, Olfcdng. Male Quaitelte, "'Ihcie Wcie ShepheicU," Vinnent Simpson Quai telle. Announcements Anthem, "Slngl O Heavens" ,,.,l!erlhold Toms MLss Kta Kittle and Choir, Addiess ,,Rev, Dr. J, B. Sweet Dud, "The Babe of Bethlehem",, J, S, Fcailcs Sllsses Anna Jones and Helen Thorn is. Anthiui, "Light of the World" Nedu-firay William Long ami Choir, benediction , ,, Pastor Walter Pads Oigunlst. St. David's Episcopal. Al St. David's Rplscopal rhuich, of which Hev. Edward James Mcllenry Is rector, there will bo two services. Tho usual midnight service on night nf Dec. "I, and the service at 10 o'clock on Christmas day. The mid night service will be a celebration of tho holy euclmrlst, beginning ut 12 o'clock Communion service by W. II. Monk will be sung, Processional hymn will to r4. St. Martin's; recessional, 56, St, Agnes. Tho JO o'clock service will be: Processional 65, Avlson; 'before ser- YOUR OWN PRICES. mon, T0 Adeste Fidelis; recessional, ,r,6, Yorkshire: Nunc Demittus, Rogers; Kyrie, Gloria Tibl, Laus Tlbi. iCredo Sensum Crdo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Del, Gloria in Excelsls. Washburn Street Church. In the Washburn Street Presbyter Ian church the following programme will be observed at the Chrlstmasi ser vices, ivhlch will be-held tomorrow: .MORNING. Prelude, Glorh B Mass Hajden Orchestra. Doxology. Imocation. Anthem, "0 Be Joyful" Schubert Responsive Reading. Ilymn No. 171 Handel Scripture Lesson. Soprano Solo, Christmas" Shelley Trayer. Anthem, "Brightest and Best" Buck Offertory "Holy City" Adams Orchestia. Anthcin, "The Babe of Light and Glory," Dressier Sermon. Anthem, "He Shall Ilcign Fencecr" ....Simper Praj er. Hymn No. 170, ' Adesto Fidclcs." Benediction. Postludiuni, "Match Pontiticale" Gounod LVKNING. Prelude, "Qiiotiiam fiom Mass in G" ....Morart Orchestia. Anthem, "( Zion" Stainer Scripture Reading, Hymn No. 17:t Mendelssohn Pra) er. Alto Solo, "The Infant King,' Anthem, "Daughter of Zion," Offeitoiy "Nabucodonieor," . Orchestra. Anthem, "O Sing to Cod," Sermon. Anthem, "Arise! Shine!" ., Prayer. Hjmn No. 174 Benediction, Postludlam, "Prieslt.' Maidi, ....Neidlinger Maker Verdi Gounod Maker Willis Morart Orchestra. Sopiano,-MI Lydia Sailer, Mis. . P. Bur dick. Altos Liia Jones, Miss Fmnn Frank. Tenors Mr. Arthur Win Goider, Mr. Alfred Guttehelliz, Bassos Professor C, II. Deiman, Professor Stone. Oiganist Miss Mabel K. Crist. Leader of Orchestra Mr. George Walrcs. Clioiiler rrofessor C, B. Herman, Jackson Street Baptist. The services ut the Jackson Street Baptist church tomorrow have been specially prepared. The choir has been enlarged to thirty voices, and the programme will be given under the direction of Prof. Lewis Davis, as fol lows: MORNING. Oigan Voluntary. II) mil 105 ll)mnal Lord's l'ia)cr ill unison. Hymn No. 100 Choir Psalm Reading Congregation "II) inn of Natidl)" I. A. Steward Miss Kill 111 Beddoe and Choir. I'ltijcr, Otfertoiy and Announcement.. Antheni, "Tho Ihilloned Day Hath Shlneil I'pon IV J, Stainer Miss Gleasoii and Clioli, Sermon , By the Paitor ll)inii No. 112 lljnuul, Belied let Inn. Organ Postlude, i:FAING Organ Voluiilar). ll)imi. I'raer, Anthem, "Joy to the Woild" ..P. A, Sehnecker Mrs. Albert Dads, Miss K. ilediloe and Choir, Reading. Ih mn. Announcement, and Collections Song and Chonn, "Think of the Chlldien," L. Didi Tnelve Utile Childirn, assisted by Choir, Addiess by pastor ,.,,,l)r. do finicky Anthem by Choir, "Shout the Glad Tiding!," Adolf llury ll)inn. Benedic Hon.' Postlude, Organl.l Miss I lira Sanders. Chorliter Lewis Dads. Sumner Avenue Prebytorin, The Christmas services at the Sum ner Avenue Presbyterian church will take place Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. The programme Is us follows; Organ Voluntaiy, Doxology, Lord's Piaycr. ll)inu No. OS. Resnorumo Reading. 3 1CU7IVC UIC UCI1CUI Ul II lib Pnnrfpnuc locmn in in p: 5: I'rayer By the Paito Solo MIu Louisa Flyn ll)mn No. fli. Verses 1, 2, i, 6. Primiry Kxercises. Deelamatlon Miss Anna F.esni Address Mr. Bcz. Broun, Superintendent Deelamatlon Lottie Green Hjmn No. US. Declamation Mils Lizzie Harris Declamation Mini Babina Kneirim Collection. Organ Voluntary. Declamation Miss Helen Dari Announcements. Hymn No, 114. Benediction. Organist Miss May Jones. Hampton Street M. E. Church. The choir of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church has madfl quite elaborate preparations for the proper celebration of the birth of our Savior. Following Is the programing for both morning and evening: Vciluntar) Prelude In C Rimbault Mrs. B. T. Stone. Scilplure lesson, Matt,, ii. Hymn No. 182, "The Guiding Star" Dix Praver Pastor Violin boIo William Henna Hjmn No. 18(1, "The Star in the East"....Hebe Announcements and offertory. Anthem, "Ring Sweet Bells" Htrberl Sermon, "Tho Star of Bethlehem." Prayer. Antheni, "flic People That Sat in DatkneM," Herbert, Benediction. FATNINCL .Voluntary rensee Religcus Freyel Mrs. B. T. Stone. Scripture lesson, Isaiah, xxxv. Hymn No. 183, "Joy to the World" Watti Player. Hjmn No. 184, "Wonderful Counselor".. Morrison Announcements and offertorj-. Anthem, "The Shepherds" Herbert Sermon, "The Advent, a Ne'T Way." Prayer. Anthem, "Oh Bethlehem" Htrbsrt Benediction, Church of the Good Shepherd. The following programme will be ob served in the Episcopal church of the Good Shepherd, at Green Ridge, ort Christmas day: Holy Communion, 7.30. Slornlng prayer, Holy communion, sermon, 10.30, Special music by augmented choir. Tc Deum O. A. Miltek Communion service in F .Tours Offertory, "It Camp Upon the Midnight Clear",.., Sulllva Under the direction of Mrs. Maxwell Chapmin. Additional music with organ, piano, violin and trombone accompaniment, on the Sunday follow ing. Plymouth Congregational, The following programme will be given by the Plymouth church Sunday school: "Hall F.manuel.'' Vnluntarj", Invocation. Opening Chorus. HesponsHe Reading. Prayer, Song, "Darth's New-lloni Sador." Recitation, "A Greeting," By Bo. Recitation, "A Greeting" Br Girl Song, "Twas a Peaceful Night," An e'eiclse, "The World's Gieat Need." Song, "All Hall! King Fmanuel." Violin, cornet and bass M trio. Song, "When to the Shepherds." An e.erdse, ''Christmas Fruits." Song ,,,, Intermediate and Primary Depirtmiuh Recitation, "In Drifts of Snow," Solo, "The Story of Love." Recitation (Sleeted). Song, "Song of the Ages." Recitation (Selected), Song, "Jnjous Bells Ring." Ileritatlon, "The Angelic Message." Song, "While the Shepherd Watched." Gifts and Announcimsnts. Closing chonn, "Joy to the World." Benediction. Providence Presbyterian Church, The services at the Providence Pre byterlan church tomorrow will be most 'thoroughly In harmony with the spirit of the day, The muslo of both services will partake of the high char acter and 'worshipful eniihuslasm which has become characteristic of this church, The morning service will bo In charge of the Bible school, who will bet assisted by the choir in the presentation of Inspiring anthems ami carols; .the devotional service In (Continued oa Page 1LJ ' v J, I - isM'i Li'.A,,.