The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1900, Image 1

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riic Well Known Shipbuilder Gives
Interesting Testlmonu Before
Industrial Commission
Tho Witness Is Confident That
Without a Subsidy the American
Merchant Marine Can Never Be
Rehabilitated An Opportunity Is
Now Offered Americans by the
Demand for Ships Created by tho
South African War, Which Has
Ruined England's Trans-Atlantic
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre.!.
Philadelphia, Dec. 21. Charles II.
Cramp, heacl of the Cramp Shipbuild
ing company, appeared before the In
dustrial commission today and gave
some Interesting testimony rogaullng
marine nrchitectuFc. He read a his
tory of the industry in this city, dur
ing which he staled that from 1710
to the present time Philadelphia has
led this country in ship-building.
Mr. Farquhar, of the commission,
wanted to know why it is that Ameri
can money does not seek Investment
In trans-Atlantic and Pacific trade.
"The first reason," Mr. Cramp re
plied, " is that it docs not pay, and
the second is that the people haven't
been educated to the business. A per
son cannot make money unless he has
bem educated in the use of it."
Mr. Farquhar asked If it was true,
as reported, that the increased cost of
building a ship in this country over
that of a foreign built vessel was re
sponsible for the lack of American
Interest in this indusly. Mr. Or.unp
said the first cost of si ship was
f-carcely worth consideration, but that
the cost of operating the vessel,
which was a dally expenditure, was
an Important item. Continuing, Mr.
'ramp asserted that some Americans
nre buying cast-off British ships at
bargain prices, and are denouncing
the subsidy bill becauso they will not
benefit by it. Mr. Cramp said tho coy,
of operating foreign vessels is lev
than that of American ships, and
American people acquainted with the
business can operate ships if they are
given the difference.
"In order to rehabilitate the mer
chant marine so thnt American goods
and return cargoes may bo carried in
American bottoms and the prollt go to
Americans, what wou'd you i-tiggest,"
naked Mr. Farquhar.
"I am in favor of tho subsidy hill,"
replied Mr. Cramp. "The shlpy.ip'i
in either England or America cannot
build ships enough to supply the de
mand. This being the case, and ves
sels being needed, I think if wc can
build more of our own by the Intro
duction of free ships we should do It.
The merchant marine cannot be reha
bilitated without a subsidy."
Hanna Bill About Right.
Mr. Cramp said ho thought the sub
sidy named in the Hanna bill was
"about right." He said also that there
seemed to bo some apprehension that
only the big lines, notably the Interna
tional Navigation company, would se
cure the bulk of the subsidy. This Idea,
ho asserted, was erroneous, because the
large freight ships will secure a con
siderable portion of it.
Regarding tho opposition to the .sub
sidy bill, Mr. Cramp said It came from
numerous sources, one of them being
nertain western railroads, which, he
Bald, "have looted the United States
treasury through grants of land." He
believed that most of this opposition
was the result of spite and jealousy.
Mr. J-dtcnman asked as to the oppor
tunity at present offered the American
Mr. Cramp replied that they were
never better.
"Tho trans-Atlantic industry of Kng
lund has been ruined by tho South Afri
can war," ho continued. "The British
government took nearly all the mer
chant ships for transports. This has
made an enormous demand for vessels.
There Is our chance, but wo must be
Another renson why this country
should have more ships, Mr. ('ramp
said, Is the steadily decreasing coal
hiipply of Kurope. Kvontuully, he said,
all Europo will come to this country for,
Mr. Cramp said he had always favored
discriminating duties, hut that ho eon
Hdersus a benefit any method by which
Miipnwners mny have themselves funn
the greater expense, of operating ves
sels. Afternoon Session,
At the afternoon session ltobsrt
Dormnn, manufacturer of Ingrain car
pets, informed the commission tint
the importation of matting from China
had greatly injured tho Ingrain car
pet Industry. Mr. Dornuin said it
retnils nt from 15 to 20 cents a mjutio
yard. Tho cost of Ingrain carpet Is
Vj centH a squuru yard. Thu fnei of
China being on a silver basis iccMcn
the price of inattlng In this count y
r,0 per cent, As there are 25,000 n
sraln carpet weavers in thu United
States, Mr. Donnan suggested several
onedles for thu existing condition in
Mat trade. Ho said an international
agreement on the subject of hl-metnl-Hum
would bu valuable, und suggested
an increase of 130 per cent, in tho
duty on mutllng,
Kobert H. Foerderer, cnngr.snnn
nt-largo-elcct, and an extenrivo iiiunir
facturer of glazed or viol kid, detailed
tho history of tliut Industry. He smld
the leather had taken tho place of
French kid, which Is no longer Im
ported to thin country, and that thsre
Is a large Kile for tho material
ibroad. Mr, Foerderer huld id
jutput averaged about $S,000,CO) a
year. He employs 20,500 hands, most?
ly foreigners, as Americans arc not
inclined to work In tanneries.
A Vast Audience Listens to His Re
marks nt Philadelphia.
By tclile Wire from The A-woclalcd Pro.
Philadelphia, Dec. 21, Former Pres
ident drover Cleveland tonight deliv
ered the annual uddre.ii at the gradu
ation exercises of the thirty-fifth elns
of the Pierce school of iHtslncs.-' at the
Academy or Music. The ox-piesddout,
accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland, arriv
ed here this afternoon from Prince
ton, and timing their slay In tho city
were the guests of r.. Clarke Pa'j,
managing editor of the Philadelphia
Public Ledger, and Mrs. Davis.
Admission to tho Academy wn: by
Invitation card, and the vast audi
torium was crowded to the doors.
Governor Stone presided at the
graduating exercise, lie made a brief
address, and then introduced Mr.
A Panic Was Averted in Building
No. 44, New York, by Coolness
of Two Tenchers.
tty I'xclu-itc Win- from The Atiociatcii Press.
New York, Dec. 21. While celebrat
ing Christmas festivities In public:
school No. 41, this afternoon, n fire oc
curred In which two wore badly burned.
The whole school was thrown Into a
Carrie Hanley, fourteen years of age,
was attired in a Santa Claus costume
and was reciting a Christmas story to
the WO pupils assembled in the double
classroom on tho third iloor. While
gesticulating as she spoke, her hoad
egar, made of cotton batting, became
Ignited with a gas Jet. She was soon
envcloned In Humes, and rushed down
the platform on which she was stand
ing, down the center aisle. A Christmas
tree on the right of thu platform had
by this time ignited and burned fiercely
j for several minutes. Cries of "F're!"
from the panic-stricken children echoed
through the classrooms and hulls. A
mad ru-sh for the three exits in the
classroom was made, although none ot
the children was injured. Miss 1211a
Conway, thu principal of the fem.ile
department, who was conducting the
exei clses, displayed remarkable hero
ism. Kegardless of her own safety, she
niiule a dash for the burning child.
1 ht'uwlng hot arms about her, she ex
tinguished the llanies.
When the Hist cry of lire arose, Miss
Amelia Wodokind, tho music teacher,
ran to the piano and commenced play
ing a march, calling out as she did for
the children to form In line and march
out of the building. Although the room
was filled with smoke and she was al
most sillied, she bravely stuck to her
post until the room was cleared.
Other teachers did the same, and the
frightened children were marched out.
When the excitement was over it was
found that f'uirie Hanley was so badly
burned that she will likely d'e. Miss
Conway was severely binned about tho
State of .business as Indicated by Re
port of Major Brown, Chief of
Bureau of Railways.
By Prelusive Win- hum The Associated Pros
Hiirrlsburg, Dec. 21. The advance
sheets of tho second section of the an
nual report for the fiscal year ended
June Si) lust, of Major Isaac Brown,
chief of the state buieau ot railways,
takes up the earnings and Income in
the Pennsylvania railroads during tho
year and thu chapteis of accidents re
sulting from the operating of the great
common carriers.
The total amount of earnings and
Income from all sources for the roads
reporting Is $I!iS,012,10:!.
Practically all the railroads whose
teporls are made to tho bureau, show
a decided Increase In their Income from
operation and In cases where these cor
porations own bonds and stocks of
other railroads and other corporations
tho Increase In Income from these
sources Is no Inconsiderable amount.
The total expenses for the year not
Including any amounts paid for tfvi
detuls. was $428.837,M'9. The amount of
money expended by these corporations
for conducting transportation was
$103 SI WS; the total amount of general
expenses, Including all otllce expenses,
and pt luting, wan $10,212,2(1.', and tho
total operating expenses worn ?29.',7SS,
077. The total amount of dividends
paid dining the year was $.17,013,300.
Major Drown says:
"In some respects tho report gives
assurances that conditions are Improv
ing. Tho results of the year's opera
tions are by no moans what they
should be, however, 21,337 passengers,
employes and other persons killed and
Injuted being by far too great a num.
her to convince tho thoughtful man
that all lias been tlonu that can bo
done to prevent these thous'inds of
casualties, the killing and maiming of
bo many persons."
President Invited to California,
Ily rluho Wlro from The .taocUtn) Press.
Wdliliiiftuii, pic, 21, Si tutor Kiter anil Hep
U'i ntutlye .liniN, i,f Wa.liliiaion, tulU-l at the
wlillc Iioilc lodiy and invited tint pioldent to
extend l.l tii t ban Itjik'U'O In May to in
iliuli! keatlli', Tui-imi.i, .Voitli Yaldml, hpokJin
ami blUr tuwns ii Wutliii.stun. 'I he -mvifuViit
icfullly uiai-nlit -iimMIn-- nutMni; ommeil lo
Marshal of Inaugural Parade.
Jly Kxilubhc Vro from Tho Asuciutci I'll').
'adiln(on. Pit. 21. Suutor Hanna, iluir.
man of the He-mbltcan national committee, iiaj
umiouuui! the appointimnt of (icmral PrancU
Mnton Uri-cnv, of Now VoiK, to bu ihiif
of tlu- inaugural pjrailr, March 4 next, Gen
oa! (iui'iio is u toMler of ulde reputation ami
Ian long ln-en prominent in thu ltepuLliian
The Omaha Police Have Located the
House Where the Young.
Man Was Confined.
The Building EaBy of Access, Yet So
Situated as to Allow the Despera
does Ample Opportunity to Carry
Out Their Plans Without Molesta
tion from Inquiring Neighbors.
Detectives Working for Big Re
ward. n.v t'cluiiie Wire from The Aoehtcil Pre".
Omaha, Dec. 21, Thu result of twen
ty fours hours' work on the part of
the police of tho city und half a hun
dred detectives has established the lo
cation of the house in which Hdwnrd
Cudaliy, jr., was held a prisoner for
nearly two days. Th" hou.'.e is lo
cated four miles from the city and in
a place of easy access but so situated
mi to allow the desperadoes ample op
portunity to lay and carry out their
plan without molestation from Inquir
ing neighbors. Within easy communi
cation by rail and wagon roads to
Omaha und South Omaha and on a
high knoll wheie sentinels could glv"
Immediate alarm In case of necessity,
the one and a half story shack was
admirably chosen by the bandits. No
doubt exists In the minds of the police
as to the Identity of the place. Young
Cudahy himself was taken to the house
and identllled many of the features
which he had recognized while a blind
folded urlsoner.
The testimony of the neighbors to
tho effect that several strange men
were seen about tin- house Tuesday
and Wednesday leads every one to be
lieve this was tin- retreat of the ab
ductors. lOvldenees show that they
made a hurried retreat when their
night's work was completed.
liosldlng locating the house In which
the men were located prior to the kid
napping, the police have made no
progress looking to a capture of any
of tho outlaws.
This afternoon an otllcial of I ins
Omaha National bank confirmed Mr.
(udahy'H statement that he had with
drawn from that Institution tho ?2."l,O0')
In gold with which the latter states he
paid the ransom to secuio the return
of his son.
The reward or $2r.,000 offered by Mr.
Cudahy for the capture of the kidnap
pers has caused those working on the
case to redouble their elforts und Chief
Donahue said tonight ho felt confi
dent of locating part, or all, of the
men engaged in the crime.
Pour Persons Are Prostrated by
Some Unknown Cause.
II;.- I'xcliiihc Win- f oin 'flu ViHucUlcil Pre A
Auburn, N. Y., Doc. 21. Neus und
Cladlus Jump, bachelor brothers,
about 70 years of age, were found dead
yesterday in separate rooms of their
residence at King Ferry, this county.
In two other rooms lay unconscious
Miss Susan Jump, their sister, and
George Frank, a servant who had been
in their employ about twenty .ears.
The four wore tho only occupants of
the house.
They all ate supper together the
night before and It Is believed that
they were th? victims of accidental
poisoning in their food. Miss Jump
has since recovered consciousness, but
Frank, who Is an invalid. Is still un
conscious. The coroner Is Investigat
Plainfleld Police Want the Fortune
tty i:eliiilve Win- from The At-ncl.iU'il Piev
Now York, Dec. 21. The Plainfleld
police, on behalf of some twenty wo
men residents of Plainfleld, N. J., are
anxious to find "Prof." Littel, who,
after advertising heavily in local news
papers, Induced the women to part with
money, Ijittel advertised himself as a
Mrs. W. II. D. Drake tells the chief
of police that she consulted Ilttel about
family affairs and ho got $500 from her
by changing an envelope containing
tjiat sum for one having In it nothing
hut paper. Ilcr slater parted with $30,
she says, and tho other of tho scoto of
women aro minus from $1 up.
President of Mine Workers.
Ily i:clus-Ue Wire fiom '."ho AiioiiJted Tien,
pollMllle, 1U., Pa. .. John l'ahy, of
PotUville, the pii'M'iil incuuitjint, u.ih ilei'lul l
pimiilont of tin' .Ninth untliiadtn ilMrlit of the
Pnltiil illim Workers of .piieiii.i, with u-iy lit
tle opposition at the moiniui; m-nn tnd.iy, Thg .
Iialanee ot tho M'ion ami thu early part of the
afternoon wis lonsuuiul in leceuln; repoit-i
inn) xpeifhnuUii!;, in ulilrli 1'rrt.ltlent .Vjihnl,
of the Fht ilUtilet, unit llenjamln James, of
th) national c.wutho lio.iul paitieipaleil.
Confessed to Murder.
Ily l'leliishe Vlio finm The Aiocl4teil I're&i,
l,eihKlin, Ky Die. 21, Saimiil V.inoer to.
iluy to the buital minder ami loubiry
of .Ml -J Miiu Hall, u whlow, ami her lil-jur-ohl
ton,, Churlea, in thu mountain hamlet of lloone'a
Pork, November 1.1, jt. Vanoter llieil at the
IU1I home and on hU testimony Solomon ami
inijjli I'll mini; were iineslul, Indicted foi mur
der ami narrowly en-aped )-,ru lilrig. Yanowr had
tlOO, part of tho pioceidi of hU iiluie, toeil
in hU clothe when hu i.onft-9iil.
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily Kxilusho Wire fiom 'The Associated Press.
Xew York, Pee. SI. Arrlu-ds Ptutbililaiid,
from Jlreintn. (Teaicl: Umhria, Mteipool; Hot.
tcrdain, llutteidjni. via llouloj-m.-. tljinlniig
Arrheil: Pallida, fiom New Yoik Ma I'l-moutli,
Havre Arrheilt l.i llretaitne, New Voik. I.h
crpMol Arrhed: ienuanlc, New York. Prow.
Iicad PasueU: Lucanla New York for Murpool,
lleiehyhead Paiil: Mutendam Itottirdam for
New York.
Document Signed by Ministers of
Powers Contains Demands for
Severe Penalties. ,
Itj 1'xrln.ittt Wire from The Aunciatcit I'icm.
Washington, Dec. 21. It Is learn-".!
here that tho agreement signed by
the ministers of the powers at Pekln,
naming conditions ns a preliminary
to tlie negotiations for pence terms,
contains a demand for the severest
penalties thnt China car. Impose In tht;
punishment of the high ofllclals be
lieved to be lesponslble for tho Hoxor
outrages. This refers particularly to
the eleven prominent OIiIucm' noble-)
whose nnmes have been mentioned In
the in eis dispatches as those whom
some of the nation1 contended should
be executed. Our government has
persistently held to the position that
ponnltli'i should not be inflicted on
the Chinese government which sho
was 'iiutble tn cariv out. The demand
for the death penalties wan stricken
out of the agreement and that for the
severest penalties possible Inserted.
The off i cement probably will be
made public hero tomorrow If word
teaches Washington thnt. Mr. Con-jor
has afilxed ids signature to it.
The Ex-Governor of Massachusetts
Exphes at Boston Sketch of a
Brilliant Career.
By i:-du-he Wire fiom 'the Aui lated I'r.
liostun. Dec. 21. Kx-Clnvernor Wal
colt died at 3.10 u. m.
Hoger Wolcott was born in Itoston,
July IP,, IM7, the son of J. Huntington
and Cornelia Frothlngham-Wolcott.
He is a descendant of tho Roger Wol
cott who was second in command of
the expedition or Sir William Pep
perell against Cape Ureton in 1745,
which resulted in the capture of Louls-
I burg.
Another ancestor was Oliver Wol
cott, one of the signers of the Declara
tion ol Independence. Both of these
W'olcottB were governors of Connnectl
cut. One of his ancestors, on his
mothei's side, was active and promi
nent during the revolutionary period
as a member of the Charleston com
mittee of safety and another took part
In the lioston lea party.
linger Wolcott was educated In Bos
ton private schools and at Harvaid
unlvr-rsit-t. from which he graduated
In the class of 1S70. floveinor Wol
cott's public career began In 1S77, as
u member of the Moston common coun
cil, in which he served thiee years.
Then ho was elected to the lower house
of the legislature, where he served
from 1SS2 to 1SS1. taking a position
among the leaders and winning dis
tinction as a haul and trustworthy
worker. He was elected lieutenant
governor in IS!)::, 'ill and '3i and upon
tlie death of Governor (Ireenhalgo bo
came acting governor in lSHG. In the
fall of ISIMi he was elected governor and
in 1SU7 and 'AS he was re-elected.
Mr. Wolcott always was a llepubll
can, but In tht campaign ol 1SSI he
opposed his party's candidate for the
presidency and voted for fJrover Cleve
land, On Sept. 2. 1S7-1. Mr Wolcott was
married lo Miss l'dlth Prescott, grand
daughter of William II. l'rescott, tho
historian, and great granddaughter of
Colonel William Prescott. who com
manded the provincials at the battle
of Bunker II 111. They have four sons
and one daughter now living.
Both Senate and House Will Be
Closed Until January 3, 1001.
H,v l.'uliiohi! Wire fiom The Awclated Prei.
Washington, Dec. 21. Both the sen
ate and house adjourned today for the
holiday recess until January 3, 1901.
Today's sessions were miltu brief.
In the senate, upon the body con
vening the death was announced of
Mis, William V. Frye, wife of the presi
dent pro tern, of the senate. Out of-ie-speet
to hoi memory the senate im
mediately adjourned.
In tho house tho donth of Hewresen
tatlvo Richard A. Wise, of Virginia,
was announced, Appropriate resolu
tions wore adopted, and the speaker
appointed a committee of seventeen
member!? to uttenii the funeral.
Then, as a further mark of respect
to tho memory of 'the deceased, tho
house adjourned until .January li.
John Griffin Was Found Dead in His
Ily Rxihbhe Who from Tlie Awuilateil I'iyw
Watortown, N. Y., Dec. 21. John
Otillln, 'aged sovcnty-flve, was found
dead tn bed last night at his homo In
this cltv and beside him lay his wife
in an unconscious condition, Orflln's
body wns frightfully decomposed. It Is
believed ho has been dead since Sun
day, when ho wan last seen returning
from church,
Mrs, Griffin is still unconscious and
may die. Tho post-mortem examina
tion showed that Griffin's heart was
diseased, but it is believed that both
were overcome by coal gns.
Extra Pay for Yeomanry,
Uy Kielushe Wirn from The Associated Press.
London, Pee. Si. Ilia secretary of ttate (or
war, llr. William hi. John llrodrkk, announce
that in Wcw of the proloiicatlou of the war in
.Si nth A(il a, memhert, of the Impeilal Yioiiiaiuy
will be paid the ohllllnifs instiad of ono fclillliu"
and two pence nr day, MllitUmin are promised
priority of return over reuularii.
Sentenced for Manslaughter.
Uy Lxclu.lw Who fiom The Associated Press.
Maja laindlnir. N. J., Dee. 21, Itlehaid and
John Mjthi.u, dUilius, ulic hate been on trial
for tin- murder of Win. II, Mathews, a I'enn
njhonli rallioad emploje, were today convicted
of miutelav'.htfr and tintcmed lo ten and seven
.Mais' ImprUonmeut rcspccllu'ly.
Witnesses Testiiu That the Victim
of the Hazing Was Not Mentally
Equipped to Graduate.
Is Belated by Keller, the Young Man
Who Fought with Booz at Fort
Putnam Witnesses Fail to Dis
cover Anything Brutal in the Feat
ures of ristictiff Amusement Ca
det Deen Cannot Remember About
tho Tobnsco Sauce.
Ily l'xilu-dve Wiu from The Ab.viii.iied Pre".
West Point. N. Y., Dec. 21. The mili
tary court of Inquiry into the alleged
brutal cases of hazing, which are suld
to have caused the death of Cadets
Booz and Bieth. will not bo able to
finish Its work this week.
An adjournment until Wednesday or
Thursday will bo taken after tomor
row's session, and the remainder of the
testimony probably will be secured at
the end of next week.
Today the story of the fight between
Keller and Booz In Fort Putnam, on
the fith of August, 1S08, was told by
Keller himself, as well as by some of
the seconds and the sentinels who were
posted to watch for officers who might
Several witnesses testified to the lack
of mental vitality possessed by Boots,
and Instructor of Mathematics Lieu
tenant W. F. Coe said that his mental
qualities were insufficient to enable him
to pass the necessary examinations,
with the Inference that it was on this
account that Booz resigned rather than
be found deficient. '
A letter was read In court from the
Iter. Dr. Allison, of Bristol, Pa. It was
written in reply to the one published
from Cadet Burnett, president of the
Young Men's Christian association at
the academy. Dr. Allison says that
Booz was not a man to read novels
hidden in a Rlble. Cadet Prentice tes
tified today that he saw Booz reading
a paper-backed book hidden inside a
Bible, but he could not tell the nntnn
of it.
Betti&on's Intovfereitae.
Cadet W. U. Bettison, of Kentucky,
who spoke to Booz when the latter was
doing sentry duty, correcting him for
not covering his post properly, was;
called. In leply to General Brooke,
Bettison acknowledged that it was a
violation of tlie regulations to talk to
the man on guard and also that the
light between Booz and Keller was the
outcome of that interference.
General Biooko, speaking veryangrlly,
told Bettison that he had no right to
place Booz in that position.
Cadet Fred Ij. Deen, of Texas, who,
when a "plobo" In the academy, fought
tin upper class man and was only
beailen after lighting fifty-eight iounds,
was ono of tho last witnesses. Duilng
the Investigation it was said by some
witnesses that Deen had given tob.isco
sauce to Booz. Deen said he did not
remember having done so, but he might
have. However, ho was positive that
no force was used on Booz. Ho said he
took pity on Booz and wanted him to
brace up, so that he would feel good.
Nothing adduced in the evidence
showed that there was any brutal haz
ing practiced at the academy, and the
trend of the evidence went to show that
neither Booz nor Broth was possessed
of tho necessarycharacter togo through
the entire course ot studies necessary
for graduation.
Fraudulent Voters Will Pay the
Penalty in New York.
Uy 'cluie Win- from The Associated Pro).
New York, Dec, 21. Recorder Goff
today gae the following sentences in
the election cases: Patrick McNuIty,
an ex-convlct, "who was given eleven
months for voting; Patrick Moor?,
ono year for attempting to vote In
the place of another man; Lorenzo
Plncoll. six months for voting, and
Joseph 13. Webb, disfranchised for
felony, nine months, for voting.
Plncoll's lawyer, addressing th-
court, said;
"My client paid n politician In the
street cleaning department 2." for a
t'ituatinu, and was told that ho could
not get the piano unless ho voted us
the politician directed."
Big' Storm on English Const.
Ily j:.u,lule Whv! from Tlie Associated Press.
Uuldon, Die, "A. Tin- lelecrapli wires nro
lii-lii--: alowly lestoied and li'.'v Is uniting The
-ill.' lias done areit damage (-encially In tils
noi th of I'm-laud and .-Midland.
Pj l'xcluslve Wile fiom The Associated Press.
llollldj-thurgr, Pa., Dec. 21,-D.nid Over, oil.
Hot- of the llollidajebuii; llesi-lir, and a new of a lull century standing died line
today, aired "0 ycais. Tho deceased wa-j a Mex
ican war eleruu. Anions thu newspapers tint
he snuTbsfully edited weie tlie lledfoid Impilrer
and the I.euMoun Odette. In lS.'O lie was
elected trcuurer of lledfoid county, In 16S7 ho
cried as treasurer ol lllalr county, He was one
of the famed 'M ilele&atcs'Mlio Mood by tleneial
(Irani In llui national llepublican contention
at riiicuiro.
Trenton, N. J,, Dee. 31. llx-Cton-rrcMiiiaii John
Hart llivvu'r, depiity appraiser of the pott of
New York, died nt Id home In thN city late
this afternoon. He had been ill fur about a
month. Mr, llienei- was a member of Connies.)
from JSl (o UM. Mr. llrewer was Till jeara of
u;;c. He w.w j, lineal deceudaut of John Halt,
one ot th esli'neis of tho Declaration of Inde
pendence. llel', Dee. 21. Jeio I'ustci, who his been
iiifURtd for the last lifty 'ears In assltins tlie
i mil-ration of neaily 25,')ft) young women from
the criiiicatc-l dlstrieU of the west of Ireland
aril in tlie buildliiK or furnishing of over 2 200
national school i in ctery part of lieland, died
hero today. He wis born ut Copcnhattcu In lSl'J
and Max formerly in the llritUh diplomatic feci
lice in South America.
Weather InJIcattons Today,
1 Oencrnl PeWet'-i Bold K"caio from flic
Omaha Police Aflee Cudjhy's Kldnappcr-i.
.Shipbuilder Clamp's Views of tho .Subsidy
llnoj Hiding Inquiry.
2 General Carboinl.ile Department.
3 fleneral Amns on tlie Itm- of
Cuok County,
4 1'dlloiial.
Nolo and Comment.
f Local Social unit l'cioonil.
0 Local Viaduct Cane Peine; Heard.
7 Local The New 11iuitr.ii t.
New York, W.iotiilmr mid W'e-tcrn Will Not
Ilulld a 1'allrcnd.
5 Local Wet Scranton and
f) Northeastern Peium Iviml.i. and Coinmerclnl.
10 Local Christmas .Musical PioRianiniM of the
Various Chun lies.
11 Lot ,il ItcU-rioiM Ncwd of the Week,
Hund.iy School Lesson for Tomouow.
32 Local Live News of the Woild of Labur.
The Surface Over the Pennsylvania
Coal Company Mines, on Parson
age Street. Sinks.
By Exclutlin Wire from Tlie Assoriatcd f'reiui.
Plttston, Pa., Dec. 21. The cave-in
of tho surface over the mines of tho
Pennsylvania Coal compuny at Pitts-
ton assumed the most serious propor
tions today, when a part of Parsonugu
htreet fell six inches for a radius of
half a mile and In one section tho set
tling was almost forty feet below the
level of the thoroughfare. All during
the previous night the residents of that
prominent avenue felt tremors of the
earth and when morning dawned new
crevices In the street and about their
homes spread additional terror among
tho people. Tlie serious fall occurred
about 11 o'clock and was accompanied
by a loud report. Tlie people of the
section rushed into the street only to
llnd that a portion of the surface about
thirty feet in diameter had fallen Into
the mines, hurst the water main and
otherwise damaged property. The offi
cials of the company were quickly
summoned and employes .were sta
tioned about the seriously affected
portion. A fence was built and this
afternoon the hole was filled with logs.
The settling, however, continues. As
fast as the fissures appear they are
filled, but the wrecked homes of the
residents of the street remain. The
damage to the property of the com
pany and the owners of the property
on the streets cannot as yet be esti
mated. The squeeze In tlie old work
ings continues and the Inhabitant.' of
that entire section of the city are In
hourly fear of being precipitated into
the mines. The Itavlne shaft was but
recently purchased by the Pennsyl
vania company. It was formerly
owned by the Newton Coal company
and there are many damage suits now
pending In the county courts as a re
sult of disturbances of the present
No Reduction in Working Forces or
Concessions in Prices This
Year Orders Ahead.
Uy Kxvlusbe Wire from The Awc-tated PresJ.
New York, Dec. 21. It. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomor
row will say:
Better weather conditions on the At
lantic seaboard and pronounced activ
ity in distribution of all staple lines of
merchandise nt southern cities have
Imparted a slightly more aggressive
tone to general business.
Unchanged conditions in tho leading
manufacturing Industry during tho last
week before the holidays mean much.
At this time in ordinary years furnaces
close down In largo numbers and dull
ness Is general at mills and shnpswhero
Iron and steel are handled. Instead of
reduction of working force or conces
sions In price this year, however, te
ports from the principal cities Indicate
the existence of contracts that will lak
months to fill and new sales arc made
at tho former level, despite much talk
of cheaper cue next year. Fuel de
clined about twenty-five cents a ton
recently, hut this Is us far as the cost
of raw material has been reduced. It
Is seldom possible to secure prompt de
livery of partially niauufactuted forms
or finished products and each week
brings more orders from abroad, while
tho November statement of British ex
ports shows another decrease, compntod
with last year, In these product.
Other Industries exhibit tho same ln
dlffei'enco to precedent, Instead of holi
day quiet In the wool, market, tho last
week's figures of sales at the three
chief eastern markets amount to 7.23S,
000 pounds, ugulnst C.7S3.S00 In thu ptu
cedlng week.
Failures for tho week wero 203 in the
United Btntea against 220 lust week,
and IS In Canada against 20 last vear.
Dlvorco Agent Sentenced.
Uy Kxeluihe Vlra from Tin- .Uvjclnod Pieii.
New York, Pee. 21. Ilecouler flofl today
sentenced Henry Zelmer, ore of thu litud-i of a
fraudulent dhoice bureau, to ten yean In date
pi lion, und James llolden, alias Prank Wllcm.
a professional co-respondent, to three jeaii In
tato piUon. Mrs. Itrjdc Derrick and Mary
Thoinri-on, who tail they had tcttlfled falsely
In dhone rates, wire allowed to go under sus
pension of bentenco,
Negro Lynched Was Innocent.
Uy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Press.
(Julfport, Ml., Dec. 21. Henry Lewis, the al
Icged neuro murder of Marshal Itichardkoii, ha
not been caught. The iickio 1'iuhed wa, It ap.
pears, a cousin ot tlie alleged murderer, and was
wholly innocent.
It Is Regarded as One ot the Bold"
est Incidents of the
Boer War. ' '
Whole of Burghers' Force of 2,500
Men Galloped in Open Order
Through Weak Spot in British,
Lines President Steyn Led the
Charge and De Wet Brought Up;
the Rear Their First Attempt to
Get Out of the Trap Failed.
By I'Tclustvn Wire from The Atsociated PrciJ.
Pdoemfonteln, Thursday, Dec. 20.
The details of General DcAVet's escape
from tho encircling Krltl&h columns
furnish one of tho boldest incidents
of the wnr. When Hnasbrook's com
mando joined De Wet on Dec. 12, sotno
fifteen miles east of Thaba N'chu.
General Knoc wns only about an hour
distant, and the Boer situation ap
peared desperate. Eut Do Wet waj
equal to the occasion.
Dispatching Hansbroek westward,
to make a feint nt Victoria Nek, the
Boor leader prepared to break through
tho British columns at Spring htiau
Nek Pass, about four miles of broad,
flat, unbroken ground. At the entrance
were two fortified posts, while artil
lery was posted on a hill eastward,
watching the Boers.
Suddenly a magnificent! spectacle
was presented. The whole Boer army,
of 2,500 men, started at a gallop, in
open order, through tho Nek. Presi
dent Stoyn and Polt Fourlo led tho
charge and De Wet brought up tho
The British guns nr.d rifles boomed
and rattled incessantly. Tho Boers
first tried the eastward route: but en
countering artillery thoy diverged and
galloped to tlie foot of the hill to
the westward, where the tiro of only
a single post was effective.
The whole manoeuvre was a piece
of magnificent daring and its success
was complete. In spite of the loss of
a fifteen-pounder and twcnty-flvo
The British force detached after
naavbroc-k came in conl-ict with Ills
commnndo at. nightfall. Tho burghers
were scattered and the Welsh Yeo
manry galloped among the retreating
Boers, using their revolvers and the
butt ends of their ritles with great
An incident of tho fight was the
gallop of a British ammunition wagon
right through the scatteied Boers, the
gunners using their revolvers freely.
Brabant to the Front.
Cape Town, Dec. 21. General Brab
ant, commander of the newly raised
colonial division, has been ordered to
the front and will start tomorrow.
At Thorndalo General French has,
louted 2,500 Boers with four guns and
a pom pom.
Thorndale is 16 miles northwest of
Krugersdorp. The fight took place on
Dec. 10. Tho British had fourteen
wounded and the Boers Med in disorder,
with about hrty killed.
The Boors who Invaded Capo Colony
had in most cases pack horses in ad
dition to those thoy rode. All weio
in the pink of condition. The com
mandeered nit possiblo clothing and
stores at VenterstP'tt.
Capo Town, Dec. 21. General Baden
Powell will start for tho Transvaal
The Boers derailed a train at Bar
berton, killing an inspector and others.
Captain and Crew Landed in
Breeches Buoy.
Uy I'tcliiitic Wire from Tin" A'sochilcd Press.
Lowes, Del., Dec. 21, The schooner
N. II. Skinner, Captain K. Whatley,
with lumber from Wilmington, N. C,
stranded early this morning on Capo
Henlopen, The Lowes and Ilcnloneii
life-savers rescued the schooner's crew
of nine In thu breeches buoy during a
severe hailstorm, Tho life-saver.-- first,
hoarded thu schooner with a life-boat,
but the cnptaln and crew refused to
leave, us the tug North American had
anlvcd and run a hawser to tho
schooner and Captain Whcatley ex
pected to bo limited at high water,
A northeast galo with hall set In,
however, and tho sea was soon making
a clean sweep over the stranded vessel,
compelling tho crew to take to the rig
ging and signal for help. They wero
then landed In the breeches buoy, ,
Pig Iron Slump.
fly nxclushe Wire from Tim Associated Press.
Stockton On Tcs, I'm-lltid, Dee, !!, The pig
Iron iduniji Ls ke-nly felt In the ("leu-land tils-.
tlict. Mom furiiacm will lute utoppd on De
ii mlii r fit t hate been known to thut douu
nuce lbil. Tho piudurlloii of Hie district has
dfcriied .53,00 toil'! monthly, The luuuie own.
eis insert that the prlca has f.ill-n 13 "-hilllm-i
duinlir the last six month! mid that pig Iron
cannot bn produced at J prollt.
Trial of Captain Herllhy,
Ily 1'iilibltc Who fiom Th" As-oilatnl lYess.
New Yoik, Dee, 21. Tho trial of Police Cap.
tain lleillhy who has been charged with incl
licit ncy, tlolatloiis of the rules of the pollen
deparlmint und conduct unbecoming an officer
in Iiuulting Itev, Hubert I. I'jdJocV, ut tlm
Protectant Uplsoopnl pro-cathiilial, uaj foinully
becun today bifoie the board ot police couimlj
ckiifra. Hcrllli), by hU attorney, rnteieU a pla
of not guilty and at thu latter' iiutt the can
was adjourned until next Friday,
4- Wasldneton. Dee. tl. Forecast for -i.
' -f eastern 1'ciinsylv jiil 1 1 Pair and warmer -f
atuidsy and tiind.iyi liesli northerly -f
4- I nds bcconilni; tanahie. 4-
" 1 -t -f f -f - 1 1
r J
it jm.i