BIHVBIHBnlPMPBMHiHalBiqBiHMBIiHlliBBnHB7KnB(IHHI V V fA ,'.& i i. t 'Vi .. ' PI 31 8 , THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900. NEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD , i GOTHIER TELLS ABOUT THE FIOHT AT LOUISVILLE. Scranton Bad Strong Opposition for the Honor of Entertaining tho Next Convention of tho American Federation of Labor Bullotlna That Have Been Issued by Super intendent Rlno Four Narrow Guage Locomotives Turned Out by the Cliff Works. Com-ff) II. Ootlitor. the Scrnnton delegate to the convention of the American Fetlerallon of Lnbor, which wns held last week In l.oulevllle, Ky Is fcellnp constclemblj- eltttort over the fact that thin city will ho the Hccne of the 1901 convention, mill, Indeed, It van largely line to Ills efforts thut tho honor was Krnnteit u. llr. Gothler was peon yeiteidny by a Tribune mnn, and oxiirenseil hlmsplf tx fnllowHitibout the feeling of the convention towards this city: "The trcneral scnllmcnt of the convention v.ns entirely In favor of tlila rlty, as the place of the next convention. AVo wore fur from unopposed, as Milwau kee, Washington, 13. C. Columbus, O., Atlatitn, Richmond, NLigain and To lonto wciv all In tho Hold, hot after the coming gntheilng. AVIIUeB-Bnrre. too. put In ti clnliu, but the Luzernlfi wcio never consldeted as ut all ilntt geious In the race. The Hon.TJanicl G. ISceeo was their delegate. From the beginning of the convention, President John Mitchell, ot the United Mine Workers' asso ciation, was with us, and had he not proved tho powcrlul ft lend ho did, I doubt If Scianton would have icomo out on top. "The miners, who had the largest delegation present, vci of ciours?, mild for us, and alongside or them wore the clgarmakers, printers, brew cry workers and longshoremen. Prac tically our bitterest antagonists wore the carpenters. Thlr ipprcsentathos fought us tooth and nail, and spread lepurts that theie were no balls In this city largo enough for a conven tion of the size of the Federation's. They also declaied that tho hotel fa cilities of the city were poor. "The Milwaukee delegates put up a. good fight. They scattered broadcast pamphlets and booklets containing glowing eulogies of their city, and vetting forth its advantages. We won out though, 2.200 votes to 1,?00, fhe mlueis alone conti oiling 1,000. "This convention will bring to Scranton next December, nbout three hundred men, who will represent about three million working people. This Is the second attempt we have made to secure tho convention for the city, Delegate C. W. Baxter making a strong try for it last year." Superintendent's Bulletins. Supeiintendent Klne, of the Lacka wanna, has posted bulletins announc ing that today three signals will be put into service in the Cayuga yard. The west-bound signal is located near the water tank, and the east-bound home signal is located at the west end of the fill, wet of Cayuga yaid, and the distant .signal at the point of curve about 1,200 feet west ol the home signal. llailroadois are instiucted to see the new automatic block and Inter locking1 signal rules, effective Dec. 16, governing tbeso signals. Yesterday two signals were put into service at Susquehanna bridge at Pittston. They are located at the fouling point at each end of the gauntlet truck. Knst-bound tinlns approaching within one-quarter mile of tho cabt-bound signal will set tho west-bound signal, and hold it red until tho train has passed oft! the gauntlet. West-bound trains will set the east-bound signal on passing tho west bound signal and hold it set until tho train has passed ott the gauntlet. This will give the cast-bound trains the right ot way. llnginemen should keep clear of track i'ii cult when possible, so as not to t-top oppoMng. trains. At the Cliff Works. Four narrow guage locomotives have been turned out of the Dickson Manufacturing company's locomotive shops, on Cliff street, and shipped to Pittsburg. They are the first com pleted of the big order of twenty, three recently lodged with the com pany by a Smoky City concern. Another of the freight engines be ing built for tho Delaware and Ilud Min Railroad company was yestoiday turned out and the last ot the order will follow tomorrow. The last order given by the Delawaie cud Hudson consisted of ten engines and very rap Id work has been done on them by tho Dickson rompnay. Gompers Still Leads. The re-election of Samuel Gompers n.s president of tho Ameiican Federa tion of Lnbor is only another proof of the hold that this vuteian guiding sphit of the Federation has upon the members of thu organization. Many wild rumors weie atlo'it prior to tho session, that Feciotnry and TiPiihurer P. d. McGuIro, ot the Car penters,; President Mitchell, of the United Mino Worker., and others, would ho lu the Held for the presi dency, but when tho tlmo for election canto, Mitchell, the only formidable candidate, declaied thut ho would not urn, and the end of tho convention again found Gniupuis lu tho pieal dent's chair, u Today's D., L. & W. Bonvd. Today's D L. nnd W, board Is as follows: Tliiiriiby, Dec. 20, Wll.ll CAT lusr. K p. in. M. 1'lniifrty, jo,.:i ji. in. J, ll.ul) is in. 1. W4lllll Klidsj, Dfc. til. wiMJ avid lusr. 1;.M a. m.J. (lcrrlt S it, in. II. J. I.uM'i. S it, nt.l. Cuanausli. I, a, in. O. luauii'.v. I! ,i. m.-ri:. M. Ilallelt. .'i ii. in. II. Ucnnctt, I u. M."iA. U. Howe, Willi MtDouiitrlli mm. 10 a. in.-- W. A. lUrtliukiiif w il.JO a, in. T. Kiuiiuii 1 ii. in. I'. I. Sci-or, " . m1 llallftt. .'U" p. in. V. Wall. 4 i . hi. 1'. V'.btoteni. WII.U CATS SUMJHfi 3 a, in., fait 1". McAUUter. 0 a. in., west 0. 1'iouiilclkor. 11 .1. in., wl-W, II. Nirliola. 12 noon. west -J. CairlgB. a ). in.,' castJ. Metier. tl i. in., ialli. (lilHsiii- T p. lii wt fiom Cajiuja Miljne. V i. m., vM liom i'ajuir fllulcy, 2 y. ni. ust liom Ny Aujp E. Dufly. I'tlLtKR. 10 i. n. F. K. Sccor. rilflllBtts. S . m. Houocr, 11,50 a. m. Mofan. 7 p. in. Mtirnliy. I) p. Hi. J. II. Matft I'AtSBSOKU ESIIISI.S. 7 a. in. (l.ifTiify. ' , 7 a, in. Hinder. 0 30 p. in. Slfliilon. 7 p. in. Magoicrn. ' WILD OATS WBST. 4 a. in. J. O'llara. I a. hi. II. T. Mniilri. 0 n. m, A. V. Mulln. , 5 a. in. 0. W. Smith. D a. m. It. Smith. 10 o. m. U. W. Dunn. 11 n. m.-O. W. Biitl. 12 o'clock noon C Kltigly. 1 p. m. T. l'ltrpatrlrk, B p. m.W. Klrby, v.-ith A. 0. Itammitt't men. :l p. I.. t. (liilinitJii. 4 p. in. .1. Hnrlirr. v 0 p. in. Haggcrl). C p. in. 0, II. MtCinn. Men at Oxford Quit, The employes of the Oxfotd colliery, operated by the People's Coal company, quit woik yesterday, owlnff to a dis agreement relative to the scale of wuges paid, and In consequence opera tions have been suspended. The men and boys were paid on Monday and they claim the ten per cent. Increase on the scale paid prior to the strike was not paid them as piomlscd, hence their refusal to work. A meetlnir was held In St. David's hull yesterdny afternoon and a com mittee appointed to wait on the oper ators with a view of adjustlnc the trouble, and thoy w 111 confer with them today and report back to a meeting of tho employes this evehlng. A strike has not been ordered, the men having' simply quit until they know definitely where they are at. In all probability tho difficulty will be amicably adjusted. This and That. Chief Draftsman .1. A. Mellon, ot the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western l-illroad, returned yesterday from. Schenectady, N. Y. Six hundred stieet cars have been ordered from the Pressed ' Steel Car company, of Pittsburg, by the Cincin nati, New Orleans and Pacific Rail road company. The Delaware and Hudson. Railroad company completed Its December pays, when the men at the Plymouth collieries received their wages Tues day and Wednesday. President W. H. Trursdnle has noti fied Lackawanna trainmen that alt annual term employes' quarterly seventy-flvc-ride tickets and passes, which expire by limitation Dec. 31, 1900, will not be honored for transpor tation after that date. At a meeting of the Scranton Clerks' association Wednesday night, tho fol lowing oflicors were elected for the year: President, Myles J. K. Levy, (re-elected); first vice president, Wil liam Lewis; second vice president, Frank Vlner; recording secretary, Charles Luton; financial secretary, William Roblnon: treasurer, Joseph Custard, (re-elected); guide, Frank Rellly; trustees, Charles Lewen, Wil liam Collins nnd K. Dasey. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Academy of Music. LAST TIIRI'.C DAYS "SilwrU." The Gaiety. LAST T!IRi:K lmS Vktoiu llurlc-.(iuers. "Siberia" at the Academy. 'Uic banner attraction so far tliis ceawn ot Hie Acudiinv ot Mifclc is "Sihcila," Uaitley rnip bell'fc cilcbrateil mclo-diumi, which as pin duccil la.-t evtniii?. "J he liou-o w.n well Iillid and .iiHlk'intr fni the iuiUImuoik nppl.uwc the intions must &e nijojcd it iimnensch'. 'IW jiicic ii slaved in a nuiilllrcnt manmr, tlie scenic and effects aie suporli and the custumii worn wtic abiolntily correct and in huning with tho-e worn by the jicople ot Hii" fl.i duung: tho time tint the action of the pin U Mippoaod to hac taken plice. Unlike a (tint many lUw.ijn drain.H oC(todjj, I lie plot of "Si. bcria" U comUtenl. 'J licit- N but little ihaloRiie mid plcnt.i of uitiuii, the bloi.v id told in briiii tifiil lanfiiiKc, the tomedy ii clean and whole some, and the people engaid to portiay tin- lilTircnt lolci aio actoio .unl aclicjei of abullj and taite. Mlv! Uiuinia HiKieicr .w .iu w. excellent and merited much applause. She h an actiesa of steiling worth and beauty. James Home, as Mckolai Nuloll, a sluddit, in lolo with Snr.i. was all (oiihl lue pix-sibly been espected. l;i fact the whole iron- pany dijiencil indhidual niintloii. The pine "Siberia" will be piodueed aftmioons and rm iiiBS the balance of the week. Victoria Burleequers. At the Cilet jtnterday afternoon the Victoria Builevpiirs began a tlutc da),.' eiieaerini lit, 'the peifonnance open-, vith a clser biirlmiue on Miilety entitled "The Vlcloiia's ltercptlon," in whiih all Die u.tiiilieis of the ccmpan. ap piar. 'Ihiii is followed by the olio in whiih thcie aie a number of k'joJ featurt". Aggir H. lhhlcra, a perl-muilc," bi'U'lal songs moit acceptably ami Wetland did a UTeat jUtrKlinK net. A M.eieh was iutiudiued by Julm II. Held and Kit i tillheit ami Cm Us ami Slilinan, dial, (t lomcdlans, did mi enttitalnluK turn. Uladls Si. .?uliu and Ida Mioloi an; in a uiv aiuuinied M0. 'the peifornancc coniludcs with "A Queen of lioliemla," lu whiih a number of s""l JiibIhb ami ilain'int- unmbtiv lire intiodi.ied by Die iiirinbris of the lompnuy. 'the peifuimaiict will be rtpeatid till and tonoirow attirnoons and tuiinss. j "ftueon's Deteuder." A ilihiiii! I'f.iltiiifr iciiuiue Hut ueur fife'H. It biilliant ficm Ipegiiiulnff to end. 'the Moi.l am! tlio ciown ilamn u lm-ni tultoo. A womau'rf Kiod mine and liouoi ileiuaudeil at the point n( the buoid ulildtd bv a toiit arm. This i n new ami luinanun jil.iv iiiucliawd nt a glial ipciuv, .ill (nx.-l in wniiilroiii beauty, sliijeil Willi opcc'tal Siliifi.v, t luster DeVonde, as the dire iloil ir.uv.iuiluii foldlu ot turiune, proves lduiself cmnl o the t.i-, Tlio nbou' pliy will be pie-uitei by the (.'li-n-tel DaVonde html; minium, whllli btgins a wccUV piiifaiiniiiiil nt tlie Academy, Motidiy, Pee. t!. Matineu will be Rlu-n dally bepimupi: 1'iusdaj, fsitiinl.iy nutinw an elaborate pioilue tion of "Itobliwin t'tujou" will be elrn. s-'l'-of heats open toila, Bip; Vaudevillo Company, J. T. Dole, bwlnens manager for tho llurke k Chaso Vuudctllle company, wlilch lu been plajim; the laii;e wetun lilies blnce( the ou iwt the kmioii in hciitunher, is in tho lity, iniiKincr auangeuicntii foi the pcrfoiiuanceb to tin lihen at the I.ceuin ue. I week. This combination, which Is the largest and but of tile lluike and Chaso couipauieK, is in route fo.' Xoiv Yolk to till an eiizaeemenl of f'flcen week, ami Mmajer Unity letla lliat ha lias been foiiunato in ucurliiK it ai, an exlia at. tiuctlon for holiday wick, "The Roundel's" Ohristmae. 'I ho lirt Ult of the iCjon to S-raiitoii of a .Viw VciU Caino ornjiilialloii wilt occur when the latest aud crratcit Casino success, "'ho Itouuders," will take posscision ot the I.jieum ktaee for Christinas lnitlneo and night. Tmnnui Q. Heabrookc, who has been keen here many timta in a (tar, notably with tho "Me of Clam, pagne," appeals in the stellar role. Of Mr. Beabrooke it ii scarcely unnecesury to peak, a hi Individual tuccess lias ahvai been Uolute. A Maglnnla Paslia, an Irish Turk, ho U mid to be been it hit best. Ul entrani4 soug, "Thtro Are Only Out Hundred Girls In the World for Me," has a delicious waltz re frain, cully remembered, and consequently has 1 becu w hilt ltd, lota pcpuljrlty wherever tho Ijiio H'MftMW5! MERCEREAU & CONNELL NOW OPEN IN OUR NEW STORK WITH A NEW STOCK l:OR THE HOLIDAYS Diamonds Watches Silverware oun stock Fori EXTENT, vari ety AND FINENESS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT IS NOT EXCELLED IN THIS LOCALITY OUR WELL-KNOWN dUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY ARTICLE... . ALL ARE WELCOME ?WNWWS,WN In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. has been heard. In fact the entire musical frore provided by LuJuis Knglander, is of a blight, tuneful nnd exceedingly catchy nature. While Mr. Seabrookc is the principal cntcr tniner of this newest Capino confj. .on, the sup porting; company is one of the strongest comic oigaiiirations this season triiellng, Nellie Lynch, Rcrlha. WnJtrlnger, Jeanette I.owrlc anil Crlssie Carl.ile representing its ocal loveliness, aud William Mmideiille, .fake Bernard, Herbert t'ripps and William T. Teirls sustaining tho main masculine excellence. The company num bers CJ people. Come Out Never mind the weather: Christmas comes hut once a ji'nr, siul while you are nuililiur ur your mind what to Klvc, we have made up our mind to i;Uc you moi o for your money than anyone cl?e. Foote & Fuller Co Mears Building. Pierce's Market Peon Avenae We make a spicialti ot fancy ("reaiuory But ter and strictly freh eggs and the p.ko is as low as flist class gooili can be sold at. Wc do not have any special tali.s or leaders but at all times r.ury as complete a line ol Market floods, Kancy (irocerica and Table Delica cies as can he found In tho laigct New" York or Philadelphia Maikets which we sell at right pi Ices. W. H. Pierce, 19 Lackawanna Ave. 1'rompt delivery. 113, 111. Ill Pena Ava. The Dickson Miuiiifaetiirlns 0o. tcrantou aud VVllUos-Harre, fa,, .MuiiufuolLirert of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENQINES Uollcr.s, Hoisting and Pumping Machinery. Otneral Office, Scranton, Pa. EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK Given Free to each person inleiest. ed in subscribinc to tho i:ugeue Field Monu ment Souvenir Fund, tnibscrlbe an) amount desired. bubferiptiona as low as SI, 00 will en titlo donor to his daint ily artistic volume. "FIBL.U HLUWUKS" (doth bound, 8x11;, as a certlflcato of subsciip. tion to fund. (look contains a he I eel Ion ol Field's best and most TllKlloolcortlie 1 ln truteil by tuir. ty.lwo of tlio VvoilU'ii Ureal, est AitiMts. representative works and Is ready for do. livery, Hut for the noble contribution of the world'a greatest artists (his book ebuld not bate been manufactured for les.s than f7,UQ. The Hind dialed ii divided equally be tween tho family of the lato Kuxtue Field and tho Fund for (he building: of u monu ment to the memory of tho beloved poot of childhood. Address Kuzciu HleM Monument Souvcnelr Fund Chlcujo, III If joti also wish to send postage, enclose 10 cents lapJiTalut, Tarn v. auj-neon fails. mm!,w;m: OliodPilsoo,Viiicoc8lrStrltiif8 CAOatl PRiyATK and OIIOUH UlUIISIi on organi.fully rcatoicit, Frcah caawai ha moat danatroua case atimonTaTsA llookfi iUleat AalciUcal baud. Irk SiJ 2i -j--" ( WCU :1 UJ 1IIUHI. 1 inia by nlalfTsemff orH worn f tauig ir j lake f ntUUil,U sM&Nry $$$ss$$w$se&!5i Jewelers Silversmiths Fine Jewelry Cut Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange ! Wyoming Airotlllo SSS$$5 Furniture for Gifts. . . The Scranton Furniture and Carpet Company direct attention to their magnifi cent assortment of Furni ture, suitable for Holiday Gifts, in which may be found many pieces of rich designs in modern and an tique, at prices which are particularly interesting to early buyers. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (.nEQIBTEREO.) StfeL a VRp )r3i& Vou made'out jour list of what jou have to get for all of your male Irlcnds lor Vina-.. Whether cr not. add a bljlT CASK OR HAT UOX. 1IOU.SK JIOI1E or SMOKING JACKET. We have tht.ui, the finest kind, niht modern, SoM and upwauli. The hnudtomest lino of Neckwear and Gloves ever exhibited in town. 412 Spruce Street. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil StovBS, Gas Stoves, M Heaters. i B8-317 PBNN AVENUK. Short Sea Trips of tno t; fu' duration, arc ollcrcd Ur thu TO Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Comfort, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steamers sail daily except Sunday from Pier SO, North River, foot of Ucacu. street, New York. 'ftckets, including meals and stateroom accom modations, 13.(X) and upward. for full Information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIPCO. 81 Beoch Street, New Ydrk, N. Y, U.D.WALKER,Traf.Ugr. J.J.BUOWK.CM'.A. -N -,ll i Gift Things in Men's Wear Neckwear and fancy suspenders are safe gifts always. No man ever has too many of either. A Bath Robe offers a still more effective and practical present. No where else in Scranton is there equal variety to those shown here and now. NEW NECKWEAR Here are patterns that will be found nowhere else, until spring stocks are dis played. We were given the opportunity to select from the new silks, and have what we wauted, exclusively. It is a fresh aud beautiful addition to an already magnificeut stock of American Neckwear. Prices 50c to $1.25 SILK SUSPENDERS Silk webbings, gilt buckles,, kidskin ends put up iu neat box, $1.00; Other styles at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 MEN'S BATH ROBES Made with the comfortable Raglan sleeve, that adiusts the fit to -every figure. Made in the expert and liberal way that wa only will have them. Prices $3 to $12. HANDKERCHIEFS Hemstitched, scalloped, embroidered, lace trimmed, the novelties iu colors many styles of each, and the best of each, from the world's leading makers. Tliit'a the handkerchief stock. Never better prepared than no .v. Prices 5c to $12. SPECIALS Men's plain white linen hemstitched handk'fs 25c to $2.75 a dozen " jap Silk hemstitched handk'fs, full size 50c. " " " " " " with initials, 50c. Ladies' embroidered and hemstitched handk'fs 25c to $2,75 a doz. plain white linen " " with initals 35c. CONNOLLY & THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1872 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNTED STATE3. Capital SSOO.OOO Surplus - SOO.000 WM. CONNELL. Prcsidsit. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice-Pros, WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashlir. Eperla'. attention plvon to busi ness accovnts. Three per cent in lorest Dal on Interest deposit. OO vw J Lager Beer Brewery Hannfftclurera tr OLD STOCK PILS8MER 430 to 465 . SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call, 2.IH. TBS !1C POWOER CD. Uoms l anas.ComMlh D'l'd'g. SCRANTON, PA. f nining and Blasting POWDER Mr4t Uooaloamd UtuUiaU Worka, LAFLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANQE GUN POWDER Btatrlo Battarle BitstriaBxploltrt, esplodtug blstili, bafsty files itat Riiaiii ClMMloal d.'s bxpVve. ins m SCRANTON'B 3HOPPNQ OENTER. BTORE OPEN EVENINQB UNTIL OHRI&TMA9. MEN'S AND WOMENS WALLACE, BARGAINS Here's a chance to make a dollar do double duty. We Ocut prices deeply to close out these little lots at once. Carpet Sweepers JjSJja 1.00 Oriental Foot Rests ,f $ 75c Wilton Rugs gSftg. 1.25 Prices cut deeply on Smoking Tables, Taborettes, etc. 8fioes- Rockers Williams & 129 Wyoming Avenue j33.1lGttO Game Board. Twenty sevan different garnet, including Billiards, Pool, Carrouis, Ten Pins and several very interest ing games. Get one and keep your boys at home evenings. We Have Also the Popular Game, Archarena Fifty four games. This game has been greatly improved since last season, many new gamea added. We are now wl stockad with a complete line of Cameras, Kodaks -ud supplies, iucluding a large assortment of Card Boards for mounting posters, all colors and sizes, of Striking Bags, Foot Balls. Sweaters and everything athletic There is no limit. Florey &. Brooks, 21 1 JSSg0" UK MBirililli JM s!MV aittl vi- lon Pa II 'cute anJ Chronic Diseases ot Men Won n an Children. CoiuulU'lou biJ arr nrlVICTDU ! Giuat Ciscain Men, Worn n an . Children. CoiuulUiloiiuqil cxsiulnatloa Irec. Olllc Hoars Oslly sud fcuadey 8 ak to. to p. na. 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE McAnulty, HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for ths Wyoming District lor DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlug, ousting, Sportine, EmoVelesi and tlM Itepauno Chemical Company's High ExpJosives. Eafctjr Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Boom 0l Cats nell Bulldina;, Scranton. AUi;KCIE3l j"" J " '",! 'oii ',"ri.1h JOHN B, ,ni & EON ...Plyiooutli 1 W. E. UUtLIQAN ...........WllknUant TH09. Fonn .PltUtoa .r 1 Mi -.-. Jj w. , ii ,. Lijlk nl