fciaw-'' 'ir.'' "W" 3 " u ,. JiJ?.'"" M'.yifl f ';,..-'-' -v 'ni ;v 5 ' T 1 f e. .ft 4 ' -S i , l . .1 .-' V " - ,'mi w -it Al A , 1 hl THE SORANTON TRIBUNJti-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900.' sr-SPHr.T?,i' tmjjSSW! ttA NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HARFORD. Ipfclil to tlio fccranton Tribune. Hurfofd, Dcu. 20. Mrs. K. J. Whitney Is spending u tew dtiys' In Dlimham ton. Mrs. Ouss Tiffany and Edna Pnyne were In Seranton Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Gow were dcl KHtos to the State GrnnRO mcetlntf held nt Lock Haven lust wool;. Miss lSvu Tiffany, who 1ms been working for Mrs. A. T. DruudnKO has returned to her homo In Brooklyn. Mrs. A. U. Q rant entertained a num ber of youtiK ladles for tea Tuesday. Mr. Otis arennell Is sick. Mrs. Amanda Babcock, of Blnuham ton, has had a fine monument erected In the village cemetery to her adopted brother, William I. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet will reside In Detroit this winter. Mrs. Whcuton, of Jackson, Is spend ing the week with her sister. The Methodist Episcopal Congrega tional Sunday schools are practicing 'for their Christmas exercises. The Methodist "will be given Chrlsmns eve and the Congregational Christmas night. Our school closes for Christmas va cation Friday. KINGSLEY. pccltl to the Scrniiton Tribune. Kings!', Dec. 20. Mm. Wagner is much Im proved from a serious Illness. J. P. Adams is conflned to the house by rheu matism, lit has been 111 tor four months. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Adnms left Triday for a two vcok isit with their daughters at Wilkes Harre. Mrs. W. .Tcrters spent lodiy nitli friends at Ifontrose. The Rev. J. I!. Davl, who has been spending; a few days with Ihirford relatives, visted Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Adims, Thursday, previous to re turning to his home at Ulster, l'.i. Mrs. L. W. Moose, of New Milford, is spending k few days with her son, 1". U. Moore. The Misses Pot and Palsy Kutt, of Owcjo, arc visiting their sister, Mrs. J. B. Coss. SUSQUEHANNA. Epeclal to the Seranton Tribune. Susquehanna, Dec. 10. Butler ITndeiwood died at his home ou Main street on Wednesday in his seventy-second year. The luneral will be attended from the home at 2 o'clock on Saturday after noon, Bev. Charles Henry Ncwlnp, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. Tho remains will be interred In the Crand street cemetery. Interesting closing exercises were held this af ternoon in the First ward public school. E. It. Vf. Searle delivered an appropriate address. Closing exercises will be held in the High school on Thursday afternoon. Rev. Charles C. Maekey, pastor of the Oakland Congregational church, will deliver an address. The funeral of the late Theodore Whitney took place this afternoon from the home, Rer. Charles W. Boot, of Christ Episcopal church, officiating. Interment was made in tho Grand street cemetery. Erie General Yardmaster M. 8. Jordan bat been called to Wurtsboro, N. V., by tho serious illness of his mother. The Erie shopmen will receive their monthly ttipend on Monday next. The new Baptist church at Brushvllle is gradu ally approaching completion. Captain Charles F. Birdsell, a atudent In the Rockland Military academy, at Nyaclc-on-thc-Hudson, is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Sam uel Birdsell. There will be a Christmas tree and exercises in the Avenue Methodist church on Tuesday evening. Isaac Mapes is confined to his homo by serious injuries nuUlned on Simdjy moitilng while going to liU work lti the Krle tliopi. Common Councilman George Tlsdell, of Ilro.ul street, who Is suffering ttllh t)itiolil fever, Ii In a ii Ileal condition. Mrs. K. Johnson, of Oakland Siilo, Is In Xew Yoik city, caring for her daughter, Mr. Albeit Clirktcr, who Is III. I'orintr Husqucliiinna people arc already "com ing home" lo spend the holld.iyii. Job Wallers liru piirilimpil one of the Buydon houses, situated In Oakland borough. A Christmas tree ami entertainment will De held in the Oult Summit Presbyterian church on Monday evening, PURYEA. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Duryca, Pec. 20. ChrlMma.1 ccercltei will be held by tho pupils of MIm llrodheail's room in the I.amicelll( school. A good prnginmmo has been prepired. " Jooipli Volley, of t till plate, was Instantly killed at the Willi ml A. mlno Wednesday. Do ii'.iscd was a l.ibutcr In the mine nnd was work ing when the roof .Middcnly Ml upon him. He w.is I erected ,y all that knew him, a faithful Irleud to those In trouble, l'rank Hughes, alio wa serlouily Injured at tho 6amc mine Wed nesday. He wm running n trip of ciri, and when passing n chamber he w.ii accidentally shot in the leg. It was n m.ineloiH escape from death, for ii lie lnd not n good grip on the car he would have been Instantly Hilled. A Bupncr was served in the basement of tho Primitive Methodist Kplscopal chuicli Wednesday evening. The Lavireneevillc foot bill team diillcnges any team under 20 jcars o! age in cither Lu zerne or Lackawanna countlm. Harry Gregory won the ciko at the cake walk given in Babiche's hall the other evening. Charles Longsteln has the windows of his store beautifully ikuoratcd. The children of the Methodit Episcopal Sun day school will give their tantata Monday even ing. Good old Santa, Claui will be their to amuse them. An cnteitainment will be given by the schol ars of the High school this afternoon. The programme includes deluks, ictit.itions, etc. Mm. James Holies mid sou, Charles visited In Seranton, Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Cox and son, I.aben, united friends in Seranton. NICHOLSON. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Nicholson, Dec. 20. Mis. Thomas Judge, of Mansfield, is spending the holidavs with her moth er, Mrs. O. It. Williams. Mrs. E, D. 1'arrar, who has been ill, is now im proving. Miss May Tarrar is home from Mansfield State Normal school, spending the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 51. Shields, jr., and dauglitti, Nellie, have returned home from Ithaca, wheie they have been attending a wedding. Scth Mitchell, of Bingliniulon, was a caller in town Tuesday. Sirs. K. F. Johnson and daughter, Ruth, have gone to Jersey City to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mra. E. H. Webb. Miss Ruth will pay a visit to Middletown, N. Y before returning. Messrs. Ellis Bond and Cecil Stuelds Jie home from school, spending their vacation. Mrs. H. B. Wilkins, who has been quite ill, is (lowly recovering. PJTTSTON. Special to tho Seranton Tribune. Pittston, Deo. 20. A serious ca-in of the old workings of the Seneca miuo along North Main street, took xAaco this morning, commencing about C o'clock and continuing all day. Over threa acres of the surface aro affected, and four or five buildings have been damaged more or less seriously. Large fissures run in all direc tions and ro from one to two fret wide. One big fissure runs directly beneath tho Patterson k Co.' store, tearing a brlrk annex away from the main building by about a foot. House oc cupied bv Adam Soil?, Joseph Morris and Mr. King, and a house and storeroom occupied by John Touhlll, the foundry man, suffered much from the settling, the ulastetlng being torn down and the buildings twhlcd Jut enough to rane a little Jimmlng of the doors. In several pitches portions of tho earth about forty feet In circumference have dropped down a. distance ol fiom two to four feel. The curb stone along the Main si tee, has been separated from Hie asphalt pavement about Ihrre inches for n ills tamo ol Put fjct. Tho Spring Uiook Water company's main on Lambert street was broken, fun Uiy, Into Idleness the facloiy of (lallaml L'rollicrA iIcmi by. A jeir nr more ago the pillars In the Checker and Plttston veins of this initio wtra robbed, nnd this Is thought to have been the cauo of the cave-In. Mrs. John Il.iktr, ut North Main street, aged 47 year, died at her homo last evening, alter n long Illness. Among the surviving children is Mm. William Toiiney, of Seranton. The funeral will tike place Saturday at2 p. in. How's ThlsP We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any rase of Catairh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cme. P. J. CHKNEY k CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 yearn, and believe him perfectly honorable In all limine transactions ond finan cially able to "carry out any obligations made bv their firm. West k Truax, Uholetale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wnldlng, Rinnan k Maivln, UIioIcmIu prug gists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blond and inueoui surfaces of the system. Testimonials tent free. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. Hall's family Pills are the best. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Bevlew. New York, Dec. 20. The stotlt nnrkct today Old not vary inatcii.illy in character fmm th.it which has picvallcd for miny U.13.S. Pioflt tak ing was palpably on an ciionnous scale nnd was not without effect on pi Ices, but the inroads made wcie not M-riou and the offerings were easily absorbed, while this partial weakness In the market did not In the least Impair the eager iuli to buy stocks which showtd any disposition to Rdvancc. The day ended with the market moic generally reattlonary than for ome time past under a flood of Belling to take profits in Noil hem Pacific nnd other stocks which had thou 11 the most aggresshe strength duiing the day. Total s.iles today, 1,5S4,5(JU shares. The market for rallioad bonds continued active and stiong without Important exception. Total sales, par value, $1,113,1)00. I . S. "s, old It and 6s advanced Vi and new- 'Is declined M 1't cent, on the last call. The following quotations Tribune by M. S. Jordan & Ucirs building, Sirnnton, Pa, Open- are furnished The Co., roomv 701-701) Telephone O00.S: It Ameiican Sugar ., American Tolnceo , Am. Steel k Wiie A trillion Atchison, Pr. llrook. Tiattion .. Bait. & Ohio Cont. Tobacco .... Ches. k Ohio Chic. & Ct. West. Chic, P. i Q St. Paul , Hot'; lilauU , Pel. k llud-on Lackawanna It. l'dliral Steel ... Federal Sttol, Pi Kan. S: Tex., Pr. Louis, k N i-h. Man. novated . Met. 'Jr.ittion .. Mlsso. Pacifia .. l'conle's Gas . . . N. J. Central South. Pacific Norfolk & West. . Northern Pacific . North. Pacillc, Pr. X. Y. Central .... Out. k Western .. Pcnnn. It. It Pacillc Mail Reading lty. .... Reading Hv., Pr. Southern it. R. . South. R. R., Tr. Tcnn. Coal & Iron V. S. Leather .... If. S. Leather, Pr. If. S. Rubber .... Union Pacific .... inc.. ..13'.yi ..112 .. U'.i .. 42-.U .. MPs .. 7IP'i .. t-Oi't .. SO'.i .. ::o-k .. UVi ..IWVi ..l.il"3 ..1171 ..120. 'A ..1S1U .. 7at .. 4.I 112 'i 17.ni Oo?S .1 putt Hi 43?i II?; 70', ... !7v 112 !!!"iTt 4:i 2.V n'lK 21"i 7Ui .... M'k Tt"i 731J High est. PTs 112 mi S7, T'l". Mrs atsS 40!i lGi8 140 1114 111 1J21 100 61 7s4 441i Sli llSi 17J lis Kio"i us 4!H lii Si'.! ni'i 113 iii 141 4! 2iA (i')'s '.'i;i 71'i t H'i 7. 2?;4 I.OVV- et. 1SOM; 110 4J 42K S0 7794 SO SS'i .".o?i 10 13i 31'l Clos ing 130'i 110 4,; 4.1 7'i bOh Si. 10 10 18'J'i lli'ii 117U 113s Z20i 122', lol'i fii'-j i''l! 4J'i S5'i 17S Oi-Jl 09 144'i t: 7S?i b7'k 100 i.t'., 4i'.j 11 ''i 173 t7 '. 144'A 4.1 44',; Sl S3 mis in'& 2r- l2'-j 24'C OS" 20?, 71 0.13 P'Mi 74 )i 2S 73H 141',i 4'i 2. .)! 21 71 Vi bl ish 74'i 2bli 7tf"a tfnlon raclfle, Tr. KM 81,, 82H 8-i Wabash, Pr. .. 23J4 2ti M 2D Western Union Sl'i $r,i 81 81 Ni:w yoiik pnoDUCK tixciiAN'on pnicr.s. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. mi, et. Ing, March ,. 70 , W 70 7011 May ..,,.,.. 78 79 78a tVt CORN. May 42','t 42i 42 42 Bcinnton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked, First National Bank P.'uo Seranton Savings Hank S60 Third National flink Ml Dime Deposit and Discount Bank,. 230 Economy Light, II. k P. Co. 4tf Lacka. Trust Sale Deposit Co 160 ,., Clark & Snover Co., Pr. 121 ... Seranton Iron Pence Mfg. Co. 100 Seranton Axie Works ... t'i Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. 20 Countv Savings Hank k Trust Co.. !100 First National Bank (Oarbondalc) C00 Standard Drilling Co. 10 Traders' Nutl011.1l Bmk 14S ... Seranton Bolt and Nut Co 103 BONDS. Seranton Passenger Hallway, (list Mortgage, due 1B20 11J ... People's Street Railway, first mort gage, due 191S 113 ... People's Street Railway, General mortgage, due 11121 113 ... Dickson .Manufacturing Co. ...1 ' 1O0 Lneka. Township School 6 per rent. ... 102 City of Seranton St. Imp. 0 per cent 102 Scmnton Traotlon 0 per rent 115 ... Seranton Wholesales Market. (Corrected by II. O. P"le. 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Butter Creamery, 24a2Jc. Eggs Select western, 21c. ; nearby state, 31c. Cheese Pull cicam, new, 12e. Beans Per bu., choice marrow, $2.30. Onions OOs. per bu. Hour Best patent, ?4.00. New York Grain nnd Produce. Ntw York, Dec. 20. Flour continued In a steady position without pitShiiro to sell. Whoat Spot Heady; No. 2 ltd, 77?fcc. f. o. b., and 70Vic elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8J?ic, f. o. b. afloat. Options opened easy, but vveio soon strengthened and closed steady at lie. net advance. Jan. closed 7!f,,ic; March, '9iic; May, 7STJC.; Dec, 77',e. Com Spoc steady; No. 2, 4G'$c. elevator and l3Uc. ef. o. b. afloat. Options steady early in the day, tlnilly yielding and closed easy at Uaic. net decline. Jan. closed 44c; May, 42c; Dec. 4Qic. Oats Spot Ann; No. 2, 27 Vic; No. it. 27Vic; No. 2 white, 31Vja32c; No. 3 white, .!0'5a31c.; track niKcd western, 27Ha28',(; tiatk white, tlOVfcunUc. Options neglected ami tfcidlly held. Ilutloi--Steady; creamery, 17a2,c. ; factory, ll&ilUc.; June creainerv, 7a:Mc.; imitation creamery, H'olOc; btate dairy, lt!.i23c. Cheese Strong; fancy large fall nude, UUallUc; fancy tinall, fall made, U3inl2c. Egge Weak; state" and Prima., 24i20c; western, tegular packing, 20 2?ic ; woteni, loss oO, 2or. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Dec. 20. Jfodciate receipts, bullish Argentine news and llumiisa at Liverpool &u talned wheat today, May elosing uiiLhin0'ed. Com closed Ys, 'A and vi cents lower respective ly for May, Jan. nnd Dec. Osts clccd n slndo down and provisions practically unchanged. Ca-h quotations were as follows: Flour Dull and easy; No. 3 spring wheat, 70',4a71c; No. 2 red, 7ta74c. ; No. 2 corn, 40c; No. 2 jollow, 40c; No. 2 oats. 22li.a2.Sc; No. 2 white, 25i4a20c; No. 3 white, 23a20c; No. 2 rve, 61ij2o.; No. 1 flax, $1.00; No. 1 north west, ?1.C0; timothy, $1.10; pork, $11 tJV.a 11.23; lard, ?0.D3a7.O3; litis, 0.2i0 60: thoul dcis STiati'ic; sides, skl.70a0.bO; whitkey, t.25. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Dec 20. Cattle Rctcipta 7,000. .Ki ll c, strong to thadu higher; buUlitsr' stouk and Tcxans strong. Natives, IlsI on wlo todo.v -. Larloads at i3 0fl: good to prim stcsrs. fii 25 aO; poor to medium, $4.nT,a.V.!(); 8!ected f"tl us, steidv to strong, fS.i.'a 1.40: mixed ttucUcru, Ftt-ady, $2.60a3.75: cows, !;2.60al 10; httf.-isi, ?2 rOii.CO; camier-., fl.$3a2.i.; bulls, Arm, V-'.50 al.40; calves. $4aj.60. Tetans, lecelpts 400, best on sxle todav, 5 loids at i.SO; Tccas fed steers, ?4a4.83; Tetos gra-s steers, ?1.2',a4; Tt as bulls, 2.43a3.:'S. Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomoriow, 2S, 000; left over, entlmaivd, 2,500: average, shiclc higher, closing weal.; top, 51.05; mixed and butchers, ?4.7ua4.0V; Bood to choice, steady. t.7."a4.93; rough heavy, $l.00al.70; lijht, Sl.u al.BOj bulk of sales, $1.S0jJ.S7j. Oil Market. Oil City, Deo. 20. Ciedit bikuites, 107: rer tilluatas closed, often d 10S. Shipments, 8S,I)II; average, 95,638. Run", U'1,701; average, SO,VM. A Big Assertion, but Nevertheless True Our Stock Comprises Goods from Almost Every Corner of the Globe r & p a Wholesale Wines and Liquors 243 &rr Avenue Second Block from Lackawanna Avs. Second Door from Linden St. s r I c Prompt Delivery of Small Packages. The Christmas Friday Sale. The last Friday previous to Christmas we shall make a very interesting event here. The Sixty Minute Sales from two o'clock until five will be rich in money-saving possibilites. Most every item Is apropos to Yuletide and suited for gifts. I OUR GREAT ONE HOURl FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES Tell you this week of Furniture, Rugs, Pictures, Black Skirts, Boys' Clothing, Handker chiefs, Books, Outing Flannels, Blankets, Art Goods, Perfumery, Candy, Fancy Garters and a lot of splendid offerings in China and Glass, Lamps, etc. Don't you think it's a very attractive list ? At Two O'clock Sharp. PRESERVING KETTLES: Full twelve (12) quart size, lipped; best gray enam eled ware; very special tomorrow at Sale No. 1. at 2 O'clock in Basement LAMPS : A splendid lot of fancy decorated Lamps, of fine China and in an attractive size. Lift-out-fonts and large burners. Big round bowl globes to match the font ,- coverings. Very special for an hour I .Z" FANCY CHINA : A great collection of values, in cluding some handsome pieces in art pottery, bric-a- , brae, fancy plates, etc. Worth up to 50c for an hour JLQ CUPS AND SAUCERS : Of finest white porcelain clear and smooth; good size. For an hour tomorrow, each Q SAUCE PANS : Full six (6) quart size lipped, of best grey enameled ware; very special for an hour CLOTHES WRINGERS: The gen uine "Challenge,'' nude bv the American Wringer Company; full family size and tirst-class in every way. special at 29c Vei v 98c At Three O'clock Sharp. Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp. CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS: On Main Floor. Here is a lot of line Picture Books for Childien. They come in board covers, paper covers and all linen. Some in the lot are worth 25c and 35c. None woith less than 15c. Choose from among them at 3 o'clock lor C BLANKETS, ALL WOOL : What an admirable gift these will make for those fortunate enough to get them. Strictly ail-wool in full 11-4 size. Absolutely never i-. sold lor less than $5. Ready at ) o'clock for 5.i5U CANDY : Here's a chance to fill the Christmas stocking clear to the brim with good and pure confections. As sorted Mixed Candies of various kinds, made from pure ftl sugar. Very special for one hour 02C AXfllNSTER RUGS : On Third Floor. Another gift that you wont go amiss in buying. Genuine Axminster Rugs, in sizes 27x54 inches; exquisite designs and patterns, and t cheap at $.2.75. For one hour at 1.95 BOYS, KNEE PANTS, CAPS AND WAISTS: On Second Floor. We give you choice for an hour of fine quality. All-Wool Knee Pants in dark patterns; extra well made. sizes 3 to 14 years. Also Outing Flannel Waists plaited front and back : sizes 4 to 13 years. Also Boys' pretty Toques, jus the thing tor this sea son ofthevear. Choose for an hour , at 2UC PICTURES : A lot of exquisite studies in black and white and carbon effects. Size 8x 10, nicely matted in black and oak frames. Ready at 3 o'clock on the Third Floor ,- for just one hour, at xdC At Four O'clock Sharp. Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp. ART GOODS AND FANCY WORK: We figure this to be one of the biggest sales of the day. It includes a very fine collection of Bureau Scarfs, Table Covers, Pillow Shams, etc. in sparchtel patterns, of exquisite design; also the same articles stamped and fringed ready to work. With them we in clude a lot of pretty Pillow Tops in unique designs. Take your choice of any. in the lot at 4 o'clock for 2t 1 C FANCY GARTERS :These are made of finest Silk Elastic in almost every color, with handsome buckles of silver, gilt and oxidized. Each pair put up in a handsome . glass-top box. Worth 75c. For one hour at 4UC PERFUriERY : Choice of a great many odors; Some ot them are put up two bottles in a box; other boxes contain one bottle. Then there are some in little fancv t wicker baskets. Very special for one hour 2lC FINE FUKNITURK : On fourth floor again, the sensible present. We give you choice for one hour of : Mortis Chairs, upholstered in assorted patterns of French Velours; full spring seats and solid oaK frames; has all the featutes of a ten dollar chair; also Parlor Tables, a very fine assoitment; pedestal and serpentine designs in birdseye maple, golden quartered oak, mahogany and forest green finish Always considered low-priced at 5; also Couches, upholstered in assorted Alhambra ve lours, plain seats and fringed bottoms. Springs, webbing and filling of the very best. Here are three great items eveiy one of them will bring Christmas joy. Choose for an hour at.... po.75 OUTING FLANNEL : A big lot of Fancy Outings, mostly light grounds in stripes, checks and plaids ol pink and blue. Fine variety and splendid quality. One ot the day's . 1 biggest bargains at 4 o'clock 42C LADIES' BLACK SKIRTS: Of black mercerized stuffs, well lined and finished with deep corded ruffle. All lengths and Q worth 1.25. For one hour, second floor OaC BOYS' VESTEE SUITS: Of strictly all-wool materials, well made and handsomely trimmed; open front, double breasted fancy vests; all dark patterns in sizes trom 3 1 jo to 8 years. A great bargain; 2nd floor 1.03 jgaJLong's Sons VrfKVyJ Fine Cigars Have Just received two eases of Cor toz Cigars, direct from Key West, fresh and fragrant. Other brands of clear Havanas, like Satlsfeolia, Oarantlza, Mandato, etc. Full lino of Brier Pipes and smolters' articles. W. P. Shoop, Menvs Uuliaiiig, t -f 4- Just Out f 4- Kino ncn iiutcioiii AV plinlt Kemovnblo H HORSESHOE CALK. JJ Ilorse cannot slip and will outwear (lirco sets of any oilier calk nwmU'aclureil. BITTENBENDR C) pn 126 and 128 U III., Franklin Ave. f m LI "II An " Tbe ClieUerfleltl Overcoat X ASK TO m IT, Samter Bros.l 4-4-4-4-4- mm SOLE AGENTS. 4-4-4-4-4-4'4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4-- fV. HK2QUOC1