vi 'J rjr?'iJ' ''i ??r mkfM mi ' l" I ,, " t ' ' i' , ,' , Vi' 6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900 WEST SCRANTON SCHOOLS WILL CLOSE TODAY APPROPRIATE EXERCISES IN VARIOUS BUILDINGS. Christmas Programmes Will Be Ren dered by the Pupils in Many Rooms Republican Caucus in the Fourteenth Ward Tonight Acci dontB and Funorals Yesterday. Robert Morris Lodgo Elects Offi cers Sunday-School Entertain ment News Notes and Personals. Tlie ltlb1le schools will close Unlay for tlu holiday vncatlnti, and hi con jwqurnce the teachers have imunirotl for musical nnd lltorary cxurulseH oniony the lmpllH. I'aiuntH nnd frleud.4 will bo, wclvomcd to the hcIkjoI rooms nnd the future stars of tlio. .literary. InislnesK and nrofcsrflunal wmld, will rtiveal their talents In mitMc, jcclta ilons nnd sonn. The pupIlM oil tliu tlrammai' A nnd U jri'iulos of Xo. II school will unite at a o'clock this ai tprnoon and render tlio l'ollovvlner pro Rrammij: fr'onir, "Vlllaec llclls" Si hoot loll, "Long Afore I Knew Wlio Mnty Clans Wu." II. DicM polo, "Tlio Mlwisslpiil Shore" ...Ccitiitdu Jones l'lnno solo, "Ovpsy Hungarian Dance" 111.tii.Iic '1 Itomas. Itcrltatlon, "!!celr.' Tilings at Mitht" llcsste M. lole. Violin solo, "Geoigia Camp Mectlnc." Lewis I.cwIj. Hon?, "Hall (!lad Christmas lime" School Solo, "Tlirer Lily" Malik- 1'onle ltecitatlon. "flic Pishing I'.utj" . ..1!f-iie Ulehl Instrumental trio II. Thomas, .T. Munson. M. 'I'liro. Solo, ".Mveet Xnncy Ltc" Ohvm Junes I'hno solo, "HubLllnrr Springs".... Jennie. Il.vr.on PIioiih, "Wlien the .Sun Awakes tlio Morn" .Selected. Becllatloii. ".Mammy's Little lio.v" Ilessie Si. Stole. S..ntf, "lling Out, King Ot.t" School The Primary A grade at No.lS school, taught by .alias I A. Evans, will enjoy tho loUowJng urosramme of selected recitations: "Cluistmas" Maltha Kdvvards "No Stockings In Wear" IMi-on Powell "Christ iVa.i JJoin on Christmas Day," Maltic Lenin "Little Crildnn" Two LittJe Stockings" ... "Watching for Santa Clou-." "Christmas Tree" "Sacrifice" "'. Is fur MWnljrlit" "Why l)o the Hells lUiist" "The Golden Pumpkin" .... "How He Does It" "Habo's Chnslmis Gilt" ... John Harris .linnio Tcvvksbiiry ltnili Slool.ey Le Hoy M.i v o ....Nellie ricncli . .ttobcrt lMvvlini; Alice Lee ...Tied ('ocUlmin Edith Jones Bella Weaver ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR f COUGHS 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Hi 1 Mhl sis Ms No. Well, supposing you get to the store early today ur lo inorrow before tlie rush begins, and after looking over the scores of show tables and counters, you'll surely rind some thing to please you and you may pick them all at hist call prices. The Annual Christmas Sale of Handkerchiefs Fur Neckwear and Fur Sets Fancy Neckwear Latest Gloves and Men's Furnishings Goes merrily on, and makes buying easy. You can save more than you figure on by taking advantage of our advice. The Jewelry Counter ' V " Ts attracting hosts of visitors these days solid gold and sil"- vcr jewelry of every description sells them with an ordi nary dry goods profit added to the cost. That makes , more difference in the price to you than you have any idea of. The Latest Arrivals The Christmas Umbrellas have won the hearts of the people and delighted many buyers, There's more style and quality for the money asked than you have any idea of unless you : have looked the stock over. Dolls, Brica-Brac, Etc. At close of the season's trade prices, Globe Warehouse "My MocUnir" Viola Mown "C'hlMiiim" t Illliel Thomas "C'liltdrcn In Holland" Maiy t.ovvry "Tfinpetance" ...L.tforali I'lillllpt "llnnkfiil Hearts" ....Mollle Mohr " '8' is for HihU" ,Urte Wctier "MV l (or Uetndecr 1'iank Mchtrr hinging by tlio whole school. The pupils of Primary B urnd-3 at No. IS school, taught by. Miss Ultra HurIioo, will render a mixed pro gramme of sntiRS, rccltatlonn, acros tics and choruses, as follows: Sore ".lolly Old St. NfeliolAs" School Iteell.illon, "siJliii Clau' Jt.!" Lulu M. Ci'lncr. Rolo, "Hear Hie llclls lllim" l'loieme Wnle llccltatlon, "The l'nrcl l'carl" t'ura M. llejnnlcN. Aciottlc, "f lirllm.i" Me boys lleillallon, "Tin' Nuneiy nl lW)"..l'rcldn Maker Meinoiy m-in, "Christinas 'ails" iliool lleeltatloii, "Sanlo In Holland". .Akiics Wllllunu Solo, "Soft nn.l While" I.lwlc I'au.v lleillallon, '" Ihe XIrIiI llcloro Clirlil- m.n" Ilaiold i:i4lntri!r Ai'iosllo, "('liriliiid".,'lliin gills ami sl hoys llccltatlun, "Mother t.'uose'i Ohil'ttiiaV Olncn Wllltjins, Ilecllnllon, "The l'lut riiiMin.1" Mjrlie Henuly. Solo, "I)oI1,'h Drrtsw" Ihi.wnond II. flufflict llecllallon, "Santa ( lulu" IMilli 1'oi.ler Memoiy ictl". "ltlnir Oul Wild llelK'.... ll.cllallori. "Kil KihiRle" ...IMIIh M.ieis Duet, feleilul Wallrr and Olwm Willlnnu lleeltatloii, "Old Santa Clam".... Willie Staple limitation, "Christmas I'.ve" lilalne s.ihln Solo, "Tlie Lomly L'otlaKe" Hoi.l ll.iiinond llecilatlon, "(.'hrlstni.i'." l'loieme ll.iRgi'rv lleillatlon, "The Hells" illodtten Ch.liles Sons:, ".linple Hells" School Ann .Tones' pupils In Primary P.. No. IS school, will render the fol lowing programme: "A Wise Precaution" Stella Seaman "Christmas .llnglts" Vlln Harrier Memory fiem. "Ilinir Out Wild Bell","... School "The (.'liristmas Tree" lohn C'oslett "The CluMnias Stai" Maiioiie Hairia Acrostic, "Mirry Chi Istino," Miner Moiitans, llattlc JloigaiH, Waller Mariiotl, Joseph Aalnsley, Herhert l)ais. Itiissell llijant, Charles Heclier, ll.ilil "iaen. nillwjn Jonee, MaiKaret Kjnon, Allliur Williams. Dnma Cisteillne, Mar caret Monrjn-, Maritiiel Williamu. "Christinas Suiik" Ilulli Hcese, M. Han is "Santa (.'Inns Is Cuming" Heed Brunlng "if You'ie Hood" Ituth Hill "T lie Snow Man" John Hoffman "Chilstm.1 Hells" John Borlliuick Song Anna Hell l'ichlcr lleiiliilion Nellie Waiieu "What I'd l.ilce" Krank Hughes Song Gerald Charles "Merry Chiistinus" Nellie Christopher Hecitaiiou Otto i.slileman Similar exercises will also he held In Nos. IS, 1C, 17. 19, 31 and 32, men tion of which will bo made in this department tomorrow. Fourteenth Ward Republicans. The Republicans of the Fourteenth waid will assemble in co-oporatlve hall at S o'clock this evening and hold a caucus for the purpose of nomlnat Ink a siioessor to Select Councilman. Peter McCann, resigned. Candidates will also be named for the office of alderman, register of voters, ase3SS0i'3, judges and Inspectors of election. The names thus far mentioned In connection with the Republican coun etlmanlo nomination nrc Frank Bonoro and David AV. Thomas. Thus far no one has aspired to Alderman Kel low's chair. He has filled the posi tion acceptably for nearly five years, I'u re and In all probability will be renoml' nnted. Among the Democratic aspirants for McRann's seat, are mentioned Thomas Oosjrrove, James "Zep" Aiadcnspacher, foreman at 13. Robin son's brewery. The Democrats have not yet set a date for holding their caucus. Two Accidents Yesterday. Walter Heabner, an emptoyo at Washburn, Williams & Co.'s pinning mill, had his collar bone fractured yerterdny while engaged In handling nomo heavy lumber, which fell on him. His Injury was tiltendrd to at the West Side hospital, nhd Inter ho went to bis home. Benjamin 12dwardM, the 15 -year-old son of Reese Edwards, of Kvans court, fell from a car In the mines yesterday nnd bruised his leg and L1iIf.Ii. He wus removed to his home, where Dr. M. J. AVllllams dressed his Injuths. Hospital Donation Day. The annual donation day at the Wot Side hospltnl will be Tuesday, Jan. 1, nnd friends of the Institu tion are asked to remember this wor thy cause on New Year's Day as gen erously as they have In years gone by. Anything will bo acceptable, and there need be no limit to the contri butions. The vast amount of good work that has been accomplished by the staff silnce the hospital was opened Is generally conceded, nnd Its future usefulness should not be Impaired by a lack of funds and frulinK An Excellent Eetertainmont. Several hundred people enjoyed nn excellent entertainment at the Sum ner Avenue Presbyterian church, which was given under the auspice's of the Sunday school. Uezaleel Hrown, superintendent of the school, acted as chairman. The programme consisted of vocal nnd instrumental mulc, recitations etc., and was participated in by Mrs. Randolph Jones, Vic Jone3, Slay Jones, Alice Phillips, Maggie; Davis, Bessie Slote, Margaret Olbbs, Hazel Hopewell, Clara Sanders, Tter nlce Conger and the Dunmore Cultac and Mandolin club. Rcfrshments weio served after the entertainment. Ivorites Elect Officers. At the regular meeting of the Robert Morris lodge of Ivorites held last even ing the following officers were elected: President, David Owens; vice-president, Tallle M. Kvansfr-recordlng secre tary, David J. Davis; llnancial secre tary, Palmer Williams: treasurer, Ely Harris; steward, I.,. A. Howell: trustee, D. J. Davis; Inside guard, Howard Da vis; outside guaid, John R. Edwards; audltois, Howard Davis, Palmer Wil liams, W. R. Davis. John R. Edwnrds was elected dele gate to the grand lodge meeting at Taylor, nnd James M. Powell, alter nate. U A. Howell, Palmer Willlarat and David Owens were appointed a committee to arrange for a social to be held Thursday evening, .Inn. '.!, when the ofllcers will be installed. Political Announcements. William E. Thayer, of South Main avenue, announces himself as a candi date for the select council vacancy in the Fifth ward, subject to the decision of the Republican primaries. Richard Roberts, of Swetland street, Is a candidate for register of voters hi the Second district of the Fourth ward. ADD NOTES. Funeral Announcements. SenMces over the lemalns of t he late William Hughe will be hnld this evening at the house, S10 North Sum ner avenue. The remains -vlIl le taken to Mulmnoy CItv tomorrow for interment. Thomas Carson, James l.eyshon and Edward Harnett will act pall bearers for Slreuni lodge, No. 97'i, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. They will meet at the house at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, nndl tli body will be taken away on the C. 15 Delaware and, Hudson tiaiu. The funeral of Air. and Mrs. Thom as Craven's child will take place this atternoon from the house, cornet rff Pettebone street and Roberts cumt. Burial will be made in the Cambria cemetery. A high mass of requiem was celo brated at St. Patrick's Catholic church yesterday morning over ilia remains of the late James Gallagher. Hurlal was made In Ihe Cathedral cemetery. 8"he pall bearers were Jos eph Rafter, A. J. Healey, Arthur Scanlon, John J. Gallagher, Myles Joyce and John Carroll, Short services were conducted yes terday afternoon over the remains fit the late Mrs. Katherlno Robinson, at the house on North Hyde Park ave nue. The cortege afterwards movei to thu Dunmore Methodist Episcopal church, where additional services wera held. Rurlal was made In the Dun more cemetery. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Mrs. Thomas J. Williams, of Divis ion strpet, is ill at iter home with an attack of pleurisy. Wlllard Johns, of Elmhurst, is the guest of his grandmother, (Mrs. Ed wnrd Johns, of South Main avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis, of Eynon street, are entertaining Rev, and Mrs, ,1, W. Gilfllth.s and son Bowon, of Now York. Mrs. M. II. Jones, of I.lnd.-.ay, Jef ferson county, who has been visiting telatlves on Hampton street, will re turn home today. "Socialism" will be discussed by the members of Tacltttwnnna council, Royal Arcanum, nt their meeting In Ivorlto hall this uvonlng, The members of the Young Women's Christian association aro arranging to servo a Christmas dinner to the de serving poor children of West Scran ton nt tho rooms, on December 20. Christmas exercises will bo held at the Mt. Plensant kindergarten this af ternoon. Miss Hnttlu' McCraeken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCraeken, of South Hyde Purk avenue, who has been seri ously III tho pust nine weeks, Is report ed to be dangerously 111, uud but slight hopes are entertained for her recovery, A number of young women listened to a very Interesting talk In the Young Women's Christian association rooms last evening, which was given by the uttite secretary, Miss Clara Selby, Mr, and Mrs. M, J, Duffy, of Hall stead, were tho guests of West Side friends yesterday. GREEN RIDGE. M. 'Ihouus Patcifon, of Denton, and MUs Caroljn I'aterson, ol lliu knell 'unh ersity, aie Uniting (ireni Itidgo friends. riltcen uaudidatM wcie initiated Wednesday tuning at the icxular ineulnj; of the (iiern Itidire Woodmen, held in Masonic hall, Dickson cciiue, Mia Nellie Ullo, ol Capnusc avenue, Is home fioiu llUhopthropc (ciuliui,v,to ;pend her ClnUt nus mcatlou, . SOUTH SCRANTON ' ANOTHER EXCITING RUNAWAY YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. A Team of Horsai Belonging to ft Farmer Named Henderion Got Away on Maple Street and Threw Him Out One of the Horses Had to Be Shot The Defender! Win Another Game of Basket Ball. Adam Kidlack Hold in $2,000 Bail on a Serious Charge Other Notes. Another runaway, more serious In tho result than the one Wednesday nfler noon, took place yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock on the steep grade on Maple street, below Cedar avenue. A farmer by the name of Henderson, living near Old Forge, was ascending the Maple sttect hill from Remington avenue with a well-laden wagon of apples, drawn by a team of horses. About halfway up the hill the whllllu trcc of thu wagon broke, which seated the horses, and having nothing to re strain them but the lines, they turned about and dashed wlldlv down the hill. Mr. Henderson had hold of the re)ns J nnd was dragged off his seat, but wise ly let go. At the corner of Remington I avenue and Maple street the team I dashed Into an electric light pole, ' knocking the smaller htnse against a nearby fence and breaking Its back. The other horso was caught noon after, near the Mople street bridge across the Lackawanna. Veterinary Surgeon Charles Gelbert made an examination of the Injured horse, nnd It was decided to shoot the suffering animal, which was done. There was no damage done to the wagon, nor was Mr. Hendeison injured beyond a few btuises. Defenders Again Victorious. 'Ihe South Side basket ball team went up n gainst a stilt proposition last night in St. John's hall, Stone aicmie, when they undertook tj show the St. John' team, tho Defendcis, how to play lukct hall, and met with a mod ciiiNliiiii; defeat. The score was 'JO to 2 in favor uf the Defenders. The only fur the South Siders was thrown by .lames Kane, who pl.ijcd a star game. Tho Defenders put up their usual excellent ptamo i.ncl it appeal us though they aic invincible, l'or the St. .lohn team MeTitruo and Poland played pretty games. The line-up km: Defenders. South Side. Bol.ind foiu-aid ;u!mi fonv.ird Kant; liguc center Crane It.Kiii lett center Jas. Kane llahhfoid li-rlit center Gorman Snviler su..rd Mtilherln Jlnrlsrlty guim O'Ponmli l'or the Defenders baskets weie thiouii as fol lows: Ilolaud, two; n.itchford, (Julini, It; an and Mellette, five. South Side, .lames Kane, 'ihe Defenders will "put tlio boots" to the Wet Side Stais ne.t Thuisday nifiht in St. John's ball. Held on n Serious Charge. Adam ltidlock. of 1037 Beech street, was held under ;,000 bail yeilciday morning by Aldci Ruddy, being ai rioted at the Instance of Anthony Moiau, who rharpes him with having .-(tempted to ciiminally assault bis wife during his (Mor.m's) nbseiue. Kidlmk own-, the house in which Mr. and Mis. Mot. in live On TncMlay moining, it is ch.uccd Kidlock pine tired tome hf-er, of which Mrs. ilinnk freely. While she was in a tlupor, it ts alleged, tint Kidlock iiicd to assault tier, but was iJtcventul by tlie anival on the scene of Ml. Moi.ui, who immediately bad .1 w.inant sworn out. Funeral of Patrick Faulkner. The f uncial of the late Patrick Faulkner, who killed on the Jeisey Cential r.iilroul at the t?? I Special Holiday Sale of WE WILL, for the holidays, give to the purchaser of of goods to the amount of TWO DOLLARS at our store one large bottle of Fine Old California Wine guaranteed to be seven years old, and to every purchaser During the Holiday Week a Present in proportion to the amount of his purchase. We make this liberal offer in order to better establish ourselves at 504 Lackawanna Ave nue, and let the people know that we are prepared to wait on family trade. This Wine which we are going to give away is no Cheap John StinT, but a Fine Old Califor nia Wine, for which all wholesale dealers get 75 cents a bottle, and if it is not just as we represent it you may bring it back and we will give you cash for it. : ! J.WALSH&CO 504 Lackawanna Avenue. Second Door from Washington Avenue. Telephone 723. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. M t Forget the Store, Because We Want You to Remsmbar MMiMMM 4 GREAT AUCTION SALE rj We have beon Importers, wholesale nnd retail, of Japanese Art Goods for more than 20 years In the United States and Japan. During the last few months certain circumstances have caused a necessary dissolution of the partnership now existing, and we have decided to dispose 2 of our stock of fine I JAPANESE ART GOODS I AT PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. g Sale commenced Monday Afternoon at 3. 30 p. m. and will continue each day throughout the week. MONDAY SALE BEGINS AT 10:30 9 . AFTERNOON SALE BEGINS AT 3:30 3 EVENING SALE BEGINS AT 8:00 3 The public is invited to visit the store at any time during the sale, for inspection. setts for ladies. This is an extraordinary opportunity and eveything must be sold. S Shimamura steel mill last Monday, took place yesteutay af ternoon mid was hugely attended. Prior to the funeral the liou-e was thiouged with fi lends ot the family to pay their last li Unite to the deceased. A iujs of ii'iuilcm was celebrated In SI. John's ihuieh, Fig Micet, by ltcv. M. J. Plcnilm,', alter which the lenialtis weie taken to Mlnooka, where interment was made. The pall-bcaicis were: Mentis. John Mclltle, Patrick Tlenicy, Michael llunis, John Ma.vock, M. Tolan, M. J. Fallon. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. The wedding of Mi-s May flaindiin, ot l'ro'peet avenue, to John lhnl.ln, the I'lttston avenue bir ber, look jesterd.ty nfteinoon In St. Pclei's cathedral at "."0 o'clock. They were attended by Miss Maine llsan and Michael Nealon and left shortly after the eeiemony on a wedding tour to Mow Vorlc. t'pon theli letiirn they will begin housekeeping on Meadow stieet. The of Mrs. Margaret Hughes took place jestcrd.iy at 2.30 o'clock from her late home, .'l?l I'lttston avenue, nnd was very laigely attended. Sciviccs were held at the home by llev. Dr. Mc J,eod, of the First l'lesbyteiian chinch, after which the funeral cortege moved to the Washburn street cemetery, where interment was made. John (Jrogan, of "01 Klin street, a driver boy at the Ml. Pleasant mine, was painfully Injured about the neck and bad; by a fill of loot at that mine yesterday moining, tuflerlnc several seveie body brtiNcs and cuts and narrowly cscaning with his life. His injuries were attended to by Dr. J. J. W.1U1. dunmoreTioings. Three Young: Men Held in $200 Bail Charged with the Larceny of a Coat and Hat Other Notes. Peter McCluiinner, Chailcs Pilger and Charles lieplcr, of Diminore, were arraigned before Al derman .Millar last night, on the charge of kicking over the stove in Joseph WehnVru's lunch wagon i.t lie Dunmore corners, nnd taking fioin the vehicle n 2S coat and l! hat belonging to Joseph Stein, ihe clerk in charge. They were also accused c.f abstracting a bot tle of catsup and cither aiticlea. The wagon itself was consideiably diuugcd In the allra). 'atroln.t;u Kays and l.accho, of the borough po lice force, nnd Stein tebtilied lyriln'.t the pris oners, ami Alderman Millar held tin tlio In y.!(0 lull each upon the cliaige cf lauuiv. The damages to ihe wagon weie paid for, each of thedelendants coiiliiliuting (.1.23. BRIEF NEWS NOTES. 'the pupils of the High school have been making preparation-, for their anlc-vacilion enter tainment nnd luncheon to be bold in the High school tomonow afternoon. These aflairs hive been the souice of much bciieltt in the past, Here Are, a Few of Our Cut Prices on Standard Goods. Cabinet Whiskey at $1.30 per gallon. Orient Kentucky Rye at $1.50 per gallon. Penwick Pennsylvania Rye at i.8: per gallon. Maryland 4-Star Rye at $2.00 per gallon. 1 Gibson, made Spring 1891, ten years old, at ,$240 per gallon. Guckenheimer, made Spring 1892, nine years old, at $2 30 per gallon. Carlisle Kentucky Whiskey, made Spring 1892, nine years old, at 2.35 per gallon. O. F. C, finest of all Kentucky Whiskeys, all ages. made from Spring 1889 to 1896, from to $4.81? per gallon, according to age. & Co., 124 Wyoming: Ave g bringing te.ichera and pupils together in a way that cannot but be beneficial to the scholars. Piotcssor V. . Jonra lias prepaicd a line pro gramme in the musical line, while Mln I'.ll.i C'o, the elliclenl Imtiuctios In elocution, promises the best inhibition In branch heard here in many moons. All meinbeis of Dunmore conclave, Improved Older of Hepta-opl!", ale leintcstcd to meet at l.Si) p. m. today to attend Ihe fuiicial of A. A. Kutzcr. OBITUARY. lludolpli lllocer, formerly proprietor ol llic Hotel Rudolph in Ibis city, died lost evening at I.edgedale, Wnjne count.!, where lie lias been living on a farm for omo lime. Ho Is kitivlvcd by a wife and three childien. Mr. Illocscr vvai fur rars engaged in Ihe bottlliu and hole! busi ness In th'.i city, and had 11 wide acquaintance, especially In busi'ics dicks. Some time ngo Ids health bloke down, and with the hope of Improving it lie went o I.edgedale and took up Ids icsldence on a farm. The nii.ingemcnts for the funeuil have not jet been made. IMwaid Oilftln, of -170 Miry sttret, North h'cranton, died last night after a short illn"tn. He was 81 jeai.s of age and one of Scranton'a pioneer citizens. A wife and daughter survive him. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sun day afternoon with services ft the late home and interment in tlie Dunmure cemetery. James McLaughlin, of lllver sliect, died yes ti'id.iy at the Ylcnes Tnvjor hospital from in juries received while at vvoik in the Steel mill. lie was struck on the hen! Monday by a swing ing iion bucket and had Ills skull fraetined. Ho was C3 .veins of age, and is survived by a wife. Tlie funeral will be held tomonow morn ing. C.racc, the joung daughter ot Mr. and -Mrs. John McGIll, of 021 Palm .street, died .vc.steiday morning, aged 2 yeais, 2 mouths. 'Hie funeral will be held on Sjtmdav. with intcinient at rrceliind, leaving the Dclavv ire and lltid-nn sta tion G.45 n. in. , ' Mrs. Margaiet Oildea, a well known lesldent of Archbald, died jc-leiday moining at her home in that place after .1 short illness. She was an aunt ot Attorney It. J. flourke, of this city. The funeral will be held Saturday moining at 10 o'clock. M.irg.uet Militancy, tlie S-jear-old daughter of Mr. and Mis. l'atiick Mullaney, of 73(1 River street, died .vcslcid.iv. 'the tuuc1.1I will bo held this aftirnoon at 2.!'0 o'clock with inter ment in the C'athedial ccineteiy. Maiy O'Pcninell, the 5 nionlhs-old daughter df Mr. and Mrs. John O'Doiinell, of Oli Cheny street, died .vesterchy 11101 uiiig. Funeral this af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Inteiment in ( ccineteiy. That We Make Tiiis Special Offering of Fine Wines and Liquors e e e & & & Reserved AMUSEMENTS. I YCfiUH THEATRE " 'Kcls & tlurgunder. Lessees and Manzer . A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. livening Performance at 8.15, Matinee I'crfoimatice at 2.15. Xiniis Matinee NIcliI, Dec 25. America's (irealest Comic Opera Comedian, Thomas Q. Seabrooke IN THE ROUNDERS All Star Cast. IVj In Company. Prices 23c., JOe., 7"ic, $1.00 and $1.50. Malinec2.'o., 50c. , 7.V. and $1.00. Sale of guts opens Saturday nt U a. m. ACADEriY OF HUSIC, RBIS & IIUKUUNDER HARRY A. BROWN. Manageis and Lessees. Local Itcpicscntatlrt Balance of Week. ""Afternoon and Evening "SIBERIA" Mai luce I'llees 13c., 23c. livening Prices Zu 23c, 33c., 50c. NI1XT ATTI(AfiTIO?J. Week Commencing MONDAY, DKCEMIir.R 24. CHU-IVK DeVONUH COMPAW Supported by Ids own company, presenting a repertoire of big New York successes. Evening prices 10c, 20c, SOc. Matineo prices 10c, 20c Ladles' tickets Monday evening, 15c. New Gaiety Theatre THREE DAYS. COMMENCING Thursday, Dec. 20, The Victoria Burlcsqucrs Dainty Maids, Gorgeous Scenery, Funny Corned iaiu. Prices Matinees, Kc, 2ic Evening, 13c, 23c, 33c, 50c. . 4- " J JUST OUT t The Chesterfield Overcoat t X ASK TO SEE IT. Samter Bros. WE ARE sole distributors in this region tor the world lamed O. F. C. and Car lisle Whiskies. It has been said that these goods are the very "souls of gra n." We unhesitatingly rec ommend them as embodving all that is purest and best in whiskey. Our distilleries employ only Union Men and pay the highest wages; consequently getting the best service that contented, well paid employes can give. We also have a complete line of Brandies, Wines, Cordials, Cock tails, Etc.. at reduced prices. ffill THIS SPECIAL SALE began Monday, December 17th, and continues until after the Holidays. t t I : t x .. y V, ... 41 -ll-.feAUU , rf"4 t f, -j 1jV"-ffi