S3S- b"fpnC"; u ? 7 1-r. f. .14 r'i y xAl THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900. u. ijfl . imummmmKimam&v&w vn mnL u vm i rm i j i v HUJ M0DE1IM hahuwAhi: srortB. Draftsmen and Mechanics Should visit our store before purchasing their drawing instru ments and tools. Drawing sets in nickel plated brass and german silver. Prices $i.2S to $8.jo. Tee Squares, Tri angles, Etc. OPEN EVENINGS. Foote & Shear Co. IJ9N. Washington Ave THE ORIENTAL Gifta selected now, reserved until Christ mis Eve. Flemish Steins Popular from either useful or ornumental points of view. Our superb collection of steins suggests tho thought that the nmber malt liquid must have been brewed expressly to fill them. The musical steins are an Ir resistible novelty. $1.00 iii the price of a decorat ed Flemish Stein of med ium tle. A most sativ factoiy gift to a gentle man. STOKE OPEN" UVnXISGS. Gruener & Co. 205 Wyoming Avenue. L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Shoes arc one of the morft important items of dress at any time of the year, and especially so now that we are certain to have changeable weather. For style, price and quality see ours. Wc know we can please you. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Lackawanna "THE" aundry. .cyPenn Avenue. A. B. WAR.MAN. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. Local data for December 20, 1000: Highest temperature HS di-Kitva Lowest temperature ;il degrees Humidity: S a. in S7 per cent, 8 p. m 59 per cent, PERSONAL. Attorney Uadore Strauss, of Wllkea-Uuiie, was in thin city ye.leiday. V James J. Campbell, of Gibson street, left yes terday for West Virginia. Hank Kxjminer William A. Ghent, of Leba non, is at tho Jcimyii. itobeit 11. Hitchcock, cj 1U01 Lafayette col lege, Is home for tho holidays .Mm Jf. Jordan, who is studying art in New York city, Is tn.-iiiiliii; t lie Christmas with liU parents on llichmont uvenue. T. A. Donahoe, 1'. J, Helriegle ami Walter Shantz, of this city, have returned from Ulckitison Law School to spend the Christmas vacation at their homes. Mortimer W, and Jerome ltlee, students at 'Yale, have uturned from Kew Haven to spend tho ChrUtmas holidays at the homo of their parents on Madison avenue. Utss Lillian Toohey and Master Frauds Toolify, ui North Lincoln avenue, aro fjioiidlyg the hull day season with their grandmother, Mrs. F, No lan, in New Yoik city, John DcamUh, u denial student at the Uniur ity of Pennsylvania, returned to hi home last night to spend the holidays. Ho was accompanied by Attorney M. V. McAullflV, who will be hU (UlSt. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Daitl, F, L. Crane, Mr, and Mrs. V, W. Hurlow, Ocorgc P. Oriffltlu, Jr Wil liam . Iloycr, I. E. Jones and Jclin Ci. IVIcs were icgUteriU at the Hotel Albert, In New York, this week, A twenty acre farm, with good new house, to rent ut Staten Island, Now York city. One and a half miles from ferry. Suitable for market garden or green houses. Only seven miles from lower Oiroadwuy, Address S, Island, Tribune ofllce. m Fancy Box Stationery, Reynolds Bros. A French Briar Pipe. Serviceable, durable, desirable, a gentleman's constant companion. Complete assortment at b'tlaru's clear store, 1 Spruce street, 0KWA AJiSm 31 H . MARRIED AT ITHACA, N. Y. James Gardner Sanderson and Mlsa Tyler United. The marriage of James Gardner San derson, of this clly, and Mlsa Beatrice DerJalx Tyler, daughter of Dr. Charles Mellon Tyler, of Ithaca, N. Y look place yesterday In Sage chapel, the beautiful University chapel of Cornell. Tho ceremony wa performed by tho bride's father. Tho bride was given away by Pro fessor Fuortos, professor of civil en gineering, of Cornell. Tho maid of honor wan Miss Clluck, of Buffalo, N. Y tho bride's niece. Edward Hnauld Ing Sanderson, tho groom's brother, of Phlladeiphla.was best man. The brides maids were Miss Helen Sanderson, Bis ter of tho groom! Miss Wilder and Miss Cornell, of Ithaca; Miss Wllkeson, of Buffalo. Tho ushers wore Charles Hoed Sanderson, of this city; Boiling Harri son nnd Charles Egbert, of New York; Wallace Chllds, of Ithaca, Tho Impressive ceremony was per formed In the chancel so famed for Its wainscoting of tho richest mosaic. The decorations from tho university con servatories were charming In the pro fusion of palms, fcrnB nrid flowers. The attendance of guests was very largo. Those present from this city were: The groom's parents, Colonel and M,rs. George Sanderson, Mr. und Mrs. K. B. Sturgos, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gardner San derson, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sturgos, Miss Sanderson and Miss Sanderson. After the wedding breakfast at tho home of Dr. Tyler, the young people loft for n journey, upon their return from which they will reside on North Washington avenue. The bride Is a great favorite In the university circles of Cornell and has olso mudo many friends during her visits to this city, where her many charms of personality and character aro much admired. Mr. Sanderson Is ono of the best known young men of this region, and his liter ary and histrionic abilities have given him far more than local fame. BANQUET OF NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY Those Who Will Respond to Toasts Tonight at the Celebration of Forefather's Day. The members of tho New Knglimd Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania believe that tonight's annual banquet, which Is to be served in tho beautiful auditorium of the board of trade, will equal, It not surpass, the most suc cessful dinner in the history of the or ganization, which was the one held last year. Forefather's day is really tomorrow, but it was deemed unadvisable to hold the banquet on Saturday night. The hall will be handsomely decorated with American flags and the tables will bo arranged in the form of a hollow square. Covers for 150 guests will be set. There will be a reception In the board of trade committee rooms from C.30 to 7 o'clock. Promptly at the latter hour the banquet will be served. President W. H. Richmond will preside and will Introduce 13. B. Sturgos, who will net as loastmaster. The toasts to be re sponded to will be as follows: "New England," Colonel John 11. Van Wormer,' president of the New York Athletic club and president of the Lincoln National bank, of New York. "The United States," John Birkln blne, of Philadelphia, president of Franklin Institute. "Friends of New England," Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hobjt), of the Roman Catholic diocese of Scranton. "Plymouth Rock," Congressman Rob ert W. Tayler, of Ohio, President Mo Kinley's successor in tho house of rep resentatives. ANNIVERSARY OF ST. JOHN'S SOCIETY Celebrated Last Night With a Ban quet and Social in Their Hall on Capouse Avenue. Tho fiftieth anniversary of St. John's Total Abstinence and Benevolent soci ety, of Pine Brook, was celebrated lust night by the members and their friends with a banquet and social at St. John's hall, on Capouse avenue, Fully one hundred couples were In at tendance, and promptly at ft.80 o'clock, to tho music played by Miss Kate Rear don, the grand march took place, and members and guests took their seats In the banquet room. Tho apartment was splendidly decor ated with American Hags, gracefully arranged In folds and festoons, and banks of palms and greens added to tho general handsome effect. The four long tables, laden with tho generous dinner served by Caterer Joyce, were also decked in excellent taste, large crimson-shaded lamps shedding' .-'Heir mellow radiance, nnd arranged at regu. lar Intervals, adding a dash of bright color. John A. Maloney, president of the society, made an Interesting speech, In the course of which he referred briefly to the history of the association, Its purposes, works and growth, and then introduced the toastmastcr of tho ban quet, D. J. Campbell. The latter gave a short, witty address, and In tho night called for talks from M. F. Conrj. Will iam F. Shean, Michael Barrett and others. Phonographic selections were given from a big instrument, operated by Mr. Kitchener. The committee In charge of tho affair consisted of Chairman Tim othy Burke, John Flaherty, John Joyce, John Foley, Michael Rafferty and M. F. Kelllher. - For Sale. Our warehouse property, corner West Lackawanna avenue and Eighth street, being about 25 feet front on Lacka wanna avenue and 130 feet on Eighth street, and about W feet on tho line of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern railroad, with a uve-story brick warehouse, track and switching privi leges. Also our barn lot on Dlx court, about S3 feet on Dlx court by 00 feet deep to Lee court, with brick stable and frame warehouse; located between Lacka wanna avenue and Spruce street, Tho Hunt & Connell Co. Fancy Office Baskets, Reynolds Bros. Special sale at special low prices. A large assortment of fine things for Christmas, G. R. Clark & Co. If you want cigars go to Coursen's. Clark's Plant Annex, 209 Washington avenue. Teachers' Oxford Bibles. Reynolds Bros PRAISES OF OLD NASSAU i SUNG LAST NIGHT BY LOCAL SONS AND THEIR GUESTS. Fifteenth Annual Dinner of tho Princeton Alumni Association of Northeastorn Pennsylvania Held at tho Scranton-Glub Addresses by President John 2tt.Harrls,Profossor Walter A. Wyckoff, Colonel H. M. Boies, Homor Groeno and Rev. Dr. James McLood. "Old Nassau" was lust night toast ed, sung, poenied and praised as only a crowd of reverential sons can thus pay homage to a good mother. The occasion was tho fifteenth annual din ner of the Princeton Alumni asso ciation of Northeastorn Pennsylvania, ono of the largest and most loyal of the many branches of thu great fam ily of tho famous old Jersey Institu tion of learning. The dinner was served In tho Scranton club last night. If "by their fruits yo shall know them" Is to extend to a college, Old Nassau need not fear for her reputa tion on account of her Northeastern Pennsylvania progeny. A glance nt tho names of those who were about tho festal board last night doing her honor and Incidentally having a good time Is a sulllelent guarantee of this: President John M. Harris, Vice Presidents llev. James McLcod, 1). D D. A. l'cll, of Wllk Hnirej Sccrctaiy tirurc Hertford, of Wllkrs-Marrej Treasurer John II. Diooki, Incentive Committee men W. II. Gunster. Jnincs lllalr, Jr., nnd Ed ward Pliortr, jr., of Wllkcs-Darroj Dr. Ale.-:-nr.der Fell. K. J. Flick, E. K. Jones, John Vaughn, S. A. Hodge, Chester Duir, Henry Pcai-e, V. A. Fell, l.yddou Flick, of Wilkcs llarre. J. FJ. Burr, of Carbondalcj 'Dr. Leo n. Wood cock, W. E. I'lnmley, .1. II. Flflier, R. IJ. Price, A. II. Ulalr. E. S. Jones, J. W. Downing. H. II. Brady. P. I.. Phillip, A. Dunn, James Dick fon, M. IJ. Fuller, W. H. Nlreley, 11. W. Guern sey, Cie-jige Klot, Andrew Waller, Frank Limn, William Scranton,- of Scranton. MEMBER OF FACULTi. The dinner was made especially prominent by the presence, ns one of the guests of honor, of Prof. Walter A. WyckofT, of the Princeton faculty, who Is known tho world over as rt loader of thought In the science of sociology. It was Prof. Wyckoff, It will be remembered, who made a tour of tho country In the guise of a la borer, that he might make a closer study of Ihe conditions of tho working classes. His article.-? describing his experiences, observations nnd conclu sions comprl.se an accepted text hook for all modern sociologists. The other guests of honor in their respective spheres wore scarcely, If any, less prominent. They wore Colo nel Henry M. Boles and Homer Greene. To ray to u lcoal newspaper reader who or what these men are Is superfluous. Colonel Boles was present as the representative of Yale and Mr. Greene of tho smaller colleges. The dinner was served by Steward O'Nell and ns he had practically carte blanche, It may be believed it was about all that Epicurias himself could demand. Here Is tho menu: Cine Cod Oysters. SOUP. Mot It Turtle a la Anglaise. Olives, Stuffed. Celery. Itadislie. FISH. Ueilcd Kenuebeo Salmon, Holkiudaise, I'rimeton Satire. ParUienno Potatoes. r.NTIJEi:. Chkkon Paliics a la Heine, HOAbt'. Tmderloin Beef with Mushrooms. Potato Croquettes. ' Frencli String 1'c.ins. Soibet. Piiiicelon Flavor. G ML Kr.glUh Plover. Lettuce Salad. Koriuefnrt Cheese. Caniembert Chees. Cafe. Toasted Crackers. It was served in the main dining room and was extremely tasteful In all Its appointments. Bauer's orchestra furnished music during tho dining and also accompanied tho singing of tho college songs and popular airs, which helped enliven tho occasion in no small degree. The singing was led by Dr. Woodcock. TOASTMASTER HARRIS. President Harris acted as toastmas ter and acquitted himself In his usual exemplary manner. In his Introductory remarks he referred enthusiastically to tho evidences of the broadening of spirit on tho part of the governing body of Princeton, as evidenced by the re cent decision to give the nlumni a rep resentation on the board of trustees. Prof. Wyckoff was Introduced', with many complimentary references, to re spond to the toast "Princeton Univer sity." In a prefatory way, Prof. Wyckoff made some happy allusions to his eighteen months' experience as a common day laborer, and related a number of humorous Incidents connect ed therewith. Alumni representation on the board of trustees was mudo the chief topic of Prof. Wyckoffs remarks. Ho re garded it as a concession which can not help but work to tho betterment of Princeton. It will bring the alumni In more direct contact with tho govern ment of the university and tend to a broadening of unverstty life and edu cation. He would not characterize it as a reform, but rather as a new form, and was confident It will bring irood fruit. The more rapid development of the graduate school Is ono of the things which, In Prof. Wyckort's opinion, will come with the entrance of alumni iuto Follow the Crowd and You Will Land at COUPSEN'S 429 Lackawanna Avenue, Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Confections and Cigars, tho board of trustees, He also dwelt for a tlino on the great heed of a gradu ate Rchool. Young men Who feel In clined to pursue a course of special' re search now go to foreign schools, prin cipally tho German universities. As an Instance of tho tendency of specializ ing, he told that because of the fact that economical scholars aro so do voted to special lines of Inquiry that there Is not a standard text book which treats generally of economics. Tho centralization und organization of inbor and capital, and the possibility of tho elimination of the friction which results from their coming Into oppo sition, Is ono of the special studies that are dally growing more and more ex acting In tho branch of education to which .he Is allied. PRINCETON'S ACHIEVEMENTS. Professor Wyckoff also spoke proudly of some of Princeton's more Important achievements of late, touching partic ularly on the ratagonlan and Syrian expeditions, which have added, or will shortly add, so much of value to the world's knowledge of pacncontology, geology and archaeology. A "locomotive" cheer and" tho hearti est applause greeted Professor Wyckoff and followed the conclusion of his ad dress. Colonel Boles was similarly greeted when ho arose to respond to the toast "Yale." Tho colonel said he accepted tho Invitation to attend tho dinner with not a little hesitancy. He feared that, In the llBht of the recent event on the gridiron, the presence of a Yale man would have a tendency to dampen tho spirits of a crowd of Princeton diners. "Never! Never!" came from all sides ot the table. "Possibly I was selected among all tho Yalo men In this region because It is known to your committee that I am a member of the state board of chari ties and that I would comport myself In keeping with charity, which 'vaunt eth not Itself and Is not puffed up.' " After a brief reference to tho friend ship and close bond of union which has existed between Yale and Princeton from tho beginning, Colonel Boles es sayed to explain it on tho ground that both had been founded by clergymen for tho education of Christian citizen ship and that they have always stood for uniform and, co-ordinate physical, mental and moral education. A great deal Is said now, the speaker then went on to say, about the Immor ality nnd vice In our cities and the corruption in public life, betokening a lowering of the moral plane nnd indi cating a peril to our country. The malversation of our government's poli cy of separation of church and stale has effected tho almost complete oblit eration of moral education In our public schools. This means a mental educa tion solely for the great mass of tho people at large and It results In ari ab normal development of character. OAT1. LIGHTLY REGARDED. The sanctity of an oath has come to be held in the lightest regard. In the recent bribery cases, tho speaker said, his blood was made to run cold by hearing men, generally regarded us re spectable citizens, perjure themselves in tho most flagrant manner. Juries have become unreliable because they are "fixed" beforehand nnd, "all in all, that upon which our great system of jurisprudence rests is rotting. Tho perpetuity of American institu tions depends on the common people. We must have moral education in tho public schools. The reform cannot originate from thu masses themselves. The masses do not know what they want. In the same manner and for thj same reason that we must force. civil ization in the Philippines and a k'nowi-r-de of Enllsli on tho Potto Rlcuns, we must force moral education on the common people. College men with a full, well-rounded education, such as is provided at Princeton and Yale, must see to it that the American peo ple are properly educated. Because of their peculiar fitness, resulting from their policy of training alike the phy sique, tho mind and the morals, these two groat Institutions must accept tho greatest burden of this responsibility. Homer Greene was next Introduced to respond to "The Smaller College." No banquet hereabouts! is complete without Mr. Greene. Ho is eagerly sought by committees for about every prominent dinner that occurs and, al though his stress of professional du ties Is extremely exacting, his readi ness of wit and easy command ot language saves him from any great amount of labor In the way of pre paration and consequently ho can af ford to accept a more than senil-occa-slonal Invitation. In referring to the controversy as to tho elllcacy of largo and small col leges, Mr. Greene nptly said, "It Is not fo much what college a man gets into as to what a college gets Into him. rt does not necessarily follow that the big men all come from tho big col leges. Rome of the biggest men our country has produced are from the smaller colleges. Tho college does not create; it simply developcs. THE SMALL COLLEGES. "I yield to no man In my admiration for tho great Institutions of learning and tho power they exert In the world's advancement. Yet If It were not for tho small" colleges, nearer to their homes and moro within their means, thousands or tho brightest men would havo thirsted In vain for the education which so largely contributed to their brilliancy." George G. Joyne, '07, of WHkC3 Barre, who was to respond to the toast "Princeton Spirit," could not attend, nnd Rev. Dr, MoLeod was called upon to make tho response. Ho contented himself with a few happy remarks, Referring to tho recent foot ball game, ho provoked a long and hearty laugh by Instancing It as un occasion when "tho spirit was willing, though the flesh was weak," The dinner was conoluded with the singing of tho soulful "Old Nassau." Preceding tho dinner there was a business meeting, at which ofllccrs were elected as follows: President, Benja min F. Dorrance, 'OS, AVilkes-Barre; vice-presidents, H, W. Dunning, '83, AVilkes-Barre; W. 13. Gunster, '37, Scranton; J. 13. Burr, '75, Carbondale; secretary, Edwin F, Shorts, '97, Wllkes Barro; treasurer, John II. Brooks, '93, Scrunton; executive committee, II, II. Wells, jr., '82, Wilkes-Barro; Dr. Alex ander Fell, 'SI, Wllkes-Bane; J. R. Wright, '10, WIlkcs-Barro; George Klotz, '93, Carbondale; H. II, Brady, '95, Scranton, AVilkes-Barre was selected as tho place for the next dinner. To a Refined Taste, AA'hut Is more dellcato and proper as a Christmas gift than a piece of bric-a-brac, or art picture, that will express your exact idea of tho beautiful, with out making serious Inroads Into vour holiday appropratlon? ' This idea may be effectively carried out; amidst the multitude of artlstlo novelties at the Griffin Art Co., 209 AVyomlng avenue. REFORM IN THE CITIES SUBJECT OF AN ADDRESS BE FORE MEN'S UNION, Tho Speaker Was tho Hon, Clinton Rogoro Woodruff, of Philadelphia, Who Has a National Reputation as r Worker for Reform in tho Ad ministration of tho Affairs of Cities, Extension of tho Homo Rulo Idea to tho Government of Cities Is Nocessavy. Tho Hon. Clinton Rogers AVoodruff, of Philadelphia, gave un Interesting talk on the subject of "Municipal Re form," before tho Men's union last night, In tho lecture room of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, and ably advocated the necessity of electing good men to responsible positions. Mr. Wood ruff Is chulrmun ot tho union commit tee for the promotion ot ballot reform and the meidt system In Pennsylvania, and secretary of tho National Munici pal league. Four years ago he was elected to the state legislature on the Republican ticket und was re-elected two years ago. Ho Is an ardent advo cate ot reform, and hears u national reputation for his work In that line. Rev. Dr. I. J. Lansing, of tho Green Ridge Presbyterian church. Introduced Mr. AA'oodruft to tho audience, which consisted of a very large number of members of the league. In the course of his remarks Mr. Woodruff paid his compliments to the political machine and declared that it was simply the Incarnation of trusts In politics, nnd an exemplification of the same idea. He argued that It repre sents tho consolidation ot political In fluences in the hands ot a few. "You know the evil that follows In the wake of the ring," ho said, "and you know that the ring itself keeps In tho background and puts forward pup pets. AVhlle A'un AVyck may be de feated, Croker continues in authority. If you aro going to have power con centrated, put It Into the hands of tho men In ofllce nnd you can hold them responsible. As things now stand, we have concentrated power, but it is in uon-olllcal hands." THE SPOILSMAN. Ho then paid his respects to the spoilsman, saying: "Ever since the days of Andrew Jackson, the spoilsman Itus existed with his luxurious and very un-American ideus regarding public otlice. I hold that It Is as Justifiable for the cashier In a bank to pay per sonal debts out of the bank's funds as It Is that debts may be paid by the be stowal of public olllce. There Is need of extending the merit system in this country, and have no men appointed to public olllce unless perfectly qualified. Men aro In ofllce to do the public will nnd work and should bo elected with no other purpose. "In Philadelphia we have ten thou sand officers who do the bidding of a political boss and look to him for guid ance and protection. Their test is fidelity to the political interests of their boss alone. This means a good deal In districts where the policeman is the only official with whom the people ever come Into contact, and where he is a potent factor." Mr. AVoodruff declared that an ex tension of the home rule Idea Is nec essary nnd spoke against municipali ties' action in continually looking to the legislature for remedy und re dross. This, he said begets indiffer ence and laxness. "Home rule," he said, "means that every municipality shull determine its own destiny and develop Itself free from the Interfer ence of a legislature, largelymade up of country members, Ignorant of mu nicipal affairs." In speaking of municipal corruption ho remarked, "I will not say much -about official corruption. You know too much of it here in your own city, where city officials have been found seriously wanting. You havo passed through a critical condition, and you will go though another, if you are not vigilant. Citizens leave loo much to the legislature, too much to the law, and do not do enough themselves. FAIL TO REALTZE.ri "AVe havo talked about the privi leges of citizenship and failed toeal lzii its duties. AVe must work just us hard for civic righteousness as for any other kind of righteousness." He concluded his address by de claring, "The great difficulty In mu nicipal affairs is that we wait for others to solve the great problem. It Is our duty to do our share In tho work whether other people do theirs or not." 'A general discussion followed, In the course of which Mr. AVoodruff mentioned a number of Interesting fuja regarding tho Philadelphia Mu nicipal Leusuu. It now has u. mem bership bf 33,000 voters, and Is recog nized as a party by the Quaker City authorltes. Several officials have al ready boon elected by the league. A UNIQUE CASE. Speakeasy Koepor Actually Enters a Plea of Guilty. A rather unlauo speakeasy case was heard yesterday by Mayor Molr. It was unique because tho defendart pleaded guilty and didn't try to prove that tho bar and saloon paraphernalia found In iSuit I Cases : Made for actual service in 4. every size built with all the style thats practicable and handsomely finished, $5 to $8 Silk hat boxes, in the new shape, with compartments for collars, cuffs and ties, $6, $8, $10 - , 4- T ji4r WithliiQUD AmlBy ' 4- -r HlTttt llllK CASEY Wholesale Liquor Dealers, his placo was put there for ornament and not for use. He was James Golden, of Brick ave nue, and was arrested on evidence pro cured by tho mayor's private dotcctlves. Inasmuch as he la 111 and because, he was honest enough to admit his guilt, tho mayor let him off upon the pay ment of a $25 lino and tho costs. YOUNG SHOPLIFTER TAKEN INTO CUSTODY Fourteen Year Old James Campbell of Fourth Street Arrested in Jonas Long's Sons1 Store. James Campbell, a 14-year-old boy, living on Fourth street, was arrested In Jonas Long's Sons' store last night, where ho was caught in the act of stealing some small sliver trinkets by one of the special detectives employed by the firm. A number ot these officers attired in citizens' clothes aro scat tered through tho store, and ono of these noticed two small boys acting In a peculiar way last night. He followed them around and about 9.30 o'clock arrested young Campbell on the first floor. The boy's compan ion, who was about tha same age, es caped. When searched a number of s(nall articles taken from the basement and first floor counters were found in the lad's pockets. Patrolman Malott was summoned and the young shoplifter escorted to tho Center street station. 'Mayor Molr will give him a hearing this morning-. The management of the store declares that each of these shoplifting cases will bo pushed In court. Mrs. Caroline Welld, of 628 Crown avenue, was held in $300 bail -by Alder man Millar yesterday on the charge of shoplifting, preferred by the manage ment of Goldsmith's Bazaar. A piece of goods, valued at 55.78, was stplen Monday, and Tuesday evening Mrs. AA'elld presented It at a dry goods counter and asked to exchange It. She was placed under arrest, and yes terday said that she purchased the ma terial from another woman, whose name she was unable to give. Her hus band went her iball. Teachers' Oxford Bibles. ReynoldsBros Santa Glaus Will make his head quarters from now until Christmas in The Large Show Window of our Dry Goods department, where he will entertain the children every after noon and evening. He will have with him a handsome dis play of Christmas toys. Be sure to bring the children to see the Specials on Fancy Groceries for Christmas Fancy Sweet Oranges, doif ,..,2."c 3 His. Mixed Nuts , 2uo Fancy Flss, per lb lOo 3 lbiJ. French Cream Candy ..,.,, 23c 2 lbs. Choice Chocolato Drops ..23o Grenoble AValnuts, per lb ,..12Vio Fancy Sicily Filberts, per lb 120 Brazil Nuts, per lb 12'.o Fancy Fecuns, per Hi. , I2',c Tnragonla Almonds, per lb. .......lCe Christmas Candy, cleat' toys, 3 lbs., for 2.'3- Sugar Pop Corn, quart So Coeoanut Cream Bon Bons, per lb 12 'jc Decorated Honey AVAfers, per lb.13Uo Butter Scotch Caramels ,.,, l-!jo Clarke Bros raiife H t JUST OUT J i Tbe Chesterfield Overcoat t ASK TO SKK IT. - 't X Samter Bros. T - f lira 1 The modern way is to 'sell you something you do not,wtit and re fuse to allow yott to exchange it. Your money back if you're not sat isfied with anything bought here. We have the most complete line of Holiday Goods in the city. 216 Lackawanna Ave. Gifts for Men If you are buying for menv buy at a man's store. It's our business to know men's tastes Dress Suit Gases, $1.50 up, Bath Robes, $4.60 up. Silk Suspenders, 60c op. Silver and Gold trimmed Umbrellas, Gloves, Caps, Neckwear, Mufflers, Initial Handkerchiefs. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenue SCRANTON'S LEADING FUR sTS TABUSHMKNT. F. L. Crane Established' 1866 Furs and Fur Garments of all kinds, and our prices aro low, it is in' fact unsafe to pay less. Call and see our Laylored Suits, Jackets, Long Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces Boas, Muffs and Children's Furs. We carry these in full assortment. ) Furs repaired. HAW FUB8 BOUGHT. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 4- 4 -f I Filling for : X Sofa Pillows X Tha problem in maWns thse f home-decorators has beeu: -f "AVhat shall I fill them with?" 4- Everything from cxcelslo to 4 hair has its objections. Elastic Felt JTa3 overcome them all. For pil lows It Is ideal on account of extreme lightness, cleanliness elasticity and very low price. Scranton Bedding; Co. j Cor. Lncka, and Adams Ave. 4- -4-f-f -f -r 3 , ,-TVV WW-WVnT- ' J$9W. They're Going . It seems as if all the people in town were buy ing Christmas presents here. Our low prices enable them to buy two presents at the price they expected to pay for one Liberal Credit Terms Knables you to be generous, You can buy more nnd buy better when you can take your time to pay. Cliose some thing for use as well as beauty for comfort as well as pleasure. Morris Cbatrs $3.98 to $39.00, do-Carls 4.99to 15.00, Reed Rockers 1,75 to 12,00. OddCluIn U.60 to 75.00. Music Cablneis 4,75 lo 25.00. CREDIT YOU P CERTAINLY 231-823.325-227 WyomlngAT ?JS$$$tt$$$J$$$$$$$$$$$$Ss A "V, . V Irj S -.- Mf -jyT.?)..