The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 21, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
.,- --i v r -.;f3TR TBmTTflCK w :ot, ,z. ttt'it .-TTT 1 o,r'."i 1VWM - . "V ,..-. -' ' ' r ' v 3',' C'tl THE SCRANTON TMBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900. v.1 .' m S "Best Milk for Family Use." 3 "Babies thrive on It." 1 PR, HANDS f CONDENSED MILK With Phosphates and Hypophos- phitcs Added. Taste not changed. M BETTER THAN CREAM FOR COFFEE. Sold by tiiocers ami Druggists, The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co. Writo for booklet. SCRANTON, PA. SBHMHriBHHnWHSBnnMUBn v E Ice Cream. nnsr in town. Per c Quart. UCIIIWAHII1 EAIRY CO Stlophonc Orders Promptly Delivers I :3f-3l7 Adams Avenuk Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., Z. & W. Passenger Btntion. Phone 625. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Ofl1r Hour9 a. jn. to 12 SO p. m. : I lo Wllltums Bulldlne. Opu. PostotllPfv ''-' I CITY NOTES : ---4-- citiLnrtiiN's skiivici:s. At r.n o'clock to night there will be children's ncnices it tho Linden htrcot tjnagogite in eclobiatlon 01 the Iiamicta festival. HELD UXIlllU Al)VISi:Mi:XT. At a meeting of the boanl of paidons at H.irrNburg, Weeluo iliy, the iao of Augustine Xolli, convicted in this county of miiidci m the second dcgicc, was held under adust ment. ILL-TOAIj PleACTlCK. AIh. llllen Itenshaw, of 'i-.t Hiuntnii, was luiil in .:M lull by Alder oun Millar Wednesday night on the charge of illi gaily practicing inedlcine. A min mined llobin ton preferred the charge. niST.00 Ti:n SllOl'i.linit. "Stephen l.csing, of TrMiip, was ( to the Lackawanna eUicIav with a dislocated should 'i. ".bile he wis unloading pi ink fiom a ear nutldo .1 .le'ssim breaker one of the heavy timber fell anil tiu. k him, seriously injuring hi-, slioulder. st. josr.nrs sontTv Mi:r.Tix:. Then- win lie a meeting of St. Joseph's society .it Si. Thomas College chapel this afternoon at :i o'clock to receive reports from the committee-, in charge of the Foundling Home coneert. All pulies lin ing tickets ate loqucsled to make U'turns at this meeting. LAkCT.SY OF OrCKCOAT. Kathcrhip jfcfiln rils, of Ita.vmond court, was held in 500 lull by Alilemun Millar jmtcrday on the elnige of the larceny of an ocieoat belonging to TIhh'mh Dul ler, colored. It is alleged tint the MiCiluuls wo ran cnteied the haloon where llutler was w 01 king iml removed the overcoat, which was later found in her possesion. KMllKS'ZI.KMGN.T riiAUCKR I. T. Davis, for ineily tnaingcr of the Waldorf Shoe compaii), was ycstculay held in ijoi) lull liy Alderman Kasson on the iliarmi of enili(.llng ssjoo of the company's funds. Some weiU ago lie hft the city and 11 Miortage w.h illscoveinl in his ae. lounts. Ho lelinned soon and claim, tint ho has hince been cneleavoiing tn fettle tlw case. 10 MIXl' mil I'JtUTIlT.-Tho following members of the old Rcr.intnu team will leport for practice Saturday afternoon at 2,:i0 sli.iip at Ath letio pailt: Conncry, Chailes fielbert, Zaug, Sweeney, WaMi, Dan Gelbeit, lM.m-r, Decker, Coggliih, I'rcil fillboit, Jnlin Krefe, rie eland, Horan. Hie team met for tigiul piactlce latt lit jlit and are in llrht class condition for the Christmas game. IS STILT, Munle.i, the Avoca councilman for whose aiiest a waitaut was l.ued Pee, II liy Aldeiman .Millar on the clmge of a. Faulting Hie conductor and motoinun of a Mno.le street car, Is still nt latere, and Ids wlieicabouts is wiapped In m.istery, 'ihe was Usuul nt the Instance of the speclul olllieis of the S'cian. ton Hallway company, und It Is allcgid tint Man ley not only aiulted the cai's vitw, but nisi trnoriicd tho paiiengers ami broke feui it win dons. Cigars by the Box. Standnrd brands. 12 or 27, lit a box (or $1.00 or more at O'llara's cigar store, 431 Spiueo street. Fancy Leather Bags, Itoynolds Bros. . . n . a n i x it .t !t X X M X X X X X X rCICARS FOR Christmas Boxes of 25, CO and 100 each; Imported. Freshest stock. Finest quality Key West, All Vuetta, Clear Havana, l C'aracter, Cor Ina, Duo do Alba, Holace, Domes af K ft ft ar ft ft ft ft v ft ft ft tic, the great "Cleo. Fox" and Four Centuries. OPEN EVENINGS, E. O. Dean. 40S Connell Building, PHONE B2S3, ft to Ml -- Wg s rQNgj3regf CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT. Cornell Clubs Will Be Heard nt Bi cycle Club House. ' The glee, bnnjo runt mandolin clubs of Cornell University rtlvc n Joint con eert Siitttrduy nlglt tn the Hcranton Ulcycle club ball. Althotirxh It Is their lltst appearance In this city, their fume as entertalncra litis been spread abroad by the Scranton ntumnl who have taken a personal Intel est In mak ing tho concert a Htteceflf. The fifty yotitiff men In the putty represent tho musical talent of the university, tho places having been won by comnetl tlon. After the concert, which will befiln early, the students will be enter tained with diinclncr. The rlttbs pltived in New York last evening and the program was well leeelved by the large audiences. This Is the lust concert on tho trip, the other cities visited being Wilmington, Wash ington, Pittsburg, ilradford nnd Hochestcr. The program differs In many lcspectH from tho usual college musical performance. It beghw with the song of the university, "Rir A'bove Cayuga's Waters," and will bo ended when the low strains of the Cor nell Kvenlng nong die away. The old familiar songs nnd Ume3 have been dropopd for n new line of college music which lias become popu lar with end of the century students. MAYOR MOIR WILL NOT SIGN THE BILL Sent a Communication to Councils Last Night with Roforence tt tho Asphalt Ropaix Bill. Mayor Molr has sought legal advice as to whether he chould sign the bill for $1,3S0, the seventh quarterly pay ment to the TJarber Asphalt company under their $175,000 contract, and he has decided that under no considera tion whatever will he approve of the bill. This final decision was announced last night In a communication sent to eouncIK After citing tho terms of the contract und referring to the recent revelations of bilbery In Alderman Puller's court, which swoin testimony he savd Is uncontradicted, the mayor continues: "As I tinclci stand tho law, no peison or corporation who by offering bribes or rewards for the votes of councllmen or for the approval of the executive of the city does the same in vlolaton of the public morals and the laws of this commonwealth should have the as sistance of the law to reap the bene fits of their own unlawful acts. Fraud, bilbery and collusion will vitiate any transaction, and therefore if fraud In obtaining this agreement or contract be shown, either expressed or moiled, the parties cannot enforce the agree ment which they tbeinselvs have vio lated the law to obtain. As the nntter stone's, T believe it to be my dutv as chief executive of this city to with hold my approval of this bill." In speaking about the matter to a Tribune man yesteiday, the mayor said: "I was forced to ariive at this con elusion after hearing the earnest re quests made by many of our be-t citi zens. Many of the very men who two yea is ago were r'olng everything In their power to get me to sign the ordi nance awnidlng this contract are now asking me not to sign this bill. Thov do Ibis because they believe now, as T have believed all along and as I said In council, that this contract was born In sin and conceived in iniquity. "The burden of proof rests now en tirely with the aspbalt company. Its officials have not denied any of the statements made in Aldeiman Fuller's ofllce. They will find themelves tho defendants In a pietty good-sized law suit one of there days." When the communication was read in select council lust night It was re ferred to the pavement conimi'tce, de spite the protests of Mr. Chlttend"u, who believed that councils had noth ing to do witli the matter, it b"lng to bis mind, merely a question to b3 settled between the nniyor and the as phalt company. QUINNAN'S REPORT WAS HOTLY ATTACHED Matter of the Indebtedness of Lacka wanna Township Up for Con si deration in Court. A large part of the morning session of court yesterday was taken up by ar guments on the exception!.' to the io liort of Hon. John I. Qiilnu.m. com missioner In the matter, of the Indebt edness of Lnekawannn township. n will be icmembered, Mr. Qulnnan In his leport essayed to select the pood from the bad claims, as he viewed them under tho law nnd the evidence, nnd then thiow out what lie consldoicd bad. The lotnl Indebtedness of the town ship, summing up all the presented claims, wns In totiiid numbeis $10,000. Mr. Qulnnan threw out about $20,000 worth of these claims. Yesterday the attorneys representing theso disallowed claims strove to have court send back the report to the commissioner with In structions to Include their restieetlvo claims lit tho approved list. Among the attorneys who took tutus at tearing up the cnmmisslonei'a Und ines weie; Heeia & Gr.tmbs, Joseph O'Hrlcn, Wlllard, Wnrien & Kiutmi, Walter Hiiggs, Welles .t Torrey, George D. Taylor. T. 1'. Ilulmn, James E, Wat kins, P. W, Stokes and Cornelius Com egys. Attorney M. J. Donahoo, solic itor of Lackawanna township, opposed them. COUNTER SUIT BBOUGHT. Attorney Bealo Begins Proceedings Against B. E. Kotchum. Attorney Oeorgj W. Dealo yesterday began an notion boforo Alderman Mil lot, of the Sixth ward, against A. K. Ifetchum to recover uttoruey foes In tho etu-o of 15. JO. Kotchum, whom h v cieiciuieu on mo ciiaigo or embezzle ment, This action Is u counter one to that wherein Kotcliuin kooIcb tho lotuin of money fiom Mr, ll-ub., and which the latter claims ho offered to udjust with a settlement of his fees, Mounted fountain pens. Reynolds Bros. Mrs. Winslow'b Soothing Syrup lias been meet for over I'lffV VI.'ahs iiv MILLIONS ol MOfllLUS tor their CIllLnitFs WllLi: '1KCTIHNG. with I'KHKLCT SL'CCm It ROOTIIKS Hie- CHILD, SOFTENS the (iUJIS ALLAYS all PAIN; C'JIIF.S. WIND COU(" ami H the bet remedy tor PHIIlllIOKA. Sold Iiv WruggiiU in eiiry part of the world. n0 ,uro and usk for "Mm. VUnslow'ii Soothlm," Syrup'' and take no other kind. Twcnly-Uto icutj a bottle. LUKAN CASE WASHEARD SOLD AT RETAIL UNDER BOT TLER'S LICENSE. His Attorney Claims That Ho Should Bo Sentenced as Directed in tho Act of 1801, but This Idea Is Op posed by the Attornoy for tho Mu nicipal League, Who Contends That Lukan Ought to Be Sentenced Undor the Act of 1887 Other Court Houso News. At the last term of criminal court, John Luknn, the Canousc, avenue bot tler, was convicted of selling at retail. When ho was called up for sentence, hs attorney, Joseph O'Hrlen, contended that ho could not be given the penalty prescribed by the Act of 1SS7, the mini mum of which Is $500 line and tlitee months In tho county Jail, because ho was not guilty of selling without a license. The sentence should be Im posed, Mr. O'Hrlcn held, under the Act of 1S01, which prescribes that a bottler who exceeds the authorityof his license shall pay a lino not exceeding $100 and bo Imprisoned for not mote thnn sixty days, either or both at the discretion of the court. The matter came up In ar gument court yesterday. Fred E. Doers, of counsel for the Municipal league, which is prosecuting tho case, held that Lukan should bo sentenced under the 1SS7 act, because It vns under that act the Indictment was drawn and under that act he was con victed. Futthermorc, he pointed out that, at the time of Lukan's arrest, Lukan bad no license whatever. 1Io had purchased the bottling establish ment from a man named Kos-s, but had neglected to have the license trans ferred, and It wns not until six weeks after the arrest that the transfer was accomplished. Court held the motion under advisement. Other cases were disposed of as follows: common I'I.i:a. Iiiilgimint HmcH'Ml-Cumuiniittealtli .u.ilnst John Vackej, Hole Itclnstaten-S. Gottfried, trustee, against II. Ariiilmr-l et j cucptions to iiflidaWt of de- fCIlH'. Argued Juiiies Saul nnd Stephen Dyer against City Cleric Martin T. laivelle, mandamus; Wlni fied Collins agilnst Thomas Collins, rule to open Judgment. QUARTKR &F.SSIONS. Continued Commonwealth agiliist Morris Wormier, appeal fiom summary conviction; in re cliiugc of lulling place, l'omtli dMiict, Second waid, Scianton; Commonwealth against Itobeit Mo.ur, lule to limit foifeiture; Forest lily poor director, appeal fiom ouhr of; Com monwealth ,ig.ilnt l'etcr C1110II. mle to strike off foifeitme; Comnionwi'illli eg.iint Joseph Kill e.nage, mle to remit io-,U; Conunonweallli ng.iint Michael Cunningham, rule for a new trial; in le condemnation of l'ioidence and Abingtou turnpike, exceptions to appointment of mister and juiy of iew. DiMonliiuieil Commonwealth agiinst 11. W. Howard, appeal fiom summary louvietion. itule Absolute Commonwealth against Frank Meiiiiiuo, mle to limit costs; Comniomualth ,igiui3t J. I'. Kill, lule to leinll costs; Com monwealth agahi't Katlieriue Angeln, rule to re mit rust; in re mle to change polling place in Not Hi Aliiiwton; ( oninionwealth ag ilnsl lieorge Ik Cnnier, rule to lemll costs. Aiaucd Ciimnionwialth agaiiisl John T. Howe, lute to set aside luidlug of gland jiui; Common wc'ilth against .leuule itubbiu-, mle to strike o!f foifeiture. Submitted ( oinuionwi.ilth against John Fugu son, mle to 'ttike olf foifeitme; In re contested elect lull of Nicholas Glenn and Thoinis IIhiiiIii,'. O III' HANS' COL'ltT. Aigued relate of Nathaniel l'ltih, esci'pllons to auditoi's report; estate of Alex. Dooke, excep tions to auditor's report; estate of Phoebe Amy simrnll, esi'cplions to auditor's leport. Continue!! IMatc of Joseph V. Kieiuli, ceep tlons to auditoi's report; estate of Ann A. Con nolly, mle to leiuoee eeiutoi; estate of llelieic 1 Colby, exceptions to lht ae count; istite of Jnlm W. limb, eeeitiriis to auditor's lepoit hiilmiittid- I. -lute of Mldml Mi Poiiough et ill., mle to dlscliuge gunill.111; Mate of I' Wit-km-ki. mle lei ilischnge .iiltnf nlt 01 . II11I0 Hi-cliaiged-IMdle ot Cabin Parsons, lule for nu aeiouutiu. Court adjourned for the holiday vaca tion, to meet again Jnnuary .", 1901. Anothor Pair of Divorces. Two more divoices were decreed by court yesterday, Judge Kelly handing them down. MIehlele Lumonea proved that his wife, Lucia, to whom ho was married In 1SS9, had been living In Plymouth with one Dr. Vincenzo Sarlo In October, 1S98, and for a year thereafter, and that she had a child by him. This was con sidered sufficient ground for a divorce. The Lumoneas formerly lived In Oak ford court. Vosburg & Dawson repie sentod the llbellant. David Jones wns gi anted a divorce from Elizabeth Williams Jones on tho ground thnt she deserted him nnd went to live with Frank Collns, as Mrs. Col lins, at the boarding house of Mrs. ltose Repp. Mrs. Jones Is n sister of Mrs. May Williams TUnslnnd. Tho Joneses weie married July 11, 1S92, and lived together eight months. It. II. Ilolgato was the attorney for the llbellant. Extra Work Was Done. Attornoy William H. Roe, referee In the case of Finnic Egll ngainst Will iam Friedman and William Goodman, filed a report yesterday, containing a finding In favor of tho plaintiff and against both defendants In the sum of $.12.24, the full amount of tho claim. Egll claimed for extra work on a wall which ho built for Friedman and which was ordered by Goodman, who was supervising the construction as agent for Friedman. Goodman denied that the extra woik was either ordeied or Sned dollars nro HAFlJ fiom all unwlso extravagancies. Ono has a chance to think twice be fore Hpuullng them. How much better to make sure of cool, deliberate judgment as lo how each dollar shall bo mudo to do tho right thing. Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor. Wyoming and Spruce TOADERSf BANKJ! done, but the referee thought otherwise. Counting the Vote. No discrepancies between the vole announced In Tho Tribune nnd that of the oniclal ictiirns wns shown by vos terday's olllcal account of the ballots cast at Tuesday's special election, The count was made by 'Deputy Pro thonotnry John Ciimmlngs, under the supervision of Judge Archbald, nnd was certllled In time to permit thu newly elected councllmen to bo sworn In at last plght's meetings. Yesterdny's Man- T. V. M1I.11I11 Gertrude latwaids John Purklii Maty flitighau Kills P. Ke.xes II. Jones Itlihard i:. P.nls Mary I'. Jones llczarilluo Cohuponts .... Citerlni Vccatlu John J. Mahoily , Kitahull A. Coleman ..., Inge Licenses. Aberdeen ..... 1 Aberdeen ...lit) Prospect avenue US Ilher street .........Wlmmers ..? .Maptcwooil M7 lloberts court WilkcflHrr ...Mooslc ..Moostc Archbald Carhondalo COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Frank Oiircp, alias Zopp, accused of Btiullng linns from the Pelaw.iic. Lickawanna and West ern, Delaware and Hudson anil Scranton Railway eompiiiic", was released on $000 ball furnlRhed .eeflerilay belote Jinlgo Arehbilil by W. P. Wells. 'Ihe viaduct, matter Is to lie heard today In chambers. OPERATORltfHAVE WON THEIR FIGHT Carrying Companies Have Agreed to Pay Them for Their Coal on tho Sixty-llvo Por Cent. Basis. Local membeis of the Anthracite Op erators' association are home from the New York meeting, and with their re turn conies the information that the programme forecast In The Tribune wns carried out to tho letter. The new contracts offered by the transportation companies were pre sented by the committee nppolnted lo secure better terms for the Independ ents, and after a lengthy discussion It was decided to accept tho new terms. This leaves each operator free to enter Into a contract with any transpor tation company he chooses to sell hlj coal to, and, of course, menns also that tho piojecls for fighting the transcor tatlon companies with a new road, or nny of the other means considered, are abandoned. The transportation companles.through their committee which conferred with the Independents' committee, agreed that thoie would be no discrimination shown for or against any operator. TIie. contiaets will bo unifoimly diawn and no operator will be given nny advant age over the other. The sixty-live per cent, rate for which the Independents have contended for years and which they vlgoiously de manded, when the deal of the big com panies to settle the stilke advanced the cost of mining, is to obtain throughout the whole region. The independents are also to liavc better treatment in the matter of allotment and car seivlce. The victory of thu Independents is a matter of gratification to this region, as tlje light was planned and conducted bete. Hon. William Connell Is piesidcnt of the association, and both he and T. H. Watklns were prominent, not to s-ay the most active spirits on the commit tee which had the matter of re-ariange-ment of contracts in hand. Tho part E. L. Fuller played In tho transaction was told at length in Monday's Issue. Ills activities were centered upon keep ing tho Independent, fot tilled and, If possible, place thorn In a position to change their lequest into a demand. The loyalty of the independent oper ators, in geneial, in denying themselves the benefits of the new contract offered by the big tiansportation companies, until such time as the sale of the Penn sylvania Coal company released them from their moial obligation to support the new toad, is one of the most com mendable things In the history of' the coal wot Id. New Blaze Light. 100 candle-power; saves CO per cent, gas. For sale and on exhibition at 433 Spruce street. DON'T MISS THIS DISPLAY OF Umbrella Bargains 25 $7.50 Umbrellas for $4.95 50 $5.00 " $3.75 100 $3.50 " " $2.50 75 $2.00 ' $1.25 Just Received This Horning. They are Ladies' and Gent's pick of the season's handles, Gold, Silver, Pearl, Ivory Tied Oak and Thorn, and an extra grade of close rolling Silk Taffeta. MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. For Christinas the handsomest and largest display of Box Papers ever brought to Scranton, Buying this at a real stationery store ussures you the best value and the most tasteful selection, Our boxes are made for us especially. Muny novel designs and quality of the best. Large, rlnh boxes from SO cents to $7.50. Genuine Mahogany Boxes lllled with paper at hardly the cost of the wood, , Stationery Sets, Desk Pads, Pens, Penholders, Fancy Ink Stands. Your most critical taste or fancy satisfied In the fullest degreo. R. E, PRENDERGAST, 207 WASHINGTON AVENUE. cronton, Pa. CONNELL AND THEJSENATE WHAT THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS SAYS OF IT. His Contingent Candidacy for United States Senator Has Aroused Keen Interest at Washington - Mr. Con noil's Attitude Is Bolievod to Re flect tho Opinion of Colonel Quay's Best Friends Reasons That Are Urged Why He Is Available in Certain Contingencies. Tho following dispatch from Wash ington, P. C, appeared In yester day's Philadelphia Press: "Ileprcsentatlvc Council's contingent candidacy for United States senator from Pennsylvania, as announced In the Ptvss, of today, has aroused tin keenest Interest among Ponnsylva nlaim In Washington. When seen by the Presn correspondent this evening, Mi Connell corroborated tho state ment Hint he would bo u candidate In case Colonel Quay did not receive 11 majority vote of the legislator? upon tb.c first vote tast In Joint session. Ha frankly declared, however, thnU ho was friendly to Colonel Quay's can didacy, and did not wnnt his own posi tion misunderstood. "Mr. Council's attitude Is believed to rollout the opinion of Colonel Quay's best friends, and that Is that If not elected on the first ballot, Colonel Quay has no chnnce ot 'winning the fenntorshlp. The latter, It Is believed, also Is convinced of this, and has mnrta up his mind to withdraw If he fal's to secure an election on the first bal lot. As already stateel In theso dis patches, there Is good reason to be lieve thnt Colonel Quay. In the event of his own defeat, will endeavor to glvo his strength to II. W. Oliver, of Plltjburg. In the opinion of most of the Pennsylvanlans here who ore In terested In the contest, It will be im possible for Quay lo deliver the goods to Oliver. "That tho contest will be very close has been admitted by the most loyal irlends of Colonel Quay, and the prob ability of the ex-senator falling, as he did two years ago, has led to much quiet work being done In the Interest of other candidates. The friends of Mr. Connell have been active In tho northeastern part of the state and have secured promises from influential powers In other localities of support when the Scranton congressman "en ters tho field ns an active, aggresslvo candidate. It Is urged in his behalf that ho has not been a radical machine man. but is ready to lend his aid to the reorganization of the party In tho state upon lines of justice to all good, honest Republicans. He has opsnly espoused the cause of Colonel Quay, but does not Indorse all that Is done In the name of the latter by those who operate the Quay machine." For Sale. Two heavy and one light delivery wagons; one buggy pole; cash register; two pipe-cutting machines; one four hotse-power engine; $1,500 worth gas fixtures and supplies; $2,500 plumbets' and steam-tlttors' supplies, and one two-seated open wagon. Hunt & Connell. Sterling Desk Blotters. Reynolds Bros. Clear Havana Cigars. 20,000 Imported .and Key West cigars at New York prices for box trade. O'llara's cigar store, ill Spruce street. Mounted Pocketbooks. Reynolds Bros. The busy shoe stores of Lewis & Rellly will be open this evening and every evening until after the holidays. 1 Clark's Xmas Tree Annex, 421 Spruce street. Newest Calendars. Reynolds Bros. MWcYM.WM fJust Before A womnn'8 fancy lightly turns show tnble is one of our main attractions. To own n piece of Llb bey's Cut Class Is like having a specimen of real old Snt-suma, n Bourco of pride and delight, und hence It may be seen In all tho flashing Bplcndor of tho newer cuts, more like magnificent Jewels than anything else. A carafe of Llbboy Glass may bo bought for tho absurdly low price of $2.75, a beautiful celery dish or a big tobacco Jar, with sponge roceptnolc, for $.".00. VxxvaTVCaAX , fieo V Millar & Co m Wjom!n Aventie VJCU. V. ITU 1 Ittl tX VU. Walk In nnd 0os atomd .,. n.v-.vou III 1S Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $l Bridge Work GEM $3 Set of Teeth $5 All work Rii.iranteed for 10 jcarn. Cull ami have your teelh cvimiiicd free of charge. Satisfaction or no pay. TEETH Schimpff, the Jeweler, That's the name. You've heard it a good many times most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver sation, for the one implies the other. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has much to show you in the Gift li e more thati you'll see in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their novelty. Schimpff, the Jeweler, H everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what you want; it's there. Prices,1 too, are less than you think, when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is apparent 317 Lackawanna Avenue. v 0000X000 Rogers, Jeweler Is Showing the Most Complete Assortment 1 Holiday Gifts in Jewelry Sterling Silver Watches Clocks Diamonds Etc Ever Brought to Scranton Come See 213 Lackawanna Avenue ooooooooooooooooo Barney & Berry Skates, 45c a Pair. FOOTE & FULLER CO Hears Building. EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN THE" FOR RENT" COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE Christmas to thoughts of cut glass. The center J.I.I.SUC. Zsl Extracted Absolutely Without Pain. Our system of I'AINLKSS Dentistry h fur nperlor tn the old method of elolnc woik. AW- both (111 und exllict teeth without the leant particle of pain. Our prices for the present are extiemely low-, and If )on are In I eeel of any Dental work. Call and hive Jour teeth examined. We make n (specially of fine Crown und ltrlelire "Work and It will pay .vou lo call und eat our prices befoie Kolni; clsewbcie. All work absolutely 1'alnles-e. Or, ReysrTOentist 514 SnruceSt., Oop. Court llreise ooxxxxxxoo 00000000000000000 V -n ! VI Jti. ' r$$j. 'I "H..!