The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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The Christmas Irtish
Everybody is buying presents for somebody else. We are helping our customers to make their selections.
is oni
We have carloads of Toys here. Come and see them. Hundreds of clerks to wait on you. Large,
roomy aisles to shop in. Quick service and low prices make this THE STORE OF SCRANTON.
A Living Santa Claus is on exhibition in our large show window. Bring the children to see him
go down the chimney and trim a real Christmas tree.
lurQp I Pi
'i'fp j if
"Wo have alto n. well-known assort
ment of Hooks and Ladders, Engines, Carts, Ico Wngong, Unglnes,
Train, etc. Prices run from
25eUpto OSc
Easel Black Boards
Strong frame, double slllleato board,
Only 17c Each
Larger size board, with drawing de
signs, Only 25c
Combination ltlack Board and Desk,
with revolving designs In music, writ
ing, drawing, etc. "Worth $1.25,
Tool Chests for tbe Boys
Assorted si2os, each complete, with
full set of Tools. Everything that a
carpenter uses.
Prices, 25c, 49c, 75c, 9Sc each
"Admiral Dewey" War Vessels
Lithographed In assorted colois,
complete with all the paraphernalia
for sailing.
Our price 34 c
Toy Swords and Guns, assorted sizes,
10c, 19c and 25c each
Hill Climbing
Friction Power Toys
made of wood and steel, with Iron
wheels, painting in colors.
Locomotives, sin; I'J'Jxfi in.
Automobiles, sizo UVjxS In.
Dining Chairs, size 34x6 in.
All 9Sc each
Single Rocking Horses
Strong Rockers, upholstered saddle,
painted, mane and hair tall,
Only 98c
Doll Tronks
, Designed! colored and finished in ox
act copies of regular leather trunks,
each with lock and key.
--Our -prices -arc -25:), 49c, 73c, 9Sc.
2 1SJ
I Jhe Vindication of Crawford
The officers' tent was full of gen
tlemen In khaki, lounging about in
all directions, and in every conceiv
able attitude suggestive of well-bred
indolence. Even the rigid disclplin
a'rlaji, General Condlt, seemed to have
unbent a little. He stood with cross
ed legs, his arm around the central
pole, smoking placidly. It was young
Lieutenant Gaily who was speaking.
He was relating a stirring account of
how Captain Crawford one of their
number, who was at the moment ab
senthad captured a Boer buttery
earlier In the day.
It may have been the fact tliat the
deed had been one of exceptional dar
,lng, or perhaps because the otllcer In
question was such a universal favor
ite, more probably still, a combina
tion of both; at any rate, Gully's en
thusiasm became Infectious, and three
stentorian cheers were up for Captain
Crawford, In which every man present
joined save one.
7vi exception was Colonel Neel. He
stoou ipart with folded arms, and to
vlook oil his narrow countenance that,
to say the least of It, was decidedly
unpleasant. The clrcumstunces of his
subordinate's silence was soon appar
cnt to the lynx-eyed general. He
turned on Neel with a distinct frown
of displeasure.
"I hope," ho began, In a cutting
tone, "that those boyish methods of
tdiowlng our appreciation of a, gallant
action uro not distasteful to you?"
Keel's lips curled, and the ends of
his waxed mustache took a downward
"Not nt all." ho said; "but to my
mind the man only did his simple
.duty. Any one of us would huvn done
the same, given a llko chance."
"You do not doubt his courage?"
"Yes; In ono sense I certolnly do.
T've no particular admiration for the
flash-ln-the-pan business,"
"But look at his record, man."
"Yes, yes, I know a series of mad
rushes nothing sustained, No tost at
11, to my mind."
The little knot of listeners gasped.
The general knitted his heavy brows.
"These are sweeping assertions,
Neel," ho said,
"Perhaps, but I flatter myself I know
Captain Crawford better than any
nion present. Our paths have lain to
gether for years; In fact, we were In
the same class at bchool."
Hp did not add that u bitter enmity
hud existed between them elnce that
-time, the origin of which had been
the thrashing of Neel by Crawford on
nc;ount of the former's brutal treat
pient of n small boy. Nor did he
spruk of the Htlmuloub that feeling
hud received some years luier, when
Crawford hod superseded him in the
afffctlons of a certain maiden of ex
ceptional loveliness and charm, But
though ho spoke not of theso things,
the circumstances of tho moment had
whetted his memory, and he gnawed
V'lelpusly at the amber mouthpiece of
hln pipe.
"Oh, by the way," broko in young
foully, innocently, "ho jnurried one of
Specials on Fancy Groceries for Christmas
Fancy Sweet Oranges, doz., 25c
3 lbs. nixed Nuts, 25c
Fancy Figs, per lb., 10c
3 lbs French Cream Candy, 25c
2 lbs Choice Chocolate Drops, 25c
Grenoble Walnuts, per lb., 12c
Fancy Sicily Filberts, 1 lb., 12c
Toy Phonographs
N'o mechanism to get out of order.
Kasy for the smallest child to operate.
Five vecoid disks to each. Our pried
for this novelty,
Complete Line Toy Dishes
All kinds, tin, pewter and china dec
orated. Kadi set complete in box.
Prices ft om
5c up to $1.49
Strength Testers, set complete,
Only 9Sc
those Boer women, didn't he? A regu
lar 'stunner' for Icoks, 1 was told,
I and quite an heiress In a small way."
"Your Information is correct," re
plied Neel, between his teeth. "Cap
tuln Crawford's main Interests are
now on the side of the enemy. Things
being so, I should imagine it would
be as well to keep an eye on him."
It was like putting a match to pow
der. The men were on their feet mut
tering. "Hang It nil Neel!" burst out the
general, "this is too much! I've .a
good mind "
What he would have said or what
would have transpired In consequence
it was Impossible to s.iy, for at that
moment an Interruption came. There
was an ear-splitting roar, followed by
a terrlUc itish of displaced air, which
nearly wrecked the tent. Lieutenant
Gaily clasped his hand to his ear with
a rueful grimace-. A fragment of steel
had grazed that organ, and the blood
was pouring down. Next moment thr,
general's voice bellowed an order, and
the men rushed from the ten pell
mell. II.
"Neel, those devils will have to bo
driven out," said the general, impa
tiently. "Quite so but how?
The two men had reined In their
horses on a piece of rising ground,
from which an excellent view of tint
surrounding country could be obtain
ed. The general slapped his riding
breeches with the gauntlets ho car
ried In his li-nd.
"If we could only get a battery Into
Zerbugge's Hollow," ho said, slowly, "1
think it could bo done,"
Colonel Neel faced round nbruptly.
In his eyes there gleamed a startled
look of Inquiry.
"Zerbugges Hollow?" ho echoed.
"Why It would bo 'simply murder.
They wouldn't Hvo tc unllmber, much
more silence tin gun."
He looked away northward, tot
where a group of Tarm buildings rose
sheer out of the brown expanse of
veldt. Even as he did so, a puff of
white smoke rose from Its vicinity,
followed, nfter a row seconds' Inter
val, by a heavy boom,
"The beggars have got tho range
to a 't,' " fumed the gutjeral. "Some
thing will have to be done, Will you
lead u battery to Herbuggo's Hollow,
Colonel' Neel?"
That ofllcer's face Hushed a dull rod
at the Implied taunt.
"What 11 question to nslc u soldier!"
ho said, "Of course I would, or anv
wheie else, If necessary, uy tne way,
though," he added, "this ought to bo
a good opportunity for your brave
Captain Crawford."
The General frowned and piled his
gloves with even more rapidity and
force than hitherto.
"We'll settle thut question onco and
for ull," he burst out, angrily, "Barnes,
coino here."
The ordeily rode up and stood at attention.
Electric Batteries
Afford lots of amusement. Every
thing but the pi Ice will shock you.
Only 9Sc
Shoo Fly Rocking Horses
Two, lar!?e sent, 'sltong rock
ers, etc.
Our price (Uc each
Same as above, with nphulc-tcrel
heat and hack yith toy box in front.
Our price Sic rncli-
TOVLAND indeed is our Grand Toy
Department, containing as it does ev
ery toy that can bo desired by any
"Tell rapt. Crawford to come here
at once," said the General.
The orderly saluted and rode quickly
away. The General sat still in his sad
dlesternly silent waiting. In less
than five minutes Capt. Crawford rode
up and saluted the commander.
"Capt. Crawford," said the General,
slowly, "you will take No. 10 battery
and proceed at once to Zerbugge's Hol
low. You will direct your lire against
yonder farmhouse, and you will not re
tire until the battery there has been
The captain looked at his commander.
The commander looked at his captain.
Col. Neel looked straight Into his soul.
Crawford went white to the lips.
"Is Is this absolutely necessary?" he
stammered, weakly.
"Necessary? Of course It is!" roared
the General. "Am I In the habit of
issuing orders which are otherwise?
Are you a coward, sir? Are ?"
He finished his furious tirade to the
empty air, for in the midst of it tho
captain had put spurs to his horse and
ridden off.
In mi incredibly short space of time
tho battery, with Crawtord at its
head, was racing across the zone of
lire In the direction of Zerbugge's Hol
low. Ftom his position on the emi
nence the General watched them dis
mount, unllmber and go into action;
then he turned his horse's head and
went back to-camp.
Meanwhile a tragedy was blng en
acted the like of which was never
heard of before In the harrowing his
tory of modern warfare. The moment
Crawford's guns began to solt, 12
hitherto, .silent pieces from tho enemy's
battery opened their brazen mouths.
The explanation of this was that, the
rango being shorter, the Boers were
able to bring the whole of their guns
Into play.
Tho havoc was fearful. Within a
quarter of un hour every horse belong
ing to No. 10 was either dead or dying
and the guns were betas charged
and run up by hand. In that vortex of
lire and blood all order was forgotten.
Their Instructions were to load and fire,
and they did that well, many dying In
the doing slipping down by thu lion
Hhod wheels to bo mangled and crushed
beneath them as tho gun was returned
for discharge. It was sickening, appal
ling, and for five mortal hours It was
kept up, until from thu Boer battery
thero came no answering shot. Their
mission was fulfilled ; the guns of the
enemy wero silent, t
But what a fearful price had been
paid! Tho slain lay literally In heaos,
curled up In postures curiously grotes
que, showing how, by the Interposition
of the "fell hand," their wrlthlngs had
been mercifully stayed, (
At the order "Cease llrlng!" consid
erably less than a score or men all
that were left of the hundred-odd
which hud formed tho gun's comple
ment dragged their weary limbs
aniosa the veldt in tho direction of the
English camp.
Meanwhile tle general, accompanied
by several members of his staff, made
his way toward the enemy's dismantled
position. Thu place wus u perfect
wreck, and was burning tit many places
while around and beneath the dis
mantled guns the bodies were plied up
In heaps, literally breaBt high.
Eiowy tnu nine nana wended their
wuy in and out among the heaps of
dead and dying, pausing every now
and then to administer water or a plug
Drums Drums
Metal I todies, Rood "Wood Hoops,
Iti ass Finished and Decorated with
Flas, etc.
Prices from 10c up to $1.00.
Our Doll Department
Is worth a visit. We are headquar
ters for Dolls of all kinds. Quality,
style, finish and price combine to muko
our values second to none. Wo have
the regulation "Dime" Dolls, assorted
fclyles-, laie values.
10e each
In the larger ulsses more elaborate
Dolls our line is choke. We have
.Ininted. Kid and UlsquQ bodies, light
and dark hair, natural eyes, shoes and
stockings, dressed and undressed dolls.
Prices are exceptionally low, running
25c to $2.00
of tobacco to all who clamored foe
tliea things.
Tho Interior of tin; main building
presented a scene of awful devasta
tion. Shc'ds had evidently exploded In
the very rooms, blowing the windows
out, and smashing- the woodwork into
splinters. One portion, however, by
one of those strange freaks of chance
which are continually occurring in
warfare, remained practically Intact.
It was getting dusk, and as they
approached it was seen that a light
was burning there. The general went
first, and after him came the others.
Included among the number was Colo
nel Neel. The sight that met their
gaze was one which thai officer's con
science never allowed him to forget.
The light they had observed eman
ated from a dirty piece of tallow can
dle placed in the neck of a bottle,
but It was amply sufficient to reveal
the Interior. In nil Its vivid ghastllness.
The room had evidently been used as
n storage place for coal, for a lump
of that commodity lay in one corner.
Over part of this a white sheet had
been spread, whereon lay the bodies
of a woman And a smull child, both
horribly mutilated, and blackened al
most beyond lecognltlon.
Last of all, sitting huddled up in a
fur corner, with his face toward the
dead, was tho figure of a mnn.
"Stand forwaid there!" commanded
the general. "Who are you? And
who arc these?"
The man Hteppcd out and saluted.
Sweat and powder had effectually con
cealed his identity. His clothes hung
about him in tatters, and from an ugly
gash nbovo his right eye the blood
was streaming down. Ho indicated
tho two ghastly corpses with a grimy
"General," he said, "my wife and
child. I am Captain Crawford!" Chl
cngo Times-Herald,
That at Pan-American Will Be of
Great Interest to Tourists.
Ground was broken a few days slnco
for tho Filipino Village tit the Pan
American Exposition at Buffalo next
summer and "Pony" Moore, a well
kunwn newspaper correspondent has
sturted for the Philippines whero hu
will get together material for this fea
ture of tho Midway. It Is expected that
a wholo vessel will bo required to bring
to this side of the Pacific tho natlvo
Filipinos, the cattle, utensils, tools and
various objects which will bo used In
creating a representation of uctual
life in this most Interesting new posses
sion of the United States. The Filipino
Vlllugo will occupy eleven acres of land
on tho Pan-American Midway, and the
population of the village will be about
100, ranging from old folks to babies In
arms. On tho right of the entrance will
be an udobo tower with thatched roof,
a representation of thu Spunlsh Watch
Tower which marked the water bat
teries at the entrance to Manila harbor.
On the left will be a facsimile of 4ia,
slgnul tower that loomed above Fort
Cavlte and which was wrecked bv
shells from Dewey's fleet. Between
these points will be nlpa-covered build
ings and bamboo fences. Canvas and
lateen sail boats will drift upon a
placid lake fed by a cataract with a
fall of 46 feet. There will bo a market
square, a Filipino church and many
dwellings for tho natives In which they
will live just as they do In the Phlllo
pne Islands, ' v
Brazil Nuts, per lb., 12jc
Fancy Pecans, lb., 12jc
Taragonia Almonds, lb., ,16c
Christmas Candy, Clear Toys, 3 lbs., 25c
Sugar Pop Corn, quart, 5c
Cocoanut Cream Bon-Bons, lb., 12jc
Decorated Honey Wafers, 12c
Butter Scotch Caramels, 12jc
Complete new line. An assortment
of small Ciamos, including Peter Cod
dles. Old .Maid, Authors, etc. Your
choice, i
5c each
A K" tQ f. t
the village and the scene will be most
In front of the village -will bo a mili
tary guard of United States soldiers
to give a military glamor to the scene.
There will be a theatre with a capacity
for seating 1,000 people. Performances
will be given dally by the natives. Ev
ery visitor will want to see this Filipino
Village and thus witness scenes true, to
life In the islands which have now be
come an important part of the posses
sions of the United States.
Some Achievements in Making Bed
men Good Citizens.
The Indian school at Phoenix, Ari.,
has grown to be one of the most Im
portant In the country. It now has an
enrollment of 700 pupils. The school
was established in 1891, and has earned
an enviable reputation for Its good re
sults. Tho literary, commercial, and
manual-training departments are filled
with students. The following trades
are taught: Agriculture, baking,
blacksmlthlng, cablnetmaking, carpen
try, dairying, engineering, gardening,
harness and shoe making, masonry,
onyx manufacture and stonecuttlng,
painting, printing, sewing, tailoring,
wagon making, and cooking. An Im
portant Industry Jn which full Instruc
tion Is given Is that of domestic
science, which teaches the theory and
practice of cooking and housekeeping.
Regular courses uro established In this
work, and It is obligatory upon every
girl to graduate from the course, and
also from that of sewing, before diplo
mas are given to them from the liter
ary department.
A school paper called the Native
Amerieun has been established, and Is
a source of much profit to the students
in various ways, besides being an edu
cational factor of great Importance In
bringing the whites to a realizing
sense of the reul Indian, his abilities
and ambitions. The student body rep
resents some 50 different tribes, from
all the western states and territories,
and there have been applications from
Indians of Alaska to enter tho school,
There exists very little difference In
the natural mental ability of tho var
ious tribes, but a very considerable
difference in energy, Industry, and am
bition. The river Indians (those living
along the river bottom lands) are bet
ter natured, more docile, and less am
bitious to excel than the mountain In
dians, The Apaches compare very
favorably with other tribes, and will,
when educated, make good citizens,
How's ThisP
We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv
rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv mil1.
Catarrh Cure. ' ""
J5: J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O
Vie, tho undersigned, have known V. J. Chcn'c
for the last 15 jears, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and flnaii.
c-Ully able to carry out any obligations mud.
by their firm. "
West A; Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O
Waking, Klnnan & Ua.Xn, Wholesale ,U ;
(fists, Toledo, O, '
Hall's Catarih Cure is taken Infernally, actlnB
directly uon the blood aud mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonials sent free. I'rfca
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. "c'
Hall's family fills are the best.
4- . Just Out
I Tbe CbesterQeld Overcoat
' Samter Bros.
Toy Pianos
Wood frame
stained and
varnished in
Each with
good musi
cal sound.
Our prices
are 25c, 49c,
75c. 97c and
Headquarters for
Holiday Goods
of All Kinds
All the new ones, as well as the old
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Rogers, Jeweler
Is Showing the
Most Complete Assortment
Holiday Gifts in ;
Sterling Silver
Ever Brought to Scranton
Come See
213 Lackawanna Avenue
Sleds Sleds
Every Tioy and ghl wants ono. Wo
hnvc them In all etylcs, sizes and
prices. Well made, fancy painted
Sleds, securely framed and glued, 30
Inches long, It Inches wide. Our prlcu
for this Is only
A larger sled, 36 Inches long arid
1? Inches wide, nicely pnlnted and dec
ornted. made with three frame knees.
Is sold
At 49c
Another stylo Is our Ash Fender
Sled, size 10V4x30 Inches, well braced
and wood highly polished. Theso
Sleds have the oval shoe and will sell
as low as
One of the best Sleds Is the Scrolled
Top, size 12x3iV Inches, well made and
securely braced with three bent knees,
top board handsomely decorated In
colors. Our price is
Comploto lino of Coasters, all good
sizes, hard wood, nicely decorated.
25c to $1.98'
AH shapes and prices of Blown Glass
Christmas Tree Ornaments, also fancy
Tinsel and Bead Ornaments to sell at
lc, 3c. 5c and 10c each
Story Books
A complete line of Juveniles, from
the paper cover to the high-grade
pasteboard cover. "Lots for the
money," both In size and value. Prices
5c, 10c, 19c, 25cs 49c eacli
Large Size Rocking Horse
with stirrups and hair mane and tall.
Our price, only fc.
$1.74 each
Candy Wagons
coococ o coooooooooooooooooooooxxoov