-,V""',(t "ifHTfy, -fHwtVM1" ; W";v Ki tf THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. 4? ''I'f'p.' r ' v X' ' f" HV-' - '' " " Commmileatlonsoix a. neute nature, per-: sonals and all ItemST (or publication may be Icltatmrc-Trlb-une's new offices In the t3urlo Building; , or sent by mall or 'plton A DISASTROUS FIRE. The Grocery of D. W. Humphrey on Salom Avonuo Wrockod. At 1.15 o'clock yesterday afternoon nn alarm of lire was .sounded from Box 2t, lit. the corner of Snlcm avenue ond Mulni.trcot. Tlic llrcmen quickly re- ,irion3U, and found a dense volume of "TsuSoh cohilnTfrant the cellar under T?ne jwoMySSture 'of t. W. Humphrey, "-ntfn HnTem" avenue. Befoic the lire could bo suhdued a Brent volume of water was turned into the cellar and Htor completely rulnins: the Ini-jro mock of Kroei-rles. and the roinblncd loss by Maine and Hood la estimated at fuim .f::,ooo to' $3,roo. At about 1.15 Mr. Humphrey started for hia home at 10S Salem avenue, leav ing tho store In ohut'Ko of two of bin I'li'ikM, 'Minor Urokenshlre and Fred A'an ( (order. Mr. Humphrey's daugh ter. Miss Cii.'icc, wis also In the store, In tlic! olllce. She Is the bookkeeper and cashier. Mr. Brokonshlie started in to .-Ivlni.tinJIiQ windows for the holidays. "-He -hurt junt begun, and Mr. Van Gor der and he were tllscusslni? the style of .tilmuiliiRr. Jliuiusor Byrne, of the opera. , 'house, and City Trensuier Connor were - In the store anil the four were hi an animated ronveiMitlon when Mr. Hrok rnblre looked to want the buck of the store and saw smoke curling up bo t"'en the boards of the floor. He Jumped out of the window and p.iid: "Tbo .store's on lire!" He ran for a water pall and shouted to Man-as-er Byine to turn In an ahum. Fill in;; the pail with water he raised the cellar door and was Elected by a dense ' Noluine of sirioko-iif a heavy, pungent odor. He at once, saw the futility of ftttcmptliiK;to descend and ran back to the C'isbier's otlice to tell Miss Humph rey of her peril "and to save the book and lock the safe, lie succeeded in sottim? her to a. place of safety and had just lime to Krab the books and suliicr tlio safe door shut and f?et out iM'fore Lhe smoke made it perilous to lemalii longer. Then the llremen anived. They founil smoke pouring fioin the cellar, the i-oof, the chinks over the doors and from a multitude of other places. They at tacked the cellar llrst, but had to turn their attention quickly to the upper poition of tho building, which seemed in imminent danger of combustion. For Jialf un hour they worked with great zeal and then the fire was drowned out. An element which tried the courage of the llremen severely was the knowl edge 'that In the cellar and not far from the fire "was a tank of kerosene oil, containing four barrels of the lluid. Despite this the volunteers worked with a will and were helped by a number of bystandeis in shifting their hose and directing Its nozzle where It would do the most good. When .It was declared safe to go in the store a number of curious persons followed the clerks and firemen Inside. It was a most deplorable looking place. The tiro had only scorched the walls on the main floor, but the energy of Iho water had knocked everything moveable askew, tore the labels off the canned goods, and tho floor was cov eiucl with a litter of crackers, nuts, apples, nnd many other parts of the utock. Mr. Humphrey looked on and sadly observed: "Well, this Is a dandy 'looking store now." A small square register In the center of the floor was taken up to sweep tho water into the collar and tho front door was opened. A number of persons walked in and were cautioned to look out for the hole. Mr. Fred Lieberman, of the Carbondalo Telephone company, came In behind the ve&t.oy the cirowd, and did not hear the warning. He promptly put his right foot lnXtho hole and but for the pres ence of bystanders would probably have been seriously hurt. As It was, be was grabbed and saved from fall ing. His lej; above his ankle was badly scraped, 'however. Mrs, Smith, Mrs. Humphrey's wid owed mothe lived upstairs over tho stoie. She did not suffer a bit of loss, as neither the fire nor water penetrated her apartments. Hack of her home, however, Mr. Humphrey used tho sec ond floor as a storeroom for flour, tea nnd other goods in bulk, and some of thehu were soaked. Mr. Huinphiey d!dxnot sit around and tlVn all"h is loss, as many another man would liavo done. Although tho fire bad spoiled his tiade In the busiest lAveek .ot.tbe-. yeaivhe took .matters 'philosophically and In half an hour after he saw his stock of goods was 1 uined beyond redemption, he had hired another store and was busy ordering a bran new stock from a local whole sale fjioeery house. Although it was Jiecehhiyy for. hlin and his clerks to woik h'uid all lust nght, he proposes to bj'tppen and ready for business this morning, .This commendable enterpiise was to be expected of Mr, Humphrey, as be is one of the greatest "hu.sflers" In the city. His new location will bo at tho corner of Lincoln avenue and Main stieet, In tlio old Arnold store, He will be ready to receive all Ills cus tomers nnd llll all orders this morning. Tho grneeryman had just stocked up -ltlff fujl line-of, holiday uoods and tlio sfoui was packed from cellar to u. "'' w"n iV IISO extra stock. He estl- "timtes ills loss nt about $3,000 to $:i,r,00, T'J'.'JU' rovered by Insurance. t The store cat was found by the fire men In n dying condition, oveicomo by Rinoke. A meiciful hnnd put It out oC Its agony. , .MANY MOURNERS. , "" "'? . Two Funerals Held Yesterday in ..'&. V.i' i This City. """The funeral tit. Mrs. Cathoilne While, w:ho"iu"ed' "early on MbhtUy nioiulug at her homo on upper Caiman street, wns held yosturday morning ,jtf-tha.-Uwrcli'-of Htyttose de Ulna, Tlio .funeral prijcpssjon was one of ho largest Mh'at 1ms been seen In this xMy fur n long tlnu A laigo number '"Jot her foimer friends wero pio&eut, Tho Hev, George Dixon conducted the services' and delivered u touching cu 'lojty of tho deput'ted. Tho pall beards wore nil Binnd- t-ohlldren of Mrs. White. They were Dr.BulIs COUCH SYRUP ji- -Cgrt.f a Cough or Cold at onoe. -,;caitqucr croup, wnQopinj-vouKii, uroucnnu, ?:Trrpiie "nil Couturaption. QuIcW, sure rc&ulti. CARBONDALE BEPARTMENT f William McHalc, Frank Collins, Ed ward nierdon, Wulter Rlordon and Bert White. The ftincrnt cortege pro uoeded to St. Itoso cemetery, after tho obsequies, where tho interment wus made. The funeral of Utile Mary Mar guerite Kurl was hold yesterday af ternoon nt her mother's residence, nt 21 Forty-second street. Little Miss Karl in is but 3 years old. Tho Inter ment was made In St. Rose cemetery. This is the second tlmo within a month that death has invaded Urn Km I home. Only a few weeks ago her husband died nt tho Emergency hos pital, In this city. Mrs. Karl has tho sympathy of the entire community in her two-fold uflllctlon. A MAMMOTH CHURCH ORGAN. The New Organ for Trinity Epis copal Church Ready to Bo Sot Up. The new orgnn for Trinity Episco pat church was unloaded yesterdav afternoon and this morning work will be begun to get It In position ami lendy for the opening of the new edi fice. The organ Is from the firm of (leorge S. HutchliiBs & Co., of Boston. The new Instrument Is a two-manual, tubulur-pneumatlo organ. Its cost is i 1,400, and it is the lincst and largest church organ in Northeastern Penn rylvanin, with tho possible exception o;' the one In the Klin Park church in Scranton. Mr. Charles A. Ryder, the builders' representative, arrived from New York yesleiday afternoon and will commence woilc on setting it up at once. He Is accompanied by two expert organ builders. It will tak four weeks to get the multiplicity of parts together and in working order. The Trinity organ is described as a. two-manual, tubular-pneumatic on". Tho wind chests are of the Hutoh Ings patent and tho repetition for the action Is Instantaneous. It is abso lutely quiet and the organ is (to be blown by a Kos water engine. The action, Instead of being on tracks, as in most organs, is tubular pneumatic, and all the vnlves in it are opened by pneumatic pressure, which, in turn, are operated by a column of air forced through lead tubes. There is in the neighborhood of neatly a ton of (lead tubing used. It is easily the larg-est church organ In town, weighing nbout seven ton?. The action of the organ runs from tho organ chamber, in the southern side of the chancel, down a square pillar in the chancel, under the flooring and to the northern side, making the length of each pieco of lead tubing about seventy feet. The front purtVof lhe instrument will bo painted in plain gold. It has all the vciy latest me chanical appliances In tho way of couplers and combinations. It was the same firm of organ build ers that built the handsome organ in George Vanderbilt's church at Bilt more. A description of tho orgnn, its couplers, combinations and pedals, follows. Compass of ni.imial from C to e, CI notes. Compaq of ih-iUIs fioin C to 1 CO note3. UllUAT OIUSAX. 1. Eight-foot open dlui.isuji. 2. Kiglit-foot iliik'i.m.i. ". Klglil-foot cross lloctc. 4. Kiglit-foot K(iii.lioiu. 0. Four-foot oUite. C. Tour-foot flute. HWT.U, OIIU V.V. 7. Sixteen-foot bouulou ba. 5. bitec-foot bourdon tieblc. 0. IMglit-foot open diapason. 10. I'.iglit-foot s illeioiul (lower T-ftopped), 11. i;i(,iit-foot Aeollnc (lower 7-itopped), li i:ight-foot vo: cclestti. ill. lllehl-foot stopped diapason. II. l'our-foot flute (liiirinoniqiic). 15. l'oui-foot vlolini. l(i. Two-foot flautino. 17. Eight-foot fagatln, rUDAT, OltGAX. IS. Sixteen-foot bourdon. If). Eight-foot flute. coui'i.r.ns. 20, Swell to great uiiUon. 21. Swell to great lit octinc-". 22, ire.it to pedals. 21, Swell to pcdiR 24, Trcmelo. COMBINATIONS. 2.-. 1'oitc gieat. CC, Piano meat. 27. I'm to swell. 23. Piano swell. I'EDAI.0. 29. llalauccd cicaccndo pul.il. t'O. Sfnraudo. III. 0'ic.it to pedil reierbiblc coupler. 32. ll.il.imc swell pedal. Lost Part of His Ear. James Weidner, a driver Ifor John Booth, was waiting in front of tho ear shop with a team on Tuesday evening, when his horses became Beared at some objeot and started to run. Ho was unable lo gain control of the horses and was speedily spilled Into heap of scrap iron, his head coming into contact with tho iron, tho rough edges tearing off a part of his light ear. The team 'was stopped be foie doing any damage to themselves, Dr. Nlles attended tho Injured man nud took several stitches In the re mainder of the torn organ, Tho Theatre Dark. Nothing will bo doing nt thoiGrand Opera House for tho rest of-tho week, l'hu next production will bo "Tho Woman In Blauk," to bo given by tho Jack Hoelller Stock company. This play Is fioin the pen of H, Cirattun Donnelly, whose works huvo been por foimed In this city a number of times. Decides the above piny, tlio stock com papy will All out tho week, beginning Monday next, with an extensive re iibitolie, giving a routines Clulstmns Day. Union Boor Now. The Cnrbondale branch of the Cen tral Pennsylvania Browing company was among tho locals that signed the union scale submitted by tho Brewers' union. Manager KruiiU has now com piled with ul) the rcqultements of tho scale, nnd no inoio will tho union men of, the city boycott the pioduct of the South Church street biewery. Another Fair, The ladles of ,tho First Congrega tional chutch will open a bazar this afternoon in tho rooms usually oc cupied by tho Young Men's union, downstairs in 'the church. Fancy ar tloles of all descriptions, Christmas knick-knacks, and other hotkluy goods will bo on sale. Bcfieshments will bo served. The fair will continue tomorrow and Saturday. EX. Hatfield, man ager of the Carbon date edition, wilt be pleased to receive callers seeking Infor mation or desirous of Imparting It. Tele phone numbers: New a8fi: old, 0423, NEW PLANT FOR HIGH SCHOOL. A Contract Awarded to Eugono H. Howe to Roplaco Inadequate Heat ing Apparatus. The school bonrd has awarded a contract to Eugene If. Dowo, of this city, to replace tho hollers nowdn use In tho Central pchool building with om of another kind. Tho present boi lers have proven woefully inadequate, and on cold days It has been essential lo tho well being of pupils and teach eis to close tho school, Tho school board concluded that this sort of thing had gone far enough. About n month ago, their attorney, Henry Butler, was Instructed to notify the contractors who had put the heating plant In, thnt they must complete their contract, and have It come up to tho architect's specifications or they would make the necessary repairs themselves and take It out of the contract price. These contractors were a Scranton Arm.' The two weeks elapsed, and nothing was heard from them, but a brief note of acknowledgment of the school board's communication. Then tlio school board prepared to carry out the letter of their resolution. They nskod for bids for Installing a now system. On Saturday night, ut a speclat meeting of tho board a contract wa-i awarded to Mr. Dowe, and he was giv en until Jnn. 1 to fulfil it. He if to put In a Gurney boiler, from the Gur ney Manufacturing company, of Bal timore. A representative of tho llrm j was in this city on Saturday. Tho company is the oldest in the united States In their line of work and their pioduct is favorably known all over tho country. Mr. Dowo is an experienced man at this kind of contract. Ills father was in the heating business for thirty- l live yeais, and he learned till the de tails and technical points while as sociated witli him. He has of late been with the Sperl Heating com pany, of this city, but about two months ago decided to. again take up contract work on his own account. Mr. Dowo will be very busy the next ton days In order to finish his con tract In the specified time, but he is very confident of his ability to do it. Meetings Tonight. George 15. Randolph camp, No. l.T?, Sons of Veterans. DIvMon No. 5, Ancient Order Hi bernians. United Mine Works, No. S77. Branch No. 77, Ladles' Catholic Benevolent association. Local council, No. 1S9, Itotail Clerks' union. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Michael Collins, of Archbald, who for tho past .six weeks has been flagman at the Ontario and Western railroad cross ing on the Kast Side, died very sud denly yesterday while attending to bis duties. Deceased, who had suffered for years with mlner'.s asthma, had been complaining considerably of late and about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon he balled Dr. P. C. Manley, of Mayfleld, who was calling on a patient near the crotslng. Dr. Manley went into the shanty and was In tho act of writing out ii prescription for the unfortunate man when the latter fell from his chair and expired almost instantly, tho Im mediate cause of deatli being heart trouble. Word was at once sent to bis home at Archbald, and a short time after an undertaker came here and re moved the remains to the home at Archbald. There will be a. special meeting of the miners and laborers of the Hillside company's collieries on Saturday even ing for tho purpose of electing check weighman. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Fowler, of Fifth street, while playing with some companions on Tuesday evening, fell and fractured his fore arm. Dr. A. J. Baker, of Duryea, formerly of this borough, has just compiled a physicians' combined visltng list and pocket ledger. The Ontario and Western railroad employes In this vicinity received their month's pay yesterday. A child of Engineer Boycr, of West Mayfleld, Is seriously ill of pneumonia. Tho store window of Furniture Dealer Battenberg, of Main street, presents a very attractive appearance nt night, with Its red, white and blue incandes cent lights. Councilman J. J. MeHnle, of Arch bald, was a caller In town yesterday. John McLoughlln, of Forest City, is the gue&t of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Soby, of Third street. Miss Tessio McCloskey.of South Main strcot, was u visitor at Scranton on Tuesday, Arthur Blaino Winter, who Is a stu dent at tho Wyoming1 seminary, is homo for the holdays. Tho Ladies.' Aid society of tho First Baptist church desire all those holding albums for the benefit of the church, also blocks for the quilt, to have them brought In before January 15. OLYPHANT. The Olyplmnt Minstrel company has been reorganized. A meeting was held Tuesdny evening nnd tho following electod: Manager, F, B. Ferguson; sec rotary, David A. Patten! treasurer, JaroeH Loftus; musical director, F. B. Ferguson; stage carpenter, Anthony Flnneity; Inteilooutor, David A. Pat ten; bones and t umbos, George Mount ford, Thomas Carey, F. B, Ferguson, William Patten; circle, Robert McCor inlck, Frank Moran, Joseph Vasey, W. J, Thomas, James Loftus, John Hawk, John Ferguson; pianist, Edward Will iams. Another meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon, St. Patilek's church choir will ruuder Curl Von Weber's mass In O at tho 10.30 o'clock mass on Cluistmus morn ing. Tho parts will bo taken as fol lows: Kyite, choir; soloist, Miss Liz zlo Dempsey; gloria, choir; soloists, Mr3. Anna Brown O'Malloy, Miss Liz zie Dempsey, Itobert McCormack; credo, choir; solTilst, Mrs. Anna Brown O'Malley; offertory, "Adesto Fldells," choir; sanctus, choir; benedletus, choir; "Agnes Del," choir; soloist, Mrs. M. E. Dardls; leader. Prof. T, W, Watklns; oiguulst, Miss Nettle McDonnell. The entertainment to be given by the pupils of St. Patilek's academy tomor row evening at the FutliPr Muthew opeia house promises to eclipse any- UK UNUSUAL OFFER, The following card is placed in the Reception and Consulting Rooms of tho European Medical System at 400 Lack awanna nvcnuo, over the Paris Stores NOTICE. t Any person receiving treatment at this oftlcn who is not satisfied with tho benefits received can have tho full amount of tho fee paid refunded nt nny time within thirty days from commencing treatment, and no charge will be mudo for treatment or medicine furnished. The European Medical System. C. H. STRONG, M, D. Medical Director. Such an offer as the above has never before been matte to the people of Scranton or vicinity, und It should con vince tho most skeptical person that the practice of Tho European Medical System is conducted in a straightfor ward nnd honorable manner. This sys tem of treatment Is applied with re markable success In tho following dis eases: Chronic i Diseases, Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Bronchial Tubes ana Lungs, Caturrh, Diseases of the Stom ach, Llvor, Heart, Kidney and Urin ary Organs, Blood and Skin; Diseases Peculiar to Women, Diseases of tho Nervous System arising from various causes, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, etc. Conultatlon and examination free. Office Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4, 400 Lacka wanna avenue, over the Paris Store. Office Hours!) to 12, 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 o'clock; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. thine of Its kind yet given, by them. Don't miss it. Tickets, twenty-five cents. Tho funeral of Arthur Brown, the young sou of Edward Brown, was held from his late home on the Red Row yesterday afternoon. The services wero conducted by Rev. James Hey, nastor of the Primitive Methodist church. In terment was made in the Union ceme tery. An exhibition of "The Little World," a phonograph entertainment, will bo given at the Father Mathew opera house this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Admission, ten cents. A present given to each child attending. The Christmas bazaar, which was opened in the Blakely Baptist social rooms, will close tills evening. The at tendance each evening has been very largo. Tho articles on sale are being disposed of rapidly. This evening an entertainment wil be given. Admission, ten cents. PECKV1LLE. Shortly after 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, a double block owned by Mr. Thomas Bell and located at the i oar of the school building at Grassy Tsland, was found to be in flames. The home of 'Mr. James Mackerel stood near and quickly caught fire and was destroyed. Mr. Mackerel lost nearly all of his household effects The fire originated in the double block, which was unoccupied. The origin of tho" fire Is not known. The Wilson Fhe company, of Peckvllle, was summoned and did cfllcient woik In saving adjoining property. Mr. Joseph Best and family, who made there home in Peckville for the last live years, will move to West Pittston. The Jessup Kindergarten pupils will enjoy their annual Christmas exer cises on Christmas day In the Mis sion church. Miss Carrie Best is in charge. -A short programme will ba given. Parents and friends of the school are Invited to attend. At a regular meeting of Class No. 9 association, held Tuesday evening at the home of Joseph English, the fol lowing oflleers were elected for the neNt six months: President, D. S. Evans; vice president, Joseph English; secretary, G. F. Taylor, assistant sec retary, F. W. Gendall; treasurer, A. D. Warne; chaplain, G. L. Keller, critic. Charles Harding. The members of the Wilson Flro company were at Carbondale last eve ning attending tho fair of the Mit chell Hose company. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. SIckler expect to leave in a few days for Jackson ville, Fla., where they will spend the winter. PRICEBURG. A cottage prayer meeting will be held at the homo of Lewis Tingle, on Car malt street, tomorrow evening, under the auspices of the Primitive Metho dist church. All are welcome. Rev. Wilson Bontloy, pastor. John AVesley castle, No. 349, Knights of tho Golden Eagle, will hold their regular meeting tomorrow evening. Nomination of oflleers for the ensulnrr term will bo in order, after which there will bo a smoker. Golden Chain lodge, Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, will hold their regular session this evening. Mrs. George Cooper, of Albert street, received the sad news on Monday of tho serious Illness of her sister, Mrs. Jetter, of Trenton, N. J., and started for that city Immediately, but news reached here that she was too late to seo her sister alive, Krause's Headache Capsules ore unlike anything prepared in Amor lea. They wore first prescilbed by Dr. Krausc, Germany's famous court phy sician, long beforo antlpyrlno was dis covered, and are almost marvelous, so speedily do they euro tho most distress. Jr.g cases. Price 25c. Sold by Matthew Bros. CLARK'S CREEN. Mr. E. J, Chapman Is on tho sick list. The Methodist Sunday school Is making preparations to hold their ex ercises on Chrstmas night. December 14 was tho ninetieth birth day of Grandma Parker, and her near relatives gavo her a very pleasant sur prise at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Win. Frace. Mrs, Parker has been a life ong resident of this place, and Is also a member of the Baptist church here. Tho day was spent very pleas antly by all. Those present were; R. P. Parker and wife, E. R. Parker ana wife, F. A. Paiker, wifo and daughter Minnie May, Mrs. HuhU AVethorby, T. S. Parker, U. U. Parker, wifo and daughter, A. C, LaMonte, Mr. Wm. Frace, wifo and daughter Elizabeth, Frances Elizabeth Frace. Mr, and Mrs. F. U. Phillips wero call ers in town on Monday last. Mr, Judson Wells Is u convalescent from his recent Illness. Tho two Illustrated lectures delivered by Itey, H. J. Whulen, In the Baptist The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur ing the Holidays. OVER ONE HUNDRED : I II Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade. Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail-to call and get prices and see what money will buy. Remember the PlaceGuernsey Hall 314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. church, were well appreciated. The en tertainments were both spiritual and Intellectual. They could not fall but bo Instructive and helpful to .those who were present. We hopo Mr. AVhalen may again appear In our town in the near future. The Baptist Sunday school will hold their exorcises on Christmas eve. Miss Marion Harlan is vlsitinpr rela tives in Scranton. The young people here who wore em ployed In tho cannery, are highly de lighted to think they received their pay before Christmas. TAYLOR. Kdwaril K. Kvnns, a miner employed in tlio Pyne mine, was fatally Injured by falling roof yesterday morning. He was removed to his home on Taylor street, where medical aid was sum moned, -which was to no avail, as he succumbed n few hours after. Mr. Kvans was a widely-known' nnd re spected citizen, and his untimely death will bo a shock to his many acquaint ances. Deceased is survived by his wife and eight children, namely: James,- Annie, Harry, John, William, Arthur and Udianu. Tho funeral will probably occur on Saturday. Local branch, No. 1,013, United Mine WorJcers of America, held an Import ant business session on Tuesday even ing in their rooms at Basham's hall, when the following oftlcers were elect ed for the ensuing term: President, Edward Frlest; first vice-president, William Stone; second vice-president, John Mando; recording secretary, Sid ney Owens; financial secretary, John Thomas; assistants, John E. Owens and John Francis; treasurer, David Lloyd; sergeant-ut-arms, John W. Jones; Inside sentinel, William Itun dle; outside sentinel, John Masters. The annual convention of United Mine Workers, District No. 1, which Taylor union is a purt, will be held at Fdwardsdale, and the session will open on January 14 und continue sev eral days. It will bo presided over by President T. D. Nlcholls. The employes of the Renard & Son silk fuctory here went on strike yes terday. A beautiful Emerson upright piano has been placed In tho parlors of tho Church of tho Immaculate Conception. It is beautifully finished and Is of ex quisite tone and much admired by the rector, 'Rev. Mollltt und his congrega tion. The Instrument will be usco furnishing entertainments, etc., and is also at the disposal of the members of the newly organized literary society. Mr. William Atherton Is erecting a beautiful cottage on tho plot of the Atherton old homestead on South Main street. Announcement lins been mnde of the coming marlnge of Miss Llzzlo Knott and Mr, Stephen Fraley, both of tho Archbuld mine, to occur during Cluist mus week. Mr. AVillluin Joljn, who loft for his native land, Wales, some few mouths ago, has returned much Improved from his trip. Mr. John Is now the guest of his son, Davd John, of Main street. Taylor castle, No, 267, K. of Cl and Lackawanna Valley council, No, Si, Jr. O, II, A. M., will meet In business ses sions in their respective halls this evening. Mrs. John K. Davis, of North Muln street, visited relatives In Kingston on Monday. Miss Susie Simmons, of Marlon, Ind., Is the gqest of her sister, Miss Oer trude Simmons, of South Taylor. Miss Jennie Davis, u trained uurio of Philadelphia, Is visiting ut the home of her sisters. 'Misses Rebecca and Polly Davis, of Taylor street. ft Ii Barney & Berry Skates, 45c a Pair. F00TE & FULLER CO Hears Building. A JOKE ON THE MINISTER. But It Was of the Kind That He Finally Appreciated, from the OUoiil (MUli.) Leader. A good story Is told on the Uev. Mr. Hagemaii. At the annual meeting of tho Congregational church the question of hiring a preucher comes up. At the last one, when tlio question cnino up, Hageman was rather anxious. Tho chairman, a good old deacon, arose, saying: "All those in favor of retaining Elder Hageman for another year at the same salary will plenso rise," Not one rose, and Hageman felt about as mean as mortal man could feel. Hut tho chairman roso again, putting this question; "All thoso In favor of keeping the Rev. Mr. llngenian ut an Increase of salary will please rise." Every one rose. When It dawned up on tho good old elder that they hod been only Joking with liini, tho scowl on his faco broko Into a broad grin as an Icicle breuks away In sparkling water before tho benetleent rays of a warm win. Somo of his best friends hud planned tho scheme, which worked to perfection, NOT FAR AWAY. Why tho Roar of the Cataract Could Not Bo Heard. I'rom tlio Youth' Companion. Tourists who go to seo Hoi ton Abbey in England usually push on to Posforth Hill waterfall, which Is nearby. On ono occasion an old gutdo accompanied a party of very garrulous ladles und a solitary gentleman to tho head of the gorgo whero tho water comes down. Tlio gentleman became somewhat tired after awhile, possibly from sight-see. Ing, nnd remarked: "My good fellow, how much farther Is It yet to tho fall?" "Just a minute or two, sir," the guide answeicd. "As soon us the ladles stop talking you will hear tho roar," To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tho money If It fails to cure. E. W. drove's sig nature Is on cuch box. 5c. ' Guernsey Hall Headquarters for J.W.GUERNSEY'S l AND Fine Cigars Have just received two cases of Cor tez Cigars, direct from Key West, fresh and fragrant. Other brands of clear Havnnus, Ilk Satlsfccha, Garantlza, Mandato, etc. Full line of Brier Pipes and smokera' articles. W. P. Shoop, Hears Building, A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevar. Dlt. T. KEI.IX tilllWAUll'l ORIENTAL t'UEAM, OU UAU1UAL IlKAVliriEB. Moth I'.lcbei. Hub. and 83 dlwuu. Md titty blcrolih oa ideucUon. u fcM Itioad u. tart (fB J tin. andU M rmltii . tut M to bo tur. it la prog erly mide, Aoctp no consUrf.Jl of similar nun. Pr.I A Sayr. aatd to Udjr ot Ih bauHo (a itlent)i "At yea ladioiwIliuMthem, aud's Cream aa tbf leak! harmful of all lh hkln prepara- tlnn, " Tflr Mi. b W ."! IVf , an DrnraUta ana hncj-Ooodi Dealers In th V, S., Canada, aad Curoftt Hiuj. j, awrxuo. rrwr. " " " WINTER RESORT, "Through the Hesperian Garden of the West" Runs the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED." The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." bpcclal through trains coiwMing ol lUeplnj; ami diulnc'car:. nil) Irute New York ewry git. uiday, TuenUy and Tliuwby. counseling dl lictly wl'li the "bunwt Limited" at New OrUanj. For lull information, frru itlustiuteil panipli. lets, ruapj anil tlinMuhU9, also lowest rates, deeping cur tliActs und ttgtJgo checked, apply to Southern I'acinV Co., 1VJ S. Ihltd street, 1'hiUdclphU, IM. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS EXTENSIVE BEAUTIFUL 11 WARERQOMS 'is .JKrlW.