UCA - v 8 , i TJtiJfjmjKAIlU.w imouwD- wJEiiJii.EiJUAXy xrwjJCiinriiii xwt j.ww f , WEST SCRANTON PRESENTED WITH A CHAIR PLEASANT SURPRISE TENDERED JOHN THOMAS. Trustees nnd Dencons of the Jnekson Street Baptist Church Rewind a Faithful Servant Entertainment in Sumner Avenue Presbyterian Church B. Y. P. U. Initial Oyster 'supper Y. W. C. A. Doll Sale Or der of American Knighthood Will Elect 0fllcer3 Genernl News Notes. Tlic tttislees nml di'tii'oiiM hi' the .Inchson ritreet ISaptlst chinch sut prlsoil John Thomas, of i-'ourlernth street, tit his limni- last evening, "nil presented him with u handsome Mor tis I'hulr, us n token of tlu esteem In which In- Is held by thuin. and ul-to In recognition of valuable services rendered to the ('hutch. TIip presentation speech wns niuil liy the pastor, Uev. Thoinns De fSiil hy. 11. 1).. and David II. Wllllnnw H-sponded In behalf of Mr. Thulium. Tin- evening was elijoyably spent by nil present and nl a seasonable hour icfie-dinients wore sei'ved. Those present weie: Uev. ami .MM. Dp (liuehy, Mr. and, Ml"-. Klehar.l NIchiilH. Mir. and Mrs. Albert Davis. Mr. nnd Mis. Alfred Itobeits. Mr. ami Mrs. John Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Dn vld Wtlllonw. Mr. nml Mis. Samuel cllbbr, Mr. and Mrs. lOdwaid Collins. Mr. nnd Mis. John Dawes. Mr. and .Mrs. John 1.. Mori K Mr. and Mr-s. (Jeurgo Wlddlcl:, Mr. nnd Mi. Wil liam Thomas. Election of Officers. ('oiiimiiniler.v, Xn. I. Order of Anier Sean Knighthood, will hold n sp-clil jm-ellng in Morgan's ball, eonier of Main nnd Jnekson streetr. on Satur day evening, Dee. JJ, for the purpos- of elcrlini- oillccr.s for the eil-nilng 5 tin. TI'W oiiler Is non-p'ii iKan, nml It - piliulpnl object Is llif proinolloii of elean local government. There are no inysterlis. the ritual Is .simple and formal, and the durs me linmhifil. Members will please attend. Initial Oyster Supper. The I'aptist Young People's union of l he Jackson Stieet Panti'it church have assumed the tesponslljilily nf paying for the new lui'iii"liings recent ly provided in the church auditorium, and in order to iviNc tlie necesniy ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR (COUGHS ) and COLDS -TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Christmas Shoppers are Here in Crowds Every Day And we know that they are more than pleased with our holiday of ferings, for they do not hesitate to say so. Our Line of Bric-a-Brac Still stands the strain of heavy buying well, but if you want the benefit of nn unbroken assortment we would suggest the advis ability of callinp; today. The xhi-ase Bric-a-Brac is comprehensive, but not too much so for the line of bsnutiful goods it covers here. We have not spoken . , : of the Beauties ; of our Dolls so far this year. But you can guess what they are like, when we tell you thnt they are being- carried awny by the hundreds every day. We've no trashy (IoIIb. Prices begin at '25c. and rise to 5.00 by little steps which leaves the fixing of the figure at prac- tlcally what you have a mind to pay. Holiday Umbrellas A fresh delivery came to hand yesterday,- and another lot is in voiced for to come to hand today. These late arrivals have taken an special prices because of their slowness in getting here, But they're just as handsome ns any we had in stock before they came. See them for both ladies and gentlemen, Many of the handles are works o art, Tabourettes and Chautauqua Boards These, too, aro late comers. Tabourettes are in solid oak and cher- "ry,. and are marked down because they are two weeks behind time i In getting here. Same remarks npply to the Chautauqua Black- boards. Only five days to sell the lot in now, and you know what that menus, 1 Globe Warehouse fund" they ate liiovldlm n series nf Initial suppers tivery month In Ihp din ing rooms of the rlim-rli, This etching, hottlniilm at fi.!M o'clock, the members vhoo nnnu begin Willi the loltrih I., M am' X will setvo an oyster supper to all who patumli.p tlit-nt for the nominal Mini of 1 emits. The pat 1-0111111' heretofore has hern very gratifying nnd It Is to be hoped the public will lespnnd gen piously this evening. Enlertninmeut nnd Social. The Sunday school of the Sumner Avenue I'lesbyteilan church will hold mi tntpftnlnmen; and social In the church tomorrow evening. The chureh has been elaboiately mid beiiutltnlly decorated tor the occasion. An i.il mission of I." 1 cuts will be ebaiKP.il, Including lefipslunputs'. The niogiam Ineltides iiome or our city's b'-s talent, and Is as follows: I'liinn olii MUt M.iy JmiM Pud MI'-o- Allie l'lilllli, M.ikiiIi- I).iIh lli-i-lnni.it lull Vl'i He-nlt- Mli Solo Ml Vlo .lnni'1 I'l.llio Mil Ml-l M J I KM lot tlllilw l)c Lunation Mli 11.1'd Hopewell Hurt ill-. IMtiilnlpli .lone-. Ml-n Vli .lnn4 Pfi-laiintlnii MIk llc-ilc Slnte Sol,) MI-h Ohr.1 Snnilcii llriliiiiitlnii Mli llrililiP CniiRiT 1 ll-t 1 1 llnnil nl linuli , Diininnip (Jtillui .mil M.1111I0II11 t'liili ,s,io li. Itmulolph .lour lledjinillui VIIm Mi-iIp Mote Uev. Mlliniili bus received Kome pretty liullday (IphIkhs from his father in Muc-oln City, Del., which Include n cross and crown, bell, wreath and star, all of which have been utilized In tht- church decorations for Christ-nui. Y. W. C. A. Doll Sale. The doll committee will sell all dolls left from the carnival on Thursday, be-fflnnliif- at 10 o'clock, at the rooms, 119 South Main avenue. This Is an oppor tunity to set a tood doll, well dressed, for a smnll amount. Miss Clara Selby, the new state sec retary, will address the Rlrls Thursday evening- nt S o'clock, All Rlrlrf and wo men Invited, Special music, has been provided. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. 'lioristers of churches will forward their Christmas music programmes to Tlie Tribune office not Inter than Til day afternoon at ti o'clock to insure proper Insertion in Saturday's l-sue. fieorse Hodges, an emplpye in th.' Diamond drift, had his head injured yesteiclny by a "(lying mil" while rid ing on a ear. Hei resides at S-G North Hyde Park avenue, where Di. M. J. Williams is attending him. IOvan P. Davis, of North Hyde Park avenue. Is confined to the house with nn attack of erysipelas. Ileese Diooks, of North Hyde Park avenue, is .suffering from an injury sustained by being sttuck on the knee with u hatchet while cntling wood. Miss Mtu-y Qulnnun, of Prita .street, was tendeied a surprise party recently n,t her home. Among the guests was Miss Julia Cory, of North Carolina. ' Darge crowds of ehlldiPii uie attract ed to Clarke Bros.' windows every nf- ternoon nnd evening by the antlcq of w. yoUiifr Santa Olnus, Tlip annual entertainment and ooln1 of St. Leo's battalion will take place nt Mears' hall this evening. Wnrililn-cton commnmlory, No. 232. Knights or Malta, will enjoy n smoker this cvenliiR. AH members are Invited lo attend. Dr. Meudo Hcheiiel'i who has Jtift u turned from lOiiBland, Is vMtliitf his uncle, (Hies (J. Scheiiclc. Ml. Voter's branch, No. Ola, I.. ,(,'. tl. A., will meet nt their hall l-'tldny nvon ItUf Instead of tomorrow ovenlnrr. fl. Uo.vno.ltls. of Ml) North Main 'avenue, Is confined to his home, ovvlnt to it severe burn he received In the Dlast furnace. Th? l'lectrlc City "Wheelmen will conduct n dance nt the club hotifo on New Year's nlftht. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Hector Davis nnd Miss Annie Mor gan MarriedOther Inter esting News Notes. Hector DiivIm and Miss Annie Mor gan, of 41(i West .Market street, were united In marriage at S.'!0 o'clock lust evening at the parsonage of the Jack son Street Ilaptlst church by Uev. Thonius de Oruchy. D. D. The couple were attended by Miss tidllh Duvl. and James Williams. ' Doth ladles were becomingly gowned In steel gray silk, trimmed with white satin, and presented 11 very neat ap pearance. Immediately after the cere mony the wedding party was driven to the home of the bride, where a re ception followed. They will reside on West Market street. Tonight's Entertainment. An entertuinment will lie given to night nt the Welsh Presbyteilan church, on Wayne avenue. All those who purchased tickets for September 19, from which date It was postponed, can use the same tonight. The following programme will b rendered: Short address, chairman: duet. Miss Rachel Owens and Miss U. Thomas: recitation, -Miss Anna Jones; solo, Miss Mary Richards: recitation, Muster Haydn Price; song Miss Ben jamin Amos; recitation, Miss Emily Thomas; song, Miss- Hlodwln Thom as; selection, quartette, Messrs. Da vies, Smith and Edwards; song, Mrs. D. L,ewls: pose, Miss TCdlth Kvans; song, Miss Gwllym Fdwards: recita tion. Miss Bessie Williams: song, Miss Mary Kdwards; recitation, Tyd vil Reese; song, Mr. William Davles; recitation, Air. David Jones; song, Mr. David Smith. Indoor Basket Ball. I.asi .Monday evening a league of the 'indoor base ball teams was organized and the following schedule for the com ing season arranged: Dee. 21, Combin ation versus Mulloy's; Dec. 2S, Mulley's versus Combination: Jan. 4, Mulley's versus Chappell's: Jan. 11. Fenner's versus Combination: Jan. 19, Fenner versus Chappell's; Jan. 1!.".. Combination ver.sus Mulley's: Feb. I, Chappell's Versus Combination: Feb. S, Mulley's Versus Fenner's; Feb. 1.", Mulley's ver .sus ChtippeH's; Feb. 2i', Combination versus Fenner's; March 1, Chappell's versus Fenner's; March S, Mulley's ver 'sus Combination; Feb. 1J, Chappell's versus combination: March 22. Fenner's ver.sus Mulley's; March 2:1. Chappell's versus .Mulley's; April ., Fenner's ver sus Combination. ' There will be dancing before the games eaeli evening. The music will be furnished by Miss Anna Noone. NEWS IN BRIEF. Little 2-year-old Anna Smith, daugh ter of Constuble Selh Smith, who was badly burned on Monday, died yester day as the result of her injuries. Rev. W. P. Davles gave his monthly lecture at the Memorial church last evening to a well pleased audience. Mrs. Uev. William Hlller, of Factory villp. called on friends In this section Monday. Mrs. S. M. Coursen, of North Main avenue, has fully recovered from nn attack of tonsilltls. Mr. A. (1. Wheeler and son, of Tnmp klnsvllle, am visiting relatives in the North End. This morning Rev. W. F. Dnvies, of the Memorial Baptist church, was called to Kdwardsvllle to officiate at a funeral. GREEN RIDGE. The young peoplp of thp Cre-pn Ridge fiuinst church will give a Christmas cuniiita In the chinch on Friday even ing. Dec. 21, at S o'clock. The follow ing is the cast of characters: I'urt I. "Spirit of Happiness," Helen Churchill; "New Year," l.arissa coop er: "Valentine's Day," .lames Carpen ter: "Master." Mildred Dennett; "May Day." I'letta Finch; "Last Day of School," Mable Brockway: "Fourth of July." l.orlng Jackson: "Thanksgiv ing," Kthel Colviu; "Christmas," Flor- I euro Nicholson; full chorus; duet, Misses Alice and CScriittdn llairls. 1 art H. Clock drill, ten girls; duet, Olive Price and Alice Harvey; Chi 1st m.is Clu-cr, Agnes Nicholson; fairies, Flettn Finch, Ruth I'tird, l.urlss.t Cooper, Annie Williams, Hi-rtlia Oak ley, Blanche Reynolds. ork on the superstructurp of the Anbury church parsonage was begun yesterday. Messrs. Mason & Snowden are 1 lit- builders. The ladles' prayer meeting of the Asian y Methodist Kpiscopnl church will be held at the residence of Mrs, Stanton, on Hast Market street, Fri day afternoon, Attorney A. V, Bower is in Danville, vWktp lin lectured last evening for the benefit of the Young Men's Christian association of that place on the Bacon Shakespeare controversy. Miss Jennie Huilsall, of Mousey ave nue, Is Improving, after u serious III nesa from the grippe. Mrs. James J, Williams, of (liven Hinge stieet, has returned fioui n visit with friends in Brooklyn and Now Yoili. Mr. ami Mrs. C, H. Shoemaker and son,-Arthur, of Capouse aveuiw, nie visiting friends In Corning, N Y, Miss Mae l.udeck, of Sunset avenue, in HI. At a meeting of tlie Junior society Christian Uiideiivnr of the Presbyterlnn church, Monday evening, the following otll'cers were elected: President, Miss Kella Woodruff; vice-president, Charles Tobey; secretary, Miss Hattle Mudsay; treasuror, Charles Green. Th General Phil II. Sherdn coun oil, No. 152, Y. M. I have decided to hold u watch meeting at their rooms on Dee. 21. Refreshments will1 be served nnd twentluth century greetings from all parts of (he world will be read. The members are Inviting their friends and expect to spend n pleasant evening the last of the old year. SOUTH SCRANTON REV. J. W. WITXE TENDERED A ' ' StfRtfftlSE -PARTY, The Members of the Congregation of the Cfldar Avenue Lutheran Church Gathered in the Basement of Thnt Edifice Last Night to Do Honor to Their Pastor on His Twenty-Ninth Bhthdny Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warnko's Wooden Wedding 'Com ing Minstrel ShowOther Notes. - A most ngieeablc stirpilso party was tendered Hov.'Jnmcs W. Willie, pustor of the Cedar Avenue Christ Lutheran church last evening In tin; basement of the church by his congregation, the occasion being his twenly-nlnlh birth day, Mr. Wllke was in the central cltv making some Clnlstnins purchases, tind the congregation, numbering several hundred, took possession of the church. Shortly after his return he was ushered In by the committee, the surprise belngf complete In every particular. He was then presented with n hand some plush couch, purchased by the congregation, the presentation speech being made by Hudolph Yunginnnn, who said, in part: "Brother Witke, In the name of the congregation, among which you have labored so faithfully during the past year and who have been so greatly encouraged and helped by your ministrations, I gladly present you this token of their high regard and esteem." Rev. Witke responded In a few well chosen words, thanking' them cordially for their appreciation of his work. Im mediately after the presentation the assembled party sat down to a well laden supper table. Remarks were made by different members of the church during the progress of thp even ing. A Wooden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warlike, of Birch street, celebrated their fifth or wooden wedding anniversary last even ing at their home. They were assisted In the celebration by a number of their friends, who made the evening merrv am' joyous. During the evening reci tations were given by Miss Elizabeth Horhach in capital style, and William Horbach added to the evening's enter tainment by giving several selections on his new concert phonograph. Songs and various amusements were also indulged in until a late houh. when a splendid supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Warnke were the reciuents of many presents appropriate to the occa sion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warnke. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rep pert. Mr. and Mrs. Will Horbach, Mr. and Mrs. Stoeber and children, Carl and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles AVentzel and Carl and Marion Warnke. The Minstrel Show. From present Indications, the Jun ger Ma'ennerchor again expect to sur prise their friends who turn out to sae their next move, the mlnstiel show, which they are now busy rehearsing and which will be given Ini the near future. The entire musical programme Is in charge of Prof. W. C. Ott. of Law rence's band. Mr. Ott made quite a success with the Lelderkranz society nnd the Electric City Wheelmen min strel shows and as the Macnnerchor contains several hlh-class comedians of ability, and musical talent, a line performance may be expected. Fifty of the best singers In the so ciety will be on the stage, to be ac companied by Lawrence's orchestra of twelve pieces. They will have an other rehearsal Friday evening. NUBS OF NEWS. The Loyalty club of the South Side Young Women's Christian associa tion, are busily engaged at present ri hearslng the cantata, "The Twentieth Century Santa Claus," which will he presented the Friday evening follow ing Christmas. The Junior depart ment Is also preparing- a musical com position, entitled. "Santa Glaus, and Christmas Dolls." Frank I'ussac. an Italian living at 1S02 Cedar avenue, and employed at the National wasbery, operated by the Connoll Coal company, had several bones In his left hand broken and wilst dislocated yesterday morning by a fall of lumber. Dr. Mnnley at tended to his injuries. Tlie St. John's Literary society are arranging to present Dec. 2S, In St. John's church basement, the play, "The Irish Heroine." in a very elab orate stylo. The same piny was pre sented by the St. John's school chil dren -nt t'belr commencement exer-cl-es In 1S9I. and will be pioduccd with practically the same cast as presented nine years ago. It will be interesting to those who saw It ut that time to again witness the pro duction by the ,snme people and com pare their acting. The funeral of Patrick Faulkner, who was killed by u Jersey Central engine on Monday, near the South mill, will take place on Thursdav moi-nhis nt 9. :!0 o'clock. Services tn St. John's church and interment In Hyde P.nrk cemetery. On the last nlfcht of the Athletic Club's fair, Chris Rose, capialn of the Scran ton Athletic club, won prize of ten shaves, donated by Emll Hurb ster, of Plttsnon avenue, nnd h!n brother Charles, proprietor of tho Athletic Club House, won a hand some silver shaving mug. Common Councilman Frederick) Frltr. Phillips, of Cedar nvpnup, has nnnuuuc-bil himself as a candidato for re-election to common council from the F.leyenth ward. 1 The St. Aloyslus soclefy nro mak ing prepiuntlons for their annual re ception, to be given somo time In Feb ruary. Timothy Lavello, of Ihiffnlo, where he Is supervising the masonry work for the new Laoknwnunu Iron and Sleel company's plant, Is home visit ing his wife, who Is seriously 111 at their home on Plttstou avenue, ENGINEER COOKE INJURED. His Head Came in Contact with a Water Crane. Geoiee c'ooke, the engineer of u west bound wild cnt train on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, mot with a peculiar accident yesterday morning, While his tralp wns passing Hie tank near La Plunio, Cooke, who wns leaning out of the w'ldow, struck his head violently ngalnst tho end of tho water crane. A severe scalp wound was Indicted. i I GREAT AUCTION SALE f fjl We have been Importers, wholesale nnd retail, of Japanese Art Goods for more than 20 (j ;-j years In the United States arid Japan. During the last few months certain circumstances have 5 caused u necessary dissolution of the partnership now existing, and we have decided to dlsposo 5! 2 of our stock or fine ' '5! 1 JAPANESE ART GOODS s5' n-r pi in auction sale:. . j5 Sale commenced Monday Afternoon at 3. 30 p. m. and will continue cacli day throughout the week. j-J MONDAY SALE BEGINS AT 10:30 (j -J AFTERNOON SALE BEGINS AT 3.-30 fg 3 EVENING SALE BEGINS AT 3:00 ( "3 Tlie public is invited'to visit the store at any time during the sale, for inspection. ' Reserved ' & !-j seats for ladies. This is an extraordinary opportunity and cveything must be sold. ?& 3 1 Shimamura DUNiMORE DOINGS. Funeral of the Late Frank .itlcKane Held YesterdayOther News and Personal Notes. The funeral of the late Frank Sic Kane was held from St. Mark's Kpis copnl church yesterday morning. Tho edifice was crowded with the friends and relatives of the unfortunate young mun. Rev. E. J. Haughton conducted the service und In his remarks Impressed upon his heurers the uncertainty of life and offered muny words of comfort for the bereaved family. There were a large number of floral offerings, among them being hnndsomc casket bouquets from the Colliery Engineer employes and one from St, Mark's Sunday school. The! pall-beartrs wore: B. K. Bron son, Ernest Watrous, Ernest Finch, Koy Sly, Frank Matthews, Lester Marsh. The flower-bearers were: George Wlntersteln, Andrew Bryden and Stewart Slegle. The remains wore taken to Plttston, where Interment was made. A Miner Injured. Patilck Naughton, employed at the No. S colliery of the Pennsylvania Coal company as a miner, and who resides in Pino Brook, suffered severe iniurles while at his work yesterday. While en gaged in placing a prop, the roof gave way and Mr. Naughton wns caught be neath It, suffering a broken leg and other Injuries, which were very pain ful. lie was removed to his home In the company's ambulance and medical aid summoned. , , . Told Briefly. William Redding, of Grove street, Is convalescent after his recent illness. JL J. O'Boyle.has disposed of his hotel at the corners and will do busi ness In the future at the corner of Apple and Drinker streets. Dunmore lodge. No. SIC, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, hold their raru lar meeting tonight in their hall. The Dunmore Dancng class will hold a social dance in their hall on New Year's night, at which a full orchestra will be In attendance. The children of Preston Smith, who have been ill with diphtheria, ,are all doing well ut this time. A slight blaze, caused by the over turning of a lantern In the bnrn of the Exchange hotel) last night at 10.45, called out the Neptune and Independ ent companies, but their services were not required, asthe blaze was extin guished before their arrival and before any serious damage was done. OBITUARY. Su-gfrifit Sulto, .in agi-U anil well-knomi citi-i-ou of lliis city, died last mulit .it his home, UX; MailUcn .ucnue. after a hiiKrrinp llliir. Hp . oulit Jiae licon .4 jc.ua ui aur today. Mluriii;; a peiioil nf nvi-r I'oity jvan he Uinl In Srian tuit urcl tho fiinuls who iiioiini him will he klon. Hi- wrs horn in (Jcim.in.v, and while jvl a young man nine to (Ids (unnliy ami tcttldl In f-ujntoii, when- tor many yearn ho was prominent in local ljitslnem in lis. He a a man of sterliui;, honest iluiaetir, jieneimi-. and true and all who hiu-n- him wen- Idi filemN. A wife urn! the following jih ami diiilitrrs are ihc Mir hols: l.eo, Mrs S. rieudenthal, of lialtlmore, Mil.; flertiuile and Ilenrl-tta. Two broihem, rdu'.ud, of Athlund, and Julius of llaltlmoii', :i No Minbe lilm. The funeral will take'pliu'i- at J ri'ilmk lomomm aUtiiioon Hum tlie deceased' I. lie iisldeiui-, Mis. Mdisraul lloale.i. wile of ntliony J. llowley, died )i"lml.i) nllt-iiioon at i.'M u'lbiU at the family home, !ilf Noitli WaihlnKlou ave nue, .igiil It jr.ir. She wax a d.ui'jliter nf Hon, Mil Iiji-1 (Sllioy, of Aichliild, ami a Nter of Jin. Miilmv t'aiuihill, of .Seiauloii; William (.'limy, Jin. .lames W.iMi mil MI-.S Saiali liihoy, f Aiihluhl. M children, William, John, Kdw.nd, l.ion.ii.l, Muiirui-1 and Amies mm In- lui, 'I he luuei.il will lake Jil.ue Thuieday molnlil'.' Willi it ieiiilnn hiich mass at Si, I'eiei's , iathedi.il ul i o'lloili j-h.'li. Ihc H'UiJlns will he lal.cu to Auliliald lor Inleiuunt on the 10.1:1 Delawaie ainl llrdMiu lulu, I lari-sa, Iho wife ul William lledailiu, died .H hci limne. Mil DilnUer .stieet, llumnoie, jr.Uidi,. l'loinlng-, Ml-. Ihd.'ellii wai one of llui Imr ouuh'rt oldest le-ddcntK, Invliiu' Hud Iheie nearly forly ji-JH. Sim i.s MiivlM'd by her luirliaml ami tluee children. I.nptli.. Jlrs. .J, ('. Knupji and Clinton. (In I'fiday liinnilng the remains will he talin ID .Hiillli-ttnjlle by ludellakii- I.eUll. worth, where M-niie will lie held in tho Papist cliuuli, of Willi h douswd Is ,i ineiuhei', Intei-liu-iit will I"' made in llie llnllMcrrlllc nine ti iy. .limes ClJllJiihei', jged oil Ji-aiii, ulrd eailj- ,cs. Kidjy moiniut ut his- home, li-t.l Jleildiun Micet, DeeeaH'd was a widower and Is survived Iiy om urn und Iwu daiiRliitri, I'elcr (Jalluhtr MUs 11. (i illaslit'i- ami Mis. William llnfter, Thu funeral Mnlcc- will ho loiidiuied at -t, I'alrliVs Calholio ihuicli lomoiiow iikiiiIii' .4 !i oMoil. Inteiimiit will he madi In the (,'athediii leuie. leiy. All. 'Jlioi'us lliiKhis, awd Tl' veais, died v. tt-ld.iy at Hie IIIIMili- liulli;, whore she u:ul hei.-i tak'hi a week ri In he tiialod foi liinjiouij mental alienation. Death v.h iIik. in old ai;e. The niiuliis iv.m lcmniid In Undulaku Mlliev'i h..-.t eveniiif. she Is Minheil liy a kiowii-ii lanillj, 'I he fuiicial amiouuermeul will appear luii-r. "Funerals, Tin- fitneial of Iho lidjnt daualitei of Mr, and Mis, .John IVik, nf 110 Mlftlin awnue, will uke pl.icj toil iy .al M o'lloil., The fum-ial will he l!nte, luleiment In the IHimuoie rrmetery. Mis. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Haa bci-n uvd for ocr I'll'TV YIIAIIS hy i nn. mil'..-, :ss. lauis. lid l,v DrugKiiti I" ,u'r-' 'art "' '"' 'ao'I'I. Ho "re and ask lor "Sirs. Wiiulow'n Koothinif fcjiup," und take no other kiud. Tucati-tlvu rents a bottle. M1IX10S5 oi Jlti l iii.ji-. ioi uinr Wllll.i: Tl:i;nu.Mi. un ri.nn;ir sutn: It S001iir.S the fllll.11. fcOTTKNii the (III ALLAYS all I'AIM V'lHKS wivil COLIO. u il .i, I,t. remedy for UIMHUIOKA. Sold AT PUBLIC AUCTION & Co., 124 Wyoming Ave g fs)--f-f-----f-f r- - f - - 'f - t - New York Life Insurance Insurance That Insures. Policies incon testa able from date of issue. Ni restrictioa as to residence, travel or occupation, as to habits of life, or as to man ner, time or place of death, Policies non-forfeitable after first premium is paid. One month's grace in the payment of premiums. Cash loans can be obtained at any time after the policy has been in force two years. Policies combine insurance and investment. B. H. BETTS, Scranton Branch Office. 6J7' to 615 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. j 4- 4- -V -V -f -- )- - -f -f-f jgejpfiten The JEWETT is modern, up - and rapid. MACHINES FLACEI) ON TRIAL i v .-s z jmxi. "y-i!ii rv.jwi ifc" Wmmm JEWETT No. 10 Has Ninety-Two Distinct Char acters. Eight flore Than Any Other Standard fla-chine. D. W. WAGNER, 215 Board o! Trade TELEPHONE S49S CONSUMERS' ICE COMPANY. Officers Chosen at the Annual Meet ing Yesterday. The annual nieetinK of the Consum ers' Ice company was held yesterday ami the- follo-vlng ofllcers elected: President, I. F. Mi-Ban-el: secretary, John A. Schailt; treasurer. A. D. Hlac-k-inton; general manager. -'. H. Sehadt: directors. 1. F. Megarsel, Frank Swartz, 1'. .1. Ilorau, A. D. niai-klntun. (.'. D. Jones, Louis Knglf and Robert lipevos. M'NULTY'S CONDITION. Br. Stanton Says He Is Not Yet Out of Danger. The condition of Patrick AU-Xulty. who was on Saturday last .stabbed by Kdwaril Murray, was said last niglH'to be falily good by r. J. P. Htautmi, the attending physician. He Is not yet out of danger, however.. Murray uus committed to the county jail without ball yesterday morning by .Mayor Molr, tn answer the result of McNulty's Injuries. ROCKET MURDER CASE. Further Investigation Shows Desper ate Struggle Took Place. Special to tin- Scranton Tilbune. Alleutowu, IM., Dee. IS. Further lli estigatlun into the llocket murder ease at Mountaluvllle shows that Itock et had n desperate btrugglo with bur glars and that ho was tortured by them. Though his hands worn free when he was round, his wrists showed bruises, as If they had been bound. Lighted matches hud been applied to JiIb bare fcut, tho sulphur burns bolni deep In Iho llesh. The partially burned remains of masks were found in tho stove. The motive of the murdoiers was robbery. They stole a ruvolver and rasior, br sldes money and a watch are anion, tho articles reported missing. Olllcer have run out sovernl elues without Biiccess and unless unexpected develop ments arise the utfulr will remain a mystery. Hospital Nurses Arrested. 11 i:ila.Uc Wire bom 'tlie Associated !. Now York, Dot-, IS. IMujuI 0. Dimii, Jc It, ).nin nml ('Union Mai.li.ill, tin- llirtc llclU we luiiillul iiurws awi'stiil l.it night, iluiittil villi maiul lufliU-r In luini! wibul the iloJlli of U-ttls llllliaiil, .1 lutiuit In Hi- Jiiiiie pavil ion, verv IjUiii licfi)-i Cuiimir I'lUpitilck to. ilj). Tin- loiomr a.linltli-l tliitu l lull In $1,000 raili, K-ndliii; tlie Imiuenl, wlilili will (lobatily talc lilai'e on Fil'liiy, e SALE. e : v. - t' - t - - t - -f-f -f-f -t"f -f 4- f f f-f . Company f -? Agency Director,: - - -4- -f Writes and shades seventy-five letters to the line. Writes straight on ruled lines.' Has automatic type-cleaning brush. The best manifolder and, stencil maker. The lightest touch lo keys' and .least fatigue. .,' ' ,. The J E WE TT ball-bearing car riage "beats the world." The JEWETT. liner- is -easily the most clever device of its-kind. to - date, simple," convenient,, durables AND OTHER MAKES TAKEN. SCRANTON, PA AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE 'Itel.i & Buruunder, Lcjseeiand Managers A. J. Dully, Huslnesa Manugcr. Wednesday, December 19. Tint SttcetiH rilnscr on tho Mase. Hr. Chauncey Olcott In his no.v Jil niasji.inccnt piodiution, Mavourneen lSllll-l lilt! IIUIuiBlllM.t 0( AlldUatllS I'ltou. IKhi- oli nil finer. "Mi.lly O," "llio l.lltla C'IhMiiuh Tmc," "Hie Auld Countreo." "Jlimn-ini-c-ii',' and "li i"1' 1 ToKether, l'IIH'i:-i-2""- SfV.. "to 1"1' tl.OO.SoAta on tain Mnnikiy nl II a. in. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, ' RUIS &. UUUCJUNDUR IIARKV A. BROWN. It iiuk'th nml l.i ---. I.ocjI Itenrf'scnUtlv Thursday, Friday, Saturday December 21, 22 and 23 Ciuiud Su-iik llobal of H-ulli-y Campbell's Orl .Mcli.-Diaiuatic ucclk, SIBERIA a I'rcM-nli-il in .an Klatiorntc .Manni-i- by a Opable Cuinpau.t. MaKiillitciit M-eni-iy and Siipi'ili CWumlnar. M.iliiue 1'rld.iy and SalunUy, IN lies-Sin I., I'. -'" I'"'-. W. '-3. 35 and 50a. New Gaiely Theatre II. It. IOS0, UfMV ml Manaser. I'lnii- IIjj'. Cciimiii-iuins Holiday, Dee, IT. ROSE HILL ENGLISH FOLLY CO Prcientlni! oilglnal and piOBio-nlve burli-iquet. 30-PS0PUE-30, 'lluei- l)J, l'oiiimi:niIii(f 'lliuredjy, Pee, 'M. Victoria Burlaaquers, 1 Dally .Malnc(. I'lin-i-Mit., r, -v. I'm-,, -'". s-'i -" EASJiY, HH CONQUERlffi BELLAVITA , Arsonlo Doauty TeUota and PllU. A 1?.'' octly tufu uud Kuurautoed treatment for Ml bkip lUordon. Relor:thblooinolouthtoJadedlaicet. 1 di.ya' treutmout 50ot 80 day' 1.00, by maU -ona for clrculur. AddrosB, ru iSRVITA HB01CAL CO.. Cllitoo k luktM 5U., CWOf Bold by McOarrah Thomas, Dru (tsti,, 04 Lackawanna aye., Scranton, 1'a. J-i "' H i.5 , ' --JWW- .