,2TvW- -wiH 'vi TT7RWT'W I- 4. pTT;-"" Xi-(?Kjr;;,M"i . ;,,?? k' "vvrP 7' '."JW!!; '; sW FifT-i' THE SCRANTON TRIBtJNE-WfiDNE&iDY, bteEMBESRlO, 1900. i! 0 . ? ? Jl.'.!S.tt! . U DO NOT LOOK F0RTR0UBLE PRO-TRANSIT PEOPLE PIQURE OUT AN EASY TRANSITION Claim That Thoro Will Be Wo Very Appreciable Disturbance of Mu nicipal Affairs I'Jul Hardly Any In crease In Governmental Expenses, Director of Public Safety the Only Addltionarofflcialn of Any Impor tanceTaxes, They Say, Will Not Increase City Is Now Second Class, It Is Held. Thoso who favor Si'i-nnlon'H transi tion to the second class luivo donu Homo fluurhiK as to how the oity will make the traiiHlt nnd how It will adjust Itself to the new condition. Arcoi-dltiK to their flKurlng tha uIiuiiro will be nccoinpllHhed without any groat dllllvttlty hrlntf. experienced. JjoavliiK out of consideration the mat tur of the time of expanding common council and electing new officers, which In till likelihood will call for an adjudi cation from court, no serious problem remains to be solved, they rlalm. ,ln the first place, It Is held Ihe change In the manner of. conduction departmental work offers nothing In the way of difllculllcs that cannot be readily overcome. The department of charities can-be created, formally, by the ordinance ndoptlnK the second class charter, but, as the city has no chari ties to be regulated, the ollleo need not be tilled, which omission obtains Im mediately by neglecting to appropriate anything for Its maintenance. If In time the Scrnnton-Dunmoro poor dis trict Is dissolved, and Scranton conies into the management of charities, the appropriation can be made and the of fice tilled. It Is a surety thut the pres ent poor board will not be succeeded by a director of public charities for sev eral niontht to come, If at all. The depai tment of public works, It is figured, can be organized without an additional dollar of expense. Make the city engineer the director of public works, elevate the senior assistant city engineer to the position of superin tend of the bureau of engineering and .surveys, change the title of the street commissioner to that of superintendent of the bureau of highways and sewers and the trick is done. Such bureaus as that of wharves and landings, pub lie lighting and public water works and the like will hardly be necessities in Scranton for some time to come. It Is wife to say. PIHiUC SAFKTV. A director of the department of pub lie safety is the only new official of any consequence needed, these aforemen tioned tlgurers contend. Kc will have to be given a salary of ?:!,CU0 or so. but this added expense, it Is held, will be nearly, if not wholly, counter-balanced by the saving accomplished by group ing the police, tire, health, building In Hpection, plumbing inspection and food inspection under one head, as Is direct ed by tile second class city laws. The chief of police can be continued as superintendent of the bureau of po lice, the chief of the tire department as superintendent of the bureau or lire nnd so on. The board of health, of course, goes out of existence, and Is supplanted by a superintendent of the Iniijeau of health, as Administrator and councils ns-'legislntors, with an inspec tor or two to take the place of the sanitary officer, and u "bureau of health physician" to succeed to the office of "health' officer," which latter succession, ns In similar cases, can be accomplished by simply changing the title of the present odlnlnl. Five assessors are to bo elected to lake the place of the three now provid ed for, but these three will be contin ued In office Until their let tits expire. Two additional assessors can be elect ed when the new councils reorganize. The office of collector of delinquent taxes Is the only other to be lilted, That offer1? no difficulties whatever. Councils select liliu nnd the present ward collectors nre done away with, The mayor, controller, trenstiter, solic itor continue In office. As to the mutter of tuxes, It Is con tended that the same Intluenees which hold the ussesHots from Increasing the valuations will be at hand In a second class city, and even though they should give a real Instead of fictitious "value" to property, the levy would have to come down sufficiently to cotmtct bal ance the Increase In valuation. The people, It Is urgued, would make such n howl ngnlnst n raise In taxes on real estate that no sot of officials would dare for n moment to attempt It. CAN niC WINKKD AT. Then again, It Is held that the ser-ond-cliiHS city laws nre no more strin gent in dtrcctlns' an nctual valuation of property than are third-class city laws, and that this provision of the law can be winked nt under a second-class charter as readily and securely as It is now. The classification of property will, It Is admitted, cause some disturbance at first, hut as It Is discretional y with the assessors to list all properties In two classes ns ut present city and farm the chances' aie they will adont this as it means of leaving property classified Just as It Is at present. The law says there shall be three classes, but as "all built up districts" muy be Included in the first class, the assessors can, without stretching the law to the breaking point, include the whole city In that class, excepting, of course, the farm lands. This Is, prac tically, the present system of classifi cation. To provide for what little additional expense a second-class government will entail, and to provide the additional revenue the city will stand In need of whatever class It may bo in, the cor porations holding valuable franchises should be taxed, it Is argued, at n good round sum. t'nder a second-class char ter a city's powers of taxing corpora tions Is largely extended. Finally, these pro-transit people argue, Scranton Is already a city of the second class nnd no amount of leg- I Islatlon can constitutionally put it back Into the third class. The law of lS'J."!, relating to classification, says that "whenever It shall appear by any such census" that a city is entitled to an advance In classification It shall be the duty of the governor to certify the same to councils elc. If a city whose popu lation entitles It to an advance should have to wait for the advancement till the governor should see lit to make the , prescilbed certification, it would lie equivalent to uciegating to mm toe power of legislation, it is held, and such a delegation of power Is illegal and , never contemplated by the act. When I the certificate comes, so It is claimed, it will be to the effect that Scranton has been entitled to n second-class chin ter since the day the census de purtment announced Its population. with tcferehce to the appointment of a receiver for that association, ai1gc Lacolnbe, in his opinion hand ed down the other day In connection with tho appointment nf a temporary receiver, Bnld If It becomes necessary he will appoint n permanent receiver and would then expect the slate courts lo titrchargo the two receivers they have appointed. The men In this city who arc Interested In tho litigation say that when the proper lime conies n permanent receiver will be appointed by utidge Lnroiulie. Kx-I'ostmuster (tcnerat Thomas I,. James Is thopresl d"til of the Anglo-American conipnny. T!,e IMttsbtirg-Oominerclal (la.etlo yesterday had the following about pro ceedings begun In that city: On Ilic I'tllllon for h rcirlicr for tlir Xiulo. Al:u i l Mil Sinlnu' unit I.n.ni nmnilnllnii, it (iiillior iiriitinii'itt un liclit In tlio t'tilfiil Sulci mini, .Mtcr n iiiirll.il linrlng on motion to illw.tta tin' mse lieir. It M lunln tinclpuiit'il, pcmllng .1 find imliT nf .liiilur l.nt'innlic nf tlio I'nltnl Slain ilrmlt com I, fir tlio hniitliorn ilMrlit nl Nov," Vurk, ttlii'ri! u ulnill.ir petition .i mule, Indue I.ikoiiiIic Hint :i tlinrt opinion, S.illir ilu.v, ilectlnliiK fur the pioni't tu iippolnl a tu ti'hcr, .is tlir Miim'hic lonrl of NVw York li.i.l Hi mily .ippcilnliil oi.e. The court ut Now Yoik, jil, Ixmi'MT, tint If on fin.il lii'irlnjr, II lie emir ncKMniv In appoint n ipiHmt It would iln 'ii, in wlili li i'4'o, the tpit'lwr :iiiiifiiUil liy the I'littcil Stales (oiirt wnuM lie p.irnnoiint, :i the eln lilt court h.nl origiuil Jml-illc lien. ARGUMENTS HEARD IN RAILWAY CASE Attorney General Hears Both Sides in the Movement to Annul Speed way Company's Charter. ABOOif THE RECEIVERSHIP. The Proceedings in Connection with the Loan Association. The persons In this region interested in the Anglo-American Saving and Jvcan association are awaiting with In tel est the further proceedings before Ui" United States court in New York The atgunients In the quo war ranto proceedings brought by the Scranton Railway company to annul the charter of the newly organise 1 Connell Parle and Speedway Street Hallway company were hoard on Mon day at Harrlsburg by Attorney Gen eral Klktus. The Scranton Hallway company was represented by Major Evrett Warren, of this city, and M. U3. Olm stead, of Ilarrlsburg, while the de fendant company was represented by City Solicitor A. A. Vosburg, of this city, and Silas W. Petit, of Philadel phia. The attorneys for the Scranton Hail way company offered three separate and distinct arguments showing caus why tho charter should bo annulled. They contended that the Speedway company proposed to occupy streets Included In tlio franchises previously granted to companies now merged i-.tJ the Scranton Hallway icomimny. They contended that under the act of ISM), under which the 3peihvnv company was chartered, that no street railway company could be incoipor nled except to operate a road on the public streets. In dliect violation ot this act. they argued, the Speedway companv intended to tun its road over pails of the city which wcr not pub lic streets. Their third contention wis that the franchise granted the Speedway com pany permitted it to run lis tracks over the Ko.trlng Brook bridge, a. structure alieady occupied Vy tha Scranton Railway company's tracks. They argued that under the law no otlier company had the right lo a joint occupancy of a bridge, any more than It had to the Joint occupancy of any other public highway. The attorneys for the Speedway company in reply argued that all franchisees lapsed and were fotfellet If the companies receiving them fall to complete n road on the streets mentioned In them within the pie scrlbed time, which was in this In stance, two years. They also pointed MRS. BREWER RECOMMENDS PERUNA FOR GRIP AND FEMALE CATARRH VmH JdEIqIHKBHB HllwnjR fill T fmVVkiTiS9fC C VSWi5?e?r Bm rfa.- "sf 'sv3r- ;.?:- w The Ilonii; ofMi's. Lizzie 31. Itrcwer, at Westerly, It. 1. In a letter to Dr. llnrtman concern ing tho merits of Po-ru-nu, Mrs. Hrew er writes, among other things: Westerly, It. t. "Dear Dr. irartmnn I find Pe-ru-na sure cure for all catarrhal affections so common in this part of the country, it cures a cold at once. There Is no cough medicine that can at all equal Pe-ru-na. As for la grippe, there Is no other remedy that can nt all compare with Pe-ru-nn, . "I am among the sick a great deal In our city and have supplied many In valids with Pe-ru-nu, simply because I am enthusiastic In my faith its to Its results. 1 have never known It to fall to quickly and permanently remove demoralized state of the human system which follows la grippe. "In all cu'ios of extreme weakness T use Po-ru-nu with perfect confidence of a good result, tit cases of weakness peculiar to my sex I am sure that no other remedy can approach In good .re sults the action of Pe-ru-na. It meets all the bad symptoms to which females aie subject. The Irregularities and nervousness, the debility nnd miseries which nllllct more or less the women from girlhood to change of life, are one and all met and overcome by this ex cellent remedy. 1 wish every young lady In our city could read your book. "Mrs. IjIzzIo M. Hrewer." Pe-ru-na will cure the worst cases of catarrh. I.a grippe Is acute epidemic catarrh, for which Pe-ru-na Is a spe cific. Mrs. ,t. W. Reynolds, New Lisbon, Ohio, suffered for many years with chronic cutarrh of tho lungs, head and throat; continuous cough; many physi cians fulled to cure. Permanently cured by Pe-ru-na. Thousands of tes timonials could be produced. A valua ble treatise on catarrh sent free by The Pe-ru-na Medicine Company, Co lumbus, O. out thnt the act of ISSfl provides thnt the roads of all companies Incorpor ated under It must be completed with in two years to make their charter right on the streets valid. Inasmuch as the Scranton Railway conipnny has not yet occupied tho streets over which the Speedway company proposes to construct a road, it was contended that Its charter was Invalid ns far as those streets were concerned. The question ni to whether a street railway company can construct a road within a city but not upon its public streets was contended to be one which concerns the municipality nlone and in which the commonwealth was not interested at all. A bridge, it wa argued belongs to the city In which It Is rituated, and cannot he consideied a public highway in the sense intended by the net of ISM) This being true, the city has the rlirht to authorize a dozen com punks to run across such nt structure If It so desires. The attorney general took the pa pers In the case and will render an opinion later. m LIST OF ADVEBTISED LETTEBS. Ut of liltus iriiijiiilug iino.'ill.'d for at the S' i.ii, ton pu-toHnc, l,!iiK.n.inn.i county, l'.i., "'. l'l ll(ii). IVroni iMllins for tliMe lcttcri ".'ill Uiim' s.iy ailvritkril anil Ke date of Ii t. ISsri II. Itipple, po-tiiu-ter: C. Alone, .1. .1. Atkiii-on. S. II. It.ill, ,1. S. llie-ici ki r, .Too Ilnycr, Brj.nl & Sluitton Si hoot-,, Ml is Xillie Iltiwno. Mis. S. A. Cuisliy, A. T. Co & Son, l'rei! I'omptoii, 11. Connor, John Connolly, Jr., W, C.nnphell. Miss Kate C.ihill, II. J. Cop.-ianil, fimiiiu Calllel. .Miss Nellie Peine, Paul lie Dcschalis, Mks t". K. IJtiI.tr, K, i:. IJoukI.iss, pliotoraphci ; l'mul; lltiKlirrty, James Dawson, Miss Xotah Uous'r.w, 11. ! TH-spanl. Walter l).iM K.iin. Pull. no I'ltlipiiu. Main, (iuritim, Ctoixe .1. (iilt'ulcl, Tieil (ill iik ie. I.'tnry 1). Hill, I), flyman, John Howclli, Char lis If.uiipin.iu, Mrs. A. V. lloucr, Ilcrlmar Mniui fcitiuiiu, coinpany, Andrew Harridan, Joseph llriiirlgmi. William Holmes, William Hunilcl, .la eoli Illll, Miss Annie lfl.iml. A. A. Jones, Louisa Jones, Knicrson Jones, J.imc.i 1). Johnston, Miss M. A. Jenkins. Trunk Kearn, Mli Maggie Kelley, Egbert 1.'. K linl .le. Mrs A. K. boncy, John K. 11. Lewis, J. Jf. I.imllle (3), JIKs Jennie Logan, lbs, Llllle Knnpp. l!i'!io and Maggie Mcdhle, Percy Messitcr, Miss V.ilu Mjtrs. M. S. Malatil, K. ,1. Miilli, Miss Co' iielu Mrjtmtf, N'. ' lljcrs, Mrs. Ktliee Martin, Walter Markov. Jamei, O'llrien. Klclir.nl l'lcrson, Oeorge Tciry, Miss Sue Pjlc, J. St Pelhain, n. II. Pierce. I). J. Itowan, II. A. Ilohln.son, Patrick ltutldy, Mnthias Itlgoni, Tom Itmvley. Jllss C'anie Simrcll, J. M. Sampson, .Io-(ph Singer, MNs Jennie Swift, C. M. Smith, IT. fcdii.e-.er. Miss L. n. Transue, .T. A. Tappan. Me Wcliher, J. II. Wilson, Miss (trace Wells, James A. Welsh (), Charles Williams, It. It. Wnrpek, Annie Watteiinan and Xelllo Moran, Jane ir White, Llrzle Westgate. Tllini) OLAbS MATTHIl. Mr-. Kate Ciulo (photo). FOURTH CLASS M.VTTKH. llo !Ua, W. Anderson, Mr. Field, Mis. G. W. Fiaiiklm, P. It. (iendit. WII.ST SCRAXTO.V STATION. Miss Maud Alger. Yanei llocanskiem.i. Miss Annie Hany. Airs. F. J. Farrcll, Mrs. F. J. I'uricll (package). Ail: m (Irooills. 1)-. William K. Llojtl. JIr. Llrle Major, Agnieszka Moezkawna. Jeuy Xouretk. Mrs. S-'mith, !I14 Scranton street; H. C. Satney, 2.M l-airwcw. Jliss Leah Taylor, 012 Luzerne. A twenty acre farm, with good new house, to rent nt Staten Island, New York city. One and a half miles from ferry. Suitable for market garden or green houses. Only seven miles from lower Broadway. Address S. Island, Tribune office. Scranton Carpet and Furniture Co., Registered. Scranton Carpet and Furniture Co., Registered. The Biggest, the Best and the Most Thoroughly Complete Furniture -Xmi a f0 Wnff Biff Mr) -- and Carpet House in This Section The stock is new in its entirety. It represents a collection wisely chosen by men whose experience teaches what is best and most modern in Home Furnishings. The store is now at its best. That you may see and appreciate the spirit of this gigantic enterprise, we invite the public to a Grand Holiday Display when the live tloors of the building will reveal to the admirers of the artistic and beautiful in Furniture, Carpets, and so forth, a stock that has no peer in any city in the state. A candid statement made without exaggeration. Sfen SPECIAL OFFERING FOB THE HOLIDAYS i - -a. & IN THE BASEMENT Metallic fled-, odd plero. u Vmiiituie, el". ON MAIN FLOOR Display of line I'liriHtiur, Alt Rric-il-ilMP, etr. ON SECOND FLOOR Brussels nnd Ingialu Cupels uml Iluifs, I'plmlstery, Cur tain, ete. ON THIRD FLOOR Tailor Fuinlliiii', Cumin1, KJiicy Chairs, MonU I ham, Lihraiy Tables, Hall IfjiKs, Siienii, etc, ON FOURTH FLOOR Onico Dctka, Chairs, Hull TDpf, Wlmlow Shades, Carpet U'oikiooms mid Depailuieiit for Ite-upliolstrrlni; ruinlluro. The Following Specials. You'll Find Tliem Worlh Coining After: $1 $1 $2 $1 for $2.25 Rugs These are very nobby patterns in Ax- ministers Rugs, of rich patterns and new designs. They are jo in. by do in., fringed at ends, naturally worth $2.25. We have also an elegant line of Oriental Rugs. for $1.75 Tabourettes An appropriate holiday gift These jj come in both solid oak and rich mahogany, of good size, solidly constructed and sold nowhere less than 1.35. for $3.oo Sweepers These are the famous Peerless, made .2,0 by the best factory, cyco bearings, easy running easy to clean, self adjustable and sold in nil stores at $3.00. AA for India Stools One of the prettiest and most useful or UU naments, direct to us from the importers Vantine & Co. sold by us for just one day at half their actual worth. & t CA Rockers One of the unusual bargains of the day. A lot p 1.5U of more than one hundred Rockers of very rich oak finish, stylishly cut and (Irmly constructed, Neversold in any store for less than $1,50. A for $10.00 Couches The biggest bargain ever offered in P7-5U Scranton. Have solid Oak frames, heavy spiral springs, and upholstered in finest velour more than 20 patterns. Every couch guaranteed for live years, and never sold anywhere for less f an $10,00. i- f.p. fr $S.oo Rugs Want something fine for the home ? p45-UU These are exquisite patterns in Bigelow, Arlington and Axministers, 9x12 feet in s'ze. The designs are copies of the oldest Gobelins, rich in finish and lustre. They have never been sold for less than $50.00. ls-9?--0Hflf IS Fine Furniture Suitable for Holiday Giving. Book Cases Get the case first and the books come easily, Here they are in large assortment, both plain and combina tion writing desk styles, with open and glass fronts, from 2 feet to 8 feet wide. Prices that rise by easy stages from 5 to 50. Sideboards from $14 to $150 Dining Tables from $4 to $40 Dining Chairs from 65c to $13.50 Bedroom Suits from $15 to 150 Parlor Suits from $20 to $85 Hall Racks from 4.7? to $40 Library Tables from $is to $70 Fine Couches from 6 to 4$ China Closets China closets are becoming pref erable to Sideboards in many re spects. Here are corner and straight back closets, in both oval and plain fronts, plain wood and mirror badks. Big variety of them in prices from $20 to $37. ScranfoD Carpet and Ftiroittire Co,,! 40ti LACKAWANNA AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. 4 WE BIG STORE'S HOLIDAY NEWS FANCY FRAMES-A lot of them in gilt and aluml- 'I num. verv orettv des cnx are movinc ciu ck at 10c. 1 ;c and 19c worth a halfjrnore. ' hANDKERCHIFF!-le 25-cent ones seem to be the most popular because they offer the greatest variety of styles. Others at every price, In cotton, Swisst linen, Japonet and pure silk. Choose. WRITING DESKS A great many styles of them are being shown in the Furniture Store particularly the "new ideas' for ladies. Not very high in' price, but containing delightful gift propensities. BOOKS The genuine Houghton, Mifflin & Co. edition of the best poets, including Longfellow, Tenny son, Whittier, Burns, Saxe, Harte, Mulock and Lowell. Complete, and but 90 cents while they're here. BOX PAPER Have you seen the nobby fancy boxes at 50c? containing more than a pound of paper and envelopes. Biggest in town for the money. CALENDARS The College Calendars are 1.25 two dollars in other stores. Very pretty and as novel as'they are pretty, Others as little in price as 5c. The Shakespeare Calendar is 1.25. XMAS CARDS Every style that is pretty or unique, including the new Christmas Postal Cards. They're 5c. The others 3c to 25c. UMBRE HAS Pretty sensible presents, aren't they? Pick from 98c ones up to $ 1 5 ones and you're sure to make some one the happier for it. MEN'S TIES Made from pure silk, very exquisite patterns at fifty cents. Others up to a dollar. Some at 25c. The gift sorts are exclusive novelties and come in all the prettiest shades. MUFFLERS-Many styles of them. Right alongside are the big quilted scarfs to wear with the dress suits. Several styles, all little in price. GLOVES Those at one dollar are the best you'll ) find for the price. Guaranteed, every pair. Doesn't J that make them worth buying ? PICTURES Why not? What would remain in re membrance longer? We've many kinds at many prices. Don't see the frame you want, we'll frame you one to order. SILVERWARE Most everything to help make the table dressy- Full assortment of Rogers 1847 goods. You know their worth without our telling you. TOYS A wealth of them in the basement. You can't afford to miss this Toy Store. It is going to bring more Christmas cheer to more homes than any other store of its kind for a good many miles around. GROCERIES Holiday things to eat Malaga Grapes, Nuts, Oranges, Raisins everything. Besides these, a long list of other things to help brighten the Christmas table. Jonas Long's Sods vS"SV XVnXVWsnVnV. 4" 4s 3r 4 2 4 '&'$"!"&""& fy & $ 4 4 "S At ! FOR GOOD SHOES AND.... SLIPPERS GO TO fO fO ijPR ' ta mtixi'm m w kiiJK. m m mjr- :ffils Cor. Lacka, and Wyoming Aves x ip i? v3 t t r i cj r yr r fa i i . 4 4$ 4 ? $' ?' 'fr tv EXCLUSIVE CORSET AND QLOVE STORE. THE VERY LATEST IN LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S GLOVES IN BOTH SCOTCH. WOOL AND KID PRICE & JENKINS 131 PENN AVENUE. EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE Nj . .-w;. ":i fe