The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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'Communications of
jfewA,liaJure, per
nnnats and all Items
;for publication may
, be left at The tnd
" tine's new offices In
the Burke Building,
"or -sent fay mall or
I "U.
,ho First Methodist Episcopal Sun
day School Will Give One on
Chrlstmts Night.
Thi- Sunday school of the FlrMl
Methodist Kplsrnpul church, assisted
y tlit.- niehostrn and church choir,
vlll, on Chrlslmuh evening render a
'antn ta, entitled, "The Prophet of
Vnanrotli," the- author or which In
ha ties II. Gabriel. Tills will w, no
lotilit, the most beautiful cantata Over
riven In tlila city. It abounds In sweat
melody and rich harmony. Homo of
the choruses In this composition are
.hrilllng and no person run finish the
riiilsliuiiK festivities bolter than by
'Istcnlng to this most charming work.
II lias variety sulllelent to satisfy the
r.osl faslldlolis, with Its solos for
lduim and children, Its duet", trios,
,111,1 fimrlettes for mule, female and
mixed voices, choruses for fairies,
-ehool and rholr, the whole combining
10 uiiilfe a piolUable nnrt enjoyable en
lertalninerit. The cantata will 1 Riven under tlie
llieetlon or William 15. tivans, the
well known tenor singer of this city,
lie lll'be assisted by the Sunday
school orchestra, Loon lily, director,
mid John U. Kvans, accompanist.
More Holiday Displays.
The Park Clothing House has llnlshed
miulher window, which snould be called
a silver window, for the holiday dis
play, and It Is a tiuestlon If the second
window does not press the one men
tioned yesterday closely for honors.
Decorator 'At. J. Horan has tilled the
window with Ions streamers of tinsel,
meshed and interwoven Into artistic
designs and from the loops hang In
tastefully arranged groups fancy boxes
of gloves, ties and other articles of
haberdashery. The display is well il
luminated and catches the attention of
Abe Sahm has an original design
over the entrance to his large shoe and
furnishing stoie. It not only looks but
smells like Christmas in the vicinity,
for tho long ropes of ground pine that
extend over the sidewalk give forth a
lmliny odor that is grateful to the nos
trils. Tho windows are lighted with
many incandescent lamps and on the
northern orfe run streamers of narrow
colored ribbon forming a "sunburst."
It is very tasteful.
Mis. Fannie Morris Passes Away.
Mir. Fannie Morris died at her resi
dence, at the corner of Terrace street
anil Morris place at 5 o'clock yester
day morning. She emigrated from
Pembrokeshire, England, In 1857, and
settled in Carbondale. Three years
afterwards she was married to "William
T. Morris. The union was blessed
with three children, two of whom are
now living, Miss Mary Morris and
Mrs. Isaac TCogers, who both reside In
this citv. A son, Charles, died live
years ago. Her husband died about
two years ago. She was a faithful
member of Trinity church, a devoted
mother, and had very many friends.
Tho funeral will take place at her
lale residence tomorrow afternoon.
Tho Hew Rollin M. Sawyer, of Tiin
Ity Episcopal church will preach, the
funeral sermon. The Interment will
he hold In Brookslde cemetery.
Temperance Men Choose Officers.
The Knights of Father Mathew made
the following selections of ofllcers at
their meeting on Sunday: Grand
luight, David L. Walsh; deputy grand
knight, Thomas F. Connell; recording
oecretary, John P. Campbell; financial
flocretary, P. F. Carroll; treasurer, M.
F. Horan; trustees, M. It. Campbell,
James W. Campbell, Edward Dough
erty; marshal, M. L. McCann; ser-gennt-nt-arms,
William W. Walker;
Buard, Richard Kerwin; chancellor,
Thomas J. Boylan.
The Installation will take place on
Sunday, December 30.
The Next Show at the Grand.
The IToefner Stock company will
bo the next attraction at the Grand.
They will open on next Monday even
ing and will appear in repertoire all
the week. On Christmas Day there
will be an extra matinee, "The Wo
man in Hlack," being the play for the
holiday afternoon, On New Year's
vfc, tho big spectacular extravagnn
v.t "Jack and the Bennstalk," will be
orjjvlew,; fuesh from New York. Mana
ge? .Byrne promises some llrst-class
attractions from now on for the rest
of-tlic winter. On New Year's Day, a
Rood production Is promised.
No Hallway Strike Yet.
There was a persistent rumor on
Monday night to tho effect that the
Street Hailway Men's union would or
der a strike of the men employed upon
the local lines, to go into effect vus
teWluy. -The press committee gave out
the information yesterday, however,
thut the report of the committee that
dolluc;l,tho grievances to General Man
ager Hlllhiian had been presented, but
that It could be stated positively that
H;sti1ke would not be ordeied lit once,
W;Jmt, nlght be done in tho near future
tl(c committee was not prepared to say.
Clgarmakers Elect.
Jt 'the Inst meeting of Clgarmakers'
upjoii, IJo. 43!i, tho following ofllcers
wpro ejected) for the ensuing year:
President, A. C. Houek; vlce-piesldent,
Nl'i'k Knoss; financial secretury, P. J.
Traynbr; corresponding and recording
secretary, Charles Hnumnn; treas
urer, fharles Mayer; sergeant-nt-arms,
ThpmuB Heunan; auditors, A.C. Houek,
Nick Knoss and George Lipps.; dele
gates to Central Labor, unlqn, A, C,
Houek, P. Traynor, Charles Muyer. .
' "- ' ' i
'jtomipg -Home for the Holidays.
;oh'np. Evaps, of tho Huston Con
aervatoi y of Mpslc, Ib expected home
on; Friday to .upend (he, holdayti with
his purents, Mr. and Mis, Wllllum n.
F.i'aiib! of Seventh avenue. AVbllo
he$e he will participate in ttio Christ
mas cantata to be given at the Fir&t
T cure. U Throat and Lung Affection!.
W Get tuc genuine, Refu substitute. M
Vis sure
1vUqu Oil cure Kbfuautlf u. is as ctf .
J 1
Methodist ljplscopnl church on Christ
inas night. .
The Presbyterian Fair.
Tho ladled of the First Presbyterian
church opened their fair yesterday af
ternoon on the ground floor of tho An
thraclte building. A largo collection of
fancy articles and pretty things were
exposed for sale and. a large number
of visitors thronged the artistically
decorated rooms nil the afternoon nnd
evening. Supper was served at little
tables and a good variety of edibles
were on a printed bill of fare. The
rooms were artistically decorated, hol
ly and Christmas greens forming a lav
ish display. The attention of all pass
ers was attracted to tho fair by the
prominence of Its location nnd by a
number of artistically made fancy
wares being hung up In tho windows
facing Main street and Sixth avenue.
The fair will continue this afternoon
and evening. Tonight the ladles will
serve a iO-cent supper from 5 to 8
o'clock. The Carbondale Gas company
has donated n range and gas for this
purpose and last night hot coffee nnd
fresh-baked biscuits were enjoyed as a
result of their generosity.
A Peculiar Ceremony.
On Monday evening, when the silk
mill at Simpson closed down for the
day and the workers started for home,
they were met a short distance awav
by a number of strikers, who, equipped
with fifes and drums, constituted a
"guard of honor," nnd, playing "The
Rogue's March," escorted them nil the
way down Relmont street into the cen
tral part of the city. Some of the work
ers did not like the attentions of tho
lifers and escaped by running awav.
Others seemed to enjoy the notoriety
and marched along with jaunty step,
keeping time. It was said that the
performance would be repeated last
evening, but It was probably decided
not to do so, for there wns no sounds
of the shrill chatter of drums up Simp
son way last night.
Meetings Tonight.
Select council.
Common council.
Rev. Father Carew Branch, No. !49,
Catholic Knights of America.
Carbondale council, No. 329, Knights
of Columbus.
Pinoeer castle, No. 205, Ancient! Or
der Knights of the Mystic Chain.
Carbondale lodge, No. 239, Knights
of Pythias.
.Mitchell Hose company fair.
Fair of Presbyterian church.
Ladies' Auxilllary Railroad En
gineers afternoon.
Recherche Dancing class.
Is There One for You?
List of letters remaining In the
CarbondUe postofllce, Dee. 19, 1900, for
persons unknown:
A. Rennett, John Burger, J. Dufty,
W. J. Flanaghan, William Flannery,
AT. II. Guest, Frank O'Mnllcy, Foster.!
Rhea, Thomas J. Russell, G. E.
Tucker, Patrick "Walker, Mrs. I. U,
Dunkce, airs. Nancy Fallon.
J. II. Thomas, Postmaster.
A German Priest Next Sunday.
Next Sunday at St. Rose church the
mashes will all bo held in the new audi
torium of the church. Tho hours will
be, as usual, 7. S. 9 and 10.30 a. m. St.
Boniface society will attend mass In a
body next Sunday, and a German
speaking priest will be in attendance.
Death of an Infant.
Little Mary Marguerite Karl, three
years old, died at her mother's home
on Forty-second street yesterday after
noon. Only a few weeks ago her father,
Louis Karl, died. The funeral will
probably be held today, and interment
will be made in St. Rose cemetery.
At Work Again.
Thotnus Hate, of Gravity avenue, who
has been confined to his home for tho
past seven weeks, suffering from hem
orrhages, has recovered sufficiently to
again take, up his works at the Dela
ware and Hudson shops, on North Mnin
Painful Injury.
Lehman Carey Is confined to his
home by reason of an accident to his
foot that occurred while he was at
work In the blacksmith shop on Main
street. The Injury to his foot, while
not dangerous, Is very painful.
A New Engine.
Engine No. 339, of the new freight
series being built by the Dickson Man
ufacturing company, at Sernnton, was
turned out of the shop yesterday
morning. It will soon be running be
tween this city and Wllkes-Burre.
Mrs. White's Funeral.
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine AVhilo
will be held at St. Rose church this
morning at 9.30 o'clock. A number of
her former Sernnton friends are ex
pected to attend, interment will bo
made In St. Rose cemetery.
Little James Loftus Dead,
James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Loftus, of Powdorly road, onl
one week old, died early yesterday
morning. The funeral will be held this
afternoon and Interment will be made
In St. Rose cemetery.
Funeral of John Qenity,
Tho funeral of John Gorrlty, who
died on Monday of scarlet foyer, was
held yesterday afternoon at Ills par'
ents' hoino on Erie strept. The Inter
ment was made In St, Roso cemetery,
i- ; '
Charles Sharlock, who has been
manager of the local branch of tho
Atlantic and Paclllc Tea company, has
resigned. He has been succeeded by
Harry Williams, of Druiumond avenue,
To Philadelphia for Treatment,
Andrew Smullen, of New Cemetery
street, left yesterday t enter tho Penn
Hylvanlu university hospital at Phllu
delphiu. for treatment. .
Special Services.
The members of the First Cousrega
tlonal church choir are preparing ex
tra Christmas muslo for next Sunday
evening, under the direction of Profes
sor J, Franklin Crowell, organist and
E.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carbon
dale edition, will be
pleased to receive
callers se'eklng Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers; New
a86: old, 0433,
musical director. Rev. M, C. Ellott, the
pastor of the church, will preach ser
mons npproprlato for Christmas tide.
A new feature will be a sunrise prayer
meeting Sunday at 7.3a
Councils to Meet.
Select council will meet with com
mon council In Joint session tonight
for tho purpose of opening bids for
the new Hospital street sower. There
are three bids In the hands of tho city
clerk, It Is said. Roth branches nre to
hold special meetings, also.
Serving Imnch.
The ladles of tho bazaar being held
in the Anthracite building serve lunch
nnd oysters during tho day. Their
ability as cooks Is well known and they
will undoubtedly receive encouraging
Removed to Larger Store.
Louis W. Cramer has moved his fish
nnd oyster market from 32V4 Lincoln
avenue to the larger store just above.
Mr. Cramer's business has Increased so
that his former accommodations proved
Mrs. James Harvey, of Richmond
uvenue, who was operated on In Emer
gency hospital about a week ago, was
discharged from the institution Tues
day. The operation was entirely suc
cessful. A Horse Shot.
Richard Simpson, of Harlem avenue,
lost a valuable horse on Monday. The
animal stumbled, fell and broke a log
and Mr. Simpson had to have it shot,
as the horse could not be cured.
A Cantata.
The members of tho Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school are making ar
rangements for a cantata with which
to celebrate Christmas.
Dislocated a Shoulder.
Delbert Coogan, of Park street, a
machinist, employed at the Hendrick
works, dislocated his shoulder while at
work yesterday.
A Congregational Fair.
The ladles of the Congregational
church will open their three-day fair
tomorrow night In the lecture room of
the church.
A Supper Tonight.
Prof. Lesher's Sunday school class
will give a fifteen cent supper at the
Methodist church dining rooms to
night. A Child Dead.
The 3-year-old daughter of Mrs.
Louis Karl, of Forty-second street, died
yesterday. Interment will be mudo to
day. With Tingley's Phaimncy.
Percy Briggs, of Shlckshinny, has ac
cepted a position as prescription cleric
for Druggist J. P. A. Tingley.
The Passing Thi-ong.
Harry Lawrence, of Pittston, was a
caller in town yesterday.
Mrs. W. B. Searle is much Improved
after a very serious illness.
Charles Melntyre, of Schenectudy, is
spending a few days in town.
Miss Mollie Gilmartin, of the Elec
tric City, spent Sunday in town.
Gregory Gllson hns.returned to Utica,
after u visit with his parents in this
Archie Watson, of Scranton, returned
yesterday after a few days' visit in
this city.
M. Smith, of BInghamton and Berk
ley cigar fame, was a visitor in town
H. A. Purple, the Salem avenue un
dertaker, was a visitor in Scranton
Edith, the little daughter of Mr. ard
Mrs. T. E. Grimtha, of Noith Main
street, met with a slight a-'cMenl iast
evening. "With a number of compan
ions, with whom she was playing, she
ran out of the store door just as Mr.
George Usher, of Mayfield, was pass
ing. Mr. Usher wns carrying a cast
it on register under his arm and be
fore he could ptevent It, the child,
unaware of her danger, ran right into
Mr. Usher, her head coming In con
tact with the cbarp corner of the
register. The blood flowed quite pro
fusely for a few moments and it was
I eared the little one was badly cut,
but after tho application of n liberal
quantity of cold water the How of
blood was stopped and It was found
tho child's injuries wore very slight.
Aslsstnnt Mine Foreman Mason, of
the Delawnro and Hudson colliery,
had the misfortune to have his foot
painfully crushed by the crank of an
engine In the mine Sunday, While the
Injury Is not serious. It is quite pain
ful, and will probably confine hlin to
tha house for several days,
Tho boclal of the Eclipse Social club
In Enterprise hall Monday evening, al
though not Inrgcly attended, wns a
very enjoyable affair. Miss Kate
Reardnn, of Scranton presided at the
At tho close ot the school term ex
aminations at Mayfield, the1 following
were found to have the highest aver
ago scholarship In their respective
grades: First grade, Llbble Qulnn,
Charles Meehan, Mamie McOulnness;
Second grade, Dolotls Cunningham,
Esther Kastlake, Walter Edmunds;
Third grade, Walter Shlantu, Mary
Neldow, Ethel Usher; Fourth grade,
Clara Lnngman, Alphonsus Bergan,
Daniel Lewis; Fifth grade, Isador Mc
Grnth, Gertrude Edmunds, Alice
Green; SUth grade, Mertle Roe, Edith
Waters. Lillian Walker; Seventh
grade, Mnggle McDonnell, Lizzie Far
roll, Nellie Neury; Eighth grade, Julia
Padden, Lizzie Mnek, Nellie Duffy;
Ninth grade, Mary Donnelly, Nora
Edmunds, John Hart; Tenth grade,
Albert Walker, John Kllkur, Anna
At the last meeting of the Ladles'
Magazine club, It was unanimously
decided to send the eleven monthly
publications that aro to be taken the
coming year to the reading room of
the local miners' union In Che Stubb
Mrs. Rlehaid Brown nnd Mis. John
;j tYyftatJdfcfifeltJBW tftiteSfe .
Brown, of tho Dcrrlngion farm, and
Miss Polly Solomon, wcret visitors at
Scranton yesterday.
William Rawlins, of Rendhnm,,4 wns
a visitor In town last evening.
Hev. M, E. Lynott, of tho Snored
Heart church, was taken suddenly lit
last evening:.
Aurora lodge, JFree nnd Accepted
Masons, held their regular monthly
meeting Inst evening.
There will be n pig tonst nnd raffle
nt the Central Hotel this evening.
The Christmas, basanr under the dl
rectlonu of tho Willing Workers of
the Blakely Baptist church, was open
ed Inst evening In the social rooms of
that edifice, with n large attendance.
There are five booths nrtlstlcallyj ar
ranged nnd laden with a large assort
ment of pretty and useful articles.
The booths aro In charge of tho fol
lowing young ladles: Doll booth
Mlsess Victoria Frew, Nettle Mason,
Tlllle Davis, Emelle Steed, Mabel Ed
wards. Miscellaneous boothMisses
Lillian Taylor, Jennie Patten, ' Geor
gia Matthews. Oriental booth Mar
garet Heynon, Eflle Thomas, Gertrude
Davis, Mildred Griffiths. Apron booth
May Jones, Florence Evans, Evelyn
Davis, Helen Jones. Miscellaneous
booth Mlsess Jennie Wnrd, Anna
Priest, Elizabeth Beimel, Bertha Wal
ker. The fish pond will be in charge
of Misses Nettle Steed and Eleanor
Moses. General overseer, Mrs. B. E.
Klngsley; nsslstant, Mary E. Berk
hclser. Refreshments will be served
each evening, The bazaar will be con
tinued tonight and tomorrow night,
admission, 10 cents.
Arthur, tho little son or Edward
Brown, of the Red Row. died on Mon
day morning, after a week's Illness of
diphtheria. Deceased was 11 years
old and was a bright and Interesting
little fellow. The funeral will take
place this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Interment will be made in Union
The pupils of Miss Kate Dortson'o
room in the Columbus school build
ing, Blakely, are rehearsing a very
pretty cantata, entitled, "Santa Clnus
and His Elvis,',' which will be pro
duced in the school Friday afternoon'.'
All are Invited.
Rev. J. M. Smoulter, of Rock Lak.;,'
was a visitor in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, of El
mira, are visiting relatives on Hud
son street. Mrs. Rrown was 'formerly
Miss Celia McHale, of this place.
Mrs. D. C. Evans Is spending a few
days at Duryea.
Mrs. R. O. Harnden, of Carbondale,
has returned home after a visit with
her son, M. K. Harnden, of Blakely.
Dr. Spencer, of Blakely, spent yes
terday with relatives at Dunmore.
Mrs. A. F. McNulty, of Scranton,
wns the guest of her sister, Miss An
nie Doud, of Dunmoie street, yos
terday. i
Miss Ella Coons, of Jermyn, has ac
cepted a position at Atherton's ensh
stoi e.
Miss Blanche Stone, of Scranton, has
been spending a few days with her
grandmother, "Mrs. Stone.
Duvld Allen, of Wilkos-Barre, has
opened a blacksmith shop on Church
The Ladles' Aid society mot at tho
home of Mrs. P. S. Posten yesterday
The remains of Charles Curtis wore
brought here for interment from Elm
hurec, Monday.
A surprise party was given Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Clouse at their home on
Church street Friday evening.
Among the Christmas shoppers that
were in Scranton Monday were Mrs.
-Scott, Mrs. A. Ehrgood, Mrs. Wells nnd
Miss Nellie Hinds.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the home of Mrs. M.
W. Vaughan Thursday afternoon. All
members are expected to be present.
Mrs. A. E. Hinds and daughter,
Freda, visited friends In Scranton over
Quarterly meeting services were held
in the Methodist church Sunday even
ing. A slTort sermon was preached by
Presiding Elder Warner, after which
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered.
Excellent skating is reported at .ler
myn's reservoir, and as a source of
pleasure many youngpeople from this
town are enjoying the sport.
Much public interest is being mani
fested In the coming eisteddfod to be
held In this town on Christmas day.
The event will be hold under the aus
pices of the Welsh Congregational
Mrs. John Service, of Wilkes-Burro,
Is visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Taylor, of Main
The approaeji of the holidays lias
given an air of activity to our borough.
The merchants have been busily en
gaged preparing for the holiday stock.
Many of the store windows are eallv
Tnylorvllle lodge, No. 402, Knights of
Pythias, and Mlnooka tribe, No. 247,
Improved Order of Red Men, will meet
In their' respective halls this evening.
Mrs. Arthur Wltchureh, of Pittston,
was the guest of her sister, Mrs. George
Hood, of Main street, yesterday,
Stops tho Cough
and works off the Cold,
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets
cure a cold In one day. No Cure, No
Pay. Price 25 cents,
Frank G-. Carpenter's Account of the
Working of Russia's Diplomacy
In the Christmas number of tho Sat
urday Evening Post, Finnk G. Car
penter, who has recently spent, the
better part of a year In tho east, gives
many facts of Russia's advance In
Asia, and relates tho following Inci
dent: "The powers have practically agreed
that Manchuria lb to be the property
of Russia, and within a short time, In
all probability, all tho Chinese terri
tory beyond the Gteat Wall will ba
long to the czar, Tho boundury lino
between Siberia and Alongolla Is being
slowly pushed southward.
"Dining a visit to Pekln some years
ugo I heard a tradition ns to how
Russia once acqulrtia a big slice of
Chlnn. There was n dispute about tho
boundary line, 'which tho Russians
had moved out so as to Include a largo
amount of Manchuilan and Mongolian
soil, A war wus Imminent, and the
Chinese, as usual, yunted to settle mat
ters by compromise, Tho Russians
consented and brought forth a imp
showing tho territory thoy demanded.
Tho Chinese threw up their hands In
horror and paid their lives would be
endangered If thoy presented any such
a tteaty to their emperor. 'All right,'
&&&, k -rt 4 -Md J . ': h -4
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the PlaceGuernsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
' J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
said the, 'iC that is so we
will take less,' and they thereupon
fhowed a second map, one-tenth the
size of the first, hut in which the
latitude and longitude f the terri
tory taken were exactly the same.
Tho Chinese looked. The r.p'ace with
in the red lines on the map was very
much smaller, and they recommended
the treaty without tuither dispute.
"Few people realize the enormour,
extent ot Asiatic Kussia. II Is about
one and two-thirds tho size ot Europe,
and twice as big as the United Htatoi
without Alaska and our outlying isl
ands. It comprises, In fact, more than
one-third ot all Asia, Siberia niona
being hall' as big as our country. To
this vast territory is now to bo added
Manchuria, with a possibility that
Mongolia and 111 will soon come tha
same way. Mongolia is fully half and
Hi about one-third the size of the
United States, while Manchuria is
ecjual to ten states as big as Ohio.
"The title to Manchuria Is now
practically conceded to Russia."
An Illustration of Sir Wilfred Lau
vier's Indomitable Pluck.
1'iom tliu Saturday Kwiiiiitf Post.
Sir Wilfred L.aurler, who bus been
returned to power In Canada with a big
majority ol"L.lberals at his back, on
one day. Just previous to the elections,
made fifteen speeches from his special
It wns while In opposition that Sir
Wilfred did his hardest campnign
work, and, just previous to the elec
tions of live yeais ago, he made an av
erage of three speeches a day. Senutor
Dandurand, who accompanied Sir Wil
fred (who was then plain Mr. L,aurler)
on that tour, tells the following tale:
"One day when Mr. Laurler wns suf
fering from a frightful cold, but had
mado two speeches, he was nearly In a
state of collapse, He was to bo at St.
Therese In the evening and, It being
a Joint meeting of Conservatives and
Liberals, his best efforts were needed.
W arrived at St. Therese at live In
the evening, and, as I was busy with
other things, I loft Mr. Laurler to go
up to his loom and rest. 1 was awav
perhaps half an hour and upon return
ing, I started to go up to seo how
ho was gotlng along. I felt my way
along the dnrk passageway leading to
the stairs, and was about to go up,
when I saw a dark mass crouched just
to tho right. It was our future great
premier. Hu had dropped there ex
hausted. We got him Into bpd and
called In a country doctor, and when
S o'clock came wo had to carry him to
tho meeting. The Conservative speak
ers had their first say, and they (Inyed
Mr, Laurler and tho Liberals unmerci
fully. Mr, Laurler sat here Jn a greut
fur coat, not moving a muscle, The
minute his turn came , however, he
jumped up, throw off his coat and be
gan to speak. It was one. of tho finest
speeches of his life, and he carried tho
meeting by storm. He spoke with mag
nificent vigor for over an hour, and
when ha was through fell back Into
our arms exhausted."
Russell Sage Points Out the Import
ance of Economy,
la the Christinas number of tho Sat
urday Evening Post Russell Sago pre
sents some of tho best advice that Ihih
ever been given to young men regard
ing the handling of their money, In
the course of the article ho says:
"No matter how fast a man may
muko money, ho owes It" to society as
well as to himself to be economical.
Any young man who will live up to
- CJMSije1
Barney & Berry
45c a Pair.
Hears Building.
the following set of rules will get more
genuine happiness out of life than his
neighbor who violates them,
"Out of every dollar earned save
twenty-five cents. Save seventy-five
cents If you can, but never less than
"Get up at a regular hour every
morning, and work until the things
that are before you aro finished. Don't
drop what you have In hand hecauso
It Is (Ivo o'clock.
"Ho honest; always have the cour
age to tell the truth.
"Don't depend on others, Even If
you have a rich father, strike nut for
"Cultivate Independence nt tho very
"Learn the value of money. Realize
that It stands, when honestly made,
oh the monument to your value as a
"Via Jealous of your civic rights
Take a wholesomo Interest In publls
affairs, but do not lot politics, or any
thing i'lbe, Interfere with the rigid ad
ministration of your private duties,
Tao statu Is mado up o'f Individuals.
"Ho clean and decent. Don't do
anything that you would be ashamed
to discuss with your mother.
"Don't gamble.
"He circumspect In your amuse
ments. "In connection with amusements, I
hnve nuver been able to understand
why the young men of today deem tho
theatre an absolute essential lu peek
ing diversion. An evonlpg with a good
book Is, or ought to be, more satisfy
ing to the young man of brains than
an evening In a hall where a lot of
mako-bellevo characters are strutting
up and down the stage, llko children
at a masquerade, When tho human
i ace reaches Its highest mental devel
opment there will probably bo no thea
Two Men Killed While Endeavoring
to Thaw Out the Stuff,
fly i:clusive Wlie fioin 'llio .taociaird l'iei.
Sellersvllle, Pn Dec. IS. Isaiah
Huusberger, of Souderton, and Joseph
Rownawltz, of Telford, were killed by
a dynamite explosion today while tho
former was thawing out home frozen
Guernsey Hall
Fine Cigars
Have just received two cases nf Cor
tez Cigais, direct from Key West, fresh
and fragrant,
Other brands of clear Havanas, Ilk
Satlsfecha, Garantlza, Mandato, etc.
Full lino of Brier Pipes and smokers'
W. P. Shoop,
Mcnrs Unlltllng,
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curo Impotoncy, Night Kmlsslons, Loss of Mora
ory, all wasting diseases,
nil effects of colf-almse or
excess and Indiscretion,
A nerve tonlo nd
.biooa uuuaer. urines
tho pink Blow to pale
chooks ana restores tho
flro ot yoatli. By mall
AOo ner im)x. 6 boxes fnr
$2.60, with our bankable gaurinte to our
or reiuna roe money poia. oena lor oireuial
and copy ot our bankable guarantee
Immediate Rciulti
Positively guaranteed oro for Loss of Power,
Varicocele, Umlovelopod or Shrunken Organs,
Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Norrous Prostra
tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and thi
Results of Kxcesdve Use of Tobacco, Opium o
Liquor, By mall in plain package, 91.00 a
box, 6 for $6.00 with our bankable iruar
intee bond to cure In HO days or refund
money paid. Address
Clinton & Jackson 8ts CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold by McCJarrah Ik Thomas, Drug
flite,, 809 Lackawtttra ave., Scranton, P4.
sticks of tho explosive, Tho men wen
horribly lacerated and died soon nftei
the accident. The men pluced tho dy
namite In a pan over a flro, and while
Huusberger was stirring the mixture
tho explosion occurred,
Kdwn (.'ope, who had been Invited t
see the 'thawing operation, stood 'bacli
of Huusberger and escaped serious ln