FlifiTS .S" "I " - jiif , i i i r -r--n i ajJ mL"" " " r "' ' " 'rthi''tMI7 NEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD SMITH DYNASTY MAY AGAIN BE IN CHARGE. Possibility Thnt Thoy Will Have the Manngement of Pennsylvania Coal Company Work of Putting the Steel Frame Work of the Ar mory In Place Will Begin In a Few Dnys Dilcher Has Gone to Potts vllle to Attend the Mine Workers' Convention Other Trade Notes. 'A pprststont runinr linn lic-cn icpentetl Tor spverarduys to the of feet that wliiit lms HomctlmcN been railed the Smith dynasty Is likely to be In tin ascend ant again in connection with thi T'ennsylvanln Coal conipany'H holdings. While the jiartles most Interested have declined to make any statement concerning the matter and have said that nt present nothing definite wan known about the ruturo plans and In tentions of the Krle. company, the opin ion prevails among many persons who lire In a position to lie familiar with the details of the transfer that the tcport has some basis of probability. It Is stilted with some conlldence that the controlling policy which made the Pennsylvania Coal company such a surpassingly valuable pioperty is con sidered by the new owneis In be the one which will best promote the Inter ests of the stockholders; and since the methods employed during the active days of the late John H. Smith and pursued under the direction of his son. (Jem-Re 13. Smith, weie sueh as to com mend themselves to those who had In vestments in this business, a resump tion of that policy Is regarded as prob able. CJreat Interest Is felt locally In the subject. The town of Dunmoie was built up under the management of tilt Smiths and Its people have none buf the kindliest lecollectlona of that leglme. One pulley which tended to commend It to local favor was the lib era! tieatment of employes and the generous stimulation of local enterprise. It wiii the life-long principle of John li. Smith and his immediate successors to dismiss no man who served the com pany faithfully. II was the uile that honest, loyal service was cheerfully given and that the virtues of Industrv and economy were appreciated at their full value. Work on the Armory. Work will be started on the steel framework of the big drill loom of the new armory building within a. few days, as a large amount of the con struction material is now on. hand, and a company of men skilled In this par ticular kind of work were Saturday sent to the city by the Passaic .Rolling Mill company, of Paterson, X. J., which has charge of all the Iron work of the structure. Contractor Schioeder lias the rest of the armory well under way now, and for some time operations have Hugged, ivhllo awaiting the steel trusses and the arrival of the Puterson men. These latter have been nt work at Buffalo, on the new plant of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel eompanv, but were dis patched to tlis city, as the local work is in the natme of a hurry-up contract. They will be aided in the work by a great number of laborers from this city, nnd work will be started as soon as the hoisting engine needed in the con struction is secured. This engine was shipped from Buffalo last week, but from some unknown cause has nol yet reached Scianton. The trusses which are lo be put Into place are particularly huge ones, each weighing about eighteen tons. Theie are twelve of them, and it will be a task of gigantic dimensions to get them properly adjusted. Contractor Sehroeder Is living in hopes that the present clear weather will continue, as under more severe atmospheric condi tions It will bo an almost hopeless en deavor to make any active progress. Once the trusses are put Into place It will be comparatively easy to build up the rest of the structure with luicks. T-argc supplies of the jutter commodity are being dally accumulated. Pottsville Convention. Oiganlzer Fredeiick Dllcher, of the TTnlted Mine Workers of America, who has been in the eitv duilng the unsl month, will bid Scranton adieu this afternoon, anil his big form will not be seen at the miners' headman ters until well In January. lie leaves the city this afternoon for Pottsville, wheie he will attend the i'onventon of District No, t. About two hundred and twenty-live delegates will be present, and the sessions will bo pre sided over by President Fahy. The con vention will be called to order Thuis day morning, and will continue tluough Friday and Saturday. There will be a general discussion ot the policy to be adopted by the. delegates to the na tional convention, which Is to be held, January 21, In Indianapolis, nnd dis trict ofllcers aie also to be elected; Fiom Pottsville, PI Ichor will go to his home In Ohio and spend it few weeks with his family, He will return to this city probably after the national convention. To Protect Fruit Shipment. An order has been ported on tlm T.ackawanjia bulletin boaid, which an nounces several rules to be observed In the handling of fruit by the freight men, The niles apply to the shipment of oranges, lemons, ripples and any fruit other than Imniums, dm lug tho winter. The Intention Is to piotect this fruit from tho rigid winter weather, mid the first suggestion Is that when the out side temperature Is higher than thirty degrees above aero tui hatch coveis should ho raised In order to afford proper ventilation, However, when the mercury gets down to thirty ubovo pr lower, the hatch covers must be closed and tho hatch plugs put In, to prevent freez Jug. When only Ave degrees or less above, then the cars should bo jiro tected In the rouud-lnnise, or other buildings, and should remain there dur ing this low temperatujs, Tho same rules musi govern (he opening of the trap doors of cars when in the round'house, if tjU, tonjpeia tuie Is higher thun thirty above, the trap doors or side doors of the cars are to be opened, and if the mercury gets lower thun the prescribed murk, then all doors are to be closed. Jersey Central Orders. Assistant . Supeilntendent William Pgds bus no(llied the conductors of the Central Itulhoud of New Jersey that, going. Into effect last Thursday, trains No. T and 10 will stop at the Hltcheltooth section hoUte each' Wed nenday nnd there back Up or let off the wives of the Bectlow men who arts de sirous of doinpr their shopping In Mauoh Chunk. This arrangement will &o on during the continuance of tlme-ttible So. 2. Superintendent W. W. Want, Jr., flai Issued a bulletin to Jersey Central trainmen, announcng that train No, 400 will henceforth take on cam at Scranton, Wllkes-Barro, rjoalport, Ml nooka Junction nnd the emit end of the Allenlown terminal. Have Bought Coal Land. A. J, Murray, Michael J. Murray, V. It. Mongnn and F. T. Mongan, of Dun more, have purchased a tract of coal html In Sullivan county, which Is under laid with a fine grade of seml-bltumln-oiih coal, It Is said to be tin excellent property, and the work of developing It will be gin In the very near future. Today's 73., I. & W, Board. Today's D Jj. nnd W. board Is as follows: Xmwlnv, Dec. 18. w ii.ii cats i:sr. ' S 1. Ill, 0. Kcunt'V. 10.W1 p. in. A, II, ilimr. A. .1, McDonnell's turn 11.1111 i. in. W. A, ll.il lliolcincw. Woilnrsibv, flee. 19. wii.n cats i:ast. l.'.Wi i, in. (I. Hint. :i it. in. II. Unmet l, 4 j. in. K. l. Il.lll.ll, fi it. in. 1', I), fcoenr. il J, in.- I'. Ilalli'tt. 7 ii. in V. I.. Vim Wornirr. " N ll. III. P. t SlPlPILl. Ii :i in. T. MfL'iirtliy. II) .i. in. T. DouilU'un. 11. ail ii. in. II. lIMilng. .1. KimlV men. I p. m. M. Fiiimrl.i. 'i p. in. I. Singer. ;:.4"i ). m.V. Malion. llinliliarl's men. 4.13 p. in. M. Uimioily. WII.O CATS M'MMlrS. .1 a. in., c jt 1!. MrAIIUtrr, li n. in., Mi'st (1. t'rounfrlkcr. II li. in., ttr-t W. II. NIclioU. 12 nmin, west .1. Ciirigg. I! p. m.. r.isl .1. Miwlri. p. in., Mil II. (lllliiwn. 7 p. in., wcM from t'a.Mig.i Sli l.jne. 7 p. m., west from Cayuga-(iliilew 7 p. In., o.i"'! from Nay Aug I!. PuFy. HMO. 10 a. ni. K II. Vrni. IM'KHKIIX. 5 a. In. Ilousii. II. aO a. in. Mnr.in. T p. in. Mlirphj. 9 p, in. .1. II. Mailfin. PAb-KxiiKit v.s(iim:s. :r . 7 a. in. Oaffne.i. " 7 II. in. O. Cam'. 6.M) i. m, Stanton. 7 p. in. Maginoni. wild cat wi:sr. 4 a. in, I. Oilaia, .r ii. in. I', lljrtholnnifu. ti a. in. 1'. Wall, 7 a. in V. Lallarr. i ' f, a. in. (I. W". Smith. 11 a. in. II. Smith. 1(1 a. in. J. i:. Aljslei-. 32 noon T. Mtriiatriik. 1 p. in. ". Kirliw A. O. Hainnult's nun. 2 i. m. Tohu (ialiig.111. 3 l. in. lluggirtv. 4 p. in. J. II. MiC'inn. o i. in. .1. Itaitiii-. U ii. in. A. P. .Mullen. otili:. ConiliHtdi' T. I. Tlionipriii ami inn will inn 7 p. in. Summit et from C.i.U'ga in place of Mi l.ane and clew. This and That, Supeilntendent of Telegraph U II. Foley, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western lallroad, was In the cltv yesterday. Although several hundred of the Lackawanna trainmen have not been subjected to the special hearing and eyesight test, all who have undergone the examination so fur have passed It. The examining car will remain at its post for seveial days yet. Piofessor ('. O. Johnson, the blind musician, is one of Seranton's active real estate dealeis. While It Is not generally known among the real estate agents of the city, nevertheless, Mr. Johnson does a real nee business in this line. He has no assistance but trans acts! till his business himself, with the exception of executing papers, search ing titles, etc. Scianton Real Estate Journal. A dispatch from Richmond, Va is to the effect that the Pennsylvania Rail road Is negotiating with the Seaboard Air Line to secure the right of wav which tho latter tecently obtained be tween Richmond utul Quantfco, Va with the view of building an extension between these point. The Pennsyl vania owns a line as far as Quantico, Va. It Is also stated In connection with the report that the Pensylvanlu desires to utilize the Hacks of the Sea bnaul from Richmond to Petersbmg, Va.. where It would connect with the Norfolk it Western .system. 1 HE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Befoie buying, send for catalogue. H. S GORDON 'J """' Ave. "' VJUWUH, New York City, The Nielson House Monesdale, Pa. Illijtnil llooin-. Kioiliiiil i uU .mil I'u.i (lanTuliU-. Il.il-Mippllnl Willi llio ihoioi.-t Hi. iii-olimuiU ami riRiw. Hot Meal, nnil l.iiml fiiiiiMiul at all houi,. Iloaul h.v H. .Meal, Pa.i, oi Wiik, I'lliin a loiv ai lun.Utrnl uhli fliit. da .Millie Uoiisc leiiltalli luiateU, a im Kph fiom iu.nttiii ami tVinral ilieatir. '. late fu.nl enhance f,u- M.. lallfai (ion snai. jntu.1. miis. riiAiii.i:.s xiukstiv, i'10p',-, EUQEMEI QlvenFree FIELD'S POEMS A $7.00 BOOK to eanli naistmi intast -- fVIDUII H)llt jil in aubserlbinif la tli l.ugene Field Monif ment Souvenir Fund, bubscrllie any amount deslrei), Subfcrlptloiu as low as $1,00 will en. title donor to hi) daint ily artUtic lolume, "FlfcLO I'LUWEHS" (cloth bound, Sill), u a ceitlficate ot iuU.ciip. tlon to fuuil. Iloi)! contains a clecllon of THKllooWorthe ceqtiiry.Hniul. aomely 1 Iuh. Iruteil by tralr Iv.tvto of the World' Urvut' tst Artlali ,c,m B MV9h Hlili HlOlft represeniaiive works anu 11 riaay lor de livery, Hut for tlio noble rontilbiitlou of the world's greatrat artl.ls thU book could not have been manufactured for lcs thun 7.00 The Fund created is divided equally be. tvuen the family ot the late Eugene Field and (lie Fund for tho building of a monu ment to the memory of the beloved poet ot childhood. Address Bugeno FIclJ Monument Souyancir Fund Chicago, IIL If you Uo with to aend pott.ge, enclose 10 cents, i&&9ste$99999i:M9Msmmmwn9Mtti)m9mmiM$tui MERCEREAU & CONNELL NOW OPEN IN OUR NEW STORK WITH A NHW STOCK FOR THE HOLIDAYS Diamonds Watches Silverware OUrt STOCK FOR EXTENT, VARI ETY AND FINENESS IN EVEItY DEPARTMENT IS NOT EXCELLED IN THIS LOCALITY OUTt WELL-KNOWN GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY ARTICLE. . . ALL ARE WELCOME. &5S$$5$$$fcW$$$S$tt In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. On Jime this Merry Christmas season, with just the thing that as a gift will be more than appreciated by whoever is so lucky as to get it. BABNEY & BERRY SKATES 75c. to $5.50. Foote & Fuller Co Wears Building. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue Wo nuke d ape l! illy of fancy Oieaniery Bul Itr and ttrlctly freah cytz-i and the price is as low at first rlas1 gooL can lie sold at. We do not luvc any special sales or leaden llllt H tilt lllllt'N c.inv .1 liiiii.ii m a inn- w, 'Mai kit Cocdd, Fancy (iroceue-, am) Talile Dclica- ... -. ... -....., 1.. ,t. ,..-..,h X-... V..-1. lies as can ua luiuui in uiu litinvi nrw juir. iir PliiladelpliU JlarkeU which we wll at right prices. W. H. Pierce, 19 Lacl.awmna Ae. Prompt delhery. 110, IIS, lit Tenn Ara. The Dickson Maiiufiicturlii no. tcranton nnd VUI;ei-lim'rc), 14. Maiiufauiurert o.' LOCOMOTIVES, STATI0NARV 0NOJ.NES Boilers, llolstlneandl'umplnu machinery. Qeneral Offlce, Scranton, Pa. A MAN becomes languid, irritable and de spondent, tlirougljlosH of nen-e vigor. I,ife beems u mockery. The courage, force, vigor and action which charac terize full-blooded men, ure lacking. have kindled the light of hope in many a man's face. They bring Igor to the weak and ambition to the despondent. They permanently check the weak, eiiinu drains, feed the nerves, enrich the blood and make men over gener ally. SlOOpcrbiix: 6boxes$o.00. Wlthn 85 00 order welvue a written guaran tee to refund the money if no cure be effected. Book free. J'cai. Medicinu Co., Cleveland. Ohio. For ule by John II. Phelps, l'lunnachl, corner UjoniliiK acimc and Hpiuce bluet. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ...MANUFACTURED BY... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. OT NOTE THE NAM E. ' Prof.Q.F.THEEL.M.D. k.VU I'm. kiutiuurkfrrii,(iiii IIVATItlSUSIt.lICISSIt raisoli.Niivoui biiiiitv. Host MAKM.noa.vAiicocui , Sfiiotuit F(nAriillinnl I nJtaluBMnli. Hfemmltn IlrsakB fl(yariPitr lien) iMJyMr<uipIulriricrinuclnUrrnuiiy, r84rvrboli')rulb''ipoliigMrOlc-ali.rUtlrUairrati4 ' i j . .. a . . . . 9k.Ss fegsS IT T"' 4mN. vV r- Jewelers ' Silversmiths Jewelry Cat Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange Wyomihg il Avenue ij 2&5$$$$$C$ A Carpet Swaepsr That Needs No Demonstrator, The Blssell Cyco Bearing" Carpet Sweeper is unquestion ably -the most perfect Sweeper made anywhere. Send one lo your wife for a ChristmasPresent. !t will save her hours of drudgeryjetween ie coining Christmas and the one following. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (HEQISTEHED.) ft Ifimm ria& Vou nude out, join 1M of what jou have to qet lor all of join mile tiicmls foi .nins. Whether rr nol, .tiltl a fclUT CASH Oil HAT I10, HOUSi: liOIIK or SMOKINO MCKIiT. We have them, (he t'.ne-t Mud, mot modern, 5 00 and upwards. The handMiincI line of NicKwcir Jnd CiloM'3 iter exliihiti'd m town. 412 Spruce Street. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, t Heaters. I ras-aw PBNN AVENUE. Short Sea Trips of two ta f re day' duration, are offered by the OLD DOMINION LINE 10 Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Comfort, Ua, Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steamers Mil daily except Sunday from Pier 26, North 1th cr, loot o( Peach street, New York. Tickets, Including ineaU and stateroom accora. modations, 413.00 and upward. for full Information apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, New York, N. Y. U.B.W.U.KKlt.Trai.JIgr. J.J.UKOWN.fJ.P.A. mWJLm CornioIljSfallac SCRANTON'a . SHOPPING OENTER. F"ine Umbrellas There's hardly any more popular place in this store now, for holiday shoppers generally, than this splendid Umbrella Store. There's a wider assortment of line latest styles in Umbrellas for both, men and women, than ever before. Prices run from Best Selling Lines are around the $2 to $5 groups, and there's unusually good choosing among them, ex ceptionally good values. Numerous elegant new styles for men and women, that will interest seekers of suitable gifts. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, a THIRD NATIONAL BUI OF SCRANTON ORGANIZED IB7S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. CAPITAL SSOO.OOO surplus eoo.ooo WM. CONNELL, President. HENRY BELIN, Jr., VioPrei. WILLIAM H. PECK. Cashlir. Epecla! attention elven to bust ness ccornts. Three per cent. In. ureit pal on lntereat deposit!. 0 Mannr&ctarers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 466 N. Ninth Street, . PA Telephono Cull, 2333, THB IHOOSiC POWDER CO. Uw 1 and2, Com'Itl B'l'a'g. 0BANTON, VA. ninlng and Blasting POWDER Mr4e4Moofloana RuibUI WmIu, LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO. '3 ORANQE OUN POWDER Beetrto BatUrle. EleatrlolSxploderi, txplodloz blMti, Safety Vuaa 1 Rsiawi ChiiicaJ Ca's .x'vii. in m Lager Beer Brewery STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, . ' B 75c to $12 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 4- -f -f Williams & 4 I rPK2e- j S , i ws 4v w- 4- m 4 4 4 4 LEADERS IN Carpets, Wall 4444444 4444 444 44 44444444 44444444444444 D3.llttO Game Board. Twenty seven different games, including Billiards, Pool, Carroms, Ten Pins and several very interest ing games. Get one aud keep your boys at home evenings. We Have Also the Popular Game, Archarena Fifty four games. This game has been greatly improved since last season, many new games added. We are now wal stocked with a complete ' line of Cameras, Kodaks ud supplies, including a large assortment of Card Boards for mounting posters, all colors and sizes, of Strikiug Bags, Foot Balls. Sweaters and everything, athletic. There is no limit. Florey & Brooks, 21 1 wr DR. DBNSTEN, ail Spruce Street, Scren. ton, Pa. Il a cut uni Chronic Ulacaacs ot Mea, Woai-n an Children. Conultilu itnJ eiamlnatloo Iree. Olflcc llojra Ually and buoiUy Ha. m. ta o p. m. 127 AND 129 WASH1NQTON AVENUE -f-f 4- -f -f 4- -f'-f -f--f -f -f 4 Oriental Rugs "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," a true and trite saying when applied to our Oriental Rugs. What more appropriate for a gift? Our stock of fers you an unexcelled as sortment at our well known low prices. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 McAmilty. Paper. Draperies, 4 HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wominj District for DUPONT'S POWDER. lllnlnff, masting, Sporting, Sraolclosa and the Ilcpauno Chemical Company' High Explosives., Eafely Fujc, Caps and Explodcn. Room 401 Cob-I ncll uullulng, bcranton. AUUNCir.S; Titos, i-onn ,..., JOHN II. SMITH & EON .... W. U. 11ULUIUN Pittltorl TlymouU WllkcjUarJ V ?L1 . 4 .!" '. siMxS V i :m SixjM "iK"ta. f & . vkSfci'jrtaij.-X mtri. r f. ttife' W& ., i miwffAdi. i?MLaM