The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1900, Image 1

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.Masterlu Presentation of the Gov
ernment's Position bu flttor-ney-General
Counsel Perkins for the Porto Rlcans
Presents His Side of the Case
Armed with Facts and Precedents
to Sustain His Cause Mr. Harmon
Recites the Case of Popke Who
Brought Diamond Rings from the
Philippines Attorney General
Griggs Makes the Most Important
Speech of the Day.
ity Excludvo Who from The Amounted Press.
"Washington, Dec. IS. Arguments
in the Porto Rlco-Phlllpplncs cases,
Involving the .status of those countries
to the Unite'! States, were; resumed
in the United States Supreme court
today. The widespread Interest in the
(.'.idea was shown by a large attend
ance of prominent members of the
oar and by a crowd of spectators
which filled the public area and over
flowed into the corridor. Senators and
repiesentatlvcs In congiess fvho had
taken part in the Porto Ulco-Phlllp-)lnt
legislation, dropped In as the ar
guments progressed and gave atten
tive ear to the proceedings. Kdwurd
( Perkins, senior counsel in the Por
to nico ease, on resuming bis argu
ment, took up the Dred- Scutt and
other cases relating to the extension
nf the constitution over enltery.
After leferring to numerous cases,
Mr. Perkins said Hint the dortilne
that the constitution did not extend
tn the territories was based on thu
idea that the constitution was a sub
stance, a sort of chattel -which could
be moved about here and there as
congress saw lit, rather than some
thing bequeathed to us by our ances
tors. It was, he said, a sort of "trnns
substnntiation of the constitution." It
was a contention that the eonsltutlon
could nnt get Into a territory unless
congress placed it there. He denied
Unit the constitution In itself extended
to the territories by declaring that it
was an inanimate substance lacking
the power of locomotion.
A Series of -Questions.
At this point Justice "While asked a
series of pointed questions of Mr. Per
kins. The justice first asked If air. Per
kins' contention would lead him to the
conclusion that immediately upon the
making of a treaty ceding territory to
tlie United States every person boin in
that territory after the date of cession
"became ipso jure a citizen of the Unit
ed States.
Mr. Perkins answered In the allii illa
tive, saying that if his contention was
correct those born in the territory after
the cession were citizens, if they were
civilized and not in the position of our
Justice White asked what authority
there was for excluding Indians. He
pointed out that the distinction be
tween the American Indian and the
citizen antedated the constitution. He
again propounded the query to citizen
ship, following Immediately on the con
oluslon of a cession of territory.
Mr. Perkins answered that undoubt
edly persons born in the terrltoiy after
tho cession and subject to the jurisdic
tion of the United States were citizens
or the United States.
Justice White suggested that in tills
answer "under the Jutlbdietluu of the
ITnted States" stated out of the ones
tlon the very contention which was be
ing made in these cases.
Mr. Perkins said the limitations of
his answer was Intended to cover such
special clrcuniHlniice.s i elating to In
dians and uncivilized persons which
had been referred to.
Continuing his argument, Mr, Perkins
cited many other authorities supporting
his view that tho constitution In Itself
xtended to terrltoiles,
Xo Violation of Principles.
In summing up Mr. Perkins said thi
appellants felt that they had estab
lished that neither tho treaty of Paris
nor tho tariff act of 1897 are violative
of tho constitutional principles he had
set forth, but that the tariff act was In
full forego and that throughout tho na
tional domain as well as In Porto Iticu
and the Philippines as elsewhere, and
that It does not contemplate a tax up
on goods transported from one part of
tho national domain to another,
Mr, Lawrence Harmon, of counsel for
appellant In the Philippine case, fol
lowed Mr. Perkins, speaking at times
In Impassioned tones which rang
through the chamber. He spoke of tho
august character of the court and the
benllmcnt that on this "holy giound"
justice and right weio certain to pre
vail. Tho proposition now presented,
small In itself, Involved results affect
ing tho entire futuro of thu govern
ment, Mr, Hurmon briefly recited tho
circumstances of tho Philippine ease;
Kmll J, Pepke, u volunteer serving In
the Philippines, , where ho purchased
fourteen diamonds rings valued at $uoo
(o 1,000, bringing them back to tho
I'ntted Suites, where, at Chicago, the
United Slates customs ofilcers confis
cated thu diamonds rings on the
ground that they came from the Phil
ippines, wnro dutluble and had been
smuggled Into the United States. The
rase )iow conies up to tho United States
biiprenic court on tho appellant's plea
that tho property was not uuhject to
customs duties, the Philippines being
l part of the United States. Mr, Har
mon directed the curly purl of his ar
gument to setting fortli the fundamen
tal principles of equality which had
iiep'n enunciated by the Declaration of
Independence. The chief points urged
The Chief Points.
Ily the liesly til pence liplwem the United
.SUIci nml Hpdn, tlw Philippines hiramo n part
of the United fctntcii ilhc eniermncnt und the
I'ltlrctut of the IJnlle SIon liolli enter Mid
Islands miller the authority nl the constitution
with thrlr ir6iectl c ,1 IrIiI uctlnt-d Mid nuirkiil
out: thi' former r.m rxml'i1 no power oicr the
liriunn o prnpi'ty ol 11 iltl;-en nt tin1 lliillnl
states beyond what tint Imltimiriit routers nor
lawfully deny any right whlili It h.n teseried.
Heine n p.irt nt tho United htiitct Hie Philip-
(Continued on Page lit.)
Gen. MncDonald Is Engaging the In
vaders and Driving Them Back.
Ily i:ihiotrr Wire Trout 'flic Aisod.iled Pics.
London, Dec. 1!). "The liners have
raided Capo Colony at two separate
points one hundred miles distant," says
the Cape Town correspondent of the
Dally .Mall.
"One commando advanced upon Phll
Ipstown, between Colesberg und Kim
berley. The other, supposed to be Her
zog's commando, crossed the Orange
river between Odendnnl Stroom and
Rethulle, northwest of Hurghersdorp,
Its objective apparently Cradoek.
"fJeneral MncDonald Is engaging the
Invaders, who have no guns, twenty
miles west of llurghorsdorp. The lat
est news Is that they are being slowly
forced back to the Orange river, where
u warm reception Is being prepared for
Mr. Lusk, of New Zealand, and Mr.
Gompers Indulge in a
Lively Debate.
Hy Kxrlusiip Wlie from The Associated 1'ie.s.s.
Chicago, Dee. 18. The conference on
arbitration and conciliation, which
passed into industilal history with its
Adjournment tonight, was enlivened
during the day by a debate between
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, and
Hugh II. Lusk, ex-member of uarlla
ment of New Zealand. The venerable
New SSenlandur during the foienoon
turned aside from his prepared address
to express displeasure at a declaration
made by Mr. Gompers In his address
last night. The labor leader, on the
occasion mentioned, asserted that he
wanted to see labor organizations re
tain the privilege of striking when they
pleased, why they pleased, or merely
because they pleased.
"That Is not liberty," cried Mr. Lusk.
"It is license." The speaker proceeded:
"Mr. ("Sompers wants conciliation, and
he says you can never have any con
ciliation unless you ure ready to cut
one another's throats. AVell, If that Is
tlie Unfortunate coitdlfltm fir the pen
pie of America, I am sorry for them.
We are not so anxious to cut one an
other's throats where I came from. I
wish Mr. Gomners had taken thu
trouble to find out what our coninul
sory arbitration law Is before he told
you about It, but as he has not, I am
obliged to do this for him." During the
afternoon Mr. Gompers secured the
stage and reiterated his assertions of
the night previous.
"WfANlo not," he declared, "clutch
each otvYer's throats unnecessarily, but
I would rather have the right to clutch
at a man's throat than to have mv
anus amputated. The compulsory labor
law is equivalent to the amputation re
ferred to. I want labor to have the
strength of a giant, but to use that
strength gently."
Following this two speeches were
sandwiched in and then Mr. l.usk
again took the floor. He explained at
length the workings of the arbitration
court of New Zealand, generally talk
ing straight at the labor president.
"You'd cut my arms off in your coun
try," said Mr. Gompers, speaking from
his seat.
"If you weie good wo would not
amputate your arms," replied the New
Kenlunder, "but nte might enlarge your
A lively exchange of questions and
answers, which bewildered the audi
ence, followed. Mr, Lusk explained
lluu during the hearing of a dispute
between employer and his unionized
employes neither side could, under pen
alty, change the conditions which
caused tho appeal to the arbitration
board. The hearing, during which
neither side had tlie right to Independ
ent action, generally lusted ubout a
"I'd rather be at sword's point In
Anieilca, an independent, than to sur
render my right to strike for one min
ute," shouted Mr. Gompers.
Aside from the skirmishes between
these two men, and they took up con
siderable time, there were numerous
speeches, nil favoring voluntary arbi
tration. Kvcii Mr. l.usk declnred that
America was not ready for compulsory
At the evening session tho committee)
on resolutions presented its report.
The resolutions "recognize the fact that
compulsory arbitration aside from all
other objections urged against It Is
not at this time a question of practical
industrial reform and that such sys
tems ns are now In vogue do not seem
to fully meet the requirements of tho
different Intoiests."
Steamship Arrivals.
Ily i;elnlM) Wiw fioin 'l'1-.a AtwuLuril I'n-ri.
XfW York, Pec. JR. Allltcdi ltottetdam, lint
tcnUit., Cluri'ili Koullinjik, Antm-ip ia Smilh
uiiipton; Mjjeati , MhtuooI. Silled: Kul.icr
Wilhelm III tor Naples, elc, Plymouth: Arvhed;
DtiitMliIaiid, New Yoil; for Ilainlimir; '.itrl -Ij,
New York for llJiniiuu; and proi-eeded. Sailidi
I'nloiU (rem lUmbiug), New York. Iloulotio
Arrhed: I'obdaiu, Niw York for Hotteuhin.
Moillle Aiihnl; 1'uniiMila, New York lor
fiUntuw, Hunt Cutli' iPt'c, W, :i 25 4 in,)
Passed: I.ahn, New YoiU, tor llmiiin. Kollei
daiu Airluds I'uUdain, New Yolk !a llou
loyuo, i .
National Guard Inspections.
Dy Euluslvo Wlro fiom The Associated l'rct..
IfarrUhuiir, Pec 18. Adjutant rieneral Slew-art
today lulled UTiieral ordem aiinouueiiitf 'that thu
M'H'ial organizations ol the National (iuaid of
IVmu.lvjnla und naial four, eieptlni; the lirl
IMde bands, will bo Infill teil at mill datw,
lieluiiii I'eb. 11 and May J5, luu, at nuy be
dcalgiuted by brigade (.omuiandcns.
Taklno ot Testlmonu in the Booz
Investigation Is Continued
at West Point.
They All Insist That There Was No
Brutal Usage Witnesses Are
Straightforward in Their Answers
to Questions They State That Booz
Was Regarded as a Coward at the
School Another Victim.
Ily Kielii'Ive Wire from The Asocial ed Pre-.
West Point, N. Y.. Dec. IS. The mili
tary court of Inquiry, which began
taking testimony In Bristol, Pa., yes
terday, arrived at the military acad
emy at 1 o'clock this afternoon. At '1 30
It resumed Its Investigation of the
charges of hazing and brutal treatment
made by the parents of former Cadet
Oscar U lJooz, who died a counle of
weeks ago at his home In Bristol. The
court room was open to the public, but
no non-milltnry men except the report
ers were present.
A great many ofilcers and attaches of
the academy were Interested spectators,
and from the opening of the proceed
ings to the adlourninenl at 6 o'clock,
not a person left the room. Generals
Brooke, Bates and flous and Captnln
Dean questioned the witnesses as to
the practice of hazing In the academv,
both In camp and barracks.
Sixty-eight members of the class of
1P02, to which Booz belonged until he
leslgned In September or October, 1S9S,
were summoned to the court und were
brought In simads and kept In ante
rooms in the academy building. This Is
the llrsl time In many yeais that a
court of Inquiry has convened at the
academy. The last occasion wns the
Investigation of the case of a colored
cadet liquifd AVhltaker, who claimed
that he had his ear silt, but It was
found he had done the cutting himself.
Thi.? was over ten years ago. Fourteen
of the sixty-eight cadets of the second
class were examined during the after
noon, and all of them who knew Boo-!
declared that his stnndlng with his
classmates was not very hgh, as they
looked upon him as a coward. Tlie
story of his light with Kellar, in IS'IS.
was told hy Cadet O. X. Tyler, who
seconded Booz. When asked hy tho
court why he did so, Tyler said. '.''Well.
Booz asked me to be his second, and T
could not well refuse."
F.very one of the witnesses denied
that any brutal usage occurred, and
two of them described the "bracing"
and "setting up" drills as only "cor
rectional measures" and neither Injuri
ous nor humiliating. Every one of them
seemed to give a straightforward story,
and one and all denied that Booz bad
been interfered with on uccount of Ills
religious belief or tendencies. Just how
long the Inquiry here will last could
not be figured on by the ofilcers of the
court tonight, but It is expected to take
up the greater part of this week. Tho
hearing will be resumed tomorrow
Another Victim.
Altoona, Pa., Dec. IS. John Breth, n
letter from whose mother Mr. Booz
wanted to submit to tho military board
of Inquiry at Bristol, Pa., yesterday,
was a son of ex-Mayor Samuel J.
Breth, of this city. He was appointed
to West Point by former Congressman
J. D. Hicks, also of this city, in 1S97,
and after a seven months' stay at the
academy, came home and died of ty
phoid pneumonia. Young Breth's fam
ily firmly believes that the severe treat
ment he received from the other stu
dents at West Point was the primary
cause of his death, but no formal com
plaint was or will be made. Kvcn
Breth never complained of the hazing
any moie than to lefer to it guardedly.
"There Is no doubt that John lost his
life through the weakened condition he
was in after being hazed," said a mem
ber of the lamlly today.
The Work Upon the Montrose and
Tunkhannock Line Al-
leady Begun,
Ily Kxilmli e Woe from The Awouaud I'tew.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Djc, 18. The pre
liminary work of changing tho Mont
rose railroad from a narrow to a stand
ard guage has been begun and work
men are already getting materials on
the ground. Tho lino is twenty-eight
miles in length und connects Tunkhan
nock and Montrose, the county seats
of Wyoming and Susquehanna counties
It wns operated as an independent
line for many years, but was recently
absorbed by tho Lehigh Valley Rail
road company.
Hy Dulush e Wlro front The Attoelatt'il Vttx.
Pari, Dee, 10, 3.20 n. m. Tlie clutnilivr of
diputits, after an all lilglit wmlon, adopted tho
amnesty bill by u vote of 13d to '.', I'uur bundled
and thirty-three deputies weie absent.
the beneflU of the meatum eittml to offenses
connected Willi stilked, public meeting nl uiiu
I'laltonn, und the troubles in Alvciia in IS'if-uS,
In udditiou to uax-s arbint; out of tho Diejfus
Will Punish Lynchers.
Hy KxcluJu1 Wlro from The Associated Prrv..
lndlaiiJKlui. Dec. JS.-d'ovirnor Moint i.aid
tonight, coneernlnit the triple bnelilni; of the
m,uoc in bpeneir lounfy; "No Hci.o will bo
led unlurmd to urn down die pcrpj'ri'ort of
noli Wolcmc, thfnu dellbciato 'Hid ihl.iua io
latur of thu law of Ilia ttatu and iiiuin
tin in a ifuroui prcn utlon and 4 jus-, rclfllu.
tion in thu lourts."
Tho Affair Is Arranged by tho Pay
ment of $B,000 Indemnity.
Ily i:cclulc Win; from Thf Aiwclatr.1 Prr.
Washington, Dec. 18. A message
from United States Consul Oommore,
nt Tanglers, Informs the state depart
ment that the Moorish government has
settled tho claim of the United States
for $5,000 Indemnity on necount of tha
murder of Mncus Ezzagula, an Ameri
can citizen In Morocco, Insl spring.
Kszngul was of French birth, but
tho fnct that he was naturalized ns
an American citizen relieved the
French government from, the necessity
or joining Inthedemand for Indemnity.
The Moorish government pleaded ns a
basis for Its first declination to pay,
the fnct that tho man -Yns killed not
by Mooi Ish ofllcer, but In a fight with
the rabble. The claim for Indemnity,
however, was based on the failure of
the Moorish government to make any
eJfort to nrrest or punish the perpe
trators of the murder. The navy de
partment, nt the Instance of the state
department, was making arrange
ments tn send a naval Vessel -'to Mo
rocco, to lend moral support to the
demands of the American consul for
a settlement.
Exemplified hy Testimony Given nt
Sessions of the Industrial Com-
mission at Philadelphia.
By rjiluirc Wire from The Associated Press.
Philadelphia. Dee. IS. At today's ses
sion of the lndtisttittl commission John
Carbutt. manufacturer of gelatine dry
plates and 111ms for photography, tes
tified concerning the combination of
capltnl In his business. Chairman
Clarke asked Mr. Carbutt If his goods
came Into competition ,wlth oilier pro
ducts ol a similar nature. In reply the
witness said that in 1878 Mr. Eastman,
of the Eastman company, went to Ger
many and secured, as he thought, con
tiol of .certain paper used in the de
velopment of photographs. On his re
turn seveial photographlcsupply houses
entered into a combination known as
the General Aiisto comany.
Dealers, Mr. Carbutt said, weie com
pelled by this company to sign an
agreement to sell no paper except that
produced by the General Arlslo com
pany, under penalty of refusal to tur
nish tijem with other supplies. Mr.
Carbutt said he had tj-led to purchase
the paper from agentsof the combina
tion, but without success. The paper Is
entirely of foreign manufacture and
cannot be produced In this 'country.
Witness said that through frlcmls
abroad he had been successful In secur
ing tlie paper, but was compelled to
pay more for it than It cost the "com
bine." In answer to a question by
Chairman Clarke, Mr.,,pirbutt said he
employed many hands and utilized
much valuable matter. He asserted that
he was discriminated against In viola
tion of the law.
Nathan B. Folwell, manufacturer of
woollens and woisteds, was (iuestloned
regarding the existing condition of the
trade. He said a protective tariff was
beneficial to the manufacturer, and ho
believed that all American dealers in
raw and finished wool desired no
further legislation. A settled condition
of the tariff, he believed, was highly
In answer to a question regarding
concentration of capital, Mr. Folwell
said a number of wool manufacturers
have combined, forming the American
Woollen company, for economic pur
poses. His llrm was not a member of
the "combine." He did not think It
possible to organize a combination
which could control 90 per cent, of the
wool output. His employes, he said, are
mostly non-union.
Surgeon Who Attended Lincoln at
Time of Death Passes Away,
n.v Kiila-he Wire from The -r!o l.itcil Presi.
New York, Dec. IS. Dr. Charles Tt.
Taft, of Mount Vernon, N. Y died
today at his residence, aged 63 years,
of cancer of the throat.
Dr. Taft was born In New York city
anil during the Civil war was connect
ed with tho Union army medical corps.
After 1802 ho was stationed at Wash
ington and the Alight llooth shot Presi
dent Lincoln Dr. Taft was in a seat
In the theater dhectly under the presi
dent's box. The doctor, when ho real
ized what hud happened, called out
that he was a surgeon, and was lifted
by bystandeis Into the box. Ho did
what In could for Mr. Lincoln and
remained with the dying president
during tho removal from tho theater,
und was in constant attendance with
the other physicians until the end
Dr. Taft continued in tho army ser
vice until about tltteen years ago,
when he retlted. Ho is survived by a
widow and three children.
Engagement at Manila.
Ily i:cliiilve .Wifj lluu The Av.ocl.itcd Pic.
MjiiIIu, Her. 18. Miutetunt llirbut I.. Kvam,
of the l''ort-foiiilli mlunlccr Inf.intiy icgliueiit,
with fifty men, nttathid, Die. W, scleral hundred
boloinen and lift)' liiMiiKenta iltli titles oienpy
Ini; un intirnchcd piwltlmi ill Tonlilgan, Wand
of Cclni. The Amei li an i had three men wounded
and tlio enemy loit twelve men Kllliil and many
Mrs. MoKinloy Quest of Honor.
Ily Ktcluslu' Wiie Item The Avoilatul Press.
Washington, Pec. li, .Mrs. McKlnlcy wail the
guest ot honor at u bo paity kIicii at tho Col
umbia theater tonlt,'ht, bj Comptroller and Mix
Hauls, to Mltncsi the perjormanco of Oati Toy,
the Chinese Kiiurltsli unwind comedy, produced
by the Auuvtlii Paly loinp.ii'y,
Chinese Grocery Burned,
fly KuluMio Wire from The Associated Prcsi
Nim lork, Dee. 15. Tho Chinew grocery ad
ca store of Win,;, Wohu, Cliuiif & Co,, 31 Pell
klicit, "i'i ilaiuaced to tlie extent of $30,000 by a
lire tl.ii aftirnooiu 'llieio wai no insurance. It
Is nut kuoiMi bu-.v tlw tire started.
Ottondorfer's Funeral.
Hy Exclusive Wire from The AssocUtnl Press.
New Vorl, Pee. IS. Tho funeral of Oswald Ot
tendoifcr, publUbv'r and editor of tho Slants
ZvUuiiy, took placo toda, There were fcervice
at tho Iioum- at which there Mere Dicbcnt only
the family of tho ilucuwl and Immediate liicods,
Neglect on Part ot the Allies at
Pckln Has Resulted in Birth ol
Another Dangerous Element.
Tung-Fuh-Sang Has Assumed the
Position of Dictator Controls
Movements of Imperial Troops.
Beported Necessity of Wider Mili
tary Operations by the Allle3.
Joint Note Accepted.
By Kxcltulrc Wire fiom The Associated Prcs.
London, Dee. 18. A Pekln dispatch
to the Pall Mall Gazette, dated Dec. 17,
Is us follows:
"The situation has not Improved by
the representatives of the powers hav
ing reached un agreement, as the scope
of the negotiations is limited and the
effect Is neutralized. The allies have
neglected to close the arsenals and fac
tories at Hankow and Shanghai, and
have fulled to check the transmission
of supplies of ammunition of the Chi
nese. Tung-Kuh-Slnng thushas every
opportunity of rallying and equipping
his army. He has secured the position
of dictator, terrorizes the empress, and
controls the whole movement of troops,
11 will bs necessary to give the mili
tary operations of the allies a wider
Loudon, Dec. in. "Groat Britain's
proposed alterations in the preamble
of the joint note have been practically
accepted by all the powers," says the
Tekln correspondent of thu Daily Mail,
wiring Monday, "lioth Itussla and Ja
pan, whose support was regarded as
doubtful, have agieed."
Only the attitude of the United States
lemains as yet not clearly defined ; but
the acquiescence of America is antici
pated, and it Is probable that the joint
note will be signed and delivered to
tho Chinese plenipotentiaries within
three or four days. The German min
ister lias warmly supported the British
The Wounded Train Bobber Cuts axis
Own Throat with a Hunt
ing Knife.
n.v i:ilmie Wiie fiom The Associated Picss.
New Orleans, Dee. 18. With a gap
ing wound In tho back and another In
the left wrist, inflicted by the police,
Channlng II. Barnes, train robber, drew
the keen edge of a hunting knife across
his throat In a swamp near this city
today and ended his career.
Since tho hold-up of the Chicago
Limited mail on the Illinois Central in
the suburbs of this city Thursday night
the police have searched In vain for
the two men who escaped after a run
ning fight. It was known that one was
badly wounded and that he was com
pelled to drop a United States mall
bag In his flight. In a swamp nearby
all traces of the men were lost, how
ever. Notwithstanding, the officers felt
sure the wounded man had not gone
far and today In the midst of the
swamp they found his body. It bore
two bullet wounds, one In the back, the
other in the wrist, With a hunting
knife the 'robber, knowing that his
wounds were fatal and that escape
from tlie swamp was impossible, had
cut his own throat. In the pockets
were found tho watch of the conductor
of the mall train, many registered let
ters and a quantity of dynamite,
Tho body was brought to police head
quarters and Identified as that of
dimming B. Barnes, with many
aliases, who wns wanted for partici
pating In the daring hold-up of nn Illi
nois Central express train nt Wlckliffe,
Ky., last July, and who, when attempts
were made to arrest him In St, Louis
soon after, shot Chief Special Agent
Murray, of tho Illinois Central, and
escaped over the housetops, evading
hundreds of pursuers. His brother and
a pal were later captured and con
Two Mongolians Violate the Exclu
sion Act.
Ily Kxclibhu Wlrn from Tho Associated Press,
Plattsburg, N, Y Dee. IS. Lee Din.
aged twenty-two, and Leo On Chung,
aged twenty-one, two Chinamen recent
ly arrested at Burke, Franklin county,
N. Y for alleged entry of this country
In violation of the Chinese exclusion
act, were tried before United States
Commissioner Woodward In the United
States court hero today. The China
men testllled thut they were born In
San Francisco, and hud simply been In
China for a visit.
As the government officials wero un
able to produce any witnesses who
could disprove their statements, they
were discharged and they left here to
night for New York.
Touists Off for the Mediterranean.
Hy Dxelushe Who fiom The Associated Press
New Vork, Pee, IS. IN-Vke President bevl P.
Morton, Mitli his two daUKhters, tho !lliM Htlrn
and Aliie, staited for tlie Mtdltcrrauean today
on tho Kaiser lllielm 111, to spend the winter
in lUly. Annthir tourlti on the ivssel was V,
Marion Ctawfonl.
Jesse Morrison Admitted to Ball,
By Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Piesi.
i:i Doiado, Kuu., lec. H.Jcic Morrinon,
whose tilal on tho chart; of killing- Mrs. Olln
Castle, resulted in tho disagreement of the Jury,
was today admitted to ifO.OUO bail.
Weather Indication Today,
I t'cniriil Abli Aiguinenls In the Philippines
unit I'orlo llleo Oltlfrliililp Cimcs.
Tlie llarltiff Court .it Wist Point.
Neu Clement of O.micor In China.
Sepntor Koi.ikcr cm the
'J tlenerul L'lirbomlalc Neiin Derailment,
3 (lenentl Niillnunl dill Hcrricc lleform
lnMRiie Pons Wnr I'ntnt
4 U'ltorlul.
Note nml Cuinmont.
5 Local No Trouble Anticipated in (;h.iiii?t'l
Scranton's l'orui cf Coi eminent.
C l.i)(.il Tabulated Sl.itcment of Crimes In
l.iuk.mnnni County.
Opinions on the Hlg I'cnl IK'il,
7 Local lcballrd btulnntnl ol Vts'sr Jay's
('oiinellm.llilo Din tl .tn.
U mlci lala r.i und Mivryi un Dine.
S Local tt'ct Amnion und Subvil'.'ii.
9 (Juiiei'ul Northeast c-n IVtiM) N-.M1.
rimincial and Comnu'r hi).
10 Oenerul Aig'umenls In lira P'lilliipineH and
Porto lllco Citlrcnshln Iste tOi clvi'ed.)
11 "Cowy."
12 Local Llie Neus of the Labor World.
Stained Glass Manufacturer Shoots
His Actress Wife at Hopewell
and Then Commits Suicide.
Dy Excliulie Wlro from The Associated Pics.
Bedford, Pu Dec. 18. Arthur Spear
Metzgur, a stained glass manufac
turer of Newark, N, J., shot and al
most Instantly killed his reputed wife,
Elsie Dlnsmore Metzgar, at Hopewell,
early this morning, and then shot
himself, dying In a few minutes. The
woman was leading lady with the
Prank Davidson "Farmer Hopkins"
company, which was showing in
Hopewell. The "Farmer Hopkins"
company showed In Bedford last week
and during its stay here, Metzgar
came on to visit her. Metzgar, It Is
said here, has a wife living in New
ark, N. J. Monday morning the
company left for Hopewell, iMetzgar
leaving on tho same train for his
home in Newark. On reaching Hun
tingdon, however, he changed his
mind and returned to Hopewell and
in some way succeeded in getting into
the woman's room at tho hotel while
she was at the theater. The actress
retlrt-d to her room about 11 o'clock.
About 2 o'clock the people In the
hotel were awakened by the. woman's
screams, followed almost Immediately
by two shots. While the door .of the
room was being forced, another shot
was heard. Metzgar's body was lay
ing ngajnstttie door and thati oC the
woman was" lylng'near the bed.
.The woman was 211 ye,ais of age.
Her mother, Mrs. ,A. Carruthers .lives
in Albany, N. Y. On Saturday the
couple had their pictures taken to
gether by a photographer In Bedford.
Documents found in tho woman's
trunk show that she was married to
Metzgar, although a telegram te
ceived at Hopewell tonight states that
Metzgar's real wife Is now at Newark,
N. J.
The maiden name of the woman Is
Annie Carruthers, whose home prior
to her marriage was 309 PearJ street,
Buffalo, N. X. The bodies still remain
unclaimed tonight at Hopewell.
Newark, N. J., Dec. 18. The police
of this city received Information to
day that Alfred Metzgar, a stained
glass manufacturer of Newark, had
last night killed a woman supposed to
be his wife at Hopewell, Pa., and then
committed suicide.
Metzgar resided at 509 Central ave
nue, this city, where Mrs. Metzgar
was found alive and well. She was
shocked to hear of the double tragedy
said to have been committed by her
husband at Hopewell last night. She
S'Ud her husband went to that place
on Thursday last, as he said, to su
perintend the putting In of stained
glass windows In a church. He tele
graphed to her yesterday, stntlng
that he expected to be home today.
Mrs. Metzgar said she had no sus
picion as to who the woman was who
Is alleged to have boon murdered by
her husband.
The police learned from relative 'of
Metzgar that he had been at home
with his family but little during tho
last three months, and they had a
suspicion that he was living a .dual
life. Metzgar was 39 years of age and
tho father of three children.
Two Nogroes Near New Orleans In
the Hands of a Mob.
Ily Kxclti'dve AVire from The Associated Pics.
New Orleans, Dec, 18, A special from
Lako Providence, La says: Thu Belle
of the Bonds, which arrived hero from
Arcadia, Miss., landing, reports u mur
der and robbery at that place Sunday,
which, It Is thought, resulted In a
lynching of two negroes there today.
Two negroes from a neighboring levee
camp went to a trading boat kept at
the landing by a white mun, killed him
and his wife and baby. They then
robbed the boat and left, after burning
the craft to the wator'B edge.
Today the negroes were recognized hy
the property of tho white family and
arrested, They confessed, and It Is
said weie taken In charge by a mob,
Service Postponed,
Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picss.
London, Pec, 18. The ronti-inulitrd tbanUdli
luc scrilce in St. Paul's cathedral, in coitn'ciion
with the of Unl ltohcits firm South Af
lici has been nbando'iid, O'Vtuv, 1 tin' uourn-pii-iit
unnoumes, "to Its bene; ery ilc:lrali;
tn ilt-dr a general tlianksclriui; until the close
ol the operations In faoutli Afiica."
Strike Declared Off,
Dy Exclusive Wlro from The Associated Press.
PitUhurg Pec. 19. The strike of the marine
engineers, inaugurated lour weeks ago, was com.
luomUcd today and oltlclalb dec.'ired on. The
coal combine conceded the adwute in wage-,
demanded and agreed to take back all of the
old employes, but refused to sign tho scale pre
sented by the union,
His Speech In the .Senate a
lense ol the Hau-Paunce-fote
Who Is Designated as Gontleman and
Scholar, Patriot and btatesman.
The House Devotes a Day to Dis
trict of Columbia Business A Bill
to Change the Terminal Facilities
of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Dy Exclmive Wlro from The Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. 18. The friends of
the Hny-Fauncefote treaty occupied
nearly all of the time of the senate In
executive session today, Senators For
aker and Morgan being the speakers.
Previous to the taking up of that
treaty the senate, for the purpose of Its
calendar, dlsposeds of several other;
treaties of comparatively little import
ance. Five conventions in all wero
Senator Foraker's speech from first
to last was a defense of the Hay
Puuncefote treaty, and he took occa
sion to praise In high terms Secretary
Hay, who, he said, Is not only an ac
complished gentleman and scholar, but
a patriot and statesman of high order.
He had differed from the secretary In
some respects, he said, as to the policy
to be pursued, but any fair-minded
man must recognize that in negotiating
the pending treaty the secretary ot
state had accepted conditions as he
found them and that in falling Into
the policy of neutrality ho had only
followed historic precedents.
Senator Morgan traversed much of
the ground he had covered In his pre
vious arguments in support of the Hay
Pauncefote treaty.
In the House.
Tho house devoted the day to District
of Columbia business. The whole time
was occupied In the consideration of a
bill to change the terminal facilities of
the Pennsylvania railroad in this city
and to provide for the elevation of Its
tracks across the Mall, south of Penn
avenue. Tho opposition was persistent
but after much filibustering the friends
of the bill succeeded In securing a re
cess until 11 o'clock tomorrow in order
to continue the legislative day and
complete consideration of the bill.
Accident at the Locust Spring Col
liery at Shamokin.
Dy ExcluMvo Wire fiom The Associated Press.
Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 18. A cable
broke at Locust Spring colliery todav,
causing three loaded cars to run 1,000
feet down the main slope, which was
wrecked. The cable in parting described
a circle and striking the engine house,
crashed through the loof and struck
the seat which Engineer E. Peter Velth
had just left to examine the engine and1
demolished It Into kindling wood. Velth
stood two feet away.
Five hundred employs will be thrown
out of employment until the slope can
be cleared of dehrls. It will require at
least a week to clear the place.
Twelve Hundred Employes Have Re
turned to Work.
Dy Evcluslic Wire from The A-fcociatcd Tress.
Shamokin, Pa., Dee. 18. The strike
at Natalie colliery ended this morning,
twelve hundred employes returning to
work. The Shamokin Coal company
agreed to grant everybody the ten pep
cent. Increase, reinstate several dis
charged men and give non-union men
two days In which to settle differences
with union men, otherwise the former
will be discharged.
The United Mine Workers say they
will again tie up the mines of the com
pany If the non-union men who refuse
to go into their organization are not
Dy ExcluMio Wlro from The Associated Picm.
Chit ago. Dec IS. Dr. Kphralm Ingals, who one ot the foumleih nt the Kqiublloan party
and during the rally of that political nr
gmilration a loader In ti councils, died at Ills
liuiiie in tilts city today, aged "S jeart.. Ho
as a prominent member of the American .Medi
cal and Statu Medical association.
IMillidi'lphU, Dec. 18,Jnnra Detwller, one ut
tho bet know n citizens nl Montgomery county,
died at his home near Dlue Hell Into last night,
aged 73 jc.u. In 1STB ho w.u elected atatc teli
nliii' from Montgcnury county and wiuil oua
ev VoiU, Dec, 18. Palmer W. Wood, rash
fir of tin- New Yolk city po.toflice, died nt hi
Imine In Herkimer, today, aged CO jcars. Uutn
uai doe to ceiehial hemorrhage
New Vork, life. IS. .Usoch'ile Supreme Court
.lufttlie (leorge C. Ludlow, ot Js'ew Jeucy, died
today at New Hiuiuwiik, of bronchitis. Justice
Ludhiw wan born In Hunterdon county, In 1M0,
und bad lived in Xi" llrunsulik tlnce child
hood. He gr.idit.itrd fiom ItutgeiV col lego in
I.i.ri0, and nan admitted to the bar In 1S33. Ju
lnSli he as elected governor o the Mate, rle.
fe.itlng Predcrlck A. Potts, his Itopublican op
I'ouent by till lutes, He was elected ussoclati)
juitii-c of the supreme court in lfi.11.
Loci. Ilairn, Deo. 19. Iib, James Elizabeth
Waggemr died tern today ot paralyis, aged TO
yens. She w.ifc tho great-great-granddaughter of
Prciddcnt John Adams and great-granddaughter of
John CJulniy Adams. Her grandfather was killed
In the uar nl 1S1.'. Her father nerved In thu
Mexican iar; her husband was killed In tho
Civil nar at Atlanta while under Genera Sher
man; lur son bcru-d through the Civil war, and
her grandson. Lieutenant tlardner, was killed
recently In the Philippine. She was born in
Carlisle. Pa., 'and had resided beie bluce 1879.
f " "t- t -f f
4- Washington, Pee. 18. Forecast for
-f Wcdiiihday and Thuitday: ICaeUrn Penn- 4
-f fyliaula-Falr Wednesday uud Thuradayj
-f flesh touthetly iiiiiib. -t
f Htf t Tt lt
'JMJAMMmSL J 'iMrJm . . u&Usi.-i . ' .: Jm6MMJ....rfMi&,;Jt2xix., .Ar -