PK?- TWM i rrtrw fr . - '' ' 'ri THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1900. NEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD OFFICERS NOMINATED BY THE BUILDEHS' EXCHANGE. They Will Be Voted for nt the Meet ing to Be Held on Jnn. 8 Delaware nnd Hudson Is Reducing; the Grade on Its Road Beyond Nineveh A Great Amount of Coal Is Being Shipped by the New York, On tario and Western Railroad Com pany Interesting Trade Notes. At a well atlutnli'il mill ftittiiiftluntlu meeting ot thu HiiIIiIoih' Hxi'Iiuiikc lust week ofllcorn wow nominated for 1001, and thcuo oflli-ials will bo ulpcttftl Ht a nieetlns which la to In- held Jiui tmiy 8. AiuIUoih vi;ii- appointed ns fol lows: J. H. Woolxcy, II. .1. (Iim-Uur. r. J. ltuilily ii ml for JhIb". of flrctloit weiv chosen, Uutry It. Sykos, Hcniw V. Finn and Wlllluin II. WIIIIhiiih. Throe nnmt'H were put In nomination is sueccHHorH of President Conrad .Scluwiler. They uiv K. S. lVok, II. J. Uimstor nnd 10. K. Williams. ISrneHt "VW Smith wiih mimed at vice piwlilont, and Harry It. Sylo'x as Junior vice president. 1$. !'. U-iikIIk. Hie pneni Incumbent, was the only nominee for .secretary and (luorfte V. Klnn Is the .solo candidate fur lu'itturer. There are several In the Held for the places of directors, and six men are to bo chosen from the following: John Honore, P. F. Ilowley, M. J. Huddy, J. 1''. IinRan, T. J. Hnowdeii, K. S. l'eok, l.tither Keller, John Mulherin, Conrad Sehroeder, J. H. Woolsey. Peter Stlpp. Hdward Fuller. (Jeorge A. Ilrlefjel and Charles ttrlii'lR. Seven members will constitute the committee on appeals anil they will bo elected from these nominees: John Cullisan, Charles X. Lord. K. P. Will turns, J. II. Doyle, John Wilson, Charles llehrlgr, llellly Uecker, K. I.. Meirlman, 'I'. V. Leonard. JIueh Interest Is being taken in the coming election by the members of the exchange, and consid erable speculation is rife as to who the association's next ollleers will be. Dur ing the past year the meetings of the association have been well attended unci every month shows inure marked enthusiasm regarding the exchange and Its purposes. Changes on Nineveh Brauch. The Delaware and Hudson Railroad company yesterday paid the men on the Nineveh branch. This included the large number of men in the construc tion gangs which for some time have been engaged In changing the grand of the road beyond Nineveh. Work is being carried on from Tus carora to Nineveh and the Windsor and East Windsor grades are being en tirely dono away. The change In the grading will enable the company to car- a much heavier tonnage between these points. Day and night gangs are employed, and as a result the pay-roll for the men on the branch is monthly of large proportions. It is expected that work on the grade will be finished dining the early spring. Shipping Much Coal. The Ne iwff, Ontario and Western Uailroad company is daily transporting .i far larger amount of coal from these districts than ever before in the road's history. During the past two weeks the tonnage has been especially heavy, and every day from three hundred and lifty to four hundred gondolas of black diamonds leave the city. Allowing from twenty-live to thirty tons for each of these, a mild approximate is secured of about ten thousand tons. The coal is shipped direct to the On tario docks at Oswego. Cornwall and Wcehawken. Today's D., L. & W. Board. Today's D L. and TV. board Is as follows: Monday, Dee. 17. Wll.l) C.VI.s. UAST. S p. til. M. .1. Illllllin'.IIl. 10..10 p. m. Jolin Sw.ii to. ll.iiO ). in. II. T. IVIlimi. Tiioiilaj, Doc. IS. WILD OATS. KAST. 12.S0 a. in. J. J. Dull.!. :i n. in. W. Hoar, with I", (lilliiMn's men. I a. in. O. llumlolpli. Ii a. m. It. C'u&l hit. ii a. in. O.W. KitRi'ulil. s a. 111. 0. V Dunn. !i a. in. T. A, Hindi. Ill a. in. .1. (Idillj, U.M) a, hi. II, J. IjiKiii. I i. in. T. Njiim.ui. J p. in. M (luMen, Willi Wuilil'i mill. :'..V p. iu. I'. CiviiiuiikIi p. m. II. Jl. Ilalli'it. , M'MMIIS, r.ic. ii .i in., Mct fi. riiinifiii,pi H i., ,-t W. II. MiImiN. 12 o'cluik nuoii, uim t'.iri ikpC- ." :i. in., c.i-l i:. MrAIIMn. i p. in., V, .1, Jluslu, H p. in., i'j-.t II. (Illlltfan. 7 p. in., wist nom CiyiiuM l( l.un.-. 7 p. in., wi't fiimi O.i.Miii.i iult.. 7 p. in., cait fiom Nay Aiu K, Puffy, I'l'l.l.l'.li. 10 a, in. I'. K. Sopoi. IM'sllKIK H II, in. IlilWf,'!'. 1 1, .':n a, in. Mniiiii. 7 p. in, Alurpliy. ii i. in.-S, O'Connor. i'Assi:sii:u r.siiiM.s. in. (ijflii""j. in, O. raw. p. in. Sl.inlnii, III. .MaKOUrn. 7 a, 7 a. fi.Wl 7 p. WILD CXI?, VKM in.- -.1. 0' HI,- I'. Ilirllioloiuen, in. I). Wiill.uv, Willi P. Wall, linn. in. w. Lillian-. III. II. V. Mllllll. m.II. Smllli. , Hi. J. K. M.istpu. , in, U. KlniHlcy. MoiK mum T, riip.ilili.l. hi. V, Kliiiy, with A. II, lljuiiiiiiiV men. in. .1. ILiluirnn. in, llJKKiity. in. .1. II, JliCinii, in. ItJilicr, in, Mulli'ii. I a. .1 ii. II .i, 7 a. S il. fi a. 10 ii, 11 ii 12 u lp. i p. it P. I p. f. p. II p. NOI'ICi:, llrakenian II. MjuIkivm.ii w m nut m liU nun tun will rnniliiilnr T, I p. in., WilJ Cat i:at, IVe, 17. Instructions About Signals, Division .Superintendent Itine, of the Delaware, Lnekawaiuia and Western railroad, yesterday Issued a bulletin calling the attention of all Lackawanna trainmen to the book of rules issued by the company, containing Instructions governing the use of automatic block and Interlocking signals. The new rules went Into effect. Humlay nnd uro to lie strictly observed unless otljer wlsu provided In time tables or npeelal bulletins. it supersedes the rule book of the Morris and Kssox division dated July. IU91, and the New York, Lake Brio and Westeip railroad and Delaware, Lack awanna nnd Western railroad rules for grade crossings, issued In 1S8S. All en gine men, llremen, conductors and lu'ukemen uie expected to obtain copies of the new rules, read and study Ihcm nnd sign a receipt ufidn belrilr given them. MtipptleH are kept at the offices' of the tralntnasteiv trenerii! yaid' mas ter's oltU'e and at thi roiind house, and also at the general yard timntcra' olllces at llallfltead and Htroiuisbiirg. Tlie bookR I'oiitaln full dellnltlons ot alt the apparatus conneclrd vllh the Interlocking system, nnd are Illustrated with colored plates, nhoWltig'the block signals as they are set when Indicating the various conditions. Numerous rules and special suggestions for thu oper ation and maintenance of the signals plants are also contained. This and That. During the continuance of lime l.ihle N'c. I, Nicholson will fob n regular httip for train No. 5. Knglne No.,' ::8! was put out of, the Dickson shops yesterday for the Dela ware and Hudson llallroad company. Henceforth when Lackawanna t'oii dtictors set bad order cars at Washing ton, they will be expected- to make notation bills or why the car was set out, and the agent at Washington must be hotllled. , ' The Itookkeepers' clttli will hold Its llrst meeting since reorganization to night in ("luernsey hall", for the purpose of adopting by-laws and general rules to govern the association. The general work of the club for the ensuing year will also be outlined. The Lackawanna made tin- laat of lis December pays Saturday when tho trainmen lecelved their month's wagei. Iaekawanna onglnemen have been Instructed that when taking Water ut the Court street stand pipe nt Blng hanitnn, not to move their engines away from tlie pipe'untll the water has all been drained out or the pipe, afto; the valve has been closed. These In structions were caused by the 'fact that the wuter at this pipe has been running on the ground and causing much dam age to adjacent property. IJYOMEI A U E Y 0 U BREATHED IT TODAY? DO NOT NEGLECT IT even ir you are not afflicted with urn respiratory disease. IT KILLS THE GERMS which you constantlx inhale on the street, in the cars, at the theatre, in church, or in your own home. YOU MUST USE IT To Cure COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH or CONSUHPTION. You should use it to protect your family and friends from' contracting your disease. BREATHE HYOMEI DAILY. Five daja' treatment anil mi'dical adiice fiw. HYOMEI OutftN $1.00. Trial Outfits :!. All (lrUBgisti or sent by mall. The R. T. Booth Co., Ithaca, N. Y. The Brains of the North, ITS PUBLIC SPIRIT, CULTURE AND CAPITAL, are earnestly enlisted IN FAVOR OF POLICIES WHICH MAKE FOR PROSPERITY. Tl.o New York Tribune is the loading exponent In thu United States of the dciclopnu'M ot mini's, farm-', fuitnriv, mllU, i.illroads ,md trade, and nil other practical nonius of the common Two Lilltiiiiia of tlie paimr are pre-eminent ly Milled foi general timiIIiik thu weekly and til', weekly. Tlie Weekly, h-aitd rwiy Thursday, is a com pact news, ai;iiciiltiual and family P-iper, uue ullt'il for ciiltiulors of tin; soil and their fim ilit. IN iniikrt reports haw uiven Hut edi tion a icputatlon. miiernih special de partments are projtctul and managed ko as to utliait i-ury household ami all tlie member, thereof. .Several half-tone picture appear in iiih number. I'liie, ?l a jear. The Tri-Weekly, printed Monday, Weilm-d'iv and Fliihl, is a h.iliiKoinc, .spirited' mid cou-ilen-ed eer.v-otliet-d.i dilly neunpapei, cally the best piiblltatlon of its (Ijns in tin, United States; Ii all the .spm ial featuns of lli WVckly. and the important new ot Ihe U,iv, tiiid i- pi illicit and luiihd at Ihe Mine lime a.s tlie Dully. Tlie lieu -clian, accurate anil tali I e piewnied is admirably dUplajed uiiuuliiiit to its value and is neer ilMoileil. J'oi political news j mi (.iniiol Unit any hi Iter newspaper, and the iuw I.-, irhrn without any poitui ,.n. 'ihe ediloriil iaise liie.illu the &piit of purest lutrlntlMii uml bluade-t ihaiiiy untalntul bv any tuiiildcratinii ae the welfare i.i the home and Ihe lounliy. IN ielcwn ue piiiiueut, wIn and wilt, Tim Tii-WVekly, 1,."i0 a ee.u. Sam ple copies free. Don't .Mai think such .in aduiiiable na tlolill newspiper fhoeld be in jour own home? Thousands of people in mi niton f.,( ,,. ,. lion of the Tlihunc. Don't you think ili.ii Ihe ;z K,ui.s of it,,, Wnkly, or the IAH luis of the Tri-Wtekly, per annum, eaili one haiuUome In appeauiue, full nt the lie.t news and leiiews, well MlMlJU,! a puiiluM. for jour.elf and familvf We will semi either cdlllon, 'die ImLiiko or ilin wr, flee, to tluwc xtilueriliiiiir now lor Ihe , IWM. Your otdji' can be handtd to llie Jwal pyit iiiaitcr or Miit to this ottlie dinct. Tribune AliuoiiJe, 1001. an Cud of ihe On liny number. Heady In .laiuure. Knlarired laiefully ieised, with a Mill tiudKet of new' fcaluies. 2.i nnt, postiiald. Any reailu. .o slliiilul that lie un lal.e a (Inb for the Tribune, will oblige u bv endiW for terms and sample ci.pioj. THE TRIBUNE, New York. EUGENE I Given Free FIELD'S POEMS A $7,00 BOOK lo each person Interest ed In tiibw rlbma to tl e lluiiena Field Month inert Fouienir 1'iiud. Fiibscrllw any ani-iunt ilislrril. Subscriptions in low as $,oo will en. 'itle donor to hU daint ily artist fc volume. "PIUUD 1'I.UWBKS" (cloth bound, Sill), ai u ccitlfteate ot lubsciip. lion o fund. Duo.': contains a selection of Field's nml m.u. TIIKIIoiilioflliu I'oiilmy. liniid Kinauly 1 Ilin-ti-utctl by ttilr ly.two of tlie World's Ureal, est Arum, representative works and is ndy for ilo- mery, Hut foi ths noble conlributiou ol the world's urcale.t thl book could not bate been nunulacluud for Icm thau 7.t). 'ihe Kuud created b divided eipially be tween the family ot the lalo HuKcne Field and the Fund fur the building of a inonii ment to the. mimory ot tint beloved poet ot childhood. Address Uugsna Plcl4 Aionument Souvenelr Fund Chlcuxo, III II you also wish to tend postage, emlos 10 cents. ISvm isssssss&sasss&sstsaBSfsfssws MERCEREAU & CONNELL NOW OI'liN IN OUR NEW STORE WITH A Nl-W STOCK FOR Till: HOLIDAYS Diamonds S Watches Silverware oun stock roit kxtknt, vaki t:tv and fineness in every DEPAItTMENT tS NOT EXCELLED IN THIS LOCALITY OUIt WELL-KN'oWN OUAItANTEE HOKS WITH EVEltY AltTIOLE. . . MA, ARE WELCOME iNNrjA'JA.V In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. gasket bargains Yep, but that is not what we call them. Our stock of baskets was purchased in immense quantity and at correspondingly low figures, so that reRUlar prices here are lower than the so-called bargains of others. Sixty cents will buy a work basket of quality far aboTC the ordinary at the Foote & Fuller Co Mears Building. Fast Time to Salt Lake CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY NO CHANGE of cars via Chicago Union Pacific and North-Western Line;-M meals In dining cars. Faster than any other route. Trains leave Chi cago 6.30 p. m. and 10.30 p. m, every day. Tourist tickets are sold at all prominent agencies the year round. Call on any agent for tickets or address IB1 Braaiuaa, , IVtis UrM435 K HI., Cincinnati e01Chu'tSt.,miadtlMat07 SmlthJ'ltSl., rmtiura SI8WethlntUiiSt.,Bito'it J34 SupiilorSI,, Cltutlani SOI Main St., Buffalo 17 CamwNartlut, Ottttlt HiClirkSt., Cloajii!MijSI.,fai,rofonlo,0,l. Pierce's Market, Peon Avenue We mal( a ix:i.Ull,v of funry Ciejniery Dul ler ami btriclly treri ckus anil tho price is 111 low 111 nil rl.i KCiiilj Ix uilU at, W do nut hao any special iuUa or IcaJiM tml nt ull (linos vany a complete n line ot .Market (looil-,, fancy (iroccrlcn .111J Talile Uelica ilea as tan ho found In tho largest New Yorl; or I'lillailelphU Market whlih we tell at right price. W. H. Pierce, IB Lackawanna Ave. Prompt ilrlltrry, U9, IU, 1H Peno At. Tbe Dickson Miinuructurlux Co. tormton ud Wllltovllurr, I'. iUiiufuotuiori of LOCOMOTIVES, STATION A kV ENGINES Holler. llltlngnJPuinpliiB Ataclilnery Qtneral Office, Scranton, P. WINTER RESORT, "TIivoubU the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Buns the Luxurious "SUNSET LlMUm" The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of California." thieilul thioujili truim lonsUtipi; of nkiplnu nif ullilnir-eau will leave. New York every bj. unlay, 'luiwijy ami 'J'liur(ljy. i-oiiusuIiib di rtctly with tbe "Sunset Limited ' at Kc.v OrlruM. for full tutoruutloii, free illuitiuied painph. letn, maa and tlmc-tablea, also loueit rale, klceptiijc ur tickets and liccifjfe cliccktd) apply to Southern I'acltlo Co.. IW a. third ttitct. Plill4delpliU, t'a. $Zr$$:$$$:$&C$$$$$$C$i J jj The l'opulai House Kumihing - i Furnishing III jljl Will I 1 I I Jewelers Siluersmifhs Fine Jewelry Cut Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange 'Wyoming Avenue A Carpet Sweeper That Needs No Demonstrator, The 'Bisiell Cyco Bearing" Carpet Sweeper is unquestion ably the most perfect Sweeper made anywhere. Send one to your wife for a Christmas Present. It will save her hours of drudgery between the coming Christmas and the one following. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (HEQIBTCRED.) Have You nude out your list of what you have to git for all of jour nnlo friends for Xinas. Ulictlier cr not, ndil 11 bl IT CASE OK HAT BOX, HOlisi: ItOBK or SMOKING JACKCT. We have thtm, the llnest kinil, must tnoilcrn, e3.00 and upwanls. Tlie liainli-omi't hue of Neckwear and Gloves ocr exhibited in town. 412 Spruce Street. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Steam and Hot Watar Heaters. i OS-U7 PENN AVBNUia WESTMUSSTEll HOTEL Cor. 8Utecnth 8t. and Irrlnf Placi-, NEW YOBK. American Plan, 13.60 per day and upward. European flan, tt.Wper day and upward. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. " T Van ItnolHAfli Ufait 4- f v in in atari 01 u wnoieaui 4. r dletrtet. T I For Shoppers I 4- I minutes' walk to Wanamakerst 4- a. S mlnuteu to Slogel Cooper' Bis I T Store. Eay of acceii to tht great T Dry Qoo0 atorca J For SlRhlseers f Ont block from B'tvay Cars. v. I 4 tnii eaiy tranapottatlou to all 4 points of Interact. -f I HOTEL ALBERT f f f t 4- NEW YOHK. ror. 11th bt. ft uNiVEnaiTT pu , unly one Block from Broadway, f t Rooms, $1 Up. p.Sgfllffl. ft-f-f-ft MITTEN 6UARANTK TO CUBIIW mEXflSWWS!B BSZ mBaSiUmmS: uiQDgfoison.varicociii.suicuri nil DBIUAW mm, d OHOURI nillltl M1Ieexci,r,oatNaijliap UltlBM, en orcara.f ully retiorcd. t rreali uionruuKi rcth caKi touched, "kin n croua cues infill by iilall. hem lreit- liooke youiiivrIU4 fraui FORSYTH c A (jMitiolljSilDallac teCRANTON'3 SHOPPING CENTER. STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. But six days more- each day the rush jjroTs greater more comfort, better atis faction before tit 2 last few days rush begins. Come today to The Greatest of Scranton's Dry Goods Stores Here are the most magnificent stocks of staple and fancy dry good ever brought together, and the broadest variety of goods that is gathered under the roof of any Scranton Store. The most popular and inexpensive goods that you could wish are here. So are the finest and most exclusive that are to be found in Scranton. Such a stock of Gloves as is matched iu none but the most exclusive City Glove Stores, and at much lower prices than ranst be paid there. A handkerchief store with such a variety of these popular gift articles, such as Men's and Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, Lace Handkerchiefs, Embroidered and Hemstitched Handkerch efs, as cannot be found elsewhere. A Dress Goods that has no equal. A Men's Furnishing Store that has more and finer neckwear than auy exclusive store, same of Suspenders, Bath Robes and Shirts. An Umbrella Store where Men's, Ladies' and Children's Umbrellas can be had in greater variety and at lower prices than any store in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Then such marvelous variety as is found nowhere else of Pocket Books and Purses, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Toilet Articles, Fans, Belts, Women's Lace and Silk Neckwear, Mufflers, and other popular gift things for men, women and ch ld ren. Best of all is the surety of true worth and goodness that goes with every article bought at Connolly & Wallace's. And this assurance gives a seuse of satisfaction to recipient as well as giver. There is there can be no distrust of quality in any article that comes from Connolly & Wallace's. Special Exhibit of Cloaks and Furs Today and Tomorrow CONNOLLY ' - THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 137 S DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital- SSOO.OOO Surplus SOO.OOO WM. CONNELL, PreiUiit. (1EMIY BELIN, Jr., Vice-Pro i, WILLIAM tl. PECK, Casblir. Bpecta: attention given to bust neaa aceurnta. Thre per cent. in. tereat at on interest deposit. Lager Beer Brewery lluur&eturer.i r OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 1ST. Ninth Strut, .PA Tfllephono Call, 2333. THS IHOOSIC POWDER CO. loons 1 audCom'ltk B'l'4'g. ORANTON, FA. lining and Blasting POWDER MrAaat Uooiloaaa RiuhlaU Wuiaa. LAPLIN RAND POWOBR CO. '5 OR A NO E QUN POWDER Clrotrto Batteries. EleatrloKiploiars splodlng blaati, safety Vuatuj Rwauni CtwiicaJ Co.'t BX,Sv6 i nis is & WALLACE, f T ..... .. - " .-" jS -4- mX&mS8Smttei WHm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & iJTVtvrrtrO!. wammjtiKwm i&mLienwxzrxuk.' twsu zssjwi .. nwwiwti .. ,?fM mm Williams LEADER! Wall Paper. Carpets, 444444444444 4 44---ft4 D3.11ttO Game Board. Twenty seven d'flferent game", includiug Billiards, Pool, Carroins, Ten Pins and several very interest ing games. Get one and keep your boys at home evenings. We Have ASso the Popular Game, Archarena Fifty four games. This game has been greatly improved since last seasou, many new games added. We are now wil stocked with a complete line of Cameras, Kodaks nd supplies, including a large assortment of Card Boards for mounting posters, all colors and sizes, of Striking Bags, Foot Balls. Sweaters and everything athletic. There is no limit. Florey & Brooks, 21 1 WS5S" DR. DENSTEN Fliyslclau aud Suieoa 311 Sp;j3) St. Itoip.t) Uun Buildup fcCRANlON PA. All acute apl ehrciilc disease, ut men, wo men and clilldreu. CllltUMd NIUIVOU.S, UHAIN AND WASIINU DISIiASKS A SI'KC lAt'l'V. All diaeaaia ol the Liver, Kltlueys, iiladiler. Ma, UluoJ. Nerveo, Womb, l.'je, tar, Nose, 'i'liroat, ami Luni-'a, Canu-ri, Tuinorj, I'llee, lluiliire, llciltre, itlieuinatUiu, Auhiua, Catarrh. Variucoiele. l.uit llaiiliood, .Niyhtl l'liiliiioiH, all 1'eiiule Diseases, Leiieorilioea. cte. Connorrhea, Sjl'lillU, Illood I'olwin, tndltcre tlou and youthful hatiiu obliterated. Siuyeiy, 1'itJ. Klilleiny, Tape and Moinacli Worina. t?A TAItntlUZONt:. Kiiecillo lor C'aluirh. Tluee montlii' treatment only 5.00. Tilal tree In otitic. Coiuulutlon and examination tree. OOlto tioura daily and bunday, ii a. in. to 9 p. is. DR DENSTEN His 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE .. .f4. .4..f - 4 Oriental Rgs "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," a true and trite saying when applied to our Oriental Rugs. What more appropriate for a gift? Our stock ot fers you an unexcelled as sortment at onr well known low prices. IN Draperies. 4444444444444444 HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent (or tbe Wyornlnj DUtrlet lor DUPONTS POWDER, Ulolnff, niaitlny, Sport Inc. Smotelfsi and the llepaunu Clieinlcal Company') High Explosives. Eafety Fuse, Cam and Kxploden. Room 101 Ceo uell Uulhlinf, tjcranton. AUUSCIKS: 1IIOS. IOItl) ,...,,,..,,. ...Plttaton JOHN- II. bMITU & SON ,...,,., Plymouth W. L UUI.LIOAN WIILea-Uarre McAiiiiliy J L t" .!-V .! - s... u - if w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers