The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Opposition to Republican Nominees
in the Fifth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth
nnd Eighteenth Wnrda Pntrlck
Dodd Attempts Suicide Masons,
St. Leo's nnd Plymouth Church
Elect Officers Weekly School De
posits Aro Lagging Cases Before
Aldermen Kellow nnd John Two
Fires on Tenth Street Other Notes.
Tile VOtCTH Of till? VllllotlS West
Scranton wards, with Hit; execution of
the Sixth nnd Twonty-ilrst, will lie
called upon today to elect representa
tives to the select and common ronti
II. school board, and various other
positions of truHl.
The candidates in tilt: Fourth ward
mid David J?. Kvans for .select council
nnd AVIIIIam W, Kvnns for common
council. Tloth are unopposed. In the
Fifth ward John Henry Phillips. He--publican,
will bo opposed by Charles
Corless, sr Prohibitionist, for the
office of school controller, und Albert
l.ewlfs, Uepublicau, will encounter the
name of t. P. Ellas, for common coun
cil, who has been placed In the Held by
the cold water advocates. This opposi
tion will undoubtedly cause no little
Interest, and the contests will he
watched on all sides.
The .Republican nominee In the Four
teenth ward for common council ;
diaries li. Acker, a stalwart party ad
vocate and a man of strict Integrity
nnd Intelligence, who will make tin
Meal councilman if elected. He is op
l)osed by William Gunell, oldest son of
ex-Chief .Martin Gurri'll, and u reoiv
MHiiWulw of the yotinKer element In
Democracy. The contest will bo wukimI
on strict party lines, and whichever
one wins, the ward will be well leine
xentod. Andrew Wulsenllue is the Pro
hibition candidate In the Fourteenth,
Wlllinm Lewis, the Ucpubllcan nunil
aiee for common council in the Fif
teenth ward, wll be opposed by H. C.
J Unman, the Prohibition nominee. Th'
Prohibitionists failed to tile nomination
papers in tme, and those who desire to
vote for the candidates of that party
will be obliged to write the names of
lllieir choice on the olliclal ballot.
In the Klffhleenth ward the candi
dates for common council are "William
Kush, Democrat, of 117 South .Seventh
) and COLDS
Cozy Furs
We do not believe that you can buy Ladies' Good Fur
Neckwear or Sets, consisting of Neckwear aud Muff,
as well or for so little inoaey auywhere else iu town as
you can here. Assortments are still complete, but as
they're getting very near the breaking point we would
suggest early buying, as not one copper can be saved
by waiting, which therefore only means a poorer selec
tion. The same remarks upply with equal force to all
classes of Fancy Neckwear for ladies, and we may add
that there is not a finer stock than ours iu Northeast
ern Pennsylvania,
The Fashionable Furs
This season includes Marten?, Persian Lamb, Blue
and Grey Fox, Klectric Saal, Lynx, Oppossum, aud if
you want to see them at their best, call here. We have
Children's Fur Sets at very moderate prices.
In Ladies' Gloves
English Tan and Brown Walking Gloves iu the new
' single button style, silk outside raised seam aud much
in demand. I he durable
Black, are also popular.
children, in white and
Christmas Gifts, aud they
Children's Kid Gloves in
that has ever been seeu iu
We're Open Late Every Night This Week.
Globe Warehouse
street, and Edward Williams, Repub
lican, tit' Hrontlwnyand Kmmet street.
Attention School Children.
The teachers of the public hcIiooIh
complain that there Is u lade of Inter
est In the weekly savings deposit funds
that have beti ucctntiultitlmr In the
West Hide bnnk for thu past two years
or more, and unless there Is renewed
Interest, after the holidays, they will In
all ptobablllty nhnndon the plan, as It
really requires more time und attention
than the collections now warrant. Fol
lowing Is the sums received yesterday
by the different teachers:
No. lit David Owens, .'J'.: KlUnbeth
Lewis, Hi Alice Kvans, ,'jr,; liertha
Kelly, .10; Kdna D. Kvans, .!.; N'ellle
nielmrds. .! Catherine Phillips, $1.21;
Sarah McDonald, .; Kllm Price
total, .$14.ti0.
Nu. Ill Joseohlne D. I.ees,
Murray, .33 ; Miss Nlcholls.
Ileumlsh, $1; Miss Morgan,
Hultoti, .47: Miss Davis,
Kvans, $l.;:i; Miss Kellow,
Flynn. $1.18; Miss Wade.
, .s.;
Murphy, $1.L'6: Mrs. Ferber, f2.W.
Heck, .02: total, $11.07.
Two Fires on Tenth Street.
Flames were discovered In a bu
reau drawer In one of the bedrooms
in Horatio Fellows' house, on Tenth
street, 'at noon yesterday, and the
piompt application of the chemicals
by the Columblas paved the premises
from serious damage. The tlumes
were confined 1o the bureau, which
aviis consumed, and the bedroom walls
were scorched. The rlnniiigu will
amount tc about SMti.
An over-henteil stovo was the cause
of the. fir.' t'.t 5.10 o'clock last evening
in the Atlantic and Pacific Tea com
pany's barn, on Tenth street. In tlr.
lear of Dr. Heerman's residence. The
Haines eat tlvlr way Into the living
upartments, on the second Moor, occu
pied by the barn boss, Frank Bates,
and did considerable damage. The
hoises und wagons were rtseued In
safety, but several blankets were con
sumed. The damage will probably ex
ceed $20n.
St. Leo's Battalion Officers.
A I the regular meeting of HI. I.eo's, held on Sunday afternoon,
the following ofllcew were elected:
President. Frank (lllruy; vice presi
dent, f, .1. Mi"ndr"v: recording sec
retary, .lohu Shaughnessy: llnancl'il
secretary. Jnim s Murphy: tteasurer,
1'. 11. P.ueklcyi trustees Thomas S.
Connors, i'atrick O'Toole. James Mc
Douough and James Hosier: sorgeasit-at-arius.
John O'Toole: investigating
committee. P. J. McAndrcw, James
ltegan rind Patrick O'Toole.
The battalion will hold its annual
entertainment and social in Mews'
hall tomorrow evening.
F. & A. M. Elect Officers.
Hyde Park lodge, No. 30!). Free and
Accepted Masons, held their annual
"lection of officers in Masonic hall
Inst evening, and selected the follow
ing young men to fill the chairs:
Worthy master, W. Haydcn Kvans;
senior warden, Charles Oberdorfer;
Mocha Gloves iu Greys and
Golf Gloves for ladies and
all colors, are favorites for
are by far the best line of
all makes and shades here
this city,
J'inlor warden, Ifnrry A. Wrlftley.
Charles Lannlnp nnd William it. Wil
liams were re-elected secretary and
trenjutrer respectively.
David J, Davis was elected tropin
nontatlvo to the grand lodge and
Charles It. Pitcher, Thomas ti, Carey
and James M, Katon wore chosen
trustees. Tito Installation will occur
on Wednesday evening, December 20.
Before Alderman John.
Charles Tugend, of 2110 Price Rtreet,
was arraigned 'before Alderman John
last evening, at the Instance tif P. J.
(ilynn, of 2211 Jackson street, who
chnrged thu defendant with assault und
battery, larceny and malicious mischief.
The former waived a hearing nnd en
tered ball In the sum ot $000. Ills
mother tiu.iilfled as recurlty.
TugeuJ went Into Glynn's place on
Sunday and created a disturbance, and
the prosecutor alleges he stole a spoon
from the kitchen table. A uuarre en
sued, In which Glynn threw a glass nt
Tugend and the latter retaliated by
punching Glynn and throwing stones
through the window.
Other Aldermanlc Cases.
James, Mnhon, of 1919 Price street,
was arrested last night on complaint of
his wife, who caused n warrant to bo
Issued by Alderman John on the charge
of ussault and battery and mnklne
threats. Mnhon spent the night In the
station house and will he given n hear
ing today.
Airs. lOllen Jtuudnll und daughter
Margaret, Mrs. Mnry Ann Davis and
daughter lizzie, all of Pleusant street,
and William nudge, of 06 North Main
avenue, are nil mixed up In the clutches
of the law with suits and counter-suits
of assault and battery, threats, etc.,
over indiscretions which they aired be
fore Alderman Kellow and Alderman
Miller. The former held the women
each In $200 ball for appearance at
Plymouth Church Officers.
The members of the Plymouth church
held their annual meeting last evening
und elected the following officers for the
ensuing year:
Deacons, Thomas Kyuon, David 10.
Hushes; recording clerk, Lizzie A.
Kvans; financial clerk, John H. ltich-
ards; music committee, Arthur G.
Lewis; standing committee, S. B.
Powell, T. F. Roberts, J. T. Jones.
Ways and means committee, Class A,
Frank Stover; class H, John Phillips:
class C, John it. Thomns; class D, John
It. Richards; class K, Miss Jennie
Lewis; auditors, Thomas D. Kvans.
Haydn Oliver.
Two Mine Accidents.
James Durkin, of Keyser avenue, em
ployed as a miner in the Central, had
his leg lrucfured by a fall of coal
while at work yesterday. He win
taken to the .Moses Taylor hospital.
The injured man Is a brother of Coun
ty Commissioner John Durkin and a
brother-in-law of Patrolman James
Jenkiu Jenkins, of Decker's court,
had several lingers Injured while at
work iu the mines yesterday. He was
treated at the West Side hospital.
State Secretary Coming.
Miss Selby, of Indianapolis, who has
succeeded 'Mrs. Nellie A. Lowry, as
state secretary of the Young Women's
Christian association, will address the
members of the West Scranton branch
at the rooms on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Kara ii. Ripple spoke to the
girls last evening on Christmas and Its
attendant Interest.
ltev. J. P. Moffat. D. D., of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church, wlh
give a Christmas talk at the rooms
Saturday evening In conjunction with
the gospel song service.
Prohibition Candidates.
Common Council.
Fifth ward D. I'. Kllas.
Fourteenth ward Andrew YVisenriue.
Fifteenth ward H. C. Hinman.
For School Controler.
Fifth ward Charles Corless.
Write 'name In blank space.
Si. Drenden's "new home festival"
will open Christmas afternoon, espe
cially for children und the formal open
ing will take place In the evening. Spe
cial door prizes will be awarded each
night and the best entertainers v''o
curable will be In attendance during
the event.
Philip H. Warren, Alfred Wooler and
ltev. TC. A. J3oyl will be among the par
ticipants In the concert at the Ply
mouth Congregational church New
Year's evening. The pastor will recite
"The Chariot Haee" from Bsn Hur.
The ladles of the Jackson Street Mnp
tist church whose names begin with
the letters L, M and N will serve an
oyster supper tomorrow evening for 15
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deckelnlck, of
North .Main avenue, are being congrat
ulated on the arrival of a daughter nt
their home.
-Mrs. J. K, Allen, of Lakrlll, Conn,, Is
tho guest of West Scranton friends.
D. C. O'Hnra, of Price street, is
spending a week In New York.
Miss Nellie Walsh, of South Ninth
street, entertained n party of friends
last Friday evening.
An important mooting of the Elec
tric City Wheelmen will lie held this
Tho Sloan local of the United Mine
Workers of America will hold a meet
ing in D. D, Kvans' hall, South Main
avenue, Thursday evening.
Robert Bradley, of North Sumner
avenue, Is homo from the New York
College of Pharmacy for tho Christ
mas holidays.
H. 3T. Uass, of North Sumner ave
nue, attended the funeral of his undo
In Philadelphia recently.
On Jan. 1 Uenjtimlu Evans, of Wash
bum street, will retire from the Janl
torshlp of the Welsh Calvinlstiu Meth
odist church, after a number of years'
Karl Faulkner, of Price street,
smokes cigarettes In bed. At noon yes
terday while enjoying a smoke to re
lievo tho monotony of his sickness the
lace curtains became Ignited und but
for the timely arrival of the boy's
mother and several men. The conse
quence might have been disastrous,
Tin? annual nomination and election
of olllcms of Camp No. 33, Putrlotlo
Order of Americans, will occur this
livening In Ivorlte hull.
A Japanese wedding and entertain
miiiit will ho given by the young ladles
of tho First Welsh Baptist church Now
Years' evf,
Mrs. WiiiBlow's Soothing Syrup
Ilu teen ubeil for over KJFTV YEAltS bv
Is the bt remedy for PlUtltllOKA. Suj ,
Drugk'kt In every part of, the world, lie ture
uud mk tor "Mm. Wiiulow' Soothing Syrim "
End tike no other kind. Twcnty.llvu tiuti'a
IZENS. Hefused to Endorse Nomination of
H. S. Alworth-J. X. Smith Waa
Placed in Nomination nnd Men
Were Named to Advanco Hia Can
didacy at the Polln Today Mrs,
Hannah Lnlly'a Case Heard Before
Alderman Fldler Notes of a Per
sonal and News Nature.
The meeting of the citizens of the
Second ward at the Auditorium last
nlglit to net upon the nominations
made nt Saturday's eauousses for com
mon councilman refused to endorse the
candidacy of cither H. H. Alworth, Re
publican, or Patrick Flynn, Democrat,
and placed In nomination the name nf
J. K. Smith.
In addition to making this nomina
tion the meeting unanimously adopted
resolutions presented by Tt, E. Hurley
with reference to the necessity of re
form In city affairs.
In the absence or D. B. Atherton,
who was elected chairman at last Fri
day evening's meeting, Thomas S. Mor
gan was made chairman pro tern, of
last night's meeting, with M. K: San
ders acting as secretary. Mr. Morgan
stated the object of the meeting to be
the tailing of action upon the result
of the cuticusses held on Saturday, and
asked the pleasure of the meeting. A
motion to ratify the nomination of H.
S. Alworth, the Republican candidate,
was seconded, bringing forth a num
ber of interrogatories from Kev. Dr.
Lansing as to who the candidate was,
what his qualifications were, and what
Influence It was that brought him for
ward us a candidate.
Br. Lansing sulci the time was at
hand when the people of this city
should be aroused to the necessities of
municipal government, when they
should profoundly stir themselves to
such action as would forever stamp otlt
the Infamy which has made our city a
disgrace. A man who goes Into the
councils now should be a representative
citizen, and we as citizens should be
extremely careful about endorsing any
man who may be only the creation of
those who have been discredited.
O. P. Miller, D. P. Replogle and Dr.
Lansing spoke In turn on partisan pol
itics, and the great need of keeping
them out of the meeting and tn fact
out of municipal affairs. John 10.
Moran, one of the Democratic usplrants
for council, also spoke.
The motion to endorse Mr. Alworth
was then put. Oswald Jones moved
that the meeting proceed to the nomi
nation of n candidate for common
council. The motion was adopted, and
the names of George S. Ktuiges, J. K.
Smith. D. B. Atherton aud John K.
Moran were presented. Before the bal
lot was taken the names of Sturges and
A'therton were withdrawn, and the
vote resulted In favor of Smith. O. P.
Miller and Francis Olver were the tell
ers of the election.
After calling for volunteers to work
at the polls today in behalf of Mr.
Smith, and getting a number of re
sponses, the meeting adjourned to the
call of the chair, the purpose being to
at once go forward with other meetings
for the betterment of political condi
tions In the North Scranton section of
the city.
Mrs. Lally Arrested.
The way of the transgressor Is hard,
but Airs. Hannah Laly, of 40S Putnam
street, believes she Is more sinned
against than sinning. Last Septem
ber she was arrested at the Instance
of Mayor Moir, charged wit main
taining a spenkeasy, and fined $'2X
The evidence was secured against her
by (he Donlln brothers, George and
Bob. Since then the Bottlers' Pro
tective association had search war
rants Issued for a number of people,
suspected of using their bottles ille
gally, and nmong the number under
surveillance was Mrs. Lally.
On Saturday last W. J. McDonnell,
n deputy constable of the Fifth' ward,
armed with one of these search war
rants, entered Mrs. Lnlly's house and
domunded permission to search the
premises for bottles. He was accom
panied by tho Donlln brothers, and
when Mrs. Lally discovered tho al
leged sleuths, who In September had
caused her arrest, she protested
against their Intrusion. The result
was that a general mtx-up occurred.
The Donlln's went before Alderman
Meyers and had a. warrant Issued fin
Mrs. Lally's arrest on the charges of
asiault and battery, disorderly con
duct and making threats. She was
held In $200 ball on each charge or
?00 In all. In addition to that, tho
woman was required I to pay a Hue of
$." or spend thirty days in the county
Jail. She paid the fine. (
Yesterday Mrs. Lally had the cele
brated Donlln brothers arraigned be
for Alderman Fldler, charged vlth as
sault and battery, but Deputy Con
stable McDonnell came to their res
cue. Mrs, Lally had to pay the costs.
Prohibition Candidates.
Common Council,
First ward Thomas O. Moore.
Second ward Giles L. Clark,
Write name In blank space.
The King's Daughters will have their
"Christmas Manger" In tho Sunday
school rooms of tho Providence Pres
byterian church tho last of this week
for the reception of toys, books, cloth
lug and food for distribution on
Christmas to worthy children who oth
erwise might bo without the good
things of tho season.
Professor C. F, Whlttemore and his
well known superior choir will render
an elaborate programme of Christmas
music next Sabbath In tho Providence
Presbyterian church,
The funeral of Thomas J. Kvans, of
Roberts avenue, who wiib killed lust
Friday morning In tho Leggetts Creek
mine by a full of roof, took place yes
terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
home, Tho deceased was a member of
the Carladlawn lodge, the Leggetts
Creek Accidental fund nnd the United
Mine Workers, many of the members
of which attended thn services. Mnnv
lloral offerings were given by the near
friends of the deceased, among which
were "The Gates Ajar," a pillow, and
many small bouquets,
Kvnn McGlnnls, of Weston place, Is
suffering from nu attack of the grip.
Percy Henry, nf Green street, has re
turned homo from Princeton university
on his Christmas vacation.
Bible lesson study' was held last even
ing at tho Young Women's Christian
The Runners' and Drivers' local ran
a ball at Kt. Mary's hall last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reese and son,
We have been importers wholesale nnd ret.tll, of Japanese Art Goods fomore than 20
years in the United States and Japan. During the last few months certain circumstances h.iv
caused a necessary dissolution of the partnership now existing, and we have decided to dispose
of our stock of fine
Sale commenced Monday Afternoon at 3. 30 p. m. and will continue each day throughout the week.
The public Is invited to visit the store at any time during the sale, for inspection. Reserved
seats for ladles. Handsome souvenirs given away. This is an extraordinary opportunity
and everything must be sold.
Kdward, of Philadelphia, are visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kd
wards, of Warren street.
Pair of the Scranton Athletic Club
Closed Last Night Funeral of
Mrs. Thomas Siangan.
The fnlr of tlir Scrntitmi Atliletlu i.lul) clcwttl
lu.-t nlulii. AltliuiiKh it took iil.'ico no near
OnlUlii.i time it w.ih a rk-cidid Mlcecsi. Tlii't
;tnrv ttcic illumed oil !a.-t nlslit, ln-ralior with
lit'dtnum sultrt nml ullwr arlulcs uS i.ilur. The
tnlovin; I.iiIIch liaJ charge nt the (lilleunl
llooth Xo 1. Mr. B. P. Mrwii', elialrl.idy;
Mm. .1. 1". Ili'.-l, Mi". T. II. Sprulfs, Sin. 0. A.
Miller, Mi-. ( li.irlrt Hi-icr, Mrs. Oli'irliK Koe,
Miwi Mnuip l.otius Kmnu Giavbiii'r, .lulla
.Mlrti, Kllzak'th l.ln.v.l. .M.inii- Wirth, Celhi llcici1,
Mary l.ulsi' Stiller.
Iluutli Xo. '-'. Mit. .laeoli llolltts rluhludyj
MUs Dimni KliI, Mri. Aclnlpli Ilelsinr, Ml.-,1
Minnie .Jll. Mrs. mile. Uosir, Mis. Maine Hip
pie, Mi: .lulla Ulil. Mr. Kate Kiiwr, Mrs.
Lizzie Kcllraiiim, Slu'. Mary Mali, Mis. Xeltle
Wll Hi.
Uoulli Xu. : Mr. lujnisl Schneider, chaitlaily;
Mis. Adolph llamiuin, Mil. Peter XeuK Mis.
ti'enrge Ituitinun, Misses Tcenie Uemer, Lena
llartniHii, Lottie Knglr, Louisa lleiliz.
Tiootli Xo. -l.-Ms. Hannah Meyers, i li.iirhidy; Pauline Lindner, (,'iiv.lp (irailiiiei', .lonnie
KlU'Mller, Kredn Haun. Ml-. William Kim.Ii, jr.,
Mis. William Klein, Air-.. Kmll Decker, Master
Ilootlt Xo. 6. Airs. P. P. euls and Mrs. '.
P. Armlmrnl, (lialrludies; Mrs. lico. Wirtli, jr.,
Stl-Hcs Yeltu Alt, Lena An, Anna Rerirluuser,
Lena llci-Khansir, Kute Kirst, Alice .Tones, Man
Ciulralnilt, Maine l.ittlci.
Hetn-shineiit booth. Mis. Chin Ira Mil III, ilialr.
lady; Mrs. "s .1., Missis Anna Dippre,
Dora llenelilei-, Mrs. llershcl.
Nubs of News.
'Itit- funeial nf .Mis. Thomas Manuaii, which
took plaee .le-tterday moniin-- trom the family
residem-i- on Heeeh street, Mai l.'HRi'ly attended
by tiicndH of the dreeaed. Tho body was taken
to St. Peter's cathedral, where a ieiUiem ma's
was c'lehrated. Interment watt made In the
Cathedral eeinetery. Tho pallbearers were: Fler
iiarrt Orr, .lames Orr, Patrick Jnd-re, .lames Clif
ford, Tim. O'Connor, James O'Connor.
Alfred Klhler's little daughter, Mary, fell
down stali-s yesterday lnoinlnsr anil bloke her
ltev. Huiliton, the blind eean-relist, last night,
at the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal chinch,
spoke on "The Testimony of the King" to a
large audience. At Sunday night's meeting si-:
came forwanl to the altar. The meetings will
continue all this week, with the exception of
Saturday night.
Muss tirace l'ciiner, of Pear street, who has
heen sick with rheumatism, Is Improving.
William (look, of 1727 Prospect avenue, is
recovering from an attack ot inrtaniinatory rheu
matism. John Rpsctz, of Stafford avenue, has pur
chased a rlii' phonograph from .1. II. MuigesH.
or cedar averuc.
William Witt. Inrinerly ot the South Side, has
leiuineil from Detroit, Mich., when- be Sus
been liiing for the pat eight months,
Louis Koch Is clerking temporality in tlie
South Side CHi stove.
MIks Francis Iteliiner, of Cedar awuuc, is veiy
sick with measles,
Mrs, Lee and son, of W.iyinait, are isitin-;
Mr. and Mix r. .1. McGon-sol. of Wellington
As a lesult nf a fall Saturday night, Oeorgo
llartni.iii, of Pittstou awnue, lias been confined
to hia linin' Willi a very sore leg since.
King Solomon Lodge of Masons In
stall Officers Unclaimed Letters.
Other Interesting Note3.
King Solomon lodge. Free and Accepted Ma
sons, held their seiiil-auiiual iimlallatiou cere
mony last night. Tho following oftlccrs weio
Installed: Worshipful master, W, II. Wilson;
senior warden, O. II. Xleme.ier; junior warden,
It, X. Hails; wercUiy, A. A. Kroter; tieas
urer, J. (I. Fear; trustees, Thoni.n Sly, V, l.
Decker, .Eugene Marlon; representative to the
giu nil lodgs, Thomas Sly,
At tho clone of the Installation cvucisei the
members, sat around the banquet tabic as is
their custom at tills meeting, and partook of
many of the season's, delicacies while listening
In interesting icm.iiks by the newly Installed of
ficers. Unclaimed Letters.
Letter leuiaining uncalled for during the
pciioit ending Dec, IS, 1900. Persons calling for
these letters please say advcrtUid: Martin
Crane, Apple street; Sire, Ileibert llighan, .V
I'.ler Oil; .los. McDonald, K. .1, (julnn, Louis
S'chot, F. (', Smith, 1141 Summit avenue; I'eur
J, Walsh, Doincnlcn llouacc, i-Wcilo Saicu, Fla
vian! Damose, (Iregolii Pregnano, John Spennk
lin. Briefly Noted.
'Ihe ( InWIan F.ndeaior society of the Piciby
terlan church will hold a limine.-, inciting at tho
ilose oi prayer iiieetlnif service Wednesday
Thu Knights of Pythias hold tlrdr regulir
meeting Iu Masnivin hall Ibis cvtniiig,
Tho Kpwoitli League meets tonight in I he
.Veihodlst chinch.
Miss Mjrllo Horns has leluiued Iu her old
position as bookkeeper for K. A. Stevens.
Mr, aud Mrs. C, II, llattiiihuig of .Jimim.wi,
wen- entcltalueil by s'lipeilutendeiit and Mri.
Ilovard, of lllakel)' street, this ueel..
The twenty-fourth monthly inectlux ft tho
Men's union of (keen Itidgo will be held in the
chapel of the (J reel l llldge Prcsbiterian chillili
Thursday evening luxt at T.l'i n'clock, The feat
ure of this meeting will be an address by thu
Hon. Clinton llogen Woodrulf, of Philadelphia,
on "Conditions, Pioiesus ami Progicss of Muni,
cipal Iteforui." The inu.Ual part of the pro
gramme will he. under the direction of Sir. (.roigo
P. Wliiltemure.
There will be a meeting nf the Leud-a-Uuml
Sllsslon band at the home of Mm. .1. L. Itoss,
comer of Klectric and Sanderson avenues, Ihii
evening at 7.3l o'clock. A full attendance Is de
fired, KdnarU Fuller, of Dickson avenue, has tetiiincd
from a business trip Into New York 'state.
& Co., 124 Wyoming: Ave
mmSSSmww Stove
JRi nTblHMi
to a
, MfflSil-SEffiliffmEfmii &
tjnaKnHYu HHHnrai
(Steam or Hot Water)
i? made extra heavy, with every joint iron to iron. There is no heat lost, and
at the end of the winter the heater shows no sign of wear. It is made for heat
and wcr
aK ua eend jnu oar booklet, yon will know
til about heitcra that it north knowing.
The Sperl Heater Company, Carbondale, Pa.
Be Quick and Buy Quick.
1 Words of warning that you'll do well lo heed. Wait too
long and the very thing you've been looking for will have
heen sold out.
Toy's For Everybody.
The most we've ever had, which is saying a good deal. But
old Santa Claus has more homes to visit than usual this
year the city has been growing a' bit.
Candies To Go With Them.
Williams' Candies, which are as pure as candies can be
made. Other kinds, too, put up in fancy boxes. Special
prices on big quantities to Churches and Sabbath Schools.
312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue.
ltev. E. J. nradbiiry cited last nifrlil "I II'"
homo of Ids son, (". II. Bradbury, KiS (Jiiincy
avenue, lie wci born iu Lmrland in t2i ami
came lo tlili country in lSlb. Two je.ns laler
be was ordained u minister ot the Method!
Kptecupal chuicli and for forty years preached
the sroipil ill Xcvv York state, the greater part
of hia chargei being in the denoec conference,
lie wai placed on the hiipeiannuated ll-l In 1WHI
and since then has s.pint the greater prut of each
winter at the linme of Id? f-on In thi city. Up
made many ti lends hero who greatly admired
him for his nobleness of character. Iln was .1
gentleman of hluli ideals, who won the .il"ci
tion of all who came within the lirclec of his
acquaintance-. Ills death was a. peaceful as Ills
dhpoilllon. Life craihudly ebbed nwiiy and at
1U.:10 o'clock lait idjrht bis ejea closed in their
l.n.1 sleep. He is survived bv three sons aril
I wo daughters. 'Ihey me: Mi. .1. .. Mnill.
of Wiiylat.d, X. Y.l Mis. Kmily Little, II. It.
Itiadbury and W. II. Iliailbiny, of Lnuisvilli.
Ky., and ('. K. Ilradhiuy. of this city, Hint
funeral fcenicea will be held at T.::0 n. in. Wed
nesday at the resident c, I0 I'uiuiy avenue, and
the icmallis will be t.ilicn to l'alntcil Cost, X.
Y., wbeie Intel incut will be made in the alter-
Katheriue, tin- wife of Mr. Alunan llobliison,
of 320 North lljde Park avenue, died jiMcntay,
.Mr, Holilnton uceutly moved to Wett Sciaiilmi,
ImvInK lived Iu Diinmnre for many years. lie
ceased waa the Krandd.iiiKliter of the late Jacob
Weaver, of I'lierry street, Jh'ininoie. The funeral
will tako place from the Diinmore McthodM
Kplscopal churcli on Thursday afternoon at 8
o'clock. Intel nient will be made in Dimimre
Examinations of Law Students Now
Being Conducted.
KlKlit law .students are tuklnt? tlin
I'xaniinatlons to the Laukawantia bur,
whiuli lii-san yesterday In the law II
hniry, and aro to continue until Fri
day. They aici James Hell, Frank
Htofkor, Chillies Connell, Fred Jl.
Kvans, Henry lllmlmnn, Ii. F. Hower,
Claude JMti'linr and Worthlngtnn
Some of tho students passed success
fully In various of the different
branches of the prescribed studies at
the July oxnntlnutioiiH., Others aro
lukinK their Hist examination.
The examinations are being conduct
ed by Jolin M. Hnrris, W, A. Wilcox
and J. V. Cnrpentoi', the board of ex
amlneis appointed by court.
Blind Patrick Dodd Cut His Throat
with n Razor.
Despondency caused Patrick Dodd,
nsjed 60 yciirx, to attempt hiilclilc ni
noon yesterday, at his home, L"5S ltall
road avenue, but fortunately medical
aid was summoned and his life Is
despaired of, The old man Is blind,
two of his sous nre Incapacitated from
worU throiiKh llluci-s, und tho family
is In destitute coroumstnnces.
Shortly after tho dinner hour, Dodd
wont to an outhouse and used a razor
on his neck, seveiinir several of the
smuller veins, but fortunately missel
is a simple thing when you
have a Sperl Heater (coal re
quired once in 12 to 20 hours)
It is so simple any one can keep
going and have the house heated
degree as you want it, day or
Every part of a
Sperl Heater
""'Rel.-i & Burxunder, Lessee and Manaz"'
A. J. Duffy. Ilusinesa Manager.
Wednesday, December 19,
The Sweetest Singer on tho Stag..
rir. Chauncey Olcott
In his ne.v and iiMgiiificciil piodu.-tlon,
l mlcr the maiiiiKi'iiici.t of .viieitstus 1'ltou.
IKar Olcott sim. ".Molly O," "The Ltltlt
Cliristiuaa Tree," "Tic Auld Coiitittee,"
".Moiivcrnecn" and ".Mm nnd I Together."
1'ltICr.S 23c, sue., 7.V , and iJl.OO.Seala on
.sale Monday al 0 a. m.
Managers and l.issecs. Local lleprescntatlv
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
December 21, 22 nnd 23
(Irainl Scenic Revival of llaitley Campbell' Ortit
Melo-Diamatlc uccess,
Presented 111 nu Elaborate Manner by a Capable
Macjilllreut Scenery and Superb Costumlnif.
Matinee Kllday and Saturday,
n Ices- Mat.. 10, 2.V. Kve., IB, 25, 35 and JOc,
New Gaiety Theatre
II, It. I.OXO, Lcuec and Manager.
Threo Pajs, Coniiuencina; Monday, Dec, IT.
I'reaenllnK original and progrcsilvo burlesques.
'Ihree Dajs, Coinmenclnfr Tlnirmlay, Deo. 20,
Victoria Bt-irlrtscuera,
Dally Matinee.
Prices Mai., NSe, 25c. Kve., jc, 23c, 35o, Mr,
the wind pipe, lie was discovered by
members of tho family mid Constuhla
Jniws Clark was suinmoned from tha
Htreet. The latter carried Dodd Into
tho house and Dr, Walker yna culled.
He responded quickly, In company
with Dr. Felubei'jf. Dodd will prob
ably recover.
Colds Melt Away
If you use Krause'a Cold Cure. I're
pared In convenient capsulo form they
are easy to tako und effect speedy
cure of tho moat obsttnato cases.
Price 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros.,
Clear Havana Cigars.
2,0i0 Imported and Key West cljjars
at New York prices for box trade
O'Jiara'K cIkop store, Hi Spruce street,
f' Jt