nwrv"' 'VX trr , n,v-tw--' ' -ksaSM.r. ,.. u. f. l vV V V 'A nbutje. cranton THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCKANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOKtfFNG, DECEMBER 18, 1900. TWO CENTS. miJimKKiiESf ti wSEJ5flCBWBfcflj3tPp IBBm rB -jME MbE4miw " i" h TWO CENTS. SESSIONS OF SUPREME COURT Two Gases That Will Deckle tlie Status of the Philippines and Porto RIgo. DIAMOND RING QUESTION A Soldier Returning from the Phil ippines Olnims That as the Islands Belong to the United States, No Duty Should Bo Charged Upon Ar ticles Brought from That Country. Constitutional Phases of the Situa tion Arguments Hade and Cases Cited. )y Kicltiilve Who from Tlic AMciitnI l'nv. AVu.shIngton, Dec. 17. In the ITnltotl States Supreme court today argument was begun In two cases, the decision of which Is expected to Ilx tlm status of Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands nnd other Insular possessions ncuulred through the war with Spain with re Hpeot to the United States proper; to cay whether the people are citizens, anil to Indicate whether the constitution follows the flag. One of the eases is that of John IT. Ooetze, who in June, 1i!i!, Imported from Porto KIco u quantity of leal' tobacco Into the United Stales through the port of Now Yotk and molested against the assessment of duty on the importation, claiming that the tobacco was not subject to d,uty because "Porto Uleo at the time of the Importation was not a foreign country, and because therefore the imposition of duties on goods brought from a place within the territory of the United States into a port of the United States is not lawful and valid under the constitution. The collector of the port and the board of general appraisers both rided against him, as did the United States Circuit court for the Southern district of New York, when Gootze took the case before that tribunal. From the opinion of that court the importer appealed to the United States Supreme court. The other case Is known as the Four teen Diamond Ring case. In that suit the claimant Is one Manuel Pupke, u ho served as a soldier or the United States In I.uzun In the Philippines. While there he purchased, or acquired, the rings In question and brought them into the United States without paying duty upon them, some time In the year 1S9D, between July 31 and September 2.",. The rings were seized on May IS, 1800, at Chicago by a United States customs officer as liable to duty, which should have been Invoiced and was fraudu lently imported and brought Into the United States contrary to law. An in formation for the forfeiture of the rlncs was tiled on behulf of the sov ernmont, June 1, 1900, to which the claimant pleaded, setting up that at the time he acquired the property Lu zon was a part of the tenltory of the United States and that the seizure wa.s contrary to the claimant's rights as a citizen of the United States under the constitution, and particularly Sections, Article IV., thereof, and lie Insisted that under Article I Section s, con gress Is required to see that all taxes and duties shall be unlfoim through out the United States. To this plea the United States demurred, and upon hearing of the demurrer, the district court gave judgment of forfcituie for the government. This Judgment the claimant removed into the Supremo court by a writ of error. The Goetze Case. The case of Gootze vs. the United States Involving the status of Porto KIco was taken up In the United States Supremo court at 3.1)0 p. m. Attorney General Griggs was present in behalf of the government and a number of prominent attorneys, including foimer Secretary Carlisle, were Jnteiested lis teners. Edward C. Peiklns, of counsel for Gootze, asked that the Porto KIco case and that involving the status of the Philippines bo combined, The attorney general assented to this and It was ar ranged that each side should haw live hours. The opening argument in behalf of Gootzo was then begun by Kverlt .Urown. Mr. Brown rehashed the main fea tures as to the cession of Porto Rico with the circumstances of the enact ment of the tariff law of IM7 nnd the Imposition of the duties on tho goods of Goetze, The main contentions, ho said, were that Porto KIco was not a "foreign country," as contemplated by tho tariff net and that Porto KIco was within tho United States so that an Im port duty against the goods of Porto KIco would bo In violation of the con stitutional provision that "all duties. imposts and excises, (.Hull be uniform throughout the United States." Mr. Ilrown remarked that the counsel who had opposed this view hud maintained that Poito KIco was a part id' the United States only In u Pickwickian sense, It was conceded, ho said, that "tho people of tho United States con stltuted an absolute sovereign nation; that tho power to deeluru and curry on war had been delegated by the people to Its constitutional agents anil that this Includes the power to occupy for eign territory subject only to tho rules and usages of civilized wnrfuio nnilor International laws, (t was also conceded, Mr. Ill own, mid, that the people had delegated the power to add permanent acquisitions to Its territory, Hut with these con cessions, Mr, Brown declared that the people had established certain consti tutional limits never to be transcended. This cuso was something moie than one of ex proprlo vJgore. It went to the extent of denying tho right of any aranch of government to transcend the tho limitations laid down by the con stitution. lie closed bin bilef Introductory pre-' mentation of the ease by refeirlng to Its momentous character, which he and his colleagues legarded as the most piofotindly Important that they ever hud been called upon to pieseiit. Constitutional Phases. Mr. Perkins followed, taking up more particularly the constitutional phases of the ease, lie spoke of the grave and serious Interests Involved not only for the present but for all time In the future, It was only because of the extraordinary events which the nation had participated In of late that this case had arisen, Mr. Perkins main tained that the constitution was in ef fect u power of attorney and the ques tion was us to whose powers. The prosecution of the war to Porto KIco or elsewhere, or the acquisition of this or that place, were all questions which must be brought within the power of the constitution. The question as to the constitution following the flag ho regarded as equivalent to saying that u man's shadow followed him. The tlrst constitutional point urged by Mr. Perkins was that "the claim of unlim ited power in new territories Is opposed to our entire theory of constitutional government." A. large number of eases were cited to show the attitude of the United Slates Supreme court on nnnlagous eases in the past. An unbroken tenet of decisions, it was maintained, es tablished that the prohibitory clauses of the constitution apply In the gov ernment of the tenltory of the United States. In one decision as late as hiht March, Mr. 1'eiklns said that Justice Harlan had held that the seventh .'lnendment to the constitution se curing the right of trial by jury ap plies to judicial pioceedings In the toirltories. The other chief points advanced In behalf of the appellant were: The treaty of Paris is not open to the construction that It provides for the governing of Porto Uleo without re gard to constitutional llinltH and as u country foreign to the United States. If it were possible to place that con struction upon the tienty, the provis ion would be void, as contrary In the constitution, but tills would not In any way pi event or affect the accom plishment or tlie usual results of an nexation. "If the tiiiilf act Imposes a luty or tax upon goods brought from t'orlo Itico to a place elsewhere in 'li" United States-, after the annexation, the Imposition is void as being in con flict with an expiess provision of the constitution. "When the treaty of Paris too' ef fect, Porto -Uleo ceased to he 'a for eign country' within the meaning of these words, as urcd In the tariff act." Mr. Perkins argument was in pro gress w.hon at 1.30 p. m. the court ad journed until tomorrow, when Mr. Perkins will continue and the other counsel will be. heard. The five hours on each side which the' courr has al lowed will extend the hearing through tomorrow and part of the next day, if all the time is occupied. ON INDUSTRiAlT" CONCILIATION Conference Held at Chicago Under Auspices of the National Civic Federation. By i:clu-iiu Who from The A-.uiiated I'rua. Chicago, Dec. 17. A conference on "Industrial conciliation and arbitra tion" under auspices of the National Civic Federation began here at 10.20 o'clock today. Stelnway was half filled when tlie speaking began, but. Secretary Italph M. ICasley, of the Civic Federation, declared that tho nu merous tabor captains present from various points of the country formed a good return on the Invitations sent out. The conference has as Its object the stirring up of public sentiment by means of Intelligent discussion be tween rcpiesentntives of labor and em ployer, rather than taking definite ac- tli.it n 1 1 lifiin.h It lo lint iltilllft.lv Hint- some resolutions giving tlie sentiment of the conference on the best ways of dealing with the Industrial disputes will come up before the close of the meeting Tuesday night. The audience during the forenoon listened with close attention to the variety of views pre sented by the speakers. President Samuel Clampers, of the Federation of Labor, was present. He will speak to night. The conference was called to order by Franklin MncVeagb, chair man of the committee on arrange ments. Carroll D. Wright, United States commissioner of labor, followed. He was greeted with applause. John 'Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, followed. lie was re ceived with vigorous applause. Ills ad dress was extemporaneous, Mr. Mitch ell said his organization has favored for over ten years an adjudication of differences by conciliation and arbitra tion and that them has not been a, great strike that the mlneis had not first tried to apply the principle of conciliation and arbitration before en gaging In the strike. In the recant con test In the anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, Mr. Mitchell said, ilm mine workers' organization exhausted every honorable and every posslblo means beloro striking. Tho operators being sincere in the belief that the men would not strike and tho feallnt; that the employes had no grievances and refused to treat with tho men's organ ization and to meet (hum In joint con fertnee, PITTSBURG TRACTION CASE SETTLED. Hy Ewliulvc Win- from Tlie Associated Press. I'lillailelphli, Die, 17. After niuui-inni lesa lepi ami dcl.ijs tlie rountir equity suits be tweeu William b. lllkliw, 1'. A. 11. Wldcncr, (ltuiir.t W. r'.lklns, William I'llni, Jchua llhodei and M. K. McMulK'ii, plaintiff, and Pieicl & Co. nnd Whitney It Mephcnjoii, defendants, hale In in atuliably ottli.l. Tin- litigation uto nur tho iousolldallon pf true Hull llnct) In I'itlobiiii?. Strike at Kingston, lly Kulusiie Who firm 'fie Avioiialed ifcsj, Will.pn.ll.irie, Pie. 17, The strained relation which hale cUtitl,or mine lime pat beliuun the Kingston Coal company a"d It J,000 cin plojcs, culminated toda in a xtrike. The lire. men uml pump runners were alWed to remain ut woik. INVESTIGATION OF B00Z CASE The Mllltaru Board o? Inquiry Be gins to Hear Evidence at Bristol. TESTIMONY OF PARENTS The Father of the Dead Student Tells of Letters Received Describing the Tortures Inflicted Upon the Vic timA Mother's Opinion of the Conduct of Superintendent Mills. Testimony of Physician An Un willing Witness. By Bullish p Wire (inn 'Jho Associated Pita. Philadelphia, Pee. 1". The taking of testimony In the case of Oscar I.. I5oo2, the AVest Point cadet who died two weeks ago from injuries which, his parents allege, were indicted at I the West Point military academy, I was begun today by the board of In quiry appointed by the secretnry of war. Thiee sessions were held dur ing tlie day, two at liristol, the homo of the Booz family and a short Ijcm ' slon In this city late in the afternoon. The members of the board, Gonetuls Brooke, Clous and Bates, accompanied by Captain Dean, of the Fifth artil lery, who acted as recorder, arrived at Bristol at 10.'10 and shortly aft"--v:ird went Into .cession. Tho court sat in the study of I lev. Dr. Alexander Alison, the pastor of the Hi Istul Pres byterian church, which adloined the Booz homestead. The -illnesses called weie Willl'im II. Poo;;, father- .Mrs. Saiab Vlrot, I'lolhcr, Nellie Booz, sls-ter of the young man: the l!ev. lr. Allison, Dr. Weaver, a Ilrlslol physician, who at tended Oscar Hooz, and seveial othes. 1. Ittlo of the testimony was new. Af ter hearing all the Bristol witness's, the hoard made a Hying visit to thli citl. wheie It took th testimony of Dr. .1. fc-'olls Cohen, who bad Oscar un der treatment, and S. S. Albert, a for mei cl.'ssiiiate of Oscar Hoot:. Til boa id l"ft Cor Xew ork tonight and vlll sit at Wi.'-t Point tomorrow af ternoon. Hearing at Bristol. liristol, Pa.. Dec. 17. Tlie niilllaiy board of Inquiry appointed by the -ei!-ri't iry of war to investigate charges made by relatives and friends of Oscar L. Hooz, the former West Point cadet, that he came to his death on December C, at his home heie, as the result of hazing by fellow cadets at the academy two years ago, began the taking of tes timony here today. The board consists of Major (lener.il John A. Brooke, Brigadier General Alfred K. Hates and Colonel J. H. Clous. The Inquiry was held in the study of Hev. Alex. Allison, pastor of the Bristol Presbyterian church. All the lions! fam ily was present. Mr. Hooz, the father of the dead student, testified on the lines of his recent published Interviews. He said his son had wiltten him of the brutal treatment he had received In hazing; how he had been forced to fight an expert boxer, and how he had re ceived in tho boxing a severe heart blow, and furtbeimore, that tobas-o sauce had been forced down his throat, while he had been tightly held by a number of the upper class men. Mr. Hooz told of his son's return to his home In broken health and spirits and that ho was finally forced to take his bed, from which he did not arise. lie said his son stoutly refused to re veal tho names of tho students who persecuted him. Mrs. Booz a'so testified of her son's complaints In letters to her of the brutal treatment he received at "West Tolnt. She said her foil never told a l'e and never acted a lie. She thoutrht Superintendent Mills, of "West Point, should be made to apologize iie calling her son a liar. NeMe Hooz, -i slstt.' of decepfod, also testl'led that her brother hail complained to her i,f 111 tieatment received In hazing .it "West Point. She said ho had told her that If he had not swallowed the tobacco sauce he would have been strangled. They were hold ing him down and he could do nothing else. Doctor Refused to Answer. Dr. AVeuvor, the physician of the Hooz family, testified that when Oscar left for West Point he was in robust physical condition, but when ho re turned home a feu- months later ho was pale uml thin. On examining Os car's throat after his return he ad vised him to consult a Philadelphia specialist, which advlco he followed. Dr. Weaver refused, for professional erasons, to tinswer the question of Gen eral Hates as to whether tobaseo sauce would disease the boy's throat. He was Informed that he was In 'contempt of court but tho board could not exact any punishment. Kov, Dr. Allison In his testimony paid a high tribute to the character of Oscar Hooz. He had received a letter from the student shortly after ho had gone to West Point In which Oscar had told of ill treatment ho hud received and added that It was hard to bu a Chi Is tlun at West Point. Some other witnesses were examined without the olleltatlon of any thing new and tho board then adjourned to meet at Philadelphia later In the day, At Philadelphia, Dr, J, Soils Cohen, a tin oat speclallsl. testified to huv Ing treated Oscar Booz. Ho said tho lutter's c-aso was a hopeless one. He said he had noticed on examination he found J3ooz had an old Injury In the throat, IIo could not tell how long ho might lmvo been troubled with the affection. He thought If tobaseo suuen had been forced down liooz's throat It may lmvo inudo him more susceptible to the disease, i Slgmond S, Albert, n fellow-studont of Hooz, at AVest Point, proved nn unwilling witness. Ho admitted, however, that tho fourth your men were undo to suffer Indignities by the upper class men, hut would not go Into details. He said Hooz never coniplntncd to him of 111 treatment. He told of olio night when come fourth year men were Mood up In u tent nnd told to open their mouths nnd shut their eyes. They obeyed, and then someone squirted Into their moutliH what he believed to be tobas eo sauce. It did not hurt him bocaus-j there was not enough of It. lie did not see tho light In which Hooz was engaged. The board left tonight Tor AVest Point, where the Inquiry will bo con tinued tomorrow. BAD NEOROES CAPTURED. Officers Secure Two Colored Crooks at Altoona. Hy Kxiltuiti! Wire from The Assoi-luti-d l'rc-t. Altoona, Dec. 17. Officers llarr, Swnr tel and Hrown. of Tyrone, went down to Spruce Creek this morning to arrest u, couple of bad negroes, known as "Hocks" and Brooks. They were armed with shotguns, revolvers and other Im plements of war. "Hocks" was tho flist arrested He was left ut Drake & Strat ton's ofHce. while the party went after Brooks. "Hocks" made a desperate at tempt to escape. He sprang out of the office, followed by Superintendent Thompson, who 11 red four shots after him. "Rocks" took refuge In the now tunnel, and was dually recaptured. After Brooks was arrested a search of the camp was made. Overcoats, mack intoshes, gold rings, ladles' coats and other articles were found. Some of them have no doubt been stolen from Altoona, Bellwood and Tyrone. Brooks was the man who sold them at Spruce Creek. Prisoners and booty were brought to Tyrone this afternoon. "Hocks" Is tlie negro who stole the conductor's satchel off the "Ooal" one night a week ago. ROYAL MARRIAGE BEING ARRANGED The Projected Alliance Between Prince Charles and the Princess Asturias. U V.iiuir Wni Mom 'flic A'vsv'tlali-tl f'rm. Madrid. Dec. 17. General Azcarra ga, the premier, in full uniform, read today in the chamber of deputies, a loyal message announcing the pro jected inuriiage of the Princess of the Asturlns to Prince Charles, second son of the Count of Cuserla. Subsequeiit ij accompanied by hu other minis l"is. be piocei'di'd to the senate cham ber, where the message was again lead, A committee Is drawing up a reply to the message, unanimously favoring the u 111. nice. It is reported, however, that at a private meeting Honor Sa gasta, former liberal premier, decided to vote agalnsi the marriage. l'u- some months, it has been as serted in responsible journalistic cir cles In Spain that the chief of the dy nastic liberals, Senor Sagasta, despite Ids well-known personal devotion to the queen regent and to the Alton 1st branch of the Bourbons, would not refrain from stating in the cortes in the name of his party that he must ceiuure the man luge of tho heiress presumptive to the throne to a Neai o lltuu Bourbon; of n man who was chief of stuff to the pretender in the last civil war, when Don Carlos was confronted by Alfonso XII, rather of the present king and the princess. RUHLIN AND MAHER FIGHT SIX ROUNDS The Concensus of Opinion of Specta tors , Is That Ruhlin Had the Best of the Bout. By Rvuhbliu Wile fiom 'Hie Aiwclaici) Pli-33. Philadelphia. Dec. 17. Ous Huhlin and Peter Mtiher met tonight at the Penn Art Athletic club In a six round contest that proved to be one of the fastest and most furious bouts of that length between heavyweights which has been seen In some time. Under the local laws governing boxing no deci sions are permitted, judgment as to the outcome being left to the specta tors. The concensus of opinion was that Huhlin had by far the better of the fight nnd clearly outclassed the Irishman, notwithstanding Malicr put up one of the gamest battles that he has in somo time. Uoth men were ap parently In excellent shape and from the first sound of thu boll to the end of the fight went at it hammer and tongs. Maher was especially active In tho first three rounds, after which he did not show tho same form, but ap parently avoided the heavy swings of Ruhlin. Attendance, 4,000. TO SUPPRESS TRAIN ROBBERY. Representative Ray Proposes a Death Penalty. 11 Kxihulic Win; from The Aoilafol Pi cm. AVashlngton, Dee, 17, Representative Hay, of New York, today Introduced a bill "for tho suppr Wlon of train rob bery in tho territories of the United States and elsewhere," It provides the death penalty for those guilty of a "holdup" In caso the death of any per son on the train results. In i.-iise no ope Is killed the penalty Is made hard labor from twenty to forty years. Steamship Arrivals. Hy Inclusive Wire fiom 'Hie AsaotUtuJ I'rfsJ. Kiw Voili, Hoc. 17. Arrlu'ils Vlcloiln, fiom Vjilt(j; Umliiia, Llu'ipoo); la CluinUi;iio, llJiie. CUarcil: !.iUit Wlllirliu III, .S'ui'li uml (i'tiio.1. .Milwcip Arrlird; Xnoitlhuit, from .NViv Voile. nilnalUrAilliui: Columbia, Xuv Vnik fur .ipli-s tuij (itnoj. Sailed; Allcr (fiom (ioncu mill Viples), Jfsw Yoils, Mvi-iioo AiiIkiIi Kliurla, New Yoik. I.UarJ-l'Jwid! I'oUljin, Xcw Yoik for Itotteuljiu. Strike at Sunmoain. ty KxcliMive IViru from The Associated I'reu. SJiaiiiokin, I'a., Pec, 17. Tvebo tiunJretl im'H ami liojs nt NaUllc colliery, operated hy the MiuiiioMu Coal cojiipjiij-, tlruik today because fifteen hlaikunltlm mil mqiotitm lu lint heeu jliiu the tu I'll' cent. Increase In waged. TREATY VOTE ON THURSDAY The Senate Reaches an florecment on the Hau-Paunce- tote Affair. BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE Under Suspension of Rules Impor tant Measures Concerning Kentucky nnd West Virginia Are Passed. A Fine Tribute Ib Paid to Repre sentative Charles A. Boutelle. Upon Request of Mr. littlefleld He Is Placed on Retired List. Uy Inclusive Wire from The Awoclalnl Pros?. Washington. Dec. 17. Just before adjournment late this afternoon, the i senate gave Us consent to the fixing A definite time to vote upon the Hay Pauncefote treaty. Senators Money and Mason hud occupied the time of Pie executive session In making speeches upon the treaty, and when Mr. Mason, who was the last speaker, concluded. Senator Lodge renewed his inquest to take a vote next Thurs day. No voice was raised in opposi tion and the unanimous agreement was recorded. The understanding is that the voting shall be on the amend ments at 3 o'clock, and that tho sen ate should continue In session until th': first vote on the treaty itself is reached. Senator Money's speech was a Hat protest against tlie entire proceeding in connection with the treaty. He talked for two hours, contending for the right of the I 'nlted States to act in this matter independently of other HHtlons. lie said that conditions had changed greatly since ISJO, when the Clnyton-Hulwer treaty was made, and add edthat while the interest of Great Britain In constructing n canal across the Isthmus and in maintaining Its neutrality had dlniNhed greatly be cause of the construction of the Suez ennal, the interest , of the United States in an Isthmian canal had beu vastly enhanced, because of growing tiado and our newlv-acqulred posses- slim In the Orient. He said while ! England demanded that the United i States should not fortify the proposed Isthmian canal, she herself hid for tified points practically controlling the Suez. He read copious extra"ts from speeches by Stephen A. Doug las, Secretary Frellnghuysen and Sec retary Blaine (the last in his In struction to Minister Lowell), In sup port ot his position. He called atten tion to the fact that the Hepburn bill provides explicitly for the defense of the canal and he assrtod that the treaty should be defeated outright and the canal bill passed In its st-ad. Senator Mason spoke In support of his suggested amendment authorizing the United States to defend the canal as it mnv deem proper In caso It con structs the canal, presented the argu ments In support of our night to de fend the water-way in concise and forcible terms, and received careful attention. He conected at the out "t the Impression that in his effort to have the treaty amended ho is seek ing to antagonize the administration. Nothing, he said, was further from his thoughts, because be believed that In this, us in all other matters, the ad ministration had been entirely pa triotic. His difference of view was due, lie said, to a different conception of tho way to reach n common end, that common end being the welfare of tlm American people. Ho then proceeded to make his ar gument for the right to defend the canal In case this country constructs it with Its own money. He contended that our national right for defense Is more definitely fixed under Internation al law that under the Clayton-Hulwer treaty and said 'that our rights would be made stronger If the canal were built by tho nation as such than If constructed by private enterprise, even though tho enterprise be American. In conclusion ho urged the senate to pro tect all tho natural rights of the na tion. In the House. Under suspen. 'on of the rules the house today passe bills to divide, Ken tucky and AVest A'lrglnlu Into two judi cial districts, to create another dis trict judge in the northern district of Ohio nnd to refer to the secretary of the Interior for Investigation tho claim of the state of Texas for money ex ponded on Improvements In Oreer county before the decision of the su premo court placed It within the Juris diction of Oklahoma. An attempt was made to pass a bill to give soldiers and sailors of the Civil war, the Spanish wur and the wur In the Philippines preference In tho mutter of appoint ment to and retention In positions In the executive departments of the gov ernment, but It aroused opposition on tho ground that It would practically shut out of the government employ for years to come all civilians, and was overwhelmingly defeated. One hun dred nnd two prlvato pension bills were pnssed, Just before the house adjourned a fine tribute was paid to Representative Charles A. Boutelle, of 'Maine, who served eighteen years in congress and who has been je-eleoted to tho Fifty seventh congress, Mr, Llttlefleld. of Maine, asked unanimous consent for' tho consideration of a bill to place him on the lettrcd list us a captain In the navy, Mr. Boutelle having been a captain in tho navy during the Civil war. Mr. 'Llttleueld stated that Mr. Houtelle's condition was such that he undoubtedly would resign. Tho condi tion of the Maine representative was well known to the representatives and, although some of them were Inclined to protest against tho proposed legislation as establishing a dangerous precedent, no objection was made and the bill was passed THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today, PARTLY CLOUDY j WARMER. 1 Oencral l!x-l'ri"lilent CIcM-lnnd'n Opinion ot (he Deinui Mill- t'.ilt.v. Two llnlmttnlit Ctlsiw Iti-fnie the Ntinelilp (Vntrl. Km itc Sell u ll.iy for n Vote on the Treaty, lleoz IIhIhk Imestllrillnu, 2 I.oi al Itrport of the .Silmiil Continllen. 0ilnlrni on the Cluinire In City Charier. I.lihiiwami.t County .Vein. ;l i.oiMl-r'oniolliI.illori of lIlRlit Coal Companies, driiiil of the Dhorce Mill. 4 lMllorial. Note mill Comment. ." Itiieut Itoanl nt Tinilo nmi .Secoiul-cl.ua City Matters, ".truer Ailia1l Itepalr bill Held Vt. 0 l.oial West ScMiiton ami Suburban. 7 Northeastern Pcnrw.rhanla New. Klti,incl.-il and Commercial. 8 l.oi-.il I,le Neus of the t.alior Wotld. THE THIRD NEGRO IS LYNCHED Thought to Have Been Concerned in the Murder of Simons Militia Arrives Too Late. n.e Kxclintip Wire from The .Usoeialeil l'less. Uockport, Ind Dec. 17. John Rolla, Zwho was lynched tonight at Boon-, vllle, was Implicated by Rowlands, one of tho negroes lynched lost night at Uockport, but denied his guilt. He told conflicting stories, and it was learned that he was away from the Verandah hotel, where he worked, about the time Simons was murdered. Confronted with this evidence. Holla weakened and con fessed his share in the crime, admit ting that he struck the first blow nnd that the other two negroes helped him to kill Simons. The militia from Evansvllle arrived at Boonvllle fifteen minutes too late, and the dead body of Rolla mot their gaze as they marched Into town. The citizens of Rockport held a meet ing tonight and formed an organization for the purpose of maintaining law and order, and assisting the officers in the prosecuting of criminals. It was also resolved to make an effort to take municipal affairs out of politics. AVhile the lynching was only Incidentally dis cussed, the general sentiment of the community upholds the action of the mob In taking affairs in their own hands. There is no purpose to prosecute any one concerned in the mob. COLLISION OF STEAM AND TROLLEY CARS Five Passengers on Dallas and Har vey's Lake Electric Railroad Are Injured. By Kxcliuivp Wire from The Aoeiateil Press. AVIlkes-IJarre, Pa., Dec. 17. A coal train on the Lehigh Valley railroad col lided with a car on the Dallas and Har vey's Lake Electric road at Luzerne borough, near here, this morning, with the result that five passengers were uulte seriously injured. The names of the victims are: Dr. C. A. Spencer, seriously hurt about tho back and par tially paralyzed; E. .1. Newman, seri ously hurt about back and bruised; Mrs. T. Oldershun, hurt on back; James Eley, hand injured and bruised; L. J. Bartrum, bruised abput body. The coal train was on the crossing, but the motormun could not hold his car, owing to the wet rails. AVhen tho crash came the passengers were thrown in all directions, and the ear smashed into kindling wood. BRABANT'S CAPTURE IS CONFIRMED. Capital Question Is Not to Be Settled Place of Mllner's Residence. By Euliitlio Wire from The Associated 1'ieij. London, Dec. 17. General Kitchener, in a despatch received by the war of fice, contirsm the Associated Press de spatch from Aliwal North, Cape Col ony, of last night, announcing the cap ture by the Boers of u iletnchment of Urabunt's Horse, Dec. 1U, near JCastron, Orange Hlver Colony, and says 107 men wore made prisoners on that occasion. The colonial olllcc, In announcing that .Sir Alfred Mllner succeeds Lord Roberts us administrator of tho con iiuered territory in South Africa, says his taking up residence at Johannes burg on account of his health must not be regarded as a settlement of tho oupl tal question. Cape Town, Dec, 17, Seven hundred Boers have crossed from Orango River Colony, near Aliwal North, and lmvo reached Kaapdaol, DEATHS OF A DAY. By Exclmlve Wire from Tho Associated: Prew .New Voi It, Dec, 17. .lutUe llrmy 11. Ileek nun, of the supreme touit, illnl in front uf hh risliluiie on V't Heientci'Mli street tuiliy. He luil Jut left III Itoiwo tu tin I" court. Mi. lleel.Hi.iti iwi 3'i jears of Jk'i'. liirly III hU IikiI i-jreer ho wa recnirnlwd as a man uf iiuuiii.il attainments, uml when Ahum H, Hewitt was nominated for nujor ho ilenumleil that Henry R, Ileekinan lie nainul en the ticket with him iu thu Democratic candidate for m-oldcnl of the hoaul of alilumen, rtalUIns that Mr. lloeLnun uoiiM frequently he called upon to asuime the duties ot aithiR mayor. Mr. Hewitt waa ill for some timo after Ills election, ami the pieluVnt of the hoaul of aldermen by ililiie of the olllce utleil m the cltj'n I'ltcutlie. Industrial Commission, Hy Ktrlmhe Wire from I ho Associated Pfesi. I'hiludelphlJ, Dee. 17. The Industilal lummN hlon bi-KJ'i a fpcclit teflon at the Manufacture uV i luh hero todoy, and lepiCheutathci of all the important Industries in i'cmLiylvanU hare Ken imitcil to aprear, Porter's Neck Broken. By Exclushc Wire from The Associated TrcM. WIILro-liairc Dec. 17. John Nusscr, a portei (mplojcd at the l.uzmie hotel, I.uzcrnc kor ouch, near here, fell down stairs tills utornluy awl biuke Lis neck MR. CLEVELAND SPEAKS OUT His Opinion of the Democratic Partu Expressed to a Correspondent of the Atlanta Journal. NEEDS OF THE PARTY The Ex-President Believes in n Be turn to First Principles The Dem ocratic Party Has Not Been Fatally Disorganized, but Needs Rehabili tation In the Judgment of Mr. Cleveland It Has Wandered Off After Strange Gods A Return ta the Old Time Doctrines Necessary. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Trend. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 17. The Atlanta Journal this afternoon published an In terview with former President Cleve land, obtained by a stuff correspondent at Princeton, N. J. Mr. Cleveland la quoted us follows: "In my opinion the great need of tha Democratic party Is n return of first principles. Tho Democratic party Ulan not been fatally disorganized, but It sadly needs rehabilitation on purely, Democratic lines. "AVhat Is tho matter with the party? It has In my humble judgment simply wandered off after strange gods. A large mass of Democratic voters saw this before the last election. They re mained quiet but when the time cama to vote, they said: 'This is not Democ racy,' and they refused to support it. "Aa I see it, it Is the duty of Demo crats everywhere to aid In tho rehabil itation of the party. There are soma signs of an Insistence upon the neces sity of a return to Democratic doctrines In the south but they are not so general as I would like to see." "AVhat of the future" was asked. "With a sincere return to Its old time doctrines," Mr. Cleveland replied, "the old time victories of tho Democratic party will certainly, be won, . t PRESIDENT'S -INAUGURATION. Fifty Washington Citizens to Have Charge of the Ceremonies. By Exclusive Wire from The Astociatert t'ress. Washington, Dec. 17. The inaugural committee, which will have charge ot the forthcoming presidential Inaugural ceremonies, was announced officially today. It consists of fifty prominent citizens of AVashlngton, as follows: John Joy Edson, chairman; Theophll us E. Itoessle, vice-chairman; Colonel George Truesdell, second vice-chairman; E. Southward Parker, treasuter; Harrison Dingman, secretary; Justice Harlan, John AAr. Thompson, James It. Marshall, General Ellis Spear, John B. Larner, Beriah AVilkins, Stllson Hutch Ins, Henry A. WUlurd, Colonel Myron M. Parker, II. B. AVarner, John B. AVIght, Michael I. AVeller, AVilliam V. Cox, Professor George AV. Cook. Thomas AV. Cridler, James L. Nor ris, George E. Hamilton, General George H. Harris, AVilliam W. Dud ley, Major James E. Bell, Cuno H. Rudolph, Edward J. Stellwngen. Wil liam H. Rapley. Charles C. Glover, Charles J. Bell, Colonel James G. Bcr rett, General IT. V. Boynton, Henry E. Davis, Theodore Noyes, Arthur B. lliowne, John AV. Poster, John AV. Cotton, Clarence F. Norment, General Nelson A. Miles, AVilliam S. Knox, Al beit A. AVIlfon, A. S. AVorthlngton. Thomas P. AA'nlsh, S. AV. AVoodward. Isador Saks, George Gibbons, John F. Cool,-, S. II. lCauft'inann. Louis D. AVlno. Slnum AVolf and John T. Bo vine. SUPREME COURT CASES. A Number Advanced in Order to Make Way for De Lima Affair. By r.jclushc Who, from Tho Auociated Prcw. AVashlngton. Dec. 17. Chief Justlco Fuller today advanced a number oC cases involving the i elation between the United States and Porto Rico, so as to bo heard with the Do Lima, case, In which this question Is ut Issue. The Do Lima case la set for January 7, nnd will bo argued' by Former Secretury Carlisle. It wits nt his Instance that (hree of the cases wore today advanced, Killed on the Tracks, lly r.u huha Wire from The AuocUted I'icm. Ilarritibtirg, Dec, 17, Hhvaul Stahlmaii, age 1! yaw, M Instantly Killed at li.wlc elation on tln middle illusion ut the IVimlvaiiU railroad .i lu last r.inlit, SMhliuaii, In imnpany with several other men, while n.ilkliu mi the tr.i'-l., was titinck by a hm-uij;i r tmin. Alex. I.vc, nuid 'i.i, mui so wrlouly Injured that he may ikiC iceoier. Hopkins Reapportionment Bill. By Kiclmlio Wire from The Associated Press. lVahiiiglon, Per, 17, The house committee on renuH by a lole of seven to kl- asieed to report the lloptdus rcappottlonmcnt bill, lciilnir the total membeibhlp of the home at 357, as at pres ent, and rc-arranglng a number of state deleira lions, The bll will not be taken up until alter the holiday. 1 i f f -- -f-f t t -t-t f WEATHER FORECAST, f Washing-ton, Dee. 17. forecast for Tuesday and Wcdnesdaj ; L'aitcru Penn sylvania Paitly iloudy and warmer Tucadjyj probably rain or snow in ex treme noithern poilh.iu Wednesday, ftirj light southed)- vInK . -a -i- -- i 6 t iiiaai iii. fj C,1 fc l iifiiTTTTirri-j ,1 j,4 -St iJ tV,