,,.,. ,, , I ' '" THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1900. :l NEWS OP THE LABCjRWORLD MASS MEETING IN THE INTER EST OF THE UNION LABEL. It Was Hold In Music Hull Yester day nnd Was Well Attended Ad dresses Were Made by a Number of tbe Officers of Labor Unions. Make Up of the D., L. & Wi Board for Today A New York View of the New Coal Deal Other Inter esting Trade Notes. Music hull wis ijoiufunitlilylllli'il yes terday afternoon by local inr-inlK'is c.f the trades utul labor unions, who at tended the III st nf a 'hpiU'm of nubile mass meutliiBs which will he held dur ing the winter. In point of numhcis the minora of the valley were Krently in ndvanco of their fellow -wniWeis and by fnr the greater jierccutuBc of men In the nlldlenee vele nieinbeif of the mine worlcerV unions. An utldiOHH by Nntloitnl ()i'.inl7er FiedcJlclt Bllcher, of the L'nlted Mine Vorltei-H of Anusilca, was the feature of the afternoon, and novel nl other very Intel csttmr talhs were slvon. The meet In was npemd al '-'."0 oVlnek, when there Hied upon the tlnne Oiirnnlzer Ditcher; Xutlimnl Ollleci T'.eevo.of Do tiolt, of the Stieet Ctw Men's union; Secretary John Dempxcy. of the Mine AVollteis; 1'iesldelll Mai tin D. Flaherty, or the Central I.nuor union: O. Hux ter. of the Mine AVorkeis; John Collins and P. J. Shea, or the Stieet Car Men's union: President .John Devlne, or the rieilfs' association: Fiert Ilammls. of the Ktonecutteis' union, and Joseph Sehoiilield. of the cleiki. They were inectutl by a burst of applaue from the audience. ADDr.HPf? OP AVIU.COMK. President Maitlij D. Flaheity, of the rential Labor union, opened the nieet iiip with an address of welcome. He declared that the sathellnff lnnimur uted a series to be held dining the win ter, for ais'senilnntlns the meaning and purpose of the union label. Jle Intro duced John Devlne, of the f'leilts' aso- latlon. as chairman of the meeting:. Tlie latter save u bilef talk leK.ndlns the necessity of coneentiated eftort In labor organization, after which he In troduced National Executive Officer Iteevos. of the StieeL Car Men's union. Mr. Reeves declared that as a na tional omcer he deemed It hit duty to do what he could to advance the con ditions of all classes of labor. Thtnugli the persistence ami effoits of Pi evident AV. D. Million, of Detioit. Mich., be said, the Street Car Men's union had achieved gieat sueces, and it wa.s as :i representative of that In. inch of labor that lie addressed this meeting of fellow-workeis. In the courhe of his address he uiRecl the neceshlty of the union label, which seals the difference between union and non-union products. "As a ti.uies unionist." ho said, "I believe in stand ing by tlie efforts of my fellow labor unionists, and am a thnmugh. advocate of a concentrated movement of the labor foices. National Oisauizer Piedeiiek Dll chei, of the United Mine Woikers of Aineilea, wns tlie next speaker and be was greeted with hearty applause. "Trades Unionism" "as his subject, anil ho began his addiess by severely .scoiing the Cleiks' association for the nieaere numhcis it mined out at tlie meeting. MUST SHOW 1NTCUKST. "You must show youi solves to be In tel estcd in your own welfnie, before we will do anything for ou," he exclaimed waunly, and then tesumed: "With our own organization ie expect to put a six hours' workday before the miners within a few ears. Tlie United Mine "Woikers of Ameilta is not an. organ ization created to call stiikes. Regard ing the rumoied stilke which it Is said aIU begin Apiil 1, I want to say light here that there will be no strike If the operators will bo as fair w Ith us as we are with them. "While our purpose is not for the culling of strikes, yet we control every htate in the union where a pound of coal is mined, and our power is supreme. "We propose to soon start a woman's auxiliary to our association. ;rhat will mean that 175,000 women going to stores on shopping tours will demand (list to see the clerk's union label, berore making a purchase. It will mean that we will have over 500,000 women en rolled beroro the end of the year. "We recognize the fact that the or ganization is doing nicely in this cltv. Business men, recognizing the fairness of our demands, extend friendly nld. Only yesterday Piesident Charles Hob lnson, of the Central Brewing com pany, signed the union scale for his breweries and henceforth you can drink union beer, and we have 1,000 more union men in the county, "Now, regarding our wives. "We must educate them so that they will patron ize none but union tradesmen. All that wo ask you to do in return for our assistance with ttuiles unions, Is that you refuse to 'buy unyjeoul mined by it non-unionist. VSIG CONVENTION COMINC5. 'Hefore I leave your city next "Wed nesday, I hopo to bring together the Trades Council and the Carpontois. Next year Sciiinton will bo the meet Ing placo of the Aincilcan Federation of Labor, and on this event you uie to bo coiigi ululated. "Alt branches of Seianton labor uie now being organized. The mlneis, stieot.eav men, draynieii, cabmen, tex tile woikeih and ceiks are all oreun Ized, anil now we have bad an appli cation fiom tint female domestics of the city, and In tlie luturo you will have to pay good wages to the women who wasli your dishes." Effect of the Big Deal. Concerning the ptu chase of the Penn sylvania Coal company by tho Kile, tho New York News Diueaii says; Th important i nf lir w mil "del I" wlilili, It nuy lio filil, i. ijrtnlb uiiumplUliftl, in ill thn fai't tll.'.t it ul:i.;U liuli of tho lusle ii.iluslrli'H o( tlie jminii,. Tin' mtUmeiit of tliij long-Kilns; uililoui will (it jc i..ipf:il fioulwii lor tlie auriliw I'lj l ,'i!li(i lii'pml.im nm 1-ii'ClliUl plan, with ul.iili It Ii in cimkiiiiciI, N.itiualbfYiiihii.iV llif i ',o j-lo. U nuih'l fill llio Miiii1uIiik lull"' i c ( Ihf inillii In uliiih wu luift rrfiriril, 'Die iiulun'iif i.iplinl, nliUii luii lititnui the intitvniliiJi ( liiii' nl urn ilv lllallon, irialru .i miiukIIi wwr lufi'ie pi'i FOcdl l.y eurpliH luwioi., ,l I In' miiiu time InU ioir nlivll'ctii Pt'd tJi.niU.ill, ricpt In a fiw rMiplloiill iiilrtmn. 'I lie uiifojt A lu'(iiiuiiillitl Ijj the rrfu4l ef Iii;IIjIiii In piiiinlc j fcululiou el' nioilirii pinnuiiili. pii'llinii nl illl.Vicnt lliii'i. 'Hull' is fury u-mii Jidjiun' Hut tor a,loi.i; limo to rcinp i,j Jj'2'l5lS'&!)llli';' tjkKiwl' Inwaril lliu iiiliiillilfutr'inii pimiio!i nt 4lnrnijiil.il pi.M pill ('(..llijl'lil'il .M. Il iiiiliicuin will eiKlthilbUslilR' tig rill 0P'VilcUiljliiii, lu IjcU '..iluii'iU iljri'tiii1 )8HVj.iJuiiIi Uh illll:al iKillrlM of (lie United SlitM, 1H nctlrf wtlt will lie nil the more fruitful brawn bt tht trrinciuloiu WTnltli nJ lioptbilnfi Which wr iti!c eterr crtitrc ol IicjIIIi . in the United hltr. Hnve Signed the Union Bcnle. A confcienco was hbhl Saturday bo tween Preslttcnl Clinrles ltohlnson( of the Central Pennsylvania Urewlng compuny( and several prominent labor lenders, an u result of which the union wnge scale was signed by President ltoblnson nnd nil hut two of itho brew ery company's plants In this section unionized, , There were present at the conference besides President Robinson, National Organizer Palmer, of the Brewery Workers of America, Barney Fleng, the local organizer, nnd National Or ganizer Frederick Ditcher, qf the Uni ted Mine Workers of America. For some time past negotiations hove been on between the brewing company and the labor authorities to unionize the bieweiles. The two plants not yet Included In the union are expected to be leprssented before long In the as sociation, . Today's D., L. & W. Board. Today's D j. and "W. hoard Is m follows; Sunilnj, Dec. In. Wll.l) (WIS, HAST. S p. iii. -P. stumor. 11..I0 p ni.- P. M iIiiip. .1. Diirklinrt' meii, Mniiilnj, Di'O. 17. WIU) l 'Vli, II.VST. P.. it .i in. I). WjIIi'i. 'I ii. in. M. t'limoilr. , i ii. m. 11. Iliiinell. 'i .i. in. I'. Ilill.'tl. s n. in. .1. W. Line. 10 ii. in - . K. Ki'lilmm. I II..1I J. in. (1. t! Uteri . 1 Ii. 111. T. Ilou.lluli. I I Z i. hi. (I. T, S:if li. :;.!". 1 1. in. (i 'llinma'. I', h. ICugi mm. I. I"i p m. II. Poluriy. suMini, i;tc. s.."(l a. in., hpI -fJ. rrr inifcllti-r. 11 a. in., vis( W. II. Nldiolh. 1 p. ni nest 1. Can lire. ." p. III., I lt .1. hnlil, II p. in., eitt II. (illlU.ip. 7 n. in., tml, fiom Xny Auc II. IliifT.v. 7 p. in.. i-l, ficm Cnuui McMl..inr. 7 p. in., twit, fn.in ('.iiiej-fllnli.,t. ii I'UU.IIIt. III ii. tn F. K. 'i or. ,. PIMII'.IIS. I fi .1. in. Ilou-H. i 11..I0 a. in. Moian 7 p. in. Murphy. 0 p. til. s. OTVtlliiil. PAsES(!i:it I.MIINhS. 7 a. in. ri.'unni'y. 7 a. m. O. (;.i'. S.W p. in. "tintoii. 7 p. in. M-iH'iveni. wir.n i-Aii, vi:st. 4 .i. in. .1. Ctatrtlo. i.ai j. in, u. Hurt. 5 a. ni. T. .1. 'riioinp.nn. .joO a. in. W. Lallan. ii . in. G. W. Smllh. 7 a. m. 11. fc'imth. j. in. P. Mill. C. KfiiKlp.'tt men. 11 a. m. T. I'iiiipitric1!. 1 p. in. W. Kirh.v. A. C. II imnilll. moll. J p. in. J. lijliii..ui, :! p. m. Iljirgeitt. 4 p. in. J. 11. JIiC'jiiii. i p. in. HjiIki. 1! p. in. Mulliii. MJ1ICK. (onilmliir .1. .1. (IniJy anil ,h-h ill tun .-, p. in. wild (.it Host Pec. tilth. In pliic of V. .1. Mo-iiir ,iml i-ren. This and That. Isiael W. Monis. of Philadelphia, who on January 1mIU sever his con nection with tlie Lehigh Vnlloy Coal company.after being with it for thirty two years. Most of the time lie was tieasurer and geneial land agent of the company. M. D. Evans, of Pittston, has accept ed a position as mine foicman at the Noithwest colliery of the Temple Coal and iron company ut Curbondale. Mr. Kvans (Hied similar positions under the Keystone Coal company and the Hillside Coal and Iron tompany. lie will continue his lesidence at Pittston. Theio Is considerable lull: in Maticb Chunk of a tiolley road from that bor ough to this one by way of Ivehighton. It Is undeislood, on good authority, that "Tom" Johnson, who alieady con trols miles of tiolley In this section is buck of it. Few details can be learned In regaid to the matter. From other sources It Is learned that a trolley from Poitland to the Water (lap will meet the one from Maueh Chunk hei e. Stroudsbuig Times. A surveying coips, said to be iioni the Lehigh Coal and Navigation com pany at Mnueh Chunk, are at woik locating a dam on the Pocono at the most available spot between the Slip pery Rock dam and Wamertown near Tobyhunna Mills. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation company is, the one that In ought the injunctions aaainst several ice companies recently and ev idently is lokiiig for a favoiable place to store water in the event of another dry year. FOR JACKSON STREET. Viewers Were Appointed by the Court Saturday. An order was made by the cuiut Sat urday uppointlng A. J. Colborn, Uvan J. D.ivles und M. .1. Ruddy, vlcweis, to assess tlie benellts and damages done to pioiierty on Jackson stieet, this city, by reason of the grading and imurov lug ol Ninth, Robinson nnd Jackson streets, It appeals when vimvcis weie uii poiutcd in ISOti to assess benellts and damages for this wink they weie moie ly directed to view ns to Ninth stieet, It Is to lemedy the Injustice done to Jackson stieet pioperty owners thut tlie vleweis weie appointed Hatuiiliiy. California Excuisions, Leaving Washington every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10,45 p. m , via Southern Rullway, New Tourist Hleopors. personally conducted, go through to Sim Francisco with out change of cars, conductors or porters. The i onto is through Atlanta, Mont gomery, New Orleans, Houston, San Antonio, Now Mcxlio, Arizona and Southern California. Tho cars uie the very Intest pattern of Pullman Touilst Sleepeis, bhch-wood (lnlsh, high-back seats, sixteen sections, supplied with linen, etc,, smile as standard sleepers, lighted with Plntscli gas, wide vesti bule', doublo sash, i oiler curtains, lavaloiy und smoking room for gen tlemen, and two lethlng looms for ladies. Tin re nnd onc-hnlf days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Angeles nnd llvo days to Han Francisco, Tlie Touilst Oar faio la less ihnn via any other loute, saving fiom W5.00 to $30.00 for the tilp. Ohus. I. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S2S Chest nue stieet, Philadelphia, Pa will be pleased to furnish nil Information. Mrs. Winstow's Soothing Syrup Has Wen urfil for oter I'lrTV VI.'VRs by Mll.l.lONh ol MOIIICRK for their (;1II,iKn liii.i: ti:ctiii.no. itii I'KiiKrarp kvn i;ss It hOOTIIBS Uio Cllll.ll. bOrTKN'b the (UTMS AU.AVS ll I'.MNi C'JIIKS WIND COLIO. ami is the lrbt rcmnly (or DUHHIIOKV s(,l, by Pruggiits in tteiy urt of tho woilJ. !e tnt and ask (or "Mr. Wliulow'a SoolMns Blinp," anil take no otlitr kind. Tent)-Hte mill a buttle. 8 MERCEREAU & CONNELL NOW OtEN IN OUR NKW STORt WITH A New stock for the holidays Diamonds Watches Silverware OUR STOCK FOR EXTENT, VARI ETY AND FINENESS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT IS NOT EXCELLED IN THIS LOCALITY OUR WELL-KNOWN GUARANTEE tiOES WITH EVERY ARTICLE, . . ARE WELCOME. t''&&i,&i &i III Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. Oalk Over tlie question ot gift-giving then come to our stoie. Our Caivlng Sets, Nickel Plated Coffee and Tea Pots, Silver Plated vare and Baskets offer a wide Held for holiday shoppeis. Foote & Fuller Co Mears Building. Pierce's Market, Pent- Avenue We milif Rci.illj o( fjm.v f'tcinwy Hut tfr nd fchiuly fic-li okrs and the priie is as low as Hrat ilau goml, can ho told al. W'c do not !iac any special ilcs ut leaders but at all times rairv ai cumplrtv a line of Mrkct Ciooib, rancj fiioccriw and Tabic Deliia cies as can be found 111 tlio laiRCt New York or Philadrlplila Maikets hi(.li we sell at rljrht pricci. W. H. Pierce, 19 Lackatrinm Ave. Prompt delivery. 110, 11!, Ill Penn At The Dickson Mtiiiiiractiirln? Co, kcrnton and WtlkevHarre, I'x, ilauufaotuiorj of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENQINE5 Boilers. Holitlntand Pumplnt Machinery. General Office, Scranton. Pa. Poor Indeed are those welched down by mental de pression. Men rise in this world through buoyant nerve force. The loss of thin force dally druses down to failure some of the world's brightest minds. Huch a coudiliou is commonly known as Nervous Debility. When yon lone tclf-confideiice anil feel your btreugtli, energy and nerve force lire slipping away, It U high time you (.cek senbible aid. You prefer health and success to mltery and failure. have no cipial as n nerve restorer. A couple of boxes will dispel tint heavy feeling; the unnatural weariness dU appeais and replact languor with new force nnd vigor of body nnd brain. Six boxes will cure any ordinary case of nervous debility, if not, you get your money back, 81.00 per box; 6 for $300, mailed in plain packnge. Hook free, Pj;al Mudicikk Co., Clc claud, Ohio. 1'or R.ilo by .John II. Phelps, Pharmacist, corner W) online :irnuc anil Spruce street. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ' ... MANUFACTURED BY ,,. CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO, tr NOTE Til K KX M E. IUmU4UUU il li.UA144ULUi2U4kU ii.tl la cut slier allolhcK (til. MIVATI: PiiWUS.tl$CHAIOlI.BUillfl,rtlll; LOISII lute no lAcnuiv nocautttc IniilNm L MANHOOD. tlir.l. Bi rl.lur... no i unlni. :I.V pistticsl A II yit h.ilnlltl opentor In r.crmsa v.C tftheaiei ci terl in 1 ,n 111 i(.m. l.l.lil...n,h.in,.. mv onueo ciltn. Kulm Thuit.U. Sn. fi.t Krf 4Tntlslstj Uli ripnuiif mclirill Vcl'Cltlctl fuuih C 3J.Cfi'.,,,,.S,,"7',',l. IukIiiiiI rfllnr.Trrriit iiiitTiiiTtTitifiimrfTiiirTiiirfiinTiiiiiiiiTT. - : i-' -.r-. .-- . "I . ..... V.'.V -.& ALL feg V'iii 3V 1 :U$T IV, JeuJelcrs Siluersmilbs ,'. -!i: Fine Jewelry Cut Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange Wyoming Avenue 55!54s55ftK5! A Carpet Swaepsr That Needs No Demonstrator, The "'Blsselt Cycu Bearing" Carpet Sweeper Is unquestion ably the most perfect Sweeper made anywhere. Send one lo your wife for a Christmas Present. It will save her hours of drudgery between the coming Chrisimas and the one following. Scrantorr Carpet & Furniture Co. (HEQISTERED.) Have Vou nnd" mil join lini of wli.il juii Iiim" in get sor all of jour mile IrumK for .Xnia1.. WhelluT rr not. add a M IT CM: Ol! HAT 110 V, 1101 si: hoiii: oi siiikin(! .ifi;i:r. n.nc iiim, I'll hiic-t I mil, ni.nt inodcii, j.UH and i.p.iul. 'I ht btiiidsoinr.t line ot Ncikue.it .mil flloMb LM'I iIi.'1hm in 0UI. 412 Spruce Street. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, Kf Heaters. i K6-SJ7 PENN AVENUE. Short Sea Trips of I wo t? fie days' duration, arc oflerct by the OLD DOMINION LINE TO Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Conrforf, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Steamers sill dally except Sunday from Pier 26, North Hhcr, loot ol Desch street. New York, tickets, Including meslc and stateroom accom modations, 113.00 and upward. For lull Information apply (o OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, New York, N, Y. II U.WALKEU.Tral.Vcr. J.J.DHOWSi o.p.A. ym'Mjbmg FORSYTH SOR ANT Dress Goods Under Price More Dreas Goods are bought in December than any other month in the year, and yet at no time are prices, on so wide a variety of goods, so low as they are right now. You may choose almost any fabric Jyou wish and find almost every color or combination and yet pay a quarter to a half below its fair worth. These Prices Today: 55c a Yard Special line ot Fall and Winter Dress Goods, consisting of Serges. Homespunsr Camel's Hair Stripes, Cheviots. Etc. Value from '$1.00 to $1.2 1; yard. 95 c a Yard Regular $1.25 to $1.75 Values Consisting of a large variety of Serges, Home spuns and Novelty Dress Goods. A Flyer in Silks Fifty-five pieces of Fancy Silks, Stripes, Piaids, Brocades and Fancy Effeota of all descriptions, both light an 1 dark colors. Price, 95 Cents a Yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, THIRD NATIONAL ME OF SCRANTON ORGANIZED 1872 DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. Capital surplus tsoo.ooo . SOO.OOO WA1. CONNELL. Preside it. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vlcc-Pres. WILLIAM H. PECK. Cssliltr. Eptcla: attention given to bus!. ns accounts. Three per cent. In terest pal on Interest deposit. t5 3 Lager Beer Brewery Mnuur&cturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 , SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street, relephooj Call, 2::U. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO, Boms 1 and'J, Coiu'lth BTd'g. SOBANTON, 9A. nining and Blasting POWDER afaU mi Mooslo sncl RusU tale Works. is LAPLIN RAND POWOHR CO.'S ORANOE OUN POWDER Meetrlo Betterlos. BlMtrtaBxploilari zplodlog blmats, daftty Viue ai Rshum CMalca) Ci's bxw ON' 3 SHOPPING OENTSR. STORE OPEN EVENINQS UNTIL OHRISTMA9. 4 -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f 4 -f ""i. & ., Williams LEADERS IIM Carpets, Wall Paper, Draperies. f-f 4-r f-rt Balletto Twenty seven different games, including Billiards, Pool, Carroms, Ten Pins and several very interest ing games. Get one and keep your boys at home evenings. We Have Also the Popular Game, Archarena Fifty four games. This game has been greatly improved siace last season, many new games added. We are now Wil stocked with a complete line of Cameras, Kodaks jnd supplies, including a large assortment of Card Boards for mounting posters, all colors aud s zes, of Striking Baajs, Foot Balls. Sweaters and everything athletic. There is no limit. Florey & Brooks, 21 1 WSSSS32T" m rtiMnisVs&sssCrisssk At Jr '''taitHsssssB DR. DBVSTEN, 311 Sprots St rest, Scran; Un, Pa. i -cats nj Chronic Dljesies ol Man. Vtam n an Children. Causulta'.loiiaail (laoilnatioa tree. Olllce Iojt Dally aasl ksuiday 8 a. m. to 9 a, as. 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUB -f -f -f -f -f 4 4- -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -f - 4 Oriental Rugsi "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," a true and trite saying when applied to our Oriental Rugs. What more appropriate for a gift? Our stock of fers you an unexcelled as sortment at our well known low prices. - -k - f -f-f -f The New Game Board. HENRY BELIN, JR., x General Ajrcnt lor th V District lor DUPONT'S POWDER. Ulnlnj, Mlastln;, Sporting, Smokeless anJ rue Itepauno Chemical Company'a High Explosives. Satety lu, Caps and Exploders. Boom V Con. sell DullUlnj, Scraoton. AUENCtES: Tnoi roitD JOHN U. bSllTll & SON .....t. ...... Pittston .,. Plymouth V. f. UULUOAN , ,HliavU4e fflcAnulty r , W ) fl ' 4 . ( .4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers