"!"" -)V'-sv rrT5j? 'AX -', !'S. )v A THE SCRANTON TBIBOTE-MONDAT DECEMBER 17, 1900. tflc Ac Mrt?f!KM PublUhed Dal yTh'e Trln- line Publishing ijxonsu. t.IVY S. niCIIAIII), Keillor. O. P. nV.Ui:i:, lluilness Slanancr. New York Olflr-l 'J10 Minimis St.i fl. S. VRKF.IiAMl, Solf Aireiitjtor FoicIkii, Advertising. Kntercd nl tins' Poslnlflio nl Strrfiiloni Pa,, s SeiomlsflUw AtH.1I Matter. Mil 4 When spue writ pAinUl ThV TVIbline I- always elml In print diuri.tcjlrrs from Iti friend liMr liur on current tnpf.3, liinMitF, rule In tint tin1'" hunt lic nlgnrel, fur piiltllrutlnn. by Hie ssrllrr i lr.il name; ntiit IJicVitoiidltoiU priceelent to ne ri pinner It that .ill contributions shall be wujccl to editorial inllon. j"Tcc?-i. SCHAWL, AflhlSmtiiri 7, WW. If tlie fionftlljifif'joijnl 1 Id of the ninyton-lttilTruty.'TviiV not ilo so ilcfcntly'.' Tito cowboy Idea of burnt Iiik u solfinn roiirrnt't,' by milin force when It i'piikox tlT'jjiiifgagariJ Is not cotifhiclvp to liitorniitlnmil twpiM't for tlir ntitlnti imirtli'liip It. - tv-,- The Practical" View. V. U - .. - H X" T 7" H Ml'S'l' imit'i-ile Hint VV"1' 'i ,'ru',k'"'. r,r iiuil tlnicIlncRH In the '"Tijilnlnn of Deputy Attor ney Titi"iii1 -fc'Jcl tz. .y,l Crtli I'lM'whoiv In im liiU'i'i. low. tin; l If" S.M.iuton HUM i'i.ri.o:n'y lioroiw n 'econil "I'lMS rily .steps sholllil lie (niton to wiiti ill" ln'sl poiKlhlf rcMills. On tlio iiiliulpli' Hint what riinniit bo ciiri'd must lie cniHlluil. Ills nilvlcc to look plcumnl and k" hi for tho 11101. Miib.stniitl.'il lK-nulllu that ti.i: bo sol out of (n iii-w order of IhhiKS lh up pi uved by common souse. The time N niMrhiff w'JIrti ntjtoi -.tnutt iiipi'rccdo talk, iiwl "life iilii-stlon now iu. wlrit Mi'tinn? .Mr. Fh'ltz's belief thut the 1pi?W1 t tuii! ciuimrt 'bB oXpucted lo lncrens- the in In I mufti jsijpulnilur. limit of the seconci-clnss city act so as to lot Sei-nnlunVuKer'iit 'flip1 third class lesti upon tho VielJ-known iloctrlne, repeat pilly a'llrnipil by tho supreme court, that li'KMatlcn which aftects only one city In ii Vmt'lc'ui'ar class of cities te special legislation, utul therefore un constitutional. Inasmuch as Scrantou l tho only third-class city likely '.o ask a ralslnr; of the population limit, tho force of this objection will bo ap parent to those familiar with the yu pi'pine eoiwujj'iillupj.yj.'on this point. Tho ilile'mmu' is ' si hi pi i tied by !!. Kl'.'ltz's announcement that a now charter for.second-clasT..cities is bPlnir dratted, along- lines which eliminate most of tfte-'obHectlofts hitherto raised In this connection. The movement is not yet complete. Pcranton can and sliould tmruircXi&tro IL and participate In it. Tho !uino.h)tjiieni, Ijy councils or by the iioartl'oftrade or by any other representn.U'e" Organization of citizens of ;i comniitlee to make diligent iu iniry info'uie matter 'would no doubt result iiv a iconferuno.o. .in which tho varied interests of Pittsburg, Alle Rheny and .Scrantou would receive duo attention. Unless something of this kind is done and done soun, our people may have to fall iu behind the more alert leadijrtf -"Wftibfle 'enterprise in the Allegheny county vities and lake the leavings; in chartpr revision. -..: r H lifilih',-: x :; ' "ou'viv got to got tho bulk of the people 'iil-i!t-J!SiS. 1 .make a reform "stielc," says Theodore Itoosevelt, and the opigranj js, worthy of memoriza tion. Scranton's Greatest' Need. THE JllspENTJ disclosures and resignations In councils and likewise the practical dlffl .cultles oncountoied in the various wards in filling with represen tative men the vacancies thus created chief of which is not the lack of public willingness to turn over a pew leaf but tho lack of a practical guidance around which the gcneriil sentiment for reform can rally and pioceed to accomplish effective results have called attention to a need of Initiative, of leadeishlp In our city which will be increassd when the intricate problems connected with our transition. Into the second class of cities shall press for settlement, How can tills need of leadership best be met? Not by some ambitious citi zen starting out to build up a political dynasty, for that would degenerate into bossism. Afift 'certainly not by lot ting things, dritt, .for that would wind up in cliuhrf.-Xo'r 'is a satisfactory solution ,t,o Jv,,uijl $)' loinlttlng the duties of leadership wholly to tho par ticular group tif- earnest and energetic men of the .Municipal league, who are doing such a splendid service in ferret ing out tho processes of public de bauchery and crime and in 'bringing Just punishment upon tho guilty. Tho obligations of the community to them for wlint lliey-hiivf already done and what they'Iiuve liiidertnkeu to do are not Ilki'lv-fU; be. overstated; bill It will no doubt, !n5 reeognly.ud by them as it Is by others that tho very work vhleh they aro doing so well raises limita tions when It comes to picking out can didates fur .wurijl and city olllccs and for 'IjrlngfyfcVtfiOwr'iiiiUy of practical effort" Qii"iiie pa'rt of the majority of voters neccssiiVM Hot hIvo a representa tive character to our city government. sin- nnicirfor"nekairvo discussion, lluvo we au.alUrniaUvo suggestion to advnnro? Wo'have and It Is In lino with' welV.-'ts'tvif experience elsewhere. Hrlejly htJodJtrJs..th!s; U;t some piomlneuC citizen' or citizens Intel csteil In city InipToVeniennnvHe to a confer ence," a npinbeivof other citizens fairly npporlloiifcJJjiippg tVi((ijiiHtltueiit sea tlniis Hnif&TeinVhtH'"bf our' population and fairly representative, for the ptir posej of foniifnk'a permanent Commit tee of Pfrtji 'Tventy-ilvo V Twenty-one,- noi iioiiipWrlfsah lair hi'-purtlsan Iu cbiupluXninJ&ildYonstttuted of men of alfalis, ivtityconslder.ibleand repu table follow lugs, but not interested ns contractors or speculators in city con tracts nor primarily politicians of tho professional type. This committee to wotk along these, lines: When an olllce Is to be tilled It would go to the party leaders, both Democratic and Republican, and out line to them the kind of aiiitm be lieved to bo needed by tho best nubile Interests. It would before tlie'piji'iuuies investigate and make publld'jeport upon the lecord mid ruuiuc'ter of cuch HlPlcciu'MiiiJMl.T U3pBiny lb VUl?Vflllf " (4 s g....rxx.vt.j i. announced Aspirant; the Republicans on the committee doing this with re gard to the Republican candidates tind tho Demncrntlc members with regard to the Democratic candidates, or by transposition If thought best. It would, If necessary, give a statement of pref erences with the reasons therefor, which tho voters could Investigate for themselves. It would aim to bring Into tho field ns candidates men of ehnrne ter and substance. And In tho event of the nomination by either. party of an unfit man It could propose his defeat and set In motion the activities neces sary to Insure Ills defeat. If It .Instilled ptFbllu confidence along these lines Its recommendations would soon acquire weight and Influence among the people; If not, It could do no harm nnd would be only u lamentable fnllure In n worthy direction. Hero Is a practical machinery for continuous public education toward municipal Improvement which In Its composition presents the merits of the Jury system at Its best, u system to which we do not hesitate to Intrust the adjudication of Issues not only affect ing property but also human life. Hut unlike tho Jury's verdict, Its pronounce ment In a particular case Is not final but goes for review before tho lnrircr Jury of the electoral majority and enn be reveised when deemed unjust or upon the Interposition of new evidence. Its chief merit Is not Its probable Jus tice In relation to any particular Issue, although this is considerable, 'but Its furnishing of u continuous mechunlsm of public education In political duties and its usefulness In supplying an In itiative around which the fair Judgment and reputable aspiration of" the people may crystallize without sacrifice of existing party ties and without maklng reform too visionary and idealistic, for the comprehension and practical ap proval of the masses of our people. This has been tried In other com munities and found practicable. It is worthy of trial here. Scrantou with characteristic hospi tality will welcome the American Fed ci allon of Labor next year and show the delegates a kind of time that will inspire the wish to come again. The Insurgents' Last Trick. THK JIOST desperate enter prise yet hoard of In con nection with the Fllnn .Martln insurrection against regular Itepuhllcuuism in the plot of the Insui gents to prevent Colonel Quay's election as senator by block ing tile oiganization of the legisla ture. This was done once in a fac tional fight in Oregon, and it cost that state many thousands of dollars. Its consummation in Pennsylvania, which we do not regard as possible, would cost many millions of dollars, for it would starve tho state govern ment and the interests depending upon II. How a minority might do this is explained by Hon. Thomas V. Cooper In the Media Ltdger. Jn order to do business each house must have u riuorum or majority of its total mem bership present. It takes 20 members to constitute a quorum in the senate and 103 iu the house. A pair in the parliamentary sense Is an agi cement between members of opposite posi tions that when one is absent ihe other will not vote. Oidinarily lhi-4 equalises matters by balancing one vote for a party measure 'against one vote against it, and is often a source of convenience to a legislator com pelled to leave bis post of duty tem porarily. But as intended to be worked by the Insurgents, it would enable a few antl Quayites to pair with an equal number of regulars, and then when Hip other antis, Including Democrats,, absented themselves, there would apparently be no quorum left, because tho regulars, although present in the flesh, could not vote, and therefore might be pre sumed to bo absent. Overtures for pairs, some toputedly corrupt, arc be ing made, but there is scant prospect lhul the plot will succeed, lor as Jlr. Cooper says. l.r-i tli. ni a (jiinimii i.m in-i-1 upon .1 i.ill if tin! botl.i ; .lU-tnUcs i.m bi sent fn, imil ii lli'. li (use in iittu.il, i.m In' aiutcil, .mil n lli'V II. iu iptiiM. to Aote, r.m Ijo cmnncllrit tn, or i .in Im (oimtul to 11..IC11 up .1 quotum upon urn mill nil iiimii'iii when ll.e jo.h mul i.avn .ne t.'lllnl. S'lllH' WllO WU'w' l llat'llt Jlhl tClll.'-ll In ',nli' in Hip eti.i u'nsloi, ot Its.) Hi'U' comiUil im ot i ntc ii"; .1 (Uurillll N..1S lll il in lilt". v. u, .mil lii'.-inc-n li.inv.i lei. 'liui', ihU i.m. nflir oik in!' U iini, but llio puuvr U as polmt liofciie, for im trklc i.m ilctc.lt llu cn;,iiile.i tlnli of a IcjM.ithi' liiuly. It lui liciiu ilone, lilt not una.' tlio Ji'iliiou; of our .-l.iui truiln in ".j, mul of t'in'.ikrr HitiI in tin- liouse :it U.itliliuloii, liotli -iiici' KiiMlucil Iiy 'lio l(o pi. Mil. in p. illy mul Hie pi'upli'. In 'ss tlio vrlti-r ral-nl tin- point of oulir, In tfio l.itlii-o of .1 MitliiK iiioiinn, tint r,f who c lllril tlm joi, mul ii.i.mi cu pu'tonl .iti,l inu-l ln .vmiiii'il u ntliiK no. T lio ilcol-io'i Mftjiiiiil I lie point. 1!ic lJciiiori.il, .slli nl Inline, slinw I lli.'lr pii"(- 1110 I'.v lumls ;iu I .1 tliu.itriiiil i ml I.it'l In Up ill), (lie lictli'l' In inw III1 ' '.(linn nt llio IfiUiou, Soii.ilor Ki'iiinilr, ,i ll.'i.ini l.il, w.ik I i.illnl to tliu ilmlr .mil ,i liuil,ir mii-llon u.ii Lii-fil, Hip M'Io Iwinj; 'J1 an-, noon ft 1 li i tli.ili :i qi oiiuii ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - priMiil, tlio point ' mi4 Hun ul'i'il t ti.it tho i lulr u.u pitM'iit, mul lln' i lull i', In Im 1-fiii-lj.toni, li.ul to il.i lilr in i own .iliariiip. Till-, idlitu'il tin' oppoMnc londii. lion to mh h mi .iliMinlily Hut pcino. r.ul mii.i- . f 1 1 1 r- us .'ililo .ii W .'II a o .mil II. ill ilcil.iiril ili.it tlii'ir uiiy li.nl ln'iii o niMi'it that thry wonnl im loir,'i'i' iiMiillikt .my inli ri'.-l Iu llio piou.'l li'iri. Spi'.iKcr Iti'pil iiiotnl tlii'p finis In Ju tlllr.itloi. of liK I.iti'r nillin; .it W.1.I1I11KI011. Mr, Cooper, iipplylng these piece' dents to tho contemplated Insurgent plot, adds: 'lliu pioporil plan laiiuol pnilily biiitcoul if Ihono f.iioriin; tl'o oii.".iiiU.uioii of both lious lefus-e to pall at )iul until l'lh l.on-i'i arc in(.'iiiiUiil. It lii'ioiiii'H I lie duty of all to ilo tliU; neglect to ilo It may mean tu'lniyal ot "luty, of parly, mul of tlio sluto emcriinirnt, 'tlio fuiloii phu Jus lu'.n ali.iuiloiidl Iio'i.ii.j-i' of lii'.iillii'linl Miti'; tlw paliiiiK plan U the lin.il K.-Jll, lllllosa tlio llllll'l (llll'll Iiy lllllllllloiu mil. Iloiiahrii, who a i q 1 1 1 1 c c 1 their million.') tluoiudi ui.mopollM uuil tiu-.utedp.it lonlraeU, i.ni lie nuilo to ii'ilw u lost ,'aUM' unil niili,tilule n new viluuic, Tlieli inun' was lost lieforo' the people ut tho rereut t'lcitiou, tui'l lliu leult lliiu reaehi'il nliouM bo fin il. 'fhero can lo notlilii loner in polities than in tiy to ilianje u welt, rarneil result by siilisef,ueiu (rick or puuhase, Kltlur methoil it wholly lueiuisahle, uml In the rial will lint injuie IIioko who e'He ahl uml nun. foil. We luo uhiiliiiK lailli Hut ull lon.piia. I'lis will fail, ami that Ihe iueiilent of eleithii; a teiutor will In- piouiptly .mil happll ilo.-eil. The fulth of tlio hopeful ex-state chairman fiom Delaware county Is founded upon substantial fact, to wit, Colonel Quuy's unpin chasuble major Ity, and Jumiury 13 pioxlmo will sen Its iiiltllmciit. With ofllclul footings from every state but Miflilguit and that state', Vote estimated, the recent vote for president Is shown to be: MoKlnley( Republican, 7,225,000; Itrynn, Demo crat, C1n-,1,S42; Wooltey, Prohibition, 182,201; Debs, .Social Democrat, 107, 000; IlnrUor, Populist, 45,248. McKln ley's plurality over Ilryitn Is Increased from 003,514 In 1800 to S51,r8. His ma jority over nil wns 280,728 four years ago, and now It Is 510,050, Today Is the day set for h case lo come before the United State Supremo court which will elicit an authorita tive decision upon tho constitutional status of acquired territory. The case Is knqwn as the Fourteen Diamond Hlng ense. One Kmli .1. I'epke, a vol unteer soldier, brought homo from the Philippines fourteen diamond rings upon which ho refused to pay duty. The rings were seized and sold; he carried tho matter Into the United States district court at Chicago, alleg ing that the Philippines being Ameri can soil no tariff barriers could be constructed between them and the mainland. Hero he was benten nnd the whole question now goes to tho highest court for review. It Is a til rect Issue and tlio court's opinion will niako history. Significance of the New Coal Deal I'iuiii the Wlll,P(olt.illP Dally New Till! hCHANTOX TllinCNi: notes iiiiiniib' oilier IhliiKi ai i emits of th acquiring of the liulli lilti.it tollleiles hy lainu concciln the l?Muff up of the new coal roiil to tide, ami the iinuplcte smlijiutntloii of the remaining hull iihial operators. .lii"t whnt tho ret nil UlIKo h.iH haj to ilo with lulngllu? about the preient lentialb-itlon of tnpil.il lannot at Hie lucent be e-itlmateil, lint piobably u Rooil deal. Capital, iiIw.ijm tlnilil of linritnicnt, kIiiIiiKs wllle ill iti ioer when Interfeienetw me hluteil uml the Udmit ot dealing with coiiilltlon like this Ii mnie .'i9,iired in mm; of eentrall'-itlon than oth eiwUe. The la-t vlilke bioimbt about a dispute .h In the 10 per lent, mlianee bitwecn the blic conceins which nutlioileil it, hihI the unaller i oni'eriK, whieh stood out ne;alii.t It. CentiallM lion Hit n, liolli of labor and iaplt.il, doein'i to bo iu Hie nlr. One the.uU lo think what may wme I tine bo. the outcomi! In caw of a prolonged dif ference between perfectly consolidated labor and pufcitly lomolldatcd tapit.il. o And tills biings up another pbifC of Ihe ctie t bin tlio lehitlon of emplojer lo emploje. It I1.11 ficquently been pointed mil that the laige inlerests of capital, Mich a aie being peifeited iu tbU countiy now. mid ..11011 as hue for soma lime been 111 npeiatloii, tlo not ccr sustain the viiue lel.itlon to the eiuplo.tes as formerly, when eiuplojir uml employed weie moie closely In tnueli. Look at tho ease of the Cove's gieat iu elets. I'nr .e.111 the Coe family lled at the siene of their 10.1l iutciest-s, anil not only weie the owners of the pioperty iu i!o-.e touib with their uii'ii, lint Mrs. Co.ie heiself personally looked alter the wants of the families in the Mini! settlement. She Uited their homes. She knew most of them by name. She een made it a biinleii of her onn when they weie ill trouble or sickness, atul she olten peisonally ministered to them and attended them.. The ease of the Wct Knd Coal lompany is alo iu point. Thete the personal iulliientc of the piesident of Hie lompany had unit h to do with keeping the men at woik when all their Hioiisan-li of fellow woik ers tluoughout Ibis section weie itlle. Tor 80iue .lean Ihe ii(-idi'iit of Ihe toinpiny has stood iu iloe io1.it 011 with his men. He has known Hieni by name ami they luc all known him. He h.H an mo to their lomfoit and well being; Im ananscd eieiy jear .1 Chiisimas etlebiatioii which Im lnileil Hie piesenlatioii of liukeis to the emplojiM still a Christmas tree for the iblldrt'ii. And at that ( liiisluin tiee c rlebratiou lie ami bii iclatiios bie alltiitlctl peisonally and hae taken Iheir own delight in seeing the (bililreu so happ.i. A little speech has bten uiaile; tlio presents weie taken tioiu the tree and pcrsonalle ills tiilnitctl, ami hundreds of blight fates left Ihe si hoot hoie at the eo-o of lite eeieises, ihe tiny hands el isping doll or othrr toj, and oranges and candy bulging fiom miller the little coin and ilie-so.. And foi long iliji theienftrr the ihl). then li.no held iu leiolleition the night whtn the I liiUtniis testoons sp.ukleil and the caudles gllninieied iu Ihe gieeu tiee. And in jut siuli .1 way Imm. Hie employers of small factories', both in this counlryaml iu Kng lantl, been iu simpalliy with their employes the sjnipathy tint mines fiom knowing eacii man ami each family ami tneir pcculhiitios, and Iheii jois and sonow-. In suili i.tses men weie not known ,11 .No, ;II7 or (KSI, but weie known as Tom mil Jim. Time is .1 i.isl ditlciencn, nowever, in Ihe modem lonilitlons wbiih geneially pievail. N'ow the heads of the big touicius aie in the big lilies, miles away tioiu Hie woiklngs. The men neier see Hieni. The ailiuinistiallon is left, geneially speaking, lo superintendents ami foie men who, ,iu!oiis to nuke .1 good showing for their work, seem Ii-s sympathetic ami further away finiu a lealkation of the peisonal ilaliu of man upon man. And m the liicach of jmpa. thy las wlilentil. .Mm has beionie moie and inoie of a mafhliie. Kieu In Hie big tity ollices tho iiiailtine.liko elmk woik his bien the rule, with loiuparaliudy little ii'.-oci.ilioii between the ee 'iitlie olluers and the ileik-. Thus has capital, Indiieitly applitd, seinied told and fmblddiiig, not because the nun who fmni-li it aie leally so, but huau-u 01 the 1 oinlil inns which surround iti ipplii.ition. Tlio woild will piobably luic to accouuntMlate itself to the modem (oiulltlons, and majbo II will Iu lline. nut some war of occa sion illy bridging Hie ihasiu and of bringing em ployers nnd einployeil togcthei would he wel uiiiieil as the bc-t bign of the times. Analysis of Otir Gr?af Trad? Growth W.i.liington, lice. 10. Till: ltlnii:i(r.l, icioni of iho Itnilnl Slates iu the calendar year lono will sur pass Hut of any preieding jear both iu pspoits am! In Ihe ram, of cporls ocr llupoits, 01 "liioiable bilanie of tiade," as Ibis cu'em Is usually leiuiul. The imjioils will be sllghlly below those of one or two preieding .m.iis, anil whin iouldeied iu Iheir illation to population show a smaller Importation for each Indiiitluil than ut almost any other period Iu many ,wn, Rising the ostimite for tho jear upon the 1 low 11 months' actual figures aliiady letilii'd by the lieasiuy buieaii of statistics, It seems piohable Hi.it llin epoi nf Iho calenilar eai- ti(l will leuih about .'j.l.lTO.OOO.niio, and the impoiU 'yij.'i.niin.iiilii, making the cm on of cporls our liupoils, or ftiorablo balance of Hade, suri.orm.om, a sum greater by Sfi5,t0,OJ.l than H1.1l of any preieillng ,ear. It Is only since IfiM Hut the export luio with any regu larity I'Mocdiil the liupoils or produced the tavoiable h.il.uiie of hade which has almost continuously ih.11.0 IrrUnl our loiuiuerco during lite lift quirlei of .1 rciitiny, Vet It icnuliicd for Iho iloslug j car of the century to present not only the highest flguiei of exports, but Hie highest icconl of excess of exports over Imports, or faioialde balance of trade, in the hUloiy of our couuiuue, ' -u Considering the exports alune, It may be said that for tho calendar jear 1000 they will double tlioao of Hie calendar jeai liS, be three t'lmea those of S7.', tour tiniys those of S03, uml Ilia time as much as In fstio. On the import side the llgiues me lcs Imposing, They will aggre. gain lor the jear about $SJ000,0OO, against $ lil.iioo.ooo In the calendar jear 16W, when they leacheil lliu hlfjlewaler luark of the lentury', Iniooits. Considering the lOiumeici' fiom the pti capita standpoint, the tontiast between the Import and espoit tlguics U CH'ii nioiu phenomiual. Kol lowing tho ucoiiU of our eomiueiie back to 1870, it is found that the imports whin loiiihlcu-J in Ihe light of Hie ailiul population h.tic ile creasiil rulher thin lui leased, while tho per taplta of e.poiU has enormously incieased. Iu 1S70 the population was :IS5.W,:J71 .mi (ho Im. poitir, Jtiil.U.'.Ois, m, uuiage per taplta of 111.11, Iu ISM) ami 1SW the per capita wai a little aboic 'U; Iu 1SP.5 if had fallen to IJIM7, unl in 1UIHI will be aluitit f 0.1H. 'I His .liow.s a slighl ik't'ieae per capita coinuailng lUOO with ooooooooooooooooo The People's Exchange,, A P0PUt.AH Cl.i:,MtlSO llOliSI. for the r llpiirHt nl All Who tllto HoiKts lo Hd.1. Itral IJitale or llllier I'rotietlv to Sell or Kxchinge, or Who Want eiliMltoiu or 1 Help Thcsi) Srniill Ailvertlseinents Cost One Cent a Word, filx Insertions for r'lse Cents n Word llicept Plluatlons Wanted, n invii Are inscrtcu t rce. ooooooooooooooooo Help WantedMale. tiii: "xbvv voitu "cmilnitcHb, wiTTkai ing business newspaper of tho t7nlted Htntis, and abcoliilely rssciitlal to esery business ran ccm, wniitn un acllic, lutcllkeiit leprcsentatlvc for its subscription department in Hcrantoli am! .Itlnlly. Kxeepllon.il terms and permanent io. rdtlon to crnipetent party basing reliable reter ences. A1M1011 Sntiserlplion Manager, i!0fl Uioadwo), X, Y. Board Wanted. noAttD WANTi:n-ron tiihuk Anui.Ts and one small child, Iu icspeitable Jewish fain. Iiy, Using Ir. first-elan neighborhood. htala price. W. A., Tribune office. Boarders Wanted. nr.iKiASif.v rimsisiiiin itooMs; sitiiam heated; lioaid optional. 511 Adams asriiue, 1870, nnd .t material decrease comparing 1000 with lK'0 or 18fJ. On the oNporl side Ihe lie 1 lease Is twrii more striking. In H70 the ex ports per capita amounted to 10.l(l; in IS'." to Ssl'.'.'JtJ; in l.vit) 10 ta.!iil. and iu 1MK) will be about $10.12. Thus tho llupoits show sinie lt-70 a slight reduction per capita, while the opurls hae almost douhlcd pel capita during the same period. Considering the ciucslioii of escesi uf oxpoits oscr imports, or f.isoruble balance of trade, from Hie per capita standpoint, the desclopment. is startling. Iu 1870 imperii cm ceded exports by $j7,.'il(i,ui.1, and the esiess of Imports oser ex ports amounted to l.Zn per capita. Iiy 1S7J Hie balance bad turned in our fasor, but amounted to only 17 cents per capita. By 188.1 it anioiinto'd to Sfl.70 per capita, and In llKM ssill amount to about 1S.W) per caplla. Thin in the llility soars Ihe balance of trade has gone fiom a minus quantity of $1.M per caplla lo 11 plus iiiantily of SV5..J0 per caplla. - o - The following table shows the imports, exports and population of the t'niled States at quinquen nial periods liom 1870 lo WW, baing the 1000 ligures upon Hie elesen months alirady leeelsed, ami the per uipita, or amount for each indisiil. ii.il. iuipoitod and expoited, and the exiess of linporls or expoils in the yens named: POP1T.ATION. Ih7tl 1S7J I860 1SS.". 1.8011 ISO.'i -limo "'December estimated. IMPORTS. 1S70 4rt,l.".2,n"is 1S7.T .lOl.l.l.'.O.'ti! IhSt (MB,bn7,17 1SS.' .-i87,Slis,r,7.: jsiKi sit,::n7,7Jin 1801 soi,(,m,::47 twio s2"i,o,io,oin "llciember estimated. KVl'Olll.s. 1870 ? I0.l,:,81t(ll0 1S7.'i .'I0,!II7,I.'J 1S(I 8-'i,i,S.t,l! ISSVi (SS.vJt'i.Tns 181X1 Ki7,:ifl2,.-S IS0" SJ4,8isl,l:ii! 'Illtlll 1,170,000,000 'Dereniber estimited. r.xcr.ss oc i:xpoitT. 1870 t'.-,7,3 10,0 IS 1ST.". 7,7tl4,4si. 18s(l 102,870,24(1 llSTi 100,:tSI,121 18'l .14.104,8.!.! 1ST, 23,lll,78'l "1000 nr,ooo,ooo 'Kxtcss of liupoils. ""December estimated. :is,.V,s,.l71 4,tVil,tra r.o, ir.'i.Tf-.'i 0(1,148,1100 (c,(i-2J,2"i0 (i!',S78,0OII "i.TOVoJl Per capita Sll.ui) It.lo IB.S1 10.47 ltl.ir. 11.47 10 00 I'er capita. s-in. ii; 11.02 17.71 I-.V.V, i:i.f.'i 11.80 l'i.4J I'er eapila. "1.00 0.17 .1.S" 1.71) .M '..jj 44 THE WORLD j,,... ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAYws3jtl35 C6p right, lWfl, by Tt. I!. Hughes, 1 0111s sille.J SKYUKAIj ATTEMPT'S to insent H.slng ma chines ss-ero made, Sir Oeorgc fia.sley giso a piactk.il illustration of the ohlcaey of the scrcss- as applied to the air by con structing .1 sinnll marhiue, cnnsbtlng of two screws made of quill feathers. These leiews wii" peculiar, inisniueli as they ss-ere Kiipfrinipnscd and rotated in opposiiu iliieitioiis. lie estimated that if the mea of tho screw- was iuricased lo !!00 squat c feet and mosed by a man tiny would elesate him. Other ixpeilments i.ipidly followed Caslcj's, b'lt none inipioscd on bis irocess. All the other inoibls ssetc piovided wills rigid si lews'. K Meriwether f.ewi was appointed .1 taplaiu iu the ngular truly, but upon Jetfersou's iii.iiil-sii.i-tlon, three montlH hence, became iho new piesi drnt's prisato sccutaiy, Mill later be svh named by longioss to coniliiet sslth Captain Wil liam ClAiku 1111 expedition to the bcadwateis of tliu Ml.-soiui river, ami tlieuio acioss the lnoun. tains to the Pacific oiean the llrst extriulctl ex ploration nf the great iioithsvcstcni portion 0! Ihe United States. As an expedition if wns scarcely esir exceeded in romantic interest by later mploiations iu any quaiter of tlio globe, Lrssls and Clarke, ti as eled upw-aid of 1,000 mills mid er.iountered Indian tribes ncser befoie sieii by whites, maile scirntlllc collections and were the llrst c.xplouis to reach the Pacific by cross ing the cunilneut north ot Me.rieo. A sijrnlltle stuly rf the stale of Ihe Nile In Ugipt, ensiling .1 spue of neaily a jc.ir, was indcd, as were al'o tabular ifconls on the In undations fioin 17.17 lo M)0, showing elesen weie scry high, thirty good, sixteen leeblj nnd nm iiisiiflicknt. The teiiiloilal goscinmeiit of Indian 1 was or gnnUed. TliU tuiltory ssai still a ssiUeiiu.xi, IHrllH of the jear of personi who afterward won fame weiei I.j im IlojcJ, Amtiicaii statesman, Oeorgc llintliam, llugllsli botaul,t. William lleliiies, 1,'iiglUli sinlptor, Oliver Howcii, American nasal olliicr. Pruncis Atuu-lii ni.irtl, Krcucli palmer, James P. lUclus-crlb, Aineiltan plonier. Samuel llowuun, American P, 1'. bishop, llonjamin Moid lleall, American soldiei, Sidney Itreesc, American jurist ami soldiir, (irolgo C. Urck'.sltii, clirgiinau and ssiltci, Ciitheilne Hart, daughter of Moh.iwl; thief. Ooltfiird Ilcridiaidy, Jewish Herman scholar, John Hell, American physician and joiuiiilM, Alls'. Nell Ilrthuiie, Cauadinn bishop and au thor, I,'. C, llciieditt, Ameilcan lawyer, educator and svrtcr. Chaili's rilstone Dkc, ITnglUli traveler and author, John Muiiion DUby, Anieiliaii lassjer and author, Karl licruhard, I'ifiul o! St, Aubalu, DauUli noselUt. Chailotto lliirili-Pfelh'er, (!eniaii ailics ami drunutist. Don Manuel llrctcn de lai lluitloj, Spjiil.lt dramatist. Robert Dill, Drill, h journalist and inlsiellau- cons writer. Jonathan lliown lliiijht, American general, benefaitor and autln- Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTI!I)-IIV A WOMAN', AS housekeeper; good Irotier anil washer; cm glsc rvfcrcnte. A, II., Tribune ofllce. A t'AsttiovAitl.i: iuti:ssiAKi:u wmiiis kx- giiRcmclit liv the diyj Itites it isoiiahlc, AilclrcM Modes, Tilhiuiu ofllce. alTKATION WANTI'.D-llV A ItOY 11 YIIAttS of age. to work at nnsthlngj stoic pielermll cxpcrlemo In store. Address UH3 IV1111 aseiiue, til ecu llltlge. JsllVATION WASTHU-nV A MII)t)t.K-Alli:i woman, as housekeeper In widower's family! can gise icfcrenee. Address llonsekrepci, 4J0 Third street, Scrantou, Pi. YOl'.Vil MAN W0UI.U t.IKi: '10 lir.T A I'OSl. Hon lo ssoik niouiid house! can take inn nl a Inn ip. AddiTss II. A., Tribune. SITUATION WAYri:i)-llY lUUNO I.ADY 01' good c.xeiutts-e ability, peimautnl polllim ill correspomlinti possesses knowledge ot rtciiugia pby Hint tipcwiltlug. Wlslus position In biss .ser's. Insurance or real citato olliiv: .first class lefeiences as to iharaiter putt ability. Addresj llxperlenied, taie of Tiibuue ofllce, SITUATION WANTKU-TO (iO OUT WAMIINH, or ans' kind of woik, and take washing home. Mrs. Ourkc, 618 Ooulon street. SITUATION WASTKD-HY AIII)l)l,i:-AIIt:i) V Ill OSS' as housekeeper In sridower's faniil.s. Ad dress M. J., '.ienirat Dclfsery, city. OKMl.KMCN AMI b.Mllt'.s STOPl'IM! AT hotels i.m base tlieir laundry done by band by iiii expert laiindrei. Pikes irasiinihle; liesl lit city rcfcreii'cs. S.'tl Pleiuiint stieet, West Mile. SITUATION WAS'TI'.ll-IIV A GOOD MAN. TO drlse gioteiy wagon or any kind of budneis; ober nnd liidiHtilmu! ;10 srnis old. Addicss l.otili O'teihout, Tribune. W'ANTWl WASII1NU IIY llll'. HAY, OR TO take home uiishlug, or s.lll do ofllce ilcanin:; or swei'plug on 1'ilday. Call or addtess II, f. I!., 513 Cordon sliect. Hecruits Wanted. MAIHNi: COltl'S, U. S. NAVY, IIKCRUIT3 svanted Ablc-bmlicil men, serslco on our war ships In nil parts of the woild and on laud In the Philippines ss-hen required. Remitting oi fleer, 1(11 Wjoming asenue, Scrantou. For Rent. rou ttryr ni:vi,y i'iiinmikii iioom-'. in new house; sleam heat. Olli Myrtle strcor. For Sale. s,svsvs,ysivriwvv "vysfc. TOR SAM! RKSTAL'RANT AMI OYhTKl! house, the.ip; close by ull theateis; low tent; reason for selling, sickness. Apply bs letlei, Restaurant, Tribune olllce. l'OR SALIl A UIILIVURY COVCItllD WAtiON, baa been iu use about luo moiitlis. Suitable for a grocery store, dry goods More or oilier mercantile purposes. Apply to William Craig. for sali: nmcK nuiboiso, no. 4.11 lack- an'ann.t asenue, lorner Washington asenue, being tho pioperty nsently nrcupied nnd now being sacalcil by Hie Hunt & Council Company. A. C. HUNT. I'OI. SALH CONTENT: Or HOUSE 1VKNI. ture, carpets, leddlug, etc. CJ2 Wnsbingtnn asenue. Wanted To Buy. .VANTI1D SnCOND-IIAN'D SLOT MACHINKS: must be in good older, slate particulars Us to m!:e and price. Address L. M., -imoi.il de. lisciy, Scrantou, Pa. Money to Lon.11. JIONfeY TO LOAN ON UONf) AND MOUPOMIK, iny aiiiounl. M. II. llolgale, Commo'iwcalth building. ANY AMOUNT Of MONEY TO LOAN QUICK, straight loam or Itmlding ami L01.1, At fiom 1 to ( per cent. Call on N. V. sValkcr, till-Si; Connell building. Lost. I.OSr-ARTIITCTAL 1IAM1; ItEWAItl) 1'OR icliiin Id oss 111 r. si, llot)niri-toi, ;HI Ceil li as cnije. Personal. AOi; on. HEALTHY M'PEARINC WII10WP.lt, inioiiie !sVi,(lu0, sso'ild nurry for lose mid homo tomfoits. Mr. Maittii, care Ehilich, :i75 1'aik asenue, Ness- Yolk. LEGAL. HANlsRl'PT SALII-IN COMPLIANCE Willi AN order of Ihe I'rileil Mates District (ouit, lor Hie Western di-tilct of lVmisyliiiuia, the utulri sigued lueiscr will expose to public sale tie entile stock ot nti'rtbamlisc of S. I,, (lalleit. Ai :!2.'i-227 Lackawanna nsiniie, in Ihe lily of Sii.iu lon. Pa., on Weduesd.i.s , Dei-. 10, nl 10 o'clock a. 111. The slock consists of 1 lothtng, shoes, hats and caps, and gents' furnishing.. Teims of sale will be a-.1l. AARON V. ROWER, lfeieisei. PROFESSONA L. Certified Public Accountant. E. C. fcPAULUINU, 220 UROADWAY, NEW Yoik. Architects. EDWARD II. 11AVIS, AHCIHTECT. CONNELL bolldlng, Si ranton. KHEDER1CK 1 DROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, bcranton. Cuba and Carriages. RUMiER TIRED CARS AND CAItltlACiES; BEST ot sersice Prompt attention giscn ciders, by 'ohone, 'Phones iOTi and Cilii. Joseph Kclley, IU Linden. Dentists. DR. O. E. EILENDERGER, PAULl liUlLDLNO, Spiucc street, Scraulnn. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE UOa pita), corner Wsomlng and Mulberry, D15. C. C. LAUUACII. 115 WYOMINU AVENUE. DH. II. P. REYNOLDS OPP. P, O. Hotels and Restaurants. TUB ELK CAPE, 125 AND 1.7 PRANKLIN AYP nue, Hates icasouablc. P. ZCIQLr.II, Pioprletor. SCRAM ON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. k W. PAS. ecuger depot. Conducttel on the Euiopcan plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor, Lawyers. J. W. nROWNINU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. lor-at-law. Hoonii S12-313 Mcars building. V. I). REPLOCILi:, ArrOHNI'.Y-LOANS NKtiO. tiated on leal citate security. Mean building, corner Washington asenus and Spruce street. WILLARD. WAHREN k KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and counscllois-ut-lass. Republican building, Washington asenue. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COU.N. eellors-at-lass-. Coiiiiiiouwealth building, Rooms JO, a) and 2L JAMES W. OAliTOHD, AVIORNEY.AT.LAW, Rooms 614, 615 and 010 Hoard of Trade build Ing. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOMS WsJ-COl, Oth Boor, Mcars building, L. A. WATRE3. ATTOHNEy.AT.LAW, HOARD ot Trado building, Scranton, Pa. O. R. PITCHER. AVl'ORNEY.ATLAW, HOARD ot Trade building, Siranton, Pa, PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Dank- building, C. COMEQYS, 0-13 HLPUHLICAN IIUILDO, A. W. HEnTIIOLP, ATTORNEY, MCARS HLDH, Seeds, O. It, CLARK CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUR. er.wr.in, stoic iOl ublutoii ascmici green houses, 10M Noil It Main asenue; stoic tele, phone, W. Schools, school ot' Tin: Lackawanna, sckantov, i'a. Course preparatory to college, lass-, mcdi clno or business. Opens Sept, l'Jlh. Scud for catalogue. Res', Tliomm M Canu, I.L. I)., prin cipal and pivpiktor; W, E. Plumls'y, A. M., luadinustcr, ALWAYS BUSY. 111 11 X viz ftl itwi Yrmc pT Bnas1my57ysM n The scuing man ba no 1130 for "Itublier Neclts." but ho could hardly Use through ihe winter svlthouf Ilubbcr Hoots. We base all the Kinds lio needs. Our Morm King he likes best. b'10Iti:S OPP.N UVUNINOS UNTIL Al'TUR THK HOLIDAYS. Lewis &ReiHy 114-116 WYOJIINO AVENUE. Phone 215. Vice dells cry, 1REYNOL1S BROS' 10LIIDAY DISPLAY The handsomest line of calendars ever shown in our store,together with our line of Fancy Ink Stands, Japanese Novelties, Bras? Frames, Leather Goods in Pocket Books, Card Cases, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Bibles Make our place worth while visiting. Rey molds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Physicians and Surgeons. JAMES P. PIlItSIXL, M. n., SPIXIALIST, Mental nnd Nersoin Diseases. Llnd'n street (opp. P. O.) Dlt. W. n. ALLL'N, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON asenue. DH. S. W. L'AMORLAUX, OFFICG C33 WASH Jnctton asenue. Residence, 1:118 Mulberry. Chronic dincoacs, lun?s, heart, Lidneya and Gcnito-urinary creams a specialty. Hours, 1 lo 4 p. m. Wire Screens. .10SUPH KULTTLL, RKAIt Sll LACKAWANNA asenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. miscellaneous. DUCS'sMAKING rOU CHILDREN TO OIlDLIt; .ilho ladles' ss-alst. Loui-i Shoemaker, 212 Adams use nue. A. II. RRICifiS CLLANS PP.IVV VAULTS AND ic's pools; no odoi. Improscd pump) used. A. 11. UriKH". pinprietoi. Lease ordera 110U Js'oitli Main asenue, or L'icku'n dnis stoic, corner Adams and Mulbcir.s. Telephone 05-1. MRS. L. T. lslM.l.r.It, SCALP TIICATMLNT, S0c; nhampooluu. tiOr. ; facial manage; maniciir inn, 2oe.; ihiiopoilj. TOl CJulncy. BAUHR'S ORCIILSTRA MUSIC FOR 11ALLS, picnles, parlies receptions, sseddings and ton ccrt svork fuinislicd. For terms address R. J, Ilaucr, londmtoi, 117 Wyoming asenue, over Itulbcrt's muslo store. MLOAItaCK DROS., PHINiKRS' SUPPLIES, KN s-elopcs, paper bass, tsslne. Waichousc, 130 Wabliington asenue, Scranton, Pa. Till! WILLT.S llARIli: RLCORD CAN El. HAD iu Scrantou nt the nevs stancls of Reisman Rios., 4W Spruie and 51U Linden; M. Norton, S22 Latkasvnnna asenue; I. S. Schuticr, 211 Spiuco street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In clfc'l Nos 2S, lfxio. 'Iialns fin- Caibondale lease Stiantnn til H.20, r.m, km, 10.1:1 a. in.; litm, i.2n, 2.41, ,).5.', s.-.o, 0.?"i, r.nr, ti.l.1, Il,13 p. m. ; 1,10 a. m. I'm Honi'Mlale-0,3), 10.1." 11. m.; i H and B.2" p. in. For Wllkes-llaiu 0.15, r.lS. S. W. fl.IIS. 10.4.7. 11.31 a. 111.; 1.2s, 2.1S, ::.::.!, t.27, 0.10, r.is 10.11, 11. .Ml p. III. Fur L. V. R. It. polnts-il.45, 11.35 a. in.; 2.1S, 4,Qr and ll.Jin 11. m. Foi' Piiiiis.slsaitlu It. It, points fi. 13, (J.:i8 a. m. ; 2.1S uml 1.27 p. 111. For Alb my and all pulul.s noith (1,2 1 a. in. ami S.oi p. 111. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibondale 11.00. ll,:n a, 111.; ".,U, .'i.:..1, 0.4r, 10.32 p. in. Fur WHI.cs-ll.11 10 -!i.::, 11,35 a. in.; 1,;., :;.-, o.ar. s.sr p. m. I'm' Albany uml points noith "32 p. 111. For llonesd.ile 0.00 a. in. and .'1.32 p. 111, l.nuist lales lo ill points In Fulfill Valis and Canada. .1. W. Ilt'linit K. a. I. A Allunv. S. V. II. W. CIIOS 1). P. A., Scrantou, Pa. Central Knllrond of New Jersey, Stations in New Yoik-1'oot of Llbeity sheet, N. II., and S""lii Fciiy. TIMF. TA1II 1. IN la'PKCT NOV. 25, luOtS. Tialni lease seianton for Nesv York, Ness.uk, Llfabetli, Phlbtdi'lphia, Laslon, llctlilelicm, Al leutnssn, Maiub riiunl. uml Whllo Ilascn, ut h.:;o a. 111.; express, 1,10; espiew, il.50 p, m, miu dasn, 2.13 p. in. For Pitulou and Wilkes-llaiic, S..10 a, 111,; 1,10 ami :i.5) p. ni hunilaii., 2.15 p. in. For llallliuoio and WinhiiiRton, and point South and Went sia Ilithlilieiu, S.IiO a. m., LIU 3.3tl p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. 111. For Long llianch, Oican Close, etc., at S.yij a. 111. and 1.10 p. 111. , , lor Readme, Lebanon ami llarrislnircr, sia Al Irntnssii, S 1,0 a. in, nne 1,10 p. nt. sundass, 2,15 p. m, For Pult.islllo, B.::0 h, 111,, 1,10 1 1. 111. Tl.inusli tlikels In ull point" cast, soiitli and sftst at losscet lale.s at tho station, II, P, IIAI.DWIN, Oen. Pa-s Agt. .1, II. OLHACSLX, Hen. Stipt. Loliigh Valley Bailroad. In Illicit Nov, 2.5, 1IKW. Tiulns b'.ise scrantou For Philadelphia and New Yoik sia U. .. II. R. R., at tl.45 mid 11.3.5 a, 111., ami 2, IS, 4,27 tlllack Diamond llspievi), and 11,30 p, fu. Sun. las., 1). k II. R It.. LIS ?.!!7 p. 111. Fur While lias en, Hamilton and priniipal points In the coil leaioin, sia D. A . . R., (i.13, 2.IS and -4.27 p. in. For Pottssllle, 0.15, J.l's and 1.27 p. in. 1 , For lletldehcin, Fa.ton, Kruilinsr, lliiilnuc and ptlnclpal iulenuedlalc tiom sia I). A- II, II. II., 11.45, 11.33 .1. 111.; L'f.s, 1,27 (lllael. Dia. inotid Kxpiese), ll.KO p. in. Bundajs, D. & , R, 1!., I.jtt, S.27 p. in. I'm TuiiMianimi!., Tnisaiula, Kliulra, lihaea, (kins a and pilucip.il iuleiincillato slaiinus, sia 11., L. ; W. It. It. J. in.; l.fti and 3.40 For ficiifsa, Roibeslcr, llulfalo, Niagau Falls. I hlcauy, and all iolnL ssol, sia 11. 1 . II. R,, 1I.S.5 a. in.. .1.3.1 (I1I.hU llhuu I Fxpiess). 7.45, 10,41, ll.UO p. 111. Sundays, II, k II, It. P., 11.3.1. t.?7 p. in. Pullman parlor and blciptiii, or T.el.l.h Vullev pallor cau on ull li-aliu bitistein Wllku-llarrc uml Ness- Yuk, Philadelphia, llulfalo and .u4 iiiiklon Iliidue. 1IOI.LIN II. Ull.lll It, Cm, Supl., klieel, Ness' York. CTI.RLF.S S. l.Ki:, (ieu Pan Aijt., ktictt. Ness- Yolk. A. W. NONNF.MACllIIIt, Dls, Pa.s. 2ii Cuilland 2d Coitlaud Avt., South iii'iuieiieiu, t'J. t For Ik kits and pullniaii ii'teisatlous apply to WJ I.jikawaniu avenue, Siianloii, l'i. INIEY'S CMst-mas Ladies' Fine Neck wear in exclusive de signs. French hand made. and hand embroid ered Lingerie. Extraordinary Un. of plain and em broidered Handker chiefs. Duchess and Point Lace Handkerchiefs. KidGlovesofevery description for street or evening wear. Renaissance Scarf, Squares, Doylies, etc. Very fine assort ment of hand em broidered Linen Goods. All of which make very appropriate Christmas gifts. 510-512 RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAU ' Schedule in Effect May 87, 1800. Trains leave Scranton. D. &. E. Station: 6.45 a. m week days, for Suntnjry, HaiTisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Fottsville, Beading Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sunday 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Fotts ville, Reading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Fottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. R. WOOD, Oen. Piss. Agt. J. D. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Ugr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Klicit Dee. 2, 1000. South l.oaso .Sfrantnn for Nesv York at 1, 10, .".00, 0.0O, 8 IX) .tliil 10.0.' a. 111,, 12.ru, X.n p. 111. For PlilliilclpliU at 8.00 anil 10.03 u. iu.; 12.5i aiiei ami ISM p. 111. l'or StroiuUburs .it (1.10 ii. 111. Mill: accommodation at SAO p. 111, Arrlse .il lleilioken ut 0.S0, 7.18, lO., l-i.0-3, .1.1.-1, i.m, 7.1(1 p. m. Arrive at Phil attelpliia at l.iM, .'LSI, 6.00 nnd 8.H2 p. 111. Ar llsc fiom Xiss- Vol Is at 1,10, 4.0(1 nnd 10.SS a. lii.J 1.00, l.SJ, j.4.1, S.ii and 11.30 p. in. Kioin StrtiuiWiurir at 8 03 a. 111. Sm Hi Leave Seranton for Buffalo and Inter mediate stations nt 1.13, 1.10, and 0.0O a. in,; 1.33, O.-m uuil 1I.:I3 p, in. I'nr Ortsscito and HyM iiisii at 4.10 u, 111. mul 1.33 p. 111. l'or Utiea ut 1,10 a. 111. and 1.31 p. 111. !'"r Montioo at O.Otl a, 111.; 1,03 mul B.ls p. 111. roe Niclinbon at 4.00 uml H.I3 p. 111. l'or Hlnitliainton 10.20 a. in. Ar. Use in .St'iunlon from llufnilo at 1.23, 2.33, fi.lt and 10.00 ii. 111,; 3.S0 and 8.00 p. tu. Prom Oj. ssrit and M'l.iiti'e ut 2.S3 a. 111.; 12.38 and H.HA p, in. Piniii Utica at 2.33 a. ni-i 12.38 and :i."0 p. 111. Prom Nleliolson nt 7.W) 11. m. and COO p. 111, 110111 MontroiJAt 10.00 ,1. 111.; 3.20 and 8 () p. 111. ' lllnoiusliini,' Hislslon Leases herantou for Xiirlliiiiulieilanil at C. II, 10 03 a. 111.; LSI unit 3.30 p. in. l'or Pljnioutli at I. Hi, .'1.10, Roll p. in. l'or Kliunitoii nt e.10 a, m. Arrlse at Noitli uiuliellaiitl nl t.:! a. ill. 1 1.10. 3.1X1 mid S.43 p, 111. Arriso at Kins.tou at ri.32 u. in. Anise at Plyinnutli at 2,00, 4.32, IU5 p. III. Altlse iu Sciuntoii fiom .S'oitliiuntirrlund nt 0.12 a, 111,, 12..13, 1.3(1 and 8.41 p. 111. Fiom Hlncston at 11.00 11. 111. 1'iom Plymouth at 7.33 a. ni., .I.'.'O, "" " "' HWDW TIIAIXS. Soutli Lease JSeranton LIO, a.00, 5.50, 10.05 1, 111.! il.3.1, 11.40 P- I". Kottli I.rase Siianton at 1,13, 4.10 n, ns.j !,, 3,48 aniPll.3'1 p. I"; lllooiibliuiK His i-lon Lease Seianton at 10.0", a. in. and 3.30 p. m. New Vovk, Ontario and Western R.R. TIMIl TADI.l! IX P.FPi:CT SUNDAY, NOV. 4, IW.O, North Douud 'J"iains. Lease tywe , Arris Miunton. Cailioutlale, Cadcwlj, 10.40 11, in. IL'-U LUi p. in, G.OO p. 111. Airiso Cailiondale 6.10 p. in. 1 South Hound, Lease I-MV" Airiv Cacloela. C'rlwndalf. Seianton. 7.(0 a. 111, 7.10 a, 111. 2 03 p. in P- '." , , -'"0 p. in. Miiiilajs old), Js ui ill Hound. Lease ,,'w'? , Ar,1' tsiranloii. Cirbondale. I'adosn. 8.30 .1. III. ".I" 1'. 10-41 a. in. 7,00 p. in. Aullc faiboiiJalc 7.10 p. 111 lause 1',y. Arriso (.'adcsla. I'aitionelale. Si lanlon, 7.00 a. 111, 7,40 a 4.30 p. iu. 'F'.l P !' U.33 p. in, Tulm leasiiu: Suui'toii al 10.10 a. ui. ilail.v, and S.'JO a, 111. Suiulajii,. make Nesv Votk, Corn. ssull, Mlillleloiin, Walton, Sidney, Norssleh, ltcni", llll'.i, Oncldi ami Oissego lonneetloui. Pur further liifoiinatlou icu.ull HcKet intent,.. .1, (', ANIH'dPsOV, Oen. Pi4. Act., Nesv Vork. J, I!. WLLII, 'I'rtrellni; Pa-senger Auent, Heinn. Ion, Eiie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table In IJBnt Sept. 17, 1000. Tialm for llassley and local points, connnt. In,- at Hassle sslth L'lle railroad lor Nesv York, Jtcsbuigli ad Intermediate poluU, lets Scraa tn at 7.03 a. in. and 2.23 p. in. Tiaim arrlse at Bcranton at 10.M a a, and t.10 p. iu. Week Specials V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers