The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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" "' J ."' g
'ry -t "r' "'j-, ;f vT ' '&- - ;
XJioso Who Were Chosen to Gultlo
wtho Company's Destinies for the
'Coming Year Much Interest Being
" Manifested In the "Fliemen's Ex-
ompt Dill' Which Is to Be Intro
duced In the Legislature Soon.
; Proposed deduction of Firemen's
"Relief Benefits.
Wl'lio membeis of the Say Aug Homo
eYnnpiiny moti in lliu assembly loom on
trie third iloor of their handsome host
house lust night rind elected the lol
loping olllccis for the coming year:
Pies-ldcut, isadoie anodimm; vice pics
ident, Eugcnu L. Molr; tiensurer, I
V. Zliclmunn; fcueietuty, Theodore
Zlulimuiii; tuistte for JUu yuaia,
FianU 11. Keuse; foicmiin, J. W. Molr;
llrst assistant, forumuti, CIuuIoh Kolhl;
second nssitunt foiemun, Joseph Fos
ter; plpemuiif Homy Braun.
"At tho conclusion of the election them
jh a general jolllllcutlon with Itmbur
ger (diccbc upd lliiuld reiteshmentB on
the side. The ofiicciM elected will tuko
onicc on Januoiy I. The lepott for the
year icad by the societal y ut the meet
ing showed that eighty-seven lltes had
been attended dm lug the past year by
tho company with an nverngo attend
ance of seventeen men at each.
This last Is n most lemaikoble record,
eiy few companies mustoilng inoie
than live or six men at ablaze.
"Considerable Interest is being mani
fested in this city In ii Known tis
the "Fliemen's exempt bill," which Is
to be Introduced dut'ing 'Hie Coming'
icsiou of the leRlslatuic and which N
backed by the 00,000 volunteer tliemen
oi the state. The local Fiicmen's Itellef
association has appointed a commit
tee to wuit upon the five local legisla
tor with the view of seeming their
suppoit for the measuie.
Tills measure Is Intended pilncipully
to retain for the use of the volunteer
liiemcn the tax on foreign IUp insur
ance companies which now comes to
them under the piovisions oC the Clai
eney law. This would, of couise, only
apply to those in which a change is
mude fiom u volunteer to a paid de
partment, as at piesent pioposed In
tliis city.
The idea is to permit the organiza
tion In such cities of associations to
bo known as "Firemen's Exempt Asso
ciations," to consist of all volunteer
Ihemen who hae served a ceituin
miml-er of years. The money now
going to fliemen's relief associations in
these cities it is pioposed to have go
to these associations to be used in pay
ing sick benetlls. The bill is now
being diafted under the direction of a
(oinmittee appointed at the last state
liromen's convention.
Theic .lie seveinl membeis of the
Fliemen's Itellef. association who aio
wing to make an cffoit In the near
i ut in e to have the piesent benerit iato
if .: per day cut down. This Is said
to be the highest paid by any similar
association in the state, the mujoilty
liav lug benefits of only $3 a week.
Theiu aio two leasons which aio
.uHaiKcd by those who favor a reduc
tion of the benefits. The first one Is
that It is an Inccnthe to membeis to
be "laid up" just as long as they pos
Ihlv din after being injured at a flio.
i'liLie .lie -oiy few physicians who
wouldn't stinin a point or two in slgn
:ig a ceitllleato for a legular patient,
it is aigtuil.
The other ienon advanced Is that
one big flio with a tailing wall, explo
sion or some other catastrophe result
ing in the injury of Ufteen or twenty
men would completely wipe the fund
l"oi that yea i out of existence after the
licnellts would have been all paid. A
linitoini inte oC $! a week would seem
to br tho ilguie agiceuble to those fn
vpiing the l eduction.
Select Councilman Chittenden Is hope
fiil that when common council ic-or-gnnUes
net Thuisday night, which it
will If the special election Is held on
Tuesday, that bis Mil- depai tment ic
organUation onlinancc, which lias
passed select, will hitAe a fighting
chance of getting tluough that braifeh.
.Sevcinl of the membeis who lecently
passed in their checks, woie most vig
oiously and violently opposed to the
niei.suie, and with these out and eight
now "men in, he thinks his hopes mav
he. i tallied. The major will sign the
' null nance,' It Is undei stood, if it ever
Ycaclies him.
The annual election of oflleeis of the
Contuiy Ho-e will be held on
December 2S.
No Opposition to Piesident Lansing-,
. , ' .of the Boaid of Tiade.
At next Monday night's meeting of
the hoaid of tiade oflleeis will bo
nominated lor tin coming enr and
there Is no doubt but that the present
piesident, James A. Lansing, will be
tlie only nominee. There Is no oppos
ing candidate nor Is theie anv UKell
Jiood of there being one, Tho letentlon
In ofllce of the piesent secretruy will
i, ,be recoiumended bv the miuiufactui-
l'iv vniumlttc-u.iiiul will meet with no
. opposition,
t,, The i.uinnilttee on moinbcishlp,
which h hustling to get tluce hundied
,m,iiil,eis betoio the January meeting,
will Imvi; an Inlui eating repoit to muko
of the sutLJss they uie meeting with.
The petition now being circulated
nmong the nienibeis of the West
Porantoii board of tiado icciuestiug
thorn "lii Join the centrnl boaid will bo
"hrcsentod. in addition to these ipies.
'tlons the seViuid ' clii&"'"( lly' imestloii
" will lie thoroughly iltAt,nsRiW f" '" ' j
Humane Scheme Adopted by the
i" '" HRhnomnnn Hospital.
' Tho Tlnhueinuiin hosjiltal has ar
ranged a innct woithy fOun of chailty
-lnodrlp(l after the "hoiuly nuise" plan
v adopted h) Xow Yoik and clsowhere.
It Is to allow tho muses of tho In-
stltutlon to go out among tho sick
poor when their set vices aio most
i mefdetl and spend on hour or mora in
Dr. Bulls
Cures i Cough or Cold at once.
Conquers Croup, Wliooping-Coucli, IlronchltU,
r,rlme niul Cousumntioti. Quick, enrcTcsulu.
.Uuli' fill curt Constipation. (WplIU tOc,
clianglnfr thp condition of tho valient
and giving tho necessary care.
Often It Is of more value than n
doctor's prescription to these wretched
ones. The physicians of the city have
been notified of the leadlness of the
nurses for such service, which Is
given free.
m ii.
They Wore Chosen nt n Meeting Held
, Last Night.
The f61lowlng ofllcers were elected
last ulght nt an especially well-attended
mooting of Union lodge, No. -01.
Free nnd Accepted Masons:
Worshipful master, J. Finncls Wur
doll! senior warden, Frederick K.
Sykes! Junior wiudcn, James Trties
dulei treasuicr, 13. P. Kingsbury; foC
retary, Mori Is M. Ciaik; ropiesentatlvis
to Ornnd lodge, William H. Hublo:
Irustees, John lteckhoin, Alexatider
Dunn nn'd Wllllnm H. Huble.
Tho North Sctnnton Propiletors of
Tippling Houses and an ox-Resl-
dont of Throop Airested.
Theie weie four speakeasy aiiests
yesterday, and a iiuuiiotte of ina
pt letors of tippling houses weie ai
lalgned befoic Aldermen Millar and
Howe'. Three of these, Patrick Mc
Cafferty, Mi.s. Mary Ann Monin and
Mrs Mtuphy, weie airested on wur
itintri issued at the Instance of Mayor
Molr, and the other, Joseph Potelu
mas, was taken into custody nt tho
Information of Deputy Countable Jack
McCafferty keeps u place In the
Notch, and when aualgned be fine Al
derman Howe, acknowledged his
guilt. He. wat lined $10 and the i osts
in tho case. ,
Mis. Matv Ann .Mount, oi West Mar
ket street, and Mis. Muiphy, nt
Tilpp's paik, weie dealt leniently with
by the maglstiate of the Seventeenth
waul. I'.oth women ate widow-, nn.l
the extenuutlng clieumstiiuees In their
case.; icitillcd In Aldeimun Howe dls
chaiging them on payment of the
Joseph Potclumns was aualgned be
foie Aldeimun Millar and in delault
of $500 ball was committed to the
county bastllp. Poteluma. i-. elmiged
with formerly lunulng a speakeasy In
Tin aop. lie Is now n lcsident of
Foity Foit.
- -" - -
Organizer Benjnmin James, of the
United Mine Woikois Refened
to the Matter in a Speech
in West Scranton.
Is'ulional lleiij.imin
James, uf the United Mine Woikeis ol, addiessed a mass meeting ol
nilneis In St. David's hall, West Scran
ton, last evening, and spoke in a eiv
hopeful vein of the existing conditions
In the nnthiaelte legions He advo
cated the p.'itecting of the local oi
gnnlzatlons and Htlinulan d the men
with the thought that the eight-hour
woik day tor them was not tar dis
tant. In concluding his leinmks lie took
occasion to l email; that he mav not
lie with them much lonei and mgeil
his he.ueis to luue Implicit conlldeiue
In their leadois anil lo sel ct capable
nun to conduct Uieh business along
business lines. In loineisallon with a
Tubiine man, Mr. James lidleuled the
published staiemuiit regaidlng the al
leged stilke among the mineis next
April, and In his nddiess spoke in put
as follows:
"My fi lends, I am pleased to be
among you once again nnd to know
that you are so well organized In ilu
Lackawanna valley. This is something
I luue looked loiwaid to lor sevoinl
years. When I witnessed the tumble
at Latimer on Sept. 10, 1S9T, I made a
flim lesolution to always do what f
could for the cause of labia. It was
then 1 stnited out to build tin an or
ganisation that would icllsve the con
dition of the nnthiaelte nilneis and
ciadicate some of the wiongs they en
dutul. "At that time theie weie but l.juo
members In our oiganlatlon in th"
Lehigh legion, but today oer 100,000
me In the i links and lecently we gained
the giandest vli tory per leiouled tor
organized labor in America. When I
flist dime heie, less than two jjum
ago, theie- was not tin oigaiiK'ntlou of
mine woikeis In existence, The men
had lost (outiileme In oiguul.ed lahor,
they believed thev lould not get .no
body to serve the Intel ets of the
"Hut today, I am pumd to i-ay, tiny
hae sealed a guind lctoi, and nu
meilcally speaking, iho Miners aie tho
sttongesl labor oiganl'.atlon In exht
euco. You must leinember, howev-r,
that your otgnnUatlon can easily go
down by Its own weight, It not prop
erly managed, i:oiy mini who fo.initt
the battle Is eutilh'd to honor irid
fi edit, and It would be vain in nu to
my It was duo entirely to the alliens
of Mur oig.iul.ation,
1 do not expect any tumble on
Apill I, and It the opeiators take car
ol themselves they won't luue any
tumble. The talk about ooerators
piopailng lor a stilke Is ob-uul. Tho
piobabllity is Unit they will urbl
tiate whatever gilovanceH may nie,
Instead ot Inviting tiouble, Theeiafls
that sull'er most aio tho least orgiu
Ized and ate (iiiitluually striking, if
we are foiced Into a stilko again It
will bo because we have not built up
our defenco.
"I do not look for a light bccuu-io
I bellovu the opeiators will be willing
to continue the ten per tent, increase,
and pofsllily later on will giant addi
tional concessions. 1 bdlovn thut If
our oiganlatlon in thoioughly per
fected, strikes will be a thing of tho
past. I bellvo tho genoial publlu will
leallxo that tho ptoper way to sett'o
all disputes will be by the operatois
and employes mooting togethei on tho
rnme floor and discussing questions of
linportance to them.
"i.'upttul has full sway In our coun
liy In eveiy line of Industry, and if
labor don't awaken to tho tiuo con
dition of nflnliH, what is going to bo
come ot us? Labor will not. receive
any conuldeiatiou whatever unless or
ganized. Hteor clear of politics ip
your organization, but you must be
thoroughly tugnnlzed to demand Jus
tice, It upptuis to mo if we cannot
have a law declaring docking Illegal,
we can at least lmvo u say us an
"Tho laws pertulning to mining weio
not put Into effect because your or
ganization was not effectlvo hereto
fore, The miners' organization wilt
now enforce tho laws on tho statute
books. Tho only law that has been
enforced was that mine Inspectors
should draw u salary of $1,000 a year.
It Is time for you to wake up and en
force tho laws, and If they ate no
gooJ, have them lepeakd. I hao
woiked In places where If the law
Wns enfotced the conditions would be.
better than a ten per cent, advance1'
Hamttel Morgan presided at tho
moating and made a few lemarks. He
suggested itho need of a. beard of
miners to regulate tho output of an
thracite coal, A ilslng vote of thanks
was tendered Mr. James for his cn
couuiglng words.
Will Got Together Monday to Con
sider the Transition Question.
Tho committee having In hand the
matter of planning a campaign for the
Hettill Liquor Dealers' Protective as
sociation against the entrance of
Scranton Into the second class was not
ready to leport yesterday, nnd tho
meeting that was to hdve been hold
in Durr's hall In the afternoon was
in consequence postponed until Mon
day ufternoou.
Tho association is considering Lhe
advisability of sending a committee to
tho board of trade meeting Monday
night to nlr tho liquor men's views on
the transition question.
Thought He Wns Stepping on the
Carriage and Instead Went Head
long Down tho Opening to
His Death.
Thomas T. Thomas, of V2V2 Academy
stiLOt, emplojod us a pump-runner in
the llilshln mine, wns instantly killed
by falling dow n the shaft Thursday
night, a distance of about 300 feet.
The gate at the head of the shaft was
left open and Thomas walked Into the'
opening, thinking that the carriage was
in its place.
lie fell headlong to the bottom, a
distance of several hundred feet, and
almost every bone in ills body was
In okoii
The body was frightfully mangled
u hen picked up by w orkmen, who
weie atti acted to the foot of the shaft
by the noise when tho body struck tho
The leinalns weie conveyed to his
late homo and L'oioner Roberts notl
lied. tie will make an autopsy this
morning and decide whether or not an
Inquest Is necessary. Deceased was 43
jems ol age and is survived by his
wife nnd tluee children. Tho funeral
v ill take place lomoriow afternoon at
n.-.o o'clock. Interment will be made
In the Cambria cemeteiy, on Washburn
The tuneral of the late Thomas Mul
deiig will take place tomonovv after
noon at 2 o'clock from the family home
on Dunmoie stieot. Interment In St.
J'atiich's cemoteiv.
Miss Maud Kelly Is spending a week
with lel.Ulves at Xarrowsbuig.
The pupils of St. Panicle's academy
aie piep.ulng lor an entertainment,
which will bo held in the Father
.Mathow opera house next Friday even
ing. The progtummc is ns follows:
Ouhestia, selected; "Tho Tin "Whistle
Hand," small boys; Tuikoe Ttuks,
Minims; "Holy Night," operetta, Jun
lois; "Calling a Roy In the Morning,"
rieitle Hannick; "Christmas Stais,"
elocution class; solo, "As Your Hair
Ciiou.-, White." Thomas Muiphy; "Be
calmed at Sea," Mollle Hannick; "The
Knlupil.sing Gold Seekers," boys;
"novel of the Nuiads," girls; "The
Chilstmas Sheaf," elocution class; or
ehestia, selected, members of orchestia,
Misses Olivia Stone, Sadie Uogan, Jen
nie Voyle, Maltha Biennan, Mollie
Oallaghei, Mary Kennedy, May Ken
nedy, Maiy Ruddy. Cauie McLaugh
lin, Katie McNulty, Margaret Bien
nan, James Uieiinnti, John Udvvards,
John (illboy, Charles Robinson, Frank
Jones, nugene Biennnn, Peter Faricll.
Michael O'Bojle, of Dunmoie street,
met with a painful accident while at
wink at No. 2 washeiy of the Bela
waio and Hudson company on Thurs
day attcinoon, Tho young man is a
enipenter at the above place, and was
inputting some of the buckets In the
elevator shaft when he missed Ills foot
ing and fell a distance of about sixty, He leceived a bad wound over the
left eye, width lequhed seveial stitches
lo dose. Dr. Kelly Is attending him
and icpoits he Is doing nicely.
The Modem Woodmen of Ameilta
elected ollltei.s at their looms in Ll
w aids' hall, Thuisday evening, as tol
lows; Veneiable consul, J. B. Cum
inings; vlce-vcneiuble consul, Daniel
Tuthlll' ecietniy, II. W. Taylor; guard,
IS.n lb ink: tiustees, James II. Lally,
X. D. IMvvnrds, David Giluiths; eseoit,
Cii'iugo Williams,
The Temple lion company will pav
thlr employes at the Lackawanna col
llot;. aeiiHS the tlvor, today, Rogers Israel, D, D of Sei an
ion will londuct episcopal seivlces In
Uilwaids' hall tomoriow uf tot noon nt
:!.:,0 o'clock. All aie w'elcomo.
Rev, D. M. Oeoige, of Plltston, will
onupy the pulpit In tho Congiegntlonal
chinch toniniiow moinlng and evening.
Mis. Oeoigo Bailey, of Clieen JUdge,
Is tho guest of Mis. D. C. Lvans, of
Susquolmnnii stieet,
Miss mv.i Decker unlet tallied her
Sunday school class and tho membeis
of the Loyal Tcmpeiunco Legion at her
home Tuesday uvenlng. (lames and
music consisted of tho evening's enter
tainment, Hefieshments weio seived
by Miss Decker, assisted "by Mrs, Aich
Decker and Miss Agnes Watts, A most
onjoyublu evening was spent by all,
Those present were; Misses Huela
Blown, Liza lloboits, Lllah Decker,
Daisy Wardell, tlzzle Kolb, Maiy
Frlsehkoin, Pearl Pi entice, Nellie
Shoemaker, KlUabelh Lyman, Ciei
tiudo Vcaux, Messis. Ciuy Swat is, Joe
Win dell, Homer Paisley, Italph lley
Haul, Fied DePew, Clair Pelton, Loulo
Mlllaid, Hoy Shoemaker, Hay Hinds,
Arthur flauluur, Chestei Sujie, John
Mrs. Fannlo Btown lb visiting (da
tives at Thornhinst,
S, J, Hoinbakcr, who has been quite
111, Is ablo to be aiound again.
Krause's Headache Capsules
uie unlike anything piepuied in Aiuei
Ica. They wete Hist pi escribed by Dr,
Kiausc, (letmuny's famous court phy
sician, long befote nntlpyilne was dls
coveiedvaud aie almost marvelous, so
speedily do they cure the most dlstiess
h.gtasfes. Pilce25e, Sold by Matthew
Shipping Agent Smith Remembered
by His Friends on His Wed
ding Anniversary.
Twenty-nine yenia ago Thursday,
cm Doc. 18, 1S71, Trank L. Smith nnd
Miss Catherine Graves, of this city,
were married. Mr. smith Is now ship
ping agent for the Ontario and West
em railway In this city and lives In
a beautiful homo at 31 Gurileld ave
nue. It was hit) lrftentlon lo not
celebrata this nnnlvorsnry of his wed
ding except In a very quiet way with
his family. Ko yesterdny ho had hla
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Kdwartls, of Heranton, como up
and spend the day.
But ho had foigotten some of hli
friends. They had planned to help
Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith enjoy this anni
versary and so, without letting the
gentleman of tho house know might
of their Intentions, they repaired to
his tesldenco In a body, all of thorn
bolng associates of his on the Ontario
and Western Railroad," and they came,
all tho way from Scranton and sta
tions along tho route between that
city and Carbondale.
Mr. Smith was cettainly nonplussed
when ho saw a formidable delegation
of more than n score of coal and mil
way men come marching Into his
house nnd taking possession of his
pallors. But his nstonlslimcnt changed
to dismay and then to hnpplness as
he behold a beautiful library table
suddenly appear In the center of his
handsomely furnished parlor and
realized tho object of his visitors. In
a few felicitous words, Mr. P. J. Pow
derly, of this city, told Mr. Smith of
the plensuie it gave his fi lends to bo
stow the gift. Mr. Smith was almost
overcome by the sudden surprise, but
accepted the gift with heartfelt
The gift 1b a beautiful oak library
table, hand carved. The bottom shelf
is supported on lion's claws and
above It on either side lise heavy
carved griffins, and the top shelf is ot
elaborate and beautiful workmanship.
Tho table Is about sK foot long and
four feet wide and finished in the
highest grade of tho cabinet-makers'
art. It was the gift of the1 coal In
snectors and welghmnsters ot the On
taiio and Western railroad.
After the piesentatlon and accept
ance of the table came another sur
prise. Mr. John P. Campbell, of thh
city, diew from some concealment a
handsome silk umbrella , with handle
of silver and pearl, and, advancing
before Russell B. Williams, of Scran
ton, superintendent of the Scianton
division of the Ontario and Western,
proceeded to make a speech, much to
that gentleman's astonishment. He
aid that the coal Inspectors and
weighmastors of the load presented
Mr. Williams this token of esteem
and appteciation. Mr. AVilllams, as
jooii as he could swallow his gasps,
thanked the gentlemen for their beau
tiful gift and wished them all ptos
porlty and many thanks. Then the
Kov. Mr. Sawyer, of Trinity Kpisco
pal chuich made a short congratula
tory speech to Mr. and Mrs. Smith
and to thci coal and railway men.
liming the evening. Miss Brldgctt,
of this city, lendeied a piano solo;
Mr. Watklns, of Peckvllle, sang sev
eicla selections; Mr. Gilroy, of Arch
bald, played a violin solo, and there
were several selection on the pliono
giaph by Mr. Smith and W. J. Lewis,
of Providence. During the evening a
luncheon of fried eysters, devilled
olives, potato salad, sandwiches, cof
fee and cieam, was served. Pcifectos
were passed around and tho gentlemen
enloyed themselves imemnsely.
Among those present weie: Supeiln
tendent Williams, of Scranton; J. P.
Campbell, Thomas Hoin, Jones J.
Jones, John Connell, Thomas Connell,
P. H. Munln, Morris and William
Cliff out and P. J. Powdeiiy, of Car
bondale; W. H. Jturphy, of Archbald;
It. J. Iteese, W. H. Walker, William
Hughes, M. H. Seagraves, Mr. Wat
kins, of Peckvllle; Alexander Bryden,
of Peekvllle, D. J. Gilmnrtin, of Aich
bald" W. J. Lewis, jr., of Providence;
n. J. McAndiew and K. Miller, of
Mr. Smith has Just passed his fif
tieth birthday. Ho has lived heie all
his life. He and Mrs. Smith aie
among Carbondale's most prominent
lesldents, and ho Is moie than popu
lar among his associates in the coal
and lallway business.
Officers Elected.
At a legular meeting of Blanch No.
30, Catholic Mutual Benefit associa
tion, held on Thuisday ovenlng at St.
Itose hall, the following ofllcers weio
elected for the next year:
President, J. H. Connaughton; first
vice piesident, Anthony Swnrtz; sec
ond vice piesident, Wllllnm McNulty;
recoidlng secietaiy, P. F. Cm roll; as
sistant lecoullng secietaiy, William
Giady; maishal. Alexander McDon
ald; financial secietary, J. A. Boylan;
treasurer, P. F. Coogan; guaid, P. II.
Powdeiiy; tiustees, Michael JleCann
nnd Patrick Hait.
Mine Workers Meet.
A meeting has been called for tomor
iow afternoon of tho ofllcers of all the
mine woikeis' locals fiom Jeunyn to
Foiest City, One of the pilnclpal mnt
teis to be discussed ts tho silk mill
stilke. The strikers have amused thu
interest of the union men, and the mat
ter will be thoioughly gone over. The
committee of mineis, which, In com
pany with tho stiikei.s, waited on Man
ager Filoder, will make a lepoit.
Other mntteis of Interest will come up
for the mlnois to dellbeiate on.
Remember the Hospital.
If j on want to mako a Clulstinas
piesent lo somebody that will nppio
(into it, send something to the hos.
pltnl. Apples, potatoes, groceiles,
piovisions, cash, preset ves, Jellies, al
most 'inythlng, will bo received with
pleuBiuo, EmuiKuncy hospital has
beta 'five to eveiy one' since Its door.s
weie opened nnd it will continue on
this plan. It has been pronounced oiv
of tho best hospitals in the state, and
It deserves assistance,
Hostleis on Stilke.
The hostleis at the Maylleld yuul of
the Ontailo and Western lallioud went
on strike on Wednesday night, Tho
men piesented their gilevances to the
yardmuster, among other things usk
lug for an advance of two cents an
hour uud that additional help bo hlied.
Last night a number uf Italian laboi-
em, who have been doing tinck woik
ror the company, went to woik In the
places of tho hostleis thut stiuck.
"Outside Men" Oiganize.
The company hands of the Doluwara
and Hudson company, or tho "outside
men," us they aie called, icpiesent
lug the tlueo South Sldo mines, was
held on Ttiuisduy evening and a local
vHnmn:. .ra;.Vi witfjni4m hw
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the Place-Guernsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor.
union was oifjanized. A larjro poitlon
of tho r0 company men were moiled.
Much Intel est Is manifested In tho
movement, and the odlcers of the
union hope to soon have one of the
strongest locals in the city.
The Amity Club's Social.
The Amity Social club held Its ClnKt
lnns soli eo In the Buike building on
Thuisday evenlnff. It was well attend
ed and was a very successful event.
The music furnished by Miss Kuthiju
Itleidon, of Scranton, was uppieelated
gieatly. Several out ol town younpr
persons participated in the pleasmes of
the evening.
A Hunaway.
A team of noises owned by a man
named Klmr, from near Jeimjii, be
came frightened at the Dundalf stieet
crossing yestei day afternoon and dashed
up Fallliiook stieet. The dilver le
galned contiol of them beloie any dam
age was caused.
Oflleeis Elected.
Captain George A. UaudolpU (amp,
Sons of Veteianfe, has elected the lol
loping olllceis: Captain, John Hall
stead: tlrst lieutenant, Fiancls Smith:
second lieutenant, Isaac ColvlmMele-gate-at-laige,
Chailes AUxandei ; dele
gate to depai tment encampment, runn
els Smith.
Foot Ball Plnyeis Dance.
The Caibondale Indians' loot bill
team held their umiuul solI.i! last even
ing hi Uuike'b hall. The hall was
ciovvded with meny nelleis and all
pus'enl had an e.ciplloiially ;;ood time.
It was one of the most milipssMi!
events ever held In the hull.
A Basket Social.
Caibondale canton. So. 10, Patilaichs
Militant, at Its meeting on Tliuisdiiv
night icpoited pingiess on the aiiuuge
ments Its membeis aie making lor their
basket social. Tills tuimtloii will h"
held la Januaiy and will mail; the Hist of this canton.
A New Laundrymau.
Uaulel Ijlttle, fniiuetly with l.lttln's
.sewing machine uuenc on Hinilli .Main
hticel, has seemed a pniltiim with ih
Ciuliondale steam laundry He has al
leady entered Into the Intileiules of
his new vocation.
United Mine Woikeis Eujoy Them
selves. The membeis of the United .Mine
Woikeis, Local No. HUi, ate piinidlng
for a social which they will give sninu
time In the etuly part ot next month
The Passing Tluoup;.
iMfs, J. J, Koiheh, of N'uw Via K ilt.
Is vlsltlnt; heie,
Hon, .1, .1, O'Neill was a visiter In
llonesdalo on Thuisday,
Henry JoIuimiii, of Haulsliuig, with a
visitor In town yestetday,
Mis, Amy Williams, of Sei anion, l
spending u few days In town.
Mis. Kiank Stevenson, of Wayniait.
visited ti lends in Unvn jestciday,
Mr, and Mis, Homy O, Albright, of
.Suunton, weie lhe guests of Mr. and
Mis. Handolph Mason In this city yes
tei day,
Mis. Clolphus Putiick is luporled to
bo very 111 at her homo on Cemeteiy
15ane Uavls, ot Stockton, C.ilu., Is
vUltlng his bi other, Letter Canier
CSeorge Davis.
Hon. H. Ij. Stephens, of Wlnwood,
Wayne county's tormei leprosentutlvo
In the Ieglslatuie, was In town yestei -day,
U. C. Clenln left last night for Now
Yotk city, wheio he will attend tho
''tfUffiSF-T'1. til
funeinl of hN college oliuni, Robeit
Mi.s. I'Jvan Tuckei, or I'ittsbuig. who
foi tnei Ij lesided here, lb Isltlng In this
city. She will piobably .stay until af
ter Clu istmas..
Miss Veionlca (toiman, ol Scianton,
who has ben visiting her slstei, Mif-.
P. A. IJunv, on Pike stieet, letnuied
home on Thuisdav.
Kdw.uil 'alike, of St. Mai.v s semin
al y, of Raltlmoie. arihed home last
evening to spend the holidajs with his
paients. Mi. and Mis n. I'. Huike.
Joseph Iiacslei Is home lioin St.
Michael's mllfge. Toionto, to attend
lhe opening oi Si. Hose's dim ell. He
will piobablv lemain heie over Clulst
inas. Mis. Ada Johnson, ol lJIngliauiton,
Is the guct of Mis l', N, Ullss, ot
Washington pl.ue. -Iij-. Ulls.s ana
daughtei have lii't letuined home
fi oiii a Kit to Hiiigliamtoii
MNs Cuddy, of Scianton, and the
Mlss-es Tlllle and Juimle Keainey, ot
Plltston, who have been the guests of
Mis. John Clieeveis on South Main
htitet, h.iv i etui lied lo their iionies.
The liii-lli'is at the .Maylleld yanl
of the Ontailo and 'eteiu l.illioad
vent on stilke on Uediiealay night.
The men pioentcd their gilevunces to
Uie jardinaster. Among other things,
asking foi an" uf two cents
an hour and addition il help be
Mied Lust night a numlx-i of Ital
ian hibiiieis, who have In en doing
tiuek woik lor the lonipanv, went lo
woik In the plan's oi' tin. Milking
The membeis nt James Small coun
t'l, No. "01. .lnnlor indd" United
Aineilcaii Meehanli j, will attend
cliuieh at iMihoinlale with the Plo
ntr City (ouneil tommiovv evening.
The membeis of the local union will
melt In Ciaidnei's hall al ti n'elnt k
The latum ilnuglllei of Ml mil Ml-,
Wllllnm Join s ol Maylleld, died on
Thin duv. The lunei'U will talc
pine tomonovv nlteiuooii.
John laieas. of West MaMlWd. N on
the siik list
Mi.s. Wutur liuket and il.iugnter,
Alma, vvio riiibondnle lsdtois yet,-
,1, 1). Sim kei lias letiiliKd fiom New
Voik ell Wheie lie llllS been pill'
cl'iislng N'tniis goods.
A :i- ear-old child of Mr. and Mis.
William McCloskey, of Siuilh Seeoud
stieel . Ill of stuilet fever.
Alts M. .1, Shields was i ailing mi
I'ail'oildale lelatlves yestei ila.v
Theie will be a imullni, ot the min
eis and laboieis of the local uuloiii,
Nn, ll'.U uhli 10.! I. held nt II til stieet,
"Mav Held, on Mouduyevciilng. lor the
purpose ot eleuiing a choik welgh
inan. Ml iiioinbeis ai" requested to
Mil- Wllllnm Hepew, of Second
stieel, spent Weiliio.sdny la Scianton.
Miss Mai.v Maxwell spcnl yesteiday
with Cfiiliondale fi lends-
Mli-n Mlnetvii Mel.oughllii, ot South
Main slieel, wn- In Scianton AVed
reoday. PECKVltLE.
Toiiinriiiw tSunday) pvenliig, in lh
l'ielileiian rhuieh, b choir, usslsto.l
bv Mr. and Mis, Vatklnust and Miss
Fold, violinist, a hacied coiuch will
bo given. A t-llver nlfeilng will bo
fikon up. Tho ptogramine. Oigan
Miluutaiy, Oloila, linoealion hymn,
nntheni, "Pinlso Yo Jihovuh; violin
bolo, .Miss Helen Foul; Seilpture,
prayer, solo, Mr. PuiMiurstj anthem,
iiuai telle, violin duet, Mes.sis. Howloy
and Urundage; duet, Air. and Mis.
Guernsey Hall
Cor. Sixteenth St. tnd Irvine Fltee,
American Plan, I3.S0 per day tnd upward.
European Plan, (1.60 per day and upward.
I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor.
- -f - -t- - -f -f -f 4-
For Husiness Jllen X
In the heart of Uie) trholesalt 4.
illstrlct. T
For .siiopueis
s minutes' walk to Wanamakera; -f-
S minutes to Sieifel Cooper's BI .
Store. Casy ot access to tho great
Dry uoocib oiorea. t
For Slshtseew
One block from B'way Cars, dr
InK easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Cor. 11th ST ft UNIVEnSITT PU
Only one Block from Broadway,
Rooms, $1 Up. p.foAnN.J..
f -f -f -f -f -f -f
"Tluough the Hesperian Gardens of
tho West" Buns the Luxurious
The Finest Thing on Wheels,
Summer Lands of " California."
snrclal tlnoiiRh train consisting of Bleeping;
una llutiiK t us will leave New lone every bat.
miljv 'liii-diy mi'l lliiirsday, conimcting UN
rictlv wttli tho ",Simct Limited" at New OrTcuiia.
,-.,'. 1. .it ininiiiiiiloii. fnu illuatrutcd namnli.
nctW with tho "hunt l.iinitcu" at New Orleans,
fo'i lull liitoiniillon, fnu illustrated paropli.
lets main unit time tables, also lowest rates,
sliuiins ur libels anil bawago clieckid, apply
in -nullum I'Kille Co, lua S third street,
...ii.,ai..i.i. i
I'liilailelplilJ, ra.
I' nffortoiy, "Tho Lord Ts
My l.iKht," Mr. Paikhursl; nnthem,
ServkeH In tho 1'ieshyterlau church
c?imilu at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m.. Rev.
f. H. Moon, n, V., pastor. Subject In
moiiilinr, Za'-eheus": in the Qvenhie;
a ,aeied conteit will ho given. Mi.
and Mi p. Pnrlihtttbt will participate.
Mi.. I'liiKlutlft will slim, by jequost,
"The Holy city." All welcome.
IVrkvllln Haptlst fhuich, Kov. J. S.
Thomas, pastor: Services tomoirovv
al 10.10 a. in. and 7 p. m. Mornlnpr
suhjeei, "The l'uietleo of tho Presence
ot Ciod"; cveiilni? uiibleet, "Mr. Moody,
the Foul "Wlnntni"
Mr. David :viuih, of Ninth Main
stieot, vvho has been on the sick list
lor Mime time, Is able to be about
Mis. Vianl! Junius Mrs. WUHutn
InmeH and .Mis. John Ueinbo spout
Thiifdav vlsltins lelatlves at Tilce.
A ehaimlmr leatuio ot the seivioi
r.t the MethodniU Kiilwupal chuieh h
the slimdiiK by tho male ipiaitette, un
der the leadeishlp of Me 15. Shay. The
riabbath ovenliiR i-enlee will be lie
v.jted to nimts out 01' tho new Hun-
day t-chnol booU, "Choi us 01' l'iaUe,"i
with anthems by the ciioii, A emu in-
liiH time Is ei)eeted. castor lienaai
Will pieaeh In -lhe morning; nn ".Maa
j;,,! xullncK,"
. . 1. 1 t Cold in One Dav
Take T.axatlvu liromo Qulnlnej
lets. All druggists letuna tne
U It falls to cure. K. "V. Orovi
natuie Is on each box, L'ju