7- Vi- Y- -rZ-4lKTj$.-l !tTi r" MifW-; "" j,Vii ' w H THE SCRANTON TRIBUTE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER n, moo.1 ?Xfi - """" ,l ,,, .y ' -- - " ' ' ' ' - NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA STATE GRANGE MEETING. Foity-Elghth Annual Session of the Pennsylvania Organization Held nt Lock Haven. Sic IjI Ii II"' Miiililnn Till. in, i'. Lock Huwn, Dre. 12. The tweiiiy elglith luiinnil Hes.sltin (if tln Pe'iiii.tyl vanlu Statu thntiKc l.s holillni? ItH meet lngM In tlie court house In thin city, presided over liy Worthy MiiHter V. K. Illll', of Krto county. The llrit Hcwltnt was held on Tuewltiy iiftm noon, when ,tlie representatives of the HUborellnuU) rungcH throughout the state handed In their credentials to the committee, W. D. Stclnbach, of Montour county: Mrs. Ida Shuler, of Lycoming county, and F. E. Lear, of Lackawanna county. The first session was short und after It udjourned the gmiiKcrfl were given a free trolley tide over the city, visit ing the Normal school, silk mill and other places of Interest. A public meeting was held on Tuesday evening, presided over -by Mr. T. U. Hippie, esq., In the absence of Hon. '. A. Mayer. Assoclutc Judge McKlnney, of Clinton county, and John A. Hunter, of Center county, were chosen vice presidents. N. M. Herr, muster of Clinton county Pomona Orange, welcomed the dele gates In behalf of the I'omona Orange, which was responded to by Joseph H. Paschall, of Delawure county, who dwelt at some length on the advantage of the grange to the farmer. 'Mayor ICIllott, of this city, made the address of welcome to the grangers and said he hud no Idea that he would be called upon the second time to give them a welcome. The gates that were thrown open to the grangers a year ago have not been closed and the citizens of Lock Haven feel highly gratified at having so large u body of representa tive men and women from all parts of the states. Addresses wore also made by D. B. McWIIIInms, of Juniata coun ty: C. S. McCormlck, of Clinton coun ty; Mrs. Helen Johnson, of Coicy, Erie county; Mortimer "Whitehead, past master of the State Grange of New Jersey, and John Patterson, of Berks county. A feature of the evening was the very excellent music rendered by the grange choir. The grange opened with its business session on Wednes day morning at 9 o'clock and the day was taken up in the hearing of com mittee reports. In the evening a class of some eighty ladies and gentlemen were given the sixth degree (Pomona) in the Academy of Music. Thursday a .special order was held at 10 a. m. for the election of State Grange officials. Tlis business session of the grange will probably close on Friday. " PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Dec. 13. C. B. Tinker, n -well known resident of West Pittston, rml Mrs. Clara Steniples, of Tunk hannock, were married at the latter place last Tuesday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tinker will reside at the bride'. home. A majority of the collieries in this vicinity will pay their employes be tween now and Saturday. A portion nf the Pennsylvania employes were paid today and the remainder will bo paid Friday. Those of the Tempi Tron company, the Clear Spring, Ste vens and Seneca collieries will be paid Saturday. Jesse Ensign, the well known lax Idermlst of this city, is mounting a fine specimen of lynx for Mr. Graham, of xhe Graham house, Tunkhnnnock. The animal is being mounted In a half crouching position and will make nil attractive ornament at Mr. Graham's well known hostelry. Frank .Gillespie, of Urn fiim of Gil lespie & McGuIro, painters, fell from n ladder while at work at Galney's dining room yesterday and icceived bad injuries. Thiee of his ribs are broken nnd his bend and rhoulder badly bruised. Mrs, Eleanor Allen, of Lancaster, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Camp bell, on Wyoming avenue. Captain Fremont Stokes, who will take charge of the r.utler collieries recently purchased by the Htllsid" 'oal and Iron company, will on Fri day move-his family from Scrunton to this city, where he has leased ;i homo on Hace street. Mrs. Jemima Griffith, of Susque hannn nvenue, gave a tea yesterday ifternoon to a large company of those interested In the work of the Florence Crlttendon Mission. Addresses were made by Mrs. t'aflin nnd Miss Dolph, of Scranton, and Mis. Thomas, of Carbondale. HARFORD. Special lo ilie ricranton Tiilimio. Harford, Dee. 13. Mr. and Alls, Henry ('orwln, who havo been visiting D. M. Farrar, started for their home In Flor ida on December 10. F. H. Osborn visited Scranton on Sat in day. The funeral of William Gillespie was held from his late homo on December 10, Mr. Gillespie had been sick for a number of years, but it was quite a shook lo IiIh many fi lends lo learn of his sudden death, Ills age was seventy one yents, Ellen Seetey met a IVuifiil den lb mi Friday motulng. Her clothes caught lire, and her mother, being mi liivalld and the only one In the house; told her lo i tin to a neighbor for help, but bo fore help reached her she was burned so badly that she died thai night. The lecttlie, "What I Laughed at In Palestine," by Hev. J, W. Phillips, I). D will be given in tin Congregational church, December II. Mr. and Mrs. F. It, Tlu'uiiy vMtd friends in Olypbant this week. Mrs. Tompkins has gone lo spend the winter with her son, Daniel. E. F. Tiffany Is veiy pooily at this wilting. L. O. Fariar was a culler at the home or J. W. Lewis on Tuesday. F. P. Tlngley nnd 11. S. I'Merbmok attended the farmers' Institute, at Montrose, last Saturday. NEW iHILFORD. "pnlal tu I lit' Su.inlon TrUuine. New Mllford, Doc. :!. Miss Fluieucu Imlcrlicd Is visiting frlftiils In lilng hamton. Miss Maud Aldrlch spent several days last week with Hallstead friends. Leon Hoe, of the township, is suffer ing with typhoid fever. Miss Ueatricj Howell recently visit ed friends at Montrose, Mr. und Mis. Aaron Aldricii enter tained Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Benjamin, of Nicholson, the forepart of the week. Mrs. Albert Hcltzman Is suffciiug from un attack of rheumatism. Dr. D. C. Aluey was in Philadelphia on business this week. L. G. McCuIlom was at Montrose Monday. The Odd Fellows' lodge will conduct a social at the lodge rooms this even ing. Tile lecture a I the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, given by Dr. Plerc?, of Scranton, was one of the finest lectures ever given in New -Mll- Dr. Pierce will long be renicm in this place by all who heard fold. bered him. ltev from and Mrs. it. N. Ives returner! Hallstead today, wlieie they have been spending several days with their sons. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sherwood und chil dren, of ninghamton, visited lelutives in tills place Sunday. A meeting of the Y society was held Ht the home of Miss Maud Hrown tills afternoon. Mrs. Helle Finch and daughter spent Wednesday with Binghuiiiton friends. HOPBOTTOM. i Sprrial to tlio Sc-r.intoii Tilluinc Hopbottom, Dec. 13. Mis. William Ainey, of Ilalstoud, visited friends In town this week. Tlio social masquerade at Tenants' hall, last Friday evening, was enjoyed by over sixty people. The costumes, both picturesque and grotesque, were the subject of much merriment. Mr. 13. M. Tiffany Is displaying u line assortment of Christmas goods. Mrs. George Miles entertained the Ladles' Aid society of the I'niveisallst church for dinner on Wednesday of this week. About twenty-five guests were niesent. A donation was tendeied ltev. Mr. Human, at the Methodist Episcopal church annex, on Tuesday evening. Justice of the Peace N. M. Finn is kept very busy of late with legal con troversies. The suit which has, per haps, attracted greatest interest Is the one brought against the Scranton Dairy company by their patrons. The funn els feel that something more than n game of bluff Is necessary to ubsolvi: a contract, and are bringing suit for uou-fulllUmcut of agreement on the part of the Daliy company. Lawyer Davies, of Montrose, Is employed to manage the Interests of the funnel s. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kellum have returned fiom a visit among Scranton and Wilkes-Harre friends. Russell Phillips spent Sunday with his family here. Instantly sprung upon him and ho was soon nl their mercy. They bent hlm In a terrible manner, lit was knocked tin conscious, but was soon found by some friends nnd taken to a place nf safety, wlieie his Injuries wore attended to. This Is not the only assault of n simi lar kind that has happened, Some of the people claim they tread In fear when pasting any lonesome place. TAYLOR. At the homo of the bride's puicnls, Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Goodwin, wldolv known and resecled tesldents of Clark' Summit, their daughter, Miss Anna ,1,, was united In marriage at high noon on Wednesday to Mr. Fred erick J, Stone, of this town. The In terior of the house was prettily docor uted nnd the parlor, In which the ceie inony was performed, wui a bower of beauty, ltev. 0. II. Reynolds offici ated. Only the immediate fi lends nnd lelutives witnessed the service. The bilde nnd groom were attended by Miss Gertrude Goodwin as bridesmaid and I'M gar Stone as groomsman. The bride was neatly attired and piesented a charming appearance. After congratu lations, the wedding party sat down to n bounteous wedding dinner. They were the recipients of numerous wedding gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Stone are accom panied through life by the best wishes of many. They will reside In this bor ough. Those nrosent at the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stone, Miss Llllle Stone, Allen Stone, Edgar Stone, Mrs. James Stone,. V. J. Stone, jr., T. J. Da !.. of Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Goodwin, Mr. und Mis. G. A. Goodwin, Misses Gertrude Goodwin, Nellie Al ger, Mne Myeis. Mrs. Delhi Alger, of Clark's Summit Mrs. W. II. Walter and daughters, Martha and Elsie, of Green Hldge; Mr. and Mrs. 13. J. Good win, Mr. and Mis. A. D. Gnrdner and daughter Anna, of Factoryvlllo; Mr. and Mis. W. P.. Cobb, Mrs. Isaac P. Jones and daughters, Anna and Flor ence, of Scranton: Miss Myrtle Lit Rue, of Chinchilla; Mr. John Jones, of Nan tlcoke, und Mr. David Goodwin, of Factoryvllle. A surprise parly was tendeied David Reese, at his home on ltnlliood street, Wednesday Vvening, in which a large number of friends participated. A very pleasant eveplng was spent, and at midnight refreshments were served. Those present'were Misses Annie Will iams, Arllne Jones, Mary Williams. Maty Comernck, Emma Morris, Mary J. Heecham. Sarah Pugh, Jennie Dee, Bessie Evans, Helen Williams, Hannah Shite, Owen Davis, Edith Rogers, Mag gie Risk, Gertie Decker, Agnes Decker, Lizzie Tucker, Jennie Griffiths, Emma Winters, Mabel Tucker, Hannah Smith, and Mcsms. Thomas Morgan. William Morgan, Thomas Hitching. Arthur Will iams, Emmet Williams, William Smith, Evan Jones. David Meredith, William Parfltt. Daniel O'Royle. John Roche, John Hannlck, Kdwnid Dopps, Will iam Morris, David Davis, William Rogers, Fred Evans, David R. Davis, Homer Davis, Gat Held Williams, John Evans, Henry Coomb! and Richard Giifllths. The I'nited Mine Workers of America will hold a mass meeting at Weber's rink, Saturday evening, when National Organizer Frederick Ditcher and "Mother" Jones will be present lo de liver addresses. All united mine woik eis aie requested to be present. The young people of the Chinch of Immaculate Conception recentlyformed a literary society. A veiy large mem beishii) has been enrolled. The society promises to become one of the most prominent organizations in this town. Miss Maggie Uuflbach and Sir. John Imeldopf, both popular young people vof this town, weie united in marriage last evening by the Rev. Adolph Weber, pastor of the German Evangelical church. A reception was tendered to their many friends In Weisenlluh hall after the wedding ceremony. They weie the recipients of numerous presents. p it--,", n- .... -t- -.-. Kit f of Kentucky tlio -ml ! viniiiptrlc-l ntul well irciiorllonrit itmctiih! cli-Mitcrlrrri by n (loctle fervor mid keen Jinl fori ll,lc .iliMnrulogy. Hi Inn 111 Micimtli I In In Iff lmillelt itint V1'" lurnnjieiicv. It would not lie true to lln lunie it II did not teirreiit n lioie rare In wine form. This feiture r recalled n it ury tmlNflc nnd eltcethe ene xtnl idiowi the I.exlnnton mce track st the flnldi of it lery uplrlfed rme between sett-Mi Kiiilucky Ihoroiinliined liorw. who, urKi-d on by their Jotkeyn. wake wild dati under tin wire In full leiv nf the .iiilleme. ' SlbenV' Next Week, .K mle ttfJt itu-Jlt. the .ltlo!i of I lie Ai.iJiniy next week, ThurHiU.l, t'rUliiy and Sa luridly, uheii a superl) scenic ret, hoi ut Hartley Cainpljill' (alnou tnrliiriiiitiii, "sllieila," will he the .tttrae tlun. 1lil dratnn contains d- acts Into tach of which are crowded I In lnol tense and exiltltirf of liunun !ailmu und (io-dre. The null and roar of mob Uulenic, nnd of tiinvmie, the. achttnliitf of the lilhllM, the ellliur of the Inno cent, the touchlliK lote of the niollur and of the wife, und the retoll und tlnal deliberation from the hiiiiUhln of Slheila all ate Inleinoteu Into ix aerici of inplil ctcnl that ai nf the iut realMIe cluinitor. .q a fitting background In tliee illnlntcveties. flte beautiful nnd elfectltc it .life plitutetf ate piesenlcd, diuttlnn' siirrewhcly the city nf Mos cow, the Inteilor of Hie governor Konrr.l'. pal ale, the court yaul of the. Palace nf Jutl((', the lilil.cn of Mberii nnd the hadioi of llitmst. An exceptionally capable company has liecu en iraucd to enarl the play. tV wV THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. New York, lite. 11. The Mock mailvcl lojay tens lev UIhIi-i- the ihttitt'MLC ul the xtlciiittli of Imlitldual Hi'iU and nunc under that of the coming cxIkciicIch nl die money market, flten the mnMtlonil and buoyant rise in the Kile KlocU in the last half Imur bardlv mtvciI to mure tlun check (lie liquidation which was In active fmiT In the general market. Twentj c'lglil jcuis is irlten a the elapsed peilod .since un Krie roinpniy stock sold at high as M on the stock exchange. Today the fust picleuc-l sold al oin in the late (ieillnifs. I'xtremc ad IUI1CC8 for today In tlie coniiunj's tock were for tlio coiiuiion :!il, for Hie lliit picfelied 4?, and for the ccoiid pn-lericd oij. The nuthoil t.itlte annonm euient lint n inntiuct ol wile liad been algncd between the I'tnm.tltaliiu foil coinpanv hint a t mllcatc headed hy the te.iitr.il power in the nntliincite ttauc w.is'the cau' of the buo.toncy. The bid for l'eniuj ltaula Coal was lapieliy adtuueed wlllnnil liringlnn out any .tcck except an oei-asionil neld lot at wide inteiv.ils until a lull lol of 100 shares was iild at T.'l.", nnd another at 740. I.it-t niidit the stoi It was Old hid und 0", aikcd. 'I he iii.ii kc-t for llii.i -teiek has been puicly nominal and it sold ut I'Oli las' month, whlth was the highest pihe nt the year. Nulnltlistandiug Hie nut ibli- clbct of this opeiulinu on the Die Mock mil elicits mule by spwulntnis to empli.isl?c the Kcner.il benellt to lentlt to the anthracite IndiMiy as a whole, the effect w.i ter.t .-mall eteli un the other .uitlinieilc Meek',, wliicli wevo none of them mote titan steady, .nine flrmnest wis manifiHl of the bull pool. 1hi effect was un4 notice able in tlio Wabidi seeurltie-.. OthcivlM tell iliK was i.'encrr.l tliinuulinut the ll.-t anil lliip-u stocks which hale persisted in their llpw.nd uieiteinent this week were ns a rule the weakest. This m noticeably Hue of the steel ttroup, in which the declines ran up to 2 points or oor. .Sui!ur and the New Yuri; public utilities fell f loin about 2 points to :; in cniunlidati-d Has. A mimhei ol othei protiiinent1 sto';k, both in the lullioad and ImliKtiial list fell from t to Ik. Total s.il, 7.10,21)0 Finn es. The bnt'ds of the Krlc company and some of the Miuthwe-teru lallwajs were in demand today. Ollieittioc tlie bond uiaikel was ratlioi- ie;actioii ary. Total r.tlis, par taluc, ij4,785,U()ii U. S. ' refunding tw ndtnne-cd i and old Is l and us '.i per cent, on the lnt call. The following qiMtatiom ate fuinUhcd The Tiibune b Jl. S. Joulan ,x. Co., looms "O-'i-VW Meals Imlkliiii.', .-cranton, I'a. Telephone joo.l: tlpen- lligh- Low- tin- Ins. ct. ..120", lifi'-i ..107'i W7?i 44H Ann ii( an -uir ., Miuili-.Ui Tutnciu Am. Steel Si Wire .Ucliism, Atchison. !'r Ilionk, Tiaction . Hallo. ,c (ihiu .... Cunt. Tnbaeeo .... (hev .X- Ohio ... Chic. & Gt. V,r. Chic. II. 4" O. .. ht. Paul flock i.-l.lllll Del. llucNon .j. n. AVOCA. Dr. James' HeadacbQ l'otvdtre. A WOMAN'S NERVES. Cares and worries of life are often too much for the delicate norvo orgau isiu. Headaches come dis tracting, peace destroying headaohes. But there's a cure, Dr. James' Headache Powders SooMie and strengthen the irritated nerves take away tlio headacho al most bef ore you know it. No MupcfylnK, (IcadenliiK drugs. Nothing that can infect the) heart. At all Drug Stores. 4 dosos 10 cents. Cure Wbre Other rat. 4 Xuy Aug lodfio, 7S4, Indepeiiclcitl Or der (if Odd l-'ellowH, will celebrate their twenty-ninth nntilverdiuy tomorrow evening', when the following will le celvo badge.H for twenty-live yenrs' ineniberHlilp: Ttobprt t'ranston, Jnnies Hell, John llaatie, jr., John Hustle, sr William Dlek, Conrad Shenlgar, John Hailstone, O. W, Shales, John Connor, James Uralinm. After the meeting tliere will be a social. All visiting1 brothers will be welcome. Miss Laura Glllcck has returned frori Philadelphia. The Ht. Aloyslus tocluty will meet this ewnlng. Dr. nnd Mrs, K. A. Kent, of Linden Hall, Centre county, are guests of Air. nnd Mrs. A. P. Holllster. Mr. Mtthy, secretary of the Scranton Young Men's Christian association, will speak In tlio Lnngcliffe chuich on Sun day evenlnpr. At a meeting of Hie Improved Order of Heptnsophs on Monday evening, tho following ofllcers were elected: Archon, Harry Johnson: provost, ('hailes John son: secretary, H.M. Steever; llnnncler, .T. h, Harris; treasurer, O. W. Lower: inelute, T, J. O'Mulley; insiwctor, Leon Schlatter; wnrdon, N, K. Hosltlns; sen tinel, D. J, McArdlei; trustees, Walter Anderson, XV, J. Summon, Jumea Mc Fniiaue. Tlie Cuthollo Mutuul lienevoleut as sociation elected the following pillcem on Wednesday evening: President, Thomas Sullivan; vice-president, John Sheehan; second vice-president, James Clarke; ilnnnclal seuretary, Fntnk Lit tle; lecordlug seeietaiy, James Jen nings; niuislml, Jumcs Craig; guard, I'eter Farrell; trusteees, Thomas IIos- kins, ThomnH Connois, Miss Nellie Hnrnu, of Dunnioie, Is the guest of Mi, and Mrs. Theodore Hogun. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. DURYEA, Wlllluiu Nuylor's hoie, which was injured u few months ago by iccelvlug a cut from u barb vlie leuce, Is Im proving, nnd Mr, Nnylor hopes that In (i few months it will bu ready for woik. Oeaiy (liny, of Main stieot, has re signed his position ut thu Lehigh Vul ley yards at Coxton and has accepted u position as machinist at the Habylun colliery, Tlio other evening .leibei1. Matthew son was hiutnlly ununited. He was on his way home fiom work, whi'ii six men oi'deieil hlm to halt. He fliipiuil to see what the tiouble was. wlien "they Lyceum. litlDAV. "I'lic lllnhj,Mii.in," Ue Kikcii jnd SmithV eoniic operj. SATlinilAV. "In Did Keutinkj-." Xflemoon and nlv'ht. Academy of Music. Al.l. W i:i:i. Hoe mid Penlie w ininpjii In lep eltohe. The Gaiety. LAsI lllltKK l)x-ll.mT.n HiuJ-i,mi. "Self and Lndy." L'luilei riohin.in's eomedl.ins preeuteil "ei and l..uly" nt the Lyeeuni lail nlitlit beloic m audience Uiich hjs not very kiiue. "Ml and Lidy," it one of tlie iniiiiineiable fane-, bonowetl fiom the I'lcnch btaere and whiih me heKiiinlni; to trike Ameiiean thviter-coiri .( rather tcdi oiu to say notlilnu of the objeetionablo Mibjcct nutter of the farces with wlw-t wlio wain their liu-bands tiny are golnif to deeene them and liihliamU who dviiite xx it bum beiim conlelei.ite erciiRh to wain. Tlie company wa icallv a biillianl one, com puntil as II was, of K. M. Holland. Vxu Wil liams, .lames Kearney, Arnold Daly, Kibel Ii Inir, Mumtie Holloway Pisher, ihirle Derlcksun und .Nellie llutler, but the furce is baldly wuitlie of their ahilltie-,. May Ilohson vm on the hou-,e bill a a mem ber of the company, but w.ii not lieie hut idsht. She let t tlie compjny a tiw days .iu .iiiJ u been Mieieeded by Nellie llutler, wlio did fine uoik last nii;lit u l'uiiuitu, a f-paiiNli (l.iiuir, Bon Ton Buiiesquers. 'Ilw "lion Ton Dili lesquers" uppenred at the (iaitty , t-iterday In tivn oiIkIiiiI kelelici entl llcd ".Mlilliful MWiaito" and "Tho Kins of Walla Walla," in which popular imule and luend-anie eottune weie Intiodm'ul. Some nooil woil. wild done diiiins; (lie pi 1 Un iti.im is by Chill: und L'oibley, ami al-o by IVmfli and ll.ede, il.Un.eu and e'ake walken-. IlamNome Ihinu' pUluiii, ntie amuiier the fea tures of tlie idiow The Hon Tons will oei'iipv the Hlate afternooiu and oenliiKs foe ihc hal unco of tlie week. Xel week the llo-.o Hill DiiijIUli Polly company will 111) an ene,Mi;ciiicnt ut the (iaic-ty, and inkliuiliiir on .Monday Iheie Mill le a iihIucIIoii in mitlnee piiev, eiept upon holiday. Komantic Comic Opera Tonight. 'the cenlial llumu in "Tho lllirlnujiiuii," whleh U In bo pi I'm ntul idiiIkIiI ut the lwpiiiu by llii llioadway Tlieater (Sew Yil) (Ipein cone pan), Is a il.isliiiiK kuleht of the lo.nl, who id null back tu honor by the cLuim; devotion of a beautiful nouiih. Mace e(nihe uie held up, deeiN m diihiK itilUiilly peifoinu-d and tho toinlu lutcicii h tlioiouttl l. kii,i(ilmM by a eoiiple ol eouniry lme and Poxy (Jullh'i, a i ill a I ionl.ible who duel fi'l)llilliK flw but de- mi, I'liiee dilleieiil iluuiliu ate liiipeoiiuliui; die lilijliuiiviiiin al Mie time and a meny lot of luinpHialloli, ili.ui'. 'Hie plot i eou,iteutly tnhl and lunialm a pietiy Ion fctoiy and nu ubiiiidame ol humor, 'I lei Imwlc U in )e Koru'a bet Mill and the eipeiu Hill he pill oil In a Ihoinmth iinuucr ullh an eullnil ia,l of piiu (IiiiK. emiipleie eilnl., ni.ivnllii lilt (ii.lilllli'.i und lealilic .km-, a lev. pi.iUi'oilh jei. loinuiui N aine. the.ileitjiii, "In Old Kentucky." "In Hid l( nlitel,!," iiuinuMloiMld) the mol auuewlul Aiiieiieau da. pioihiied ill many .wan, and one tlut lu lacn leiebrd with fuor eeiy, uheie. lll be pievuled In lids illy Jl Ihc l.j iimiiii toliaiium Jll'llnu.l. .ili.l iilj,h. , h plet l.i iw-ll kiior.ii, it ile.il ullh an lull ii'-IIiil- .Iii-i- I Licliawinii.i It, Peilual stud . .. fed. Steel. lr. ., hin. fi Ti ., I'v. I.ouis. tr N'ash. ... .Man. novated ... Met. Traction .... .Mio. I'aeille .... People'" Clto .... .V. J. Central .... Southern Pacific . -Vol folk & Wc-t. .. N'e.rlhern Paeihe .. Xorth. lMeific. Pr. N". V. Central .... Int. : Western .. Venn i. It. It IMcltle Mall Iteading It. It Keiidiiur, Pr. .... Southern H. R. . South. It. It., Pr. Tenn. Coal i lion V. S. Leather .... P. S. Leather, Pr. U. S. Rubber I'ulon I'aeille, Pr. Wabasdi, !r. . ... Western Union ... ::'(". M 7.! SI .... SHI :i? .... 13 .....Hi"-, !; ....ll.-i'A lm'j 1S0 .... :.m .... 77'.i .... 4(1 .... ?i!; ....lO'llj ....IM .... HUH .... fSTi ,...144 .... 4JU .... 4:i .... 71'JK .... S2J ....HW .... 27Hi ....112" .... 41 I Hi to MU 7l!i at is. est. 12Ui JlHIKj -l-ll :w-!i nkw vonu WIIPAT. Mareh Jlav CORN. Mnv !. l?i i:i'.'. 7(11'. IS tli 2.1 PRonrci: r.xciiAXcJK W8 'IS la l.i-i J2f llli nn'i ! .-KfiA 77'i lllli; M HI) Ite (ni4 !y 144',i HM I.: 71 34 W9i 14-' 27,1 I42T; 44 21rH 1IJ lis'.'. n2i,i i.i'i irtif. 2i; 2'i S a;; it", I'.uii n: us IS,", "I14 7el14 ili' 12l:'i 107','c H !ii'i .jl. 7a M l.i;')i 12li'4 U. Mi lift HU'i S.".!, 10"' i llw do"- 144 1 j it?; 71V'h S2 HUi 27'i 142i 4; 21 ibi; t.7'8 iai i:i'i 7.ni -'711 81!i 21 s;ii PRICKS. Saji 11W HmTi 60',4 IH 144U 4174 71 ' SJ 111 2(.; 14t'i II Jl'i l 17Ti W' -Tft II 7.V7, 2(il J1V, 2J"i Open ing. 70TA 7u!i 42',8 IliKh 'et. 7UJK 70H 12H f.Ott -e-t. 71) -i 78'ft ll'ii Clos inir. TOJJ 71 lt?i Hid. Akei 1201) '!ju Ix" 15'J l'-'i lnij .i 21) :m mi Ml in un in in us ... UNI 10' Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Flint National Hank Sciamon butiiiKi Hank Tlilrd Xutlonal Hank Dime llcpu.'dt und Uiicount Dank., Economy Ultht, II. it P. Co backa. Trust Safe Depo-iit Co Clail; & Snoer Co., Pr Scranton bou Pence 4 Mfg. Co. ... Keranton Axlei Works ,..,. I.iiekaw.iiin.i l)air' Co., Pi County Havings' Hank & Timt Co.. Klist National Rank (CniliomUle),, t-iiiiiclnnl Drlllim; Co. ,. Trailer National Rank hciaulon Holt and Nut Co HON PS. Scranton PasJeiiitcr Hallway, Urst MoitKage, due 1U20 People's Stiect Railway, tlit inort- Kaac, due HHS People's htreet Railway, Ueneial morlKaKe, eluo lU.'l Diekvnn Manulacturini; Co laieka, Township School 5 per cent, City of jjcnmtnn ht. imp. o per (cut , I thi Seiuiitnn Traction tl per cent tr, Scranton Wholesale Market, (Coirectcd by II, 0. I'le, 27 I.ackawauw Ave,) lluttcr riruiuei. 2U2jc. I.'ueta Select wcAletn, 21c,; ueaiby Male, :je. CIii'pm Pull rreain, new, 12c, lli'aii. Per bu., choice marrow, 2.'0, Olillills C4M, r bu. ITour llett patent, -fl.W. New York Grain nnd Produce. 'New Yolk. Dee. M. Klour Ouieler anil raihir tasiei without belni; quotablv luwei Uhul ."pot easy; No, 2 led, 76c. f, o. b, afloat, and lufie, eleialoi'i No. I iioilheni Dululh, sic. f. o. b, atlciat. Opticas, after opening ieady, jlelded, and for the lest ol tin, day inlcd easy lo we'uk, Closed weak al HaHc, net ilu'lliic. January closed 77Uc. : March, 7U-)',e. ( .May, ic. j Dec, 7U?ic, Coin Spot eay: No. 2, l.'i'.ic elcN.itoi', and ii'u. I. o. b. afloat. Oji. tloiH upeneel Kteady, but fpiiekly ueikeued. Closed neak and '.iaHc net loner, .bin, closed 4::iie. Jlay, Uu.; Dec, IIWc. Oats Spot luiui No. 2, 27)'f.i Nu. 3, 2eiiv,i No. 2 Mhlle, ale-,; No. U white, .'WJic: Utt.k mixed wiMeru, 2u!ia.c,( track white, fOalSe, Dptioiw i.ulet and edatr. Hutter hleaely; creanieiy, In I "ik.i luctoiy, lialSJic, ; Juno rfauiri), l?a ', it. ; Imitation creameiy, 15.iin,; (aie diiry, I'laile. Cheese Finn; luiu.v laiv, .'all iiuil-, lUialH'jc-i Uncy fall nude, tmall, IttvU-ic, Put's (Julet; state und I'ciina., 2sa2')e,j westiin, niinldr paeklin,', 2."ki2uV.j western, low ul, 2'c, GhlciiKO Grain nnd Produce. C'blcuvc". Dec. W. Wheal ttan iiiodeldtely act. be ami declined en ll'itul leeilpls and untie j l.iliyn ol a beiilili oviiniiuiil npr.it Mon'lu.1, May rlosinif !ia?ac. under jeMenliv. tViu ehiseil ijije. and uuta u shade louei, Pioiisioiii, at Hi- (lose mcic A shade to (V liitlir Cash iiarulloiu wiiu aj lolloun; I h.ui ijuict and ea.y;' (V. 1 ,pili n.eit, lillaile. ; -No. 3 reel. 73IU7nc. ; Nu khii, : ?ia"iie-. t u. 2 yellow, :i'.?,a;7.r Xu. 2 iJt, Today's Great Sixty Minute Sales. Will make .some new records in the dry goods business. We've prepared for the immense crowd that is sure to come. More than a hundred extra salesfolk' are at" your service quite four hundred all told. Do not miss OUR GREAT ONE HOUR FRIDAY AFTERNOON SALES They are money savers, every one of them. Just read through the items so that you can see for yourself, the importance of the event. First sale at 2 o'clock, other sales at 3 and 4 o'clock. At Two Q'clock Sharp. tfB!Zi2XESBZ?Jr CLOWES BASKETS: Heavy willow Baskets, large size, strong, well made. . Very special for an hour 34C Sale No. 1. .Begins at 2 O'clock Sharp. In the Basement. WASH BOARDS: These are single surface tgx boards made of best hardwood and very special at I (C WA TER BUCKETS : Made of. heavy galvanized sheet ing, full 10 and 12 quart size ; Very special for an -hour 12C 12c 4c full COAL HODS : Heavy Japanned Hods, 15 inch size, solid and serviceable. Very special for an hour. . . DUST PANS : Best Japanned Dust Pans, heavy quality, one piece handles. Very special for an hour COFEE POTS : Best steel enamel, two quart size and a big bargain for one hour at. 13c At Three O'clock Sharp. a-ty sale o'clock ol" colorinti. Cheap at for ju-l -i.Ni minutes :t!)c. from Sale No. 2. Begins at 3 O'clock Sharp. BIG SALE SLIdHTLY HURT BOOKS: In the holiday rush of the last two weeks some of the books have been roughly handled as is to be expected. We throw them all into a pile for Friday and give vou the biggest bargain of the year. THEY AKE WORTH UP TO SI .50 each. Books for old and young; some by Kirk Munroe. May Agnes Fleming? Works in the 91.50 edition. Many new and interesting copy rights that are marked 1.10. Your choice for one ' hour at 39C BIG SALE DRESS GOODS : Fancy Plaid Skirts, continue to rage. Wouldn't enough material for one make a nice Christmas gift? Here's your chance. Fifteen pieces of very fine Zebeline and Camel's Hair Plaids in a pretty assort ment of colorings: good weight and fine finish. Also plain Lamel's Hair Cheviot; and Plain Color Henriettas in a big var- To go on tor BIG SALE BED SPREADS: are line Marsiiiles pr-Ucrns several of the lot full -ize, all hemmed, ready Coot1 value al a dollar in anv store. I lore for one hour at '' o'clock 21c These them in for use, 59c BIG SALE WHISK BROOMS: All sies in this lot of whisk brooms from the small outs for hats and collars to the large ones for elotlu.s, I Jest splint, firmly made. Cheap at 10,. For one hour at. 5C BIG SALE GOLF HATS: For both ladies and children. The popular (Jolf Hats so liuu'li worn this season. A fine assortment of them that have been selling all season , at OSc and Toe. For one hour at x5C BIG SALE OF WRAPPERS: On Second Floor in Ihc Cloak Department. There aic in the lot Wrapper., of fine flannelette ami of best calico; some of them very handsomely trimmed'; all of ihuu with full skirts, splendidly made. Former juices have been !8i and 0 7."ic. Very sj.ee ial for just one hour. .-. . 5oC BIG SALE CLOTHES TREES: Just HI e cut. These Clcthcs Trees or Costumers are finished in golden antique with heavy pole hangers and stretchers. Very desirable for hall and bed-rooms; also for restaurants. They are worth by all fair standards Ofic. For . one hour on the fourth floor at 3C At Four O'clock Sharp. tw Sale No. 3. Begins at 4 O'clock Sharp. BIG SALE OF RIBBONS: If you are doing fancy work for the Holidays, you'll want some of these Ribbons. Also suited to ninny other purposes. An exquisite lot of Fancy Taffeta Ribbons in new patterns and designs, very novel in ap pearance. Three inche. in width and a great bargain -. at 4 o'clock for I OC BIG in course, SALE BLANKETS: Just the thing to curl during these cold nights. Pine blankets, mostly cotton, urse. but with a warm, fleecv finish. Verv lienvv weignr, inn u-a size ana nmsiieci with rich and pretty borders Cheap at J?1.2,"i. l!iu a great bargain for one hour, at A 1 n clock for up ot JUG SALE CALICOES:. Everything ,'ood in Calicoes is ofieretl in this lot of Ameri can ami Simpson best makes. There are blues, reels, grey and fancies: also blue and gold pat terns and very light prints. Your choice . 1 for an hour at 4 o'clock for 42C BIG SALE SHEET MUSIC: A big loc of it, in both vocal and instrumental. Some of it quite new and popular; some classical; all of it good. Songs, waltzes and elance music. Published all the ay from !l5c up to "He. Your choice for onejjiour at C BIG SALE OF TOYS: In the base- incut at 4 o'clock u shall give you choice of some splendid little Go-Carts, strongly made and nicely finished: also little reel high back chairs, big enough for the child or the child's biggest dolly. Also kid body doll, with shoes and stockings; dolls iron or Indian made beds, 89c and complete laiMiein :et. Two articles that would be ehean at :'."ic. Your choice iv 19c BIG SALE BOYS' KNEE PANTS: On the Secomi Mr.cr and one of the greatest sales of the day. A lot of more than five hun dred pairs of l.o.s' Knee Pants, all-wool ma terials in the pretty herringbone stripe patterns. Good for either school or dress wear. Strong and st'ivii'eabk waist bands; all sizes, from.threes .,. f . -'i.-.v... r.. ,. -. ,-..t i iej 11uu1ee.11 vchi x, v tuiice 101 one UOIll t at only 1 oC BIG SALE OF FLANNELS: The finest lot we have ever offered, consisting of heavy weigh; fleeced flannels and fine flannelettes in most even desired shade of blue, pink, red, and other colorings. Exquisite patterns in clots, figure,, stripes ..nd checks. Worth from 12ic In 1 . l lif vfir1 fill t.i rrn fm i-w Umn- I r. at -I o'clock feir Q2C We Are Framing Hundreds of Pictures for Christmas. How About Yours ? Jonas Long's Sons! 2lc: Xo. a while, 'Jilo.i No. 1 vliltf. 25.i20Wc No. 2 nc, IMWr.; No. I IU'., .IA1 Ifl; No, 1 I'OithucM. Sl.ei.1ia.0-Hi; tlnioih)', ji."ij eul;, J L25.ll l.HTIji luill, SJMIiiuT.ini illw, fci.2.'u U.30; shoulder., ftli lel'lc. j truli'i, M,ai.ie',"u, whiskey, fl.il. ' Buffalo Live Stock Market. Kj1 UiiAjIo, Dee. !. KfCfifiU-fuitle, ll:t ciu; .licep unci Iambi, 11; hot's, ::o. Milpnirnls Cattle-, 110; lie,p .m.l ljnihs, It; hoiis, IH. Caltlev-Struely; e-ahen, choice lo im. f7.oe) al.75j lamlw. elioke to trii, .'nAij.71; lieil, choli'c tu trj. )U.!V ll". ''', 1.li'Ja e'i.1.1; plw. " OliicAgo Live Stock Market. tliifJiio, Hoc, H. C'alile-lieielli, t',.'.'l; utn rmlly lUev lower; aeiu, liicliulln liutduit' kluc!; ii nd 'I r vim-,. Nallu,, lit-.t on j iiul.n. I, ceiileiael 1,1 ,I.'J",J yooel In nlm.) .liru, i'i otVAl; p id ninllinii, uiJiln; i In till Irrtli'is, lev', l1.7"nt.v'j; lill.eel utockiln, wcmU, .'.Sii3.M; cuui, W.5elit liejfwt, ifJ.ejDal.W; wnnriv, AI.-7.Vti.40; hull., $.40j.!l.lj uhos, iiiuly, 4j.Siki1.S3; Ti'an., ue-vlpU 23'); Ust en sale today. eailojelj, f l.(2Vj; 'Ivxu led ,'H., VI.t4.7-3; Tfxai!ij tcr, fJ.!i5at; Tj Imlls T-JiWiiIMO. Ilo.'a toccIils toel.i), oj.OOel; lomoiiow, 1),. 000; estlnmcil elt nct, t,); uelc-. kteJilv; eln,lni (Inn; lop, i;l..Vi; niheel and lnili hei, W.li.5a.W; goud In eliolee, lieavy, M.tOaJ.M; lOUiili lirniy, JI.UVi4.lO: light, t.uSjl.Wii bull; of wle, Ul.fOat.W. ' '' Slic-i-Hicilpli, 17.1X0; .lurp a,ltj 4li,. ilinlic. sliciiiiei; nie-diuiii, steady; Iin. alow: fu.ey lambs, ?3 l) to V); Kewd la cholef w.lli, i-i , fl.lUil.il); fair lo choice inUed, H.UUat.lu: Wetlc-r.i li,i-p, fUl.fio; 'IWn sheep. -J.50i8.lv1i i..lln Unili., fl.-'lj.VM; evi'Uem lamlw, ii.Gel a I. CO, ' Oi Market. 1)11 ('ilj, Jloc. IS.-rVllt bilincra. 107! (,'. tlttc-nle'i,. nu bid. Sldpmcuti, 111,836; oi.rta. t",ci. Hun., W7.7W; awn ifo, S?,SoH, ' f ,-c? rf v.iJir,. frjitfjt.. iSS . f C4AJ fit VtJ ; i-rt ikateta