The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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ThbModrii ttAituiTARa Hram
But a visit to this
store will help you in
making your Christ
mas selection especi
ally if your choosing
lies in the useful lines
At any rate you'll be
pleased with the holi
day display.
Foote & Shear Co.
1J9N. Washington Ave
Gifts delected now, re-served until Clirnt
lius l'.c.
They tntiy have taught our
pvp as you pushed the south
White statuettes, on vaiiuuR
mountings; and smailc: tolorej
ornnmentnl figntes all of bisque.
The lino efreet la spoiled hy
tho pi lies. At two dollars vmi
might hay "they rue line.'
What is your vrdlct on ji
medium-sbe while statuette at
L. R. D. & M.
Shoe? arc one of tin mint important itom-. uf
dress at ant time ol t tit jf nml imnll s
now that p ho inliln in lue tlnnjtible
weather, Koi fcUIc, pine iiiul qn ilit i m inns
e know we inn plcie on.
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
.-tSI'enn Avenue. A. B. WAKMAN
I nial lUla fni pec. V), VHM:
lllghoKt trmiiriatiiio I", UcRieis
n. in si mi unt
P p. I" '.'! ir font.
Enonlall, 'Jl Imiiiii, ciuliii 8 j. in., tuce.
'In, liei, lliclmicl llioim ii acaln lonnurd to
Ms home by illness
sol, lilie a in tin. clt, jtilmliiy, pupiid,;
tor the of '"J lie llfirliuiuiiiiii" Comic
Opera con pun; at the Ljuuin liml-tlit,
Given Awny,
With every pair of kid gloves bold at
Jl or mote, we will give n beautiful
glove box. Menus & Hagen.
The llflrcntli of ilio scrlci of jculy ok, in ten
ttiU (then hy Mr. J, Alfud I'lnnlnsrim in l.lm
I'arK churtli look phicc li-,t runlni?. In this n.
illul, which proud to U one of lite most on
jijjMc ha has cur trlun, Mi, I'ciminKtoii vuia
sh,ted hy Mtf. ,, 1.. . I'm i, oifatilut, unil
the Kim Pari, iiuaitetti,
Throughout tliu rutin prolamine Mr, IVti.
nington at'alu piovcd lits numl U powcm,
bin FplenUid incutal conception of the vulcd
period npreHiitcil hy tliu coinposcia, in vhuli
tu united tliu sine iua lion of (he musician
jep musical feellns. 'I he piouumuie opined
fvlth the 'J'occaU nml riigue in miiioi ij Uach
111 which the gnat nuitei icu'l. in flhjIiW of
iiu steal fancy ami haruioi.ic lomhiiuttons totally
urknortii before his time and which no ioniser
of the uuecmliiiL; icntury and a lull lia ur.
pisicd. In listfiiliiK to tliU compo.liluii, ai U
as plajrd .ist eunlni,' tho oiifiu luaiu a inoo
lige which tranpoits oho into an ideal uoihl
Rhere time is hot nu.uuied by tlie lllulit of
rcare. In writing (or hli favorite libtiuincnt
Bach doe4 not scuu to belong to any
julod Imt for all time.
'the Adagio in U inijm by Dicncl, tho eminent
uganiat of lleilln, in a chiinilnj bit of wilt,
lug and Kaio tho uitcanUt an oppoi limit for
rcr.traat of tone coloi that ws ihariulii),', In
(Ids ronipositlon and his theme and v.uiationi,
played by Mr. Pennington lait nintci, Mr, Dldiil
Ulicca gnat ahilit in wilting,
rhlch U nenci nholjillc, but l iipus.loii of u
(nial laud gmuliie nnulcal feeling.
'lite variations on the vsrll-Unowu hjiiiu (um
O Couio All Ye Faithful," by Ihkher, gae
arc; opportunity for ekilful lenhtrallon and w-u
horoughly eujoid. H U a uondei that tin
Mijpoeora ol thl j country do not, like the tier-
S STOIIi: OPKS r.M'.MNtfs. I
I Gruener & Co. 1
n J fl yisA,if -s..sssj H
it) I
V' j I, Agfftf N;.1
1i0m ' Ml 1
v VjT '' w ill I
Imw wy!1
man composer, make more1 use of nrlt'knonii
lijmtiA (or musical nubjecln.
hi Ilio iilleRro for urglii nml oiiheilia, plnjfd
last eicrilmr front Hie lomposor's artariRemciit
for iiitran nhine, .Mcvamhc (liilliutiiti Hie
Krencli iomiuvr and oritanlst, lun written u
pitie (lint seems to initj imo illoliir wllli all It"
lelstlhlc linpul-e. Theie Is rt ililikeiilng of lite
pnr-e and as the illuu'c Is haihcd ntnl Hie lull
pmur of the ItutnilmM lmil forth olio Is
tenpted to Htf up and Mioill "Im Ii muslnue,
the tlullmahtl" Atthougli tlie nlliitio is hot u
ery lonir it Is doubtful if eien tlulliiiant fur
tins oi etri will fiurpi'S It,
Tin' list two nuiiibcM on lite ptMRrauiine were
,t trntisulplloii on (JoiumdV "Hlii, Smile, Mum.
her" unil tlie "Man he nm riambeiiiv," hy (lull
maiit, 'I he Htt, as ll name Implies, Is a wr
ennle, written orlKlnallj' as a foprano solo, and
It Is ely to imilcrslatid whv II lias teen m
popular with ulnctm. A lnwltchlnir melody mid
n anft i.ronnliu .tcinllipullilili til It wis dc lldllllul
ns an orirnti Kcltctloti. The Toiihtlghl tnaidi, In
Its martial thtthm mid hrllllitici, icons moie
flttlnir for a mnRiilfli rut iI.uIIrIiL paaeant wllh
bejewelled lobes and iotly ti lpplnss, 'iinl was a
nttlig finale.
Mrs. A. f, V. Prim eip i teiv sallfitlor
pcrfoimincp of Milutlotis on n t'uiiiimiiiloii tlvinri
and the Mnxhe Triumphal" by l.ptnmui. Mm.
PiH(e Ih ,t pupil o( Mr. i'ninlmrloii, ninl the
pioof of lici Industry Is shown in her appeiilng
on the miiip programme with hoi tejchrr.
The choir of Kim I'ltk ehmeh luntilhuled lii
oelertlons "The hold Is My Rock," b Mooil
mau, ii nil "llejoke In the lord," I 'J I imlng, hi
pplcmlid stjle. Much Itilcti-.! was manifested In
the contralto noto, sung hv Mks Hi ten Siliramui,
who has ncintlv licfen added Io the tlioh. Ms
bclirniiiiii fillijr "V'llut l.oic the Lord," bv
llurnby, Hie hrs a pure eontrillo mite of
luge inline, ami both in her nolo and (Uiitctti
work gave great pleisure, Mie ".Imis (n V tilt In
Iiu lowei register with greit iae
Undei a Second Class Chattel' Scran
ton Will Have Thirty-Eight Mem
bers in the Lower Blanch.
rolloulrift N the lli.xt iituioiiiK'eineiit
of tho utipot'liomnetit ol eoniiiion coun
i'II Scinnton Mill he entitled to unJer
a hecond clacs city chaiter.
The sippot tioninent Is based on the
number oi' losld'-nt taxable0. This to
tal is divided hy forty, under a stlpu
Intlon of the law. .ind (iitollent will he
the ii'tlo of lepiesuntatlon. Anv
'vmd h:iins an excess cl' thtee-dt'tlui
nioie than the i.itlo ot taxable1?. Is
c nlltled to an additional member.
Km it Maid shall Iuiao. at least on
inunoii eouncihiian.
The total number ol imldeni tn
.ibljs in Scianton Is 2fi',luS. Blvldlnt;
this bv tntty, the iatlj of liMncicnta-
I (lull is tonnd to be Gfil. Each ward. Is
entitled to one ooinmun coimellman to
nesin v un. waut jiavmg- bin tnv
tble.s plus tlnee-llfths of Gt'l or :T,
which i 1(3S, is entitled to two mem
bei.s. To be cntitlul to llnee meni
bei'; it waul must have tvvlee Cbl plus
:t)7 or 17111 To have lour touiicilnicn.
a ward ntupl cniualti thiee times CCI,
plus the tluee-tilths ol the ratio, or
S.',bl), and ho on.
Appljinq; thee fiuu-s to the vvuiils
of Scranton, the follow Intr lostilts aro
lEciiduit I uitimoii
Wild I iMbli" Omni ilmcii
1 ii't ami t
r-Koud Jiu I
Ihlid 7".l
fotulli 1111 .:
lift! iliM i
Sith Illii 2
.N-Miith 711 1
KUhtli T.J 1
Miilh 1121 2
Tenth ' 1
1 hMiilh trt 2
'luelfth (ill J
Thiitcdith 1110 -2
I'liuileiiitlt ijj i
rifticnt'i IDin 1
MUcenth l0
Ss.if.utii ntl K.0
hightunlh fili 1
Muitiinth 1m: a
Ineutlitli 11, s
Tintt-flit It 1
- lesident la.vuhle Is
anv pel son,
man, woman or child who pavs taxes
and lives In the citv.
The llepublknus should liavp no dif
fleultv in having at least twenty-thiee
men in the epanded common council.
Display of a Number of Thein at
Mi. C. W. lluilbut, the uit illustra
tor ot this city, has u splendid display
of posteis and poster calendars in the
widow of Piendoiqufil'h stoic, which
is attiactiiiff much comment, The
that they ate nuule in Scianton by a
Scinnton illustrator, aside fiom their
merit, altracls much ciniosltv to see
The calendar .sheets are 14!.!, with
full llKUie .subjects.. Among the dif
ferent subjects aie: "The Foot Ball
Man," "The FooL Ball Olrls," "Winter
Olrls," ".Skating Oh Is" and several
othet.s. The woik Is done with u (tib
son finish, but with a strikingly otigi
nal effect which Is puiely .Mr. Ilutl
bufs. He has also a soiles of .silk pillow
tops done In the colors of the leading
colleges, which nie beautiful and
Newest caul engiavlng, Reynolds Him-)
It Is nn Exhibition nt Mahon's Shoe
The beautiful wax (lguio of Queen
Iconise, In Mahoii'H shoe store window,
In uttiactlng vvldespiead attention. The
Pi Into of Prussia, who was so fascin
ated vv ith her beauty and the nobleness
of her character, asked hop to become
his wife. As Queen of Piussln she com
manded unlveisul icspeet and affection,
and nothing In Ptussinu history Is
inoi e pathetic than the patlonco and
dignity with which she hoio tho suffei
lugs indicted on her and her family
dm lug the war between Piussla and
France. No other Queen In' modern
times has been so slneeiely mom nut,
The famous Qupen Quality shoe,
which Is known all over the country
and which almost eveiy lady In Scian
ton Is wealing, aie named after this
beautiful Queen. Million m n tho onlv
shoo denleia In Seranton who sell theso
TeadieiF'OMoHlUihles, Reynolds llios
Fifteen Xinas Presents tor $3,&0.
Fifteen Ninas piesents fur $3.50,
That's what you can innku with qiu
Platlnette photos. They .no supeilor to
the Hembiandts.
AVo can deliver all those taken before
December 21, The OiifTlii Ait Co,
Fancy Box Stationery, Reynolds Bros.
Mahon's Shoe Stole
Is a leguhir "slipper palate," Thou
bands of pads of Ninas sllppeis from
50c, to S3. 508 Lackawanna avenue.
Open evenings,
Possibilities o! Increase Opened bu
a Change to the Second Glass
Form ot Government.
Allegheny with Only Fifteen Per
Cent. More Valuation Than Scran
ton Fays Twice ns Much Taxes
While the Bonded Indebtedness of
the Foiiner Is Four and One-Half
Millions as Against Less Than'
Half a Million for Seranton At
Present Councils in This City Can
Not Increase Taxation Because of
the Practical Impossibility of Dis
turbing the Valuations and the
Fact That the Limit of Mlllnge Has
Been Reached A Change of Char
ter Would Change These Condi
tions. ARTICUE X
Most ot the imiuitlcb for spooillc In
roimatlon on the subject of second
clas city government which reach
The Tribune ate and n.UUially su
ms to haw the tinnsitlon will affect
This matter his been dealt -vv it Ii
in a genual way In thee lelteis. but
as Intel est in thl3 question seems to
le pai amount to that In all the othei ,,
It will not be amiss to levlve the sub
ject fot detailed discission.
At pteLent a Sciautonluii pays
taxes on about one-thiul the attu il
vituallon of his pioporty. The law
says the valuation shall he on the
"lair mailed value." Custom In this
itv his made it an unvviiltcn law
that the "tali niaiket value" of .1
piopcrtv li one-thlid of the selling
piiep of land unil one-half the selling
pi ice of bulldlncs Assessois have
aimed to follow out this proportion,
but it is tar fiom unlfoim, and as
they are wont to eir on the .side .of
their neighbois as against the muni
cipality at large, the f taction one
thiid Is generally taken as the basis
of llguritig out thr- nssess-filile valua
tion of the city. Tn lound numbeis,
tue assessable valuation of the city
is ?2.000.iV0. The actual valuation is
It is piosciibed in the law of third
t'ass cities that the lew for general
city puiposes shall not exceed ten
mills. An additional lew. not to ex
ceed ten mills can be laid to meet thc
bonded debt, but as bonds cannot is
sue without the 1 onsent oi the people,
when the indebtedness has ciossed the
iitmniv inoigin of two per cent, of
the assessed valuation, the councils,
piaclitallv, are limited to the expen
diture of what money can be lalsed by
a ten mill levy.
For twelve yearn Seivnton has
levied the full ten mills. The special
lev y for the linking fund is lebb than
thiee mills, not quite one-thlid ot the
possible extift ten mills. Last veai, It
was two anft eight-tenth mills. As
long as we aie a thiid class citv,
councils cannot squeeze the taxpay
er lor any mote than what the pies
ent revenue amounts to, eNcept by In
ducing the boaid of asoess:ots to
iaie the valuation
Boauls of assessois aie human and
like othei who have come Into feast
ing at tho public ciib, leain to like
this sort of thing and lellgiously
avoid doing anything that would tend
to injiue their chances of n future
election. To raise the valuation, they
would have to lalse eveiy property.
The boaid of assessors that l.iises
the valuation of every property would
simultaneously lalse a something else
which the polite policy of The Tilbuno
loiblJs Its writers fiom mentioning
unnecessailly. This consldeiatlon and
the inlluence exercised by large cor
pniations lnsuies that the valuation
will, under present conditions gtavv
only us the city expands. This means
that under a third class city charter
a Scrantoulan's taxes vv 111 not be In
ci eased.
The school board and poor boaid do
not enter Into the matter, because the
foimer having nbout completed its
building opoiatlons cannot leason
ably be expected to Inciease Its levy,
and the latter, having llnlshed Its ex
pensive Improvements recently de
creased the levy. y
Now comes the question as to what
we can reasonably expect in the way
ot taxation tinder a second class
1 haiter, Allegheny, In strict obedi
ence of the law of second class cities,
values all property at Its actual cash
pi lie. What It .brought at the last
lecoided sale, with subtractions for
Inipiovements, destroyed or removed,
end additions for subsequent Improve
ments is one of the standard means
for tu living at values, Allegheny's
Bon Bons
and Chocolates
The finest confections made
we display today, Fresh re
ceipts daily. Two specialties
this Christmas: Fancy Bon.
Bons and Chocolates 85c;
worth 50c. Finest Bon Bons
and Chocolates and glace
fruits 50c; worth Soc, Pure
Candy 10c to 15c per lb. Old
fashioned chocolates 25c lb.
Suuday Schools supplied' at
lowest wholesale prices,
E. G. Goursen
Wholesale and Retail,
valuation Is tRJ.SS.'.SOO. This Is the ac
tual cash volue.
Allegheny's $S2,u82,S00 worth ot pi op'
crty pnld Inst year $1,4.13,173.00 In cliy,
poor olid school taxes.
Heuuilon's $70,000,000 wotth of pi op'
einy In that that mime period paid In
Hie same taxes J703,lioi.82.
With u valuation exceeding outs by
only twelve and mir-half millions Al
legheny pavs tvvlie ns much luxes as
wo do.
Allegheny also paid a business tux of
$27,lt"i5,4S ltisl yen P. Scianton litis no
tax on business.
Allegheny's bonded Indebtedness Is
Jl,502,". That of Seranton Is $400,
101,0' The net Indebtedness Is given In
each Instance the net Indebtedness be
ing tho gross amount of outstanding
bonds minus the secutltles held by the
sinking fund commission.
Of course no one has license to sav
that the Impending change In classi
fication Is going to Inciease Scrunton's
taxes and Indebtedness to malce It pto
portlonally commensurate with that of
Allegheny. This, however, can be said:
The change In classification will open
the way to Inerpaed taxes und debt.
As explained above, the piesent con
ditions In Pcranton make It practically
Impossible for the councils to raise
more leventie. Proof of this Is found
In the fact that for the last ten yeai,
each succeeding estimates committee
has had to wrestle for weeks.vvith the
pioblem of meeting nbout half a million
dollnis of demands with about a quar
ter of 11 inlllon lesources. If It was
possible to gel more money, ll cun be
relied upon that the couneltmen would
not let their pet schemes die year after
year by the wholesale for want of an
appropriation. But further comment
on this point Is unnecessaiy. It can
be taken for granted that under piesent
conditions taxes on leal estate cunnot
be Increased.
With the new system of valuation,
though, the conditions which now cheutc
councils nte wholly wanting. The val
uation would go up to $70,000,000 on
an actual cash valuation, such as is
piesciibed bv the law. riay that $.10,
000,000 of this would be found to bo
eltv piopoilv; ",000,000 suburban
propet ty, and $ir,,000,000
rropeitv. This would mean that $10,
000,000 at Hie full assessment; $Jfi.00O,00o
at a two-thhds u.sessment, and $13,
000,000 at 'i one-thlid assessment would
she us .u actual valuation of $10,
nno.nno plus $1C.(iiiB.B67 plus JMlll.'JTl or
$,Vi 000,000
To keep the city tax eppioxlmatt'lv
vvhpie It Is at piesent the levy of ten
mills1 would have to be cut down to live
and one-third mill'. With school and
poor tax the same propoitlonate cut
would have to be made. But will the
sliapeis ot tax destinies do this? Foi
ten yeais councils have each year at
appropriation lime cried out bltteilv
against the conditions which prevented
them fiom getting moie money. With
the opportunity of getting this anx
iously sought Increase in receipts bv
lefralning 11 om cutting down the levy
to 5 1-'! mills, and contenting them
selves with cutting to seven mills or
1 ighl mills, will the councils shut their
e.ves to the possibilities of the case and
go 011 year after year for ten moie
eais to come dying out bltteily be
cause they can't get more money, 01
will they cease their crjing, wipe their
eves and, joinlg with the bard in "I've
walled money, waited long for thee,"
proceed to gorge themselves to the
fullest limit their judgment tells them
the ptopl will stand for?
As Is held by seveial of The Trib
une's corespondents who view the up
pi oaehlng tinnsitlon with optimistic
glasses, "It all depends fiii the men." If
the city otliclals will practice ligld
economy, Scianton tan be governed
quite as cheaply in the second class as
It can In the third.
In n nutshell It Is thus- Sci. niton's
1 ouncilmen cannot at piesent Increase
taxes no matter how much they want
to do so. Under a second class city
charter It is leadily possible for them
to gieatly Inciease taxes. Councllmen
huve for yeais complained of lnsufll
clent levenues. With the oppoitunity
of securing moi e 1 evenue vv 111 they per
mit their cause of complaint to con-
Fancy Leather Bat
. Reynolds Bros.
Retail Liquor Dealers' Protective As
sociation Will Actively Oppose
Scranton's Transition to the
Second Class.
The Itel.ill Liquor Dealeis' Protec
tive i.ssclatlon has inaugurated a
movement against the transition of
Scianton from the thlul to the second
class, A meeting was ueld Monday
atteinoon, at which a committee was
appointed to formulate plans for tho
campaign and this afternoon another
meeting will be held at Dun's hall,
to hear the committee's repoit.
The local lepiesetitatlvcs in the leg
islature will be petitioned to have the
governor withhold the certification of
Scranton's census llgutts until legis
lation can be passesd to keep Seran
ton in tho thlul uliiss.
The fact that u license In u second
class city costs $1,100 or twice as much
ns in a third class city, accounts for
tho liquor doaleis' opposition to the
The poorer dealers say they cannot
nftoid to pav $1,100 for n license and
would have to go out of business If
the transition takes place. The deal
ers who me able to pay tho Increased
license l'eep, those In the centtal city,
say that whatever Inciease In thtlr
business would tollow the closing up
of tho phicos of those unable to moot
the uddPd expense, would be inoro
than wiped out by tho depreciation In
tho vulue of their real estate that
would result fiom vacant stoic ioouib.
Tho league propospj to e.xrt eveiy
InduencQ it can command to defeat
tho transition
Fancy OPIce Baskets, Tteynolils Bros.
For Sale.
Our vv alehouse piopeity, comer West
Lackawanna avenue and Klghth stieet,
being about -'5 feet front on Lacka
wanna avenue and 130 feet on Eighth
stieet, and about 147 feet on tho line of
tho DehiWMie, Lackuivaunit and West
em uillioad. with a five-story bilck
waiehouse, tnuic and switching privi
leges,, Also our bain lot on DIx couit, about
85 teet on Dlx couit by 90 feet deep to
Lee couil, with bilck stuble and framo
waiehouse; located between Lacka
wanna avenue und Spruce stieet,
The Hunt & Canned Co.
Sterling Desk Blotteis. P.eynoldH tios.
Corn luded fiom Pane 1,
thirty days theieiiftcr, and will ipcolvo
cash therefor at the nite of C32 p.u1
cent., equal to $270 per share, each
share being of the par value of $50,
"Such sale carries no Interest to us
In cettaln tteasttry ussets of the com
pany, which have been it-served front
sale and Which uie to be liquidated
by the company and dlstt United as an
extinordlnury dividend to the share
holdeis of record on Jan. 1, IP01, at .1
p. m.
"We have itgieed to pay for account.
of the company simultaneously with
the puichuso of the stock and dividend
out of such tienstuy assets which shall
previously have been declared and paid
over lo us In cash for distribution to
the shaicholdeiH.
(Signed) ".). I'. Moigan & Co."
Wall Street Repoit.
New Yoik, Dec. 13. A Wall stieol
news agency says that at 11 meeting
of the directors of tho Pennsylvania
Coal company today each of the dlrec
tois pledged himself to sell his hold
ings of the stock to a syndicate under
stood to be headed by J. Plcipont Mor
gan & Company at a prlc? said to bo
about $700 a shate. A dhector of the
company is quoted as saying that the
management of the company bus
pledges from In) per cent, of the stotl:
holdeis that their stock will be offeted
at the ptlte 1 'reived by the manage
ment. Foui Anthiacite Roads.
Mi'vehiud. Dec. in. The Leader will
Mi tomorrow thai the mystery stti -ioundlng
the purchase of the stock
c!" the Pennsylvania Coal company has
been cleared up. It, ,as announced
by a good authoiity today that four
aiuhiaclte coal roads have made the
purchase. Thev aie the Krie, Phllu
uelphla and Rending, New York, On
1:11 In and Western, and the Delaware
Lackawanna and Western.
Possible Effects of the Transfer
the Pennsylvania Company.
The announcement contained irr the
New York dispatch concerning the buy
ing out of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany by J. P. Moigan & Co. confirms
the unofficial statement in yestei day's
Tribune. The main question yet le
muining to be authentically answered
Is. "Who will conduct the company's
Intel ests, now that a change In control
has occur led.'"
The most ci editable lepoits have it
that the Krie will not only continue to
take the output to tidewater, but man
age the property also. This would
mean that the company's eleven bieak
ers and twenty-seven openings would
likely be allied to the Hillside Coal and
Iron company, the Erie's coal depart
ment of which Captain W. A. May Is
general manager.
The fact that it is the Thornes who
aie the big shareholder who have sold
out, makes it a matter cf geneial
speculation as to whether or not the
raft of new tfffleials installed by them
since they lecerrtly undertook the ac
tive direction ol the company's railioad
and local aftaiis will be continued or
The possible con.sequence'3 of this
gigantic deal aie so mimeious that it
would be a day's work to simply cata
logue them. Chief among them, of
course, Is the abandonment of the new
load project, the defeat of which, no
doubt, was the main purpose of the
Morgafi sjndlcate In acqublng the
Next in Inipoi lance is the complete
uibjugatlon of the remaining Individ
ual operators. The fr.ct tldit they
v eie In the levolt against the big car
lying companies and that the ovei
thiovv of the levolt loiced the bis?
companies to such immense expendi
tures will, It can be assumed, mnko
the big companies anything but Kindly
disposed to them. The chances nie
that the individual operators will clos
out their holdings to the first good
bidder among the big companies, pnd
that they will not have to wait long
to lecelve a bid is attested by tho
lnct thaj tho big can lei s, just now,
aie tailing over one another In thdr
elfoits to secuie coal propel ties, It Is
stated on lettable authoiity that theie
Is scarcely an Individual opeiator be
tween Wllkt's-Baiie and CV.ibondale
who has not been asked within this
lust few months to give an option on
his colliery.
The Pennsylvania "oal company
tlallns to have 140,000,000 tons of mar
ketable coal still unmlned. This is
doubted In some elides, but no one
denies but that it easily has at least
100,000,000 tons. Allowing even !i
pioflt on tho ton, It can be seen that
the stock of tho lomptny Is not a bad
bill gain at $30,000,000.
' ' i
What to Buy tor Youv Brother.
A pair of Million's Xmas slippers. uOS
Lackawanna avenue. Open evenings.
Piesldential Nominations.
Di l.xihishp W'iie fiom 'J lie Associated I'lem
Wellington, I'cc. 1,1. Ihu nrcfcldcnt tntUy m nt
I In- follow iiiir iioiiiinuliiins lo tho nnto; Jml
ou O, Clements, of Ccortrhi, to ho an IntcisUie
crinmeice commMoner i reappointment. .John
VV, Vciht's, of Kentucky, to bo commissioner of
internal revenue, (The nomination of Mr, Ycrkcs
lo ho collector of internal rcienue fui the Eighth
district of Kcntuch) ulllnluiun.)
Fancy Uox Stationery,
Reynolds Bios,
The Sultan
Wholesale Liquor Dealers,
'ALI:NDARS of every description coming from Boston
to ban H-ancisco, Indian bffects, Chinese and Cali
fornia Scenes, Poster Calendars made in your city,
Box Papers, Burnt Leather Goods, kitjts, Silver
Novelties, Gold Pens and Pen Holders, Waterman
I jM
i'ountain Pens, Seals, Sealing Wax Boxes, Purses,
Bill Books, Portfolios,
SiiiMMBSttOnS Stationery Sets, Desk
for Xmas Gifts su v "-
stands, Prayer Books,
Orders taken for Dies and Card Plates all this
t'eek will be in time for Christmas.
We, as usual, offer the largest, richest and most
exclusive lines for your selection.
207 Washington Avenue
Xmas Photos.
Willi double the usual force In oiir
studio, we aie prepaied to make photos
for Xmas until Dei ember 21. No mat
ter what the weather may be, ou can
be sine of them. The (irlfliu Alt Co.
Teaehei s'Oxfoid Bibles. Reynolds Bros
Will Be
from Now
Clarke Bros
Filling for
Sofa Pillows
The pioblem In making these1
honio-ilccoratois has been:
"What shall 1 (111 them with?'
Uvot.vthiiig I10111 e.xtplsior to
bail has its objections.
Hi'.s oveieome them all. Fin pil
lows It Is I dc Hi on account of
ejUiemc lightness, cleanliness'
elasticity and very low pi he.
Bedding Co.
Cor. Lacks, and Adams Ave.
Shrewd merchants buy early they
get their pick. Why not follow the
same plan.
Never before has our stoie hhown
such a complete assortment of fine
Holiday Neckwear, in all of the new.
est elects in coloiing combinations,
i.oo, l,ri, $'2.oo,
SOc Neckwear: More variety
thai) ever before and eveiy pattern
a novelty not to be &een elsewhere.
Is again going to be per
suaded to transact a little
business. Can't we persuade
you to invest in tbe best
It's good advice and yu
may profit thereby.
216 Lackawanna Ave.
biftles, nios. a Kempis, Pipe Racks for Dens. New ft
numbers ol Ciane's and Kurd's Papers.
Seranton, Pa. f
Useful gifts ate the ones appre
ciated most. Our stock com
prises hundreds of useful arti
cles appiopriate for holiday
Silk Umbrellas,
Mufflers, Ties, Gloves,
Dressing Gases,
Gaps, Sweaters, Etc.
305 Lackawanna Avenue
Carpet Facts
This stock is absolutely new
not a yard of it but -what la
absolutely the best value pro
curable at the price asked. We
want YOU peisonally to see
this stock. If you're a bit herd
to please come and see our ideas
of beauty.
P. McCrea & Co
427 Lackawanna Ave.
Toy Furniture
In your hinry and bustle of Chilst
mas shopping, tho children aro not
to bo forgotten. Wo know you have
thought of toys but now honor
hilffhti don't you got Hied, year af
ter year, buying thobc useless, fiooily
lonsttucted tin or wooden toys, which
uie tin own away or bioken in a wpek.
Wow much moie suitable (our kind
would be. Did we say, toy ftirnl
tuie that's hut illy the proper name
tor It. It Is leal furniture, made In fill nihil e fattoiles ami sold at
teal low pi Ices, It Is made light and
will givn the child! en many days of
honest enjoyment. The fetoek Is com
plete and Includes Uutenus, Diessei-f,
Ib'tilgeintois, Tables, Bookeuacii and
dainty Couches that will delight uuy
llttlo gill. As nil Indui enien,t fur
your coming, we offer a Child's Mm
il i hair ul !".
Credit You? Certainly
231-22.235.227 Wyoming Ave,
I ''WJK3v,itlH?.'S .,3sr- '
ti r tMf-j - , m , " tiL. &M? v
-V . . &