F.S" ' 'l.'f ! " T T'2s'SJ'fn TW" &5?"'s 'SWS 'MPS."llWT w J 1,1 i "! iJlPi,MiPWWMBMlg7lWBIWIBmT.)n''r r A , , ",i , i-flrVi "' ?'' ' . 'r ! 7 -i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. N . PuMlntied Dally, Except sVimliyi by The Trll line Publishing Company, ut Fllty.Cctits ft. Month. , vMWIIS. JtlCirAttt), Editor. , , 0. V. BYADEE, UuslnoM Manager. v , , ', , a"' nW York Office! 150 Nassau St. rr j- S. H. VRI'.ELAM), Sola Agent tor Foreign Aelvertllng. 'JCVAcVfil ot Hie Poslnlfleo nt Scr.mtnii, I'.t,, in ,: "", 8ocoiul-Clan Mull Matter. When npice will pcnnlt, The Tribune Is nlvvaja filael lo print nlmrt letters from Ha friends hear 1 fng mr'corrcnt topic, lint Its rule I tli.it llice mii't lie Mgiieel, for publication, liy lio writer leal njiuei .Uul the conelltein pu'ccdotit to ac ceptance l tlmt all contribution shall he nibject lo editorial revision, SCRANTON', DKCKMHKll 1, 1000. TIioho whoso sensitiveness tn adverse I'liinmctitH upon tltu Christian rollijlon Incites thotn tn Instant and sometimes heated lojolndur, hb In thu contro versy unwittingly iirorlpltnted by the Chliins" minister, run perhaps uppicul ito. tlio feejlncrs of the (llilnesi! when r'niiKhly (did hy forol(?ncis that their ipllf-'lon Is nn croud. Anthracite's New Epoch. ITtI Till", d iRiinpm run ua "nf the Pennsylvania Coal company, as an In J dependent factor In the nuthmeltp trade It becomes manifest thai the anthracite Industry must rion become wholly subsidiary to thj ralliouds whleli transport Its product t marltel. This neei's,irlly Involves I ho extinction of the Individual opera tor and the transfer of power from the mines to the magnates in New Vork. The process of consolidation which has linen the dominant charac teristic of the economic movements of the rait decade Is now working It self out In relation to the one great Industry upon which our community was founded: and the question of con-f-eriuenc"s may well claim local atten tion. N'e do not hesitate to my that this prospect of the centralization of oper ative power in hands remote from the mines adds to the need of local effort to Instal additional small industries. I'roflts In mining hitherto accumu lated as local capital and to some measuie available in the support of local enterprise will now be with drawn and there will remain in local i hannt'l.s only the wages paid to labor. This must he supplemented by other home industrial investments if the growth of the past is to bo continued. The entry of the huge carrier com panies into control of the anthracite li"ld will make possible the payment .)! steadier wages in the mines In seasons of business depression, for the reason that their ampler capital and prollts In transportation will better stand the strain. The. probable early disappearance of the company stoic, with its abolition of the credit system and substitution of free trading on a ecsli basis, will swell the volume of general business and thus constitute n compensatory feature. In recent years the individual opor ntors have complained of vanishing profits. With their capital returned to them in purchase money and thus liberated for new investments, will they seek home opportunities for re Investment, or proceed to other fields? Upon this question largely depends the future of Scranton; and it ih time that those of our public-spirited citi zens who have home interests to pro tect, and the will to protect them, should nlve consideration to it and take counsel together as to measures fruitful in safeguarding their proper lies and ambitions. The New Yoik Sun weakens its cam paign ug.iinst the Hay-Pauncefote 'treaty by the virulence of its attacks upon Secretary Hay. There is room 'for honest difference of opinion as to 'the extent to which the United States 'should recognize European partner 'ship in the Nicaragua canal; and over 'details of canal administration great 'minds naturally differ, nut in the fact 'that Secretary Hay and the Sun do 'not look at these matters from an Iden 'tlral standpoint theie is no warrant for 'the Sun's abusing the secretary or the 'slate worse than It would borate a 'xne.ik thief or highwayman. The One Great Drawback. '-W-iyllE ONK gteat practical I drawback to peace of mind Juu lor Scranton as a speond dabs city Is in danger of being lost sight of In the current dls I'UssIan of this problem. "We refer to the city's Inability to protect Its legis lative Interests from continual em broilment In the Incessant bickerings and cross plays of the Allegheny coun ty factious. This Is aside from unv question of merit or demerit lospoetlng the second-class chatter: It Is wholly a question f practical politics, Lackawanna's repie.sentntlon at the Mute capital consists of one senator and 'four representatives, if wo lis. suiue Uuit for. geographical reasons HUiv.clty. might secuie help from the assenjblymeii representing thu uelgh Vrl'i'fi r'ountl,,a "' Hradfoid, Susquo- uannu, Wyoming, iiiizerne, Wayne, Piftf'ntul Monroe, lu a battle of self prcftectlon against charter amend ments emanating front factional sources In Pittsburg or Allegheny and this Is an extreme assumption here would, bo a total voting strength lu sftnatfi and house of not to exceed 20 as aualnst 20 votes In Allegheny countv aJone,(at least -10 votes In the territory commercially and politically tributary to"Plttsburg, and as many mom from PJitltfilelphlu which as a rule have a well-defined treaty of reciprocity with thei'Allegheny county "bosses." Phila delphia mid Allegheny members nro continued yeur after year, with changes few and far between, until they become past masteis of every art of legislative manipulation and In ttlgue, whereas wo have followed the rule )pf retiring a member us soon ua he reached the point of special useful ness and there Is no assurance that this foolish custom will he departed from. AVha't Is the probable consequence) of these conditions? Simply that Scrnn, ton In. second class garments will ho tl around, by Pittsburg and Al w legheny like n monkey nt the end of a striwr, under compulsion to dnnce to the fnctlotuil fiddling of the western hossep, although not In the least con cerned with the subject matter of their dlerirdf That Ih a substantial Christinas iuoh enl which the 123,000 depositors In the Jloivery Havings bnnlt of New Yoik city are to receive In the bank's resump tion of the I per cent. Interest rate on deposits. Inasmuch as the hunk Is carrying $07,000,000 on deposit, this ln erense of one-hnlf of one per cent. In thu Interest rnte, wholly voluntary on thu bnnk's part, Is equivalent to a gift distribution of $335,000. The ex planation given l Is that prosperity should he dtvldcdi To this proposition there will ho general assent. One Century of American Develop ment. A .MASS of well mutton show mentfl of a ell-dlgestod Infor- liowlng the develop- century In the United States was presented In tin; address of Governor Shaw ut the centennial celebration of the selection of Washington as the national capital. Among other things, he said: One liiiiidreil jciiii iiro the United Slnlei mih rompowl ef Hixtirii (.Utert, hentutky, ernionl and Tennessee Imhnr been nrlmltteil .o the Union ilurlnp iho clolii(f ileude of the eighteenth (en tiny. Mine then Virginia has liedi dhlitcil and n seventeenth M.lle Heated without IncliMsliig the urea Ineludi il lu the iihteen, and there luxe nls-o lieen admllleil twenty-eight other st.ile" To better appreciate the uiowtli of the nation a few comparisons may not seem III achlscd. Hail there been no clungo In area, and without taklni; Into account tenltorlci then or now owned by the nilloti, and Aippoainjr the tnine development and Increase within the scural stales ns has been witnessed, the United Statc3 would then be larijer than flrent Ilrltaln plus Prance and Denmark, Ciiecic, Portugal and Ili-l-glim!, and would have a population more nu merous than llalv plus Norway and Penmaik; it would ruit-niinihei Austria plu? Sweden, Kwlt 7ciland and firceee. The population nt these seventeen states i.s very nearly equal to that of Great llritalu. The twenty-nine states admitted ehirinjr the cen tury have brought nn increase of terrltoiy ex reeding the Orman empire plus Oreat lliilaln, France, Spain, Portugal, Itelgiilm, Hungary, Italy, fireeie, Pennnrk and Sweden. The llnltid States today, exclusive of the enganlyeil teni lories and other possessions, Is laigcr than lluio pean Russia and larger than all Uurope except lltivda, while our population is ne.nly equal to (reat lhitaln and Pianco combined, and ontu and a bilf as laigo as the Geinian empire, 'the area of the Unltcel States, exclusive of orgamVeel terrltoiies and possessions, has increased sixfold and our popiihtlon flfteen-folcl is one bundled years. While the" population of the United States has inereaseel lif(cin-foM in one bundled eai, church incinber.ship Ins increased four times flftieu-folel ill the same period. We lime sixteen million pupils lccciung ilemonluiy instruction, six bun dled and fifty thousanel receieing secondaiy in struction in high schools and academics, one bundled thousand receiving normal school train ing and fifty tlumsind under pmfessinnal tuition. Comparisons for the last thirty ycais show- an evei-ineieising per cent! in the emollment of children of sebool age, as we'll as the number of elajs' attemlance of pupils cniolled and in the average length of the sihool je.ir. The annual e.xpeiielitute lor celucational purposes, exclusive of elonitions to endowments and for college and university buildings, exceeds s;jno,ooQ,uiX) per an num. When the seat of government was moved to the Pistiict of Columbia over five million people were elepemlenl almost entliely upon agiieulture and fisheries, 'lhe-ir clothing wns spun and woven in the homo of the winter; their grain, home giown, was mound to older, and aeir meal, mostly "langc-fed, ' was gcneially olauirliteieil at the door of the consumer. The table of the average Ameiican was not then dehor tbriee a day to tluee continents for what we now call necessaries. Very little consumed by that fru gal people, salt and mm excepted, bad been transported twenty miles from the place c.t its pioduedon. Time forbids even a ba-ty leview of the mole recent as well as more man clous impiovi incuts in agricultuial methods and appliances, which, in forty-live jcais, nave reduced the time in hit man labor icimircd to ptoduee a bushel of coin eighty-five per cent,, and the cost of Ibis labor, notwithstanding ever-inct casing wages, seventy per cent., and which have reiluced the finie in human labor required to taiso n bushel of wheat from nn avciago otmnie than three hours in ifuo to ten minutes at the present time, and the cost of human labor fiom seventeen cents to tluee and a half cents. Itateb of tian-i,oilatinn have also in.iteii.illy deereised. Iho average late per ton per mile ehatged by one of the olde-t and best known roaets in the l'nlteil States has been leditced more than ninety per cent, since 1S"n, and the avetage rate elniged by all loads in tins country lias decreased sixty-one per cent, dining the same period. Avetage pisscngir rates have declined feirly-tluee per cent, lu tvvent.v jcais. I'lelght tales in England aio nearly tluee times as high as in the Unltcel Matin, anil nn the continent of 1,'uiope Hie lates aie higher than in Kngland. Our fattns produce per annum in loiind nuni beis ,'!,7(i0,fie0,(lfiii bushels of ecicals. wotth Isl.- lOO.IXM.omi. We glow 2.IO,IIOO,OI1) bushi'ls of pota- I woini io,iio,omi; ri.lHK),(XXI tons of Inj, weinn iii,uen hi; ji.ihiii.oiki liales of cotton, vvoilh s,!0e),0eiflIUK1; ,7iHI,(W,00n pounds of but ter and cheese and muket 2,000,000.000 gallons of milk, vvoi Hi in the aggregate $120,000,000; clip 270,000,000 pounds of wool, wiuth $60.0011,(11)11, ami fell egi,s wot Hi ovit- liKM.OOO.Ooo and hold upon our funis 17(i,0O0,imi farm animals, woith W,-2.-0,000,000. And .silll I have not refened lo 'to. buciei, nor cane, beet and other sttgats, hoiiev, secils, nuts, fitiits, rut tlowets, nor mam- either Miuteis ot agileitltui.il .uul horllcultmal 'wealth, all of which h.ie been -evelupeil suipil.ingly ihnhu tin' century. I slnll not be snrprlml if tin. twellth census shall show an annual Weill fiom the land of the forty-five states wotth, ',1, ii leaves the piodiiier, kl,uno,iklel,fl(Hi, Xo le.s iciinik.ible. has lueii the dev elu1111n.nl In 111ln11.il pioeluets. We ptodtiee fuurtci-ii mil lion Ions 111 pig hoii per annum, fmty-lhi- per I'enl. mote than (trial lliilaln and iteaiiy seventy per rent, more llian (Inmany and nui 'one-thlul tbe piuduet of the wm hi. At the same time we iiianiitie-tme tin million ton of ieel, 11s much as 0rv.it Hilt tin and (ieiminy, anil thhly per eetil, ef thn pioduil of tlie vvoil.l, While tbn unilil'i, pioditctloii ot coal n.is ilotiiued in (vvrntv .ve.irs, llut of the rnlleil stale's h.is In bled i'n Ihe Mine peiioel. We prmiiierd In INC.) nuae 1u.1l than (lieat lliit.iln, piaellcally twice us much as (leiniany anil neatly double dial of all coun tries cxeept (Jreat lliilaln and liiiin.iu.v. In the elitatug e.ir of this iciiHiiy we slnll' ilotibllc.s mine 273.00,0en fons of eo.il, ne.nly niie-thliil of Ihe wcrld'rt output, worth fJ.'A000,om, ,i,i ti v el.i we pioduie nioie 10.1l, but we also .nn.nin',. moie anil then have nioie left than any either (fiuntij on the map. We coiisiime mote, ru'it tlun (beat Ilrltaln ami all her possesions, ami mine than twleu as iiimh as (leiinanv, tliu Ihliel great consumer, lit 1S5 we inlnetl one hunelrcil tons of copper, We now pioduee nearlj Ihreo hundred thousand tons, worth 111010 than l.m),. 000,001). hi tea veurs the vvorhl's ptoduel of nip per has increased Mxty-l per cent,, vvlille 01114 has imipuii'il twlco slxt,v-sl pir cent, In the same period. We pioduee, in round iiuinheu, llfly.flio mil lion ounce of ti- per uiiiiiini, niie-lliird Hie output of the vvw lei, worth WOelO.ooo, and tint 0 111lllic.11 four buiidiid thousand ounces nf gold, oneiiiaiti'r of the world's output, al.-o worth t)70.(ni,noel. We produce, In round iiiunhcis, I'lshleeu million IniieU of salt per iiinium, pue. ticnlly one-fouilh of lite woild's output, This Is twice (he amount produced feu jcais ugo and tluee lliurs Hie proeluet of twenty jeais ago. Ten ,vears ago Ureal lliiulu and l(uia eucl'i produced more bait than we, and (lennany ciilie 11 ninth. Now we produce moie than (;rc,jj Ilrltaln unci fifty per cent, more than Oermanv or Russia, The pelroleum Induiliy is foity.flve vearj old. In ltt!) wc produced twei thousand barrels. Since then our well, have jlelded nine hundred million barieds. The It-Id in 1890 was fifty-seven million barrels, worth $(11,000,000. lNjually favorable showing can be maele? with (espect to nearly all nilinral products. Our mines and eiuarrles ami welh and banks and pits vieleled last ear 75,. 000,000 vvortli of metallic ami non-melallie min erals, an iiuiciw; of tcvnity-flve per tent, in ten )elrs, and ol one! liunelrcel and fifty per cenl. In twenty Jeaii". t regret that the latest available slatlsilcs ol manufiic(uren eiie ten .Veam old and therefore valueless, fltil so frood an minority , Mr. Xeb on Alelrleti, of lllioile Island, a'fter careful rotnleleratloli, lecclttly preellcteel Hi it the twelfth icnsui will disclose manufactured piodutls vvortli more than $12,iMil,0(ml(MO, exeeeellmr In value Ihe inmbliKil eiiifput of nil the factoilrs ami chops of Clrixit Ilrltaln and (Iciminy by more Him 2,l)HO,nei0,UuO. The lalet available Malls lies, giving nttii.il values of the tangible (nop erty of the l'nlteil Stales, nre found in the re port of the eleventh census. Careful estimate's Indicate that lite twelfth retisiis will reveal near ly or unite .floo.oexiamooo accumulated wealth. When Iho net was pmctl making the illy of Washington the capital of the nitlnn no one bad ever seen a steamboat, n rallro.nl, an Iron plow or a fi let Ion match, or though! of an electric tidearauli or tetenhono or dre.iineel of an nutoiun- Idle, Ustahllslicd highways wele few and poorly constructed, tleneially, at least, "the road was built on Aelam's plan nnd not McAdun's." the Hint lallroiel was teuitruotcil In INiO. Since then we have built, hi round tiumben, two bun drcel thousand miles-. These lines of cotiuneue hive become the track of the empire, the pioneer of civilisation. The niinrveyeel frontier of one hundred jcars ago Is now an eastern metropolis) while the unknown wilderness has become a ver itable g.inlrn of Mowers ami a paradise of fruits. Happy millions, housed in what our fathers would have filled palatial resiliences, now dwell where then no whlic man "was or had been from thu making of the wen Id." The close of the most rrm.trkable century In the Hlirltt of time flnels Americans the best housed, the best fed, the best clothed, the best eelueatcd, the best rhuiehed, the most pinlitably eniptoveil and the happiest because the mint linpelul of any people at any time or underiiny sk.v. In the piesenco of such an array of evidences of great growth, how little warranted Is the pessimism which questions the ftttuto of the republic. A recent decision of the Now Yorlt supreme court which decrees to the effect thnt women legally have no right to remain out beyond midnight, will no doubt furnish food for additional argument on the part of those who ad vocate suffrage for the so-called weak er sex. The courts In the Instance afore mentioned decided thnt a lady boarder at a hotel which was closed at midnight had no right to demand a latch key that would admit her at a later hour. This Is certainly an un fair discrimination, when one consid ers thnt the man who attends "lodge" Is granted dispensations way beyond this in order that prolonged sessions may not bo distributed hy his denart ure. Those who desire equal rights for all have righteous cause to make a protest against such rulings. The avowed purpose of the war de partment to conduct an investigation of the Boos hazing case In order to vin dicate the xvar department may have had something to do with the second inquiry that will be made by congress. Critics of President McKinley for declining to risk war In behalf ofvthe Boers should now pitch into the Boer sympathizers in Kurope who are also declining to back their words with deeds. The friends of Oom Paul have had the satisfaction of making the Get man government at least offer an explana tion. u THE WORLD JJUJJiJi ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY".,.... Copyiiislit, 1,100, by H. K.1 Hughes, Louis ville.) J .ir.S IIOIJAISUUS, Hie American Inventor, was born in the Catshills, Xew Yoik. The diy gas melt i is bis invention, as is also the tiansfrt machine to prodiiee bank nolo plates from sepirale dies. The Btitlsli gocrn nirnt, in ls.10, aLcepled Ids plan tor mumifai tnring pustuje stamps. His other itivciillons ere mimrrous and Useful. In 1'I7 lie ereeled a laeteny in New Yoik five stmics Itigh, ei.tliely of e.isi lion, the Ill'.st of the kind ever built. P.uker, of KiiLlind, made a lens or burning mirror, the laigest ill liistoty, costing JvVCO, vilie.il could fuse twenty gialtw of pute gold or silver in foiu sccoudj; eust item, ten grains in three seconds! steel, ten grains In twelve sec onelsj a topaz, tlnoe grains In fort.v-Dve seeonds, nnd a 10-giuln flint in one-half minute. Hy it gieeti wood would take fin; instantaneously and water boil immediately. e'oiMea, famous as the biith pi. no ,)f I'.tsc.il Paoli and of Napoleon llonap.trte, was under the p.iileetiou of IJti'lt lirilain another example of llic Irony ol' late 'it this time, when Ihe first consul was lUming out a way of illgging a hole in tie euth big enough for eveiy ttlier nation and corkln? it up with Kitgland. Obsc'ivatioiis of sun snot periods und their elTtct on the wattis in Hie rlveis Kibe, Illiine, Oder, Daiube and Vistuli began. They shtn.'cd that Ilea lecoieled eleitb of these stieams was greater ut times of maximum than at times, of minimum sun fpot ficitteney, Honote el) lltl.ic, the gteat name in liie past levoltttionaiy litir.ituru of France, was a baby lu uniis at his Wall place, I'ouis. The pi) tlci lotis iimiiforin iiiaerifitiniis of Per sia, width hail for n time attiactcd tne at tention, of i;tuou, who finally deciphered by 'iroige Pi ii'ilei lilt (iiolcfciul. He communicated the. brilliant eliseoveiy made only after much patience iniel ingenuity, to the ltoy.il- society of (Jolllngcn, in the piovinco of lljiiovcr, Prust-Ia, 'Ihe His! aunheisaiy of ihe death of Washing ton, Lotus Vl.itilol, 1'ieiicli aitlhi'i', Nit 'lunici, 111c1lca11 liisiugiiit, (li.ules ,1, Wills, Hngllsli aiilhor, Milialy VoreiMiiaity, Hungariaii poet, Dailus Wells, mentor of wood type, Matthias Waul, Ameiican statesman. I'iaii7, I'rger, Ausliiaii palaeontologist, William Titrnlitill, Ameiican engineer, ('alios Adolphm Waite, Auieilcin soldier, August r'liedrlch C, Vllntai, Ociniaii author, llenljuihi 1'r.inMln W.ule, Ameriean senator. l'eter Whclon, Irish missionary in America, fiimpto Louis elc Yicl Co-tel, I'leiirli statesman, (,'coige Wa-liljutoii WhUller, American engi neer. (leoige W, Walker, of Ih.barttown, Quaker mlnlsler, Nicholas riilllp TiUt, American avver and statesman, Hdvwiel R. T.vlef, Ait'tiliau cleigvniau, and jouin.illst. .Inset Jase ele PiqiiUi, Awittlne 'jeneral and slati'sinan, llev, Cbiiumey II, T.v.'nseitd, Cuulish scholar und aiitbni, K.moiy Washburn, Auieiicaii jinist staloiiian ami author, John Thomas Wheat, American Protestant Kpts. copal cltigvmiit. Mepln-n 11. Tjnjr, American I'rotestant I'.pltco pal rleiirynun and author. Among tho bliths of Iho year of peisons vvho won fame in lite were the following; CONCERNING MINISTER WU. Kdltcr of Tho Tilbunc Sir: 1 was suipiUtd and pained ut reading; your editorial Wednesday morning uncut Minister Wu'a recent address. Tlie question between Mr, Wu and his critics rles far nboe uny theologi cal iliciiss!nn bclwetn those vvho leceive und those who reject Cliilsliaulty. The init-tlon h whether it U piopcr for Iho mlni.ter from Clilu to be- oooooooooooooooo The People's Exchange, A POPilliAll CI.KAlttXO HOUSt'. for the ' llenrflf fit All Who Itilie Housed fo ' Iler.t. Ileil Relate or Other Protiertv to Sell or Kxehanue, or Who Want Situations or Help These Small Advertisements Cost One Cent a Worel, Sit Insertions tor Fivo Cents a Worel Hscept Situations Wanted, mucii Are inserted rrec. ooooooooooooooooo Help Wanted Male. iiqokki:li'i:h wantgd-wiio has had kx- peilenio irefcrioilj stale reference and age. Address P., Tribune. WATi:i)-i:Mi;itii:xcr.ii assistant book- Kecpci; state lefcrence and age. Address .1., Tribune. Help Wanted Female. WAXTi:i) AN KXPRKIKKCCD COOK AND launelrcKSj one that li well reconiniendeil. Mrs. C. Sevbolt, 117 Jclfeiwin avenue. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTKD-11V A HOY tn YHAItS of age, to work ut anything! store preferred! experience In stoic. Address 1015 l'cnn uvenue, Oreen Itidge. hllUATIDV WANTi:i)-UY A MH)Iir,K-AGi:D woman, as housekeeper in widovver'a family! cm give reference. Address Housekeeper, 4 M lldr rei ttrcot, Scianton. l'a. YOUNCJ MAN WOULD I.IKB TO C1F.T A Posi tion to veork aiounel house; can take care of u horse. Address V.. A., Tribune. SITUATION WANTi:J)-llY YOUXO I.ADY OP good executive ability, permanent position us eoncspondent; possesses knowledge ol stenogru- puy aim typewriting, vvisites position lit law yer's, insurance or ie.il estate oflloo! first class leferences us to chaiacter and ability. Address Kicperlcnccd, care of Tubuiie office. SITUATION W.Y.Vn:i)-TO CO OUT WASIIINH, or any kind of work, and take washing home. Mis. Hurke, CIS (lonlon street. SITUATION WAXTKD-I1Y .siIDDI.IAfJI'.D Will ow as housekeeper ill widower's family. Ad drcss Jl. J., iJcncial Delivery, city. ui:.M'i.i:mi:n and i,.nir.s stoppino at hotels can have their laundry done by hand by ail cxpeit laimdic-s. Prices icauiiuble; best ol city references, fijel l'leanint .street, West bide. .SITUATION 1ANTK1)-11Y A COOD MAX, '10 drive grocery vvjeron or any kind of buslnos; sober anel industiiotts; BO jrars old. Addicts l.onis Oflcrhout, Tiibune. WASTKD-WASllINU IIV THH DAY, Oil TO lake home uosliinir, or will o office cleaning or sweeping mi Fiielay. Call or address li. Jl. 11., J1S (joidon stieet. POS-ITiON WANTi:i)-llY A YOL'NO MAN, TO learn the electrle.il business; at present, stud.vintr electrical cnjiiiccilnir. W., TIW Scran ton street, city. HONE&T MAX, GOOD H Ml ITS, WANTS ANY position of liust. Wtitc Trust, Tribune of fice. SITUATION WA.VI lU)-(iOOI) OIRti WAXTK.I) for general housework, at once. CJO West l.ackawaniu avenue, WASHIXO AND HtONISU XF.ATLY DONIl; Call at 401 Xew stieet, Pine lliook. snuvnox WANrnD hy r.xi'F.ninxcED UiJj stcnogupher, work by the hour or piece Addicss Steuogiaihei', Tribune ofllce. WANTKDWOHK HY Till: HAY EOIt .MONDAY anel Ttieselay as laundress on eveiy kind of work; can give best city references. Adelrcss M. M., 702 i:im btiect. Board Wanted. BOARD WAXTI'.D FOR THRKH ADULTS AND one small chihl. In respectable Jewish fam ily, living in Urst-clasa neighborhood. Stale price. W. A., Tribune office. Boarders Wanted. KLLOAXTLY IVRNISIIKH ROOMS; STHAM beateil; board optional. 514 Adams avenue. Lost. LOST LAST NlfiHT, ON LINDKX bTHCI'.T 11H tvvecu Lltn Park ehurcli and Waishington ave nue, fur collar. Reward if returned to Tribune olllee. lost si:tti:u doo, black ih:ad, whiti: body, with black patch at loot of tall. Suitable reward for ictiuii to C. M. Price, 121 i Jlvrtle stri-et. come a public and a special pleader for his re ligion in the country to which lij is accredited. Would it bo considered the proper thing in our minister to publicly and jealously advocate the claims of Christianity in the Floweiy Kingdom? Criticism nf the accomplished minister's coiiise is especially peitineiit because China sustains very strained iclatious to this country, in view of tlie cruel anel most baibarous musacic of Ameiican citizens in that land and especially of l.'lnistian missionaiies, because they weic Cluis tians. You ask: "Why should not Wu have the same freedom for discussion in tills countiy that wc claim for Ameiican missionaries in ililna?" He cause bo is the minister from China and not a piivati missionaiy, anil because be is discussing ittcstions that 1 elate to the main issue between his country und outs, and in tlie settlement of which he may be called to assist. H would seem, therefoie, that both gooel taste and propiiely should lead him to maintain an 0lllel.1l reserve regarellng u religion that appears in such a ques tionable light, at least until a more oppoitune time. , S. II. Moon. Peckvllle, Pa., De-c, 1.1. THE ARMY CANTEEN. Editor ol The Tiibune Sh: One ,ve.ir ugu my wife am) 1 held a ten elajs meeting in thu Soldiers' Home ut Hampton, Va, I vvisli to give tho readeis of The Tiibune what I know of tbe canteen as I saw it during my stay, Theie were about 1,000 men in tho lioiue; the average ago was 0.), and they weio eljing pfT at the rate of three each day, If there is u place nu.eailli where you can see the fruits of the whiskey business it Is ill the I'll I lied lives of these men in this home. Every trap and inducement is laid Just outside the homo to get tho few dollais pension money. Not only on the outside, but on the inside, tho government raiitren assists in feeding the appe tite, taking the profits of the leiiiiiaut of the lives of the men who etcfeiiileil the flag; taking pension money bae.lt In cscli ingc for elrink, lliat should go to many wives and chllilren who slaiul In soie need of this money, This money Is used to provide entertainment anil supply tho reading loom with the best read, ing 111 titer. Out of this canteen fuml they gavo me $100 for my ten dajs' work, Thera uie some things that could be said In favor of the canteen as I saw It, if men should have drink at all, We elon't think they need it at all. The heir seived U a special biew with a light per cent, of alcohol. Then men would lino up until the line would extend away out into tlie grounds, a glutei standing as they pa.sod In ami line iM they passed out, If onn glass of beer would show itself in the man he would not get any more. Thu antral was not opened day ami night as many of the saloons are, but for about two hour in the morning and as much in the afternoon. Chaplain ft II, Uiadley nnd Ids good wife are doing what they can to save this pour, de bauched manhood, but while they now auei then pull one out the government pushes hundreds in. Why don't the government hero ami in the army join hands with Its chaplains and take away frini tho lobllera pn the Inslelc of the home ami the bo,s on the outside thesn open elooro to perdl. tionf When will the I'ldld) htates government take its liaiiils oft this lionia and life-drs'trojlng busliiu anil lluovv tbl blood money elouu? Nut until wc Christian men teacli it that wc want no part In the damnable cure by withholding our Dauots irom any parly that will continue a ctn teen In any soldiers' home, camp or post, W. II, Williams, District Superintendent Anti-Saloon League, For Bale, I'Olt SAM! UKSTAMHANT AM) OYSTI'.lt house, chcapt time liy nit theaters! low rcnt reamn for selling, sickness. Apply by letter, ileslaiirniit. Tribune office. FOR SAI.H-A DKMVUUV COVCIIKI) WMMS, has been In use about two months. Suitable for n grocery store, elry gooels store or other mercantile purposes. Apply to William Craig. fou sAM:-iiitictniUH.iiiNti, Nt). mTIvnir avvaiina nveliue, totner Washington avenue, being the properly recently occupied and How being vacated by the Hunt .t Council Company, A. 11. HUNT. ion 8sr.K-coNTr.vTs of ntws"i'ttuNU ture, carpets, lieddlng, efe, U2 WashliiRtnn avenue. Wnntod To Buy. WANTKD--Sr.COND.HANl SLOT MACIII.STSs mmt be In iiood onlcr; stale parllcitlars us to make ami price. Address I,. M., general de livery, Scranton, l'a. Money to Loan, MONI'.Y TO LOAN ON )SD AND MOltrdAOl!, my amount. .M, II, uolgilc, Comiiionwcaitii building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONI'.Y TO !,OAX-(UK;K, straight loans or llulldlng ami l.oin. At from 4 to 0 per eeitt. Call on N. V. Walker, ,M14-31u Council building, Business Opportunity. l'AiiTxnu wantkd-witii ifio.oon, to taki: an active Interest in nn established wholesile grocery. Address, Joseph O'llrieii, attorney. WAI.Ii STIHIKT IK YOU WANT TO MAKI5 money In the present" markets, write us. Slocks, Bonds, Provisions, cauied on S per cent, margin. 1. J. Peters k Co., 53 Bioaelvvay, Now York. Recruits Wanted. w MA1HNH COUPS, U. S. NAVY, HtXItUITS wanted Ablebodled men, service on our war ships in all parts of the world and on laud In the Philippines when required. Ilccrulllnir of ficer, 10J Wyoming avenue, Scranton. LEGAL. UAXKIIUI'T SAI.i: IX COMl'l.IAXCK WITH AN oteler of (he Unltcel States District (.'unit, for the Western district of lVnnsjluinl.i, the- under signed receiver will expose to publlu t-alu the Millie stock of merchandise: ot S. b. (.alien, at 22o-227 Lackawanna avenue, In the city of Soran lim, l'a., on Wednesday, Dee. l'l, at 10 o'clock a. m. The stock consists of clothitr,-, sboes, bals und caps, and gents' furnishings. Terms ot sale will be a-lt. AAUON V. n0Wi:it, itccclver. notici: is iii:m:nY oivkx that ax aitm- eatloii will be made to the (iovernor of I'enn svlvatila on 'ruesd.iy, Jan. S, MO I, by Jcisejili II, Dickson, Jesse 1.. Keldy, .lolin IE. lrdeit, (jcorgc A. Watts and Prank L. Xorthrup, under the Act of Assembly, entitled, "An act to ptovide for the ineorpoiation and regulation ot ceitaln eoipora tions," appiovcd April 23, 1S"4, and tlie supple, incuts thereto, for the charter of an inte mien corporation to be calleel Thu Pilcc-l'anceust Coal Company, the character anil object of which i the mining, prcpiring, loailing, shipping anel selling of anthracite coal in all the: vaiious branches thereof, witli such biHincss us may be ncce.sKiiiP appurtenant tl.eutc. and tor these purposes to have, pos-ess and enjoy all the lights, benellts und privileges of such Act eit Assembly and supplements; tluicl.i. WILLAltD, WAllltlLS ,t KNAPP, Solicilis. Scianton, Pa., Dei'. 7, 1500. i:i.r.( TION PROCLAMATION'. NOTICK IN PL'ItbUANOi: Of RESOLUTIONS adopted by the Select ami Common Councils, tlicic will be special elections held in the fol lowing watds on Tucsdav, Dec. IS, 1900. First ward One pel son to seive as Common Councilman to fill the unexniied term of David II. Reese, leslgned. Second ward One peison to serve lis Common Councilman to till the unexpiteel trim of 51. V. Mollis, resigned. Tbirel warel Otis peison to solve as Common Councilman to till the unexmii'el term ol .latin's J. Crier, resigned. 1'ouitlt waiel One person to serve as Select Councilman to 1111 the tiuc.xpiicel lorn ol Simon 'lbomas, Tesigneel, and one peison to sctve as Common Councilman to till tlie imcxpiicd term of W. X. (Jriftltiis, icsigiied. Fifth watd One petson to serve as Common Councilman to fill the unexpiicel term of C. Ik Cenlshall, resigned. I'ouitccntli ward One poison to scree 'is Com mon Councilman to fill the unexpired term of C. U. Wcrizel, resigned. Fitteentlt ward One peison lo serve as Com mon Councilman to fill the unexpired teim of T. if. Watkins, resigned. Eighteenth ward One peison to seive as Com mon Coiuicilnian to fill tho unexpired trim of Thomas V. Mori is, lesigneel. Twentieth ward One person to serve as Select Coiuicilnian lo fill the unexpired term of T. ,1, Ceviic, lcsigned, JAMUS MOIR JIavor. PROFESSOKA L. Certified Public Accountant. C. SI'AUr.DING, 2il) IHIOADWAY, "SKW York. Architects. LDWAnD II. DAVIS, bvilding, be ranton. AnCHITECT, CO.NNELL FREDERICK L. liROWN, ARCHITECT, PRICE building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. Cabs and Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAGES; BEST of service Prompt attention given orders, by 'olioite. 'Phones 2072 and 6332. Joseph Kellcv, 124 Linden. Dentists. DR. O. E. E1LENBERCER, PAULl BUILDING, Spruce street, Scianton. DR. I. O. LYMAN, SCRANTON PRIVATE IIOS pita, comer Wjoming and Mulbeiry. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. efc W. PAS- cnger depot. Conducted on tbe European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Propilctor. Physicians and Surgeons. JAMES- p7PUltSELL7 M. D SPECIALiST Mental and Nervous Discusts. Liitelen stieet (opp. P. O.) DIt. W. E. ALL11.V, 013 NOHTH WASHINGTON avenue. DIt. S. W. L'AMOIinAUX, OFFICII 33 WASH. InKton avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic diseati'd, lnnx, heart, kidneys and genito-urinary crijana a cpcclalty. Hours, 1 to p. ni. Lawyers. J. W, IlltOWNIXU, ATTOKKUV AND COUNSHL. lor-at'lavv, Itoonu E12Jia Meurs bullellng;. D. n. lli:PLO(il.H, ATTOliNKV-LOANS NEGO. tlatcd on ical estate security. Mean building, corner Wiulilntftoii avenua and fspruce street. WILLAKD. WAHRlljf ti KNAPP, ArrOBNIJYS tnd couiKciiorn-ac-uw, iicpuuucan tmliaiiicr, WMlilngtaii avenue. jr.ssup ii jkssup, AfTonNiny and counv ellors-at-lav.'. Coiuinonvvealtli building, llooiuj ID, 20 and 21, JAMUS W, OAKFOHD, ATTOItNIlV.AT.LAW, Rooms fiU, 515 and 51(1 Hoard ol Trade build fnff. EDWARD W. THAVFIt, ATTOIINHV, KVJ-001, eth lloor, Mears building. HOOMS L, A. WATBF.S. ATTOIINIIY.AT.LAW, DOAIll) ol Trado building, Scranton, Pa, O. R. PlTCHEll. ATrOnNKY.ATLAW, COAIID of Trado building, Scrcntou, Pa. PATTEItSOX & WiLCOf, TRADERS' NATIONAL Uank building. C, COMEQYS, 013 RKPUIILIOAN DUILDIXO. A. W. BFRTHOLF, ATTOUNBY. SIRARS BLDCJ. Seeds. Q. It. CLARK S CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS crymen, ttorc 01 Vatbington uvenue; eieen houses, 1050 h'octli Main avenue; utoro tele- ALWAYS BUSY. The .voting man Ins no use for "Itutiher Xeeb," but he could harellv live through the winter without Itiihber Hoots. We have all Ihe klnels be nceeis. Oetr Htniin King lie likes best. 610HF.S Ol'KN HVKNINOS'UNTH, AFTUR 1IIB HOMI1AYS. Lewis ReMly 114-116 AVYOMINO AVENUE. 'I'lione 2452. Free elellvcry. EEYNOLDS EROS' iOlIMY MSPLAY The handsomest line of calendars ever shown in our store,together with our line of Fancy Ink Stands, JapanieBe NoveJtaes, Bras? Frames, Leather Goods in Pocket Books, Card Cases, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Bibles Make our place worth while visiting-. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, SCItAN'TON, fi. tL'ourse preparatory to college, law, mcelt. cine or baslness. Opens Sept. Uth. Send for catalogue. Itev. Thomas M Cann, LL. D prin cipal and proprietor; W. E. I'lumlcy, A. M., headmaster. Wire Screens. JOSEI'II KUETTEL, HEAR 511 LACKAWANNA uvenue, Scranton, l'a., mauufactuiei of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CII1EDHKN TO OltDKK; also ladica waists. Louis Shoemaker, 21a Adams avenue. A. I). HlllOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odot. Impiovcd pumpe useel. A, l). Hrlggs, proprietor. Leave oider.s lllXj North Main avenue, 01 Duke's drug store, corner Adams und Mulberry. Telephone D51. MRS. L. T. KELLER, SCALP TREATMENT,- SUe.j shampooing, 50.'.; facial massage; manicur ing, 25c. ; thltopoily. 701 tjuincy. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOIl HALLS, pienti'S, parlies receptions, weddings and con cert work furnished. 'For terms address R. .1. Bauer, conductoi, 117 Wjoming avenue, ovei Hulbert'a music store. MEOAROEE HKOS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, V.S v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1J0 Washington avenue, Scianton. Pa. THE WILKES B.MIRE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton at the news stands of Reb.n1.1n Bros., 403 Spiuce ami 603 Llmlen; M. Noitoit, S22 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schittzer, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson, In eiTect Nov. 2.J, 1000, Tuins for Carbonelalo le-ave Sctanfoo al i:.2i), 7..11, i.M, 10.13 a- in.: 12.00. 1.2'), 2.U, ,t,ra, o.-J), 0.?", 7.67, U.15, 11.15 p. in.; l.lei a. m. Tor Iluncsdulc 0.20, 10,13 a. m. ; j.jj anj 5.2'l p. ill. For Wllkis-naue (1.45, T.Pi, S.43, fUS, lu.i.i, 11.85 a. m.; 1.2N 2.18, 3.33, 1.27, 0.10, 7. 1, 10.41, 11,30 p. 111. For L. V. R. R. point 0.43, 11.33 a. m.; 2.1s 4.27 and 11.30 p. 111. For Pennsylvania It, 11. points 0.1",, 9.38 a nt. ; 2.1S and 1.27 p. 111. For Albany and all points notth (1,20 a, to. and 3.32 p. 111. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Caibonelale 9.00, 11.3; a. 111.; 2.11, 3.32, 5.47, 10.52 i. lit. Fol Wllkcs-llane 0.3S, 11,51 a. in,; l.Ji, S.'.'s 0.27, S.27 p. in. .For Albany and points 1101 Hi 3.12 p, in. For lloucsilah (1.1K) a. in, and 3.62 p. 111. 1-owvst i.iles to 'ill points in Unllcel Mates and Canada. J. W. ni'llDICK, (!, P. A., Albany. N. Y. II. W. CHOSS, D. P. A Scranton, l'a. Central Bnilroad of New Jersey. Stations ill .Now Yoik I'oot of Mbclly street, N, ll and s-outli I'eny. Anthracite eo.il ncd exclusively, insulins cleanliiie'ss .mil minfort. TlMi: TAIIl.i; I.N Kl'lliCl' ,UV. a.,, 11X10, 'rr.itiw leave neianioii ior .'sew vorK. Aru.ne- . .,,, .1 1,1 tlnL.lt.l.U l',-ft., , V 1, ' lJlljabctli, . I Ii lad el la, .i;1a'n"'I,Icl ''c'lieni, Al- , lcnlovvii, Mane U ( 1 ui k ami h Havci. at8.Hl in.; express, j.iu; expie, ;i.oti p, Sun- elavs, :,!) p, in South and West via llethlelieni, S.30 a, m 1.10 I 3.150 p, m, Mtnnay. .mo p. in. For Lour Urancb, Ocean Grove, etc., at B.sc) a. in. nnd 1.10 p. m. For Itcudlns, Lebanon und Ilariisbiirp, via A Icntovvn, S.30 a. in. and 1,10 p. in. sunduys, 2.13 p. in. For Pottbvlllo, 8.30 u, m,, 1.10 p. in, Tiiroiifili ticbcls to all points cast, witih and vveel at ioweht rales at Iho station. II, P. HAl.nWIN. Ceii. Vim Agt. J, II, OLIIAUhUN, Hen. Supt. lehigh Valley Railroad. In Elicit Nov, 25. 11)00. Trains leave hciauton, For Philadelphia anil New York via U. Jt II. 11, II., at 0.15 und 11,33 a, m and 2.18, 4,27 (illaclv liianioiiii r.prenj, uieu ii.oo p. m, sun. ilavs, D. tc II. II. R.i l.- 8-2? p. m. Fur White Haven, Hazleton and piinclp.il polnU in the toil rigioiiF, via p. & . It. it., (1.45, 2,18 und 4.27 p. in. For Pottsville, .5, 2, is and 1.27 p. in. For Bethlehem, I.Jston, Reading, llJiiUbmic nnd iiriiielli.il Inlcllue'liitc stations via ). i- . R, 0.15, 11,53 a. lit.; 2.18, 1.87 (Black Dm. moiul i:pii'-), 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D, & , h. 11., 1.50. 8.27 P. m. ('or Tiinkhaniioi k, Towundj, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and iiinclp.il jnteuneiliate slatlnn., via II., I.. 4: W. H. It, e.U3 a. in.; J.t j, a.W p, in. For Genev.1, Rochester, llull.ilo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, and all point vve-st, via I), i . R. i 1155 a. in., 3.3.) (HUik Diamond Expiegu), 7.48, 10.41, 11 30 p. n. fcuudijs, U. k II. R. 11,, 11.05, S.27 p. in. I'utliiMii parlor ami sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlor cars on all tialna lietnceen Wllkej-llJiru ami New York, Philadelphia, IJulTalo and Sus. pelmion Bridge. ROI.LIN II, WILlllin, Gen. Snpt., 2d Cortland Klicet, New York. C1IA11LKS S. LEE, Gen Paid Agt,, 20 Cortland etrret. New York. A. W. NONNEMACHEH, Dlv. Ta". Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman rtvci vallum apply to S00 Lickavvaiiua avenue, Scranton, Pa, ) EY'S N iilMll Umbrellas. FOR Holiday Gifts We are just in receipt of OneThous and Umbrellas which have been specially manufactured for our holiday trade, in 26 inch and 28 inch, comprising a variety of designs and artis tic ideas in handles eclipsing anything ever shown here be fore. -We make special mention of two num bers, ' in both sizes, handles to suit either lady or gentleman, at $1.58, $2038 of which there will be no duplicates at the price. Finer goods up to $15.00. Initials engraved when desired free of charge. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 27, 1900. Trains leave Scranton, S. &. H. Station: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Haivisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Beading Norrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m:,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Beading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. R. WOOD. Oen. Pass. Apt. J. B. HUTCHINSON. (Ion. JIgr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Meet Dec. 2, 1900. Soulb Leave Boranton for New York at l.J'l, .'1.00, .'i.uO, 8 (X) nnd 10 0,r a. rn.. 12.S5, SMS p. in. For Philadelphia at 8.00 and 10.05 a. in.; 12. .V, mill and 'J.3J p. m. For Slroudsbiirg at (1.10 p. ill. Milk accommodation at .'1.(0 p, in. Arrive at Ilohokcn at G.30, 7.13, 1II.2S, l.'.OS, 8.1,'i, 4.18, 7.19 p. in. Airivo at Phil aelclphla at l.iKl. 3.23, 0.00 and 8.22 p. m. Ar il iv lioin Xew Yoik at 1.10. 4.0tl and 10. a. in.: 1.00, 1.52, S.43, 3.45 and 11.30 p. m. Kront Slrniidsbuig at S.03 n. in. North Leave Scranton for DufTalo anil inter mediate stations' at 1.15, 4.10, and fl.00 a. in.; 1,5 5.4B anil 11.33 p, in. Tor OsvveKO and Syra etife at 4.10 a. m. and 1,55 p, ni. l'or Ulica t 1,10 a, in. anil 1,53 p, ni. l'or Montrose at 0.0O a, m.i 1,05 and f. IS p. in. For Nicholson at 4.0a and el.15 p. m. For llinitbaniton 10.20 u. ni. Ar il ve In jSeianton from Unlfalo at 1.23, 2.33, 5.4i and 10 ni) a. in.; 3.30 and 8.00 p. tn. From () vvet'o ami Sjiacusa at 2.55 a, in.; 12.38 anil 8. Oil p. in, From litlea ut 2.55 a. ni.; 12.38 and X'M I p. tn. From Nicholson at 7,150 a. m. and B.00 p. ' in, From Motitrosj at 10.00 a, in. ; 3.20 and S.tO i p. in. Hloonisbuiij Plv Is ion Leave Scranton far I Northumberland at 0.45, 10.05 a. m.; 1,65 anel .;;.":. ..... ,., .,. ... r,- .. . u a - 0.00 p. ill. I Ol liJHHIUlH UC I.-', .IO, O.UU . r KlnRston at 8.W a. ni. Arrive at North- h'i..lll 7 o.ai .,. ,.: 1.10. 5.00 and 8.45 r. I in. Anlvo at Kingsteni ut R.ii a. in, Arrive at ri.vnioinn ac -.e"j, .o-, ".. p. m. -inivc in oriuuniDcrianci nc w.va a. in,; in. From K neiton at I1.i?,a' "'' ' rm" l,,n mouth nt 7.35 a, in., S.O, n.35 ti. in. SUNDAY TIIAINS. South Leave Scranton 1.40, 3.00, 5.50, 10.05 i, in.; 3.33, 3.10 p. ni. North Leave) Scranton at MS, 1.10 a, m.j 1,35, 3. IS nnd 11.3 5 p. in. Illoonisbnrir l)ivilon Leaye iscranton at 10.05 a. ni. and fi.tW p. ni. New York, Ontario and Western B.B. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT &UNDAY, NOV. 4, 10C0. North Bound Tralnj. Leave Leve , Aniv. fsi.raiitoii. Caihondale, Cadosla. 10.40 a, in. 11.20 a. in. l.ui p, in, o.oo p. m. Airivo Catbondale 0,10 p, m, 1 boulli Bounel, ' Leavn Leave Arrive Cadosla, raibondale. Scranton. 7,00 a. m, 7.40 a. m. 2.03 p. Ill 3.34 p. in. 4.20 p. in, Sundaja only, Noilli Round. Leave, I-eavo Alrv, boranton, Carbondale, f'adosia, 8.30 a. m. 'HO -1. I. 10.45 a. in, 7.00 p. in. Arrive Catlioiidalo ",(0 p. m. Leave '"''a'?. Arrlv Cadcula. lai bond lie. Scranton. 7.00 a. nt. 7,10 a. in, 1.80 p, in, 6 54 p. in. 0.35 p. in, Traliu leaving Serarlon at 10.40 a. m. daib, and S.M a. ni. Siindajn, make New Y'ork, Corn wall, Mlildletovvn, Walton, Siilney, Norvvleli, Rome, litlea, Oneida und Oswego eonneetions. For further Information consult ticket agent. J. O. ANDERSON, Gen. I'aw. Agt., New York. J, E. WELSH, Ti'iveling Puseiiger Agent, Scran ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Tabic In Effect Sept. 17, 11)00. Train for Haw ley and local points, connect, Ing at Haw ley with Erie railroad for New York, Nevvhurgh ad intermediate poind, leave Scian ton ut 7.05 a. in. and 2.25 p. ru. Trains anive at Meranton at 10.M t. m. and 9.10 p. m,