The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    i i. .,. .. i -i .; r " i .. n w , u
IBW,il'fl',,i i-'TflVJ" eyjffj
. V1
1 '
4 VI
Condensed Jlf 'ilk
Phosphates and Hypophesphltes
Added without change of taste.
i Best Milk for Family Use " Babies thrlyeon it
Sold by Crugglit ind Croceri, Write (or booklet.
4 Y
Ice Cream.
OR Per
j)c Quart:
lelftoneorflerd ITomptlr vorei
I3f37 Adams Avenue
Scranlon Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office V., L. & W. Passenger
Etation. Phone 625.
Eye, Ear, Nose aiic Throat
Oltlre ITour a. m. to U p. m.: S to
Wtlllnms Rulldlnx, Ovv Poto'.tl.'.
-f 4
PAY DAYS llie IMissiie .iml liwlsiii Unl
rnitl compinv jistii'li) pint tlir mlriu- it tlic
llackct Brook eolliii), iml on tlic lloiiiUal.
liranrh o! tlic loiil
wim, l.i.irr oi ni'i its 'iiuu win in- uJ
ii Kill ir meeting of flu- .ij Auu I lino lomintn
mil Dunn corps tonight for tkition if nUiii
to: fin ensuitip; )iu. All lueiiibci- Mi teqiu&teil
,u be. present.
CIIMIIM.WS AITOIrMI,l. ( lultiiuii ' i
In- llepublii in city committee. W. s Millar,
itstrrduy appointul Lliswllsn Kobctts jmUi of
(lie board of WHjiiiv in the lli-t ilitmt of tin
eioiul wanl, to hiticcetl John Wolt, who ln
lift the cltj.
KINO'S DAUt.llll.KS Ml. I, I Ml hinpV
Piujrlittr-i of the cit in liisitul to unit with
die 1 Im 1'aiK cliilo, in tluli mom at tint cill
ficc, 1'iuln tstnihu at 7. 1" oVIoiU. 'Ih pu-i-itint
haa jint iiliuniil fioni the Wi-l, ami m
injojable tune h piomi-eil.
tni:ATi:n nisii'HimcT-st.pii.ii inn, uf
tin ennton Itulssi) cmnpim, lit niu-hi -sioie
out a wairint foi a nitn. ti niti unknown, who
In. il (Ifil a Mooslo mi h-l mirhl iml n leil in i
.'iiinkin and Ollm-Mse nnuiiii. lie .i-stuttiil
Ccnluclor Cnne when the httu allcinptLil to
put him off the mi.
'1 1! VCIll.US' 1VY IIVY. llie public -ii, nl
leuiliirs mil be piicl loihi foi the month indini
I)h. 1. On aciount of tin bis m-!i In tin In h
nrerV oftln, torn iiroi. luinj ihe I lit iln 1 ir
the payment of tivit withoul in aiMnl pinilie,
nian.'enints lnj been made wluuhj ilu uui
i mts can be cj-lrd in Contiollei llowill'- olhie.
LCUsr.n or emhi.zi.i:mi r 'iiiumi-
Jniii, a salesman for W, II While, of ilu
Hotel Terrace, m.w IiiM In 5-T.ilO bill. WhIikmIii
nisht, b.v Ablerunn KiVion on the ilutjc of i m
bizhnunt, piefirred bi Vi. White. Ilu- lit.
tci illr'i-s that in linitiK'i'iiiK 1 i 1 .mount
he found a shottiiri of -eiei tl hunilre.1 dnllu-,
fiinl.s collected and not tiiinnl ui lo Iiim
i nun) jii:miikiiv i:Nri.ur.UNMi:i -in.
nitflit nt the lialliojd oiinc Mil."- thii-tla'i
.i-'oelatlon will ocem the thlid nun' iimiuiit in
(he miinbers lour-e. 'Ihe ptogi imnit will In
..lien In Piof. Ilindtiik-on, Illicit tan mil -had-owgi.ipliist;
Mi, Cllntuii i; Uivhii, tiki, pluii
lit, and Mia.- lmili II in-, iloLiitloin-i. It I
isprited that tin. will bo fne ot the hm-t
munberi in the loiir-e, Member- mil obtain tue
tic Kcts at the olh.o.
ion Tin: roi'.Nnr.iMi iiomi -um..i i..i(-
11 it will lw piun at the l.jiiuiu theilu sun
iljy niitht, for the In nellt of M, ,lo,eph' Koimil
llii),' Home, in wliieli iiiiui' ot tl.t iui-t niu-i-i
Ian? of the lountty will pnlicip m. V i.plinihd
pi OKI inline i 11 bun .11 i.iii.i il, and tlu-e wlm
attind will not 011I1 be itfoulid an 1 m ( IN lit ni
tn laiiiinent Iml will hue the mn,( immic ot
iiuitrilmtbu' towaiil- one of the i' hhim um
tliv charltablo institution-.
-OOT HAM. CliltlblMW -TIil S(. Ihomi,
colli i,o and the old Scranlon foot bill team- will
battle on the ifiidiron it MliKtie paik, mi
Cliibtmas ufteiuoon, ThU promises to be tli.
best sriine seiu lieu IhU jeai, as the St. Thorn 1
tinni will int ot a line us luiiy n Us own
The Scrwtoii teiin will line up about the kiiiui
ns In 1VC5, with llie eceptiou of t hubs (,el
birt, the e-IJnini-It) of l'inu-,anli tlai,
mIii will pliy with Ni.iulim at md or full
bnk. i:i'i:ur ciii.ckhu mvkii.-oh miuhuj- if.
tnnoon of thiii week, bcjlimliis at 'i o'clock
11. 0, Wniilm, the will known iheckei epul
of this cit. will play .1 (.line of ilnikeH hi
wire with II, A. Colby, .1 noted iheikir and
rliisa exponent (if Orane. X, J, laicb iiime of
ne came will be crinimuiiratcil our 11 i-penu
iio of tho Westein Union to rioiej k lliooks'
store, where Sir. Wordiu will plav n'oni, and nil
checker enthusiast aio IntltnJ to wltmw the
...-.. -, -
Finest, Freshest Iniportcd
auu Key west
Ever brought to the city ot
Scranton. Speolully belcctea
for the
By the Box, by the hundred, by
tho thousand.
E. C. Dean.
408 Connell Building.
i t M MM M M tlM k ft M M H M
.'.' fe?
f?. HAND'S t
2wari -xA
the blicltnan, wjs held In 'M) ball Wnlnodn
tilcjhl b.v Aldeinnn Kiswn. en the ilutite ol
tlic Inreiny of 11 stole, prefened by I!, f.
lllikert, nf Ail lint incline. The luttei ihlnpil
tint he left the ftme In -toruiri1 H llittln'rf
liinlwirn establishment on l'i mi aeiuio After
the Il.ittln linn moled out and he went annuel
for It he ilbemereil Its ibsiiice. He later found
It In fox's Mote. The ilifetidint ihluis to hue
puuhi'cil the i.toe from 11 Itink di iltr.
Mcelitn ami Will Moirl", of -.lirnnm iiienuc,
were lined & nnd the costs, euh, bj Ald'rmin
Millar last nlitlil, on the clniice ol throw ini;
dtones at and bteatilnc windows In a Waslibiirn
strut oir on Dip. 1, 'Ihe two liojg wire put nlf
the car by t'ondiiiloi Unwind, on 11 count et
drutik and disorderly rniiilm t, and tin 11 "In"
for the cur, until Its nttilli, when thee llirew
the -totus, One of the niMUs struck the ion.
ilui tor In the hind, niiireli IimiImIu' it
(IIMtnil) Willi ( OMI'l.ICI I V. - William
Hi 1111, of Wil sriiiton,Mis hl nliiht htlil in
s,iw I all b.i AMiniiiii Mill ir in the ihnrtro of
islstln' l'riiik Muhlos, ihitirnl with I iklinj 1
hoi-e fiom Mrs i:il?abcth 1'iiiniii., nl Wc-t
Niihlnh, in Hit, 7, and repliii'iT It Willi in old,
wmti-iiul link, l'i ink lnldo wis held In $-"00
bill al-o, nnd (hubs Moldov, lo whom the
liri-i was tiiiliil, flirni-hed like sicillltl. Wll
ltiin Yuu'lnii, 1 lolond mm, allien tint the
hor'i- i'Imu in iitutn foi Ml-. Penman's atenl
w is stole ii fiom hi- bun,
cMtntiMni.i: coNsiAiur.'-. i:ti.oits a
r.nbnndile iliputi eomt ihle ninied Diiity came
to this cits 1 111 -ill, and iflei apendini; a social
ila was relieved of 1 uin of mone b in
iiiikiuinn nook, Ycslerc'i niornlni; Huffs nut
(iioite lie. 1 lolond ihiimiaii and eiu-cd hint
of the linen. He callnl Patiolmin Conncri
to mi t 1 1, but Ilu blue n fund, as Huffi
bid no w irranl D111T1 then showed his stir,
ind it pi-tcl's point matched Lee to Aldermin
Mill n'i of Ik 1, whin the tnhhs weie turnul mid
the ihiinnn dniharzcil. Duffy wis held In 1 i)
Intl. but lee lib 1 withdnw all cbircris and the
con-table ins tlwuUccd.
Something; New.
Stilpetl Kinnch flannels for Indies'
waists Is tho ltitest. Wo ato also .shuw
Ini? .1 new assortment of pl.iin colo.s,
Me. Ih tho pike of each.
' Alpar? & Hagon.
M-vyor Has Wairants Out tor Pro-
ptietois of a Number of Places
in North Scranton.
(lentil' McDonoiiKh, .1 miuhk man
.tliotiL twentj-tuo old. was nr
lostod je-itetday and ,iiiuii;nocl befoie
Major Slolr, mi the ehaitre of keoiilntf
.1 hie.ikta-v at tin- cot not of JleDon
iiukIi aonur and Oak sticul.
One of tin- iiinj or's pi hate blunt lis
testified to has ins visited MiDnnoimh'ft
pl.iop on Tuesday with a mm toll w.u
rant. ilu stated that he found bottled
beer In unlimited iiiantiUeh and pio
duced thieo bottles which he look pos
session ol. He said that theie was a
bat in the place ilttod up with all the
pai.iphetn.illa ol a saloon.
McDoruiUKli jileaden not KUilty, and
said that ho and his hi other wetc en
H.ii;ed In the luukstc.ilng' business, soll
Iult M'RPltiblos, lish and oystet.s. He
said that the bar waa In the place when
he lented it, but that he had never sold
.111) thinK met It. He didn't attempt to
explain the piesence ot the Klus-es etc.
Inasmuch as theio was no diiecl evi
dence that intoxicants weie iold In the
place, the mavoi lot aleDonoUKb off
with the minimum iienulty, $10 lino and
Mu)or Molt stated to a Tilbune man
titter the heat ins: that the speakeasy
keipots in Ninth Soranton must g-et
out of the business. Watt ants ate out
for hlv or eight ot these and ate to be
seised today.
So many of thosf. ho have been ur
tested and lined hue prone buck Into
the hu-lnc'ss that the Mayor has undei
cottsliletatlon a plan which many be
lles e to be pet haps the only effectual
method of Muittlni; these unlicensed
ldates up. It is nothing mom nur less
than the raiding ,1 thcin, the s imp aa
disiiiiletly houis ate lalded.
i'ntler a sttlit Inlet pi etation of the
law any pel pun who fieiiuenls an tin
lliensed saloon Is liable to, the
Kame us an) pet son fieiiuentlng- a dls
onlei ly hoti-i,
JIo, tilted PocKetbooks, F!eynolds funs.
New Yoik Excuision.
The .V, Y, O, and W. Hallway cnni
liany will mn their1 annual Chrltttmns
eNfuichm to New- Yntk cit) on Mon
day Die. 17, tickets- good 1 chimin','
up to and including Peci'iubei 22nd,
nt Kt'utlv t educed tales,
i'or luitber Infoimatlon, lonsult
new 1 st O. and V. it. i;. tkKet nijont.
Newest Cnlendais. Vtoynolds riios-.
Don't Buy Slippeib
until you s-eo our line. If you don't say
wo limn tho hugest nssoitment and
(neatest vatioty In Huinuton, wo me
very jnuch mlstaKen, Alahon's shoe
.stoic. fiOS L.tckass-annn avenue. Open
Mounted fountain pons, rteynolds liios.
Thn busy shuo stoies of r.owls it
Itellly will bo open this evening- and
every evening until after tho holidays.
New chl ruid engiavinu. rteynoMs- Bin
Protheioe & Co.'s
laieo v,aie rooms will be open even
ings until after tho holld-iyt..
Mounted fountain pens. Ueynoidb Bros.
For Sale.
Houhw and lot, 534 Vine stteet. Cheap
for cash. Calvin Keybolt,
Newest Calendnrs,
Reynolds Bros,
What to Buy for Your Husband.
A pair of Mahon's Xmas sllppeis,
Mounted Pocketbooks, Reynolds Bros,
Mayor and Councllmen Charged with
Being Responsible for a Public
Nuisance Constable Joe Woelkers
on Trial for Blasphemy Samuct
Rich Returned Not Guilty A Sim
ilar Verdict in the Gallagher
Speakeasy Case Old Cases Dis
posed of by Verdicts of Not Guilty.
llpfoii Judgo David Camel on late
yestetday afternoon In court loom No.
I), Mayor .lames Molr and the council
men of the city were put on tital
thaig-etl with maintaining n public
nuls.inif by falling to keep a toad In
the Twenty-lli. st wind of this olty in
pioper tepalr,
A Jnty was selected nnd the case
opened to the Jury befoto adjournment
and today tho wink of taking testi
mony wilt begin. Attorney C. II. Snper,
who Is acting as assistant cllstilct at
torney In No, n this week, appears for
the commonwealth, nnd City Solicitor
A. A. Vosbtng and Attorney 11. C. Rey
nolds for the accused olllclals,
Other cases hcatd or otherwise dis
posed of yestcidny weie:
Judge Kelly yestetday i pf used to
ttash the indictments In the cases
against W. Mlttletnan, charging lilm
with tralllcking in leglsteted bottles, A.
M. Motse, ptoscculor, and Nick Oaplel
lo, .slmllnily chaiged by Homv Uliich.
Thomas Moffat t pleaded guilty to
committing nn aggtavated assault and
battery on Dennis Inlly. Both aio
young men and one Sunday hist sum
mer they bad a quarte! and adjourned
to a field to settle It by a resort to their
fists. Mofl'att diesv a revolver and IlieJ
three shots at Lnlly veiy seilously In
juring him. He will bo sentenced .SpI
ut day.
The case of Michael Onllaghcr,
charged with selling litiuor without a
license on Clearvlesv avenue, North
Scranton, was given to the juiy yester
day morning and it agreed upon a vet
diet after about an hour's deliberation.
The veidict was not guilty and the
costs weie placed on the county. The
case ssas tiled last week and the jury
A verdict of not guilty was taken In
the case ol Joseph Knbpt, chaiged by
Jacob Hull with pointing pistol. The
defendant will pay the costs.
Vol diets ol not guilty weie taken In
two cases of embef.lement against
John Dtlbie and ho ssas diiected to pay
the costs. The piosecutois wete Steve
Cossack and Michael Smith. '
When Hdw.i I K. Connor was ar
raigned chaiged ssith embezzlement
bv P. A. BaiiPtt, local lepiesentatlve
ot the nimiia Teleiam, John J. Mur
phy l.ilsed the point that the oftene.
If any had been committed, ssas bailed
by the statute of limitations. The al
leged emberlenient was in the sin ing
of tS'tS, and Connor was nol In
dicted until November Hi. WOO. This
ssas moie than two seats altoi the date
ol the cilfense and the statute of limita
tions inteisenid. A verdict of not
guilty vsas taken by dliection of tile
com t. The same action was taken in
the itise of 1. J. Hogan, who was also
chaiged ss'ith embezzlement by Mr.
B.uiotl. The same facts governs the
case. Both men weie employed as
agents bv Ml. Barrett,
John Sovic, Oeoige Sovie, Steve
banko.skia and John Rosmoskia weie
.malgned on a cbaige of latceny and
leeching in collection with it laid on
an otchaid at I'eckville. It appealed
that an en or was made by the justli"
of the peai e who sent in the case In
not disposing of it In a summuiy man
ner and a vetdiel of not guilty was
taken and the costs placed on tin
John Richaid svas tiled on a ehaige
of as-ault and battery piefined l
David M. Davies. Both men n-id
this city and the ease was the
giosstb of tumble dming the late i
pis' stilke. The veidict was not gill
and the costs were placed on tin
A veidict of not gulltv was taken in
the case of Fiank Ganlson chaiged
with laiceny and leietvlng by Doiot
Tlnsley. A vet diet of not guilty was
also taken In the following cases: Isa
bel! Webb, ndulteiy, Thomas I.e)shon,
pio.spputm : Oeoige Powers, defiauding
boaiding bouse, W. H. Whyte, ptose
ctitor; Samuel N. Bonjamin, false pie
tense, W. P. Clllfoul, piosecutor; John
McDonald, assault and battel y, Will
lam Stoltz, piosecutor; Isaac Seldman,
r mbeylenient, Philip Denovitz, prose
cutor; John Rldgway, false ptetenses,
William Cialg, piosecutor.
A nol pi os, on p.tvnient of the costs
vvns enteiod In each of the following
coses; Max Routcskle, selling liquor
vs Itliout a license, Thomas T.oyslum,
piosecutor; Wnshko Kilnock, Thomas
Piotmsky, laiceny and receiving, Will
iam Shanum, prosecutor; Geotge S,
Btoclc, selling liquor on Sunday,
Thomas T.eyshon, piosecutor.
AVhen couit adjoin ned William Gal
lagher, Mtu tin Fan ell and Daniel Shei
vseio on tilal for tlirossing a stone
tluough tho windows nnd tiylug to
bieak In Hip door of tho hotel of a man
nnmed Jones at Miunoka.
Piaelleully all of the day was spent
In tiylng the ease against Samuel Hlch,
a South Set anion junk man, who Is
Two classes will Include all sav
ets: the "close-listed" folks, who
savo ns a duck takes to water
mutually; nnd the stilving soit,
to whom saving Is a ieal tnsk.
Both nio a blessing to society
in many ways do thoy build and
benefit; but to the latter class
special honor belongs, Weio It
not for their continuous stuigglo
ngalnst habit; weie it not their
worthv ambition to accomplish
tiu noble pin poses of lite, Into
vshat dlie calamities would bo
elety In general not fall?
The roninion-run, "don't-raio''
eltibs deep In the mt of Indiffer
ence, doubtless think It's silly to
leave society's Ills ut their door;
but facing such a fact will do
them good, They keep money n
golng while they havo It to bo
sine; but there's nothing bolld
about Mich u state of affairs. And
every spell of "haul times" finds
such folks "stranded" com
pletely, Savings Department
Cor. Wyoming and Spruce
charged with buying it largo brass
Journal from three boys who stole It
ftotn the Ivockawttnna Iron and Steel
company. After the theft the brass
was hid ut the home of one of the boys,
whose name Is O'Biien. White It was
thorp, the rninmonwonlth contend?d,
Rich hotight It Tor 75 cents, but hear
ing that the authorities weie looking
for It he look It back nnd loft'lt at
O'Hrlen's for safe keeping. The defend
ant denied absolutely that he bought
the brass, lip said the boys wanted to
sell It lo hlin but he refused to buy It.
The verdict vvns not guilty,
In the mninlng a veidict of nol guilty
was re tut ned In the case of Tofnnsso
Slrrlano, who was tried Wednesday for
mayhem nnd ussatilt and battel y.
After the Juiy In tho murder case
was tiled Constable Joseph Woolk
cis, of tho Eleventh ward, was
put on trial rhntged with blasphemy
by Robert Wilson, the agent of the
Municipal league, who was reviled In
an oti'ttgeoUH manner by Woelkers, It
Is alleged, one day last summer while
Mr, Wilson was cniiylng on his work
as agent of the league In South Scran
ton. Only the opening for tho common
wealth had been made nt adjourning
A Conditional Finding.
Judge Kd wards yesterday handed
down Ills finding In the case of George
II. Wlnans against the Sanderson Oil
and Specialty company. He gives a
conditional verdict for the plaintiff.
The put pose of tho suit was to com
pel the company to transfer to the
plaintiff on the books of the company
twenty shaies of the capital stock and
Issue to him n now ceitlflcato of stock
on the stirtender and cancellation of
the old one.
The defendant company bought out
the flini ol' Samlet son & Rlchart, the
consideration being "10 shuies of the
capital stock of the now compiny. Mr.
Rlchart sold twenty of his 120 shares
to Mr. AVlnans. When Mr. Wlnans
some time later sought to have the
stock transfer! ed on the books, the
company Ignored his demand, claiming
that Mr. RIchatt was Indebted to the
company and that the debt was a lien
on tho stock, or, in other words, that
the consideration lecelved by the com
pany for Mr, Rlcbatt's stock had failed
In part.
It appears that when the Sanderson
& Rlchart firm submitted its Inventory,
pi ev Ions to selling out, It omitted from
tho list of liabilities a number of un
cancelled obligations by a mistake In
bookkeeping oi something of that sort
ovet valued the assets.
Judire Ddwards finds that the Ttlch-
init stock is liable foi one-hatf of tho
omitted liabilities, or JI08.39, and dir2cts
that this must be paid by either Mr.
Richait or Mr. Wlnans befoie the com-
i pany is obliged to issue to Mr. Wlnans
the now oei tiflcate he demands.
The vsheteabouts of the other hun
ched shaies of the Richait stock does
not come to light In the evidence.
City Clerk Lavelle's Answer.
Tluough his attorney, George M.
Watson, an answer was made yester
day by City Cleik Mai tin T. Lavelle. to
the suit biotight by ex-Police Olllcers
Saul and D)er to compel him to draw
wairants lor the back salaty to which
emu t has dcclaied thev aio entitled.
The answer sets lotth that "Theio Is
no appioptkition left out of which the
s.ilailes of Saul and Dyer could be
paid to their successors, and an in
demnltylng bond taken by the city
conti oiler.
"The city conti oiler has maiked the
pUuntilfs' claims cbnigeable to tho
genet al city judgments and incidentals
fund, svheicas pi lor claims against the
eitv have been apptosed against said
account and aie vs tilting payment far in
i ec-s of the balance loniaining on
hand in s iid account.
"By nuthuilty in him vested, the
ma) or leque.sted me to defer dtawln;-" in favoi of Stephen Dyer until
the decision of the higher couit is ,iven
on the appeal taken from the Judgment
of this couit in favor of James Saul.
'The deiendant aveis that he cannot
sign wauants in favor of said plain-
tiri , without Inclining the seora pen-
Uv ot the law, and ssilKnot sign such
nants unless petemptoilly ouleied
'o m liy your honoiable court,"
I'.incy Leather Bags. Reynolds Bros
A twenty acre faun, with good new
house, to rent at Rtaten Island, New
Yoik city, One and a half miles fiom
fetry. Suitable for mtuket gat den or
gieen houses. Only seven miles fiom
lower Broadway. Addtess S. Island,
Tilbune oillce.
btetling Desk Blotteis. Reynolds Bros.
Clam Chowder, Filed Smelts
Lunch today at St. Cloud Hotel.
Pteillng mounted seals. Reynolds Btos.
Christmas Presents
A beautiful box given away with
Kid Gloves
At $1.00 and up.
At 25c
And with all
Ladies' and Gints' Umbnilas
aud io i useful aud ornameutal articles that are new this year
Come and See.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue.
Judge Archbald Askcd the Common
wealth's Representative to Give
Him Some Enlightenment as to the
Evidence in the Case Which Might
Wnraut a Conviction of Murder in
the First Degree and in Charging
tho Jury Said He Did Not Think
Evidence Sustained Such Finding.
At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon tho
jury befoie whom Simon Nerushns was
tiled for the unit dor of John Mlskus
on March 18, 1S96, retlicd to dellbeittto
on the case.
On the opening of court yesterday
morning W. R. Lewis tiddiossed the
Juiy In behalf of the defendant. Ho
laid pattlcular sliess on the evidence
given bv Mrs. Lee, John Van Bet gen,
jr., Anthony Miller and wlfo and John
Brctosh, all of whom gave evidence
which. If believed, would exonerate1 the
Assistant Dlsttlct Attorney Thomas
made tho closing nddicss for the com
monwealth, dwelling particularly upon
the alleged admissions by tho defend
ant pi lor to his an est and the testi
mony of the ptosecutlnn as to the tils
position of the body of the deceased by
the defendant. At tho conclusion of
the uiguinents a iccess was taken until
1.30 p. m.
Bofoie beginning his charge to
Juiy Judge Archbald requested
commonwealth's attorneys to enllgln
the couit ns to the evidence In the case
warranting a conviction of murder
of the fii st degree. Mr. Thomas argued
that the fact that there was evidence
of an axe having been used was suUl
clent to wan ant the submls.sslon of the
question to the jury. Another question
raised by the court at this time was
whether, In case the jury simply be
lieved that the defendant had only dis
posed of the body that Is, had taken it
to the culvert In his wagon the de
fendant could then be convicted un
der tho ptesent Indictment.
The charge to tho jury was begun
at 2.30 o'clock. After giving general
instructions as to the law peitninlng
to cases of this character the court dis
cussed t'be evidence on tho part of tho
defendant, tending to show that the
death of Mlskus was due to an acci
dent on the railroad at or near the
culvei t, and that of the commonwealth
tending to show foul play.
"The delay Is one of the strong things
against this case," said the court. The
fact that the case was instituted by a
piivate prosecutor, which in connection
with the delay and other clrcumstanes
seemed to suggest that there was
something besides a mere desire to
I have justice meted out, was leferred to
as well as the ctltlleuitics ot inorougn
investigation owing to tho fact that
the tiaities dltectly interested were all
foh igners.
"Theie Is veiy little evidence, in my
mind, to sustain a veidict of murder
of the Hist degiee," said the court. If
Goidon was to be believed the killing
was, appaiently, the result of a quar
lel, and in this view of the case, the
(Hint! would be voluntaiy manslaugh
ter. If the juiy believed that the de
fendant only assisted in taking away
the body be would then be guilty as an
"aecessoiy after the fact." Should this
be the view taken by the jury the court
instructed them to leturn a special
Uncling to that effect. The evidence on
both sides was levlewed in detail and
the case given to the juiy at 4 o'clock.
The juiy retlied at 10 o'clock, but
nothing leaked out as to whether or
not they had ugieed.
For Sale.
Two heavy, one light delivery
wugons; set bob sleds; buggy pole;
laige hot water heater; one light plat
form scale; cash register; two pipe
cutting machines; four H. P. engine;
51,500 wot tli gas fixtures and supplies;
$o,000 plumbers' and steam-fitters'
goods; one two-seated sleigh; one two
seated open wagon.
The Hunt & Connell Co,
Fancy Ofbee Baskets. Reynolds Bros.
Saturday, Dec. 15, 1900,
Is the last day to pay city and school
taxes without penalty.
E. J, Robinson,
City Treasuier.
, .
What to Buy for Your Sister.
A pair of Mahon's Xmas slippers.
Open evenings.
and up.
Pocket Books.
ir IIVaM maw Iiaa1 4MAf afc i!
j.uu . jr uiwtn jrui Aunjr nuu. tit;i bitu vunv ia JrUl Will "
For here you will find one prettier still.
This Is a great year for vurcs. No moip popular gift seoms"lo be
chosen, and we havo them from 10 cents to $2i;.00. The tall ones for
American Beauty Roses und Cht.vsanthemums tiro superb. There Is
one of green and gold which Would delight an artlRt when tilled with
even tho commonest lloweis. Tho Tiffany styles, with the ilch satiny
sheen, are In groat demand. Ask for the Opalescent vases with enam
eled decorations, having alt the charm of a cameo.
Oeo V Millar &
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings $1
Bridge Work (,Cf,,.,) $3
Set of Teeth. $5
AH work (niarantce'd for 10 seirs. ('ill nnd
base jour tietb ccunlncil free of charge.
Satisfaction or no piy.
Schimpff, the
That's the name. You've heard it a good many times
most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver
sation, for the one implies the other.
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has much to show you in the Gift It e more than you'll see
in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif
ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their
Schimpff, the Jeweler,
Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what
you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think,
when you consider that no matter what you buy, quality is
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
x The New Neversli As
K plmlt Removable
K Horse cannot slip
and will three
K si'ts of any other calk
K ufiuiiifaciiircl.
A. E. Rogers
No. 213
L?tcka wanna Avenue
Michael ian Bros. & Co.
For Holiday Gifts.
A unique and large collection of
Antique Oriental Rugs
Comprising many beautiful specimens of various weaves,
Rare Kirmenshah and Silk Rugs
and a great variety of
Antique Irans and Runners
for halls and stairs at 30 per cent discount,
124 Washington Avenue.
t1M it ... H.l1tl ' " ' H
Co m Wjomlmt Avenue
We in ike it peclnlty of tine Crown and
llrldtfj Work nnd It will piy joit to mil and
pet our prices before coins elsewhere. All
work absolutely Painless
Dr, ReyerTDenlist
5U Spruce St., Opp. Court House
Pjl 126 and 128
Lllit Franklin Ave.
Wonder how many pages
of a good newspaper it would
require to catalogue all the
good things there are here in
the gift giving line?
Choosing here is easy,
however, for everything is
arranged to your conveni
ence. We don't mind helping
you with the choosing, if you
wish it.
There's nothing but what's
here, that ought to be here.
Nothing but what we can say
to you frankly and candidly:
"It's the best we know of for
the money,"
Come and "look." Costs
nothing; very satisfying, very
appetizing, especially if you've
presents to make and your
thinker won't work.
K. J - T Itfcr. ynrtir Y- fit Hi
KfX C atft,- J -