The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The Common Brnnck Failed to Mus
ter ft Quorum hb Was Generally Ex
pected and Though nn Attempt
Waa Made In Select Council to He
consider It Didn't Succeed Resig
nations of Councllmen B. H. Wlll
inms and Peter McCann Becelvod
and Accepted.
To use a slang expression, It's now up
lo the county rommlsslonei.s tn Bet the
ballots ready In tlmo for tho special
eouncllninnle election which hotli
branches of councils htivo declined
shall ho hold next Tuesday.
Ah picdletcd In ypHtunlay morning's
Tillmne, thorp was no meeting of the
cotnjnon branch of councils last night,
ii nil, though select council met In spe
cial session, no action whatever wast
tnken towards postponing the election.
When S o'clock had at rived there
weie. lust ten membets of tho common
council present. These were Alessi.s.
falpln, Huane, Hoc he, Phillips, Oalvln,
rolrmnn, Cuslck and Not ton, all Demo-
rats, and Alesms. Nngell and Smith,
Republicans. As foretold In The Trlb
unp, the other three rtopubllean mem
heis, Atessrs. Keller, Patno and Ilnt
vey, were not on hand and uecotdlngly
no meeting could be held. Those pies
piit simply adjoin ned to meet next
Thursday nlRlil. .
A communication from Mayor Alolr
was held In .select council calling the
.lttentfon of the members to tho fact
that the county commissioners had an
nounced that It would be Impossible to
have the ballots ready for Tuesday's
election and requesting that tho date
be changed.
Mr. Chittenden remarked that there
was no necessity whatever for c hang
ing the date, ns tho ballots could be
printed and dlsti United In six hour?.
Mr. Roche moved to reconsider the for
mer action in fixing the election for
next Tuesday, which caused Mr. Chit
tenden to remark:
"I hope that motion don't pass. If It
docs it will ball things up In the
most beautiful shape. Common coun
cil hasn't met tonight and theie Is no
possibility that there will be a meet
ing of that branch until after the ex
isting -vacancies are filled. All wp
ould do wouW be to change tho date
for holding tho election for the two
select councllmen. If we don't take
.my action we can force the county
commissioners to get the ballots ready.
They can do it If they want to "
Mr. Roche's motion to reconsider was
put and was defeated.
The resignations of Councilman Itlch
ii d II. "Williams, of tho Fifth waid,
and of Councilman Peter McCann, ot
the Fourteenth waid, were received and
accepted. Both resignations take effect
immediately. There was no specific
lime mentioned in Mr. McCann's, but
Mr. 'Williams' letter fixed December 34,
which Is today.
Xo comment whatever was made
when the leslgnatlons were read, nor
was nnv effoit made to fix a time for
the holding of a special election to
choo.sp their successors.
Tho ordinance transfening funds for
the icpair of West Jackson street was
passed on third and final reading. This
i- the road which councils neglected to
icpair, for which dereliction of duty
they were Indicted by the grand Jury,
the cases having come up yesterday.
. Commissioners' Position.
County Commissioner John C. Moiris
said yesterday that the commissioners
have no desire to prevent the special
election called for next Tuesday.
"The time allowed us for getting the
ballots printed and distributed and to
do the other work an election entails Is
not sufficient, and anyone who has an
actual acquaintance with the facts
knows this," said Mr, Morris. "We
will do our best to have things in readi
ness, but if anything goes wrong, the
blame will not be on the commission
Bishop Hoban Meets the Priests of
the Scranton Diocese.
The annual meeting of the priests of
the Scranton diocese was held yester
day In tho basement of the St. Thomas
college building and was attended by
over 150 clergymen.
Bishop Hoban presided and dellveiod
a lengthy address, advising the clergy
as to the course which they should pur
sue. He requested that frequent warn
ings bo given from tho pulpit against
public dances and partlculaily against
night picnics. He directed tho pastois
of all tho foreign ehuiches to see that
English Is taught In all tho parochial
schools connected with their chut ones.
The bishop announced that permis
sion had been received for the celebia
tlon of a midnight mnss on December
.11, to fittingly usher in the new cen
tury. He stated that Wednesday had
been fixed as tho day on which he
would in tho tuture receive the English
and German priests at the episcopal
residence. The Polish, Lithuanian, Slav
ish and Italian priests will he iccelved
I the future on Tuesdays.
It was also announced that tho pies
itnt episcopal leslduncti is tn ho ic
placed with a new and moie cmnmodi
nis sti'iictuie. It will be a double build
ing, one part to bo used as an pplsco
pal residence nnd the other as a puio
phlal ipsldeni'p.
Salvation Aimy Wants to Have
Something for the Worthy Poor,
The following has been handed In by
Adjutant Jaeger, of tho Salvation
"?ci anion's citUens and friends aie
Mndly Invited to co-opeiato with us
n this noble undertaking In providing
I'luisimas Joy and happiness to 300
little hearts on Christmas dav,
"All kinds of gifts, such as fruit,
taiidles, nuts, cakes, toys, good books,
underwear, clothing und Bhoes or
money will be thunkfully lecolved,
Everybody 1b urged" to coutilbute
Cure all Throat ud I.uug Affections.
W. Cttliencuuiuc. Refuieiubttltute. B
Vis sure
4lvau9iiOUcurMKbcuaiaUia. isaflct
something to this Christ-like offering.
"Gifts may be seht to Adjutant Jaeg
er, officer In charge, 1008 Price street,
Hyde Park, or, by dropping ft postal,
we will gladly call on you."
O. E. Jones Anested tit Instance of
Scranton Dairy Company.
O. 15. Jones, formotly superintend
ent of the Scranton Dairy company,
was yesterday arrested on a wart ant
Issued by Alderman Miliar at tho In
stance of Geoige A. Bounce, general
manager of the company, charging
him with embellng several thousand
Mr. Jones left the company's em
ploy a short while ago to accept an
other position. An examination of his
bonks was then made and a large
deficiency Is alleged to have been
found. v '
Theie was a hearing In the case
yestetdny afternoon before Alderman
M Hilar. It was continued until toinor.
low atteinoon, when the company's
banks will be brought into cotnt.
Attorney C. 10. Diver yesterday tep
losentPd Mr. Jones and Attorney
John r. Scragg was present In the
Intel ests of the dnliy compnnv.
Was Found Lying on River Bank Be
hind Anthiacite Brewery Deep
Gash on the Forehead.
The body of an unknown man In a
honlble state of composition was
found yesterday afternoon lying on tho
bunk of tho Lackawanna river just In
the lear of the Anthracite blew pry anil
about two bundled feet south of the
Park Place bridge.
The dlscoveiy was made by two lit
tle Italian girls, Annie Pun to and Liz
zie Cerene, who were picking nigs
along the back. They noticed w hat
appeared to be a black cloth near the
water and were Just about to pick it
up when they saw that It was the coat
of a man, whose body was lying face
downwatd in the black eaith.
The little git Is were vety much
frightened and ran to the biewciy and
theie notified the men In the olllce of
their dlscoveiy. Police headquarters
were communicated with by telephone
and it wasn't ten minutes before Coro
ner Roberts' permission to remove tit"
body had been tecclved and before Un
dertaker Tague's wagon was on the
A ciowd soon assembled and theories
as to just luiw the body got theie weie
exchanged. The body was turned face
downwnid and the head was almost
completely buried in the black mud,
giving lisa to the Impression at first
that the head was missing. The body
was fiozen solid and was so flimlv im
bedded that the seilcos of a pick had
to bo biought Into use to dislodge It
The liver wns eiy high the latter
pait of last week and coveied the spot
where the body was lound. The Im
picssion seems to be general that it
was carried down lroni up the v alley
and deposited wheie found as the
water icccdcd.
From the solid way In which it was
imbedded in the giound it would seem
as If it had been when found foi sev
eral dajs, at least.
A close examination ol the body was
only possible attei it had been taken
to Tague's undui tulting establishment,
on Xoith Main avenue. The man was
about five feet two Inches in height
nnd woio oveialls, with a black inside
coat and vest and a black overrent.
The face Is so badly dlscoloted and
swollen that It will piobably bo Im
possible for the dead man' to bo in er
identified. He had brown hall, very
closely cropped, and had neither beaid
or moustache. This .much could be no
ticed, but very little else. In the cen
ter of the foiehead there Is a deep gash
about throe inches long, which might
have been caused by a blow struck
before ho died and which might have
been caused by the head knocking
against borne object floating In tho
Just what caused the man's death
will be deteurrined this morning, If
possible, by Coioner Roberts, who will
perform nn autopsy.
Is Going to Cambria County to Take
Charge of Soft Coal Mines.
William Penn Morgan, who 10
signs tomoitow as outside foipmnn
Pt the Diamond collleiy of tho Do!a
wuie, Lackawanna and Western com
pany, has been engaged by the
Lackawanna lion and Steel company
to assume ohaige of the hltiimlnnui
coal mines owned by the latter com
pany ut Vintondale, Cambria county,
wheiP soveinl thousands of acies of
coal land aie situated, and tin er
mines aie now In operation.
Mr. Morgan will assume charge of
his new duties as geneinl supeiln
tendent after the holidays and will
continue his resdenee on Jack.ion
sit pet Indefinitely. At piesent he Is
not picpared lo sny much about his
new position, owing to his being un-
acquainted with tho mlnp.s and tliolr
location. Piior to assuming the out
side foiomnuship nt the Diamond in
September, 1S91), he wns for neatlv
thlity yeats with the Lackawanna
lion nnd Stenl company In v.nlous
capacities at tho T-iilggs shafts.
When the Scranton foal company
p'lichased the t'upouse and Pino
Hiook colllin li's, he was made genei.ii
superintendent at tin, latter a posi
tion which lie pievlously held at thu
'orinur, lie icslgneil at the Pine
Urool; collleiy In August, is'i!, to ac
cept the toiemanshlp at tho Diamond.
Fit st Battalion of Thirteenth Regi
ment Highest in State.
Tho tabulated tepoil of Inspector
OeiiPiut Sweeney giving tho ratings,
by battalions, of tho various Kgl
ments In tho Xatlonal Uiiuid at last
summer's inspection at Mt. Otetna,
hus Just been iceelu'd In this city,
The Flint battalion ot the Thltteenth
leglmont, consisting of fonip-iny I, ot
Easton, Company O, of Monti ose, and
Company E, of Honesdale, Lieutenant
Colonel Stlltwell commanding, has the
highest latlug of any battalion In the
state, w.SS.
The Thiid hattulloti, consisting of
Companies V, II, a and L, of'thls city,
Major Fiank llobllng commanding, Is
lated at 90.77, while the Second battal
ion, consisting of Companies 11, D, C
and K, Major u. Hush Field, of K iston,
commanding, has a ifttlng of o9.16 The
regimental ayetage, as mentioned ba
foie in these columns Is 91.07, which
puts the Thliteeuth leglment seconcf In
the state, being Just .21 behind the Six
elfish Politics Do Not Control tho
Aqtlon of Councils tho Change
Will Not Bo Fraught with Any
Dnngor Nothing to Warrant tho
Fear Tkat Officers Will Bo Multi
pliedAttorney J. Elliot Ross Says
Wo Skould Go Akead Boldly by
All Means.
select Councilman for the Seventh Ward,
IVIlor of Tho Tilbimc
Sir Fotmer Justice Alfied Iland'i
m tide tin the now city charter ought
to convince the skeptical that It is
Idle to attempt to evade the 'inandnt.'
of the law. We aie obliged to ac
cept It and it is lime for action.
To cany out Hip mandate, legisla
tion by councils Is necessaiy, and It
Intioduced nt once ample tlmo for de
liberation will be uffoided. Much de
pends upon the disposition of the
people regarding It, If politics arc not
pei mil ted to enter into the shaping
ot legislation: If all woik In har
mony for the best Interests of tho city,
fheio need not be any fear of tho re
sult. Xo moip oillces aie needed than at
piesent; it Is not necessaty to In
r tense salailo.s In thu nggiegate. anl
while taxes must be Inci eased,
whether wo enter the second class or
not, if assessors c.xeiclse sound Judg
ment, the increase will not be bur
densome. The only grave objection is
the system of managing school affalis.
It is clumsy nnd expensive, and
should be lemedled by legislation at
the eaillest moment. A bill intro
duced caily in January can be passed
in time to nffoul the necessary re
lief. In the mattPt ot ci eating offices and
Inci easing salailes, councils will have
no mine power than they now enjoy.
The division of responsibility In the
new charter Is an Impiovcment upon
the pipsent sjsteni. Any neglect of
duty can be located at once nnd fric
tion betweeen departments will b
For the purpose ol making this
clear, let me say thai now the city
engineer makes all plans und specifi
cations for bildges but the law places
the const! uctlnn of the same under
the supervision of the street cominis
siorcr. It will bo lecalled that when
Mr. Punning was stieet commissioner
theio was fi lotion between his o(Ilc
and that of the cltv engineer nn the
question of who should supervise re
paiiing of asphalt pae. That duty
devolves by law on the stieet com
missioner, but all new woik of that
kind Is placed under the dliection of
the city engineer. Under the new oi
dn no .such lidiculous dlstilbution of
duty can arise.
Theie is nothing in the hUtoiy of
Scianlon councils that will warrant
tile fear that offices will be multiplied
J cannot ieenll a single instance din
ing my incumbency, wheie the ei ca
tion ol a new office originated with
councils. And thW is equally Hue as
to ineiease ot salmic. It was always
due to pieysuie fiom tlie maor or
tho head of a department.
Tt must be admitted when compaiel
lth other cities, thai offices ate as
limited in number and salaries as low.
if not lower, In Scianton, than any
i Ity of Its population in the eoun
tiy. Such a compailson will demonstrate
also that assessments ate very much
lower than in other cities of its clas,
and that lecelpts aie in Hie same n
tio. As I said befoie, if councils will take
hold of this matter piopeily, if .sel
fish politics aie avoided In the legis
lation nnd in the subsequent filling ot
offices, the people need have no fear
of mis-government under the new
cltv ehaiter.
Lilitui ol 'I ho 'J illume
Sir: The time Is not yet bejond
memory when the question of how to
lesumo specie payments was discussed
thioughout the length and lueadth of
this land, and the views then ex
piessed weie ns widely diffeient as are
the views held today in Scjianton as to
this eltj's taking her place among
cities of the second class. "The way to
lesume. Is to lesiime," said Hoi ace
(ireeley, and the nation soon disposed
of the mattei in that oiy way.
It would seem as If a somewhat
similar epigianunatic dellveiance
might be made in this second class city
matter, een though the piesent legis
lation, and the veiy state constitution
itself, be not the most suitable swad
dling clothes lor our enfant teulble,
since amendments me not beyond the
bounds of possibility. While Pittsburg
and Scianton would both bo In the
same class nominally, they would bo
in tar dlfleient classes piactlcally, Al
legheny liunlshcs a better, and very
much less foinildable example of
Sci. niton's status as a .second class
With all due defeionco tnlhosowhosa
iews may differ from mine-.. I can see
no good i eastai to defer tho advance
to second class until tho end of the next
decade. The city has giown npaco In
lecenl eais, and the pi aspects of
giowth aie good for jeais to come.
When wo take Into ncconnt how our
capitalists Iium' discounted the futuie
In the buildings they have already
elected, and the Investments they have
made, to say nothing of those contem
plated. It can scarcely be consldeipcl
extiemely rash to predict that a bold
entrance upon the now classification
will soon demonstiate Its wisdom and
Given In the Rooms of the Industrial
Ht. Luke's Patlsh house was the
scene of an unusual entertainment last
night, which Included some featutes
not excelled in tho most lenowned
aciobatlo peifoiinances. Tho Hoys'
Indtistilal association was lesponslble
for tho attiactlve piogrammo ntfoided
and a large audience assembled to see
the young pettoimeis.
This was piobably the Dust umaleur
gymnasium exhibition ever given hi the
city wheie teal tumbling and coutoi
lion woik was not only attempted but
accomplished In tuiu piofessioual
style. It should be lemembeied that
most ot the exhibition work was picked
up and peifected by these fellows who
woik hard tluough the day und whose
only blight glimpse of life Is from the
inside of the association looms In the
basement of (he Parish House. Six
teen boys gave an exceptionally spir
ited dumb bell drill nnd a flar march,
while perhaps the most attractive por
tion of the programme was tho fencing
contests by John Slmmens, John
Heffron, John R. Thomas and John
Hnlderman, T. F. ttoeho and Harry F,
Clark. They did some beautiful work
and aroused unbounded admiration.
The Wilson brothets nnd Grover
Swisher gave a remarkable contortion
ist exhibition, every bit ns good as pro
feslonnl work, The Wilsons are boot
blacks of 11 and 13 years. Tho Durkln
brothers, who are membeis of the as
sociation, have appeared on thd
local stage, Their woik is excellent,
Tho bass clef quartette sang several
Dr. Israel confeired degrees of older
of merit upon Harry Monnlger and
William McAndrew for faithfulness In
Office. These are great honois exceed
ingly apreclatod by the boys. Honor
ary degiees weie confer! cd on Miss
Kdlth Palmer Smith nnd Miss Sallte
Caimnlt, ot nlenbuin, who hnve shown
nlued courtesies to the boys. Dr. Is
rael's remarks weie heard with great
Intel est.
Mr. Itrown, the dhector, was pres
ent, and In charge of the entertain
ment. Miss Kami was the accompan
ist ofr the vocal numbers, Miss Sancton
for the drills. MessrB. Roche and Clark
were tho gymnasium instuictors to
whom much credit Is due.
Conference Between Members of the
School Board and of the Board of
Health Last Night.
A meeting was hejd last night by
the board of health nnd the special
committee appointed by the board oi
control at Its last meeting to investi
gate the question of vaccination of
the children at the public schools to
safeguaid them against the threat
ened epidemic of smallpox.
On motion of Dr. O'Mnlley, lo noti
fy the superintendent of thp public
schools that by Jan. ir.. 1901. ceitlfl
cates of vaccinations must have been
received from eery pupil nnd filed for
leference. In cases wheie ,eitlfleat"s
have, not been handed In, the hoaid of
health and conliollein .ill be toiced
lo adopt stringent means and onfoue
the Micfin.'itlnn. The action wns ap
psoed at last night's meeting.
The committee consisted of Dr.
O'Mnlley, and Conti allots Schwass and
Unikei, who weie appointed to con
fer with the bo'iid of health and
glen full power to tnke whatever
netloii they deemed advisable. The
meeting w is piesided ever bv Mr.
Klsele, and Health Officer Allen 10
pnrtfl that he had diawn the alt-n-tlon
of thu boaid of contiol lo the fact
that the vaccination law was practi
cally a dead letter In the counts.
Considerable discussion wns aroused
by the matter ot paving foi the vac
cination, some of the membeis of the
boaid of health asking whethei the
school boaid would bc.u tho expense.
Attorney r). J. Heedv, the bo.Md so
licitor, declnicd that It v as In no way
Incumbent upon the controllPis to
stand this pxpendltuie, which would
be considerable.
Mis. Randall Prayed That Meicy Be
Shown Her Daughter Margaiet.
Mis. nilen llandall, mother of the de
fendant in the case, caused quite a
stir in Aldetmnn Millar's office yostei
duy morning by tailing on her kness
and piaying for meicy for her child.
The Intlui. Muigniel Kandall, ot
Pleasant avenue, wa.s committed to the
county jail by Aldeiman Millai in de
fault ol $:nu bail imposed on the
chaige of assaulting Llsssic Davis, ot
West Scranton.
The Hundull gill Is only 17 jeais ot
age and was Tuesday held In ?00 ball
by Aldeiman Millar on the ch.ugo ot
stealing vnrinus articles fiom Mis.
Tletye. ot Sumner avenue, for whom
she foimerly acte'd as house seivanr.
She wof then puioled 111 the custody
of her mother, who piomised to bilng
in ball, but neglecte'd to do so.
Yestoiduy the Davis gill, who was
one of the witnesses in the Tietze case,
swoie out u wan ant foi Maig.uet.s
uirest. She claimed that the defend
ant followed her Wednesday night to
a Salvation army meeting which she
attended, and there administered a
severe beating and tiied to make her
piomlse to reti act her testimony.
At yestet day's healing Mis. Kllen
llandall, the mother of the defendant,
begged haul for her daughter. She
was wealing one of the duik blue bon
nets of the Salvation aimy, and, fall
ing n her knees, piayed for fltteen
minutes that meicy would enter Into
the heart of the aldeiman. Mrs. llan
dall has alieady seived time for embez
He Is Charged with Larceny of Mul
tiplicity of Goods.
Joseph Cuiney, who was uncsied
Wednesday on the ohm go of laiceny
of butter was yesterday analgned be
foie Alderman Millar, charged with
stealing two tubs of butter fiom John
T. Poller's wholesale gioceiy store,
one tub of butter from the Delaware.
Lackawunnu und Western fi tight sta
tion wheie It was awaiting shipment,
a hoise blankot belonging to the Xn
tionnl lllscult company of Lackawanna
avenue, and a box of cakes which tho
latter company had enti listed to tha
Delawnie, Lackawanna and AVostern
nallroad compnny for shipment.
All of these goods weio found In a
barn on Mifflin avcntio, when they had
beeen tinnsported by Catnov and his
partner, quo Dave Hendeison Car
ney claims to be Innocent of theft but
admits assisting Hendeison In carrying
away tho butter, cakes, etc. Alder
man Millar held Carney in 11,000 ball,
He Was State Secietnry of the Chiis
tian Endeavor Union.
II. C, Lincoln, of Philadelphia, who
was elected secretaiy of the Pennsyl
vania Clulstlan Kudenvor union al the
convention In Philadelphia a month
ago, has leslgned on account of piess
of business,
H, W, Keller, of 3JI Fourth iivonue,
Plltsbuig, has been appointed slate
secietaty, subject to the appioval of
the executive committee, which will
meet next mouth In Ilanlsbuig or
Mis. Winslow's Soothing Syiup
prugKUU In cury runt of the world Ho tme
uii'l .uk foi "Mm. Wlmlow'it boollilnj; Srup,"
uiul take ho olliei Mini Tncnt) the milt a
a Wen ue.l lor over I'lKTV VI! IRS bv
MILLIONS oi MUllllllls for thcli tlllLDM.N
WIIILK 'fKLHIIMJ. ttilll I'KIMIWr !sUr rS8
H SOOHIKS thu Ullll). SOHKNS the HUM'
ALLWh ull PAIS; f'JtlhS WIND rOl.W, ,
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Seen Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. -Don't, fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
.Mis. U Semico is lepoilcd to !)."
A, W. t-'nitu. ot GlliMin. was In till-,
city estc'icla!u
Antliniu Connoi, ol tiic I "nit vl
Htntc-s aimv, is home on a tiiiinui;h.
Mr". II. M. ltomiils, ol Iti'Misban
liiust, s leeovciinp: fiom lif-i H' 'lit
ill . F. V. link is uiiifii ilnlnir Ii"'
1 .ii enti.. Air. and All-. U.i Id T. lluu
rci, of Xoith HliiKluim, Pa
AIi.s. 11. J. Pleic... of lit'iKimi'i.
V has lutuniud home nftei ,i nit
with hei sisU'i. Alls. . I, J.ponaid.
TPienco V. Walker, the cINttlet -n-lieilnt-ndoiit
ol tin- IntM national On'
lespondcnei' .-ciiool, went fo Stioiuls
lnutr esteiilay on buslne-ss
William Oplc. si , ot HliUot MifOt,
lias leslfinecl his position with the Hen
dilck AlnnufaetuiiiiK company and ie
snmed his loiiner position at I iu D"ln
waie and Hudson Xoith Alain stieet
blacKsinlth shoo.
The l'nlt'd Aline WoiKeis ot Anieil
ea, Local Xo. 814, will hold a tegular
lneetlnjr this ecnlnK. at which Im
portant business s expected to com'
up. All membeis are ONpeeted to be
in attendance.
Airs. Agnes K. lliodle is iu West
Plttston, wheie she will attend a ten
to be given foi the benefit ot the viol
ence AllsMon at the home of Alls. .1. S.
Oiiillths. Ahs. rtiodle will also deliver
an addiess whllu theie.
The nest meeting of the Caihondale
Aledicul society will lie held in the
Hanlson House parloi.s on ThuiMlay
evening, Dee. IS. Dr. Oillls will lie the
liost of that evening nnd the Al. D.'s
of this eity nie expected to have un
exceptionally good time.
The naptlst Sunday school will giV"
a supper and entertainment in Clll
moie'H hall, oa Thlid .stieet, this even
ing. Supper fiom 8 to 7.30, entei taln
ment nt S o'clock. Admission to both,
:.'," cents. Pioceeds aie to be devoted
to the oi gan fund. All aie coidlully
invited to bo piehenl.
Tho bazaur and entei tnlnment in the
Sunday school loom of St, James.'
chin eh was again well pationlzed last
evening. The pi ogi amine of vocal
t-olos, i epilations and choruses wait)
appicciatlimly listened to. Aluch of
sticess of the affair is duo to .Miss Kes
fonden, the lectnr'a daughter, who had
spent cousideiable time in piepaiing
tho ciilldreu for the pleasant affair.
Jormyn conclave, No. nso, of tlm
Heptasophs, elected the following ofli
eers on Wednesday evening: Aichon,
W. J. Dergaii; provost, John AlcCarty:
pi elate, P. If. Alaloney; financier, Hen
jamln Aloigun; ticasiuer, T, K. Aloon;
secrotary, W. II. Tennis; hcntinel,
Thomas Splllane; waiden. John Tlghu;
trustees, Al. 1 AloUermott, Aithur
Aloigan, Al. .1. daily; delegate to sti
pieniu conclave, to be held In Hoston
in June; W. J. Morgan; alternate, W.
H. Tennis,
The pastor of tho Fliht iniptist
church, Itev, Alaynaid 11. Tlunnpson,
will bo out of town Sunday and has
ut ranged to bavo Ulder W. 11. Cliow,
of Cuibundule, take chaige of the sei
Vic's, both morning and evening
Dr. P. C. Alunley and Oeotgu HucU
Ingham weie letently elected pit'sldeiit
and societal y of the Alayfleld boaid ot
A child of Air, anil AIk (,'. I. Hell
has been sick the past few duys.
The employes of tho Ihle, Ke stone
and Olenwood cnllieiies will lecvlve
their month's puy today.
'AIIS3 Alalia Piltchaid, of West Alay
fleld, was a Scianton visitor yestei-day.
P!aceGuermsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor
Alfsbis. Joseph Slione and William
ttojiif aie spending a tew das hunt
ing .it Kimball. While theie they are
the guests of All. A. T. Stewart, a foi -mer
lesldent of Peckvtllo.
Ales-sis. John l'liitiy and John AVar
n n left .veiterd.iy for Kl I'.isn, Tesas,
wheie thev liave iciuoii c milled ment.
All. Hemy Puidy and Air. Snooks, who
have been at III Puso foi seveial weeks,
socuieil piolitiilile employment Imniedi
ately upon theli aiilval theie. and hnve
Inclined Alessix Puidv and Wan eft to
loin Mieill.
A llteiaiy and iiiiihIlhI entei talnment
vlll lie given In the Hli,li school chapel
this evening, under the auspices ot the
junloi class. A .silver utfeiing will be
leeched at the door for the benefit of
the High school ciuulatlng llbiury. All
aie coidl Hlv invited to attend. The fol
lowing piogi.inime will he given: Or
gan volimtni, Helen Jones; essay,
Alabel IMwuids; iccltatinn, Kilnii Ai
nold; bass solo, How.ud Prtnulage; es
say. Aim lei Hvans; declamation. Alar
shall Jones; Instiumetitfil duet, AIcssis.
Ilenjamln and Haw ley: lecltatlon,
Grace HiiRlies: vocal duel, Allsses
AV'anl and Jones; medley lecltatlon;
soprano solo, Nettle Alfison; .school
paper, Lena CJendall: leading, AIlss
.Tes.Ie Steiins' olo, Haininn Slt
gieave.s; pantomime, "The Haven;" se
lection, Alessis. Heujaniin and Hawle.v.
H. W. Swingle has accepted the posi
tion of supplv cleik, under the Hillside
t'oal and lion company, at their Fein
wood colliery nt Plttston.
The Women's C'hilstiun Tenipeinnce
union will meet at the home of Alis.
Steal ns this evening at 7,30 o'clock. All
membei.s aie leciuestod to be piesent.
Alessi.s. William McLaughlin and
riank Ilenjamln spent lni?t evening ut
.Mis. William Snedltor letuined ves
teulay fiom a visit with Honesdale
AIlss Uniina t'nipeiilei'.iptuincil yes
terday fiom Duiiiuoip, wheie she has
been visltins lier sister, Alts. Thomas
Airs, t'hailes Haiued spent yestei day
at Scianton,
Stops tho Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Biomo-Qulnhio Tablets
cute a cold In one day. No Cuio, No
Pay. Price J5 cents.
Iliiinii', Aluliliili; 'lifil at III home on lliiinmiir
slim otiriliy ninriiiuK, nil 1 1 limf illm.
His ilfnth was Hip remit of un JltJck f( jiiirii.
in. iila, wlili Ii lie iniitiJCloil ii few ilij ik I'"
ccsod wjs lioni In rmmlj Vljjo, licliml, fortj
IIiiih. Venn up), anil i.imc ti Anuilci licit
.iliuil 21 )cn of .i,'f, Hi' lni In i ii i iUlfiit
nf llils tnwii uliuiit filliin jriin, anil ttJ u
kputiil liv a liixt el fifcliili foi liii nuiiy Jil
lillialiln liailM of cluiiilil. ll'.itlti Ills wile,
lie U urtlei lis m'cii rliililrrn. He a. ii
niiiiilui nt llie CitliolU VIiii'b ileiirtnlilit jw-
ijlion anil tlie Vniiint Onii'l in lllluinians The
nimiiil will UWe. ) 1 1 ico lonnniim inonilii' at ID
o'llmk, win re u iuiilnn hum will he cclebmtcil
III M i'.illitk'i, Oiuicli. llinlil In hi, I'.iiiliX'a
1 1 nn li i
Jllr-i MuL'c jli(W, III Utile lUuclitei of
I'.kilmum .mil Mi, ,s, .1. Miltlieuii cntirtJlnril j
1 1 1 fv ninnliii m ha .louuic InuuU ,it Im hone
mi I). lmiiie hlieit e-tinlj) iitlrrnoim, hitueui
Die liom -. ul .1 uml A uMuiJc. Ihe utT ill was in
liuiiiir ut lui .ivtli I1I11I11I.1) .Mlu .i mum ii nf
fun uiul ukii.wiijUii,.', the eu linlli.l
lulu Ihe iliniiiK ruuiii, wlme .1 ililntj ii).it a
shihI 31 Us Mitllnws nciittil iiuia ult) tlikllli.
'the i:uUlm- lli.-e ii,iiiun.v i.ill mill lliu
iviiiIiir, All iiiciiilur me icqueiUd to In pi -int.
An alalia uf the bbiimlul I rum liov It, at the
iuiiui uf Laikauuiiiia uml Hjllou .tiut Jl i
ii'cluik jisliiila.i .ittcrnuon, uai i iuiJ li.v a
fllulit l.laxu iu tin eai nf Mi. ill.' ilolhinic
Guernsey Hall
nme on i.irkiuaniu street. The fire wis fitartrd
lo -nine pipcm which were left hurnlnpr in the
link .Mini The IXielsIor anil So. 2 lloic com.
pmii". i t-.,intrl promptly, but theli wr lee-i
vine not iimliU an Ihe blaze wan evtinsmclnM
b (hemicul nparaliui. The rear of the
lmlldiiig badlj scorched.
Mi". Il(i--e Hollv i vinitliiK relltlven It l'oll.
ville. '
Mi-. Ilioiims. II l,lo.ul Kpnt ,istciila t
Hi mlliarn.
Itci. A. l I Unit, of Tlioni)on, who has hem
liililntt lelatiies in lllikrb, retnmrct home jes
terilu. Vl. Palruk Vliluren. f Scotch tret,' in cty
Alls. Al.u?aiet Carey is quite sick at
the home of her daughter. Airs. Robert
Airs. Hdvvaid Barnes bus returned
home from Heading, wheie she has
been visiting lelatives.
A supper will be served in the Brick
Methodist Hpiscopal church parlor on
Piiday evening lor the benefit ot the
Sunday school.
Mis. Fannie Alillaid, an old lady II
yt.iiH of age, has just completed a quilt
which Is d niatvel of beauty. It Is of
the slate house stop pattern and con
tains J.44S pieces. She did the vvoiK
In tliiee weeks,
Itosaniiri, the 4-yeai-old daughter of
Mi, and Airs. Itobert Robinson, died on
Sundny of diphtheila. Two others ol
the family aie also sick of the same
Airs. D. ('. Reed is visiting her daugh
ter. Alls. John Wllfcon, of Moscow.
Alis. John 11. Hdwards, of Connellton,
has moved her family Into the John
Armey homestead.
Intensive inipinvement.s aie being
made on the Alethndlst Episcopal por
A Polish miner lesldlng neai the city
line was ..eilously burned this week In
Stairs No. 1 mine. He was In the act
nf making a rnitridge and In some
way Ignited a quantity nf powder. The
injiued man was at once conveyed to
the Aloses Tuylni hospital and It Is
said his injuiles are thought to he
AIlss Kmma Auiier, ot OlyphaiH. vis
It eel fi lends here this week.
AIlss net tt tula Watklns Is visiting ni
Ihe home of Air. nnd .Mis. James Sv
mons, ot Blokoly,
John Wesley castle, No, III!), will meet
In session this evening'.
Two llustiated lectin es villi be giver
In the Clark's Oieen Baptist chinch on
Monday and Tuesday evenings, Decem
ber IT and IS, lespectively, On Mon
day evening "The Life of ChriHt," and
on Tuesday evening "New York City
Seen 111 Ninety Minuted." The lectin
on Alonilay will bo fiee; on Tuesday,
admission in and -" cents, The lectin
will be dellveie.l by Itev, II. J, Wlialon
11, D who as a populat leetiucr
tomes highly endoibcil.
How's ThUP
r nllii l'11" Ibiii'lreil Pulton llevunl 'or nv
iiih of Lklunh lhat cannot In cmcil by JNll'i
1'al.iilli lure
V. J. lll'.M'. .V. fO Tolfilo. 0
We, Ihe ijinlci.iunul, have known I', I, l'liene
(in the last 13 )nr, and Ih'11( IiIiii peneitlj
huiioiahle in all buincss Iuiu-.k lion, and finan
iUIIv able lo iau,i out un ubluation inaile
bi llioli linn
West i. 'tin ix. Wlioliwle Diniiill.t. loleilo, (I
Vtalillnif, KlniiJii & Haul". Uholnule Drug,
b'Ulu, 'I I'll do, O.
lUU'a Cutairh Cuie U taken fiitunally, aitliit
illrnlly upon the blood and niuunH mitaic , t
tho Matejii. 'lulliiionials cnt frrr. Price 7Si
per bottle, bold b all i)ru,'kiiti
llall' I Jinilv I'ilN are the best.
.. -r