'riT'PSSsF'i &?$ ?"" ' -? ? iSS'iJ1? . 4 'J1 i.y ' ". . ",v lv'w r $m THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY DECEMBER 13, 1900. I MEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD NEW COAL COMPANY HAS BEEN ORGANIZED. It Hits Secuved Conl Lnml in the Third Ward of This City nnd Pricoburg Special Examinations for Lackawanna Employes Cause of the Trouble at the Edwards villc Mines Annual Convention of District Union No. 1. of the Mine Workers, to Be Held Next Month. Application will In- nmilc l (Itiver nor Stono on Frliluv, Deo. US, for the charter of the llclluncu Coal company, n nowlj'-orsmilKiMl corporation, of which D. St. Helllr h thu tempoiory president, and which will conihtot operations on a la rue tract of land In the Third ward of thl.M city and DIcU Hon City boiouffh. Nlnpty-Hevcn ui-ipm of coal land have been leased from the l'rleo, 1'ancouHt and Throop Coal com pany, and twenty-three titles have been leased from Alfred JIarvoy. Resides these, an undivided hair part of the coal under a stretch of llfty i IkIU acres, known us the Hartwell tiact, has been purchased trom the present owner, Tra K. Hartwell. All of the land Is praetlcaly virgin terri tory, and has never before been worked. As for as can be nsceitulned by a ettidy of the neighboilnff coal lunds, the tract Is supposed to contain about one and a quarter million tons. The members of the company are: M. J. Kelly, 13. A. Bartl, Daxld M. Uellly, Michael Grimes and M. K. Snnilti. A temporary organization was ef fected at a meeting held about ten days ago, when Mr. ttellly was elected president, Mr. Snndo secretary and Mr. Kelly treasurer. The company I capitalized at $100,000. The charter is expected to arrlvtj here about Satur day, Sept. 29, but It Is doubtful if n permanent organization will be started before the first of the year. Active operations will begin Immediately af ter this move. Special Examinations. For some time it has been the prac tice on the Delawure, Lackawanna and Western railroad to require an examination of the eye-Bight and hear ing of nil persons wishing to enter the company's service, and also of ex amining the present employes. In order to bring about a more rapid i (inclusion of these physical inspec tions, special ear No. 03 has been iltted up, in which these examinations will now be held. The car will be placed on a convenient track to the passenger station and Dr. G. D. Mur ray will be In charge of it during the next few days, commencing at 1.30 o'clock this afternoon. Lackawanna trainmen wore yester uay acquainted with this action by a bulletin issued by Superintendent E. M. Klne, nnd all conductors, baggage men, brakemen, drill masters and drill men are asked to report at the car as soon as possible. Annual Convention. Considerable comment Is being moused In labor circles by the an nual convention of the United Mine "Workers of America of District No. 1, which will be held next month. The miners will convene at Edwards vllle and the session will be opened on Jan. 11 and continue several days. It will be presided over by President Nichols. A number of important matters to the men of the district will come up for action. Finishing the Pays. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company has now completed the work of paying at the mines, yards and shops, and thera will be no more work for the paymaster until Saturday, when the trainmen .will be paid This month's Lackawanna pay loll was a large one, the ten per cent, increase at the mines causing it to assume for larger pioportlons than o yoi e. O. nnd W. Officials Have Gone. The officials of the New York, On tario nnd "Western Railroad company, who were In the city during Monday and Tuesday, all left the city Tues day afternoon nnd yesterday morning, Vice President Keir being one of the last to depart. It is now announced that their visit was In the nature of a general In spection of the company's coal mines. As yesterday stated in The Tribune, Superintendent 1J. U. "Williams and the out-of-the-clty otllclals visited the Mt. Pleasant colliery Tuesday morning. The Pine Brook, Cnpouse, Thioop, Kuymond at Archbald, Johnson at Prleeburg, and Pancoast, wore among other of the mines Inspected. Laborers Oo on Strike. Fifteen laborois at the P-IIss col ll"iy ut Nantleoko will stop work to day, ns a result of a tefusal of tlv.i miners whom they depend on for Mages, to grant them the ten per rpnt. ineieaso. President Nleholls, of DM ti lot No. 1, held a meeting of the col lleiy's miners lost night at Nantleoko to take action regarding the matter. and all the miners present agreed to give their laborers the Increase. The mine Is opeiated by the Dela wnre. Lackawanna, and AVi stern Rtill roud company, and the ten per cent, Ineieaso Jh in elfect, as at the com pany's other collieries. The laborers are not paid by tho company, hut re ceive their wages direct fioin the mlu eis, A few of the ptuigway miners, how ever, claim that they ate not favored with n regular Ion per cent. Increase, and therefore relused to pay the men. Their ineiease coiisists In seven nnd a half per cent, olf of the price of powder and a two and u half re duction on other supplies. Tho laborers will not return to work till they receive the December inete.ihu and a promise of continuance, President Nleholls Is In hopes of soon settling the tumble, The timing teports which huvo uppeaied concern ing the Lackawanna company not giuntlng the Increase at the Bliss, Taylor and several West Hcranton mines, are without foundutlon. Trouble at Edwavdsvllle, The condition of affairs at the Kings ton Coal company's mines at Edwards vllle Is nt present In a. very dlsagiee able state. The companyhus been given speelllc notice that upless Foreman Thomas .Morgan Is removed by Decem ber 15, 19, and several other griev ances adjusted, the men will tease work. .. . . M There are between fifteen hundred nnd two thousand men (it the cbm patty's large breakers, and from pres ent Indications It looks as though they will go on a strike, as the company is obdurate and refuses to remove Mor gan until ho has been legally convicted of the charges against him. lie Is an outside foreman, and the employes clulm that he hrts been gulltv of ex torting money from men who applied to him for work, nnd also of obtaining money from minors, by threatening them with dismissal unless his de mands were compiled with. A hearing In the case was recently held before several of the company offi cials, at which a number of miners tes tified against Morgan. Another of the miners' grievances Is the fact that tho compuny Insists on nine Inches topping ut their tollleiies, while other mines only ask for six Inches. Another of the men's complaints Is that the Klncston authorities lefuse to announce whether or not they wilt pay by the semi monthly system during the coming year, as will bo done by most of the companies after Januaty 1. The men at the mines all desire this. Today's D., L. & W. Board. Today's D., L. and board Is as follows: Wednesday, Dec. l, U 11.11 CA1S KAsT. f.Ufl p. in. t . lUrtliolotnctt. 1D.H0 p. in. II. T. r-Vllowa. Jl.:!0 p. in, J. Swart. WILD CATS HA'jr. Thursday, Dec. 11. l'.'.UU t. in. 1'. (illllgan. 11.00 n. in. O. ltandolph. 4 00 a. m. It. (.'.vanrr. fi.00 a. m. T. Nanmau. 0 00 a. m. O. Keainc.v. 5 00 a. in. .1. A. Iluli. 0.00 a. in. .1. t.'cirlt)'. 10.00 a. in, A. .1. McDonnell, lt.HOu. m. I. CuiiiiiikIi. 1,00 1 1. in. II. .1. f.url.in. '-'.00 p. in, K. M. Hallett. 11.15 p. in. V. J). Sri or. J, 4"i p. in. V. A. llartholcmicir. SUMMITS. i;tc. 5.00 a. in., cut ):. McAlllitcr. L'.UO p. in., ut .1. Mohlcr. (100 p. in., ca-t II. (Illlfgiiii. 0.00 u. in., uml (J. l'roiiniclLcr. S.OO a. in., wst W. II. Nichols. 32.00 noon. ict .1. Carrifff. 7,00 p. in., U'i.t from Cijiiua Mil.ane. 7.00 p. in.. m-a'lHiin Cn)ti;a Ginlcy. 7.00 p. in., ca.t lioni Nay Aug K. Ihilty. VVLIMX9. 10.00 a. m. K. Sccor. rUSHKRS. 8.00 a. in. House r. 11.3(1 a. in. Moran. 7.00 p. in. .Murphy. 9.00 p, in. A. II. Roue. rASSKXGTR ESC1SL8. -Gaffncj. -O. Case. -Stanton. -Magomn, WILD CATS WEST. -P. W. Dunn. T. :. Thompson. P. Fils'patrick. -IV. Kliby, villi A. 0. 7.00 a. nv 7.00 a. in. &.;io p. in.' 7.00 p. in.- 4.00 a. iii.- 0.00 a. nt.- (1.00 a. m. 7.00 . lii.- incn. 8.00 a. ni.- 0.00 a. in.- 10.00 a. m.- 11.00 a. lii.- 12.00 iioon- 1.00 p. ln.- 2.00 p. m.- 3.00 p. m.- 1.00 p. m.- 0.00 p. lii.- 0.00 p. m.- Ilammllt's -.lolin GahaKan. -HagKcily. -J. U'llara. -J. II. McCann. -T. McCarthy. -W. ijBarr. -G. W. Smith. -A. 1 Mullin. -O. W. I'iUgcralcl. i -O. Thomas, with ltogcrs' m?n. -II. Smith. This and That. General Superintendent T. M. Clarke, of the Lackawanna, left for New York city Tuesday night. Superintendent Dudgeon, of the Lackawanna, has Issued two bulle tin orders from Buffalo. In one of them the speed of trains over bridge No. 13, west of Nichols, is Increased to twenty-five miles an hour. The other 'reduces trains' speed to six miles an hour ever bridge No. 11, one quarter of a mile east of Nichols. As a result of the recent conference between the fielght departments of the Central Railroad of New Jersey and the New York, Ontario and West ern company, a report has now been drawn up legardlng the present con dition of the movement of the tratilc. This will be immediately forwarded to the companies' transpoitutlon de partments. Superintendent Loomls, of the Lack awanna coal department, has accepted the resignation of William Penn Morgan from the position of foreman of the Diamond mine of the Delnwaie, Lack awanna and Western company, to go Into effect Saturday. There are sev eral candidates for the place, and It is probable that Mr. Morgan's suc cessor will be today named by Super intendent Loomls. All of the machinery has been le moved from the Weston Mill property on Lackawanna avenue, now owned by the Delaware and Hudson com pany, and everything is In readiness for the work of tearing down the pres ent structure, ami beginning the con struction of the company's new frieght station. Tt is not likely that any ac tive steps will be taken, however, be fore Jan. 1, 1901. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. ind Irving Place, NEW YORK. American Dan, S3.G0 per day and upward. European Plan, $1.60 per day and upward. I. D. CRAWFORD, Proprietor. X For Business Men f In the heart at tb wholesale a. r- dtitrlet. T For Shoppers V x X minutes' walk to Wanamakera; 7. 3 minutes to Slegel Cooper's Big T Bteire. Kasy of accesi to the great Dry Qoooa Btores. X For Sightseers f One block from B'way t:ara. glv. t 4 Ine easy transportation to all points of Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT I I NEW YOKK. X f ror.llth ST. UNIVEBSITY Pl only one Block from Broadway t Rooms, $1 Up. iflSFfflXSLto WINTER RESORT. ''Through the Hesperian Gardens of the West" Rums the Luxurious "SUNSET LIMITED' The Finest Thing on Wheels, AND IT TAKES YOU TO THOSE DELIGHTFUL Summer Lands of " California." Special through trains toiislttlnfr ut aleeplnr and .dining-cars will leate New York every Sat urday. Tueaday and I'liursdaj, wniiectlnc dj. rtctly with the "bunwt Limited'' at New Orlcjiu. Cor lull Inlormatlon, fr.ee illustrated paniph. lets, cap j and time-table?, also lowest latiu, alecplne tar ticket and bsrege checked, apply to Southern Pacific Co., 109 8. Third ktreet. pS33$3Sfg$SSf3gS&gSS3S$3Sa3$ MERCEREAU & GONNELL NOW OPEN IN OUR NEW STORE WITH A NEW STOCK FOR THE HOLIDAYS ..... Diamonds Watches Silverware Oflt STOCK l-'OIt EXTENT, VAHI KTV AND FINKNKSS IN EVEItY DEPAHTMENT 1R NOT KXCEMjED IN THIS LOCALITY OUR WELL-KNOWN OUAttANTEE tlOES WITH EVEIIY ARTICLE. . . ALL ARE WELCOME S tVV V Holiday Ftirniture Going to buy a gift for Christmas ? Why not make it a useful one a sensible one ? We are stocked with a splendid lot of Novelties amongst them you'll find just what vou want FANCY STANDS AND TABLES ARTISTIC BRIC-A-URAC VERNIS MARTIN PIECES Might go on with a list that would keep you thinking for a week, bupposing you take time by the forelock come and see what we have. In Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. Sensible Holiday Gifts Smoking Jackets, House Robes, Traveling Cases, Fine Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc. Highest Grade, Lowest Prices. OPEN EVCNINQS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. 412 Spruce Street. SCRANTON'S LEADING FUR ES TABLISHMENT. F. L. Crane Established M 866. Furs aud Fur Garmeuts of all kinds, and our prices are low, it is iu fact unsafe to pay less. Call and see our Laylored Suits Jackets. Long Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces Boas, Muffs and Children's Furs. We carry these in full assortment. Furs repaired. saw runs bought. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 'Hie IVpiilu- Houe rniiiWilnsr hi oi e. Jhe Useful gift..... Is always appreciated, May we suggest; Gravy Indies, $1,SS to $3.00. Soup Ladles, $2.50 to $3,00. Berry Spoons, $1,80 to $3.00. Coffee Spoons, $1,75 to 83,75. All of the best nualltv triple-plated silverware, l Foote & Fuller Co Mcars Building, TRIBUNE WANT ADS. PRING QUICK RETURNS mMobam Jewelers Silversmiths Jewelry Cut Glass Leather Goods No. 132 Coal Exchange Wyoming Avenue sAyVVssrfsvsVVVS'V,Vsrf.fVwV Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (neaisreneo.) Merchant Tailoring MM It is impossible to get more for your money than we give you. Others may offer lower prices but they give you much inferior work. Some give good work, but exhorbitant prices, Our facilities are the best, our work the best and our prices the lowest. W. J. DAVIS, 213 Wyoming Ave. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, M Heaters. k t.jn PENN AVENUE. All Points West CHICAGO & north-western RAILWAY JHE BEST OF EVERYTHING. Through trains Chicago to Des Moines, Mason City, Sioux City, Omaha, The Black Hills, Denver, Salt Lake, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutli, Ashland and Copper Country, Call on any agent (or tickets or address 4(1 enaiua) . W.w Kara! 43SVti$St. Clntlmatl 607 SmMI'14 St., Plttltwg )4 Swltr St., CHMlint tOI Ohtfi St.,miattltih 3(9 WoialagtM St., totoa SOt Main St., ' lufah 313 Clark It., Cafeagg n Camtut Kmtlul, draft 3lr,)lt,latl,Ttrett,0it. mri.F.THEEL,M.D.N.il!ihl rnie to cure tfttr allethtrt fail. MiYATI: LfLiuVfBiicHAiMriuiiiiatXillll lIHllI (uwnwrnerntMf oocuUTclieeMPnX liofnautcatiiiidnjiii llClltIl.llQBIillf IH tKTIIMI.'.rl..l.i.7.iu7.hnoTuiiiI.g.,'lr JYCiiftOriettcal AMaihisiiitilinr incilnGnmiiiv h. 3trcihcuC'ire4Tu4taOiUyi. AtolichctpCreitnfni 3oIr cftTcd m a Cfttch. Buloi 1 houunrh. btni (t Hort Tfllaail&la at BMikaaiviiiiir mail if a I VcUcitkftl friuHi C nfTirtTnTTfTTTTirfHinffnTmT?TTTUTtmS CUSTER KUiUiJ i FIN The many who have made their purchases of furs foi . this winter doubtless welcomed the recent sudden drop oi the mercury. They've had but little opportunity as yet to wear them. There'll be plenty from this time on. There'll be no better time to make selection---no bettei place than this Fur Store in which to make it. The assortment is very wide, embracing about everything that you'll care to look at. All of sterling quality, conscienti ously put together. There are neck scarfs at $4 and a Jacket for $225.00. Handsome Collarettes of Stone Mar ten, Bear, Mink and Sable. Stone Marten Boas, Electric Seal Jackets, Persian Lamb Coats, Genuine Seal Coats. Men's Fur Lined Coats, some lined with Mink, some with Persian Lamb Collar and Cuffs, others with Collar and Guffs of Russian Sable, and so on the fur stock will in terest you. It is attracting a large number of Christmas buyers, for nothing makes a more acceptable gift than a piece of nice fur. CONNOLLY & THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED IS? DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital SSOO.OOO Surplus OOO.OOO WM. CONNELl, President. HEiSRY BELIN, Jr., VlccPre. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashlir. Bpecla! attention given to busi ness accurnts. Three per cent. in. tereat pal on Interest deposits. 0 Lager Beer Brewery Mnunfticturera or OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 465 N. Ninth Street, ill UN, Telephone Cull, 2333. XHB SiC POWDER CO. ' Hoems 1 aud'2, Com'ltb ITd'j. OEANXON, 9A. ninlng and Blasting POWDER K U (4 Mooalo and Huth) lale WoJill. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANOB QUN POWpER icetiio BatterlM, KleatrloBxploi.r. spio4iDg biMti, atr iut i 1 Rmiii ClMilcal Ct.'t eXP& inis is GCRANTON'3 SHOPPING CENTER, STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL GHRISTMA&. FURS WALLACE, -f -f -f -f -f -f 4 -f 4 -f -f f f f -f 4 4 & f f f tv v J0BdK2Xlimk. mKWtf- & fw& ill 4- X' r 4 -;r ' ' M& Williams LEADERS IN Carpets, Wall Paper. Draperies. 44444 44 4 444 44 4 - t - 09iitt0 Game Board. Twenty seven different games, iucltiding Billiards, Pool, Carroms, Ten Pins and several very interest ing games. Get one aud keep your boys at home eveniugs. We Have Also the Popular Game, Archarena Fifty four games. This game has been greatly improved siace last season, many new games) added. We are now wsl stock-d with a complete line of Cameras, Kodaks ud supplies, including a large assortment of Card Boards for mounting posters, all colors and sizes, of Striking Bags, Foot Balls. Sweaters and everything athletic. There ia no limit. Florey & Brooks, 21 1 SJ"1 DR. DENSTEN Ikyslclau and Silicon 311 Spurn St. liuipe Uuri Building bCHANlON PA. All acute and chrcnlo dlseas-. cl men, wo men and ihlldrvn. CilltU.SIU NLUVOUS. UUA1N AND WASs'WNO UlbKASKS A SCIIC 1ALTY. All di.ej.c3 ol tlic l.iU'r, Kidneys. Uladder. butt, llloud. Kciun. Wumb, V.ya, tar, Nose, Tlirojl, and l.unfa. CinctTi, runiiia, I'llca, lluturc, Uoltrc. Illicunialium, Asthma, Catarrh, ano(ucU. tu.t Manhoud, Nightly r'niUiloiu. all tXnialu DUcxiO, U-ucorrhota, etc. Ounuonlica, SlhUlt, lllocd I'ol.in, Indiscre tion and youthful luulu obliterated, buigery, ViU, KpilcpJ.v, Tape and Stomaih Worran. C.V TAKHHOONi:. Specific- lor Catanh. 'three months' treatment onlr t5.00. Tiial free in office. Consultation and examinition fict. OUko hours djllv and Sunday, S a. m. to 0 p. w. DR. DENSTEN JyL 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE -f- -f -f -f 4 4- 4 -f -f -f -f 4 4 4 Oriental Rugs I 4 "A thing of beauty is a joy forever," a true, and . trite saying when applied 4 to our Oriental Rusjs. X What more appropriate 4 for a gift? Our sjock ot- X fers you an unexcelled as- sortment at our well known low prices. 4 4 4 4 ) r 4 4 4 4 4 44 444444 44444444444 HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent (or tho Wyoming District (or DUPONTS POWDER. Jllnin;;, Illastlni;, Sporting, Kmokelesa and da Kcpauno Chemical Company'! High Explosives. Eafitjr Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 01 Con. cell Building, b'uantoo. AUKXCli:S: TII03. FORI) , PitUton JOHN' B. 6M1TI1 li EON ..., Plymouth W. E. UULLIQAN ........Wllkes-B.rre IMiiiiltv 1 S W V ll&L Ls it 'A.-ji L.t V '- (irfc .(. 'i- tUr'f"