The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    y-s'v, i3Sf'i- !
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E-pci'ln) In I lie Scranton Ttlliutip.
Honi'sdiilo, Dec. 1'J. Mr.i, Arthur
TorwllHRor, of HltiKliiitiitoii, N. Y., Is
vtaltlnir hut1 puruntH, Mr. iiml Mih.
Henry IIui-Uuir.
Mr. II. T. Whitney linn nonts to
"Warren, t'n,, whuro hIic Will spend Hie
wlntcrwltli her parents!, Mr. und Mrs.
J. K. Vitltiicr.
Mr. and Mm. V. 11. Kimble are rep
li'scntliiK Ueecli drove fjriitiKe ut the
mcc'tlna- of the State irrunttc In Hcwdnn
nt Lock Haven, Pa.
On Christmas niKht Vrt'oinitn's or
chestra will hold their II rot iiiinniil
ball anil reeeptftut In tin; armory.
The Dclawuro unit Hudson paymas
ter will pay on the briiiiuli and In
Jlonesrtule Thursday.
Park Lake wan frozen over very
quickly, mulling tine Htmllng- for the
nnjoyment of the young people.
The ooa.1 btt.ilneak on tho Delaware
rind Hudson HoiieHtlule branch Is very
lieavy, taxing the coal yarda here be
yond their capacity.
Mrs. Maggie CHlleaple, of fjcranton,
bns been spending- tho past week at
tho homo of her mother, Mrs, If. (5.
Court of common pleas Is now In
session, with some long' ami knotty
cases to be tried.
Tho building adjoining the 'I'. U.
Clark cutting shop, on Maple avenue,
is to bo occupied by n company as u
glass decorating shop, operating In
connection with the cut glass business.
The T.a Vorte Comedy company
rinsed thulr engagement at tho Hones
dale Opera House last evening. On
Tuesday evening they presented, "Mas
ter and Man." bringing out the ability
of the company In a creditable man
ner before a well-pleased audience.
The hoy singer and other specialties
helped to make up a good entertain
ment. The company spend the re
jnalndPr of the week in Hawley.
Slid lit to thi' Scraiitnn 'lillitine.
Nicholson, Dee. 1-'. Mr. and Mrs. Y.
"W. IiClJoy spent Sunday with friends
In New Milford.
Mrs. Carrie Kinsman N .-pending;
uuo time with her parents, Mr. and
Sirs. Charles Conrad.
Airs. A. W. Stark was (.ailing- on
relatives at Foster Saturday.
.Mi's. H. Ci. Mack guvo a curd parly
nt her home on Stat-1 street In honor
of Mr. Slack's lll'ty-fourlh hirtbday.
Ivefreshnients were served. . Tlio.--e
resent were H. f. Stephens, (!. S.
Harding, S. II. Harding, T. 13. ''oone.v.
K. L. Bacon, 11. Knapp, .Mr. A.
"Frounfelker. K. F. Johnson and Dr.
H. M. Niks.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Uell and son
Stanley spent a few days last week
with friends at Harford.
Last Friday afternoon a number if
little folks journey to tho home of
Mrs. Brown on North Sr.Uo street
In honor of her son Ray's third birth
day. A very enjoyable time was spent
and refreshments were served.
1 -es-ent were: Mabel Conrad, Helen
Stephens, Kthel Deeker. Cleo Squlies.
Howard .Walker, Clark Stephens, Ar
thur Walker.
On Sunday oening twenty-ftv
members weYe nclinittid iiito the
Blessed Virgin's sodality. The sermon
was preached by l!e. J. J. Mel.'abe.
His text was "Mlessed are they who
bear the word of God unil keep it."
It Is tile first time Father Me('ab.
lias been heard since he left the town
several years ago, and his manner
of discourse on Sunday evening
brought back many remembrances of
the good work and line rermons which
they saw and heard. Benediction was
given by Be v. 51. F. Crane.
A granddaughter of Mrs. Kllen J II
'lesple, of the West Side, Is seriously
111 of diphtheria.
Thomas Whnlen, of AVIIkes-Barre.
has accepted a position as sexton at
St. Mary's church.
David DIs will be seen at J. H. An
derson's until after the holidays.
What might have proved a fatal
accident, was murowly averted on
Monday afternoon at the D. & H.
crossing, when the two hind wheels
of 15. M. Kennedy's laundry wagon
were wrecked and the art teles, dis
tributed all about the street. He was
just driving over the crossing- wlu-n
the north-bound Jersey Central pas
senger train came along at tho usual
rate when tho crash came, with tho
above results. Sir. Kennedy held on
to the horse, and could not get it
Clean Bread
Can't be made by foul hands and clean,
pure blood can't be made by a foul stom.
ich. The blood is made by the stomach
and organs of digestion and nutrition.
When these
are diseased
they contami
nate every
drop of blood
made from
the food they
act upon, and
this contami
nation is car
ried through
the whole
body. It may
settle in the
liver, kidneys,
heart or lungs
but the root
of the disease
is in the stotii
ach. Cure
the stomach
and you cure
the disease.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases
of the organs of digestion and nutrition
perfectly and permanently, It purifies
the blood, and so by curing the cause of
disease, cures many forms of disease in
organs remote from the stomach,
For the pant slxtctii yenrs I have had torpid
liver aud Indigestion aud tried many doctor
and patent yiediciuesbut J could not get a cure,"
writes Mrs. Simeon Suggs, of Clyde, Sabine Par
ish, La, "Three months ago I thought I would
iry ur. k. v, rierces uoiaeu Medical Discovery
and his ' Pleasant FelleU.' I got six bottles of
each and I received a good result in a week, and
to-day I am cured sound and well. The symp
toms were coated tongue, specks before the eyes,
disposed to be cross and irritable, foul stomsch,
bad taste in the mouth, tired (ecllug, a fccliug
of dread or fear, headache, yellow tkiu, etc.
Tbese symptoms did not all appear at ouce. If
sufferers from such troubles will take Doctor
Ficrce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Pleas
ant Pellets' as directed in pamphlets wrapping
bottles, they will briug back the bloom of life as
it did with me."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iouanew and ick headache
...,,. ..-V.7- - . . t" I"-.T"t"- .- "
under contiol until about two bun
tired yards away, There Is a gntu
tender at the crossing, but the prtto-J
were not lowered In time.
Tickets for the school oiitertulnniim'.
ure now In the bnnds of the child! en
and the people should' encourage the
Willi) ones In tho work they have
undertaken. The proet-eds will be
usod to purchnso u piano for the high
Tho miners' examining board of the
Third dlstrlol will meet In the town
hall, Plttston, on Saturday afternoon.
The Wlconlsco tribe of I ted Men will
meet on Wednesday, Instead of Thurs
day, evenings.
Misses Nettle Druffner and (Jertrtile
Sanders ate visiting friends In Wilkes
Harre. Hev. A. F. Brodorlck, of Montrose,
wus a visitor In town last evening.
The Ladles1 Catholic Benevolent as
sociation met on Tuesday evening and
elected the following otllcers: Past
president, Miss Kate Dempsey: presi
dent, Miss Anna Callahan: vice presi
dent, Mrs. (J In oft Holland: second vice
president, Miss Mary Herbert: record
ing secretary, Mrs. Anna Osborne:
fluunclul secretary, Miss Mary Kear
ney: treusurer. .Mrs. Kate Johnt'on:
guard, Miss Belinda Dempsey-: mar
shal, Mrs. Laura Dunleavy: trustees,
Mrs. Louise Summon and Mrs. Bar
bara Little; delegate, Miss Mary
Spr to (hi. Scr.iiitnn Tribune.
Duryea, Dee. 12. Miss Mary Nolan,
who has suffered from a serious at
tack of typlioid fever, has recovered.
Mr. Charles ltenfer. of Muln street,
has moved his barber shop from the
postolllee building to Fox's building.
The parsonage of the Brick Metho
dist Kplscopu! church is being pre
pared for the pastor, Hev. IT. Green,
who intends to move his family from
Huds- . N. V.. to this place.
Ti.e Sunday school pupils of the
Methodist F.piseopal church have ar
ranged to hold a social Friday even
ing. They deserve the support of the
people of this place nnd think they
should for- patronized, as they are la
boring to secure Christmas gifts for
the- Sunduy school scholars.
Mr. Heese, of Wllkes-Burie. visited
in this place Monday.
Mr. Williams, a member of the Fifth
cavalry, which has seen service In
Porto Hleo, visited friends in this
place recently. Mr. Williams was at
one time a tesident of tills place. He
received a hearty welcome home by
his many friends. He also possesses a
great talent for music.
Mr. John Baudall, who has been en
gaged In the carpenter business at
(Souldsboro for the past few mouths,
has returned home.
Mr. William IJIndiini, who has hud a
sci lous illness of inllammatory llien
matism, is slowly improving.
Mr. Budolf (Jodwnllls, who had bis
toe crushed by a wagon running over
It while at work, is stil unable to re
sume work.
The numeriius friends of Mr. James
Hall, formerly of this place, will be
grieved to hear of his sudden death at
I'eckville. About' six mouths ago Mr.
Hall moved to Peckville to better bis
linancinl affairs, and while there re
ceived employment at the Sterrlck
Creek Coal company, and it was white
working for this company that be sus
tained serious injuries by a fall of
lock. He was then taken to the
Lackuwunna hospital, where he im
oroved wondeifully. After remaining
awhile at the hospital, he was taken
to the home of bis brother-in-law. Mr.
Thomas Lungan, wheie he died Naiu:--iliiy
afternoon, frcm the eftVets of his
injuries. I) ve.ired was -17 yo.iru -"f ay.o
and was : spieled by all 'luit lui-'W
him. Interment was made in the Mar
ket street cemetery at Plttston.
Jacob Whitman, of Dunmore, is mov
ing from that place to James Bolls'
house in Miller's grove.
Mrs. Arntls, of Meshoppen, is visit
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs, T.
F. Ace.
The Ma ivy township school district
has opened a night school at the Glynn
school house. It opened Monday even
ing and was largely attended. Thomas
Moloney has charge of the school.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school held a business meeting Tues
day evening. Otllcers were elected for
the coming term, and arrangements
were made for the supper which will
be held In the basement of the church
on Friday evening, December 14. Price
of supper, fifteen cents. '
The Pennsylvania Coal company will
pay their employes today.
Mrs. Frank Lane, o"f Front street, Is
Bow Mr, Stopper, thu new pastor of
the German Catholic church, will oc
cupy the postolllee building.
Special l I lie Scrjiitnn Tiibuiip.
Gibson, Dec. 12. W. H. RstubrookVi
and son Hllo visited In Wayne county
last week.
John J, Potter was in New Milford
on business ono day last week.
Mrs. W. J. Lnmb nnd daughter
Sadie visited Mrs. Ethel Tiffany In
Harford recently.
C. F, Empet and family have moved
to New Milford.
Mrs. W, X. has moved from
Forest City on their farm, recently
vacated by Mr. Empots. Mr. Reese
will como In the spring.
Mrs. W. II. Estabrooks and Mrs. E.
IV. Sweot visited Mrs. B. E. Leonard
at Jackson last Frlduy.
Tho atbson Cornet band held a ban
riuut nt tho Gibson boui-o last Tues
day ovanlng, to which llfty-ono wnro
present. They all report n good timo.
Special to the Svranton Tribune,
Brooklyn, Dec. 11. Dr. N. S, Sage
attended tho fuuerul of Mrs. Frank
Lord on Sunday; also that of Wood
bury Wilbur, who died ut tho home of
Jits daughter, airs. Daniel Westbrook.
Mrs. Sago is visiting In Scrnnton,
J, C, Miller Is on the sick list.
The pupils of the graded sohool aro
preparing for the mid-term examlna
tloiiH by the county sunerlntendent.
A farmers' iiistituo wus held In tho
Ashley hull Monday. The forenoon
session, though not lurgely attended,
was interesting- and instructive. Dur
ing the uftenwon more farmers were
present und listened with Interest to
the lectures upon "Dairying," by Mr,
MoDonald, of Delhi, 7r. v.; ''no
ululmliifr Worn Out Soil, or Cheap Fer
tility," by Mr. Seeds, of Huntington,
Pn., and "Fruit Culture," by Gcorue
C. Blitz, professor ot horticulture In
Btnto college. In the evening, C. V.
llroadhead gave a. well-prepared paper
on "The Cam of the Feet und Teeth
of Horses." Mr. McDonald gave prac
tical Ideas regarding poultry raising.
Prof. Huts', mnilo nn earnest plea for
nature study in public schools, und,
In proof of Its Interest, gaVo such a
lively description of a common spider
that his audience was convinced of the
worth of such study. The closing
number was a humorous talk upon
"The Mlstakes-of Life," by Mr. Seeds,
Who convulsed tho listeners with
laughter to an extent seldom witnessed
but also loft some very worthy sug
gestions as to how to avoid mistakes.
An expression of opinion was taken
by which those present showed them
selves: to be In favor of more far
mers' Institutes and also the building
of nn adequate btiltdlnff for the teach
ing of agriculture at State college. An
Impromptu choir, consisting ot S. B.
Eldrldge. Misses Gertrude Waldle,
Myrtle Lungley, Louise Alney, Mrs.
King and W. A. Stephens, furnished
music for the Institute.
Special to Hie Scr.iiiton Tribune.
Monttose. Dec. 12. Miss ft. Blunchel
Bostwlck, who has been spending sev
eral weeks with her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon D. Hinds, returned to her
homo In this place lust week.
Georu-e II. Frazler, who has been ill
for the lust week, Is slowly Improving.
Arthur and Dayton Potter, of For
est lake, weie In town the Hist of the
Daniel Clary, who holds a responsible
position with a BIngbamton Ilrni,1 is
visiting his relatives here.
Miss Maine Tapscott and Mrs. B.
James McCauslnnd left for Tennessee
last week and will remain there for a
considerable time.
Our streets are In a bad condition ut
present, owing- to the putting In of
pipes to curry the steam from Jeffers'
mill to nluces of business for heating
purposes. Every available man is at
work, as they wish to have the work
completed before the ground freezes.
The thermometer registered three de
grees above zero here eurly Monday
morning1.' Good skating Is reported on
small bodies of water.
The farmers' Institute, held here Sal
uiday afternoon and evening, was a
success In every detll. Charles W.
Brodheud was chairman. The after
noon session opened at 1.30 o'clock and
many good lectures were given by the
practical farmers of the country and
professional lecturers. The evening ses
sion began promptly at 7 o'clock and
the auditorium of the court bouse was
comfortably tilled. Humorous und at
at same time practical talks were given
by Prof. Seeeds. who bud as his sub
ject "The Mistakes of Life," and Rev.
II. B. Benedict, who spoke on "Good
Cheer." Prof. Butz and G. W. Camp
bell, of our neighboring county. Brad
ford, made some very interesting and
instructive remarks. The meeting closed
at a reasonable hour, and happy faces
told very plainly that the Institute bad
been enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Robert Cooper bus gone to Buf
falo, where she -will In the future re
side. Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Arlington Thompson to Miss
Leliab Spence. which will take place
ut the African Methodist Episcopal
Zion church, Wednesday, January 2, at
8 o'clock. They are among the most
popular and best respected colored citi
zens of this place.
Richard Watrous is clerking In the
Fair store during the holiday rush.
Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Jones returned
Tuesday evening from their wedding
. - - -
Special to tin Strimton 'tvibune.
Susquehanna, Dec. 12. Good little
boys will soon glide to glory through
thin Ice.
J. A. Smith, of Smith & Ames, is in
New York city on business.
The Dorcas society of the Presby
terian church this evening repeated the
"Feast of the Seven Tables." It was
well 'attended and a financial success.
John F. Doran Is leader of the imw
cornet band.
The series of fanners' Institutes being
hehl in Sus(iiehanna county are well
Rabbit hunters along- the Jefferson
branch are meeting with good success.
Several freight crews on the Dela
ware division of the Erie have been re
instated, on account of the brisk busi
ness on the road.
Carbondale Is again carving out a
now county "Grow" or "Anthruclte"
county from portions of Susquehanna,
Wayne and Lackawanna counties, with
Carbondale as the county seat. It is a
harmless diversion,
The Catholic, priests of this diocese
will attend a clerical conference In
Scranton on Thursday.
Miss Eliza M. Frazler, . of Drinker
street, is the guest of relatives in
Rldgewood, N, J,
The board of trade held an important
meeting last evening.
Rev, D. L. Meeker, pastor of the
Lanesboro Methodist church, partici
pated In the revJval services In the
Susquehanna Methodist church last
evening. Several persons have pro
fessed conversion In the moetlugs,
Presiding Elder Floyd, of Blngham
ton, will bo present at tho quartorly
conference In the Methodist church on
Friday evening.
Miss Sarah McCracken, of Oneonta,
returned home today from a visit with
Susquohuiina friends.
James A. Minor, of Deposit, who Is
attending tho Now York Law school,
was In town on Tuesduy,
Vicinity farmers report, that preda
tory foxes are depleting- their poultry
flocks, Reuben, get your gun I
A large number of Susquehanna nnd
vicinity couples uro nowadays going to
BIngbamton to have tho matrimonial
knot tied. If this deplorable custom
continues to prevail, Pennsylvania min
isters may cat liver, while their Ring
huinton brethren are regaled with quail.
But us BIngbamton people continue to
come to Susquehanna for a qulck-tlmo
Pennsylvania divorce, things are not
so one-sided as they might be. "Let
the good work go on"
Special tu the Scranton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Deo, 12. Mrs. Edgar
Fuller, of Camptown, Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. M. AV, Bliss.
ill-, and Mrs. Watkins, of Ulster, Pa.,
uro spending u few days with their son,
Jeweler E. L. Watkins.
Tho many friends of Mr, E. J. Purrott
were shocked to read of his sudden
death this morning, Mr. Parrott spent
one season In this town and made many
Tle ladles of the Baptist chire'i
served one of their popular supper &t
the church last evenlnsr.
Mr. and .Mrs. V. R. Gardner, who
have been tuklng a western trip, will
Is to Disbelieve the Efidence
of Your Own Senses,
It's .Scranton proof for Scrnnton
It's local cndorsitttoit tot local read
er. If will stand the most rigid Investi
gation. '
Mr. II. D. McGowan, shoemaker, of
1110 Swetlaud street, says: "I hud a
great deal of pain und endured it us
best I could. I think It came from my
work and my not, getting proper exer
cise. I got Doun's Kidney Pills at
Mutthews Bios', drugstore and they
proved an excellent remedy. The kid
ney secretions used to be thick, strong
and unnatural but Doun's Kidney Pills
promptly regulated them. I oun rec
ommend this valuable remedy to all
who have back ache and weak kid
neys." For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents., Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y. Sole agents, for the United States.
Remember the name Doun's and take
no substitute.
visit Galveston, Texas; Washington, D.
C, and New l'ork city before returning
Mr. William Davenport, of Taylor, Is
a guest at the home of C. Matthewson.
Spcclill III I lit Mllllltull TlibllllC.
Tunkhunnock, Dec. 12. On next .Mon
day the court of common pleas will be
In session here for the purpose of
the hearing the matter of the contested
electlun of A. H. Squlr. Both sides to
the contest have been occupied this
week in getting the matter In shape
to be heaud. The petition in this case
alleges that certuln ballots that were,
cast tor Mr. Tiffany In the varlou-j
districts of the county were not count
ed for him and that certain other
ballots which should not have been
counted for A. 11. Squler were counted
by the election boards for him. The
official count shows a plurality l'oi
Squler of three, this being made up
through an alleged mistake in the re
turns from Monroe township, which
the returning board counted as giving
Tiffany., but KM votes, instead of 10S,
as the return sheet shows. Mr. Tif
fany, Immediately upon the decision of
the board being made known, endeaf
ored to have the ballot box from Mon
roe brought Into court and the bullots
counted, and was willing to abide by
the result of thut count, but the re
turning board thought that they hud
no authority to do that, and besides
were the subject of an Injunction
against doing so, sued out by parties
interested for Mr. Squler. Since that
time Mr. Tiffany hns been willing to
institute a contest" and limit It to an
Inspection of the vote of Monroe town
ship, but could not do so wltn safety
and allow the other side the whole
county in which to choose from to
overthrow his majority, in case the
count in that district should fuvor him,
In the absence of any agreement with
Jlr. Squler there was nothing to be
done except to start a general contest
of the whole county, and that Is what
Is being done.
Tlie Democratic papers have raised
a cry about the large bill of costs
which was to be Imposed on the coun
ty by this proceeding-, and It Is wel1
that the people should bo set right In
regard to It. The costs in no case can
be put on tlie county. If the trial
Judge should decree that the contest
was started without probable causa
the costs will be put on the petition
ers, otherwise the state will foot the
bills. The court will convene on Mon
day and in all probability will adjourn
after making tlie necessary orders for
the furthering of the business until tho
ballot boxes can be brought Into court.
The attorneys In the case will be
James W. Piatt and Harding & Hard
ing for the contestants, and Asa S.
Keeler, E. J. Jordan, C. O. Dershlmer
and AV. E. & C. A. Little, for the re
spondent. FOREST CITY.
Swij to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, Dec. 12. Children are
making the hill sidewalks dangerous
by sliding on them. Complaints have
been madevto the burgess, and he will
take measures to stop the nuisance,
Mrs. James White is very ill with ty
phoid, fever,
Christmas decorating Is now under
way in the various churches and the
choirs are rehearsing special music.
Samuel Lyon and Julius Dobkowlcz
were in an accident today, from which
they were very fortunate to escape
with few injuries. They were driving
down Dundaff street, when a bolt
came out of one side of the pole, al
lowing It to drop to the ground, The
wngon ran down onto the horse's legs
und they started down the street at
a rapid rate, At Main street they ran
into a tree, snapping it off at the base.
The men were thrown under the ani
mal's heels, and It seems remarkable
that they escaped serious Injury.
fly. Kxcludve Wiie from The Associated IVi-s.
PotlHvlllR, Pit., Pee, IL', Jacob Unic
oi1, tin oldeily man, Ik In the PuttsvllU
hospital In an unconsicoiiK condition,
duo to belne beaten by sovornl of n
rd.xe of masked man, who broke Into
his home lunl night In n lonely plurs
nn (ho road to St, Clair, Mih, Baker
was hIpo beaten. Jlath wore bound,
while the burglars seavebed the prem
ises und took their savings, consist
lnpr of MO, and then left.
airs. Maker freed herself from htst1
l.nnds, tifter eomo effort, anil inuklne
li-ir wounded husband as comfortable!
us she could, she came to the pollco
liiiudtjuarters. Tlie police who re
sponded found Uuker unconscious und
removed hlin to a. hospital,
Mvs. Winslow's Soothing: Syrup
Has been uwd for pier I'lrTY VKABS by
MILLIONS ot MlU'lilUbS for I heir UllLDItKN
Is the best remedy for DMRRHOKA. Sold br
HruggMs u every part of the world. He ,ure
aud ak lor "Mm. Wlnalow'a Soothing Sviup,"
aud take no other kind. Twenty-file cents t
TMUHMIAY. Clurlcn I'rolmuh'n roinedlitii In
"fell aiul Lidy."
FBI1UY, "The lllftlmnynian," Re Kovrn slid
Snillli'4 comic opera,
SATUUI)AY.-"lii Old Kcnlm-liV." Afternoon
and night.
Academy of Music. Vl!i:i,ttic unit I'enlierg (wiiiwiiy In rrp
erlohr. The Gaiety.
r. M- TllltKK DAYS. Don Ton llurlMiUfr.
Tonight, "Self nnd Lady."
One of tin- luniilcU fJici Hull ever found
It Impli.illon In it (lallle koiiicm will lie pre
sented nt Hie t.yccnm tliU evening.
II li entitled "Mt ami l-nly," ami will li.ive
It nlmmUnce of nicy i-liimrten lntriiictcil ly
Outlet Trolmuti'it coliicillunt. In tills play
tlicvn will lie found wine pm tellingly lively
flllualloin. The dialogue t of tlie moil vp.irk
ling Kind. One of tlie thiriix of the piece I
tho nwpilslng novelty of treatment, u.ietl lawn
the well-known thcine of fun-loving wlven, for
the time Icing, fooling their equally fun-loving
hm'uanilii. There U an absolute iiewneiM of
treatment In tliU particular line of Krciuli farce.
Charles l'roliiimii'i comedian tanks at the hoot
cotnpanv of Its dtpcclSd kind on tlie Ktmllili
Bpe.iklng Mage. Here ire some of the names on
its roster: i:. M. Holland, Krltz Williams, Ira
licl Irving, May llolison, Arnold Daly, James
Kearney, Maggie Holtotvay Plsher, Jay Wilson,
Marie Dcrlcksoii. Muy l.-.niiheil, NVlllc llnttrr,
T. H. Kilillnger, May fialypr.
"The Highwayman."
"The l!lt1iwa,tmuti" comes to the t.yieimi to-mot-low
evening, when It. will 1 ptedcntcil l.t
the Broadway (New Yoik) Theater Opera com
pany. The fame and nuccrss of the company
have preceded It here and a large audience
will umluiibteilly witness "The Highwayman."
The story of tlie opcia deal with Dick Fitzger
ald, a recklem, dashing youngster, who hating
gambled away every possesion in the world ex
cept his pUtols. his horse, and a geneiul lacn
ot coiiwicnce, look to Hie road and cried
"Maml and dellvei" after the manner of Dirk
Tin pin, CI, nidi" Duval, anil other famous hemes
t the heath. Ot course, this Pick, had a
Mtectheart, she a good girl, who would have
nothing to do with a highwayman, but she fell
in lote with Dick befoie he went on the load.
Then- is alio a lordly vidian, whose ihejtlng
al cauls was the cause of Dick's mill. Dick's
highway on'eines have been paiiloiieil, but tlie
tllllan, HaukhuiHt, intends to keep hold of it,
till Dick is beyond Us need in thin world. So
the tvcetlieart, (,'oiiltaue, decides to masquerade
as Dick, the highwayman, aud take the pill do 11
from llawkhutst. N'ow this would be a simple
puncss if it. weir not for the fact thai two other
persons In the story have decided lo impeidon
ale the highwayman, one to cany oil a ghl
whom he lines, aud the other lo deition.tmte
his prowess, "lo for the sake of a girl. The
u-sull is that three highway Dicks appear in
the second net, and there me complications
enough to please a reader of Dmiias. What
these complications are aud how they are de
veloped tin leader csu rlud out by goipg to
flee the opeia.
"In Old Kentucky."
Then- have been many plays of Ameiuan life,
bin few that possess the cliaim of endur
ing .success, "In Old Kentucky," which comes
In the I.jceum Saturday matinee and night.
Su much lias been written in Ita pndse that it
were almost unnecessaiy to add anything at this
lime. It is an elaborate scenic pioduction, rep
resenting scenes hi the mountainous and blue
glass regions ot Kentucky with nuuellous fidel
ity. The company is .said lo be an exceptionally
sluing one and it will be safe lo venture tlie
as-eilion that Ihe engagement will be a 'profit
able one for no oilier theatrical attiauluii has
met wilh such gloat financial success. "In Old
Kentucky" has made a foitune for its owner
and another for its author. 1( is now in Us
eighth year and appaiently its popularity - as
great as ever.
.v special ladies' and chihlieu's luigaln day
matinee will oe gitcii al 1!.::0 p. in,: Adults, 2"
and S."i cents; ihilihen, 1.1 cents lo any pint ot
t lit- hucse.
Bnrtley Campbell's "Siberia."
Tin- Academy of Music picsents an excellent
altiaclion next week in a scenic revival of "Si
beria," Hartley Campbells famous melodrama.
Of all plays written by this piolillu author none
has been mic .,iicceful than his graphic por of lite in the iai'a domain, with its ni
hilism, its autociallc government, lis bitter
nrong and inoiistioiis injustice; and ihr publio
wins never lo lire ot "Siberia," o pailielic is
Its story, o thrilling its scenes, o inteiesilng Us lir, and so happy its denouement.
Hit- scene In the Siberian mine would alone
make the play a Micce-a, o peifct is Us
n.ilism and so nlx-nliing its inieiBt. A pk-tiitc
of Itussian tyianny which c.nefully omits the
moie hoirihle of lis details, but which sug
gests to the imaginative auditor a woild of
staiiling ptesiliilitie.s. ,n appropihte and
beautiful scenic Imcstituie and a company toin
posed of artists of teputation and ability aic
promised by the luiugement. lTrt peifoimatice
Thursday night, December .'. Matinees will be
given I'llday anil Saturday.
At the Gaiety Today.
The lion Ton Burlcsquers company 10111
posed of putty gilts, Inniiy comedians and su
perior vaudeville utists. Theto combined wilh
liandienic rotimies and elegant soc-neij go far
toward piesentinc absolutely the best hui
lesqne show now on the load. All the latest
songs and comedy hits of the tlay, togelher with
a lumber of bii'ht and up to date specialty
artist, to interpret the aine, make this one of
the premier enteitalnments of Ibis character of
the- day,
I'or tluee daj oniuieiicjiig Thuisduv matlne,?.
JIIh.h Kmma Coon returned home on
AVednesday, after a week's sojourn
with friends In Honesdale and Carbon
dale. O. U. Jones Is a convalescent from
his recent illness.
G. P. Spencer was a caller In town on
Friday last.
Eleazei1 Mead, of ilerrlck, was the
guest of his uncle, B. F. Mend, on Sun
day last.
The fair that was held In the Metho
dist church, closed nn Thursday lust.
It was well patronized, despite the In
clemency of the weather. The gross re
ceipts were $100.
Cards were received by the ninny
friends of Mr, and Mrs, G. tY, Deckr,
of Honosdale, announcing the marriage
of their daughter, Kdlth Blanche, to
"Wlllard P, Coon, of this place.
Miss Bessie Mulllnex Is 111 at her
On Sunduy afternoon lust the follow
ing officers of the Junior league were
Installed: President, Joseph Uhodes;
first vice-president, Kllu Godshall; sec
ond vice-president, Mary Guyer; third
vice-president, Marlon Harlan; fourth
vice-president, Cora Mulllnex; secre
tary, Cora I.euch: treasurer, Currle
nibble; organist, Anna nibble; super
intendents, Miss Bessie Mulllnex and
Mis. A. A. PovIb.
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Coon returned
from their wedding trip on the 6.15
train on Saturday evening", and later
In the evening were received by the
usual Sklmeltoii,
Mrs, A. J. Singer was called to the
bedside of her sick daughter, Mrs, Wal
ters, nn Monday last.
The Beit Cold Cure
If one you can take without Interrup
tion to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like the con
tinued use of quinine. Ono that cures
speedily and leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one la
Krause's Cold Cure. Price 2V. Sold
by Matthew Bros,
A. E..Roe'ni
, -
No. 213
Lackawanna Avenue
Wall Stre.t Bavlew.
.New Yolk, Dec. 12. Activity in a Jaige num
ber of usually dormant secuiitics was taken by
traders today to demonstrate increased Interest
in the stock market on the part of the outside
public, liaiim in these piopertles were more ex
tensile than in the usual inatket leaders and ex
tended lo 4 points in tome, cases, ticnendly
speaking the market during tlie foienoon dis
played great animation and strength with specu
lative interest radiating fium one group of stocks
lo another. The inaiket for Americana
was described as buoyant und the aibitiage
houdes bona lit about .Ij.oon shares on balance fur
Lcndon. At the outset of business the coal slocks
weio the principal leuuire.s and generally got
well above last night's close on an enormous
demand. These properties later on allowed the
eltect of lieavy reallz-itions. Heaiy buyuig de
veloped in tlie steel stocks owing to continued
encouraging reports of the Uvie outlook. Tliete
was veiy lieavy buying at intervals in the (Irang
cis, Pacifies and some of the southern and
.southwestern stocks, vltlt Builington, Kansas
nnd Texas prefeiied, and Louisville especially
prominent. Duiing the eaily ntlernoon niter the
foreign buying had cea?ed the demand showed
signs of eNliaustiun and pi Ices weic inclined lo
yield. Xot much improvement was made in
piiccs when the tiadcrs lealired and theie wus a
few strong spots which kept the general inaiket
pretty well in 'heel:. Unusually large dealinas
in the Lake Krie and Western stocks caused a
rise of 4 and ,i respectively for the common
and pieferred, and New Yolk, Chicago and St.
Louis prefcired jumped 1 points to 100. An in
crease of !,i per cent, occuued in the semi- an
nual ditidend in the Minneapolis, St. Louts
slock. In the final hour a raid was made on
Tennessee Coal and the stock broke 11 per cent,
on a rumor that the directors were in session
md had passed the quarterly dividend on the
. IK. nils movement unsettled tlie entire
market nnd prices fell away rapidly, aveiaging
u point for the most piomineut railroads and
extending to iVi in the specialties the tin
plate being most affected. When it became
known that the leport of dividend anion on
Tennessee Coal was unfounded the stock milled
2 points and all other stocks uncovered somewhat,
speculation leaving !t strong again and active.
Total sales, 810,300 shares, business in bonds
was veiy heavy and notable stirngth was dis
played by Kansas and Texas issues. Reading
touis got up to !)3',4 eaily but lost practically all
the lise in sympathy with the decline in the
stock-. Tlie market otherwise was untntpittiue
aud iuegular. Total sales, pur vaue, $3,l)70,iJQ.
United States lefunding 2s registered advanced
'a and new 4s i't per cent, on tlie last call.
The following- quotations aie furnished The
Ti Inline by M. H. .Ionian & Co., loom TM-Tiiii
Mean liulldlnit, "irantoii, l'j. Telephone siyUi
Open- High- Low- t'los-
itiir. et. est. iuir
American Suaar lMOs 127?j li 1-HiU
American Tobacco NVHi His 107 III;1-
Am. S. & W f's 1.1 !i ,al
Atch., To. & S. I .... ;j8 .Mil :w M,'t
A., T. & S. V.. Pr .... 81 8I1), lil si':
Biooklyn Tiuction .... 7-2si 7IU 71Y 7:P,
Halt, a.- Ohio so?; st to;; si
Cont. Tobacco Hii :H?i MVi m
Clies. k Ohio 3SU :iS',i .-.fa 4"i
Chic, k 0. V 114 IS 11'i Hi
Chic, H. & o VM-i i:(7! Wi ItiTTi
St. Paul 127,i 12SVS 127? 127Ts
Hock Island 1137i 111?. 11? lla
Delawaie k Hudson ....ll!i ll?i 118',i ltd
Lackawanna IS', ?: 181 183
Federal Steel ."2'.i :.i .ItOi .Tift
Federal Steel, Pr 7C?'i 771 7rri 77;
Kan. i- Tex., I'r 11. 10' .iSTj, JO
Louis, k Xasl S.IN, &4Vk &'; M-
.Manhattan Kle 10-.I-?; 1111 PX",i W.
Met. Traction Co 1fi"8 HiSli VuV HIS
Missouri Pacific CO?; Vj; coiB fflli
People's Oas -...., 09 loo n.,, 0'H,:,
N. J. Central 14.', 14.'i lU!i KlVi
Southern I'acillo 4:1 4,:! ijii 42' i
Noifolk k Western .... 4ni 41 4:'i 4-.'?4
North. Pacific ..""i 71i 72U 7154 711i
Ncilh. Pacific, i'r KIU Mvs SjJi My,
X. V. Central 1429a 142? lll!i H1-4
Ont. k.Weit 27 27',i 2uft 27U
Pennsylvania It. It ....1I2X ll.-l H2"i 1I2
IMclllo Mall 44Vi Ills :)?; 41
Reading 22 2!tf 31U 21!i
Iteaillntf, I'r U7U "7U li'TA Cil'l
Smitheiil n. It 18t'., lf.14
Southern It. II,, I'r .... BsU (is,-;; 177; liSi,
Teiin., C. Iron M9j 1,4 W 01 'i
IT. s. 1-eather Mi llii M'i i:ii
I'. S. Leather, Pr ...... 73?i 7ii;!l 7"ii "(?
17. S. Ilubber 20 ttili ';&; 28
1'iilou I'aclllu 72?; 723i "!1 ViVt
ITnlou Pacific, Pr 82 sj n );
Wsbnsli, I'r 22-i 22', ".''i 22'i
Western Union M St Ki fcili
Thlld Aveiiuo llli Ihl'-i IWia 1101a
xr.w voiiK pftojit'ii: i:ciiNii: prtircs,
Open- With- Low- t'hu-
YVIJEAT. in. et. ot. Imr.
Msich iHli 7Tk W "HJi
.May 7" 7lvi 7D 7
May 4Hs I2' IIT, I2V'i
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Flut National Dank
iScnuiluii Savings Ilauk
Third National Hank
Dime Deposit and Discount Hank,.
Kconomy I.ishl, II. k I', Ct
Latka. Tru.l Safe l)epoll Co. ,,,,
Claik it Huover Co., Pr ,..
Kcraiiton Iron Fenco k Ml if, Co. .,,
Scranton Axle WoiU ,
Luikawanua Paliy Co., I'r
Count V Sal inns Bank k Tiusl Co.,
Filil National Dank (I'uiboudalej,,
Standard Drilling Co
Traders1 National Pank
Scianton Dolt and Xut Co. ,,,,,,
Scranton Passenger Itailtvay, flut
Moitiiuae, due u2t)
People's (jtieet Ita I In ay, first mori-
gai-'e, due 1918 ,.,
People's Street Hallway, fieuiral
inortKJRv, ue 1H21
Dickson Manufacturlni.' Co. .......
Hid. Ake
I2ISI ...
.'I3u ...
I" ...
... PJ
.., ''"
H3 ,,.
Lacka. Towiuhlp Stliool 5 per cent. ',.,
City of Scrautou St, Imp. 0 per
Scianton Traction a per rent. ,.,,, if,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by It. 0. Hale. ST Lackawanna Ave.)
Butter-Cieoiuery, iU'iie.
Kgg-s-Silfct wMtfin, 21c; nearby stale, Sic.
Cheese Full cream, new, i2e.
Beam Per bu., choke, iiiauvw, ,.50.
Oniouk-COs. per bu.'
Flour-Best palent, .mjl
" i, 7 stf
n. .. , , T H k
Wonder how many pages
of a good newspaper it would
require to catalogue all the
good things there are here in
the gift giving line?
Choosing here is easy,
however, for everything is
arranged to your conveni
ence. We don't mind helping
you with the choosing, if you
wish it.
There's nothimr but what's
here, that ought to be here.
.Nothing but what we can say
to you frankly and candidly:
"It's the best we know of for
the money."
Come and "look." Costs
nothing; very satisfying, very
appetizing, especially if you'v
presents to make and your
thinker won't work.
mm Llvar
26 CT8.
Sold by all dranUta
or ient by maJI.
rttniu Mattel Ct.,
Bold by McQarrah k Thomas, Drug
gist,, K)9 Lckftwaxc aw. Scrantot Fa.
New York Grain and Product.
Xew York, Dec. 12. Flour Market firm again
and held a shade hisher. with a fair business
reported at old prices; Minnesota, patents, ijUi
4. 25. Wheat Spot Dim and active; No 2 red,
7C;c. f. 0. b. nllMl; Xo. 2 red, 77c. elevator;
Vo. 1 i.oithcrn Puluth, 83c t. o. b. afloat;
options haidcnctl gradually into positive strength,
alter neon maiiiet was particularly strong; closed
firm at ?ic net advance; "o. 2 red January
closed 77?sc; March, 7iTic; May, TflTic; We.
cemher, 77c. Corn Spot steady; Ko. 2, 4Sc.
elevator and 1jc. f. o. b. afloat; options gen
erally steady to Lnn; closed firm at a partial
Up. net advance; .lanlavy closer Wie. May,
42',ic; Itecember, 45e. Oats Spot firm: Ho. 2,
27c: Xo. a, 2(isic; Xo. 2 while, 30Vaa.Uc; Ko.
II while, 20430c.; track mixed vicstern, 26',..a
28c. : track white vesteru, 25a.loe.; track white
state, 2y',ia35e.; options ijuiet all day but tinner.
Butter Steady; creamery, lSaiflc; factory, 12a
V',ic; June ci earner y, la23Ko. ; i mltatiou
creamery, J 3a 1 tic. ; state dairy, lba24c. Cheese
Firm; fancy laige fall made, HUalHic.; fancy
fall made small, ll?al2t. L'ggs Steady; atalc
and Pennsylvania, 27a30c; western, lrgiilar
lucking, 22a27c. ; western, loH'off, 2c.
Philadelphia Grain and Produce.
Philatlelphia, Dec. 12. M'heat Finn, c.
hilfher; coutracl glade, December, 78a73S4c. Corn
Finn, Uc hliElier; No. 2 inbed December, 42!i
a42!jf. Oats Steady; No 2 whitf clipped, till
aMijo. Ilntter Steady but quiet; fancy western
c eatnery, 20c.: do. prints, 2Sc. Kftga Steady;
f.ur diinaud; fresh netirby, i'Oc.; do. western,
2IH-. ; do. .southwestern, 28c; do. southern, 27c.
Cheese UnchanRcd; New York full creams fancy
fcinall, 1174c; do. do. do. fair to choice, 10i
HHc. Itcfined Sugars Quiet. Cotton He low
er; middling uplands, PTc. Tulow Steady; city
prime, in hogsheads, 3l ; country do., barrels.
Iaoo.; cakes, 514 e. Live Poultry Dull and
lower; fowls and chickens, 7aBc; old rosteis, 6
o'ic; ducks, WaBiSc. ; geese, b'.sasc.; turkeys, pr.
Live I'oultiy tjulet but steady; fowls, ohoice,
aU'.ac; do. fair to (,'ood, 6a85ic ; old rooster?,
7c; neaiby chickens, Salic; western do., 7al1c, ;
tinkers, choice lo fancy, Salic; ducks, SaloV.
lteccipts Flour, 2,000 barrels and 1,340,000
poundt, in sacks; wheat, 7.1,000 bushels; BDm, SX,.
IHMI busheli.; oats, 32,000 bushels. Khlpmsnta
Wheat, 51,000 bushels; coin, 101,000 bushels;
oats, S.OOO btlhels.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Dec 12. Lighter receipts and an nn.
pioveinenl in the rash, demand caused an ad'
vance in wheat today, May closing ?ic ovtf
ycsterdiy; May corn closed Uo. and liecsmber
:,'4c liluher; May oata desed ',iiic. p and
provisions imchanxctl to 3c. lower. Cash quo
tations were at follows; No. 3 spring wheat,
71.iT2c. ; Xo. 2 red, 72a7.3c; No. 2 torn, 37U.;
No. 2 yellow, :i7Me.t No. 2 oats, 22Ha23c; No.
Z white, 23?in2ilc; No. 3 white, 23Ua2c.j Np. 1
rye, 4Ua30c. ; barley, 40a47Ho.; No. 1 flax, 1.61;
Xo. 1 noitlmeat. $1.03; pork, iSU,2oall..17',i; lard,
7.13a7.17',6; li'w, $0.23a0.C0; ahouldcn, 3Ti
t ',(. -, sides, sij.iKjjil.70; whiakey, 1)11.27; sugai-s.
cut loaf, ?0.22; granulated, $3.70.
Chicago Live Stock Karket.
ChlcaRO, Dec 12. Cattle ltccelpta, Si.ouu;
choice rteiidy; otliei-s slow to lOalSc. lower than
Monday; bulclais1 stock steady at yesterday's
pilccn; natives best on sale today, one car
Cluistmas, $7.30; (food to pilnte steera, iJS.M
0.23; poor to good, is4a3.8U; aelccted feeders,
htciily to low, if.1. 73a 1.23; mived (.lockers, $2,23
H.1.7S: lows. 2..V)a4.10; lielfers, 2.0a5; can-iis-i-s,
$a-2.l3; bulls. y.63a.33; calves, steady,
$.!,30.t5.23; Tevas fed steels. !flal.60; Texas grai-s
tetis, !p.:.23a4; Texas bulls, i2.'23aa,23. Hogs--IttcelpU
tmlay, 11,000; tomorrow, 110,000; esti
mated Jell over, 4,000; actlv, generally 5e. lower;
I'hblnif bli'jilv at ilecllue: tou. M.TiViV mixed
und butiheis, .-3l,0.3a4,7ei bulk of rales. 1M.77',i
uLIKi. Sheep Receipts, 15,000; ateady; sheep and
lambs ,acllve, 10c, higher; Christmas yc.ii
lings, ll.30a3; god to choice wethers, (.0a4..W:
fail to choice mixed, if.t.oOif.lO; western sheeep,
K4a4..Vl; Texas sheep, S2.30aS.tl3; native, lambs,
one lot fancy Cliiistina, $i.l3a5,70r western
lambs, 5.i75.
New York Live Stock,
New Yoik, Doc 12, lleeves Maiket slow, cjot
ins' 10c. loivei on itceia; bulls and milium to
good tows, lul steady; thin cow, dull; ordinal)-
to Uiclco intlie steers, S4.HOa5.50; men
and slags, !. IOTi.IO; bulls, W.2"ia3.73; rous,
!il..vijJ. .". (.dies Veals, bte.uly; choice a trlrls
la in I gi.issn,, 25.-, iilKhrr; veals, ijlaS.23; tops,
1-8.50; ur.iet-, W.,.,3a2.3U; led anil mixed
wives, .iai,fki, Sheep and I.umbj Sheep moie
m I le, (op mnilK, suom;; lambs. 23c, higher;
toiiimou In choke rheep, e'2,.17Ha4.S7',a; culls, 12;
lsnih-, s.3.i5.'25; culls, .fluLMl; Canada limbs,
f'M3. lings SI e-lily, j.2ai3.S3.
East Liberty Stock Harket.
Last Llbeily. Dec 12. Cattte-Steady; extra,
M.KU3.C0; prjiue, ai.'Jj; cnniiuon, $.!a;i..'l).
liog-Lowcr; inline iiicdlunis, best Yorkers ami
good pies, -"i.l0a').15; romou to fair Yorkers, M
a 3.(13; roughs, KI.&Oat.73. Sheep Active; chohe
ut-llieis, $lal.2tl; common, ,50a2.V; choice
IuiiiIm, .3..Vi.i5.75; common to good, i3.30a5; teil
calves, D,Wa7.
Buffalo Live Stock Harket.
K.i-l DuqrTalo. Dec 12. Receipts Cattle, 110
rata; sheep and lambs, 33 cars; hogs, 88'irs.
Shipments Cattle, 140 cais; .beep and lambs. It
can,; hogs, 18 rais. Cattle Steady; calves,
cliche to extra, $7,5047.73; lambs, choice to is
lia, t3.75.i5.O0. Sheci-Mixed, H.73al.25. Hogs-U-iy,
l!-,lal.l2!jj pigs, lf.5.25a5.J0.
Oil Harket.
Oil Clly, Dec l'j. Credit balances, 11.07; esjv.
titicates opened and clued f 1.0H bid for, est
oil; sldpineutf, 11,083 bairels; ivsraaj, 07,113
barrels; iims, :V,7l Wrteli; ttsrsge, 7,M
ban els.
i '