The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4
A t4i"" fjf'.' f . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, DECEMBEfc 13, 1900. Published Dili-, Ktcepl,SiiiKUy,.ty Tho.Ttlli tine Publishing Company, at Kilty Cnt Month. . . mvv s. ntciiAnn, Kditor. '.0. F.'DYXRKE, Business Manager. stiiiirr.: 1 b Mfcr Yetfc Dfflcol 1M Kijmi v.H.riAm "' Sole Agent lor Foreign Advertising. .. WiMrtd 4t Hie Poldtflc at Scranton, V., as ,Z " Second-Clan Mall Matter. '. U'l.i,,. .-,.. i.lll unnll. Till. Trlhlin l olwaVS cUil to mint short lcttirs Irom its frlend hear-,-tng on current tonka, but Its rule Is that the must lie signed, lor publication, by the writer real names and the condltnn precedent to i nc riplanco la that all contributions shall be subject to editorial revision. HCHANTON, DKCUMDHK 13, 1000. p The tjuay machine plot to blieken the. r-lurar. 'Irr nl S-tiitor Dniry will prove to be ol t lie mnt ilrstnictlvc boomerangs a lot ol Lu. ,uno federil onircdiohlcri and inpliliig pollt. (lain have icr ccunc In loutaet with. Wilkes- ,', Banr ltrmil. The only plot which hits had foi Its lui posu (he blarkenlnp of Drury'a ' cliMrui'tfr wns tho one to which Drury wiiH ju'lvy when he covenanted with Hip f'lilliulelplila limurBentR to tmlon'l r 11 koIiI brlclc 011 tho luKUlar llcpubil ' cntiM of tho Tvvdnty-llit tllt-tri-it. A Golden Opportunity. SKI.I'OJr HAS an opportunity nppeuroil mora favorable for effective lopresonttitlon (of the importnnt Interests of the city of Scrnnton and county of Lack awanna In the general assembly than It befnic tho rtepubllciin members i'lcct who will qualify at Harrlsburir en New Year's 'day. Tho delpgatlon Is once more unani mously Republican: the governor of the commonwealth and his executive advisors, whose Influence none can dispute, are friendly; nnd the organi zation of the Irglslatuto Is to be In control of thoFo favorable to party regularity, n. doctrine to which every member from this county may proper ly .subset ibo as being at the, founda tion of party coherence and effective ness. Not alone in the highly important matter of legislation connected with Scianton's entry into the present lim its of a second-class city, but also in icspect to our hospitals, our schools, and other public institutions, which, In their allotments of state aid, ought to have consideration in proportion to the community's magnitude and var ied contributions to tho state reve nues, is the time propitious for vigor ous and successful work on the part of our representatives at Harrisburg. This opportunity can be forfeited by el ihsension, and by perverse and futile obstruction to the regular customs of party management; but it should not l)o, and the interests of the commun ity tequlre that It shall not be. The fire yesterday on the site of tho new Young Men's Christian association building in a shed where blasting pow der is reported' to have beeni stored sugfcchts tho propriety of having lire proof storage for explosives. Scranton has trouble's enough as it is, without including the possibility of a literal blowing up. General Chaffec'te Indiscretion. THAT General Chaffeo had technically no right to pro teat tc Genc-rallss-imo Uio Count von Waldersee con cerning tlie wanton vandalism prac ticed by some of the foreign troops in China, must be conceded in view of the fact that the American forces in i'ekin have been reduced to the posi tion of a legation guard, which re moves them as completely according to the letter of international law- fioin any responsibility in conjunction with tho forces under Count von "Wal ilersee's command as if they were do ing guard duty in Washington. This, we repeat, is tho technical status of the American troops over which General Chaffee has command. Hence his letter of protest to the Ger man field-marshal currently .reported to have been somewhat forceful in tone wns Irregular and subject to the treatment which it leceived in being returned to tho sender. On this point all the authoiities arc agreed, so that no issue arises out of It which was not met when General Chaffeo wroto a note of npology to thn German com mander and was diplomatically for given by means of an invitation to breakfast. But in tho broader view of the trans action, tuklug into account the natural feelings of an honest old soldier dis gusted and chagrined beyond patience at the spectacle of an exhibition of Indecency on the part of the represen tatives of so-called civilized nations whoso high-sounding commlsskms di rected them to work together for tho uplifting of moral principles and to ward ends of universal reform, the Chaffee letter presents an example of wjiat one high-minded exemplar of tho ijiilltary profession might excusably jddress to a distinguished comrade In duns honored by several of tno great 5uwcfs with d commnnd of the highest Ignorance, j There, was no technical warrant for tiiJd'Yluiit. straightforward. Anglo jitxcm5,k1cik." It overstepped every lniltrnf .precedent, tradition and diplo matic .red tape. On this Bcoro it Is I'ensurable to the very limit of stlck llng'proprlety. And yet, like the San tiago "round robin," It does tha heart good and It will endear tho candid and conscientious author to millions who vjlll not care a sou markee whether Uio Count von Wnldorseo liked it or ijot. i I ona are probably more thoroughly cpnylnced of tho fleeting character of clirthly glory than Mr, Bryan as he leullzfis. that speculations upon base lilUlj,yyo3cot8 for next season have ajmost' entirely crowded his opinions out or print. Icaptalu. J. M. Clark, chief of the Hureau of Statistics at Harrisburg, has Just received olllclal notice that a gold irirdu) has been awarded to the collec tion of work sent from the bureau to the Par's exposition. Captain Clark Is nutuiullv much pleased, us It Is a ieo nffuition of u work which Is accorn- pllshlng excellent results In this state nnd which Is fast being adopted In various flections of the country. Tho collection sent to Paris comprehended a complete statistical exhibit of Penn sylvania's Industrlcsand natural wealth. The" talk of Indemnity from China at present appears to be sheer nonsense. My the time that the looters of the so called "punitive expeditions" have finished their work China will bo In a. condition but little better than that of the famine sufferers of India. Nearing the Decisive floment. ANNOUNCEMENT Is made that caucuses of Republican senators and representatives to agree upon a programme for tho organization of the two branches of the Incoming general as sembly will bo held at Harrisburg on the evening of Dec. nl; and on tho evening following, at 8 o'clock, In the hall of the house of representatives, n caucus of the Republican members of the general nssonibly will bo held to agree upon a nominee to receive the Republican vote for United States sen ator on the joint ballot to take place at high noon on Jan. 15, 1901. These caucuses will be hold In strict nccordanco w Ith party usago as ob served practically since the formation of tho Republican party, and in them any member will be privileged to vote for whom he pleases, with tho under standing, which also has tho sanction of long-established custom, that ho will abide the will of the majority, tho same as he would be expected to do If outvoted In a state convention. This means that If Colonel Quay shall re ceive tho votes of a majority of tho Republicans participating In the sen atorial caucus, the number so partici pating constituting also a majority of tho whole Republican membership of tho general assembly, he will be en titled to the unanimous support of the attendants at tho caucus, the same as would any other candidate thus en dorsed. Those who enter the caucus will enter with this condition fully un derstood in advance; those Republi cans who shall remain away from tho caucus will do so because their hos tility to Colonel Quay exceeds their regard for orderly and customary par ty procedure they will cut lose from party regularity deliberately and with a full acceptance of the consequences. The definite announcement of the day and hour of these caucuses long in advance makes a sufficient answer to the Insurgent fiction that a sena torial caucus would not be held. It also summons every member-elect to a clear and honorable line-up. The whole contest, from the standpoint of those committed to party regularity, has been fought fairly in the open. Colonel Quay, put in the Held by the last Republican state convention, whose validity as an authoritative ex pression of Republican sentiment the Insurgents practically accepted when they participated in its deliberations and gave adherence to its nominees, carried his candidacy on the stump Into every county where an Issue was drawn against it, inviting the opposi- tlon to name a man to go to tho people against him; his challenge was evad ed; a large majority of the legislative nominees in tho contested districts favorable to his candidacy were elect ed, and now due notice is given of the time, place and manner in which the majority will of the Republican membership of tho legislature is to find orderly and customary expression. With the lines thus drawn, theie can bo no excuse for straddling or strag gling. Upon a diet of raw, lean beef sea soned with salt and red ropper, hashed together with bread and eaten with out cooking, a pound a day allowed to each man, fifty soldiers, riding and working continuously when not asleep, in a recent test under the supervision of nn army board, kept well and hearty for live days. This settles the composition of the emergency ration and proves that the average American eats twice as much as ho needs. The Life Saving Serv ice. DURING the last fiscal year $1,S"j,0G3.55 was expended hy tho national Rovornment upon the life having: ser vice, which had 194 stations on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, DS on tho coasts of' the great lakes, 1 at the Falls of tho Ohio, Louisville, ICy., and 16 on the Pacific coast. Let us see what Uncle Sam got In return for his money. The number of disaster to docu mented vessels within the scope of tls service was 364. There wore on board these vessels 2,635 persons, of whom, 48 were lost. The estimated valuo of the vessels was $6,li7,n(i0, ami that of the cargoes $3,342,6!lu, making tho total value of imperiled property $9,470,199. Of this amount, $7,'-'3!,G00 was saved and $2,233,f00 lost. There wete albo !K3 disasters to undocumented craft, com prising sailboats, rowboats, etc, In volving "St persons, 5 of whom per ished. The total value of ptoperty In volved In these disasters Is estimated at ?267,070, of which amount 1260,770' was saved and $10,300 lost, Tho ag gregate, therefore, Is as follows: Total nuiubtr of UU.istoM .,, Total aluo of uiopcity Involved Total vuluu ol pinpnty tuvrd ... Total valuo ol piopjily lost Total number of pinions involved ii'M ,0,73V.iO ,$7,191, 110 .V.ilV1" :i,r:i) Total number of pcibons lo-,t , Total number ol uhlpwiecked pereous Miccoied at stations , b'3 In addition to tho foregoing, 5P3 per sons were rescued ftom positions of peril. Five hundred nnd fourteen of tho number, a Jargu mnjoilty of wlwni were women and children, were thooo rescued from the perils of the flood occasioned by the overflow, from July 6 to 12, 1S99, of the Urazos tlver In Texas. One hundred und nlnoty-four vessels that were discovered running into danger of stranding were warned off by patrolmen. The aurfmen also saved and assisted In bnvlng 371 vc. sels, a®ating In value, including their cargoes, $4,000,530. Of this num ber, 269, vnlued with their cargoes at $1,008,805, were saved without outside usslutunee. with a loss of only $6,833. Tn the lenmlulng 102 Instances, the lite-raving views co-operated with wrecking esnels, towboats, etc., In saving property estimated at a vnltl of $2,09?,2S6, of which the loss was $79, 005. Minor assistance of various kinds M-as rendered to 68B other vessels, In cluding small craft. The life saving pervlco Is a paying Investment worthy of enlargement. The Insurgents at Manila are falling back without much resistance upon the approach of United States troops nnd relinquishing their posts without a struggle. The chirp of the Hong Kong junta, however, Is as lively as at the beginning of the campaign, but does not attract so much attention. Inasmuch ns tho revenue from tho stamp tax on bank checks just about equals tho proposed total of ship sub sidles, Senator Manna would like to see the tax retained and specially tot aside for building up an ocean marine. Most users of bank checks, wo fancy, would bo willing. The first Hill for president boom has arrived In tho form of a twenty-line despatch from Chicago. Democrats are as a rule too busy enjoying Mc Klnley prosperity just now to become excited over the news from, Chicago. The Standard OH company won In the recent case for contempt brought before the Ohio Supreme court, but It Is a favorable indication that the bench wns divided in opinion upon the case. No matter what may be the outcome of the Nlcaraguan canal affair, It Is a pleasure to announce that the base ball magnates are "pleased with tho situa tion." Netherlands seems, disposed to view the settlement of the Transvaal affair from a position well In the rear of the auditorium. Wu Tlng-fang seems In a fair wav to precipitate tho organization of a so ciety of American Boxers. u THE WORLD &&&& ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAYsjjj Cop light-, 1100, by It. E. Hughes, Louis ville.) THE EYEs of tho woild weic on Napoleon this, the first anniversary of the overthiovv ol thu Dhectoiy .it Palis, by which llom parte had taken the government of Trance into his own hamU. The sun of his fortunes, now rising rapidly, dazzled nil of Europe and nude even Gieat llrituln blink at the glare. A ) as "First Consul" hud glvin h'm ull tfto povvem of a moiuich, and he had vied thtm with telling effect. Early in 1S0O l.e h.ul taken up his abode nt the Tullleii."!, rnd at enco" finned a ministry. IIcio ho plannitl u icm paign that would bring every I in tu his fcM and leave him sighing for 11101 p v.iiMs to ccn quic the map of Euiopu was to bo t'l,! nap cl Trance. England and AtMiia hid leftiicd to ticat with N'jpoleon until the Doiubuiis should be lestoied to tho thiono of Fiance, and the moat energetic prepir.itions for a viuorous praseeiillon of ihe war win begun. Napoleon's plan was to tleil Aliatlia, bis woil continental enemy, e. double blow. A F1cnt.l1 .limy of 130,(100 men, iiiidu Slurc.ui, udvniiud into Geinnny, gaining stvcinl vlctorus and tnmpelling the AiMiiaus to a luty rclieal. Auolliei, under 3l.icn.i, I111I invaded Italy, but was cnnipvlled to MiiiMuler to the Austilans ill Genoa. On lic.uiiu of Mascna's (allure, lionapaitc Uiiiicclt stalled to Italy at the head of 50,000 tirtop. He tici-setl the Alp jit the difficult pais of Gieat St. Ilirnild. Dllli mlticD, almost inMirninuntHblti piescntcd them selves. I'letipitcs, luvlnes and ctcinil snows seemed to forbid .1 passage; but the .limy ttl- lovved a narrow pass known to no mini; cieature but the chamois and the hunttr. Tho artiHeiy w.u taken aput, and the pitces vieie"pliecd in the hollow- tiimUs of tucs, which weiu ihaivu ncios the mountains by soldiers. The tinops wtic cutomagid by the inii3ic of ;ho band, and whcie the ascent was most dittkult the dium beat ,1 cluige. The Atislrims wire tonipletcly mrprlscd when Napoleon's army Himienly ap pealed on the )il.iins. On June 9 .1 put uf the French ami) under fieneial I 1111,1s the Austiians at Montebello; and live ill), later Napoleon, at the head of :!0,00il men, en cuimteied .!0,00i) Aiistiiaiw, under ( Jlclo, at the -v ill.iKO of Mucngo, and completely over tluew' the Austilm aimv. Jloroau, duriii-r all thi, bad been idle. On Miy il be ileteiteil the Austiians at Km-Tli. Two ilns l.itoi he did likewise at Mocskiich; while on May 9 he won a signi! victory nt llibeiach, Wiutenibui'r, whcie the Austrian were under Kuy. On June 10 Jloic.iu totally defeated the aimv nt Uothstadt, a city 011 the llanuhe, in Eavail.i. Napoleon'. vittoiy nt MartiiRO bid niatli! him master oi Italy, and Moieau was leady to strike tho tlual blow with his mmy In Gor miny. The moment vvai not lipe, however, until Pec, .'!, when at Ilolienliiidcu Moieau won the dav in one of the lunli'st-IOHnlit battlea of tha 5 car. It biouKhl thu peace of Euneville. In tho, meantime, duiin-r November, Marshal Macdou.ild, with 1...0U0 Tiencli (mops, had erosu'd the Alps Into Italy nt the difficult pass ol, th js iucieasln1; tho Tienth foices In Italy to 100,0110 men. 'apoleon had ictuiucd to P.uK Ills triumph was complete. Among tho biiths of the )tni- ol pcions who won fame in lit were tha followim;- I.yman Cobb, American author. Clnuue, thief of tha Meudi Afiicans. .lakob Leonard Chodtko, Polish hlstoilan, .lohli S. Chauucty, American naval officer. Stephen Caldwell, American lawyer and bene factor, Ocorire W, T. V. Claiendon, fourth Earl l Enifland. Mail. Antony Cooper, Aineriiul lawyer and stalesiiian, William Clancy, liish Roman Catholic bUhop In America. Parsons Cook, Ami 1 lean Coticietcational cleig.v man and Jouiiulint. Thorn is Count do Connav, I1UI1 denertl in Ameiicau Revolution. fieoiito fi. C'ooknijn, English Mcthotlinl Kplsto. pal picaeher In Auieiica, ' PENNSYLVANIA'S CITIES. I'hlladelphia ,,1,-20.),ij97 Pottsvllle PltUbmt; S.-Ull! Duddotk Allegheny ti,, ISO.SDCinadiord Scranton lO.'.Oid l'oltstovvn, ,,,. Readinif 7S.0ol )iuoutli E1I0 52,72.1 Caiboudale ... Wllkes-Buri! ,. Bt,7:!l M ihanov O. ,,. Lantaster .,,,, 11.427 Oil City Altoona iiS.tiri S. Jlethlehem,. Johnstown .... JU.a'.O Ml, Cannel .,, Alleutown ..,, 113,110 Hunmorc- , Mclveesport ... SI,!UT rilUton Chester illps! Homestead ,,,, Yoil; ,,,,,, .,, !U,70S Columbia Wllllamsport ,, 23,707 Nantltoko N'twtastlo 28,:t.i0 Steelton , NorrUtovvn .... 2.',S83 WllWiubuw ,.. Shenandoah .., 'M.Wll U'Jtler , Slumuklii lS.'iOileadvllle Libauou 17.6iS,llparr Tails,;, 15,710 13,051 15,021 13.C00 13,611) 13,K0 VJ.'M Jil,30l 1.2U 18,171 V.,5s1 l.',5M l'.',55l K.3J0 12,110 12,08fl ll.SS'l lo.saj lo,ioi 10,031 THE SENATORIAL FIGHT, From the Philadelphia, lmjulur, the tiutli about the situation U just (Iili; Mr, Sii)der will be chosen picildcut of tho senate. Ho has tlm vote., and nothlns but death can ihaii'-e tho icnt, not even the vast amount of money that tlm liisiircent aireiils are platlni; in the miiket for the purchase ol stiength. Mr. Marshall will bo fleeted speaker of the house, und theio Is not enough money umoin; (he I olt i lu pmilMsP his defeat. The oiganlzitloii of lotli tho tenale ami the ion-e i dttlnitely settled, for the vote. are pk'dsed. Senator (juay OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The People's Exchange,, k nrttiftt tn ni'iiilvn tiit.cL, , ll. r. iviuuaii v.l,r4im! iiuuon ivii .no ' - - urnrni 01 All mho linvc nouses 10 ' 1 ncr.c, ucai Miatc or inner iTopcnj- 10 oeii or Exchange, or Who Want Bltuattoni or r ,i nice nmau Afivcriicincm i.twi , One Cent a Wgrd, Six Insertions lor Klv j.ynwi h oni r.sirrpfc niuuuum ...iiiitu, ' .. uivi. Arc jascricu 1 rcc. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Female. WANTED - AN E.XPr.ttl EXCTD COOK AND laundress I one that la well recommended. Mrs. 0. Sejholt, 41" Jcfferaon acnuc. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTIto-nY YOUNO I.AUY OP ' good executive ability, permanent position uj correspondent; poasesaea knowledge ol atcnogra phy and typewriting. Wishes position In law yer's. Insurance or leal estate of flee; first dais ictcrenccs as to character and ability. Addrcsi Experienced, cam ol Tribune olllte. 81TUAT10N WANTEDTO OO OUT WASHING, or any kind ol work, and tako washing home. Mrs. Uurkc, SIS Goidon street. blTU.VIION WANTED-HY MtUDI.E-Ar.KD Will ow us housekeeper In widocr'n family. Ail. drets 31. J., lieiural Delivery, illy. GENTLEMEN AND LADIES STOPPING AT hotel, ran have tholr laundry done by hand by an tvpert bundles'. Prices le.wonalilei best ol city refennces. ffifl l'lcvant stuct, West Side. SITUATION WANTED-MY A GOOD MAN. TO drive groiery wagon or any kind ol bu.slnt.--sj sober nnd industrious; JO years old. Addicxs Louis Onerhout, 'lilbune. WANTEDWASHING DY THE DAY, OH TO take homo washing, or will do office cleaning or sweeping on Friday. Call or address E. 31. II,, "ilS Goidon street. POSITION WA.NTED-ny A YOU.N'd MAX, TO learn the electrhal business; at present slud)lng electrical cnc-lnccritig. W., "00 Scran ton street, tity. HONEST MAN, GOOD HABITS, WANTS ANY position of trust. Write Trust, Tribune of fice. SITUATION WANTEP-tiOOO OlltL WANThll for Rcneral housework, at once. 620 West Lackawanna avenue. WASHINO AND IHONINO NEATLY DONE; Call at tm New slieet, I'iuc Ilroo'. SITUATION WANTED - BY EXPERIENCED lady sti nographer, work by the hum or pletc. Address Stenographer, Tribune, o'lice. WANTED-WOUK HY THE DAY FOR MONDAY and Tuesdiy as laundress on eveiy kind nf work; can urive btst city references. Addresj M. M 70-J Klin slieet. MARRIED MAN. CORRECT HABITN COMPE- tent, honest, trustworthy, no children, deslies situation as barn man in private family or flic man or any position of litist; good im-. Reliable, Tribune office. , YOUNO MAN WANT A Ri'MIION OF ANY kind: has had sit veal-' eiiierienie in Bio- tery stoic and can sp.ak Entsli-h and iivrm.111; r.;,.. 1 . jj . , at- ... ..n... , .u v ifit'ii-iitf 3. .sviiurrss .t. .,., .' ,.v.- iu, city. Board Wanted. BOARD WANTED THREE YOl'NO MEN" HE qulie first class art Ions; pilvate family piefened, in dinlee central city locality; three epaintc rucins on those connect iur;; u.i objettion to price it atcommodatioiis ale thoi ottghly tlcsli-able. I'. O. Rot 215, Suauttui. BOARD WANTED TOR THREE ADULTS AND one small child, in lespectablc .lewi-li fun ily. livimr ir. Ilrst-tlass neiRhhorhood. blals price. W. A., Tribune office. Boarders Wanted. EI.EU V.NT LY I I HM-IIED ROOM-; S1EAM heated; bnnid optional, ."ill Adiris .iveiuie. Lost. LOST ON Dr.CEMRER II, A DARK fiRAY AV (ror.i for retinn to Ni" Olive si. Strayed. EsTRAYEI)-('ME To THE PEi:.MI-d (IT THE iipdcrslciKil, .1 veailinir heilii, led .mil white. owii"r 111 iv Invt uin by pun ins poMiiy and pavinu 111ccss.1i)' tu-ts. GeniKc MiCloske), lirmvu, his in his potket (he willten pnuiiise of a nuijnrlty "f Hie iiKiiibeislup nf tho le(-islstuic, piomises made and inid "im,. the eleitlon. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Ill the live .vent fuun IS','1 ti J-r5 Iiaha pin ilueed neaily .V'W.ikiO tons of sill, m aboi.l 3,000,000 tons etery )ear. This is nbulucd by i.vaporalini; the luinc-s of lakes, wclb and th' 61.1, ns well as from rock ,vilt mlnrs. TI10 woikins laboiers and eooliis sen cvti,vwherp in .lapau wear only 11 naiimv lulu rcaif nnd straw sandal', In cold .'ml laiuy weather they wen a mitklulo-li of loose sti.i.v over their shouldiis .mil a iiiammoth Hide hat, In T'likey umber is supposed ti bo a spcufc tho cell efltuls ol nicotine arc' ns tin' ptople am gieit loveis of tolutio they lietly indulije in the use of it, but take caie to site euard thtnisclvci by hull's amber iiTiitliplccca to their pipes. HA AN' AL. For Tho Tiibune. When the war with pain fust biul; out Jest artcr tho fecials lied sunk the Mane, An' Kongicu sed we'll giv um a bout Cos our plccdin'H all bin in vain. When the president called fcr sojers trevv To carry the nl led, while an' blew, Our Al ho ccd tcr Ma one diy; "I'm bound tcr no nn' Jlne the day," Ma only ted; ''Be still nn' look out." Al alien vnc a dale devil boy, Itedy ter jump an' tjo a hed; Ha'il giv' till plav mates fun en' Jpy, With his exploits nn" the words he ted. He wu Uty tun fer any woik. The most lic'd dew wui Jest ter shuik; But fer any liaiuni slearum fun Wild say ter Ma: "I'm jest the one" M.i only tay; "Be still an' look out." An' fuvt we knot! ho'd listed tuc An' went ter camp long with the men, An' toKurd hlui up in a siito ol blew, He'd drill es hard rs any of um ken. They wer off let' Cuby In a week, Ma only hed time tcr go an' speak Ter Al e.s lie wus maichln' away Frum camp, it erly dawn o( day; An' ihe jeit ted; "Be atill an' look out." Al 1 aiiinl the flag up Et Cana hill An' never paused ner a bit, Hut ever waved it with a will An thi lutl.y dog, he never st I'U. Hut when tho lite wus over an' done He bhl the flag an' owM twin gone, Jest tcr have sum fun with Cap, he ml, An' It nearly co,t tho boy his bed; But Cap jot Kdi "He still an' look out," When others complained ol mud an' lieit, Al'd only lat an' splash un' kick, An" spatter the water with both feet Upon the bo) all Jest fcr 1 tilek. But when he'd hear a bullet zip He'd duck his bed an klosly slip Down in tho trench, In mud an' all, An' lay until the Lap ud (all An say ter hlmi "Be still an' look out," When Kantjoga fell, he tuck . Tha fecver an' wus olllc bad; Ho 'loud to Cap tvvus jest his luck, Tho only kind lm ever had. He beg'd ter bo bent homo; ho setl: "II )ou keep me here I'll soon be ded." An' Ma she met him on the way, But all that I liuril her try tei say Wus only Jest: "Be itlll an' look out." Pitt.ton, Dec. 7. -John II. JluUty, For tale. 1011 SAMJ lir.STAUHAXT Avn nvNir.11 hotwe, cheap) close by all theaters) low rent; reason for nolllnir, jlckness. Apply by letter, Restaurant, Tribune ofOcc. t'on balu-a Di:t,ivi:itv covi:bi:d wmmx, haa been in tno about two montlia. Suitable lor a grocery store, dry Roods store or other inerrantllo purposes. Apply to William Craig, KOIl SALK-ntltCK tltllMJlNCI, NO. 411 LACK- awanna ncnue, rorner Washington menu, being the pmperlv recently occupied and tionf being acated by the Hunt & Connell Company, A. i:. HUNT. t'on 8Axe-conti:nth ok iiousm i"UtiNirt hire, eatpctJ, bedding, etc. RU Washington aenue. Wanted To Buy. WANTKD-SECOND1IAND SLOT MACHINES! mtut be In good order; mate particulars as to make and prloe. Address I,. M., neneral de livery, Scranton, l'a. Real Estate. ?1,750 WOOnitOtiSE'S DESIRABLI.' RE-I-denco at Clirk'i Summll. 11, thicker)-, fruit. Hamilton, 131 W)omlng. SIN'OLE HOUS--NiNE ROOMS, STCAM HEAT, 1010 Myrtle. Hamilton, 131 Wyoming. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON ROND AND MORIOAUE, any amount, M. II. Ilolgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OT MONEY TO LOAN'-taUICK, straight loans or Building and Lull At from 4 to 8 per cent. Call, on N. V. vValker, 314-.1J5 Connell building. Business Opportunity. WALL STREET-IT YOU WANT TO MAKE nioniy In the present markets, wilte us. Stocks, Bonds, Provisions, tairiid nil 5 per tent, inaigin, P. J. I'eleis A Co., 53 lliuailwn), Now Yoik. Recruits Wanted. V1- MARINE CORPS, V. S. NAVY, RECRUITS wanted Able-bodied men, service on our war ships in all parts of the world and on land In the Philippines when required. Recruiting of ficer, 103 W.voralng avenue, Scianton. LEGAL. THE ANNEAL Mi'.KTTNCl OF TUT. SIOCKHOLD eis of tbo Thin! National Hank of Scianton lor the election of dhecturs will be h.'ld In the directors' it 0111 of the bank building on Tues day, Jan. 8, 1IKI1, from 3 to 4 n't lock p. in. WM. II. PECK, Stcretai). SEALED l'KOPO-'AI.S WILL BE RECEIVED AT tho office of th secietniy of the Seranton Board of Contiol until 7.!'.0 o'clock, Mondiy evening, Dec. 21, lliiK), for the erection of a two room addition lo No. 33 school, and for the ton Mnirtioii of sewer line Im slid building, ill ae toidantc with plans nnd sicclllcatiuns in thu tiar.tis 01 .loliu A. Uuckuoilh, arclitlocl. ni" sum of two luiniln- and fifty doll us oi5i' In cash or ci'itilled ihetk sh ill be cut Inset) with c.ith bid which sum shill l. loifeiled tu the ichool tlistlit t in tase of 1efus.1l or omNtinii m thu pail of the stiiiefu' blt'der to cset'ili' eon tiait vvilhln (in da.vs aftei the miauling nf ihe same. No bltl will be lead 01 ton ideicd vvhiih falls lo inmply with ibis ri'iiiiiement. By uriltr of I hi- Mrnntuii lioard nf ('.iiiliol. EL(!EN"E 1). TEI. LOWS 'ecietmy. NOTICE l HEREBY til EN Til VI AN' AITLI i.iliim will be made In the Cnviiimr nt the State nf I'cmis.vlv.iuia. mi Mliiidav, the 2'llb day of Detiiiibn, A. 1). Hum. nl 10 n't-Intl: .1. in., by F. Wauike. .1. W. W.unke. (Tiailes Warlike, (Jeoige W.iikiic anil .Mary VV.iinke, 1111 iler the Act of A-rmlilv nf the .Cnmiiionweilth of Penns.vlvanli, tntltled "An Ait to pintlde fen the incorporation and regulation m icilnlii on poratlnns," .ippioved Apiil U'l. Is"t, and th" supplements tbeielo, fur the ibailei of an in tended 101 pout Ion in be tailed the "Waink" Coal Coinpim," Ihe cl1.11.1t t ni and objut nt whith Is mining ami inepariiig tnal for milker and the bu.ving ancl selling, shipping and tiais- polling ihe s.uue anct lnr tliese piupnyt to nave, possess and enjo) all the lights, btnclll- anil piiviligcs nf thf -aid Ait of As-einblv .1111 I ils siipplciiunt-. M. T. ,sNDO. Solkllni. IN HE: s-HiMi:r OT t IT IZT.NV AND Milieis' s.uino liuik .mil Tiu-t ('niiipanv. In Ihe ('null uf I'nliilnnii Pleas ct kaw.lllll i ininil), No. 770, May Teim, l.s;ti. The undersigned, an auclitni. .ipptitut ( .1 by the i etui of Common Pleas ol said inuut.v. In 111 ike distribution of Ihe funds in the hands nf the assignee as shown by the tinal acenunt of the assignee, hcn-hy gives noliie tint he will attuici In the duties nf his appointment al hi- nfhi i No. 301 Meais Building, in the CTI) nf tnllllty iifnses.lid, nn . tlie :ilt d H' nl Deiembei. A. D., I'ifl, at 10 n' .1. in., it wliii li time und pine all peisoiw intue-ted .111 loquiieil In pii'sem their ilamis 01 be ilt bauid Hum mining in 011 said ftinc). CUA-. E. l)ANIELs. A'.ditm. PROFESSON AL. Certified Public Accountant. E. ('. Sl'Al LDIN'l, .'JO IIItOADWAi, Mitt Voik. Architects. EDWAnD II. DAVIS, ARCHIILCT, CONNEi.I. bolldlng-, Scianton. FREDERICK L I1ROWN, AltCTHTECT, 1'ltlClI tmituini,', 120 Washinzlo'i aveuiii', Sianton Cabs and Carriages. HUHnilR TIRED CARS AND CARRIAOES; HEhT of servile Prompt attemion rflven nidei-, by 'phone. 'Phones i0"i and 30.1.'. Joseph Kclloy. 121 Linden. Dentists. DR. O. E. ElLENREItaER. I'AL'LI IlUILDIMi, fcprucc btiect, Scianton. DR. I. O, LYMAN, fcCRANTON PRIVATE HOS pltal, comti Wjoinlni and Mulhctiy. DR. C. C. LAUIIACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DR. II. P. REYNOLDS. Ol-I'. 1'. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAtT, IM AND 127 l'RANIvLlN AVE. nuc. llatc-j icasouable. I'. SSEIQLER, Piopiletor. SCRAN'ION' IlOUbi:, NRAlt 1).. I.. & W. PAS- teuaer depot. Conducted on the I'mopcan plan. Vliri'015 KOCH. Piopilelo.-. Physicians and Surgeons. JAMES I l-mitil'.LL, M. !., MTl I U.I--T. Mental and Xeivou-i Disease l.iiul'ii Mieet. (opp. P. O,) DR. W. C. ALLHN, Old NOR I'll WASHINGTON' avenue, DR. P. W. L'AMOIII'AU.V, Ol'FK'i: 739 W.VSII. lngton avenue. Residence, 1J1S Mulbiiiy. Chronlej diseasea, luu, heart, kldnvja und Bcnito-uriuaiy crgius a specially, llouri, 1 to 4 p. in. Lawyers. J, W7 llltOWN'IN'U. A'lTORN'UY AND COUNSRL. lor-at'Uw. Rooms U12 au Meats bulldlui;, D. II. UKPLOCILU. ATTOHN'UY-LOANS NLCIO. tlatcd on real istato tcturlty. Meats bulldlnn, corner Waihinvton aveuui und bpruee direct. WILLARD, WARRIIN' . KVAPI', ATTORNRYa and cnvinselloiH-at'law. llepubllciiu bulldln., Washinjton avenue. JLSSU1- tt JKSSUP, AITOUMIVd AND COU.V iellors-at-lavv. CoiumoiivvcaltU bulldlii Rooms 10, 20 and 21. JAMES W OAUrORD. A'nORNKV.AT.LAW. ROOIIIS 014, Oil auu oici iiuaiu ui iiuuu uuuii intr. tDWARD W. THAVRH. ATIORN'RV. ROOMS CKU'004, Dtb door, Hears building. L. A. WATBUS. ATrORNKV-AT-LAW, HOARD n. I Ui ...ilnli 1,1 Ol irilUV WU,,U..,, WV.W.I.WM, . u. 0. B. PITCHRR. AlTORNKY'A'l'LAW, BOARD ut 'fraelo bulldiii1;, Scranton, l'a. J'ATTKRSON & WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL BanW bulldlns, d' COMEQYS, OIJ REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BEBTHOU-'. ATTORNEY. MBABS BLDC. Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUR8 eryinen, ttore 101 Wohliigtou avenue; trci'n bouscti, WW North llaiu avenue; ttoio tele phone, 763. ALWAYS BUSY. The younf- man lias tin use lor "Rubber Neeks,' but ho could hardly live through the winter without Rubber Boots. We have alt th kinds he needs. Our Storm King he likes best. STORES OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS. Lewis &ReIHy 114-116 WYOMING AVKNUB. 'Phono 2132. Free dillvcry. MYNOUS EROS' -The handsomest line of calendars ever shown in our store, together with our line of Fancy Ink Stands, Japanese Novelties, Bras; Frames, Leather Goods in Pocket Books, Card Cases, Portfolios, Dressing Cases, BibJes Make our place worth while visiting. ' ReymoldsBros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jennyn Building. Schools. &CHOOL OT THE LACKAWANNA, SCRANTON, Pa. Course preparatory to college, law, mcdi tine or business. Opens (sept. 12th. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M Cann, LL. D., prin cipal and proprietor! W. E. Plumley, A. M., headmaster. Wire Screens. ,10-.lll KUI'.ITEL, REAR 311 LACKAWANNA evenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DltlMAKINeJ I'Olt CHILDREN TO ORDER! alto ladles' vvaisti. Louis bhoeinakcr, Sid Adams avtmie. A. 11. IIRKIGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULT" AND tees pools! no odut. Impioted punipa ued. A. I. BtiRUs, piopiietoi. 1-t.ivc onlera 11UO North Main avenue, 01 Eiike's dniR stoic, corner Ail.ims and Mulbciiy. Telephone Hit. Mlt-s. L. T. KEI.LI'H. bCALP TREATMENT, 60c.i hampool(ier, 30,'.', taiial massc; uianlciii. Ins, 23c ; (hhopnd). ,U1 (Jiilncy. UAL'ER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC TOR HALLS, plciiii?, piiliis icieiitlon?, vctldini:d and ton. tctt lvoik fuinUhcd. For toimi address R. .1. Dauer, coiiilui-toi, 117 W.voniint; avenue, ovci Hulbeit's musif store. MEOAltOEII llROs., PRINT EltS' Sl'I'PLIES, E.V veloper, paper bans, tvvine. Waiehouse, 180 Wasliinston avenue, Scianton, l'a. THE IMLKESII.MHIi: RECORD CAN EE HAD 111 Si rantoii at llic news .standi of Reismau Uio.-., Wj .spiucc and 30J Linden; M. Noitoii, S'Ji Larkinv.innii avenue; 1. S. Sdiutzcr, -ill Spiuci! Hlrcrt. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In ellcxi Nov. 'd 11(00. Tiaiiis fur Caibondalo leave Scianton ut C.20, 7.VJ, .s.3-:, lo.n a. in.;, i.w, -J, it. .:.3j, ....'i, il.'.'j, 7,37, .I3, 1I.13 p. 111.! 1.111 11. m, lor Hoiieadale-il.l'o, 1U.13 a, 111.; .'.41 and B.i'1 11. 111. I'm AMIke-ll.uri n.l.i, 7.1, S.ri. 0..1.-!, io.i.i, 11.33 a. 111.; Ud, '.MS, VM, l.'J7, 0.10, 7,l, 10,41, 11. Wl p. in. I'm L. V. It. It. point i-H.43. II, 3 a, in.; 2.18, 1,27 and ll.sfl v. in. 1'or Peniistlvunla It, II. points C. 13, O.riS a. 111 : 2.1S and 1.27 p. 111 I'nr Mbint .md alt points ninth 1.21 a, in. and J1.3J p. ni. SUNDW TRAINS. l'nr Caibondalo y.OO, Il.n'i a) 111.; 2.H, ;.32, fl 17, 10.32 p. ni. 1'or Wllkta-llaire fl.SS, ll.Si a. m.; i.3s', S.2j, C 27, S.27 p. in. l'nr Albany ami poinl. 1101II1 ." .11 p. in. l'nr lloni'sdale ll.un .1. 111. and t!.32 p. m. I.cihc-,1 1 ate- to ull points ill United Mads and C'uniJj. .1. III HOICK, !. P. A., Alb.inv. N. V. II, W. CIIO--S. D. 1'. A., Seranton. l'a. Central Bnllroad of New Jersey. Stations in New Ynik-l'oot of l.lbeity -.tieot, N". It., and houth IVriy. Anthiaiili' i"il "M'll cvcliulvcl.v, IiimiiIii-; cli'.inliiii i and ,1111111111. timi: taiii.l in i:rn:rr nov. 21, jmo. Tuiliis leave Si fur New York, .Newaik, Vlllbi th, Philadelphia, L'uslon, llellileliem, Al lintuvvii, Maueh t'liuiiU ancl White llavcn, at S..'ii) a. 111.; espies., 1.10; c.piei, I.uU p. 111. Sum. ilavc, '.'.15 p. in. 1'or I'HHtnii and Wilkis-H.ii re, CEO .1, in.; 1.10 and ;!.;o p. in. Suudiv., 2.13 p. 111. 1'or Hallluioio and Washington, nnd points Sfiulli at'd West via Hetlilehem, h.:,0 a. m., 1.10 a.30 p. in. Sunili,, 2.1 J p. Hi. 1'or Lonpr llrancli, Dceau (iioic, etc., at 8.Xel a. in. und 1.10 p. in. 1'or Rtudlntr, Lebanon and HairUbuip, m Al leiitovvii, S.oO u, in. and 1,10 p. in. Suudajs, 2.11 p. in. I'or I'oltsvllle, S.K0 a, in,, 1.10 p. in. 'llirotish tirketr. to all .olnts e'Jl, south and west at lowest lutia at the Hpitiou. II, P. 1IAI.IIW1N, lien. l'a- Ajt, J, 11. OUIAUSE.V, Cen. Supt. Lehigh Valley Eailrond, lu Effect -tov. 23. 1WW. Iiahii leave scrunton. I'or Philadelphia and New Y'oil. via '". k II. R. II., ut 0.11 nnd 11.33 a. ill., ami 2,18, 4.27 (IllaeU Diamond llxpivsi), and 11,80 p. m. Sun. dav a, D. A II. R- l.M, S.27 p. in. l'nr Whlto llaviii, Huzlclou und iiolnls In the loll It'Slons, via D. k II. It, It., 0.15, 2.18 und 1.27 p, in. lor Pottsvllle, 0.13, 2.18 and 1.27 . in. Tor Bethlehem, I'ailon, Heading, JlatrWiuii: and nriueiial iiiteimeillatei klatiou-. via I), i. II. II. It.. 0.15, 11.53 a. in,; 2.18, 1.27 (lllatk Dia. iiiouil i:pH'-), 1I'WI V' " Sundai, D. & . It, II., 1.5S, 8.27 p. in. I'or Tunkhaiuioi.k, Tovvauda, Eluiira, llhac.i, Geneva und piiueipal Inti'iinnllatei stations, via 1) L. 4; W, II. 11. 8.03 a. in.; 1,05 and 3.10 I'or Geneva, Rochelcr, Buffalo, Niagara 1'alls, Chicago, and ull points vvrst, via D. & II, II. II., 11.33 a. in., Xill (IIUil Diamond Express). 7,1s, 10.11, 11.30 p. in. Sundays, D. & II. It. R., 11.A3. 8.27 P- m, Pullman pallor and ulceping or Lehigh Vulley parlor cars 011 all tialn.4 betvveeen Wllkes-Hairc und New Ynik, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Su?. pension Hiidge. HOLI.IN II. W1LHUH, Gen. Supt,, 2d C'oitland ktreet, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Uen Pa-3 Agt., 2d Cortland street. New York. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Div. Pass. Ant., bouth Bethlehem, l'a. 1'ur titkils and Pullman reseivations apply to CO-J Latkavvauiia avenue, Seranton, Pa. MLEY'S Umbrellas FOR Holiday Gift We are just in receipt of OneThous and Umbrellas which have been specially manufactured for our holiday trade, in 26 inch and 28 inch, comprising a variety of designs and artis tic ideas in handles eclipsing anything ever shown here be fore. We make special mention of two num bers, in both sizes, handles to suit either lady or gentleman, at $1.58, $2.38 of which there will be no duplicates at the price. Finer goods up to $15-00. Initials, engraved when desired free of charge. 510-512 RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect May 27, 1800. Trains leave Scranton, D. fc. H. Station: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Haivisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg' and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Beading Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Harleton, Potts vllle, Reading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. ni., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton. Pottsvllle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .T. R. WOOD. Gen. Pis. Agt. J. B. HUTCHINSON-. Gen. JUr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Dec. 2, 1000. South Leave Sirantnn for New York at 1.1'k .'l.OO, A.30, X 00 ami 10 03 a. ill., 12.53, il.tiS p. In. I'or Philadelphia ut 8.00 and 10.03 a. m.; 12.A' aim und SM p. in. Tor StroudsburK at (S.10 p. 111, Milk accommodation at 3.10 p. m. Arilvn at Hoboken at 0.30, 7.13, 10.21", 12.0.-S, .1.15, 4.13, 7.10 p. 111. Airiva at Phil adelphia at 1.00. .1.2-t, 0.OO and 8.22 p. ni. Ai rim 110111 N'cw Yoik at 1.10, 4.0il und 10,28 .1. in.; 1.00, 1.52, 3.13, A4"i ancl 11.S0 p. in. Trom SlrmiiUbuiK at 8.05 a. 111. North la'ave Scianton lor Buffalo and inter mediate stations at 1.15, 4.10, und 0.00 a. 111.; 1.33, 13. IS and 11.31 p. 111. For Oswego and Sjra cot ut 4.10 a. in. and 1.33 p. in. For Utlca at 1,10 a, 111. and 1.33 p. 111. For Montroso at 0.00 I, ni.; 1.03 aim ft. 11 p. 111. ror Minoison ae i.mi and 0.13 p. 111. l'nr Biiinhamtun 10.20 a. tu. Ar rive in Seiaitton from Buffalo ut 1.25, 2.53, S.41 and 10.00 a. in.; I.U) and 8.00 p. 111. 1'iom ). vvetrn and Miacusn nt 2.55 a. in.; 12.33 and 8.00 p. 111. 1'ion'i t'lici at 'i.5.. .1. in.; 12. M and 3.JS0 II. 111. K10111 Miliolaon at 7.30 a, in. and 0.00 p. in. Finni Montioss at 10 00 a. ni.; "J.20 and Blo'otinbuiK Division Leave Scranton lor N'orlhumbeilJiid at 0 13, 10.03 a. in.; 1.53 and B.50 p. lit. 1'or Plj mouth at 1.05, a, 40, S.30 p, in. For Kingston nt j. m. Arrive at Sorth unibeiland at li.:U .1. in.; 1.10. 5.00 and 8.43 p. in. Airlve at Kingston at 8.31 a. ni. Airlve at Plvmoutli at 2.00, 4.02, 0.13 p. in. Airlve in .siiauion from N'oithuniberlsnd at 0.42 it, ni. ; p'3',, 1.50 and 8,r p. m. From Kingston at 11.00 a. 111. 110111 I'll mouth at 7.53 a. in., ;t.20, "r' -1' '" SUNDAY TRAINS. South Leave Scianton 1.40, H.U), 5 50, 10.05 a. in.: a:u, ; p. in. N'oilh l.e.ivo St'ianlon at 1,15, 4.10 a, 111.; 1.51, 3.(8 and 11.33 p. 111. BlooiiLsbure Division Lcavn Snuiiton at 10 m a. in. and 5.50 p. in. New York, Ontario and Western B.K. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SUNDAY, NOV. 4, 10CO. North Boulid Tulnv. Leave ,-eiautuu, 10,40 a, in. 0.O0 p. in. I.eav e Cadosia. Leave Airiv Caibondale. Caddis, 11,20 a, ni. 1.113 p. 111, Ailive Carbondale 0.10 p. in, bjiith Bound, Leave Arrivt farbondale. Seranton. 7.00 a. in. 7.40 a. m. U.J1 11. 111. 1.20 n. 111. 2.03 p. Ill . Simdavs only, Noith Bound, I.etVc ., ';"'?, r.'Vrl' Stianton, Oarbondile, Cadosis. 8.30 a. 111, CIO a. ni. 10 41 . ni. 7,00 p. ni. Arrive Caibondalo 7.10 p. tu. Leave Lcavo Arrlv Cadcsia. I'.nbondale. STantnn 7.00 s. 111. 7 10 a. m i 30 p, 111. 3.51 p. III. 8 33 p. 111. Trains leaving Serirton at 10.40 a. in. dslli, and 8.30 a. in. Sundaji, make New York, Corn wall, Mldlletovvn, Walton, Sidney, Norwich, Rome, Utlca, Oneida and Oswego connection. For further inloiniatiou eeiuult ticket agents. J. D. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. J, L WELSH, Traveling Passenger Agent, Stun, ton. Erie and Wyoming Valley, Times Table in Effect Sent. 17, 1900. Trains for Haw ley and local points, connect ing at Haley with Erie railroad for New Yoik Ken burgh ad iuti'imedljte points, lesre Scran ton at 7.03 a. in. and 2.25 p. 111. Trains airlve St Scranton it 10.30 s. ui. mi 9.10 p. 111. --41 -