srm STTI iv V r -, . " ' ii "C'j it f' mmmi ' ' fc-1 ' . i i i- . ' MP Jf, J tX -V II. Y-.1 THE SCRANTON TRIBDJSJ5-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, ,1900. 4 M m Ir1 Rill SnmPrlkss ActifAwdntyandfivmpty: Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. i resents int the most accoptable&nri the lojrative principles of plants Aionj to act most ietcticially. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. for sate ty druggists price SO per bottle. Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. AC Per jjc Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CQ 3 clepfcoiie Orders Promptlr D.ll versa !3fm3l Avenus. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Offic Station. D., L. Phoo. W. Passenger 525. DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Oflle. Honr-4 a. ss. to IS SO p. m.: S to 4 William. Bul'.dln. Ovv Potoffl.-. 4 CITY NOTES 4- Vll X lSJllU - -f - I'VYVDViS The Delaniro .ind lliiiKou com luuy pJid je-itcrda.i at the foilbn,ok niiiu it CnboLuale and the Clinton ut lVnt t.ilv. SPLCIAL MEETING Thcio will be a speiul meeting of the boird of health .it th ir iojiu, in the city hjll, this ecmns at i oVUnk IIFARIXG TOM0H11OW. The Pi-,.mil,. How I ticque lubtas coipus tie will 1 hind hefuu .liidgc L'd wards tomoriow nftiino n it 1 u'clnck MUSIC SECTION Ml l.IS The Mii.le v,itiou ol the Green Itldgc Woinnn'.s rlub will mill in tho Scuiilon Consmatoiy of Aliiin. thK iiiihii IniC at 10 JO o'cloUw IUCTIO. TO.MGIll'-Miintin lu.iuil, No til. Hojal Afciniun will hold it-, iniiuil elation -I olrtctrj loniu'ht. Mrnibud .ittcudini; will lue the plojsiire of INtenlng to u tpvnh b. C. Pcm iJ, esq :RI)M.It H'.Nr.ltAI. -Iho fi'iuiil cf Mi 1 liner E. Gaidner took iilaio r-aenln ifttr jioon at the homo of his mutlur, Jlis. Hurt t.iulnri. On acinunt of the coutigioui lKc ise the turn ill was pilule. V. W, C. A NOn.S. Icsvin, in uiiili mik. ing nn now being ginn it Iho Vwni: Wo. men's Clirtstlan aociitiin inn,( ln lle noi t iking thp lull eouise iiiij come in foi i-imjlo lemons. Net 'luesdiy eanlng the litiiiliiie ilas.5 will stiicb ' Iho Last Dus of I'ompill," Jlis. Frieilnnlil Is i tare tiaehir, Und Iho erne Ings kpent with her aio most diliglitlul nm Any one may intoi thi-. ills 1 In i inning i member ot the aoilatlon. SMSLb BI.VK IV HS..MhT. In ihn of flic fciit In about ll.n uMoik last night fioin lm It, at tho cmiiii of Uaslilngimi mniio ard Hlckorj ttifet, wai, due to ti tm ill blue in the bisiinent of Joseph Schaitz's groan store on Nmlli Kathlngton aicimo. 'ihuutz and lm fimlly Ibe alove the stoio and it Is thought that a llgblul match aeililinlallj ilroipcd in the Ltllar caiMil the bkuc, 'Ihu liu coinpinleii put the (lie out before .wy clinugo i done, Tlin busy shoe stoics of Lewis ,fc Tieilly will be open this evening and ovety cveninBUintll after tho holidays, The ait exhibition, llaidenbeigli sscliool, will continue this week. Vis Jtois welcome. Outer building, t . . t n t n n n t t n n 30,000 Finest, Frrslicst Imported and Key West CIGARS Ever bi ought to tho city of Scrnnton. Specially selected for tho HOLIDAY TRADE. By the Uox, by tho hunched, by the thousand. E. C. Dean, 408 Connell Building, PHONE ossa. atatatatatatat(MXft)iMtaM psrgfflwl N0fKSV2 MISSION DONATION DAY. Wants of tho Institution Set Foith In Appeal. Tho following appeal tins boon Is sued for the Florence Cillteiiton Mis Hlon: Pilekiy of IliU week hit lorn tppululnl n "botnttloti Ihi" for (lie 1 loreme t'rltlcnloii Homo. This In not lirm (lie iulnin of tills worthy iliatlt), list tlio lew, thU car, of the Inilitli! ftliool Tlmnksalv Ing t5 donation lm undo If ticrrjn. As long ngn in the mlslon work was Mirtcd lis nlmro of I lie TliankoirU Intf donation from the public schools hai ampl lirovhlrd the lionic with winter vegetable", l't llili cir tho ihlldieii were nkcd to bilng Money Imtciul, and donitlou mu to be given to olio Imllttilloii. tho backawanni liov plljt, and thin the deficit. The home lw cpeclallv felt thU li, n i 1 " lim idUcr Institution und no small mitnlir ol pilule fatnlllei 11 U hoped tint the p'lldlo nl lame nnd the children who furmrrl) udiled II" Ir glfli will (ukr (hit opportunity mid re Muml lioiiiitlfiill (o the appeal. Mulln, shoe lubhtis, glnghinm, ugetiibln mill i inned ponds nro most needed, Imt ntijllilug In Iho tine of housekeeping wlli lo put lo pood ie. Mono Is npicwirr nt nil flmn and veiy ie ceptiilile just now. Indies will be at the home, "1- llnrNon uunnc, dining the ilij lo tooIvc such tlnnitlotM nnd wo trust n laiRo imioint of aupplln tuny lonie. The worl, h tho rtstue of tho fillen and a ticltci foi tho homelcM Klrli and noincii who may lnc a desire to riform, Init nowhere to ro und no one to lend thcm May the ileir Ixird add Ills l)leiltini WORK AMONG THE POOR WHITE FOLKS Intel esting: Tnlk by Miss Bedway About Her Missionniy Work in the Mountains of the South. A niot ontci tinliifr talk on the llf' and t uxtoins imnnlllni,- ttnioim tho "poor -tthlti- tinsh" nt the motintaln otis tesloiiM ot Xoith C.iHillna, South C'.iiollnu ami 'runnes.oi and some au count of ihu .oik behur done thou by tho Homo MNslumny "-OLlety of Iho Pii'sh) tutltii dun tli, tins shdi I.iwt nlirlu In the lectin' mom of th Fit st HiosbyteiKin th'mili bv Ml.,1 lledwav, whn K innniolod with a f.nm ssthool ,hlih has been establish ed til AMieUilc, X. r. Sin. .ie tin .ULiuilit iif the ohooU wluth uxlst In that p.nt or the cottn tiy, .md of the uoctul Ifrnoiance of th" --chool teaehiib, whu lonrli in their fnio lpit and rho' ' all tin muh the session rfln und a num bti oi itiiswcis will ten bv llii'e toaeh ets to (ti(stir.j.: si -et. iiinn m an ex amination. One Mtiestinti m "JLo, was the ripanjsh-A'n-'iiian w.n htuiiKlU about'" and to this iiieiy one ol the Uaehois jellied that I'hmI 'lent Ji'3v")t,le deiiii'ol , it betwen I' and Spain, and Hit i Hit Tnllt 1 States went in to help lb" ( t.Uh The (Jiildien atten I II se sC pools lot jeaib without belne; able to nad a single CiiKllsh sentetuo at the end or their lottiso She told ol Hie si turn's whieh been pstiblHhid by tho PiosbUeiian hintli, and how the in fluence ot the teaeheis m m theie ,s lelt in homes foi miles ai o in 1. She described tho hutch senieis with eai h ami eet woman in th,u eoii Kiefratlon ehowitifr sntift sticks and e peetoiatlntr till oei tho ilooi orf the chapel " people," stid she, "nos- ess a ooitain onuitluniil leliglous feel liiff Thev hae a ioeietue lot all saeied things, but th. hoe not en llKhtened consciences" She wlttilj told of the endoaots ot some ol the ignorant B iptit cleiRj men in that legion to stit up sentiment against the Piesbjtetian teaeheis One of these mlnlsteis tciently ineai.hed a sermon, she slid, warning his ilo k against those Vildlmted people' who weie trjin' to leid them astiav with their fool talk about the eaith inovin' and about the stais, which no one don't know anything about, 'cause the're morn a hundttd miles awav." Miss P.edwaj .said that, despite the many dlfTicultlts met with, the wotk was being crowned with and a light was being established .hleh would never go out As an Indication ot the pieaillng healtln sphit In faor ot tho educational wotk being done, she ctuoted a lemaik made b one of the old mountalneeis, who said to het : "I don't beliene in mocking anj body, but if these folks 'lound hete mocked ou folks toi about sK months, the'd be a I'atucd bight liettei ofi than they ate now." A collection tin the benefit of the woik was titkcti up at the conclusion of Miss Itedwaj's talk. The meeting was held undei iho auspices of the Ladies' Home Missloiiaiy soeletj. FOB, ADMISSION TO BAB. Schedule of the Examination Which Begins Dec. 17. Following aie the pat tlcuhus about the coining examinations for admis sion to the bar of Lackawanna county: All applicants aie lequested to sub mit the subjects which they propose to offer in wilting to tho secietary of the board ot examine is, William A, AVileoN, In Tindei.s' National Hank building, Scianton, Pa. The itMiinlnn tlons will bo held In the Law, coutt house, beginning on Monday, Dec, 17, at S. 10 n, in. shaip, and con tinuing dining the week as In schedule below-: 'UlUll'I I". Alondo, Da. IT n iO 11 111 to 1 p m, Ulaik. hlom's (oiiiniennili.; J lu i p. m, Auii,ij A to I p 111 , IriMs and Tiuslees, 1 lo 3 p in , l.leniiiitii; I.iw, 1 111 m1 i), Dei, Is s il to li so 1, m, ijmlii il law and Stututcc llilllln' lo Cllmo, 1I1.; 10 iO In 1.' ill p. 111, Cnntiiets; tu .1 p, m, Do ine.liu IMitlonsj I o 5 p in,, loiistlliiiluiul l.iu. Wldlllsdl, l)i(, 1!) ff JO In 10 J) 1, in, I'quity .11111 1 1, uiiuK ami riawilt' III OiJUIIJ JU JU a, rn to U m , Cuiiiinon .t, l'lcadingj 1 io to .ISO p. in,, i:l.liiiu; .1 ifl tu 1 p. tn, Sale,. IIiiiimIii, )a, Mg til (u DoO a. 111 , ('orporv tionsi 11.11 to KMil a. 111 , lunt'i. f'oininaitailesj lujii to i in ,uierlnn dniuiioimi 1III1 (lmu)j J to 1 p. in, I'uillio In I'mnliinli; t'to j p. in , HUN jnt Site-, I'rliliJi Da, til- 1'idual I'luailiiie, p to jo a. "! 1" lo IJ in, ijiu.i fuiilrict cedent's I statu II. Tho boaid of oxauilneis aie, In thu otder of their appointment, us follows: John M, Hauls, J, w, Cuipenter and Wllllani A, Wilcox, tho luttor being the Hcciotmy, and Mi, ilttuls, picsl dent. Specltil Notice, Thu LucUawanuu Telephone cum pauy aie now placing telephones at nubbcilbeiH' stutlons. All employes of the company aie furnished with uum beied badges and citizens aie cau tioned not to admit anyone to their 1 essences, (pui poking to be employes of this company), without these badges being In plain view, S. L Wayland, Cieneral Munnger, . Piotheioe & Co.'s laige ware ooms wll bo open even ings until after the holidays. GALLAGHER ON , TRIAL AGAIN JURY IN THE CASE DISAOBEED LAST WEEK. Was Oallod for Consideration Yes terday Afternoon Ivory Con victed of Aggravated Assault and Battery Anthony Carluccl Con victed by a Jury of His Peers. Nolle Prosequis Wero Entered in a Number of Cases That Have Been on the List for a Long Time. Michael Gallagher, of Cleat view ave nue, .N'oi th Scianton, who was last week tried on u charge of keeping n speakeasy, was again put on trial yes terday. The Jiny could not tigtco last week, and after being oiil thtee das wtiB discharged by Judge It. V. Atcli bulcl. The Municipal league Is pioso cutlng tho case and they had It put on the special list for this week. It was given piefeienco yesteulny und went to trial In the ufternoon betoio Judge John P. Kelly In the main court room. The piosctiitlon alleges that Gal lagher sold beer, ale and poiter in the basement if? his house on Clear view avenue, and produced three wit nesses who said they bought some of these bevei ages lrom him. Witnesses weio swoin foi the defense who tes tilled that the place was lttn as :i gioceiy stole by Kate Oullugher, .lis ter of the defendant, who is now 'n a Philadelphia hospital and thai she also scld bser, oie. They neei bought fium Gallagher. Witnesses called for the commonwealth at tho last tilnl weie put 011 bv the defense estetdny. All the evidence wtis not in at ad Joui nlng horn A nol pios. was allowed by the court In the ease of Peter H. ZuiIIIeli and James P. Mahon, owneis ot the Sun day Fieo Piess, who weie indlited foi publishing an alleged libellous .11 tide about Maj 01 James Moll. Attorney. T. G McAskic, who lepiesenled the inny 01, and Attorney J. ( Vauglian, who appealed lor the defendants, joined in the teeniest for n nol pios on payment of the costs. Attorney Geoige S Hotn asked Judge Kelly for a uile to show cause why the four indictments against William Mlttleman, ehtuglng him with tiaf llcklng lu leglsteied bottles.should not be ((uashed A M. Mm so was the piosccutor In each case It was al leged the Indictment did not speclf. as It should, that the bottles .Mlttleman is liiugedwlth tiatlickingln WlMo piopeih leglsteied The iccjuest lor a uile was opposed In Distiict At tornej Jones. Judge Kelly took the matter undei ad lsunient Cases tiled were: JUDGE JOHN P. KELLY. The tilal of Chailes Masten.thi T.ij loi saloon keepoi, who was put on tilal Tuesiiav.ehaiged with being the father of the child of Miss Gwennle Thomas, now dead, was lesuined esteidav 11101 ning H went on tho stand aftei court opened and denied that ho w 1 . tesponslblc for the condition that wis lollowed bv Miss Thomas death, oi tint he ever made in statement ad mitting thai his Hlations with the b--ceased had been Imptoper. He w is sentenced to pay a line of $21 to the poor distiict of Taj lot, the .asls cr Pi execution, and $'5 to the fathei cf the girl, John Thomas, and stand com mitted until sentence is complied with Masten went to jail His wife was found dead in the Lackawanna live: near Taylor about five jears ago. John Holoman. Michael Hoialm and Annie Hoi aha weie leturned not f-'uil-t of having assaulted Geoige Wai.ko Oii'-louith of the costs weie placed on e.uh of tho defendants the piose cutoi. William Ivory was tiied foi hitting Haivey lting on the head with a chair and aftei w aids shooting him Both aie coloied. lvoij Ihed In Ray moittl couit on hept. I last It Is al leged that Ivory was jealous of It -ing. The story of the commonwealth was that living went to Ivoij's place to see him, and not finding him at home laid on the stahs. When Ixory came nome ne stiueic Jiving with a chair over the head, while he slept, and then chew a icvolver and shot at him Aftei tho shooting Ivory fled to Da j ton, O, wheie ho was ai tested about six weeks ago and bi ought back for tilal. The defense was that living was constantly hanging mound Ivoty's house tiylng to steal his vvoman tioni him and that on the night In question ho came home and found living In his house, He tiled to put him out and living diew a levoher. Ho then shot In self defense. On cioss-examluatlon he admitted that he has a wife living, but has been living with a woman numed Scanks, coloied, for nine ears. They aie not matrled, It was over this woman that tho tiouble between the two men giew. Ivoiy and the wo man with whom he Is living, weie ai rested some time ago for keeping a bawdy house and convicted. Thu jury convicted him yesteiday of ag gravated assault and battel y. A veidlct of not guilty was taken as to James V. Palmoth, who was dung ed with nggiavated assault and battel-, by L'dvvaid Kelly. The costs vvete placed on tho county. Tho as sault was committed on Capouso ave nue, this city, some two yeais ago, Palmoth wos tried about one year ago and convicted. Immediately after- waids Anthony Petiolonl made an af fidavit sotting foi th that ho committed the assault on Kelly. Ho was Indict ed, tiled und acquitted on tho giound that the assault was justified. After the llllng of thu afllduvlt a new trial was gt anted to Palmoth, und yester day the cas3 was pi actually dismissed, A nol pios. on payment of costs wus enteied In each of tho following cases: Hobett Hughes, dufiaudlng boarding house, Chailes Kaufmun, piosecutor; John Hoboits, defrauding boaidlnrf house, Chailes Kaufman, ptosecutoi; M, J, McDonnell, embe,ement,Cluiiles West, pi osecutot , JUDGE DAVID CAMEBON, With the opening of com t yesteiduy nioining the tilal of Tmnassl Hliluuo, of Caibondalc, was tesumed. He Is chuiged with chewing off pait of the cat of Michael Golden and committing an assault and battety on John Scott. Tho case 'was given to tho jmy eaily In tho aftei noon and It was still out at adjoin nlng houi, Anthony Cailutcl, of Haymond couit, who was tried Tuesduy for shooUiuj John Caff iey, was found guilty. William Saundry wus tiled on a chuige of laiceny by bailee. Anna J, Branda wus the piosecutilx. She testified that alio employed tho de fendant to convey her trunk from Ollvo street, this city, to (m Wash ington avenue! that ho tefused to deliver up tho trunk to her. The de fendant said that he was engaged to cutty tho prosecutrix's trunk for which he, was to be paid TO cents: that when ho dellvcied the tiunk the tuosocu tilx 1 of used to pay him as agreed upon, thereupon he took the trunk nnd kept It until hIio paid him. C. C. Daniel, who was assigned to tnko euro of the defendant, contended that the charge of laiceny by halloo us laid lu tho Indictment was not made out. The coutt sustained this contention and dhected the Juiy to letutn a veidlct of not gullly. Vei diets of not guilty weie directed to bo tctuiued In tho following cases, the commonwealth falling to produce the nectssaiy evidence: M, J, Walsh, embezzlement, Finnic Wade, piosccu toij Aiidiow Fllllchlo and Folllo Checbuskl, assault and battery, Wil liam Kolosklt, prosecutor; Philip Hell iv, 1 ape, Mamie Tlnley, prosecutrix; Philip IteJJly, lnpe, Gwennle Thomus, piosecutiK; Peter Mullaney, rape, Owennlo Thomas, prosecutrix; Ft unit P. Wade and Maria V. Wade, defiaud ing hoaidltig house, W. H. Whyte. Pi osecutot: Thomas Crafton, assault and battery, Kllen Crofton, piosecu tilv: Adolph Cruplnltsky, assault and battel y, Albert Ciuplnltsky, prosecu trl. John Uiban, alias Jack Uiban, and Simon .leny, of the borough of Old Forge, weie chat gcd with robbeiy. The piosecutor was Fiank Heinoskl. He alleges that In September Inst he was set upon nnd robbed by the clefen ants of the sum of $nt The defendants absolutely denied the chatge. Tho de fendants testified that the prosecutor was eiulte chunk and was veiy qtiar lelsomo. He wanted to wiestlo wltn the defendants No lobbory was per peti.ated. The liny 1 etui nod tho de fendants not guiltv. When couit adjourned Samuel Rich was on tilal chuiged with leeching stolpn goods Chief of Police Robllng Is the Dioseculor. An Exceptional Case. A ouv wheie husband and wife can bo tenants In common was Instanced jesteiday In an opinion fiom Judge H. M. Iklw.uds, In tin paitltion ptoceod ings of Mai lo. Katheiino Kolb und John Gottleib Kolb. hoi husband, against Daniel liiennainun The paitlcs to tho case weio ngroe ablo to the paititlon, but Judge El waids was somewhat In doubt as to whether ot not tho putitlon could be legal! made, and took tho matter up foi Investigation. AVheie a husband and wife hold an undivided half inteiest each in a piop 01 ty, thej hold it in entirety, and as was decided in the Whitiock case, from Scotl township, they could not make paitltion In the rnesent case, however, a peculiar 1 iicumstaneu takes It out of the contiol of this decision. The lot In question Is on Remington avenue and is 40x100 feet in dimensions. Kolb puiihased the lot fiom the Paw nee Goal company, rebiuarv 12, 1874. December I, IS7-J. Kolb and wife, by deed, eonvejed an undivided one-half inteiest in tho lot to John Appert, and on the same da, Appeit conveyed the said undivided one-half inteiest to Mis. Kolb individually. By this airange inent an undivided one-half was left In the husband and the same in the wife. The husband's one-half inteiest was sold at shoilffs sale, June 30, 1S92, to H. M. Hannah, and on December 7, JSH3, the Hannah inteiest was sold at sheriff's sale to Bieiinainan.the defend ant in the piesent case. Judge Cdwaids tlnds that "tho estate as vested 111 the husband and wife, De cember 1 1874, was not an estate in entliety, but was an estate held by tenants in common, and thoiefoie sub ject to paitltion." The husband, Kolb nnd Appeit weie tenants 111 common, and when the wife succeeded to Appert's half, she became a tenant in common with her husband. Be-enteied Upon Coal Lands. I. H. Bums, ns attoiney for Chtiles P. Foid, defendant, and acting at the Institution of the Winton Coal com pnnv, limited, and the Filer, Dolph and AVInton estates, plaintiffs, yesterday enteied judgment of ejectment agiinst tho defendant for the 300 acie Rebecca Dana coal tract in Winton. Foul leased tho tiact, November 29, ISO'), and agieed to pay royalty on a ceituln minimum output. The plain tiffs aver that he has done no mln'ng whateveT for over a year, and that under the teims of the agieement they have a right to le-enter upon the piop 01 ty. Tho Judgment In ejectment, which thej had Mr. Bums file yesteiday, was the flist step In these ptoceedlngs. Proceedings Stayed. In the case of Gtlliln against Smith, an older was made yesteiday, by Judge H. M. Hdwaids, that all pto ceedlngs on the Giltlln judgment be stayed until further oider of court. This action wos taken upon petition of Solomon Goldsmith, who set foith that the defendant Is in bankruptcy couit, and that while these lattei pro ceedings aie pending, the other should be suspended. Marriage Licenses. Jess Miller Wllkes-Baire Cat lie Unuugst....U'JO Pi evidence load Wllllom Jutnes Owens, 328 Asvvell court Floience Maud Pearson. 1510 Plnestieet Adolph F. BJoik Mayflold Mui la Piitchuid May Held Gustavo H, Boettchur..U02 Union stieet Vlctoila Qulnn 1027 Meadow avenue Abiam Davis Muylleld Mayfleld ....Caibondulo Jpimyu . ...Carbondalo Annie Buckingham Aichio W, CmtlH... BlUa A, Pellow Joseph Ceu a Lucy Ceria .Caibondalu Hauy AV. Cole. ..425 Noith Sixth stieet Muiy F. Kimble, Munldulo Hill, Dauphin county For Sale. Two heavy, one light delivery wagons; set bob sleds; buggy pole; laige hot water heatet; ope light plat fouu seulu; cash register; two p'pe cuttlng niuchlnes; tour H, P. engine; Jl.GOO worth gas Hxtuies and supplies; $3,000 plumbers' and steam-fitters' goods: oiio two-seated sleigh; one two seattd open wagon. The Hunt &. Connell Co, Now York Excuislon. Thu N. Y. o, and W, Hallway com pany will run their annunj Christmas exclusion to Now York city on Mon day Dec. 17, tickets good retumlncj up to and Including December 22nd, at greatly reduced rates. For fuither Inloimatlon, consult neatest O. and W. It. It. ticket agent, Pigs' Feet and Sauer Kraut Lunch today. Baked beans and ox tall soup tonight. St. Cloud Hotel. " NEW COAL ROAD IS DEFEATED SALE OF PENNSYLVANIA COM PANY VIRTUALLY ADMITTED. Statement That Amounts Practically to an Admission of the TrHith of the Transfer Stoiy Comes from Vice President Thome, of the Pennsylvania Company New York Dispatch, Which Bears Evi dences of Being Inspired, Attempts to Make E. L. Fuller a Scapegoat. Tho Independent load to tidewater, piojeotcd by the Pennsylvania Coal company and B. L, Fuller for the re lief of the Individual opciatois, Is as good as doomed, and the duy of tho in dividual operator In tho Lackawanna legion la closed. What piactlcally amounts to an ad mission of the truth of the story that tho Bile Is to have contiol of the Pennsylvania Coal company was made jesterduy, in New York, by First Vice President W. V. S. Thoine, of the Pennsylvania company. To an Inter viewer ho said: "The negotiations for the stile of the stock of tho Pennsylvania Goal corn pans have not been consummated. Theie will be nothing to give out on th subject today." The Dally Philadelphia Stockholder, In Its Wall stieet letter, yesteiday, said that an Important announcement concerning the antluaclto stocks would bo foi thcomlng toinonow. The closing quotation In Pennsylva nia stock, Monday, was oOO bid. The next day it wus 600 bid, while on the curb it was tilfi bid, 645 asked, Fiom soutces that ure considered re liable It is leal ned that the Erie is not to be the sole beneficial y of the Pennsylvania compan's transfertal. The output of ti.e Pennsylvania col lletles is to be shaiod In by the On tario and Western and Delaware and Hudson companies The allotment of collleiles will bo governed in a gieat nieasuie by the matter of convenience. At piesent all of the eleven bieukeis aie on the line of the Bile and Wyom ing, which connects with the Krle, so It is piesumed tne Btie will have the lion's share. This matter, however, is Incidental as compared to the main purpose of the deal, the defeat of the independent road to tidewatei. BLAME FULLER. Now Yoik dispatches which weie evidently insphed lays the blame for the defeat of the new road project upon E. L. Fuller. The action of Mr. Fuller in selling to the Ontario and Western, the Mt. Pleasant collierj, Is the excuse for making him a seape goat. At a distance this mlgtit seem to be a Just accusation, but to those acquainted with the facts in the case, It is the eiiest bosh The Mt. Pleas ant Is so situated that it could not be made a contributor to the tiallle of the new road without building a long round-about and consequently expen sive tallroud to connect It with the Brie and Wyoming. If the whole truth could be made public: It is likely that it would be admitted that no one ever expected the Mt. Pleasant to be a contributor to the Independent road. The fact that Mr. Fuller's other collleiles, such as were In the territory to be tapped by the new load, weie letained by Mr. Fuller to become a pait of the trlbu tailes to the new load, removes the foundation fiom the charge thut "Mr. Fullei Bucked Out." Mr. Fuller left for New Yoik yestei-' day befoie the allegation that he had "backed out" appealed in the public pi hits. In regai d to the lepoited Eiie Pennsjlvania deal, Mr. Fuller said he had no official Information. In manner lather than woids he Indicated that he did not doubt it. He was about to go to New Yoik, he said, and hoped by toniouovv to know all about the affair. THltOOP COLLIERY SOLD. The leported sale ol the Pancoast colliery at Tluoop to the Ontario and Western people, announced In Tins Ttlbune as likely, thiee weeks ago, and biiefly mentioned In an unofllciul way yesterday, is combined. Supeiin tendent Bryden, of the Scianton r company, one of the blanches ot me Ontario and Western's coul depait ment, will have supervision of the newly acquired propetty. This makes fifteen collieries the Ontaiio and West ern now controls. The Pancoast com pany was capitalized at $200,000. To Enjoy Spiing Under Southern Skies. It is not necessary to expend a larg amount of money to visit the nu rneious charming resorts i cached by the Southern railway; round-tilp tick ets sue on sale at i educed rate, and this great steel highway of the south leads to vvondious regions of beauty and health, upon ttalns that glide, as If on the wings of tho wind, over the smoothest tracks. The Journey Is nuidp In luxuiious trains, embiaclng nil the comfoits and conveniences of the finest metropolitan hotels. All through trains aie composed of tho highest typo of vestlbulc-d Pullmans, and dining cats aie operated through out tho year. Tho lesoits of the south are vailed in attiuctions as well us In cllmatlo conditions, Thoso In lobust health wjio simply seek a wanner cllmo where thoy may escape the rigors of a noithern winter may choose wholly as fnncy dictates, Floilda, Thomas vllle, fla Augusta, Ga Aiken, S. C Sumnierville, S. C, Plnehuist, N, C mo delightful places to visit during tho winter months. Tho "Land of tho Sky" has tin Ideal winter climate. Of this section Ashvllle Is tho center, but means the only desliublo plucj. Thoiu me a scoro of others, such ns Saluda, Skyulto, Tyron, Sapphire, Wiiynesvlllo, Hendersonvllle, Flat Rock, Sltyland and Hot Springs, Tho winter tuupeintuie Is almost Identi cal with thut of southern France and noithern Italy. In uny of these excel lent accommodations mo to be had. Tho Southern intlvvay opeiatcs tho most perfect thinugh service between Philadelphia and Florida, tho south und southwest. Charlus L. Hopkins, distiict passenger agent, 82S Chostnut stieet, Philadelphia, will be pleased to fmnlHli a copy of book "Winter Homes In tho South" and all Informa tion, Colds Melt Away If you use Kiause's Cold Cuie, Pro puied In convenient capsule form they aie easy to take, and effect ta speedy cute of the most obstinate cases. Pilco 25c. Sold by Matthews Bros. Bteam Heating and Plumbing. P. P, & M. T. Hovley,23t Wyoming aye. wwwwwwwwwrtwwywywwwwyww' For Holiday , Nothing adds so much to tho beauty of tho table an candelabra, with flower-tinted shades, si f ting a soft light over fair ladles and tasteful appointments. Now designs In silver and cut-glass have Just como In, with tho low pedestal nnd graceful spiral brunches so much in vogue. They sell for $lfi. The latest Idea In candle-shades Is tho Bilk tissue In leaf designs, tho dellctito volnlngs lmltatlnr nature closely in the transparent frost-like effects, 'YuxvaPfcteVX. fieo V Millar & VJCU Y. 11 XI llttl X Ol'l'K mmmmmmmmwmmmmmm TEETH EXTRACTED PAINLESS Gold Crowns $3 Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work (,&) $3 Set of Teeth $5 Ml work gmrantrrd for 10 vrars fit I and tmw jour teelh ex imlncd free of ehaige. sulsfactlon or no pa. Schimpff, the Jeweler, That's the name. You've heard it a good many times most every time in fact, when jewelry is the topic of conver sation, for the one implies the other. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has much to show you in the Gift li e more than you'll see in most other stores. Not only more, but something "dif ferent" novelties that appeal to you, because of their novelty. Schimpff, the Jeweler, Has everything going in the jewelry line. Think ol what you want; it's there. Prices, too, are less than you think, when you consider that no matter What you buy, quality is apparent. 317 Lackawanna Avenue. Be Quick and Buy Quick. Words of warning that you'll do well to heed. Wait too long and the very thing you've been looking for w ill have been sold out. Toy's For Everybody. The most we've' ever had, which is saying a good deal. Jut old Santa Clau has more homes to visit than usual tin's year the city has been growing a bit. Candies To Go With Them. Williams' Candies, which arc as pure as candies can be made. Other kinds, too, put up in fancy boxes. Special ices on big quantities to Churches and Sabbath Schools. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 and 314 Lackawanna Avenue. KKJCKUKUKUKKKKUKUKKKKKUKUK K 'ihe New Neverslh As- plinlt Removable HORSESHOE CALK. Horse cannot slip and will outweir three sts or any other calk nianufnctureJ. O SOLE AGENTS. WWWWWWWWWMWWWWW ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. List of lettera leiiulning uncalled for at the Sranton rontotllcc, baikawanna rounl, I'l , Dee, 12, 1000, Persons calling foi then, letters will please bay advertised and give date of list, D:r i II. Hippie, I'ostimstci j Ml Jluuil Algai, 1'red C, Aslili., Oeuige llendcr, Mia. ,VI. 11. lleers, Mr. I'l ink It. Putci, Samuel lllgley, , 31, Done, II. 11 Hernial. Mia Knini.t Connell, S.u.ili A, Clark, battle Conrad, MUs Carpenter, Geo, A, (me, Jack Connoid, Mrs Mai Curie, Mu, 1) M. Cleiiisou, S. Cleveland (4), Traiil. Duwlg, Sidne Drew, liu. 1'inlrlei Pur man, Mm. P. Dunn, Mis. a Annie I,. Pond (J), Mlv ilaigarct Dlaeon (J), Ml Sstrali Dull, Mrs. II. II. II, Willie I'raneU, A, l'rauz, Mii. llahert, Christiana r'ostei, (', II, follows, Joseph II, Toster. Mi's Mary Caidnet, MUs Kathciiiiu Oillin, Jos, M, firob, Mr. (Jrant (liutir, tiasollnc lamp Co,, Mm. Kate Uerto (photo), J, V, (Jrant. Mlu Jennie Hurst, Mertlo Hill, A. A. Illnk. It (-'), MU Helen lloltou, William Ilundel, J, I', Iligglnsou Miss Emma Johns, Henry T. Jones, jr. ('.'), li. 1), Jones, William James. Mr. M. Kenned, J. W, O'Kelle, Agnes Kill, MLis louisc J.oelinl, Mis-f Olbe Loclinian. Miss McAudrew, Dmls MiSherry, Maigaret McTighe, Miss Delta Mitch, F. U. Mots, Mrs. Lottie Moon, Mlt Ilculali Merrill, K. J, Muth, MUs Anna Maugan, Mrs. S. Mulhojland, Mr, Sturr Mattcrson, Dr, James M. Monaghan, Geo. A. Mann, Jessie Mue Miller, James Matuui. C, II. Kelson. Jamed O'Connor, Mrs. J. V. O'Connor, Miss Hannah O'Malley. Mrs. Alice 1'aync, E. J. I'eek, Joe Telest, Wil liam Parris (.'). John Itoth, Dr. A Richards. bcrantou H)iolegieal school, MUs KtJ Smith, Teas 9i Co ja wjomim awmw VU. 7 In .nd look .r.uiid 1AT.NING3. We make n Rpeelalty of fine Crown und nridge Work and 11 will pay oti to rail and get our prlcoi before going iNevrlier. All work absolute! I'ainloAs Dr, Reyer, Dentist 84 Spruce St,, Opp. Court House. 1 &p(1 126 and 128 LUm Franklin Ave. v$00Vji0K000,0i0j?i Ml, and Mr. John Sener, Win. shouson, I, V, Silbaugli, Mh salmon, I lias. b. bchiifter, Dun 1'rauk Ssuilth. T, I) lorre, Messi. X and fi, T.ilor, I'd waiel lt 'lone, I', I', 'llioims, Mrs, Anglo TIiuiiii. Hiny W, I'luluwood. Miss VoU, Miss loulso White, MM -Minnie' Wlsnier, Mlii louctla Vt.ishljiiin, tj, , Williams, I'ranl? Wit com, MI- Is Ncinz, Il'AMVV. Aituio I la fu luno(ii70, rUbato lancredi, An tonio llomlcllio, I'asimale Uineno, (llu.riia tu Seiul fu Poinenko 1'OIJsH. Gurg C'awlatN, olja Augiutynowlc, l-'rancl.ek Medmltld, Mumstiw l'ow)(liiowak), Ian D koiiikl, .1 mm Macuilct, I'olina Stijwjnsk.i, Josef Wolineekl, Itafal Uojlktv.lev, Josi jH btaukle viteh, Hanceseo Sialandrol, IIUNfi MIIAN', Jau Kasskiu, luan Soklra, Matias- V (Ik, .lino Krlu, Stlf Valid, Mack GcdzaltU, Ilr, Ane. iuk, Joins (lustas, I'aulus Uojtaeh, Julian Truziaiii, Majk lmocsak, I'ielaiilrs Janos, lla. Jor es llaliud, Km .cpal, Andrze) Quyle, Jau Iluddl, Wlaelstaf Dora, Jeucf sllblk, Jurko Huslaii.ta, William .Malulis, llurl Mudu, Tercla ilatiu, Michael hletliau. facitMov sr.nox, M. Joidill. William Millie. Mrs. John Williams, !M H. Ilde I'aik. Saturday, Dec. 15, 1000, Is tho last day to pay city and bchooj taxes without penalty. 11 J, Robinson, City Treasurer. - t Chicken and Wafiles at tho Bpeedvvuy house tonight. 'f I J-'l y t . 'ii ft y V?