,. i 1 w'tAwrt 1m j, -r ,-rV 'M 4J.V-. - r u l'..l Sributte. pwttott l l , THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICb OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWOENTS. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1000. TWO CENTS. ,yfYV4'iil'.fliivl! ZS&S&i .-rfitfgss 1 A sKkB CENTENNIAL AT WASHINGTON 'mposlna Geremonles at the Na tional Gapltol in Honor of the One Hundredth Anniversary. BIG MILITARY PARADE An Impressive Spectacle Presented nt the House of Representatives. Decorations of the Galleries A Stately Procession Spenkcr Hen derson Calls the Sleeting to Order. Eloquent Addresses Made. By riclule Wire fiom The Aiiociated Picas. Washington, Due. U'. With Imposing ceremonies the national eapltol tnduy celebrated tlio eciitonnhil unnlversary of the futiudlnir f the seat of the fed oral government In Washington. The exercises combined a brilliant military parade, a review hyj the piesldeiil from the east ftont of the eapltol and ora tions In the hull of representatives, where a billllant audience was ussem 'bletl. Uy act of congress the day was muele a national holiday in the District of Columbia, the government depart ments wote closed, business was sus pended and the whole city gave itself jver to celebrating the capitol's natal day. President MoKinley and the mem-V-is of his cabinet tool; a prominent inrt in all the exeielses, and with them were the chief executives of a large number of the states and terrltoiles of the Union, the senators and rcpreyen latives In congress, the judiciary of the Vnited States Supreme couit, the am bassadors and mlnlstei.s from foielun courts, the heads of the army and navy find a great outpouring of the people. It is seldom that a celebration of greater brilliancy lias occurred in the city at the eapltol and at the -white house. Eaily in the day the president j evolved the gpvernors of states and territories at the white house, and the model for a new and enlarged white house, to commemorate today's exer cises, 'was unveiled with suitable ad dresses. At 1 o'clock the president was escorted to the eapltol, uhete lie re viewed a parade, headed by Lieutenant General Stiles and including the full military strength of the eapltol, regu lars and militia. The ceremonies at the eapltol began at 3.30 p. m. and Included addresses by Senators Dunlel, of Vhginla, and Mc Comas, of Muryland; Represejjitntivei Payne, of New York, and Richardson, of Tennessee, and a notable historic oration by Senator Hoar, of Massachu setts. A reception by the piesldent to the governors of states at the Corcoran art gallery tonight closed the festiv ities. Exercises in House. After the parade came imposing ex erclses in the hull of the house of icp ics.entatives where gathered as distin guished a company as its walls had ever held. On the floor were the presi dent and members of his cabinet, the members of the senate and house, the ambassadors and ministers of toreign countries in full couit uniform, the chief justice and associate justices of the supreme court In their judicial rcbes; Lieutenant General Miles and many distinguished officers of the at my and navy who had received the thanks of congress; the governors of more than half the states of the union rnd the commissioners of the District of Columbia, while the galleries were icsplendent with the wealth and cul ture of the national capital. As a spectacle nothing could have hsen more imposing or Impressive. Never before in the history of the hcuse has the staid old legislative hall, with Its severe gold and white galler ies and Its plain marble rostrum, been decorated to anything like the extent it was today. A company of juckle.s from the government yacht Dolphin had literally swathed the hall In Hags. The flogs of the Continental army, many of which were old and tuttered, had been brought from the war de partment for the occasion. A Stately Procession, The procession Into the hall was a stately one. Flist came Senator Fryo, president pro tern, and membeis of the senate. Senator Prye aseendn I the rostrum and look his place ba slde Speaker Henderson, and the sen ators seated thems-elves In the llr.st three rows on the right. The membeis of tjio senawere followed by Chief TuiMce Fullfir and the associate Jus tices of bupremp court. They weie seated opposite the places reserve I for the president and his ciibltictt. Next came the amlms.sadois and min isters to the, United Stales and other membeis of the diplomatic coip?, headed by Lord Pauncefote, They wore seated Immediately be hind the members of tint hhiwip, The governors of states and tcril rles. headed by aoveruor Hcoilolil, of Wis consin, sat in the rear of the diplo matic corps. Theie was; much eager curiosity to teo Coventor Roosevelt, of Now York, and ho acknowledged the attention manifested by smiling and bowing to the right and left. Pol- I lowing the governors came Lieutenant i General Miles In lull uniform, the commissioners of the Dibit lot of Col umbia and tho rnomhei'b of the -sn tcnnlal committee at large, The pies ldent and Iho members of tho cabinet wete the last to liter the hall. When all limlrbeen seated, Speaker Henderson culled the distinguished gathering to order und brlelly explain ed tho purpose of tho lelebratiou, Everyonu rose and stood with bowed head, while. Dr. Mllburn, tho blind chaplain of the beuate, offeied an Im pressive invocation In his wonderfully rich und vibrant voice, Thu speaker then turned tho gavel over to Sjii ator Frye, who culled tho joint uhsepi blago to onler and Intioduced Mr, Richardson, of Tennessee, the minor ity leader of tho house, who delivered the opening address on tho transfer of tho sent of government from Phil adelphia, Mr. Richardson's address, which was generously applauded, was on tho "trnnsfcr of the national eapltol from Philadelphia." His address was largely an interesting historical re view of tho contest, which began as soon as tho first congress convened at New York In 1789 over the, locution of scat of government. The address of Mr. Payne, of New York, the floor leader of tho majority In tho house, on the "establishment of the seat of government in the Dis trict of Columbia," afforded an Inter-ct-tlng glimpse Into political machina tions of the forefathers and received mr.rked attention. Senator McCoiuuh, of Maryland, followed with an address on the "History of the first century of the national eapltol." It was also well received. Tho fervid eloquence of Senator Dan iel, who spoke on "The future of the United States and its eapltol," re peatedly aroused the assemblage to urpluuso. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, concluded the exercises with a fin talied and scholarly historical oration. The exercises were concluded at fi.lti. After dissolving the Joint session, Sen ator Frye turned tho gavel over to Speaker Henderson, and the house im mediately adjourned. -The concluding feature of 'e cele bration was a reception tonight at the Corcoran art gallery from S to 11 o'clock, attended by tho president and several members of his cabinet, gov ernors of the various states und their staffs, who participated In the day's events, and a large contingent of otH- ! clal and resident society. President Me Kinley was given a hearty reception by the crowd. WOMEN MUST BE HOME BEFORE MIDNIGHT The New York Supreme Court De nies Ker the Privileges That Are Accorded Wicked Man. By clusi,i Wlu tiom The Associated Prew New York, Dec. 12. Justice Andrews in the Supreme court toiluy "hunted down a decision, in which he holds that a woman should be home by mldnlsht. The question arose on an application by Florence Abell, a dressmaker, to enjoin Jacob A. Omdrak, her landlord, from closing the front door of the house and not immediately admitting her when she "rang the bell. Miss Abell says she leased two rooms from the defendant to carry on her dressmaking and shop at $33 a monh. She was to be allowed to have her shop open from 7 a. m.to 10 p. m., but was to be admitted afterwards at any rea sonable time. She complained that on November 10 and 13 she was locked out, and on the second occasion could not obtain admittance and "Had to take a room at a hotel. She said that she was kept in all day at her business and did not think It unreasonable that she should go afterwards to a theatre or elsewheio with friends. She asked that the owner be compelled either to give her a key or see that she was admitted whenever she rang the bell. Omdrak said It was necessary to keep the house locked at night, as the ten ants had a great amount of valuables there. The llrst night, he said, there was some delay In admitting the plain tiff, and the second night ho and his family had gone to bed and did not hear her. Justice Andrews said he could not cogrpel the defendant to give the plaintiff a key to the outer door, as by the terms of the lease she was only entitled to'access at reasonable hours. He granted her a preliminary Injunc tion requiring the defendant to permit her to enter her premises at all reason able hours and promptly open tho door for her up to 12 o'clock at night. THE SCHNIEDEFs WANT ROYALTY On Account of the Nlckle Steel Ar mor Adopted by United States. A Claim of $375,000. By Exclusive Wire trom The Associated Press. Washington, Dee. 12. Secretary Long today heard an argument by General Joseph K. McCommon, representing tho Schnleder Steel company, of Creusot, France, in behalf of their cluhu for In demnification because of the use by the United States government or nickel steel armor for warships. During Sec retary Whitney's administration, when an effort was being made to secure for thu United States navy the best armor then known, the Schnleder company submitted for test, In competition with tho gieat armor makers of Kngland, a nickel steel armor plate. This test was conducted at Anuupolls and resulted In demonstrating tho supeilorlty of tins nickel steel compound. The United States government Immediately udopt ed nickel steel us a basis for Its armor plate, but jiluced no orders with the Schnleder linn, and our domestic minor niukois huo since used that material. First by cuse-hurdenlng tho plates by thu Hutveiy process, and now by the use of Kiupp process, the original nickel steel plate, .simply tempered in an oil bath, hub been greatly improved upon, and Is no longer used In lis orig inal form. Still tho nickel steel com pound remains the baso of all modern armor plates, and the Schnleder com pany Is claiming royalties trom the United States government to thu amount of about $3"5,000. Secretary Long icserved his decision. Woman's Skull Crushed. By K.ilmho Wlie fiom Tht Associated Press. ".minion-, Pec. 13. John I'. Butler, coloiol, ws c-omlctctl of n.iiiiicr in tlie llrst degree lij a jury In Hie criminal court tonlsht (or killing lilt U(o on N'om ruber !!7 lat. The wonuu's blull was crushed by a cobblestone. Judge I'lulps did not prbiicuucc scmuur tonight. 11 Westlnghouse Dividend. By Exclushe Wlro from The Auociitrd Prcu. PJtUbuii;, Utc. . Tlitf Wttllnirlwiuc All lliuku iunpjuy todiy ilcclaird u quarterly dil iltn.l of 'i l-.t hi- itul. mid an extra dltldend ut ;jt; fir iriil. 'I he regular dildiud o( the I'nwn .Si. luh and bigiul und Westinghause Jla clilno company ui alto lUclou-d. POWERS AGREE ON CHINA Foreign Representatives Accept the Conditions. Proposed bu Germany on November 19 ONE ALTERATION MADE Objections to Making the Demands Irrevocable That Clause Has Been Eliminated Joint Note Now Heady to Be Presented to the Chinese Peace Envoys Regard ing Compensation to Missionaries. By Exclusive Wlro fiom The Associated Press. London, Dec. 12. The negotiations of the powers In regard to the Joint China note were concluded satisfactorily yes terday. All the governments have ac cepted the conditions as outlined by Ccunt von Culow, the Imperial cliun 1 ctllor of Germany, on Nov, 19. Tho ! only exception was taken to the In troductory clause, in which It was said that the demands were Irrevocable, which has been eliminated. Count von Buiow, on the occasion of hit llrst appearance in the Reichstag as Imperial chancellor, Nov. 19, after making a statement defining Ger many's policy toward China and out lining the Anglo-German agreement, proceeded to give the text of the de mands which the representatives of the powers in I'ekln had at that time agreed to recommend to their govern ments to embody In a collective note tor presentation to the Chinese gov ernment, as follows: Artlilc 1. An c-ttraoidin.iry million iiridnl bv an imperial pnnce shall be Miit to Beilin in order to express Hie regret of the emperor of China and the Chinese Rowrninput for the min der of Baron von Kettelcr. On the scene of tin murder a monument wortliv of the as-sasslnalr d minister shall be erected with im invilntlon m Ijitin, (Jennan and Chinee, cxpicssiiiK the re tire! of the emptrnr of China. Article 2 (a). The death penalty ii to be in fliUed upon Prime Tuan and ( huang, upon Duke ban. and, further, upon Ving-nli n. Knn ,il, I'hao Shii-rhion, Tung-fiili-Slang, Vu llsien and other lingU-adirx, uhor n.nnq-. will be gien br the n-prccntatic of Iho puweis. (h). In all places where foieigneis have been killed or maltreated oflleial rumination- --hall b,' suspended tor lite yrai. "Aiticle 3. The Chinese goummetil -hill erert u monument in evei.v foreign or international icmetery wldeh lias been desecrated or where the graves hac been dslioicd. ' Aiticle I. The prohibition of the import of arms to China idmll be maintained till further notice. Article .". China has to pay a just indemnity to goeernments, corporations- and indiUdualx, as well as to those Chinese who sullcred during the recent omenta in person or In property in con sequence of being in the hervice of foreigners. Regarding Missionaries. Count von Buiow here interpellated the remark that it was intended to effect a further understanding among the powers with regard to the princi ples on which claims for compensation should be preferred. That particular ly applied to tha case of missionaries. Aiticle 0. Eeciy (.ingle foicign power is grunted the light of maintaining a ponn.illelit legation guaid and of placing the ipiaitci- ut Pel. in where the legations aie .situated in a Mate of defense. Chinese are not to be allowed to lie ill that ipiaitcr of I'c-hin. Article T. The TaUu foils and lho.su forts which might pieecut fice lomniunicatiuu be tween Pekin and the nr.i shall be lazed. Aiticle 8. The powers acquire the light ol oc uipjing certain points on which they will itgiee among themscltcs, with the object ol maintain ing I ice coimminicat Ion between the capital and the sea. Artie lu 9. The- Chinese goeinincnt Is bound to pemt imperial deciee foi two je-.in. ut all Mtb-picfectutes. In these decrees (a) to belong to any anli-foielgn M-ct In foieeei- toihidden un der penalty of death: (li) the punishments in flicted upon the gnllly aio iccoided: (c.) lo pie ent frch dlstuibance-s it is declaicd that the vlce-rojB as well as the piowncial and local au thorities nio made re-pomible for tho nnlnten-ancc- of oreler in their districts. In the event ol tresh iintl-foielgn disturbances or other in fringements of the tieaties which are not .it once .topped and uunged by punishment of tho guilty, these cfllcials shall be promptly de posed and neecr again entuisted with official fuuitioiis or Imcsted with fush dlgiiltiis, Article 10. Tho Chinese go eminent under takes to enter upon negotiations with icgaid to such alterations In tho c.MStlng coinnieiel.il anil naiigation treaties us tho foielgn gouinnicnts consider to bo desirable, Us well as legaiding other matters which arc concerned wllli facilitat ing commeiclal lelatlous. Article 11. Tho Chinese government shall be bound to reform the Chinese foreign office unci the court ceiciuoui.il for the icecptioii of foreign lepiesentatlves, and to do fw In the sense which shall Iw defined by tho (oielgn poweis. COUNTERFEITERS BAGGED. Thomas Dodson Confesses as to the Manufacture, By Exelushe Wire fiom The Associated Press. Allooiiu, l3u Deo. 12. Thomus Dod sou, of Cresson, who was u nested for punning counterfeit money hero on Monday, confessed to United States Commissioner MacLeod today that ho got tho money from A. J. Stewart, of Cies-son, who was arrested last night and is now In jail liore. The see-tot ser-vlt-o operatives believe that Stewart Is the man who has made tho spurious ten, twenty-livo and fifty cent pieces, with which Western 1'ennsylvanla has been Hooded lately, A search will be niudc for tho nura phernallu.ised In tho manufactuio of the counterfeit coin. Western Union Earnings. By Excluilie Wire from The Asoelitcel Piess. Jfew Yoik, Dec, 12. Iho Western Union Tele graph company npuils that for the quarter end ing Dec, I), partially estimated, I he net earn ings will lo about Sl.TOO.OdO. 'Iho dhidcml of Hi per cent., which was dee la red today, ealU for the pjjliieut of $1,137,000. Corporations Chartered. Bj Kxclusbe Wire from Tho Associated Press. Harrisburg, Dec. 1'.'. Chatters weio issued at the stalo department today as follow: 'Ihu Colby Piano company Die; capital, t-W.OuO; l lie lUuoier Produce company, Hanover, capital, $20,000. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. Announcement Is Made That It Will Be Held at Harrisburg- on January 1, 1000. liy Uxclnslvr Wire from The Assoelitc-d Press. Harrlsbttrg, Doe. 12. Announcement is innde today that the Republican caucus to agree upon a candidate for United States senator to nil tho va cancy caused by tho expiration of the term of Mr. tjutiy will he called to meet on Tuesday night, January 1, at S o'clock. The legislature meats In biennial session at noon that day. The Republican ctrii""" - ,'-'-candidates for speaker of the 'hous of icprenetitatlves nn-l piei.eiu p tern, of the senate will meet, it it stated, the previous nlht. The Republicans have a majority In both branches, but both factions of tho Republican party nre claiming control of tho legislature, tho antl Quay Republican lenders averting that they will be in the ascendancy by reason of an alliance with tho Demo crats. Tho legislature will vote for United States senator on January 13. BASE BALL MAGNATES FINALLY IN SESSION Meeting Held at Fifth Avenue Hotel. Demands of Players "Farming Out" Condemned. By Kxcluslie Wnc from The Associated Tress. New York, Dec. 12. After trying fen two days the National League mag nates llnally got Into session at" the Fifth avenue hotel tonight. When the meeting was called to order by Presi ' dent Young, there were present: A, H Soden, V. II. Conant and J. B. Rilling, Boston; V. W. Kerr, Barney Dieyfus and P. L. Auten, Pittsburg; A J. Reach and Col. J. I. Rogor.-e, Philadelphia: F. A. Abell, Edward Hanlon and Charles Rbetts, Brooklyn; Fred Knowles, New York; James Hart, Chicago; John T. Brush, Cin cinnati, and F. Do Hass Roblson and Stanley Roblson, St. Louis. This was the busiest day that tho le-.igut magnates have put In. Tho committee appointed by the league to hour the grievances of the Playets' Protective association went into ses- i s.c.n in parlor D It. The comm'.ctee ' Is composed of Messrs. Rogers, Soden and Brush. Tho pluyers' organization I demand that the session should be an open one wu3 acceded to, and when the session began the parlor was ci cwded. The meeting was opened by Mr. Soden, who stated that as a result of coi responcience between Mr. Taylor and the league magnates the commit tee had been appointed to listen to the demands of the players. The commit tee, he said, was appointed last Sep tember, but for various leasons cou'd not moot the players' committee until tho present time. Mr. Soden said that tho committee had no power to act, but would toport the conference back to the meeting of the league. In stat ing the demands of the players' or ganization to the league committee Mr. Taylor said there were just three detects in the present form of tho con tracts that tho players wanted cor rected. They are a modification of the reserve clause, the entire elimina tion of the 'farming out" clause and the modlllcation of the clause relating to the power of club owners to buy and sell players or claim them without first getting the players' consent. Be fore he would consent to present the players' demands to the league's com mittee, Mr. Taylor exacted a promlso that the committee would report tho matter to tho league Immediaely, and that some action would bo taken by the league at Its present session, Mr, Taylor demurred to treating with tho committee at llrst, on the ground thut It had no power to act. Ho asked that the matter be laid over until it could bo presented to a full meeting of the magnates. Immediately after the hearing the league's circuit committee, composed of Messrs. Hurt, Brush, Rogers and rinlen wont into session. The session 1 istsd until B o'clock, when the moet l'ig of the leuguo was called. Ac the conclusion of the circuit com mittee mooting Colonel Rogers said thai the meeting was Informal and ha could not tell what was done. "Wo to'ked over tho Aniericun leuguej, but it was In an informal way. We could no', discuss It officially for the reason that there Is nothing to discuss, Mr. Johnson has not made any demands or tho National League, nor has ho slimed the national agreement. Just at present tho American league has in e.lhteneo as far ns tho National League Is concerned," A memorandum of the players' de mands was submitted to the league today. Sttbsetiuently Mr. Taylor made public tho principal points covered in the memorandum. They are as fol lows: rii-sl Cluli owners not tu hae the right to "rescrw" plajeis at n salaiy less than that provided for the enduing jeai, noi for more than tluce jears. Second Not to buy, fell, assign, trade, loan, accept, scleet or claim ser.lee of any plajer for nny period In any way, without his written con. tent. 'UiliO Club owners lo pay phjslclans' fees for Injuries ieeelud In actual play, I'ourlh N'n plajer to be suspended without pay more than thrco timm a season or two weeks at a time-. fifth Crimiiltti-a on srbltration, one mem ber to be chosen by onncrs, by the pla.urs and a third by these two, sueli commutes tu pass on nil illlferences betem-n playeis and ownen. Tho magnates adjourned at 8.30 to night. After tho meeting broke up, President Young said; "Theru Is nothing to give out for publication. Tho magnates took up tho subject of tho demands of tho playeis und discussed it. Nothing dell nlto was done, however," Mr, Mnnley Declines. By Eedusho Wile from 1 lie Associated Press. Washlugteii, Dee, li. lion. Joseph 11. ilauley, of Maine, who lias been In Washington for several da), left tho cily for Augusta lids afternoon. Before Icaling Mr. Manlcy informed the presi dent that he was obliged to decline the of tic e of commissioner nt internal rceenue which hid been ciUciyd to lilm. NO ALLIANCE WITH ENGLAND Emperor William's Failure to Re ceive Kruoer Is Explained bu Count Von Buelow. MR. KRUGER WOULD COME Although Courteously Informed That the Emperor Would Be Un able to Meet Him The Chancellor Bepudintes the Suggestion That the Government's Action Was Due to Any WiBh or Proposal from the English Court. s By i:clusle Wire from The Associated Press. Berlin, Dec. 12. In the Reichstag to day the Imperial chancellor, Count Von Buelow, referring to the complaints which have arisen on account of Em peror William's failure to receive Mr. Kmgor, went lengthily again Into the reusons for tho non-reception of Mr. Kruger, covering new ground in a statement which he made as to the re lations between Germany and Great Britain. He said the announcement that Mr. Kruger was coming was made twenty-four or, at the most, forty eight hours before leaving Berlin. Up to that moment It had been assumed that Mr. Kruger would gt from Paris to Holland. The chancellor udded: "We apprised him courteously and consider ately, through the Paris embassy ond Dr. Leyds, that the emperor regretted he was not in a position to receive him. Notwithstanding this, Mr. Kruger started. He was told again at Cologne, In the most considerate terms, that the emperor was unable to see him." The chancellor repudiated the sueges tlon thut tho government's action was due to any wish or proposal from the English court or government to the emperor or to himself, the chancellor. For the emperor, only German national considerations were authoritative. If family relations or distinct considera tions Influenced the foreign policy, he would not remain minister another day. Continuing, the chancellor said the Anglo-German agreement of 1898 did not contain a provision relating to war between Great Britain and the South African republic, and the Samoan agreements had no secret clauses. When the emperor, in 1896, sent the telegram to Mr. Kruger there was no question of war between the states. It was a matter of a filibustering expdl tion. The chancellor did not repudiate the telegram whereby the emperor gave a correct expression of his righteous feeling regarding International law. The emperor did not intend to deter mine German policy forever by that telegram. The chancellor added: "I commit no diplomatic Indiscretion in saying that the reception of that telegram outside of Germany left no doubt that In the event of a conflict with England In Africa, Germany would have to rely solely on her own strength." Baron Von Rlchtofen, secretary of state for foreign affairs, referring to the expulsion of Germans from the Transvaal and the Orange Free State territories, said: "It has appeared to me that these expulsions In many enses have been unjustifiable, both as to cause and manner, and contrary to the principles of International law; and an expres sion of this vlow has been made in London. "On the other hand, the Germans who have been lighting side by side with the Boers have not met with a happy Jot. They have been dismissed without pay and told, 'We did not In vite you.' " THE CANTliTwiLL PROBABLY REMAIN The Senate Committee Will Doubt less Favor the Betention of the System. Washington, Dec. 1'-'. In connection with its consideration of the army reorganization bill the senate commit tee on military affairs today listened to an argument by Adjutant General Corbin for tho continuation of the present canteen system in tho army. Tho committee has taken no formal vote on tho subject, but there has been more or less exchange of opinion nmong members, tho result of which has been favorable to tho retention of the present system and the elimination of the houso canteen provision. The committee expects to conclude It hearings on the bill tomorrow. Steamship Arrivals, Py Encluslre Wire from The Auoilited I'reu. New York, Dec. 12. Cleared : I'rlederlth her (iieiM-, lliemcii la Houtlumpton; La llretaune, llnwe, killed: New Yoik, Southampton; lit'uUchlaud, llambiire U I'ljiiioiith unci Cher bourg; Gcnnanic, Liverpool. Quecnstown Ar rlicds Teutonic, New Yoik for l.lieipool, Ant werp Arried: Kensington, New" York Ua Southampton. New- York Arrived: Soiithivark, Antwerp. Southampton Sailed: Kaiser Wil helm Per flroi'e (from Piemen), Chcibourg and New YoiL. Against the Standard. Ity Kxcliulte Wire from The Associated Prcu. I'lshUII Landing, N, Y Dee. U-Tho Itamj. elell Terry company, a, common carrier lialus un old ejurcn Aunu charter, riotttlcd the btand nrd Oil company today that it would no longer traasfer tho htamlard Oil eumpanj's tank wagon auo3 tho river, from Newbuig, it cald the matter will bo Lontc-atcd. Flour Mill' Burned. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preu. Lancaster, Pa., Dec, 12. The flour and grist mill of Samuel V. Nolt, of Oregon, was de stroyed by fire thli morning with all IU con tents. The building was a large three-story stone etr.tcturc and was equipped with the most modcr.i machinery. There was g small ill' surance on the building. THK NEWS THIS MORNINU. Weather In-Ucatlon Today, FAIR! WAHMEft. 1 fleneral -Doul tfut If Semnton Can Aeolil (!o Ins Into the Si e ond Cluu. The Powers In Accord as lo Settlement with China. Ccnlcnlal of the National Oiplt it. (Icrmany Not Allied with laiRtatid. 'J Local Special Klectlon for Counellmen May , lie Postponed. Opinions on tho Change to n Servnd Class City. .1 Local One Pay's Work In Criminal Court. lldltorlal. Nolo and Comment. Accused on tho Stand In the Mmdcr Trial, fl Local West ScMliton and Suburbun. 7 (leneral Northeastern Penny) hanla. Financial and Commercial. S Local News of the World of Labor. FREIGHT TRAINS IN HEAD-ON COLLISION Two Trainmen Are Killed and Four Injured Both of the Engines Demolished. By Exclusive Wire from The ssoeiatcd Presi. Dessarc, Mo., Dec. 12. In a head on collision here today, between freight trains, two trainmen were killed and four injured. Both engines were de molished. The dead: Engineer James Urltt, Ol ney, III.; Brakeman Edward Bradley, Desoto, Mo. The injured: Fireman Barrett, Conductor Ralston, Brukomen R. D. Scott and G. L. Scott. Barrett was pinioned beneath the wreck and it was found necessary to chop off his left arm to prevent death from scalding. THERE WILL BE TWO INQUIRIES Congress and the War Department Will Investigate Booz Case Simultaneously. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 12. It was haid at the war department today that, notwithstanding the inquiry which tho house has directed to-be made into the case of Cadet Booz through Its special committee, the department will prosecute Its own investigation through the board appointed yester day, headed by Major General Brooke. Confident in the vindication of the military academy at every point, the ' authorities at thevar department feel that they have everything to gain by the fullest publicity of the conditions at AVest Point, and tho methods pur sued there. So the two inquiries will proceed side by side, though on Inde pendent lines. THE MADISON SQUARE BICYCLE RACE Over Fourteen Hundred Miles Clicked Off by the Bidets in the Six Day Race. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Prcs. New York, Dec. 12. With over 1,400 milea clicked off In their pursuit of prizes In the six-day bicycle race ut Madison Square Garden, which ends on Saturday, eight teams were still rep- I resented on the track at midnight to- j night, or the beginning of the fourth ' day of the contest. The men have not j been able to keep up the hurricane pace jumped Into at the outset, but they have struggled to do us much as their , strained and tired bodies would allow them. For the first two days they kept ahead of the record, but now they are far behind, the 1,404 miles and one lup reeled off by the leaders being l'i miles and 7 laps behind the record for 1899, Kippolyte Accoutriere, the French man, and his partner, Rudolph Muller, the Italian team, pulled out of the race about 7 o'clock this morning. Ac coutrlero was completely exhausted and was unable to continue tho awful pure, and despite tho jeers and revl! Irgs of his partner, Muller, ho would ride no more, Muller was heart broken and wept like a child. Turvllle nnd Aronson have not boen tibia to go bock on the track slnco they were carried out of a serious tum ble the riders were mixed up In shortly ofuv 9 oe'lock tonight. The score tit 1 o'clock was. I'.U.e-i and Mct'urland ... Pierro and MeEiehern Mnur Hiid (loucnltz .., Ttirvilla and Olmm ,.., Wa'lcr and Stlnson Visiter and Vrceleilik K.ioer and It.effi- :o,5 llio.fl 2u I H20.-2 1120.9 1IJ0.0 lll'.'.n Privileges Extended, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Preu. Philadelphia, Dec.-, V.'. Tho boaid of eliicUors of tho IVnnnjlvanla Hallroad company at u meet, inj today extended iho provhloin of the em ploeci Melnica fund to the lines of the Alle gheny Valley I illroad und the Western New- Yoit and Penrnj hanla railroad. ,Thesu appointim-nta were eonfuincdl It. II. Newbein, ti bu uvit ant superintendent of the liuuraucu depiitment; A. C, Shaiiel, principal engineer. Fireman Killed, By I'jclmhe Wire from The Associated Piess. Okun, X. Y Deo, 12. Passenger train No. 30 from Oil City on tho Western New Yoik and Pennsylvania rait Into an open switeli hero to lev mid collided with some can, staneling o, the kultch. The engine was badly wiecked. Fire man Pattcrsvn was killed and Engineer KIdd mloibly injured. None of the passengers ueie injured. Fleischmnnn Will Permit Fight. By Exclushe Wire fiom The Associated Press. Cintinatl, Deo, 1'.'. Jiujor ITcisclimann today refused to rcccdo from his promise to grunt a permit for a wire (l.-ht at icngcrfcst ball be tween February 1 and 44 between Jeffrie and either Ituhlln, Sharkey or Vlttslmnions. A dele gation of Methodist ministers called on the mayor to protest, but he refused to rcvunsldei bis determination to penult the tight. DOUBTFUL IP WE CAN AVOID THE TRANSIT It Is Contended That Scranton Can Not Stau In the Tlilrcl Glass Even if it Is Anxious to Do So. OBSTACLES TO THE RE-CLASSIFICATION Someone Opposed to Scranton Re maining in the Third Class or Some Third Class City That Aims to Enter the Second Class May Place Difficulties in the Way o Raising the Population Limit of Third Class Cities It Can Be Dona Legally if the Governor Can Be In duced to Be Busy at Things Othes Than the Certification of Scran ton's Census Figures Until After the Limit Is Raised State Poli tics Begin to Figure in the Affair, ARTICLE IX T. J DUFFY. In an early article on the second class city situation, Senator William Kllnn. of Pittsburg, was eiiioted as say ing that there would be no difficulty experienced in raising the population limit of third-class cities, so as to keep Scranton from going Into the second class. This opinion was generally accepted here und no one rose lo question It, until It became to be quite evident that sentiment was crystallizing in opposi tion to the transition and the practica bility of avoiding the transit was close ly considered. It is now a very debatable question as towhether Scranton can avoid going into the second class, no 'matter how much it should wish to avoid it. No less an authority than Senator J. C. Vaughan doubts tho possibility of pre venting the transit, and Attorney Ira H. Burns, who has given the second class city question as much, if not more, attention thun any other local lawyer, shares Senator Vaughan's mis givings. The difficulty, as they see It, is that some one from this city who favors the transit, or some other thlrd-'eiutfs-ctty with second-class city ambitions which its population Indicates will be realized at the next census, may defeat the re classification scheme In the legislature, or, falling In this, take the matter up to the Supreme court and assail its constitutionality. . Governor's Certification. It is safe to say that the governor.-) certification of the census returns, which makes Scranton a second-class city, will have been received by our city before the legislature could pass and the governor sign a re-classltlca-tlon act. This would place Scranton as solidly in the second class as if It had been there from the very Inception of second-class cities, and those who might be opposing the expansion of tho third-class city population limit would be on hand with the claims that an at tempt was being made to effect retro active legislation and speclul or local legislation, the latter calm finding a base on the fuct that it was Intended for one city alone. Pittsburg had the population limits changed five years ago for the purpose of preventing it from going out of tha second and Into tho llrst class. The maximum population limit for second class cities at that time was 300,000. Pittsburg foresaw that it would pass the 300,000 mark at the next census, and not wishing to become a compan ion of Philadelphia In 'he first classJit caused a re-classlficatlon to be mt,3e, which made tho boundary between sec ond and first-class cities 500,000. Pitts burg's population Is shown to bo 300, 000, and consequently It can remain In tho enjoyment of the laws which wero passecf especially for it. If tho governor could bo prevailed upon to withhold his certification of the census figures until after ho has signed a new classification uct that -would have lSn.OOO as tint population bound ary between third and second-class cities, tho transition of Sciimton would be ns successfully forestalled us was that of Pittsburg, The Proposition. Does Scranton want to halt tho trails itlon, and, if it does, can tho governor, without being guilty of nn Indlsctetlon, withhold the certification until Scran ton has had tlmo lo amend the clas-sl-llcatlon act, or at least nmlto tho at tempt? In answer to tho first part of tho question, sufficient Is It to refer the In qulier lo tho opinions expressed In thu letters now appearing In Tho Tribune. As to the second part of tho question, tho law is Itself an unswer: "Whenever Itshull appear TiyanyHueh census that any city of tho second or third class has obtained u population untitling It to an advance In classifi cation, as herein prescribed, It shall bo tho duty of tho governor to certify tho fact accordingly, which certificate shnll bo entered at lurge upon thu minutes of the councils, etc." As will bo t-een by this, It is discre tionary with tho governor as to when Continued on Page .r. f WEATHER FORECAST, f Washington, lice. 12. Forecast for 4- eailcrn Pennsylvania! Fair, warmer -f- 4- Thursday; rain or tuow at night on Fri- f day; colder Friday; frcth to brisk south- 4- westerly winds Thunday. ., TttT"MTtTtTtr tf ft 1 V v F. &-". . .; . j .""- .' ' e'K Irakis.' Ll. a i ate K s.