The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 11, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company, Registered.
Scranton Carpet and Furniture Company, Registered.
mrsci ,f m.ui
From the debris of the Old arises
. .
flpeciul to Hie Pernnlon Tribune
lloncudaluv Due. 10. Tliu I.u Pui'le
t'omuiiy onnipitny, who nro nt tliu
ltonpsditlc Opera Houho for ihro.i
nights, will present Tucdny ovi'iilnv
.a live-net elmnm, "Muster mid Man,"
and on Wednesday evening, a four-act
Irish drama, "A Miotlioi'M llevotnro."
Thoy f?lvu a continuous pui fornmnco,
with HpcclaltlcM between each act.
The HoneHdalu ttublle pehooN will
elo.od for the holiday vacation on Fil
thy, Dec. 21, and leopen on .Inn 2.
The early closdnir will he dlspsnsed
with, and from now until ClulHtimiH , V()W
tho biiHiness place.x or nonesaaiu win
bo kepi open evening.
Karniorn In this vicinity uio now re
ceiving three and a qimrtur cent per
(innrt for milk.
Mrs.. Frank Coiey, who luisi linen
In New 'ork city .since October, will
return to her home on Thlid stnvt
tills week.
The Honesdulo Mrtsonlo lodge has
elected the fullowlncr oIIIccm: It. It.
Ill own, grand master: P. A. La I Jar.
senior warden; V. AV linker, secre
tary; .T. V. Weston, tri.'.surer, and W.
H. Hulslzer. representative to the
grand iotliru.
A committee fuim the tJluUllun Kn
deavor pociety aie making; arranRe
inents lor their uuuual lectptlon lor
men, to be irlven on New Year's Day
In the Presbyterian chapel.
Mr. Dan C. Osborne, of the Scian
ton Cut Glnss company, spent Sun
day nt his homo here.
Santa Ulnus will be piesent to ills
tilbute presentx.
Tin Mpworth League will meet
Thursday evening, to elect new olll
cur, after prayer muellnir,
fame to tin premlHest of A. A.
nriiwn Monday night, a Llewllyn Hot
ter bird (loir. Itu wenis a collar mark
ed W. AV. Hrnlth. The owner can have
the same by proving property and
P tying ehargos.
Mrs. Patrick Kearney spent a few'
days at Khnlrn last week, vlslthjfr her
son and daughter.
Fnctoryvllle cncnnipnv nt, Xo. 210,
Independent Order of Odd Fellow,
will moot In regular Hecflon tonior-
lilglit, at their hull.
i Mls Aim Cnpwell left lust Hatur
j day for Tiochester, X. Y., where nh(
I lias accepted a volition and will make
It her future' home.
Mrs. Lellu Hohlnson ! dangerously
ill at her home on Main stieet.
The Patriotic Order Hon of Ameri
ca, of East Lemon, will serve u
'loss oyster supper In the basement
of tho church at that place next .'Fri
day night.
C'lnvence Baiiglin has reopened his
oyster bay In Head's block, and H
d-allns out the bivalves very .satis
factorily to his customus.
.Speciul to the S union Tiihuiir.
Forest City, Dec. 10. Thomas Par
ly, who last week i-esign"cl the posi
tion of mine foreman at Itlchmondabi
to accept the foremans-hlp of the two
mines of tho Hillside Coal and Iron
eonipanv at Mooslc, .Saturday nlghi
leeelved an mutton from the woik
men at the Itlcdiinomlrile collleiy, (
which nnv man might, be ptoucl. At
,s o'clock a delegation of the men, ac
companied by the Star Drum coips,
went to his home and conducted him
to the chapel, whcie almost Hie etitiiv
town had giitli"teil. ffeie a pro
gianimo of music and speeches win
carried out and In the middle of It
Mr. Parry was piesenled with n haud
Mime tiansit. coiling over .fi'OO, by tho
men, as a token oh their patten. Hum
lrt Poiiltjun made the resentiitlnii
speech, In which he feelingly spoke of
the repaid In which Mr. Parry v. as
held. The latter briefly, but uppio
pi lately, lcsponded. lienuirks Mere
also made by Ttev. II. C. Wlialen, of
f'arbondale; F. M. (?ai diner, esq., and
F. S. Odder, of FoicU City. It win
very evident that the testimonial to
Mr. Parry was sluceiv in the ex
treme, and that gentleman Mas er
talnly obtained a warm pot In the
affection of tho men "with whom lie
has Inboied. The woiktivn nl Moosie
are fortunate in obtaining" a foreman
i-o even nnd fuir-minded in disposi
tion, while tho Hillside company can
also be congratulated, for Mr. Parry
N as able us he is popular.
Xettle, the young' daughter of (J. I..
Taylor, is sufl'ei lug- with diphtheria.
llev. II. C. Wlialen, of Ctubondale.
ineaehed in the Duptisl chuicli Pun
day afternoon at 3 p. m., after which
the holy paeramunt was partaken of.
f:ev. V. D. David, of Thompson,
pleached on tenipeianct in the Metlio
dist church before a very laige con
gregation last night.
The funeral of Thomas tiell was
held at !) o'clock llils morning unit It
was laigely attended. A mass of re
quiem ,vns said In St. Agnes church
and th remains weie laid at rest
In St. Agnes cemetery.
.T. It. Dudd Client Hurday with rela
tives in Carbondnle.
The Best Cold Cms
Is one you can lake without Intel iup
tlou to business. One that does not
effect the head or hearing like the con
tinued uo of quinine. One that cures
speedily nnd leaves you feeling fresh
and clear-headed. Such a one Is
Krause's Cold Cure. Price 2.1c, Sold
by Matthews Bros.
Sin'oul tn the &( union Tiilnnip.
tF.ietoryvllle, Dec. 10. The Metho-
-ICpIscopal church Is mnklng pre-
lations for a Christ mas tree, to
held on Christmas eve, A real
future would sadden
many a nappy
woman. The mis- i
ery of marriage i
often results from )
ailments which i
maidenly mod
esty kept hidden.
When doctors are
at last consulted
they frequently
fail to help.
They do not un
derstand the root
of the trouble.
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion has cured
iu thousands of
cases where doc
tors entirely
Spci lat to ttic xliiiIkii Tril'iiim
Susquehanna, Dec. 10. The Misses
Ileebe, of the Oakland side, have te
lurned home from a lslt with friends
i hi Xew Yolk city and vicinity.
Common Councilman George Tlsdcll,
of lit'oud street, who Is 111 with typhoid
1 fever, has suffered u relapse.
-Mrs. Kobei i Spell, of the Oakland
side, Is 111.
Kiie Station Agent Coone, of Brandt,
' N enjoying a trip to California.
' Mrs. Coone, of Brandt, this morning
l etui ned f j i m a trip to Chicago.
The Avenue Methodist chuicli, of
Oakland, realised about $S0 from the
fall and supner held In Hogan ocera
house last week. .
Miss Asnes Severy, of Blnghamton,
spent Sunday with Oakland side lela
lives. Susquehanna's newest band has se
cured quarters in the Rrundt block.
The L.inesboio (tie department's tin ee
days' fair opens on Wednesday next.
Ilev. ""William Freund, who leeontly
leeelved and declined a call from the
Susquehunna Presbytoiian church, has
accepted of a call fiom the Hanover
Presbytoiian church In Wilmington,
The theimoineier leached the zeio
point heieabouts last night.
The Centurv club will hold a nins
quoiade hop in Hogan opera house on
Fiiday evening, December 2S.
Tlie grangers of Susquehanna county
will meet at Xew Milfoid, December IS.
The Home Magazine, of Xew York,
wiote up and illustrated the Haiford
fair as "the only old-fashioned county
fair left in the county."
They aie still playing foot ball In
Susquehanna county, to the great sat
' lsfactlon of surgeons.
Hew Dr. Shurtz, of Carthage. X. Y.,
occupied the pulpit of the Piesbyteiian
church on Sunday morning and even-
i inir.
! Wlngomettu council, Xo. 11, Daugh
ters of Pocahontas, of Blnghamton,
' paid Waseca council, of this place, a
' fraternal visit this evening.
i The Oakland Congregational Sunday
school will produce a cantalu on
mas, "The Xew Santa Ciaus."
Following aie the new otlieeis of
Canawacta lodge, Xo. SCO, Fiee and Ac
cepted Masons: Worthy master, D. J.
Peck; senior waiden. Herman K. Silen
cer; junior wai den, M. B. Baull: tieas
urer, C. A. Miller; representative to
Giand lodge, W. S. Mitchell.
The High School Record Is being
minted at the Journal olllce and will
soon appear. It will be fully Illus
trated. Chilstiuas set vices will be held In
Christ Episcopal church on Christmas
Special services will continue through
the week In the Methodist church.
Tho Consolidated Entertainment club
will hold a hop In Hogan opera houso
on Tuesday evening;
How's This?
We oiler One Hundred DolUis Ituwaid or tiny
cjv ut Cttnitli tlul i.umut Uc iuilJ by Hull's
I'atnrrh Cure.
1'. J. Clll'NTY J: CO,, Toli-do, O.
V, tlio uuilcriiBiicU, hue Known F. J, cbitioy
tor the last 15 jtjik. and hcllcte liim pci frctly
liniinralili In all Ini'lnm, ami llnju-
tially able to wiry oul any oliliunliuiH made
l.y tlielr firm.
I Wckt it Triux, Wliolcjle Diugclsto, Toledo, O.
1 WulUins, Kinnan fi Jlanln, Wholcsido DniK-
Kiihi, Tulwlo, 0.
1 UsJI's Cutnrrli Cure is,v, nctlns
I illueily upon the blooil ami mucous siiifjos of
i tin fcyatcm. Tirillmoiilals bent fioc. 1'iiic 7uc,
Hall's Family fills are the le.t.
The Company.
JoW G. Owens, Manager, for-
merly with
Ken- & Siebeckcr a man of many vears
of practical experience.
Edmund ft. F. Conrad '"charge
of Up
holstery and Draperv Department, for
merly with Marshal I, "Field & Co., Chi
cago, later with Siebecker& Watkins.
tlenrij D. Morse, '" chf f
Carpet Mak-
ling and Laying Department, formerly
with S. G. Kerr & Co. Over 20 years of
practical experience in the work.
SARAH PHILLIPS, Widow of the Late
the magnificence of the New
HEN THE EXPLOSION on the night of August 4 shook the city
JT.. . .i. 'j. i.1 j.l .. I !..! 1 . ,l .1 I
iium one enu 10 trie oiner ana leveiea 10 tne grouna tne dusi
ness of the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank, the D. I. Phillips
rurniture Company and the bcranton Carpet Company, there
was little left to tell the tale, save a mass of splinters, broken furniture, dis
hevelled carpets and the like. The wreckage was complete. What the hid
den elements had done could not be undone. It was getting back "into
the harness," some way, some how. So the business interests of the D. 1.
Phillips Furniture Company and the Scranton Carpet Company were mar
ried and became as one. The big and splendidly equipped building at No.
406 Lackawanna Avenue, containing four floors and basement, adaptly
suited to the requirements of such a business, was leased for a long term of
years, and there was launched
The Biggest, the Best and the Most Thoroughly Complete Furniture
and Carpet House in This Section.
The stock is new in its entirety. It represents a collection wisely chosen, by men whose ex
perience teaches what is best and most modern in Home Furnishings. The store is now at its
best. That you may see and appreciate the spirit of this gigantic enterprise, we invite the
public to a
Grand Holiday Openings
Wednesday, December 12th
When the five floors of the building will reveal to the admirers of the artistic
Furniture, Carpets and so forth, a stock that has no peer in any city in the
statement, made without exaggeration.
and beautiful in
state. A candid
ll " I
-: f-e5; a
Into the
I iS
R 1 i 1 9
K W M hi Co..'
7A JM four
W 1 2y.K none
mi - '(r IU trooii. I
TUKSIM', llurkf'n Vmiiiciillc I'Miwil. At.
teriioou ami nluhl.
Tlll'HMlAY. ( Marie Fi oilman's ronicilians In
"Solf ami"
IKIDAV. Tlio Ulehnjyinan," I)c Koven ami
SiuilliN cnmlc oiiej.j,
hATUIIUAV. "In Old Krntiul.)," AfUrnoon
ami nlflil.
Academy of Music.
Al.l. llllk', Hoc ami IViilnit' i'uniuii In ifp
ciloirc, The Qnlety.
rilthl' TIIUKU l).YH.-lliu- ami lljlon' luiii
paiiy. LAST TIIHKi; D.Vtf.-llon Ton nmltsquou.
Metallic DciN, oilil jiipcra of
I'lllllltUll', Ctl',
DKplay ot mil! ruiiiilun,
Art, Hrlc-.i-llr.ic, etc.
Hiir-cI ami Ingram C n
wti anil lluir-, L'pli"l5tr-iy,
l.'llll.lill-:. I'll".
I'lilui" Funilliiip,,
1'jncy Cliair, .Moni? Clinijf,,
l.ibiaiy, Hill f.-,
!HriHll, etc.
Oltici! llck-s, C'lui, ltull
Toij, WliiJuw Sl.ailcs Cn
pet Wuikrnuiin mill Dciift
niL'nt foi llc-npliolstciirs
Special Offerings for the Opening Day.
The Following Specials Are for the One Day Only. You'll Find Them Well Worth Coming: After.
for $2.25 Rugs These arc very nobby patterns in Axmin-
$ 1 .75 ster Rugs, of rich patterns and new designs. They are 30
in, by 60 inches, fringed at ends, and naturally worth $2.25,
tf . for $1.75 Tabourettes An appropriate holiday gift, These
bl.UU come in both solid oak and lich mahogany, of good size,
solidly constructed and sold nowhere less than $1.35.
for $3.00 Sweepers These are the famous Peerless, made
$2.25 by the best factory, cyco bearings, easy running, easy to
clean, self adjustable and sold in all stores at $3.00.
for India Stools One of the prettiest and most useful or
$ 1 .00 ornaments, direct to us from the importers Vantine & Co.
Sold by us for just one day at half their actual worth.
t .-for $1.50 Rockers One of the unusual bargains of the day.
4 1 . 1 5 A lot of more than a hundred Rockers of very rich oak fin
ish, stylishly cut and firmly constructed. Never sold in any store for
less than $1.50.
e for $10.00 Couches The biggest bargain ever offered in
)5.y 5 Scranton. Have solid oak frames, heavy spiral springs nnd
upholstered in finest velours more than 20 patterns. Every couch guar
anteed for five years, and never sold anywhere for less than $ 10.00.
a.. AA for $50.00 Rugs Want something fine for the home?
p55.UU These are exquisite patterns in Bigelow Arlington and Ax
minsters , 9 by 12 feet in size. The designs are copies of the oldest Gobe
lins, rich in finish and lustre. They have never been sold for less than $50
A Large Line of Fine Turkish and Oriental Rugs.
Fine Furniture Suitable for Holiday Giving.
Book Cases
Get the case first and the books
come easijy. Here they are in large
assortment, doth plain and combina
tion writing desk styles, with open
and glass fronts, from 2 feet to 8 feet
wide. Prices that rise by easy stages
from $5.00 to 50.00.
Sidebo'ards from 14.00 to $150.00
Dining Tables from 4.00 to 40.00
Dining Chairs from 65c to $13.50
Bedroom Suits from 15 to 150.00
Parlor Suits from 20.00 to 85.00
Hall Racks from 4-75 to 40.00
Library Tables from 12.00 to 7o.po
Fine Couches from 6.00 to $45.00
China Closets
China Closets are becoming pref
erable to Sideboards in many re
spects. Here are corner and straight
back closets, in both oval and plain
fronts, plain wood and mirror backs.
Big variety of them in prices from
20.00 to $37.00.
ScranfoD Carpet and Ftirniftire Co., mm
diit tne any
! suffered sin:
years, but at last I
round relief. I fol.
lowed your advice,
and took eight bottles
of 'Favorite I'rcscrip.
tiou ' and four of the
'Golden Medical Dis
covery,' I now feel
like a new uoiiiau.
I have gained eighteen pounds."
fiverlte Prescript
Crowded House Saw "Eonnoke."
'Ilia ltt,L nml IViilifiir , niiiii.mi, rn,ip,t ., ivnnL'u
"Iliad beenacreat I fiiir.iiHmvnt .it iiu a, .uinm- r.t i,u i,i i,.u
suiTerer from female . . all amllnico tlut mini miy run ot the Uuii-e
weakness' wt tes 1 u. ,?wntcii n, iiM.4 ilWh bCU,ht.m
.,d. .. ... m..mvw, i, mnia. '.lloaiiok,. . Ill .1 n.lnfpnft iii.i.m,..
Mueuster, Cook ,., if,.,!...!..., smiuiisii. n i,v i,,i,nr.,i .,,., m.
Texas, "tried ii ,..,. ,,,. ,,,,. , .'.:.. " , V, "r .,.
dntiars ami ... .,. .... .,., t.u nu.v, u uuii.4 Kin,
aticiurs ams .i,,.,,i ,,,i,.,.i,.. ....1 ,... .., 7...
"'"".M nj,i,v, uw,,,,(,, dll'l IIL ,CI IUII1I.IIIW1
liming tlio xuik v-v 111 be uatclioj with Inttrt.
l.'Ofar MaiLiy u 'Joe wn oiy nccfptille. IjJiii
(', llfpviw a Kztkiel Mvite, the tlll.iln, ucsUnl
the tribute of many hlncs. Ill, ilurutcrUalton
.ut; euellcnt.
n Itosu Wiiiclio.ln, m Aiiiubcllo I'jjlou,
hi)i') a wry delicate ami thinUeiu p.irt nitli
much (Im we ami uitUlle ability, MUs J.ilf
'i'jrr, iu Aunt Dliuli, Kept the liou in u t,,n
tliniuiib uinojr i( lauliUr. ihc olher paru
.ue filled Mry uiccptable. A tpi-dal ami hum
pUaslus datuie u( tho iKifuinuiue ueic the
liltlh class Becialtle4 fntruiluccd bclneen the
rcU. Dullcu's dot; and niankry ihcui; Miislii
DiLUle, a my cleier hoy JukkIo: llrf Hum
Winelietter, t mole than plcaslnn ocalii; Mr,
Joseph llelmciit, an eupllii.illy clctei' hh.
tier, nnd Kelly and Hoe, owecdiniily tunny IrWi
cuincfliam and dim.ri. The company i Ut
cbove the aeiano popular priced compmlc, both
in dramatic ami nudrillc acts. They deicrve
mid umloubtcilly will enjoy uowded houses all
lhi week.
"Michael ?trocolt" wll be presented at the
matinee today, and Hal Heid'a iriintit play,
"Knotn 0' T(.nnroo" tonight.
Rice & Barton's Company.
itlce and llaitcnN ills Gaiety Spittacular l-
liaai;anza cumpiny opciud tho week ut tho
Gaiety te(cnl.iy. 'the thow li very good. It
couldn't help hclnr Kood with Uarton Iu it. Ihj
first pait is loot irardcn (.reno entitled, "ilionn
Aiuun the IliMcs," with Mi, D.uioii a Brottii.
Them la a llttlo more plot to this than usual,
nnd it li IrusUlibly tunny, J, Iv. Mullen and
I lanl; M, (llMioici lulpeii (nrnkli a (jonj deal
uf the fun. MInj Adehmle MilsJiu, I'l .1'
ulflcent cl(0 nml ahbreMJtcd ciinlumu dlui
"The Holy City." Mid dies it sphndhlly, but .1
moie uppii'prlatc costume would be le jariim..
CckhoK and Goulon, musical evpeiU, aie ijuocl,
and so aie Ihe Keiere i-lstcis. Tho llico and
Klmer ait entitled "A ItubcS Visit io China,
town," cnnlts ot moat wonderful hori?onliil
bur peifGiniances, The Viincetcn slstcis ,11c
ilalnuty d,uir and iiiitvr, as aUo U
Mlrf Helen Marlctt, 'Ihe coucludiiiB lt
is cmii inoi e funny linn the fliit, unj U i-ullllfd
"Mi'Doodlc's I'lats or fcitan'd inn."
Vaudeville at Lyceum Today,
Tho populailty ol ihan audcvilte in biianlou,
which his itrlalnly lint hern on the wane nintr
Manager J, K, Iliul.a hu made arianciiicnU In
lislt tldi city wveklv, will no doubt bo In
cleaned by the cutcrtalumcnt to be presented at
I In I.j r cum this alinnoou and cuiiliu.
t iipu'Miil.iiii Ihe pel.
(oini.11110 uhiu by the lluil.e tioupe at the Xc.
hilt thcalei in Wllkci'llane )elcnla aftcinocn,
snil 1,111 ii'(biiiintiid the conifuio I' belui; u
icilor to uuy luiublnalloii intioduccd in the cltj
htictofdie by Mr, lluil.e. 'ihe numbers on th", ullhout ficepliou, are noel and
brluht and Ihe humorous feituics dcmoititrutc
that it Is oisIblc to entertain upon the stage
wilh fun without vulaaiit).
lii.doubtrdly the leading; feature of the pu
fiirm.ince is lihcn by MUs Ulliau Huil.harl and
lompany in the diluly fkctcli entitled "A l'ass.
Imr Fancy," but other noyi-l acts aie inlrodured
liy "Klucta,1' (he 'tirpvilchorean nunel, who
per (01 111 the riiniiiKable feat of dauilui; to her
own music played upon a piano; MUs Sophie
llurnham, tocfilitt; Mr. Giant and Miss Norton,
Mr. and Mre. Wtkher, the ItUfoid llrothirs, sc.
robatt, and Mjstir llihaidon.
l'cople who bad been' misled by the Idea that
wU'k'Ulle ii of the intuit of burlrriimt and
ariet,v shows, have been enlightened by the
pcrfoimanccs BiM'n by the llurke companies and
now mulei rtaml tint the hlirh-clas vaudeville of
the day glus one an opportunity to pee the
cicam of exponents of diuma, intula ami mis
cellaneous amusements in interesting sketches ol
vailed ehaiaitcr, that range from humor to
pathos. The best that has been presented thus
far in Siranton 111 ij- doubtless be .pm at the
I. renin today.
"Self and Lady."
Nothlut; but piaise has been accorded the
company known as Charles l'rohuuii's ci medians,
In be teen at the I.jreum on net Thuifday cen.
ins In "Self and Lady," n rollicking, racy, wcll
dieaed faico from the French of l'icrio Decoui
cclle, A a company of polished farceurs, theie
is no belter oiiraulration in the world and it has
no npnl outside the historic! comedlc Truncalsc,
This ia u bliuuir btuli-iiient, but It U a fact
freely admitted by ncr.v authority, and
proeu by mciessful acblcirmenl. Its miinbeis
li4M! been broiiKht together after a most caieful
and bkilltul procc-v. of telictlon by Mi, I'loh
1111111, and it may now bo said to thoroughly
Kpicscut the comedy eieaui of his forces,
A Musical Gem.
"The llUhwajnian," which is to bo piewntnl
by the Drnadwny Theater (New Voik) 0ieia
company, ut the I.jccinu 011 Friday everiliig. Is
one nl the few coinln operas of the piesent day
elcoiil of hoise-play or ulgarity. There Is not
an arid i-pot ilther in the libretto or music, The
iloiy is coiiil.tcnlly lolJ, and eulUts attention
without ktcojiini; to bufooncry, 'ihe music is
i.vecllint, Tho chief chni.uter is .111 Irish gen
tleiiini, rompelled by (iicuuistauees Io turn
InUht nf the road. Foi various reasons his put
is llmltid by Iwo rhoracteis, and their Incidental
u (ting- forms one of the iiumeroustuJiuiiioioiH
Anolhir excellently diann iharacter 1 that of
l'ny (ulller, whom elloits le capture "Tin
Highway Iran," urates roars of laugiitcr, There
Is also a piilty loie incident, which appeals to
Ihe lair e. The east is an excellently utiong,
cue ind ic Mains the names of (.curat aittsts of
note. The production is complete lu cu'ry de
lili and u good muslcut enttitahiuieiit is as
iiiicil thratu-socr,
Wis. Winslow's Soothing: Syrup
Ilus becii used for utl I'JKTV YHAItS by
MILLIONS ol 1101111:11s foi; their CIIILIIItKN
Wllll.i: 'll-.irilllN". with I'LUFKCT hl'tTKSS.
It SsOOrilKS bUi Cllll II. fs01--I'KNS the GUMS.
M.AB all l'AINi ( I'HKti WIND COLIC, ami
Is li- lit rnii'dy for DUltltilOKA. NilJ ,
Drugslsti In every part pi the world. He sure
and ask for ''Mis. Window's Soothing Hjinp,"
snd take no other kin I. Twenty-live ,t.nis
Wall Street Review.
Xew Yoilc, Dec. W. The effect of the doubltul
outlook In the money market was clear today
iiiid in! Milumu of business. This money
market showed nu nlgn of stringency and no
liquidation was iiioclpltntecl. In luct the buying
oveiboio the selllm; nnd there are more net gains
1 1 1,1 a as a icsult ut the da.c'.s opeiatiuns,
'ihe bujing M'cmed to come from dllfcrcnt bides,
Judglnir limn tho fact that the best stocks which
lino sullered most fiom reient depressiuu weici
lu loiemoci demand. This wan notably tiue 0,
the meeel gioup led by Tenuiee Coil, which
has been the object of u prolonged raid by the
bears at an cpeiisc of 'JO points in the value of
the stock. A inlly ot l!i rolnts at the c.ttlLino
point today, Other liKinbeis ot the r.tecl group
moced in tjmpath.v ami gained upwnids of u
point all aiocind with the c-ceptlon of .Steel and
Ulie. Tho latter otock was under pleasure.
1 In- strength of Sugar was attiibuted to icport.
of nn ouitold condition In the trade, indicating1
mi advunce lu the belling pike of 11 lined ug.irst
liy the Independent reflneis. Oilier industrial
stocks showed sharp recou'rli"1, with no ncw (o
l,i'll. The inotcmciit In the railroad lht was
due to the eamo reason. Theiu wus no c-ii-ilcnre
ul larger organized buying at any point
buch us has been nil occasional featuic ot the
maiket tor tioiuc time past, The Lrlo stocks were
luueh less uctic, although the first prefeiied und
Ihe second piefened weie at one time fiat's
lejpcctlvely higher. 1'jtubuig, V. (', and ht.
Louis lose 011 u light demand which, how
ccer, brought, lieaiy llnu of .slock, Total sales,
cVJOyiOO bhure.
The following u,uolatloii ale fuinlshid 'the
Tilbuno by M. Is. Jonlau Co,, looms TO-'i-TOtl
Miurs building, l-erunloii, I'n, Telrphoue (KXHi
upen- lllgn- Low- CIO.
ing. Cet.
American Toluico ....luiiVi IUT',1
Ameilcnn Suaur 123 lli4
Am. htcul A: Wlie
Atchison , ,,,,
Atchison. I'l
brook. Traction .,,
Haiti), ii Ohio
Cent. Tobacco
Che.. & Ohio .. . .
tide, .f lit. West.
Chic. II. & O
tt. Paul 1'iU
Hock Island .111?!
Del. & Hudson Ill)
lVilcinl blcel , 'Ui
I'eilcinl .Steel, IV. 71
Kan. ii TeY., IV .IS
Louis & N'ash. ...,,.,,. blh
Man. Klewatcd , IHS'i
, 37K
, s
. Wli
. Jti'5
. wl
. llv'i
Mil. Tiactlon
Mlsso. Pad lie ,,,,
1'coplc's Gas ,.,
.V. J. .,,,
Southern I'atllie ,
XoifolU fc West.
Northern I'acllle ,
.. US'i
.. II
.. II3
.. 7u
I Sutt
1 U
N'ortli. 1'acillc, Pr.
X. V. Central
Ont. & Western ....
Pennsylvania liy. ,.
I'aeitlc Mall
Heading liy.
Heading ltv IV. ..
fsouthcrn It. It. ...
jsouth. It, It., Pi. .
Iain. Coal Iron
IT. S. Leather
U. P. Leather, IV.
I'. Si. llubbei-
I'niou P.icltlc
Union Pacific, IV. ..
Wabash. IV.
Third Avenue;
.. 23
..14 1
.. 4.1
.. )K
.. onr;
.. 17?i
.. IW?i
.. fill
.. 12?i
.. 2i!J
.. 7l'i
.. H5s
.. -21M
71 li
II j
01 "i
I 1
xnw york pnoDL'cr. kxciiaxch prict
Open- High- Low- do
ing, est.
70 70'.i
"s1;; 711
Maicii ...
41s; 4i
Scranton Board nf Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
I'llst National Hank ..
hcianton Savings Hank
Thllil National 11 ml,
Dime Deposit ami Discount llinl...
lleononi) Light. II. .. P. Co
luika. Tllist Mfe Deposit Co
Walk fc Mioer Co., f'l
hcrauton lion I'euio Mlg, Co. ,,,
Sciantoii Ale Work
I.aekiinanua Haliy Co., I'l, ,
Couutv Siing Hank K Tinst Cu,,
I'hst Naticiiui Rank (.C.ubondale)..
Ftandud Drilling Co. ,,
Ti.ulers' National Hank .,.,,
fsi'ianion llolt and Nut Co, ,
Siiuulon Pa.singei Hallway, flist
Mortgage, due lOiU ,,,,,
People's btreet lt.illuai , Hut mort
gage, eiue iwio
Pionle's Sluei llallwae, Guicul
mortgage, due IWl . ., II 1 ...
Dlikson Manufietiiring Co luo
l.icka. Township School 3 per cent. ... Ml
City of Scianloii 1st. Imp. 0 per
cent , ,,,,.., 102
Sciantou Tiaillon 0 per cent 113
Scranton Wholesale Market.
Corifttcd by II. 0. rule. 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Iluttir-rieamciy, 2la23c.
I'ggs Select wcslein, 21c: nearby stale, Sle.
Cheese Full eicani, new, 12c.
Deans Per bu., choice mallow, 3.30.
Onions U)s. pel bu.
Flour Hest patent, &LC0.
New Y01H Grain and Produce.
New York", -Dee. JO. '-Flour Market 'was weal,
and 5 to 13 cents lowci to tell without much
demand at the decline, Wheat Spot cash; No,
2 red, 7Sc. 1. 0, b. afloat: .u. 3 ifd, lO'ie. ele
vator; Xo. 1 northern Dultith, MIJio. I. 0. b.
afloat. Options wean i.uly in the day, followed
liy a rtiirn rally which finally jielded and tlcwfii
easy at sa!e. dieline: .Vo, 2 red. Jan., cloud
77c. : March, 7i?e.; Mi, i7aii Com !pot
weak; Xo. 2, 432C elevator. Option maiket c
Hist c.isj, but later haulenid and finally yielded,
but elcsecl weal; nt "'M'ic b"". Jan. ciosnl
437ic; May, ll?e-.; Dec, 1.314c Oats-hpot
firm; Xo. 2. 27c; No. 'J, 2o',,c; No. 2 while,
IWHc; Hack mKed westem, 2il',i2Se,; track
white western, 20!a.)5c; triek while siale,
20hv. Options about steady, but fealmclcHB fiom
speeulallio standpoint, Cheese Finn; fame
large, fall made, ll'.ic; fancy fall made, mnuli.
Uitv. Eggs iieady; ktaie nml Puma., S7i.ine'.;
luMiin, iigular packing, 22a27c; we.teni, lo-
oir, 2.1c Huttir-rirni; eicanicry, lHa2rtc, ; fac
tory, 12al.3!jc. ; .lime iieMineij, JSiin'ie-T; Imi
tation ireaiuen-, lJalUc; nt.uu d.ihj, Hlale,
Chicago Grain and Procluce.
thicaso. Dee, 10. A decrease In Ike vislbl
and a lack of outside dippou ueio opposlu; in
llucnci'a in wheat todiy with the icsult tlut Slav
i-losed buely leud., llaile. iiiulrr Satiirdm.
Coin closed Uu-'Jic, and outs, iu. lowei, Im
visloiis at the iloo were a thaelo Inw'rr. iTIi"
leading futures i.ingi'd as follows: Wheat Dec,
O'lTJc; Jan., lUUaiulie. ! May, 7Jc, Corn-Pec.,
VMiJliiHi.l Jan., .l34iiU(je. : May, i(,c Oats
-Dec. 2lWai.i Muv, 23sii', Poiklsn.,
isl'.ai"til2.S3; May, 12.12'j. Laul-Dec, 7.t3i
7.20: Jail, ist'.OO.ill.liJ'-ii .May, Hl.7lj. Whs
Ml.;i3-U.:i2t:.; May, ifO.IO. Cash quotations were:
Flour inlet and steady; wheat. No. 2 vd,
7l'ia7lc; No. 2 com. ;W.51e.i No. 2 jellow,
;Wi?,e, No. 2 oats, 22tc.: No. 2 white, 2Cn
2uije.i No. 2 while. SlHalielo.j No. 2 rje, MV.;
No. 1 flav, l,S'lj No. I llmolhy, 41c, : pork,
ML30alI.02!-j; lud, 7.l7a7.20; rllw. W.23
OG.'i;; shouldeis, ITiaHUc.i wldikey, ,27.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chlcngo. Dec, 10, Cattle, "O.uOii; iholci- In
cciiiiiion, to to 13 cent; lower; butchers slock,
Meady, Natives Best on sale, steady at f0.3ii;
good to pi line steers, $3.1Qa0.30; poor to Hied,
iuiii, s.1. lua, 13; M'lcctcd leedeis, steady, fJ.65s
l.:'0; mKed stoekvis, .low, (.23a.i.7A; eow,
.'.U)a3.'.'J; helfels, ir-'.03a3.23; cauners, -'a2.30;
hulls, choice, J.5oal..; calufl, Vi.30a.3.23; Te
us fed steeis, fill. S3; do, grjss steels, $.1 :'.0i
4.10; do. bulls, -'.Mx'I.SJ.
East Liberty Stock Market.
Fa.t Liberty, Dec. lO.-Cattlo Ciwcel weak;
piiuie, $3a3.23; common,
Hugs Active at last week'u dosing pileei.
hliecp Sliong; choicu wethers, If.OOif.lO;
leinuion, ?I.Wai..V); cliolce iambs, JU.33a3.IJ0;
coimuon to good, l.GOa3.23; veal calves, t).Qo7.
Oil Market.
Oil Cit, Dec. 10.-Crcdlt bsUncei, 07; rr-tlfiate-s
iluli: Shipments. 151,632; aYirige, V3,
le.'. Huns, 121,022; avera, 83,658.
rti-f'V'.li -.Mnifeaw-: - 'a"inaib'Jsi,JJn,ruttti.n,H, ,n.c t aftA .ij
. tk -, Jt&M&J&t
. , jsR .,J- V 3.4 fc tf
litf .AlW