" L - . - . ,. 5 W 'V v-v r -"'i - ' v,-tt,rmit'TtJ . . " ,-v llfF i'jiytuwww- v ?., f" I J wf a l ,1,11 -" '. !...' l Af ,.l,V ' vw'l 1 v Si''1 ft p '! " rtitiate. cntntmt THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SBRVICb OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., TUESDAV MORNING, DECEMBER. 11, 1900. TWO CENTS. ' NICARAGUAN CANAL TALK The Senate Spends Five Hours in Consideration ot the Hay Pauneeiote Treatu. MR. TELLER'S OPINIONS Thinks the United States Should Construct the Canal, if at All, Re gardless of the English Position and Without Going Through the formality of Ratifying the Pend ing Treaty. By Kucludvo Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 10. The senate spent almost live hoti"s today In ex ecutive session, considering the Ilny Pnuncefote treaty. There were live or filx speeches made, some of them by senators who had not spoken hitherto upon the treaty, and others by sena tors who had previously exprescd themselves. Among: the latter was Sen-' ator Morgan, who returned to his for mer speech, elaborating somewhat his position aa t,o the effect of the C'lav-ton-I3tilver treaty, lie took Issue with Senator Tellei' as to the purport of the first clause of that treaty, claiming that It applied only to Great Britain's right to fortify the Nicaragua canal itself. Senator Teller replied at some length, asserting that the provision was of more general Importance, he paid, than any one could ascertain for himself by reading President Biichan iin'M vIou-b imnn llir. kiiIiWI wli..ii h,. was minister to Kngland. The declar- ntion then made showed plainly, he xnlrl Hint. Unirlnnil li-el nt tniiuitt-il In extend her rights beyond the Immedl ate vicinity of the canal. Mr. Te.Ier then proceeded to again elaborate his views upon the general subject, repeat ing his declaration that tho United States should construct the canal, if at all, regardless of the English position si nd without going through tho formal ity of ratifying the pending treaty. During the day speeches were made "oy Sonators Money, Stewart and oth ers. Senator Stewart announced that ho was for the treaty without amend nent and Senator Money that ho was 'or the treaty in any form. He want ed the canal built as much as any K.-snator could, lie said, hut he consid ered Ihe pending treaty-little less than un insult to the intehlgence pfv.'the American people. "Ho saKPifd HdubVlf tho proper diplomatic efforts should be made It would be possible to secure the complete abrogation of the Clay-ton-Buiwer treaty and that was what he wanted. He did not believe tho people of this country would be satis lied so long as any part of that instru ment remained among existing inter national obligations. That convention, lie said, was contrary to the wishes of the people of the United States and that they could be satistled only by dellnitely erasing it once and forever. There should bo conventions between the United States and both Nicaragua and Costa Rica, giving absolute con 1rol of tho waterway to this country. Ho wanted no partnerships with any country in ownership or management V tho canal when built. Secretaiy .Hay's Course. The possibility of Secretary Hay's resigning In ease the foreign relations committee amendment to the treaty should prevail having been alluded to, Senator Fryo said he was In position to make otllcial denial of that report. The secretary has no such Intention. Mr. Frye expressed himself favorable to tho Hay-Pauncefote treaty. He said deny tho effect of the Clayton Bulwer treaty as much as we may it Htlll Is on the International iccords of this country and is given moiv or less recognition by every administration that has to deal with the subject of tho construction of an isthmian canal. It had been a constant source of vexa tion In collection with the canal sub ject and he apprehended that It would continue to, be such until that portion of It relating to tho canal should be disposed of. Ho was satistled for in stance, that tho canal would have been constructed during tho adminis tration of President Arthur If tho old negotiation had not been in existence. Senator Chandler united Senator Fryo to make Secretary Huy's position with J rererenco to resigning public, but the Maine senator declined, saying that ho was only authorized to make the state, inent to tho senate. Mr. Chandler re marked' that to do It wan equivalent to giving It to the public ami the senate then' lapsed Into a discussion of the ways in which the executive secrets get Into the newspapers. AMERICAN DIPLOMACY. Has Achieved a Victory Over the Powers at Pekln. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcs. Tlerlln, Doe. 10. Tt Is now dawning upon tho German press and publlu that Mr. Hay, of tho United States foreign office, has secured an nut and out diplomatic victory in obliging the powers, Germany Included, to yield to Ills arguments in favor or more mod evale tortus In the preliminary joint note to tlw Chinese peaeo plcnlopoteii tlarles. U Is clearly defined because Kro ne ror William had set his heart on Imposing tho most humiliating condi tions upon tho Chinese and thus em phasizing Germany's power In their eyes, Steamship Arrivals. By Hvcjujlvc Who (rum Tho Assoclstcd Press. New York, Dirv 10. Arihed: Cidcdoni.in, Cleared', l.aliii, KriTnon, U Southampton. Na ples Arrived! Alltr, fiw Vnrk frum fien'U. Killed: Furt lllmiarck, Xcw York. (jjj: Arrlied: Anclioirula, New York, fllbiullar Ar rived! Weera, Ntw Yoik for Naples mid ieno.i. Southampton S.illcd: Vaderland ((mm Ant. erp), New York. I.Uurd Passed I Statendani, Ken- York (or fieiioa, J-uiitlonArrlved: Mlm.c. Holla, New York. WANTED IFOR MURDER. Qeorgo Christian, a Colored Man, Under Arrest in Now York, fly Kxclutlvc Wire Irom The Associated I'ress. Now York, Dee. 10. Henry Macon, alias Ooorgo Christian, a colored rami, about fifty years old, is tinder arrest in this pity. Detective Captain McClus key says Mason was wanted for a' mur der in Pittsburg, September last. Peter Ilobdcn and some othpr white men,' while on. their way home, were met by the colored man at Short alley and Forbes street, Pittsburg. They made some remark about the latter, and Mason, It Is said, pulled a revolver and fired, killing llobden. Mason then lied. When arrested Mason denied he was the man wanted. Detective White house, of Pittsburg, reached here to day with one of the men In the crowd with llobden, and this man Identified Mason as the man who had shot llob den. Mason, it. Is declnred, was sentenced In ISSIl to the Madlsonvllle, W. Va., prison for life for a murder, and was pardoned out by Governor Atklnrt?n after he had served ten years. BASE BALL WAR IS THREATENED Important Session of the National League Held in New York. The Magnates Present. By KkcIusIm! Wire from Tlie Associated Prest New York, Dec. 10. With another possible base ball war staring them In the face, the Nutlonal league mag nates entered upon their annual win ter meeting at the Fifth Avenue Hotel tonight. Tills year the session Is one of the most important ever held In the history of the league and will probably last throughout the week. With the I rtmericiui league, Willi .Mr. .lOlinson ' "tee"'"!? "s destinies, clamoring for L'"ua' recognition by the parent body i " "'o uireuiencu invasion Ol tlie Kll tional league territory by Johnson's organization, the members of the big league have their hands full. The magnates began arriving in the city early this morning and up to to night the following had nut In an an- I llPlinilll'P Pr.ielrli.nt "V 1.' Vmnr. A 1.T , , .. ......V..h ... .... ll'L.UIS, ". J. Soden, Boston: Charles Ebbetts. F. A. Abell and Edward Hanlon, Brooklyn; Colonel John I. Hogers and A. J. Reach. Philadelphia; Harney Dreyfus, Pittsburg: John T. Brush. Cincinnati; James Hart. Chicago; F. De Haas Uob Inson and Stanley Robinson, St. Louis; Fred Knowles, New York. J. 13. Kill ings, of Boston; J. 15. Kerr, of Pitts burg. afa'J Harry Vonder Horst. of Brooklyn, will arrive tomorrow. n'tJJfrpflQijSJWlty. , .trouble"- with tjjii. now" American league is not the only question "that the magnates will have to handle. The much-talked-of re tirement of President Young of the league's chief executive will also come up. That certain magnates are opposed to the continued Incumbency of Mr. Young is an open spc ret. Several days ago, those opposed to Mr. Young put forth A. G. Spalding as a suitable successor. Mr. Spiild ing, however, has declined the honor. A committee composed of Hugh Jen nings, or Brooklyn; Zlmmer, of Pitts burg, and Harry Taylor, the organl-:!-tlon's consul, of Buffalo, will wait, upon the magnates and present the players' claims relative to tho "farm ing out" and salary questions. About the only talked-of deal, was that between New York and Pitts burg, by which Doyle may be ex changed for Williams. FEDERATION OF LABOR CONVENTION lltoomtlons Adopted Asking Sup port of Congress In Aid of Several Bills. By Kiiliiibe Wire from Tho Asvwi.ildl Pieas. Louisville, Dec. 10. When the con vention of the Federation of Labor met today the committee on resolutions sub mitted Its Hist resolution, reatllrmlng tho federation's favorable position on tho initiative and referendum. The resolution was adoptetl by a vote of S2 to G(i, after considerable debate. In rapid succession resolutions were rec ommended and adopted requesting sup port by congress of a bill for the higher education of the blind; In favor of an eight-hour bill for all postodlce em ployes, and In favor of municipal own ership of public utilities. Tlie executive committee reported un favorably on a resolution for the es tablishment of a department of com merce and industry, and Its action was sustained. The report of tho auditing committee was then presented and ac cepted. Special committees weru appointed on the eight-hour, workday, compulsory ar bitration ami on organization in Porto Wco. SANTA PE STRIKE OVER. By llsiluslve Wire fiom Tlie .Woci.iled l'les. Topi'liu, Kan., Dec. 10. Tho PfllelalH of the S.it.tn I'd i-allnud ray tunlglit that tho stiilie of telegraph opeutuiii Is practically ovir. The operatnis themsehes continue In the livllef that their case is n winning nno ami say the pros pect look better now than they have heeii any time to thin point in the contet. Tlie Vote on Revision. By Kiclmlvo Wire, fiom Tlie Associated I'reM New York, Dec. to. Tho New York Wy. tvry held Its regular monthly meeting today. In thi'i Interval between the laid niccllng of the tiu'i in l'nbj I'riil'Jtcry and tho tnccliui! of today the volt- on the revUIon of the contention of fallli va mounted and it waa found Hut tho vote was not Hi It was announced at that lime, but ttooi 75 to 7- atrulnt the revision. Will Investigate Disorders, fly UMluvitc Wire from The Auoclated 1'ifwi. Ilcilln, Dec. 10. Huron von Tihintuilcn, prul. klan minister of tho Interior, Iw.i' ordered the chief ol jiollce at Colojriie to maKc u jpeeial report as to disorderly Incidents conueiled with Mr. Krugcr'a ilult to that city and especially with l fieri nee to the intMlrltl.h demonstration IWoro the lliltitli consulate. THE FINANCES OP GERMANY ft Gloomu View Is Taken bu the Secretaru ot the Imperial Treasiiru. EFFORTS TO RETRENCH Gradual Shrinkage of Inflated Con dition Predicted Sparkling Wines and Saccharine to Be Taxed In creased Expenditure of 53,000,000 Marks in 1001 to Be Provided For. Transfer of Surplus Revenue to Federal States to Be Stopped. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pros. Berlin, Dec. 10. In the reichstag to day, during the debate of the esti mates, the secretary of the Imperial treasury, Baron von Thielman, took a decidedly gloomy view of the eco nomic situation in Germany. He said tlie situation had been undergoing a radical change since summer and par sons must be prepared for a number of years to see a gradual shrinkage of the inflated condition. The decline, however, would not take the form of a general llaancial crash, as in 1871!. This period of diminished trade could not pass without affecting the imperial budget. Therefore, it was necessary to strengthen the reserves of tho treas ury. In regard to the abolition of the sugar bounties, the secretary of the treasury said the negotiations betwen Austria, Fiance and Germany had not been concluded, but they would prob ably provide a basis for definite agree ments. The secretary also announced that a bill taxing sparkling wines would be presented to the relchstng, and that an other bill taxing saccharine was in course of preparation. In 1901, he add ed, an increased expenditure of 53,000, 000 marks must be provided for. Con sequently the transfer of surplus reve nues to the federal state would coass. A general survey of the present esti mates afforded a less pleasllg picture than last year. BIG SCANDAL AT , ST, PETERSBURG Actors in an Anti-Jewish Play Are Pelted Personal Con flicts Follow. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated PreM. St. Pot?rsburg, Dec. 10. The scan dal caused by the demonstration Thursday evening last on the first production of the anti-Jewish play en titled "Tho Contrabandists," during which the actors were pelted, personal conflicts followed and the perfor mance had to be stopped. Is still the subject of considerable discussion here anil threatens to start a student agi tation, the university .sympathizing largely with the demonstrative! Chris tians. About .100 students met Saturday and, after listening to some fiery speeches, condemned M. Suborbin, edi tor ot the Xovoe Vrmya for his activ ity in the attempt to launch the untl Semitlo play, the theater management, the police and others. The police, late Thursday night, released all tho persons, about fifty, arrested during the disturbance and no prosecutions have yet been announced. U'ter the students' meeting it be came known that the minister of the interior had sent the newspapers a circular positively forbidding further allusions to the scandal. Tho authors of the play, which was formerly called "Tho Children of Is rael," printed two years ago, and which led to a similar demonstration, have relinquished their efforts to pro duce it. (MEETING OF LEAGUE OF AMERICAN WHEELMAN Will Ask the Next Legislature for an Appropriation of $1,000,000, Ily i:elnsive Wire from The Aiioclaled I'rces. Philadelphia, Dec. id. The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania state di vision of ofllcers of tho League Ameri can Wheelmen was held here today, It was decided to ask tho next legis lature for an apporprlation of $i,ooo, OuO for the Improvement and building of roads anil highways. Tho olllcor.s elected for 1901 were; Charles Hoylo, Philadelphia, chief consul; F. O. Orr, Pittsburg, vice consul; P. S. Collins, Philadelphia, secretary and treasurer, and a lull membership of the execu tive board by districts. Delegates chosen for tho national assembly, to be hold In Philadelphia on the second Wednesday of February next are: W, W. Randall, Joseph Eaterle, Carl Holiig, R. Tueko , Thomas Hare, H. II. AVorroll and T. H, Halnea, Philadelphia; E. J, Wan ner, Norristown: J. J. Van Nort, Hcranton: A. D. Krmnp, Wllllamsport; Dr. W. S. Cook", Heaver Falls; T, F, Mylert, Pittsburg, nnd A. O. Meukliw, Erie. The delegates will have to pay their expenses to tho assembly, be cause of tho depleted condition t the treusury. Petition in Bankruptcy, Uy Kxclutlvc Wlie fiom Tho Aoclat(d IV.-.3. I'itUburir, Pec. 10, In thu United States court William II. Van Tine and hU wile, Katie Van Tine, filed their petitions in bankruptcy. Tie former owes $3SS,012, and tho latter &HS,bT;! The debts wciv contracted in ISO), when Van Tine wo in the leal estate IiusIium In Chu'lanil. lilt, wife' Indebtedness aroNi by lier git lug jointly with hliu and cndoreiui, notes with Mm. CONSPIRACY CASES AT HARRISBURO. John J. Coyle Acquitted and Ordered to Pay Half tho CoBts. Hurrlsburg, Dec. 10. The remaining bribery, perjury nnd conspiracy ciis of tho last session of tho Pennsylvania Mate legislature on which title bills were fountl by a grand Jury of Dauphin county, came to a close today, when .District Attorney Millar entered a nolle prosequls. This was entered on the agreement of the defendant!? to pay the costs, which amounted to about $2,000. The only case heard was that against John J. Coyle, who was ncqulttcd mid ordered to pay half the costs. The others against whom true bills were found wore Michael J. CosteHo. Frank B. Jones. Robert Kvans, Charles B. Spatz, Thomas M. Moylcs and Monroe II. Kulp. THE FORESTRY ASSOCIATION Suggestion Made at Meeting in Phil adelphia Good Work Ac complished. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Presu. Philadelphia, Dec. 10. To save the forests from the devastation by fires the leaves should be burned each fall, was tho suggestion advanced today by William Hartley, of Hertford, at the an nual meeting of the Pennsylvania For- 1 estry association. Existing forestry laws are, in his Judgment, all wrong. The suggestion, however, did not meet with favor from Dr. J. T. Rothrock, state forestry commissioner, and the theory was said by him to be unten able In the light of experience. Mr. Hartley defended his suggestion even after opposition, and then rather ab ruptly left the meeting. Representations submitted to the meeting were most encouraging and showed that a great work In forest preservation lias been done in the last few years. President John Bierkenbin urged that the friends of forestry maintain a solid front in opposltlo to any change In the present protective laws, except to make them more effective. Dr. Roth- rock, in his report as general secretary, said that the condition of the forestry movement was never so strong as at present. The state Is now in uctual possession of more thun 100,000 acres of land as a nucleus upon, which to build up its system on the state forestry res ervations, and is only second to New York in this respect. In the report of the .secretary of coun cil, F. L. Bltler, tho membership of the PBSocIation was given as 1,551. The re- port of Ti'fcasu.r1ejv!xar!ey' E) Pnfioast showed a small cash balance on hand, December 1. The annual election re sulted as follows: President, John Pler kenbin; vice-presidents, Herbert Welsh, William S. Harvey, Richard Wood, James C. Hayden, Howard M. Jenkins; general secretary, Joseph T. Rothrock; corresponding secretary, Mrs. John P. Lundy; treasurer, Charles E. Pancoast. More than fifty counties are represented in the council. WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL Governors of States and Other High Officials Are Arriving at the National Capital. By llMlibive, Wire from The .Wocialcd 1'roi). Washington, Dec. 10. Governors of stales and other high officials are ar riving hero to attend the centennial celebration on Wednesday. The cele bration of the centenary of the estab lishment of tlie national capital here will bo opened at 10 o'clock Wednes day morning, when President McKlnley will receive thu governors of states and territories. Subsequent to this Colonel Theodore A. Bingham will un veil a model and drawings of an en larged executive mansion. District Commissioner McFarland will deliver an address upon tho district develop ment and Governor Shaw will dis course upon the development of the states. In the afternoon the president will proceed to the reviewing stand at the capltol. He will be escorted by tho governors of the state and terri tories with theh- .staffs, largo detach ments of the nrniy, navy and marine corps, national guards of the various states and District of Columbia naval militia, veterans of wars and distin guished civilians. He will review the parade, and then with members of the diplomatic corps, supreme court, Ad miral Dewey, General Miles, senators and representatives, will repair to tho house of representatives, Hero ad dresses will bo made by Congressmen Richardson and Payne, Senators Mc Comas, Hoar and Daniel, Tho celebra tion will teimlnatu with a torch pro cession to the governors of tha states and territories at 1) o'clock In tho uven ing. Netherlands nnd Portugal Tension. Ily Kxclusltit Wire from The Associated Pre). The IlnKuo, Dec, 10. Tho Portusucso minister to the Netherlands, Count Dedier, Iih (United for Lisbon and the Dutch minister to Poituvao, llaron ton llcckcieii, is ec.tcd heiu from Lis bon thin eteulusr, Count Van llylaut. In the (.croud chamber, today notified tho foreign min ister that he will interpellate the government to. moiimv on thu tension between the Netherlands and Portugal, m I.. Senator Towne Takes the Oath, fly Ku'liblte Wire from Tho Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 0, lion. Charles A., Towne, lira ifcriitly appolnlid suiccsaor to the late Bui ator )jlv, of .Minnesota, attended today's hc.t t'icin of the finale, and took (ho oath of ofllce. No business of linpoitanco was transacted in open Rtslon. The senate went into secret wt slou on tho llay'l'auiiccloto lieaty as soon as routine busiiiCiS had been concluded, Drought Unbroken. fly Kicluslte Wire from Tho Afsoclated Press. Ilaletou, Dee. 10. Tho recent heavy rainfall Jlit not break the drought which prctalled here for tomo weeks. Today tho Lehigh Valley put a water train In tcrvicc to supply thu Jeddo collitrlctf, and the Delaware, Kubquehanna uuj Schuylkill railroad began hauling water to some uf the mines of CVao Ilru. & Co. THE MINORITY ON REVENUES Democrats of the Waus and Means Committee GomDlete Their Statement. REDUCTION IS TOO SMALL They Are of the Opinion That the Proposed Reduction of Revenues Is Too Small They Would Take Off the Taxes Which Are Most An noying nnd Vexatious The Demo crats Will Not Oppose the Passage of the Revenue Bill but Will Try to Amend It. By exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 10. Tho views of tho minority members of the ways and means committee, on the bill reducing war revenue taxes about $40,000,000 was completed nnd made public this evening. It is signed by tho entire Democratic membership of tho commit tee, Messrs. Richardson, of Tennessee; Swanson, of Virginia; McClellan, of New York; Newlands, of Nevada; Cooper, of Texas, and Underwood, of Alabama. The report says that the minority are of opinion that the pro posed reduction of revenues Is too small and that the bill does not go far enough In relieving the people of the burdens Imposed upon them for war purposes. The remaining taxes, says the report, are unnecessary and should be removed. Tho minority take issue with Secre tary Gage's $36,000,000 surplus In 1902 and say that If congress observes proper economy in expenditures the surplus ought to be $109,000,000. We arc, therefore, clearly of the opinion that there can safely be a much further reduction than is contemplated in the bill presented hy tho com. mittee and that now is tho time to give such reduction. Instead of taking off the sum of forty millions, as is proposed, we would go fur ther nnd reduce taxation not less than $70,000,- 000. We would make these leductlons on those articles which are most nearly the necessaries of life and would take off the taxes which arc most annoying and vcxatlou to the people. This would in no way cripple or impair tho public service. Wo believe that by a return to proper economy in appropriations a reduction greater than advocated could be made and we should at once enforce (ih economy, The war being oter the war taxes should cease, and the "train "of cxtraonllnary expenditures" folloyis;ihe r should also terminate. ' ""' 'A ' ' Will Not Oppose the Bill. We shall not, however, oppose the passage of the bill for It gives some relief, but will en deavor to properly amend it. If wc were, by rur efforts, to defeat its passage, we would leavo the heavy burden of unjust taxation on thu country. Tho serious objection to the taxi's levied by this bill, and as they will Ik- left under the law, is that the burdens of taxation tiuough out tho country arc unjustly distributed. Thin being true, of necessity, the revenues collected are inequitable. The report points out the advantages to material development and foreign trade of low taxation, and declares that "the va.st revenues now collected and the expenditures now made by the gov ernment, if not remedied, must ulti mately become a peril to our home and foreign enterprise and Jnusiness. Tho pruning knife should be applied vigor ously to both taxation and expendit ures." The report continues: We favor an alteration of the present tariff laws, certainly to the extent that they have piomoted monopoly. It lias been proved beynwl qiuMlcn, by evidence betoie the hidiistii.il com mission appointed by congress, Hut many of tlie poweiful trusts that have nn nlwtliita monopoly of thilr business In this country and that exei ciso their power despotically and injuriously to the people largely owe their giowtlt to tho cus toms duties Imprsed in tlie Dlngley tariff law, which pioldbits foreign competition. Wo belleto that a piovision could and should bet prepared which would accomplish tlie just ends tnughl la an Inccnic tax, yet escape an ml vern decision of the supreme court of the Uni ted Steles such ns was rendered against tho In. ionic tax piovlded for in tlie Wilson law. The report say that a reduction of $70,000,000 In taxation would permit the relief of the tobacco and beer produc ing Interests, which have suffered from, heuvy war taxes, and would enable tho abolition of many vexatious and nn noylng taxes that will be continued under tho proposed legislation. The Republican house caucus on tho war revenue reduction bill decided to night by a largo mnjorlty to stand by tho bill as now drawn and reported by tho waya and moans committee. There were about a hundred membor.i present and tho vote to support the bill as now framed stood 68 ayes to 29 noes. NEW BASE BALL LEAGUE. Organized nt Detroit with Ben Joh John of son as President Circuit Western Cities. By Exclusive Wire from Tha Associated press. Detroit, Dec. 10. A now base hall league has been organized of which Ron Johnson, president of tho Ameri can league, will bo president, says tho' lOvenlng News this afternoon. The following cities will make up tho cir cuit: Detroit, flrand Unplds, Toledo, Louisville, Minneapolis, St. I'aul, Kan sas City and either Indianapolis or Buffalo. Papers wore signed hero to day by Messrs. Uurs and Stllllngs, owners of tho Detroit American league team, leasing both their ejown town and Sunday ball parka for ten years to Attorney T, J, Navy, who represents tho owners of tho local franchise In the new league, In ordor to use these parks the schedule of the new, league will be made up so that the Detroit team will bo at home when the Ameri can league team Ik on tho road, thus giving Detroit continuous base ball all summer. George Burnham, of this city, will be 'vice president of the league. THE NEWS THIS MORNING, Wthcr InJIcatlons Todr, GENERALLY fAW. t ficnrml One flood Point In favor of Kecotid- rl.mj f'Atv fllinrfitr. Solute Considers the llay-Paunccfoto Treaty. Minority Ilcport nit Proposed Hcductlon ol War ltevenues, Tho German Financial Outlook. 2 Local flood Men Demanded for Councils. School Hoard Acts on Vaccination Question. Lackawanna County News. 3 Locol-llrlbery Cases Oft tho List In Crim inal Court. Important llankruptcy Case. Second Week of Quarter Sessions. t LMItorlal. Washington One Hundred Years Ago. ! Local Simon Xcrushas on Trial for Murder. School Controllers Mack from l'lttsbuig. Nolle Prosequi In McCann Case, Humored Cual Deal, 0 Local West Scrunton and Suburban. 7 (icneral Northeastern Pennsylvania News. Financial and Commercial. 8 Local Doings In the World of Labor. MEETING OP THE COMMITTEE OP 15 The Body Appointed to Wage War Against Vice in New York Deliberates One Hour. Dy Exclusive Wire from Tlie Associated Tress. New York, Dec. 10. The committee of fifteen appointed by tho chamber of commerce to wage war against vice In this city held a meeting today. There were ten men present nt the meeting, which lasted only about an hour. The following members declined, for various reasons, to serve on the committee: James C. Carter, Fred D. Tappen. Alfred T. White, Robert W. De Forrest and Adrian Iselln. Mr. Carter sent a letter to Charles Stewart Smith In which he pleaded 111 health as the cause of his resigna tion. Mr. Tappen on account of ab sence from the city. Mr. De Forrest and Mr. White are both members of the tenement house committee, and as such they are too busy to serve on the committee of fifteen. Mr. Iselln resigns on account of previous engagements, the nature of which he does not state. Mr. Charles Stewart Smith, who at tended the meeting yesterday, accept ed the resignations and steps were taken to till their places. The names of five gentlemen were selected, and a sub-committee of two were selected to wait upon them and ask them to serve on the committee. The names of the gentlemen appoint ed on the committee, as well as the name8vof -the gentlemen who will be asked to serve In place of ..those re 'sateid. vjre kept secret. BICYCLE RACE. Nine Teams Are Still Whirling Around Madison Square Garden Ahead of All Records. Dy Exclmive Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Dec. 10. Tho second day of the six-day bicycle race at Madison Sttuare Garden started In at midnight tonight, with nine teams of the four teen who first began the contest still on the track and whirling around the garden miles ahead of the record. The ten men nre maintaining a frightful average of speed, but In spite of this they incited one another to straining sprints throughout the day, while the crowds In attendance cheered the lead ers wildly. There were many tumbles In the course of tho day, but none of the riders were seriously hurt. Miller and Walthour dropped out, and Colgnn, of Trenton, and Dlckerson, of Heaver Meadow, Pa., as a team mic cumbed to the swift pace. About thesame time Herbert meeker, of Urooklyn, partner of Frank Albert, of Now York, was removed to Bellevuo hospital In an ambulance, suffering from poison. Bleeker was riding and dismounted at 3 o'clock for a flve-mln-ute rest. Ho was handed a bottle which was supposed to contain a stimulant, but instead contained ammonia, and ho swallowed a riuantlty before) he re alized the mistake which he had made. Uleecker suffered considerable pain, but It is not believed that his condi tion is serious. Uleecker and Albert were at the tall end of the procession 'when the acci dent occurred. At G o'clock John Du Bols, Brockton, Mass., and Floyd Kerbs, Nop irk, N, ,T withdrew. The McLean brothers went out at midnight. Now York. Dee;, 11, Tho score at 1 o'clock stood: Kikes and McFarland. 52: Slmar and ClnugoultK, ri'JU; Plerco and MoKachern R29; Turvl'li mil Glmm, 5:'S.7i Waller and Stlnson niSft: Babcock and Anronson, D2S.C; Fl'hor and Fredericks, fi2S.G; Kaser and K.v ser, 1528.2; M idler nnd Accoutrlor, 118.1. ... .... ...i ........ For Presbyterian Union. tly Vixrludie Wire from Tlw .Woclalcd Prest. I'ittslitiiK, Dec, 10. At a meetln',- e.f the I'ribbytdlin Ministerial association of this city today, ,i committee of live luiiiMcit was unpoint ed to meet a similar committee, from the 1'iiitcd I'rohyteilan association to arranxo n lud-i of union of the tuo hoilles. It N also to open the doors for Ihe C'ovviiinteis and itefermcd lVh teliaus. Employment for 300, fly Kxcludrc Wire from Tho Associated I'rcss 1'otUilllc, Deo, 1. Ordcia were received to day from tho operators' headquartcis In Kcranton tu set tho Williams collie ty irmly for operation, This colliery has been Idle over a yen-, Its re sumption will civo employment to 300 hands, DEATHS OF A DAY. fly Inclusive Vlrc fiom Tho Associated I'rcss. Wjyncfenoro, IM., Deer. 10. lllder Jacob Snyder, of the German llaptltt chuich, died suddenly today at his homo in this city, Death was du,' to heart failure. Ilu was 75 years of age. York, I'o., Dec, 10. A telegram re-cclved.herr today from Clio, S. C, announces tho death at that placo of IIIsliop C. O. Petty, of the African Methodist Kpiscopal .ion church. Ilcv Petty was a presiding: elder in Pennsylvania lot a period of twenty years, but left for South Cjrolini latt March where lie bccuiun a uhshgu. ONE SAVING NEW CHARTER WILL EFFECT Arrangement for Collecting Delin quent Taxes Conceded bu All an Excellent Provlslor WORK PRACTICALLY DONE BY CONTRACT Instead of Having a Delinquent Col lector for Each Ward, Each Year, One Man Gives Bonds in the Sum of $100,000 That He Will Collsctl and Turn Over Every Cent of Tazea Levied, and for Doing This He Is Allowed a Commission of Five Pee Cent. Which the Law Imposes aa a Penalty on the Delinquents It Would Mean a Great Saving to the City of Scranton. ARTICLE VII. ' T. J. DUFFY. One thing on which all Pittsburg and Allegheny agrees Is that the provision of the second class city laws, creating the ofllce of delinquent tax collector and regulating the duties thereof Is one of the best bits of legislation on the statute books. And It needs little argument to convince Scranton that what Pittsburg and Allegheny believes In this respect Is pretty nearly right. In a third class city, or to be speci fic, In Scranton, there la a collector of delinquent taxes for nearly every ward In the city. Where two small wards adjoin one collector sometimes eloes the work. Custom or some other unwritten law has made the delinquent tax collector Immune from the ordinary operations of the law In this city. The statutes provide that the delin quent tax collectors in cities of tho third class must collect and return all delinquent taxes excepting those that are exonerated by the councils or the school board. A collector Is considered aa doing remarkably well If he makes his final settlement In live years and does not ask to bo exonerated from more than twenty-live per cent, of his duplicate. There are accounts Of. tele--lnquent tax collectors on the city's books that extend barik almost to tho time of the city's incorporation, with only a fractional part ot the duplicate collected, or at least turned in. Either because of their bonds being of tho straw or some like cause It is Impossi ble to enforce a collection and the con sequence Is the city Is out thousands upon thousands of dollars. "Works by Contract. Pittsburg and Allegheny both had this same trouble until they camo un der the provisions of the law dping away with ward collectors of delin quent taxes, and entrusting this work to one collector, who Is under heavy bonds and works by contract. He is elected by the joint councils for a term of flvo years. He collects all delinquent taxes, and In Pittsburg and Allegheny, all delinquent water rents, and makes monthly returns to the city treasurer, or If It Is a district school tax, to tho treasurer of the ap propriate sub-board. The collector receives n per cent, commission on the- amount collected, which said 5 per cent. Is added to the delinquent taxes, aa penalty for non payment. Taxes beome delinquent In March and September, one-half at each time. As an encouragement to the early pay ment of taxes, a 5 per cent, rebate Is allowed on tho second Installment If tho whole Is paid before the end of March. The collector hires and pays his as sistants and clerks out of his own pocket. The city must furnish him with an otflco and such books and sta tionery as he requires. If tho delinquent tax remains unpaid at the expiration of ono year from the date of delinquency of the September Installment It Is tho duty of the col lector to file Hens against tho delin quent's property. Expiration of Term. To provide for tho collection of de linquent taxes, remaining unpaid at the expiration of a collector's term, or thu transfer of Iho collection thereof to his successor In ofllce an amend ment was passed In 18D7 providing that when tho term of a collector expires, ho shall bo discharged from liability for unpaid taxes where ho shows to tho controller that tho liens for the unpaid tax were properly entered, and tho controller thereupon turns over the lists of unpaid taxes to the collector's successor, whoso duty It U to proceed to collect thu same ns If tho lists had been reculvod by him fiom tho treas urer originally, Tho collector Is required to glvo bond In Iho sum of $100,000. For defaleatlpn ho Is subject to a lino of $3,000 and Im prisonment for llvo years. Inasmuch as tho collector Is working on a big commission and Is directed by law to outer liens against delin quents' properties, tho city Is sura of receiving every cent of Its property tax, and without any subtractions for commissions to tho collector, Pittsburg and Allegheny olllclals de clare that tho system works admirably and that many thousands of dollars' iro saved that were lost under the old system, i i i f 4- 4- f WEATHER FORECAST. 4- "--; f Waihlnston, Dee. 10. Forecait for -f Tuesday ami Wednesday: Uaatern Penn- silvania (Jcncrally fair. 4- i 4- -f-f lr !Mc ..'' - i & -y ,.'.) . . -.- ' Jit tt