yvrccfy V"1' "' f(x !- I a-w - v ? iv Vil"!1" ". -, rj'.i'j - - f 'V J t t A, '. ' Mnl .,, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, . DECEMBER 10, UIUO. "t 'I 1 NORTHEASTERN" PENNSYLVANIA FACTORYVILLE. Fpec'lnl lo (lie Soruulon Tilbnne. Factory vllle, Dec. 8. Mm. W l-'lsk, woli Iuib been sitetullnfr u tvw weeks with relatives in Now York, jeturned Inst Thursday evenlmr. iti-glster unit Iteeorder V. 1). Nliuw returned from Pike county with u tilee Inrcto deer, the result. of- Wil liam's utierrltiif iilin, and .skill us a marksman. Mm. .Mtnttlcy rtcynolds spent a few days lust week with friends In Klntrs k'.v, Pa, Mr. A. H. AVulille, of Hrooklyn. Pa., cns it business visitor here oik; tiny hint weok, AUhs Ada- '.'hit spent lust week uL I.nltc Gnrcy. .Several members of licit Jacket, lodifi; No. HL", Independent order of Odd Fel lows, assembled nt their hull hint Fri ilay nml gave It n thorough renovut Intr find clennliiK. Just ns thp tlniii limit wus about to expire anil after people hnil begun to conclude that a contest over the rloctlon of representative would piob nbly bo abandoned, Hon. H. D. Tiffany Jllod his petition and Judge Dunham .'ranted nn order to proceed with n contest. The henriiifr In the matter will focf?ln Holiday, Dec. 17. anil the case will have rlRht of way over all other business In court until It Is con cluded. The. contest will be u Bcnerul one, covering every precinct in the county, the petition iilloslnpr illegal voting and improper counting in numerous instances. The disputed tally sheet in Monroe township will, of cours--, come up for Inspection nuiong the rest. 'Mr. Tiffany claims to have the signa ture of every business man, regit rtl less of politics, In Nicholson borough to Ills petition. suVe one, and that In illvIUlinl was illiasUc-d. The costs Mill b" borne by the stale at large. .Mr. H. J. Crlsmiin has returned from n two weeks' sojourn with friends ;n New Jersey. DURYEA. Flieclal li- I lie Sr i ntttoii 'Jiibune. Duryea, Pec. !). Miss Hull i Knowls is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Ilobbs. Mr. and Mrs. If. JT. Host have re turned home after attending' the fu iieral of the former's sister, Mrs. J. K. Best, of Ploud Kddy. X. Y. Sir. Oscar 'Walbern, of IMttston, was a visitor In town Saturday. The ladles who intend to aid the Lawrence Tlnse company with their fair, February 1S-23, held a business meeting. Friday evening. The hose eonipany'.s future looks bright. They have already been presented a house and lot and money has been contri buted for the. great event that will lake place in February. The history of this hose company can be pointed lo by its many members with pride. "Sot only have they protected their own district, but have aided their neighboring hose companies in Old Forge, Mooslc, Avoca and Duryea. s5o far the committee In charge have, arranged to have an entertainment every evening Mr. Jonn Bliss was a caller in town Saturday. Class No. 7, of the Hrlek Methodist Kpiscopal Sunday school contemplate having the church supplied with gas or electric lights. Therefore any per son who desires to have the contract for snld work will kindly give or jnall their bid to Duane 11. Dills, sec retary, or Mr. Thomas Martin, presi dent, Duryea, Pa. Mis. John Johns, of this place, vis ited friends in Wllkes-Uarro on Fri day. Mrs. John Dills visited her sister. Mrs. W. O. Kvans, or Scranton, the last few days. Mr. W. G. Watklns. .supervisor of the International Correspondence schools, of Scranton, was a visitor in this place Friday. .Mr. Duane Dills, of this place, vis ited In Pittston on Friday. Mrs, Connolly, who was injured hi tlie Traction company wreck, is im proving. Mrs. linker has returned home af ter a few weeks' visit with friends at Jermyn. TUNKHANNOCK. Special In tln Scinnlon Tribune Tunkhannock, Dec. 0. Ilev. AValter Dunnott has closed tho series of spe cial meetings which he has been hold ing at the Methodist church here. He lias been here three weeks, and the meetings under his churge have been very successful. Mrs. Purdon has returned from Car Vmndale, where she has been visiting for the past week. Hon. IT. D. Tiffany, of Nicholson, was In town on Friday last, (1, AY. McKown Is home, after a two weeks' trip to Philadelphia and Wunes boro. The Impression has arisen, and Is be ing fostered by the Democratic news papers, that the county is likely to bo saddled with a largo bill of costs on account of the legislative contest In augurate by Mr. Tiffany. The fact of the mutter Is, that tho cost can In no case como on the county, hut must lie pule! either by the signers of tho iintl tlon or by tho state. If It .shall appear in tho contest that there Is probable cause for starting the contest, then the state, must pay tho costs, otherwise thu petitioners are liable. of double harness was found. Owner can Imve It by proving property. Mrs. ThoinaH UowuhIIuh. of Vlti" street, recelveij a letter last week. In forming her of the death of her brother tit Hay Hi. (s'oorge, New Foundlnnd. Deeensed was for many ycair u resident or this imvn unil an ucth'e member In temperance socle ties. After the death of his Wife hum, hln health began to full and upon th' advice or a physician he was lold to leave tills section. THE ISLAND OF ST. HELENA. persons nnnuatly emigrate to tfae United mates and to Mouth Africa. Cronje tind his men would help to bring these numbers up again, it Is said that this Is, one of the most salub rious spots on the face or the earth, unit the longevity of those who re main there is great. PLANTS AND ANIMALS TRAVEL. Interesting Facts 'About the Place and Its People Recalled In Bad Financial Straits. I'rnin tin- New- Veil. Tilhiiiii-. All that has given the Island of St. Helena Its fume Is the fact that II was theic that Napoleon spent Hie lust six ycurs (ISiri-lSL'l) of his life. Ho long as his name continues to hold Hie place It does In human history, the little Isolated volcanic cone of foi tv-seven square miles, with a population of baiely -MOO, will not' be permitted to sink Into oblivion. The transportation of General Orotijc and his men to that lonely plate, more than l.-u guiles from Africa and sou miles from the neai est Island (Ascension), would, of course, serve to add to It new Interest and bring it one" more lnv.r promi nence. St. Helena was discovered la l.lirj by a Portuguese exploier. Jltiiu de Nova Castillo. It was then densely wooded, with redwood and ebony, but the destruction of its forests has been followed by a wasting away of the sbil, so that1 the slopes are now mostly bar ren. Willows, poplars and other trees from l he temperate zone have been introduced. Apples, pears, grapes and potatoes have been brought and now grow side by side with coffee and tea plants, sugar cane, cotton and bananas The Island was llrst settled by Portu guese deserters, who were afterwurd Joined by escaped slaves. Their off spring were a little later largely cjc tiwmlnated by the Portuguese. Some of them, however, must have escaped the general slaughter, for when Sir John Cavendish, In his voyage around the world, visited St. Helena In 1SSS he found it Inhabited and containing a small town. In llil'i the Dutch at tempted to establish a settlement, bur relinquished the island to the Kilish In 1651. in K16S the commander of a homeward-bound Bast India fleet of F.ngllsh vessels took formal possession of It in tlie inline of Charles II. who immediately made it over to the Kasl India Company. The Dutch again ob tained possession in KiTL'. but the next year it was recaptured by Captain Richard Munden with three ships. Since that time tho island has re mained a British possession. The East India Company invited set- islet. tiers to emigrate from KiiRland to St. Helena, and numbers of families which had been reduced to beggary by the great tire In London took advantage of the offer of free land, which was assigned to them provided they would cultivate it within six months. Slaves were also introduced from Madagascar. Being situated in the direct track of vessels bound from the cast to Eng land around the Cape of Good Hope it soon became an important port of call for a largo number of vessels. The chief source of income of tho in habitants was derived from supplying fresh provisions to the ships that put in at the port. A large garrison was also kept up, there being at one time nearly 12,000 men stationed there. Be tween 1S15 and 1S21 tile British gov ernment withdrew the Island from the East India Company, its chief use during the period being as a prison for Napoleon. In 182:2 the Kust india Corn puny resumed its jurisdiction over it, but In 1S31 It her; line .1 erown colony. 'I he Island continued to prosper until the opening of the East Indies, thus depriving the 'nhnhhaiit? of their menus of IIv'.IIuxmi, The imrodu.'ti m of .stenm imvi.fi. Ion also made it un necessary 'or vos-M3 to touch at' that point. 'I l.o island alsj received another blow In the reduction of the garrison and of the naval squadron which had been kept' up for the suppression of the slave trade. The inhabitants fell into poverty, having nothing to depend up on but the precarious sale of supplies to American whalers which sometimes make St. Helena a port or cull. It is now a British admiralty coaling h ra tion, to which the Cape and West African squadrons sometimes resort. One battery of Hoyal Artillery and one company of Infantry are also stationed there. Almost throughout Its entiru circum ference of twenty-eight miles the Is land presents to the oye an unbeaten wall of cliffs, varying from M0 to 1,000 feet In height. Jamestown, the capital of the islund Is built in a ravine which lias almost vertical sides, the height to the east being called Hupert''s Hill, and that to the west Ladder Hill. These two mountains gradually recede from one another until at the sea, where they end in perpendicular cliffs. The ravine is nr.O feet broad. This triangular space Is about one and a quarter miles long, and ip defended AVOCA, The Ladles' Catholic Benevolent as-s-o'clatlon will meet In regular session tomorrow evening. Thero will be elec tion of ofilcors. Thu marriugo of Miss Bellmiu Denip ney and James O'Boyle, both residents of this town, Is announced to tako pinto on the VOth Inst. T,. J. Deeblo has accepted a post Hon us bookkeeper at tho Erie and Wyoming bridge, J, 'J, Gibbons, of Duniuore, spent yesterday with hl.s parents, on Mdlu btreet. Mrs. W. 11. Hurgu. Is seriously Hi, Th'? iniirrlago of Miss Mury O'ltoylo ntul Joseph Davis was announced yes ferday jn at. MuryV church. MIsbss Mary rianiiery (,lid Mury Barrett have been added to the corps nt inDtriictoi'H at tho International Correspondence schools. Alfred Thomas, ot Hecla, Montuna, has accepted a position iih engineer for the Electric Light company, Mrs. M. F. Whiilcn, of Wllkes.Barro, spent' yesterduy with friends In town. While surveying In the old workings in the Langclllfe colliery, a fine set by forttlicntlons at the oiilianco of tho ravine. Ladder Hill gets its name from the steep wooden steps known as Jucoh's Ladder, which lead directly to Its summit, COO feet In height. One of the chief objects of Interest in St. Helena Is the house at Long- wood In which Nnpoleon passed his captivity. ' Tho plateau of Longwood is about 2,000 feot above tho level of the sea and hounded by deep ravines. It is on the Rupert Hill side of the ra vine in which Jamestown Is built, Hern uro the long, low bu'lldlnKs In which Nupoh'on lived and the new liouso which ho did not live to occupy. Here also Is Marshal Ilertrand's cottage, Napoleon's tomb Is In Slane's vallev, about a mllu from Longwood, Hut the body was removed to France In a inan-of-wui by the Prince de Jolnvlllo In 1810, utid now lies under the dome of the Hotel des Invnlldes In Paris. IMrhops tho taking of Uenerul Cronje and his men to St. Helena would re store to If some of Its former pros perlty, For some years the Island has been getting deeper and deeper Into flnuuclal straits, and the population hatj been steadily diminishing, in JS71 the Inhabitants numbered f,AU; ten years later tho population was i",o;9, while by tho census of 1S91 It was only 4,110, Including the garrison. Accord ing to "Tim Statesman's Year Book" thero arc only about one hundred births a year and abuut seventy-live deaths. However, about two hundred Thoy Follow Emigrants and Tour Ista Hound the Globe. I'roin !li" (;Mmuii rimiiililc. Apples whiu unknown In California previous to the eastern emigration to the coast In ISI'J. In that year and the following years until the railroads weio built the thousands that went overland made huge provls'loii for sus tenance on the way. Hales of hav and whole oats were carried ulong for the cattle and mules, and from the .Missouri river to the Paoltlo oceiiu theie sprung up grasses that were sttange lo that country, and lo tills day the old trails are marked with tlmotlv and oats that grow wild utwl are Indestructible, in course .if time oais came to be cultivated In some sections, us barley had always been, it was tlie same with certain kinds of fruits. Milligrams from Michigan and Wisconsin, both apple-growing states, took with them the llnest of apples lo eat us they imlved across tlie plains. The seeds of this fruit were dropped here and there, on receptive soil In favorable climates, and hence the new legion of i he Hookies and beyond wum soon thereafter known as an apple growing region. NoW some of the llnijst Baldwins ami pippins to be found anywhere are growing abundantly In California. This is only one instnnce of what is happening all the world over. Num bertf of the common plants and weeds of civilized countries, as well as of the; blids, beasts and Insects seen mound the homes In those countries-, travel, unnoticed, thence with man and so pass to the remotest continents and islands, lake lilni, they possess tlie uronertv of crushing1 the resistance of the natives and ousting them from their ancient possessions. A recent Investigator re ports that to New Zealand, within this century, nuu species of plants, besides animals and birds, have come from England alone and establshed their quarters. Many of them ate small species, but all are driving out the natives before them. Scotch thistles have spread enormously. The slinging nettle beurs It company. Dock and sow thistle nourish amazingly, while the ponds are choked with water Cl esses. Besides die line cultivated oisume trees of Florida, which have been im proved from the native stock, there aie yet thickets of thorny wild orange trees In the southern lake region of that stale. The fruit of these Is coarse and sour and of no value. The origin of t beni dates from tlin centuries ago. Before some Spanish invader in Ponce De Leon's force carelessly dropped Hie seeds of one of the last oranges tlie company had brought on tlie long voy age, to guard against scurvy, the tree was unknown in America. Down in the lonely anturctic Sir John Hooker found a wild flower brighten ing with Its dainty blossoms a lonelv The great naturalist know the flower for one which had irrnduallv suiead from Its home In central Asia across tho continuent of Europe to Britain, but how it had Jumped into this far corner of the earth ho was puzzled to imagine. He knew, too, that some llfty years before his visit the island had been bleak and bare, and now there was not a spot uncovered. He set out to explore. In the center of the island he found tlie grave of ii n English ex-sailor, it turned out that the spade tlie grave had been dug with had last been used in England. A KhiL'le seed of the llower must have clung to the mold on Its blade, and from this grew a carpet that covered tlie whole island. Invading armies are great agents in tlie spread of plants. Naturalists twenty years hence, writing on South African botonj', will date many a weed back to this year of war. Enormous quantities of forage is being sent up country from Cape Town every day to the front. The hay conies largely from Canada us well as from England, and the seeds of which it is full will eer mlnate and spread on the river banks and veldt. The common sorrel, with its red spikes, has already made Its way wherever American hay has been used. Another plant which is likewise forcing Its way into every -warm coun try on earth Is the South African passion flower, which now covers thou sands of acres of the fruit orchards of. the United States with Its trailing vines. Such well-known English garden plants as the phlox and the verbena have run wild over hundreds of acres of sandy Texan plains, as well as in Australia. If a white man tents for a few days in the newest of new lands behold tlie housefly is on hand. If he builds a house the cheeky sparrow Is speedily to be seen quarreling with the poultry for their grain. A little longer and the big brown rat appears as If by music and makes short work of the weaker und smaller native. Our common Brit ish mouse lias also spread over Ameii ca'and Australia. LAST DAY OP CONVENTION CLOSING SESSIONS OF THE WHITE RIBBONERS. California Excursions. Leaving Washington every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10.45 p. in , via Southern Railway. New Tourist Sleepers, personally conducted, go through to Sun Frnncisco with out change of cars, conductors or porters. The routo is through Atlanta, Mont gomery, New Orleuns. Houston, San Antonio, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California. The curs uro tlm very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist Sleepers, birch-wood finish, high-back seats, sixteen sections, supplied with linen, etc, same as standard sleepers, lighted with Plntsch gas, wide vesti bule, double sash, roller curtains, lavatory and smoking room for gen tlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles, Three and one-lmlf days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Angeles und live days to San .Francisco, The Tourist Car fare Is less than via nny other route, suvlug from 423.00 to $30,00 for the trip. Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S2S Chest nuo street, Phllndojphln, Pa,, will bo pleased to furnish all information, How's ThlsP Wis oftiT Olio Hundred Dollain ltruard .'or nut unu of ('Jluirli Hut uniiot In- uuv4 ,v jU', Catarrh Cine V. J. CIIJINXY i- CO., Toltdu. O. We. tliw iiiiiirtslsiwu, have known 1', ,), ciuncy for til luil 15 J cam. uml ln-Uute Mm perfectly honorable in all InaincM tiaiujuiom and llnan dully ahlu to carry out any obligation iiuilc bv their Hi m. West k Tuuv, VioUvale DrumrUtt. Tokcio, 0. Walillnif, Kinnaii & Marvin, Wlioleula Jiriif, (,'UU, Toh do, (, Halt's Cutarrh Cure U lal.eu Internally, octlin; directly upon the blood and inucom surtaiea of thu syoteui. Testimonial-, tint fiee. t'lleo Tje per liotlle. Sold by all PrugitUti. il.ill'H Family I'ilN jrr the best. Delegates Worn by the Week's Ex citement, Seek Repose but the Vigor -of the Speakers Is Unnboted. An Intertlew with Belva Look wood She Never Wore Short Hair. The Colored Women Prominent. Unique Feature from Syria. .".(iiilul (.'cnrt-noiuleMe. Washington, Dec. '. The hist day's meetings, with the exception, of tlm evening session, sliowed some abate ment of the ciowd of the week, as many delegates were moie or less worn by the week's excitement, slKlttseelns, shopping, and attending the stirring meetlntis In tlie "city of magnificent distances" making u combination cal culated to tile any ordinary woman. Those who spoke had not uppaiently lost vigor, however, nor had the hon ored president, from tlie sounding blows of the guvel when unparliamen tary attempts at speech were made. Anyone observing Mrs. Stevens will ad mire her decision or character, how ever, and see how necessary are such attributes as hers In presiding over these greut meetings. Wlthji less de cided chairwoman much that Is useless and tiresome would be said, but Mrs. Stevens is Inflexibly prompt and every one recognizes the Justice of her dlc llmis. Her heavy voice, as one becomes accustomed to It, Is not displeasing, hut on the contrary gives o.e a sense of raie confidence in the owner. BELVA LOCKAVOOD. Your correspondent was delighted to imve the opportunity of meeting und conversing several times with the noted Belva Lockwood, who instead of being tlie short-haired, aggressive person we have repeatedly seen described, Is a dear little old lady witli u peaceful face framed In waves of silvery hair, and such a friendly way that I was em boldened to ask her about tlie truth of certain newspaper legends I had read. "Now, did the conductor ever shout 'Belvldere!' when yuu were going through Ohio, and did" you want the men on the cars to punish him for Ills remark?" 'Bless your heart, no!" said the little old lady cheerfully. "Any thing else?" "Didn't you ever have short hair." "Savor since I was ten years old. Do you feel better, child? Well, sign my peuce. petition," which I willingly did, to her greut. satisfaction. The women of the Women's Christian Temjierunce union evidently tuke a proper interest in dtess In spite of their "blue-stocking" propensities, as uny one who saw tlie "whlte-rlbbon" host at tlie white house yesterday would agree. A proof 1 that a photographer, wished to take the throng on tlie treas ury steps the last afternoon. National Superintendents of the Press, tlie Women's Christian Temper ance L'nion Institutes, of Scientific, Temperance Instruction, Non-Alcoholic Medication, Health and Hereditary, and Work Among Colored People, all gave leports of the year's work during tlie day that were very gratifying. One hopeful fact was that the consumption of cigarettes hud decreased from 4.150, oou.ooo in 1S95 to ar little over L'.non.Onn.rrm for tills year. COLORED WOMKN AS SPKAKEHS. A noticeable feature of the meetings was the prominence of colored women, sixteen attending as delegates, eight making addresses or prayers -from the platform, and for the first time in the history of the Women's Christian Tem perance union national meetings a young colored woman was among the newspaper reporters. Most of them were of slave parentage, I was In formed, but they appeared uniformly at ease on tho platform, and spoke with energy und to tho point. Many of the delegates Improved their last day in gazing sit the various and wonueriui sights or the city, some sauntering through the fish commis sion gazing at beauties of the flnnv tribe flashing like jewels through ..the pale green waters of tlie huge tanks with river weeds and white pebbles making it home-like to them, some rushing through the Coreorun art gal lery with but scant time to "do" its wonders, some climbing "winding stair" of the W 'slilngton monument, others visiting congress, where the anti-canteen bill is ponding. But all joined to fill the Lafayette opera house at the farewell evening session, which was a worthy climax to fo memorable a week-. LADV FROM SYRIA. A most unique feature was the ad dress by Mudame Layyah Barakat, of Syria, In native costume of pink and blue plaid with white gauze head dress, Bible In hand. Her delivery was most Impetuous, and her broken English did not mar the effect of her eloquence an she spoke of the mission und right or American women to carry the temper ance gospel to every land. Rev. Anna Shaw gave a temperunco lecture of the old-fashioned sort, a strong arraignment of the "debasing trafllo" with a modern application of its degrading effects In the Philippines, where the canteen was Instituted as a so-called temperance measure, the fal lacy of which with keen logic sho ex posed. Miss Kale Lunden, a Swede, spoke on Coluiubla'B unique position and re sponsibilities among the tuitions of the enrth. She wns very witty, und was much applauded, Miss Alice J. Harris, of Massachu setts, sung a solo, "victory," in a most triumphant, clear und bugle-IIko voice, with cornet accompaniment, Mrs. Leonora Luke, of the Cuthollo Total Abstinence Union of Amnrlcu, spoko In u powerful und Intensely dra mutlo manner on tho evils of Intemper ance, and the perils of Irrellglon In our land, She claimed the great conven tion to be ns important as the session of congress, und to be In the great en thusiastic assemblage was to believe it. The Hosing hymn, "Qod Be with You TllUWo Meet Again," was sung by the assembly with Joined hands holding u white ribbon that girdled the audience room, and the greatest national tern, peianco meeting ever held wus u thins of the past, but forever to he tin In spiring memory. Orluiiu M. Williams. In getting the boomerang's curve und recurve In rings. For a little sport good models of the Australian weapon can he Imllnbid In stiff cardboard and nil sorts of different achievements uc compllshed through the diversity ot their shapes, Crescents and almost olroular ones cuij be thrown so us to curve und recurve In rings und lettlrn finally to their owner's feet. Long, slender ones broadened ut one end wilt, ot course take longer distances, but they ihi not return. Triangles pass through the nlr very swiftly and usu ally puss through the ulr vety swiftly It ml usually hike a sine nlm, In throw ing them Ihoy are held between the thumb und two llrst fingers and let fly hi the same way as Is customary In native sport. The cardboard should be firm and thick, but nlwuys kept' thin on the edges, as are those made of wood, or they will not slip throuKh the ulr well. At u parly urrunged for this amuse ment It Is customary for eueti guest' to cut out his own weapon that he may gel an Indlvldutil shape. The hostess simply provides good shears and u vast amount of cardboard. It Is necessary to have an objective point- to throw at and for this purpose there Is usually suspended from the celling on n light cord a bird inude of cotton halting, When the boomerang has been success ful In its aim can always be lold by tlie swaying of the bird. Such a func tion most often devolves Into a contest of skill, and the one that hiu the bird the oftenest' Is awarded a prize, while to ull I hero Is opened a field for per sons! Investigation and u sjnod lilt of sport. THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Lyceum. MOXDAV. -Sluihoiiy Orihetu Coiieeit. Ti'l'.hDAV.IliilKe's Vaudeville IV-lhal. Af ternoon and ldirlit. ' TIll'nsDAV. I luilf VirthniiniN i oiuediiiiH in ".lf and bade." l-'lttl)AV.--"Hie lllKliH.iyniiin," lie Kini-n and Smith' comic opera. SVI'UHIJAV. -"In Old Kentucky." Afternoon and niolit. Academy of Music. AM, WtXh'.-llor and Penticitf iomuny In leje The Gaiety. Fllt-T TIIIIKK DAYS. Hire and Hmtuti'e i one uny. , I.AVT THItKK DAYS. lion Ton lliulM)uen. "Roanoke" Tonight. 'the Itoe and reiikiig company, which oen a week's eiiKimenieiit t thes Academy of MimIc lonifKc. comes highly leeommended from Wilkc. Il.il le, where the) have Juat closed a wcek'cc en gjienient, plnjlng lu leeord-bieaking businea and inditing much praise tiom the press und a.dau-e Irom Hie public. The opening; perform ance to be giu-n lliU evening is one of Hal Ueid's bip -cueeeJ-e-i, entitled "ltoanoke, Holiday,. Furniture Going to buy a gift for Christmas:?: Why 'J? not make it a useful one a, sensible .one ? We are stocked with a splendid lot of Novelties amongst them you'll find just what you. want PANCV STANDS AND TABI.l'.S ARTISTIC timC-A-BRAO VI-KNIS MARTIN PIKCT-S Might go on with a list that would keep you . thinking for a week. Supposing you take time by the forelock come and see what we have. u ln Our New Store. 406 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co. (itEaiSTEREO.) ' ' J ( 4. J. , 4. 4 4. ri, ej 4, 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. 4. 4. 4,, 4. 4. 4. r eft ef A A 4 MERCEREAU & GONNELL JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS. Now Open in Our ,New vStore with a NEW STOCK FOR THE HOLIDAYS Diamonds, Fine Jewell ry, Watches, Silver ware, Cut Glass and Leather Goods. 4 Our stock for extent, variety and fineness in. every department is not excelled in tins locality. Our well-ku own Guarantee goes with every article, aii are welcome. A 3 No. 132 Coal Exchange, WYOMING AVEMUE. 4 4 4 4 4- 4 $?- $ f f 1 .f. . l.cte. MiM Kaflieiliie .Stiindi-.li npjje.ii in tlie title idle of "Uamokc," in wlcicli fmrt li" lia.-c (iitmrtitiilt.v ot ili"ijiiviiiK Iter ability u mi nol le--! and iil.o many pietty cotiune. 'tlie rlec iikal ami ealelimi ejects which :cie ucli necessity lo i?ire .1 litnt duvt unci flnUhed per furmanoe ore ciriled Icy the- Itne and penhi-ru company. Tlii. jii.itincc! Tuda.v, the llil of lice daily matinees to be given, will he a very funny com edy entitled "A I.hely Time." Tuesday eieninir another of Hal tleiii'-. oil- rtiutciKiH will he- pin dined in its entirety. This is certainly the play that made Hal He-id fumou-, and much ot Mr. Itcid'e popularity should he attributed to tlie Hoe and lcnbciK company, as their production (cf 4he piece U claimed to be the best yet. In order In Introduce thN company to Scranlonian-. it has been decided tu admit any lady to tlie her lc-ceru-d oc-at in the liiiii-e Monday eeniuc; tor ." cent, providinc --lie t'ciires her tickets hef-.re ," p. m. Rico & Burton's Company. like and Uailoic'-. Hie,' .Spectacular r.lra.mJiiz.i company hejiiii an enu-ujretueiit a '.lie ISaieiy Ibis afternoon. This new slmw is' one of the .strongest now befoie the public. Tint cui'laln i.ci-ei- 1- Jtlce find llai ton's late-t miccc--- and Lkutrlilns conceit entitled "Drown Aliiont,' the DaUle-i." Ill the olio Eckhon' and Cioiilon intio duce their musical act. ltice and Kliner their wonderful bar act, and the .Sisters Princeton will prevent a novel specialty. The olio will al-o in clude Ituf and Itetto, in eccentric; burlesque comedy; lleier listers, change uitists; Muhliii and Dunn; nibbmn and llairett. (haraeter (ome- itlan. Tlie new after-piece U called "MeDoodle's Kbits, or Sritan'i. Inn," in which lhe famous Coney Island Mud (Sutter land will be intioduccd with il- din-itor, Sulci', iriejt imitator, Chaflcs liar. ton. High Class Entertainment. The culluied plajiroei s of Scranton need hue no fear about tlie cliataclt-i- and enlertaiuinic quality of tlie Buike vaudeville piesentfltioiis. which comet to the Lyceum tomoViow after noon and eU'ltiliK. Xotliini;' is done in speech or action that can nffend. and each arliM has won a reputation In bis or her line. Lillian IhiiMuit heads the Ml of stain. .She has been recognized by eminent critics as one ot tlie hest comediennes ot the day. She will appear in a meiry pla.vle.-l entitled "A Passing l-'iuicy." Sidney ((rant and Agues Noiton have won high praise for their comedy work and (musty peifoim a 1 iocs, 1'iolmbly th" nio-.l unlifiie attraction Is El stretu'a wonderful loe dancing, which she doc-s to her own piano accompanimenls. A,tonLhlng is tlie exhibition of knowledge by little Lovander Itiiliaici.on, 0 jears old, who answers all ciies. tiuiii. put lo him. Kor a clean, clear-cut and happy team of trlili comedians Casey nml I.e (lair cucl. What they do is tlioroinrhlv enlov- Hlili', Deuuiix and Deveuu appear in a mu.ie'nl comedy act. Tlie lle.vfold Ilrotheis have some Ihlin; new to oner in the way ot acrobatic per foiinauees, while Sophie Burnliani, one of (lie sweeie.t allien, on tlie (.tune, will ilrllirlit with new songs. The children will be especially pleated with the matinee. See adveiiUnieiit W prices, shot foiniK Itself, and the height of the tower has nothing to do with shap ing the pellets. Height is only neces sary to give them time to harden be fore they c'oiiie lu t-ontact with anv- hcuititul southern comedy full of bcait interest. ' thing that might destroy their shape, pathos and comedy, .sure to please tho--e who I The old tower on Center street Is 170 with to Immli mid to satisfy tlio-e of diamatic 1 ,eet taj A, i.f. bottom Is n well thir teen feet deep, tilled with water. Into which the hard, but hot, shot fall. An endless chain works at the bottom with buckets, carrying the shot up to a platform as fust as they reach thei bottom of the well. On a working day twelve tons of shot will be rained down I from the giddy top into this well and 1 the frnter will be kept hissing with the torrent. The real skill Is recitiired I in mixing the lead to be poured. ! Melt pure lead und pour it through I the colender at the top of the tower ' and II will be taken from the water in short strings, more like crooked nails j than shot. To make the lead form ' pellets it must be shortened, or "short j ened," just as a housewife shortens dough with lard to make pie crust. : The shortening for lead is arsenic. The i amount of ursenic used is so alight, ! and so perfectly assimilated by the j lead, that it Is harmless. It Is mixed with the lead thus: On the bottom of I a great retort is placed a heap of forty pounds of pure arsenic. Over it Is placed an iron crown, which fits air tight. On top of this is put a ton of cold lead. The lead is then heated. The moment it begins to show red an attendunt plunges an Iron rod into li and upsets the Iron crown, or bowl, that held the arsenic down. The poison is thus released at. the bottom of tlic hot lead. Tt begins to work Its way up thuough the mass, but by the time It reaches tlie surface there is barely a fume of it left, the lead having ah s plied It. T.eud thus treated Is as brittle. as quicksilver, and a bit of It dropped on the tloor will My in a thousand direc tions and come to rest In a myriad of tiny pellets, it Is loo brittle for Bhot. It is "shot stock." One hundred pctnds of this stock Is melted with a thou sand pounds of pure lead and the re sultant mixture is short enough for shot und Is run off into bars of L'OO PQtinils weight each.. At the top of the tower on a sort of dlas Is a melting pot. The prepared lead is hoisted to this on an elevator. The uolender. which is like 'those used THE MARKETS. SATUBDAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS The followim,' quotation are turntihed Thd Tilbuua by St. S. .lordan rt Co., room itti-rM Wears buildlr.g, Scranton, Pa, Telephone SOUS: Open- High- Low- f.'loic- uig. est. eat, Aiiiciicnii Mcnr lii American Tobatco lOiVi Am. Steel & Wire 11',. Atch., T. .V: St. Tj.... :t7-U A., T. te fee Fe.. IV... S2?i Biook. Traction 70 Maltu. K Chlo 76 Com. Tobacco i dies. Ac Ohio OW, Chic. eV (It. West W.i tide.. Bur. (J Vm Si. Paul Il'IH Hock Island U3' federal Meel IJ Vccler.il Steel, lr. 7"i4 Kan. i; Tex., Pr. ;iTa Jouis. & X.islnillc sii Alan. KlMiited 107s Met. Traction KSIJ .MissO. I'aiiric .V)'4 People's (Ian !."si Southern PjciHu It Noifolk West ilU N'ortli. Pacific Wi Veirih. Pucilio. I'r. .... 8Ui X. Y. (.erilr.it lll-'i ilmniio .t Wc-tcrn .... '-M'-ii i'i i. It. It 111T4 Purine. Mail Il. Heading Ity 20 Heading Ity., I'r. tt: "Southern Jt. It 17' i Sovih. it. It., I'r. iIH Tciin. Coal Se lie u) t. S. Leather 1V, V. . Leather, Pr 7trs t". S. Ituhber it l'nion Pacillo 70?, l'nion PuclflR, Pr. Mii Wabash. Pr :8 We.stcin I'nlci ,! sew vohk Fitoimci: lOo'.i Ti 8Vt M'i ;oh 70 )?; :l7 14i UJTic 113 3U4 75',a J7')i ii IDS is?; !W (I 4Hi (Mb IIP. 'a 11V. III?. 37 -25,i 9 78 2Vi :iC H'.fc lSJti lSMi m',& 4!) 7.V4 Wi 81i 107 1IV1K !!'.? 41 '.(. t'.i 141 24?; ut'i sS'i in (..; 171a H "H.',i l:!4 74'-4 :ui -mi, H'i 5J :.xciiam;f: piiicts. tag. l-i.-'i IlttS 2": 70. 7S7i :li. -17 145, NIT 1254 1IH 'l',i 7.i!i 37-, Hi W ira Vi'i I A lu'i 41 U tffl-1, Sl-V, 14 t'.'a 341 vi 4-l',i may, 37,, (iii!. iiii li! 74-i av. 3 J Hi 4'j SUV's l',i J7--H (idle, :i " i 74 Ts 2.V, 71 .Mil. WHEAT. Maieli .... M-iv fOIIV. Jfay Open- Hiirii Int,', est. 7"-! 71) X 70i 7si?i H'.a 42!i I.mv- Cls- ml. inc. ro'fc TSTi 7v; 7"'. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotation! Bused on Par of XOO. STOCKS. I'iist National Uji'Ic .-Sctantoii Senilis Hank Third National Dank Dime Dt'l'Oelt and Discount Han!.,. Economy Light, II. . r l.tcka. 'IVnst Safe Ikposit Co Clarl: fc Snover t.'o., Pr Scranton Iron Fence 4: llfir. Co. ... scranlon Aiie Werhn I.cckiiuanua Daily Co., IV, i.'ountr Satiun- Hank i: Trust ( .. BOOMERANG FLIPPING. One New Method of Winter-time Parlor Entertainment. r'loiu the Chliaifo Itecoid. iioomeruii(ts arc now Hipped for umusemuttt In the drawing room, finite as nnlurully as nmtshmallows were at one tlnto toasted beforo the lire. For parlor pructlcu, however, the sport hits Its llmltatloiis and skill Is expended "Self and Lady." Chailcs riohuiaii'i. coinedl.ius, no.v In lluir lentil .eiiAon, will tome lo the l.yc 11 wu Tliurida.e cicaina; for one peifoiinaiicc, piesent inif the very late-.! uotelty in IVncli fane, en titled ".-'elf and L-idy." Thi-s oicianizatlon Is tin; uiicciul pet of the ciitcipil.iiii; iiiananei whft.c name It hcuici and il is compo-cd of the eiy (leam of his forces. It Is headed by four tj, E. l, Ifollaud, Frit Williams, Isabel liv Ini,' and Jlay ttobson, The play It will e-.vlit heie coiuej with the prc.llKc of New Yoik an prnval, and, furlliennore, It ban had rcnuH.abh iiecc'.j in Loudon and Pari.. It was wiltten by Pierre Deeouu-elle, one of llii! niost notable Parisian wilier 01 high c1.ks comedy, and I., peihajis, ihe best evaninle of that autl.or'a brilliant .,otk. All its Uihne,., all Its, piquant episode and uihii.Iiik ultuatloiu have been relalned In tlie tivtisplantattuti from ihe trench lo the .m,.,-lia kiave, ld ,,, while inokiiiLj It ullotrether in roiuonjnce with Amerlean taste. It h funny f,,,,,, jturt to flnUli, and its fun i. of that particular order which does not t,tv the Imagination. It tells a 1110,1 liiterestlntr story and it U ncedlvw lo add ih.i (lie iiroductiou will he one of the most coinnlele per .cen on tho local Uite. The I'lohman name is u .nillefcnl ituaranlee that IhU will he .0 Standard Dril lie ' Tiadeis' National Dank .-cianton Holt and Nut Co IIOND?. Scianlon P.iseiitjer Hallway, Hist MuitcraKC due 1U.1I Peoiile'a hllect Itallivjc, Urn iniiit- cjiise, due lUIS People'" Street Hallway, llemi.cl mottBllEC, due lU'.'l I in any kitchen only vastly more heavy, 1 I'-r-Vatio.iarflaiikCiiSale; Is a foot lu diameter. It is ulm-eil m-i I Uv.i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 L-- ( the center of a wo.odcn tube, three feet in diameter, that stands In the center of the tower. Scum from bolllnu- lead is powdered, and the bottom of the colender Is covered with . It to the dpnth of half an Inch. On top of this tho lead is poured. U percolates -Llllinneh tin iinu-fliii nml lerinci chi.nnni. Dickson MaiiUfacll'i'Ini: t'n. -! """"1,11 .-...,. .1.1,. i,,.l -t ,,. ,., tie uoies exactly as water throuuh u , : ,? s n'-Tiii n per mtcr. Each drop that leaves the sus- ,..,it pended colender Is a perfectly rounded snaniou TuilUm per eem. snot, its rorm Is tiover (thauRed for the better. After the drops beuln to lot bo they fall so fust from tlm iimnv holes that to the eye they seem lp solid streams of lend instead or a suc cession of tiny globes. The duliv of metal fleams like Oliver and Is a pietty thlimr to look at. Hut if one were to thrust one's head Into the shower one's head would bo chewed off In a twinkl ing, especially at tlie bottom, ifor tin speed It actiulres In Its fall Is almost as sreut as that It has when fired fjotn a Kim. Nearly every stranger who visits the Bid. A'kri J2l) Sea n 2-11) 4 l.'iU P-'l ... IH "S 2'l ::im ... .... ) 11.1 in in lis ... lis inn ir. Hkt Scranton Wholesale Market. (Coiii-cled by II. (I, "le. V Lcluwnn4Ae ) lluller -I'leameij, 2lat!W, ElilfS--Select Wl'oletll. 21c. i intJlliy ktale; .tic', t.'hoew Full cream, new, I2e,. Means Per Int., ( liolce ni.icii.ss, f.'.OT." Onions- i'U, per hil, Flour - Hest IMIllll, l,ti. ,., , .1 Philadelphia Cattle Marget. Philadelphia, Dec. P. Hecflpls for the week: Cattle, ,'t.esOj cheep, twit; hoi;, ."i.'IO. fteef cattle luled ilow, p.irticiiljily on common and iiiedluin stock on which prices were lower, flood cattle in liai.t oiimib and tallica .tcidv under e. Ill m nciiill. He.l, .V2Vsa-"'.8"J elioli.-. W,?7U tower for the first time wants to puko I "5'5'Ji- -00;1, . ,'7',uVi5! ""rt'",n' ..t-ai.fn, nis Hand into the stream to sec how hard It Is falllm;, itecenlly a wise yount? ntttn with a silk hat Insisted on holding out his hand, ulid Ktmlneer Trucey, who lias run tfie lower for thlrty-tlve years, Jerked lilm buck just in nine 10 save lite lutnu, Tlio .voliiiir HOW SHOT IS MADE. Into Dropped Through a Colender Water Many Peet Below. i iiu Ihe Mail und Exnc-.. Kvei-y (feneration or so some crank comes forward with scheme lo make small shot without a lower, Kvurv plan has been tried but not an ounce of small shot is on the murket except what was made lu the old-fushlohcd way. The larncst shot that can be nude In a lower is twenty-three-hun-dredths of an Inch in diameter. Buck- suoi ana all sizes larger ant moulded hutlul of tint shut. The hat was eaten up so quickly that only a few bits of It could be ashed from the well. Tlie enti'lneer then held a pine board Inlu the rain, and when the shot passed right through It tint visitor shuddered at the thousht of the hand he nilulii have tuken home.. Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup lias been u.cd fur over l-'IFTV VI.'UIS l,r WII.LIOSS of MOl'UEIIS for their CIIILiJUKS WHILE TlXrillNU. witli PERI-'KOT sUCts It hOOTUUS ihe CHII.O. SOFTENS the (U'I9 ALLAYS all PAI.Ni CITIES WIXD COLIC, unci in the best ifiiiedy for PI VRRIIOKA. !oj by Uriik'tUu in eiy pait (if . the. norld. Il ,m and ak tor "Mr. ' Vlnlo'' Soolliiii-,' Sirup,'' The process Is extremely slinple-the J i1B,,u.. no u,l"r hl ' lw,"J-m- ''" ccuiinion. Hal.zj. Mioop and lamh- Mipplics libeial; eood theep ililecl .tindy unclc-r a flit demand; culls and in-U-vlnr .lock iiiacliic- und neglected. i.'hoie l.imbn luled llimer Willi good iiiriuli)', .Sheep, choiie, I'.l-U'.ic: cood, ial,-. ; indium, :t.t Hjc; oinuioii. 2.12! ;c; siiiil.- laiiilw, IV-iiuc. Ilcic Price veil maintained under iit'tsdy iKiiijikI; best western, Ttici oilier kinds, ""fctit liinii then lic.lil .,ni lclu hiu i .. ,.i. 7c. j tJle lios led cm sjw, rai lu-ii.aoiu or. ,1,1 e ci ., ,Ut ' l'"1' U 'libaiily ftoin 8Jil3JP.: tl.lli cowk, inodelale llllltlll rir IIH. uli.tl 'I'l.u I,... ....... a. .... .1 .. ..... .. .,....,.. . ..... . .c - .i4. in-line, at aas2c, l?ai c.iitc, cciuujiii vrpne icwei, in Bond ie.uest, 4H.'i7',ic.; liillcli ernes, ' k-.T.'jl lli.tk.i.il tlK. ttitlHv rli.iii:m,l jl. Kt.. flics 'lief id cows lield at da'tic Buffalo Live Stock Market. b'li.t Iluffjlo, T): ?.lteceiiiU-Ctll..JH cmi; ohec-ii uml lainU. 21 can; hQv,'"fo!fcJl. Shipim-iiH-C.UIIo, 121'cais; sheep and Umbo," i ens; hogs, 15 pair. Callle (icneially uitti calves, choiee to t lia, ij7.oD.i7.75- Lamb., choice to ettu, ff.90l ,'i.t'i; sheep, choice In cMn, tal.2j. Ili'lty-lleaty,-f.la3.15; pigs, I.I06.I. , 4- ,- ' THE BEST rtiN-MalXBRa, '.. And simple 'i!eoit that slwajs pleats, -II. II. i SciccjJ 1 Ji V. v - .v ' .... '."'. . I f-. . " i ,V ,ui' . ', .