', I Ji" t THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1000. .: THE BOARD WILL ACT i Approval op public civic :? political mass meetno. Arrnneements Will Bo Made Tomor ' row Evening for Gathering of Voters In St. David's Hall W. E. jj Thnyer Announces HlmsoK-Pu-' nernl of P. P. Madden Evans 7i Fell In n Trench Father Mnthew v Smoker Eisteddfod at Taylor. Hellglous and Other News Notes. . 'i 'J'ho Hitfftfrsllon itiudi- tn Tin- Tribune rejatly$vii) ,Uio holdiim' or h publlu inns' niccti'it? for the iiuipow' r ills r.UHsJntlic uilvisublllty ot tiiiiiiitiutliiK iititf Vlactlnif roiireauntntlvc nipti id (louncll.-', Iuih mot with gem-ml up inoval, null will culmltutto In :i mon itor ejylisnoiltlc.'il meutitig to ho held Hi .Sl."HivlVs halt Thmsilny "Vonim if this week. The oliloers of On- 1km.' nl of t ratio linvc unnnimously npproveil of r.lu HtiRROSllon and arnuijfoiiu'iitM will ho rprfe,ctod for trie; putherinK at tin; insular .meetlnf; tomoriow evening. Vresklt-nt Daniels Is desirous of liav ihK a united representation of the hoard present at the meeting lor tin p'urpo.se of liiscusslnir 'be arranpe in.ents, nud also to ponlder another linporlant pinposltlon whl h will le rirusented ti- tlio boa id by a '"li Jtnnwn Kcnllcmuii. II must b(! distinctly uiulorstond Hint the pic-ellnff Thursday evening is not in the interest of any particular candidate or party, hut purely In the merits of clean polities and th,j ? lection of men of known worth. Addresses will be made by several prominent speakers, and, in all prob ability, some definite action in tha form of resolutions will be taken. The , Courier Progress said Saturday: The tcslgiation ot the let. coune lluiwi mikes feccssnry special elections lur tin seleilion of , heir sutrcssors. Now is the time for the voliK ii act. The importance of active, capihle and iiltucnllnl cnuncilnicu was novel greater than low. TIic West Mele's future wa never so promising. Tho coming of the viaduct. Hie Jlne if which will lie bc.vond tun opee.tnllons, mid the .substantial new- npiku mill i h it v.ill start the lnilti-.trl.il development nt Kc.tser Valley inenn now conditions ami giealer neersi t ie. The right Mini of nun on the councils will In if gic.il sci v l(i tci thi iutiriil.ir i'Ctien anil out for I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. is i Mi Days I TI I ll I f mini no 1 H The early bird may not always find his worm, but there is one thing certain, the early holiday shoppers can always find what they want and get better, aud maybe cheaper, than the thoughtless buyer who rims around in a breathless hurry at the last minute when the eleventh hour rush is on. ny Day This Week It Will Afford Us Pleasure To pilot you through our endless assortment of goods especially designed for the holiday trade. There will be no rush, no press, no lack of proper attention, and an unbroken assortment in every department you visit. Yes, come this week if you can make it con venient, you'll be better satisfied and we'll feel that we have been able to treat you as we feel you deserve to be treated. 1m Art Needlework Is moie popular today than it ever has been and offers more in ducements. 3ur Drapery Department Shows many choice Rugs, hand some Curtains and very choice draperies. Silk Shirt Waists For ladies have aheady found I many choosers, and the interost I in ! Our Umbrella Stock Proves that the specialties made j for our holiday trade meet with approval. -Ladies' Neckwear Is near by the Umbrellas, and there's always a crowd there. WhyP .i The Handkerchief Christmas S.Ue, the specials iu IVa'dles' Fine Hosiery aud the great display of Bric-a-brac, Polls, Jewelry and fancy goods of every description com plete our holiday ofiferiug, One would think you might be 'suited from such a collection. Globe Warehouse SCRANTON the enllrf ttty urolcr tlic iif Imin if Rnti-tti' milil ll U liDiit to aunie. Councllmnnlc Candidate. Wllilinn K. Thnyer. of ;il!l Htnuh Main avenue, formally nnnounees his tandldaey for the ntitnlnatloii for common council In the Fifth ward, In the followliiB' cord sent Id The Trib une: SMtiton, IM., Doe. 10, IIAI0. To the Itfpulilluili Votprs of the rittli Wiinl. Ccnlltinrtit At tin' rptteriitid irqmili uf many fiirmlt nml in'lnhlioi. nuilc liuth in pcTfiin unJ by mill, i Inir lu unnnuiid' tlml I lill Im a mmllilJti' for loiiunuii inoiicll (luin till waul foi the entiling ti'tm. HcIleWnn, under all ii.tiilllluii, Hut lhl mi; otlne of unl- elty Kutrrninetit ulimilil sock on't not lie nuitttht, 1 wMi to KtJtr lliut licj'otnl ih)in rtiil'trallun I will nut nuke iicrotuil eftutti tn wenie the tiuinlii.it Inn, lull le-iMj the matter en tirely In juiii lutiiN, Satlstleii that ,on will lo juitr ili.ty at .von may in- It, as I h1l.i1! try tn iln, If n oli'it that I sliouM ti'pteent )ou. I am Veiir ttuly. ' w. i:. iiijjh. tr. Thayer l the oldest member of ihe West Side Itepubllcan club, lmvlnj? Iieen ideiitllled with that ori?anlzatloii slnee its Inception, He has resided in the Fifth ward twenty-seven years, has never held any olilee, and never aspired to any. He is also n promi nent member of the Masonic order and the ICnltfhN of Honor. in adltlon to the above Mr. Thayer hi n member of the Orand Army of the Republic, and probably the only Hyde Parker who marched with Sherman fiom Atlanta to the sea. He inode.stiy announces that If some kooiI. substan tial man comes out lie will be perfectly willing to step aside. Evans Fell Into a Trench. Kvun Evans, a Bray-haired man, re sldlnir at 1620 Price stteet, fell into an opening in Pettebone street late Sat urday night and when rescued by a passer-by was coveted with mud from hend to l'ojl. He ptesented a very di lapidated appearance when brought to the station house by Patrolman Mi Collltruii. It was nece.vary for Lieutenant Wil liams to procure an entire new outfit for him before he could be locked up, anil as the man was sufferlntr from ex posure, extreme care had to lie tak"n with him. Alderman Moses fined IIv ans $3 in police court yesterdnv morn ing He it still In the custody of the police. Funeral of P. F. Madden. The funeral of the late Piurti k K. Madden yesterday afternoon was at tended by many relatives and friends of the dneeased who in 1 i V'o was one of the most amiable of men. Whan the temaitis arrived at St. Patrick's church, where r;ev. J. B. Whelnn con ducted the luneral services, a large concourse of friends bowed their heads In sorrow and sympathy for the de paited and tliohe who were near and dear to him. Delegations wete present from the Knights of Columbus, Hrotheihood of Rlks. Bauer's band, Clerk's Protective association and Musicians' union, of which deceased was a member. The Moral offerings consisted of a pillow III ! Table Linens And towels are much in demand this year. They're all right, too. They please. Offerings in Siito Tho only complete Silk Depart ment in Scrauton is here. Silks are popular. Dress Pattern 3 Ave a never-falling- stand-by. Special holiday novelties are now open. Ladies' Snnrt Coats Aro also much in demand. Don't worry over sizes. We can fix that. Men's Furnishings Silk suspendeis, fine Neckwear, right Gloves, pretty Socks, Shirts, Etc., for men. from the Clerks, harp from the hand, tin anchor from deceased's son, Pnttli a pillow from his sisters and several beautiful casket bouquets. The pall-bearers were! M. h McAn drew, John Gorman and F. J. McCnnn, from the Klks; lllchard D. Jennings, John J. Kflly and T. J. Kngan, from tin; Knights of Columbus. The flower bearers Were William J. Uurtoll, Thus, Hoche, William liurkc and Thomas V. Flntmngnn. Intel ment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. A. P. O'Don nell, of North Scronton, hud chorge of the funeral. The following relatives and friends fiom Pitlston were In attendance: Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney, Mrs. Patrick Mcehati, Mrs. Mary Meehan, Mrs. May Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burke, Misses Annie Delaney, Nellie Meehan, Teresa Clarke, I.uke Brady and James Clarke. Christmas Uay Eisteddfod. Much Interest Is being manifested in the eisteddfod to be held at Taylor on Christmas duy. Five eholts have been organised tocompcte for the chief prize on " 'Hound About the Slurry Throne," from Handel's Messiah, These choirs are from Olyphant, North Scinnton, West Hcranton, Plymouth and Taylor. The adjudicators will be as follows: .Music. Prof. C. C. Evans, of Wllke.i liurrc: tecittitlons, Itev. D. P. Jones, West Seranton. The officers of the day will be: Morning session M. M. Will iams, chairman; J. R. Watklns'. con ductor. Afternoon session David l. l..e Is, Olyphant, chairman; Hon. H. M. lSdwnrds, West .Scrauton, conductor. A hi rife number of the music-loving people from this side will participate in the competitions and enjoyments of the eisteddfod. Last Day of Doll's Carnival." Tonight will lie the final opnrtunlty patrons will have of visiting the doll's carnival nt 12". South Main avenue, under the auspices of the Young Wo men's Christian association, when evetythlng In the booths will be dis posed of. There are n number of tastily dressed dolls left, suitable for Christmas pres ents, which will be sold cheap, and a number of other useful articles are ob tainable at reasonable prices. The at tendance Saturday afternoon and even ing wns very gratifying, and the re ceipts were increased materially. Among the Churches. The Sacraments of the Lord's Supper were administered at the Jackson Street Baptist church last even.lng. The board of deacons and trustees will meet this evening. Rev. M. H. Vaughn. D. D., of Soule college, Dodge City, Kansas, occupied the pulpit of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning. An offering was taken up yesterday at both services in the Washburn Street Presbyterian church for the Freedmnn board. Special music was rendered by the choir at each service. Itev. James liennlnger, pastor of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal chinch, addressed the gospel meeting at the Railroad Young Men's Christian association yesterday afternoon. Itev. W. P. O'Donnell, pastor of Holy Cro.4s church, nddressed the members of St. Peter's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society at their meeting yesterday afternoon. An Interested audience at the Ply mouth Congregational chuii-li last even ing listened In Rev. W. H. Williams, the drummer evangelist, speak on "The I.at Romp with the Tiger." First Baptist Church. At the Flist Ba.otist church vester duv the pastor. Rev. S. V. Mathews, preached moinliiK and evening' from the 1 Corinthians, 13:12, "Then shall T know even as I am known." The dis course was clear and concise, appealing to the large congregations present at both sei vices. At the Sunday school the at tendance and collection was the largest this ymr. The oiilcers and te.ieheis feel i?!i titled nt the tine showing of the school. The attendance and interest for the TSaptist Young People's union is ex ceedingly encouraging. An important business meeting of the society will be held on Wednesday evening. This evening Charles Cot less, the senior deacon of the church, will cele brate his golden wedding nnniveisaiy. Two Police Court Cases. John Francis Morrison, of Carbon dale, who was helped to the station house late Friday night in tin intoxi cated condition, was committed to th county jnll by Alderman Moses for ten days, in default of a $3 line. Rees Wrimths, of 1!)1 Washburn street, who was arrested for being drunk and lighting in .Mears' hall Fri day night, wns lined SI by Alderman Moses in police court Saturday morn ing. Father Mathew Smoker. The Hyde Park Father Mathew so ciety held nn enjoyable smoker in St. l.eo's hall yi.-stcnhi!' afteinoon nt the I conclusion of their regular meeting. itemiii-Ks were made by M. T. Walsh, M. S. I-avellc, Kdward ICetinev James II, Brown and J. C. Callaghor. M. J, Jennings ivad nn interesting and Instiuctlve piper on "Cathollo l.'nlty." 'John A. Hughes, of ion West l.iickawanna avenue, won th'J ! in gold, which was disposed of nl a drawing, To the Republican Voters of the Fifth Wnid. Notice is heteby given Unit a chucih of the Republican volets of the Fifth I ward of the city of Sernnton will bo I held ut the various polling places In said waul on Saturday, December 13, between the hours nt 4 and 7 n. m fnr Hie purpose of nominating liepublican candidates for the otllee.s of common council, school controller, icglster, Judges of election and Inapeotois of election. All persons Intending to become can didates for sold nominations m hereby notified in register with James P. Thomas, 31K Twelfth street, on or be fore Tuesdny, December Jl, lfi)u. By order of the " Vlglluucu (.'ormnlute. GENERAL NEWS NOTES, Hunlel Coleman, of 13rt Van Huron avenue, hud his right hand .injured while loudliig coal In RrlKtP)' shaft leteully, Dr. W J, Davis is at tending lilni. Joseph Hat ret t, of tut South' steel mill, anldeii a purty of West Scrun tou people through tho mill recently am) explained to the the proces-s of tinning out steel rails, in iho party were Dr. and Mis. W, J. !,. Davis. Mrs. M, U Toy and Miss Kato llel donbach. The social committee of the IClec-i trie City wheelmen uro making ar rangements for an entertainment and basket social at the club house (lest Friday evening. The Japanese wedding party at the First Welsh Baptist church on Nfiw Year's eve promises to be one of tho most exquisite novelties of tho holiday season. Tho pastors of the English speaking churches will meet this afternoon at 11.30 o'clock at Itev. J. P. Moffat's study, on Washburn street, to ar range for the week of prayer. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Josephine Swallow, of Nebras ka, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Swallow, of Tenth street. Mrs. 'Pulver, of North Hyde Park nventln, is reported to be quite 111 at her home. Mrs. Myrtle Smith, of South Hyde Park avenue, Is visiting relatives In Spring Hill and Stevensvllle, Brad ford county. Itev. F. A, Frlcker, pastor of St. John's flermnn Catholic church, has letumed from a three months' Jour ney In Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of Ninth street, have gone to Pntcrson, N. J., to spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Itushworth. Mrs. Ralph, ot Hyde Park avenue, Is entertaining her sister, Hiss Frankle Sivurta, of Salem, Wayne county. Mrs. J, M. Eaton, of Tenth street, Is on the sick list, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Remaly, of 721 North Sumner avenue, are routined to the linuoe by sicklies. NORTH SCRANTON. Miss Jessie Wetherby, of East Ben ton, Is visiting nt the home of her brother, Herry Wetherby, of North Main avenue. Mrs. W. H. White and daughter, Helen, of Peckvllle, are visiting the former's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Snyder, of North Main avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Webb, of Hollister avenue, are rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. Mrs. George Berry, of Cnrbondale, Is visiting her mother, Mis. Jane Davis, of Brick avenue. Mrs. Fred Smith Is very ill at her home on West Market street. Colonel T. D. Lewis council, Junior Older I'nited American Mechanics, went to Georgetown Friday night on a special train in company with the Duninorc council to Institute a new council nt thnt place. Mrs. Newberry and Mrs. Smallacomb, of Throop street, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Muyne at their home in Jermyn. A meeting will be held tomorrow evening at the club rooms of the social club recently organized on North Main avenue, near Parker street. Mr. Daniels, of North Main avenue, who has for the past year been in Brit ish Columbia, is expected home in a few days to spend the holidays. Mrs. Thomas D. Snook, of Green street, Is recovering slowly nftor being seriously ill for some time. Mrs. Evan Lewis, of Hill street, Is convalescent after a severe Illness. Thomas Jehu has recovered from his recent Illness. Mrs. Doty, of New Columbus, Lu zerne county. Is visiting her niece, Mrs. C. W. Benjamin, of North Main avenue. An address by Librarian Henry J. fa rr on "Libraries" will be one of the attractive features of the Scranton's Men's society assembly this evening In the Providence Ptesbyterian social rooms. Music and a light collation aie also on the programme. Each member Is privileged lo invite one gentleman friend. A benefit game of basket ball will be played tomorrow night at the Audito rium between the North End Stars and the Keystones for the benefit of John Skllfington, who hnd ills leg broken six weeks ago at the Auditorium while playing with the Stars. A large crowd should attend the game to help "Jack Skiff," as he is familiarly called, de fray the expense. The Keystone 1 literary and Dra matic club Is prepailng to run a grand ball at the Auditorium New Year's night. The admission will be $1. The Father Whitty society will run their third annual country dance nt Ihe Auditorium, Wednesday evening, Jan. ft, lftUl. Prizes will be awarded the best appearing couple and the best cake walkers. Admission, ."0 cents a ciMple. A valuable horse belonging to Fenner ft Dickinson dropped dead in the tear of their store Saturday evening. All news matter for The Tribune will receive prompt attention If left in the ti box at Davis' drug store. John Fidlam, of Von Storch avenue, has announced himself as a candidate for the nomination of common council man lu the Second wind. Miss Nellie Pierce, of Nay Aug ave nue, who nas been III for some time, Is around again. PUNiHORE. .Many comments arc heard as to why the new telephone company have not received their franchise In town vet. Those who have subscribed for tho new 'phones are becoming very impu tient at tile councils' delay In this mut ter. Thete Is a deadlock In council, three membeis being in favor and three against It, Those against It aro afraid that Just one more line of poles will mar the beauty of our handsome streets. The new company offers to Install eight 'phones for borough use In hose houses free of e.s:ens?. The Jiinlou society of Christian En deavor of the Presbyterian church will give an entertnliuneiii In the church purlors on Thursday night. The little folks have been faithfully drilling for some time, perfecting a fan drill which will be given at this time. Ice cream and cake will be served at the close. The Epworth league of the Metho dist Episcopal church will resume its tegular meetings tomorrow night, which have been Interrupted for sev etal weeks by the union revival ser vices. The funeral of John Eddy, the llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Eddy, of Bloom street, was held yesterday af teinoon, interment was made In Dun more cemetery. Treasurer AugiiRt Wahler will pay borough orders at the borough build lug from 2 to r o'clock today, .Miss Helen Farter, of Cherry street, Is entertaining Miss Lois Smith, of Carboudule, Miss .Mai ion Bryden bus returned from a visit of several weeks In Pitts ton. Miss Kmmn .Sutherland, who has been spending several months In town, left for her home In Brooklyn, N. Y on Saturday, A. P. McDonough has been confined to the house for the past few days with an attack of nervous prostration. John Sta'nton has assumed control of Jones' milk depot at tho corners and will conduct tho business in the future, The Young Men's liepublican club will hold a meeting In Frost's hall to night, All true Republicans are urged to be piesent. SOUTH SCRANTON INTEREST IN THE BIG FAIR IB NOT LAGGINO. There Were Large Crowds In Attend ance on Saturday, Both. Afternoon and Evening Officers for Ensuing Year Nominated by the Century Hose Company Revival Service Growing in Interest Joint Ex cursion of Century and Wm. Con nell Hose Compnnlos Other Notes. The entertainment on Satunluy night at the Athletic club fair was In charge of the Bumpernlekel band, and the members covered themselves with glory. In tho afternoon the ehlldteti wore given the freedom of the hall, and as an Incentive towards a large crowd, two door prizes were olfered, a gill's hat, which was won by Llllle Vockroth, and a boy's suit of clothes, won bv George Rosnr, of Cedar avenue. The children's unit luce was largely attended, but the Saturday evening crowd exceeded all expectations. They veritably overran the hull and the din ing loom, and pushed and Jammed their way through good-naturedly. No. 0!MI won the evening's door prize, which consisted of a handsome potior lump. A comforter, chanced off during the evening, wns won by Otto Robinson, and Madeline Bonn, the young daugh ter of Recorder of Deeds-elect Emll Honn, won the Goddess of Liberty doll, donated by Williams Bros. The fair committee are also In lecelpt of a handsome pen sketch, representing "Good Health" In the shnpe of a robust Flemish cavalier, the work of County Auditor Costelln. It Is very well exe cuted. The fair will be continued during this week. The Ringgold band will give a concert this evening. BRIEFLY MENTIONED. At a regular meeting of the Century Hose compiiny.1" held last Friday n'ght, the following officers were nominated for the ensuing year: President, Emll Bonn; vice-president, Henry J. Spruks; treasurer, Edward Frable; financial secretary, Robert O'Donnell; corre sponding secretary, John A, Miller; delegates to Relief association, Emll Bonn and Ambrose Hertz: trustee, Am brose Hertz. For foreman there is a very lively contest between Frank Dambacher, George Hofnagle and Frederick Kepple. "The Royal Invitation" was the theme treated last night in the Cedar Avenue Methodist church by Rev. Houston, the blind evangelist, who preached a most powerful and thought ful sermon. The revival services, which are growing in Interest, will bo con tinued again during this (week, com mencing at 7.30 o'clock each evening, except Saturday. Patriotic council, No. 822, Junior Order United American Me chanics, attended the services Inst night. The joint excursion committee, lep resentlng the Neptune Engine com pany, the Century and AVIIliam Con nell Hose companies, met in the Nep tune's quarters yestprday afternoon and decided to hold their nnnual ex cursion at Lake Ariel on the 17th of next August. Minor details were also at ranged. Those present were Messrs. John Gibbons, Ernest Simrell and John Fineke, of the William Council Hose company; Peter Rosarand John KelTer, of the Neptunes, and Louis Schwas-? and Frank Dumbaeher, of the Century Hose company. Mrs. H. Jacobsoii led a very well at tended and deeply spiritual gospel meetlntv yesterday afteinoon at the Young Women's Christian association on Cedar avenue. The Junger Maennerchor held a large ly attended rehearsal for their coming minstrel show yesterday afternoon in Germanla hall. The musical programme is In charge of Prof. W. C. Ott. of Law rence band. The numerous chinches of this part of the city nre very busily engaged at present in prepailng their Chrlstmns cantata and entertainments, and al ready the children arc becoming Im patient for the arrival of Santa Claus, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyer, of Cedar avenue, are receiving the congratula tions of their friends upon iho arrival at their home of a baby gl.-l. James Roche, a foreman of the Lack awanna lion and Steel company, Is seriously ill nt his home on Mill stieet. GREEN RIDGE. Mr. X. L. Folger, of Ainesbury, Mass., Is tliu guest of J. W. Baylay and family, of Green Ridge street. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Taylor, of Cn poue avenue, are in New York elty, Mr, I'rosbey, of Columbia avenue, recently hud seveinl of his lingers badly mangled while working In tho Simpson shops. Miss Jennie Lowery, of Deacon street, is visiting frietids in Forest City. The Amity Literary society held its regular meeting Thursday evening, when novel nl now members were ad mitted. Mr H, V. DusDiilierre, of Wyoming avenue, hus letumed from a inonth'-i visit with friends in Philadelphia and New York, Robert A. Greeley, of Proinplon, Wnyno county, a brother of "William E, Greeley, of East MurUei streoi, died Sat in day, Deceased was 01 years oi age and n veteran of the Civil war, Tho Young People's Christian En deavor society of tho Green Ridge I'reshyteiian church hold their anni versary rally last evening In tho church auditorium. Thou was spec ial limbic by the junior choir and a special sermon by the pastor, Bnv. I, J, Lansing-, MIss-.Mnry CJinrleswoitli Is ill nt her home on Minion strooi. PARK PLACE, Mrs. T, J, fiiitniau and soii, liemge Ilouser Giltinan, of East Benton, nio spending a few days with Mrs, C, J, Mitchell, of Blair avenue, National Organizer C. W, Baxter conducted ii meotlng of the barbois of the North End and Oieen Ridge, Fri day evening, fit William Jones' shop, on North Main avenue. There weie twenty members piesent. The otllcers electe I were; President, Pattick Nolan; vice president, William Jones; cone&poud Ing secretary, Thomus Savage; finan cial secretary, peter McHule; treas urer, Bert Sherman; grievance commit tee, John Robinson, Fred Giiilen, Mar tin Hooney, J. S. Prltchnrd and Will iam lilchurds; hall committee, Bert Sherman, Dennis Kane and William Richards '' J DR. HAND'S Condensed Milk Phosphates and Hypophosphites Added without chance of taste, i " Best Milk for Family Use " Babies thrive on it " fc'oU by Dfutfd't. and (irocers. Write THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO., U OBITUARY. Jllw I.lwlclnjee, of 1011 I'ltUlnti iiu-niir, illcd F.iluril.iy mouilni; lit lirr liomc after ft Miort Ill ness. MKs Joyce v.u ii ti'ielier In one n( Hit rlt.v'i public i-cliooM nml wji cry will known, Imtli In South Scianton nml tlio crntr.il city, Rlie was amonn tlnm Inliirtil in tlie rtploilun at the MinluntA' nml Mm lunlcs' li.ink 1n-.t Annus!. Her fum-r.il Mill Like pl.iee nl U ii'itml; tomor row mornliijr. Services will lie lielil nt St, Joint's iliurc.li nml Interment will l ui.nle In the Cathe dral lemelery. Mr. Clwetiilolln Joins, wiril ii c.in, wile of Jimliu.1 Jone", ot 5IU Ninth .Sumner aM'taii, did nt ," o'lluik , eiteiil.iy niornlnir, utter 'I ohort III new. Decn.veil It Mirtheil by her hiuluml nml thru1 rlillilreli. Tin- fiincr.il seniles will be rnli iliii'teil .It the lioiix! tMiiorrmv nftemoon tiy Itev. D.illil Jones, pjKtor of the l'lrt WoMi IViliuicu.i tliitml elmrrh. Inlernunt will lie m.nie In Ihe Wiuliliuin ttrect cemetiiy. News i Milled thi city on S.iliniliy of the ilejth of Viry Itev. Denn Thomas .1. I'lcinfnir. of llonne.trvllle, illoeeio of ll.inMiurir, nil uncle of Itev. M. J. Plrmlnir. of South .Vr.inlon. The luneral Is to lie held on Thursiby. Intirnieiit ul Hill Top, Wnyno county. Helen, the 2-yeiu-olil iliinditcr of Mr, anil Mi '. Thiutus Wall, of 1Ji7 Irving avenue, filed Sit iinhy, after .1 hhoit illnesi. Tlie funeral will be In III at ll o'rloek this nftrrnnnu with iu.enuent In the Cithednt cemetery. Kathleen, the Inanit ilamrlitir of Mr. and Ml. I'atrlik McNidty, of 111") t.rant .Hemic, died Siturilay nicht. 'Hie ttueul t.'lll take place at J o'lloik this afternoon, with inteuuent In the t'ntludinl ceinctetv. Itolieit A. (Iioi'lcy, Innlhcr of W. K. (,'reeley, of this city, ilinl al I'loinpton Saturday noon. Fiine tal todiy at 3.1.- p. in. Leading 100 Events of Closing Cenfiiry Cop'.rh'lit, IIKK), The Chiistlan llirald, Xiw Vork.l AX UVnSTri'l. icnturj Uuly has heen this niniteenth rcnluiy of the Cliri-tlin ua, now within a mouth of its lIiw. 1'ioiu whatsoever standpoint it Is rixanhd, lis history is marvelous. In the Uiio'ttcili;c we li.tc gained duilm; its progress, of our own globe, It xtauds unparalleled. There has bien uoudeiful progm also in science, in education, ami in the adaptation of rjatur.it forces lo hum. in pm pocs. Political mil teriitorial chauues, too, halo made this a very ilitreitnL woild fiom that of 1WK. It is not possible in small spue to oen mention tlio events which mike the ccnturj' memorable, but it may be Inti resting to recall a hundred, which, if not the mo-t important, are those that hue had the greatest influence in shaping and developing tlie condition of the nations. wars axp iti:(ii.imo.s!. Itittle of Aiisterlilz, Xapolcan ilcfeils Ans tiians and Iliissiius, su.". ilatth' of Tiafalgar, XeNini 'Inks 1'iewli (hit, 160.-.. Moscow- liutneil bv tin Russians to eutiap Xa poleon, 181:!. liattle of Waterloo, .Napoleon vamiuishcil, is",. llattle of Xavaiiuo, securing (ircek independ ence, JS-7. 1'riineaii War, Oreat lltituin, Fiance imd Sar dinia against llu i.i, itAi-Vi. Indli Mutiny, in which native .soldier i m,isa cic IhiglMi men, women and childun, IS'iT. rmncci-AiHtrian War, 18.71. followed by t;.ul baldi's Campaign unifjiiu Italy, l'il. Tlie (Unit I'ivil War in Ainuica, lsid.M. Sui lender uf l.ee to (irant at Appomattox., piil !i. 1st,.".. Austiu-Prussiaii War. Puisivc liattle, Nuiovva, July II, 1MWI. rr.inco.'niss,m War. Decisive bittle, Siclin, Vit. 1, 1ST0; followed by tide ration i.( liei maii Mates lu Cernnii ianpilc. Itiisso-Turkish War. llattle ot I'lcvni. Dec. lit, IS77. Itoiubaiilmcnt of Atcvmdiia h.i the llritisti, 1S2, followed by the occiipitioii of Hijpl. War between Chinese ami Japine.io, ls'll. Americ o-Spanisli War, Manila, May 1, 16'isj .Santiago, July .':, 1S:. War by (,'reat lliitiln acaliist South African Itcpulillrs, law-UNO. I'ranee bocomis an empire, lsiilj ., republic, 1'IS; an empire niialu, !s.V!; Tlu'id republic, 170. (iem-ral outbreak nt revolutions iluoughont Kurope, 118. Home, wlriil from the Pope, Incomes capital of t'niteil Italy, 170. cxi'i.nii.vriii.N. lu the Antic Kipcilltlon ot Mi' John I'muMim, 1S43J Do Long, 1S7H; Cni-Jy. 11: I'e.uv. 1VU; N'ansen, ism; Duke of the Abriuvl itauhist ninth), 1!KK. In the Antaictii lllseoe, l:U; llalleuy, ls.l."; ItTivllle, 1SCJ; Items, 1M1, Wilkes, 181:!; Itoieh grevli.k, Mi In Africa- Livingston, lsu.7.ii Mauley, l7.'.-s7; Speke and (Irani, lH, In America Joint C. I'rimoni's ioiuiiey west ward to the ijfil ioli-io. INVK.VIIOX. I'll -l stiaiiibeut, tin Cieiuioiil, made a in.i ne from Xi'W Voik to Alban.v, n.)7j me hist, sttatnboal in no, ihe Atlantic, the Mr,iim.ri. sl". I'ilst i.illiiad, Mcvcklou and ll.lillu.ti.u, lliu. I mil, IsJ.I; ItallliiiLre and Ohio, fouituu miles long, s30. Mghting the xtirvU by ga-, llit expoilmmt in Loiulon, sn7, Klutiie light induced ny CiIImhi's aiplli a tlon of suh-illvlslon, HW, The MiC'onniih reaper luvintcd, l:JI. Howe's siwlng iiiichliie, IStiJ. Tho ilectrlc lelegiaph, Sauniel I" II Moise, IS.I'i, I'ilM lli.e III (he fulled Siitc, s. Tlio ti-leihoni first elilbilei, ls;n. rin lihonogiapli, 177-ii. Cable laid jciiiss liie Atlantic., 3i-"i7i peiliclnl, lie 0. Clectllc railioad at Kilimn's liome, it Menlo Park, ls'0 l'hologiaih,i I'lirl opciluionH by paginne, 1S."J, l'lrt w(iful poitialts by Mnise, IS'i. The .siuctiustopu in s iiMil, lsiij; piifciksl, IM'i. Itoiiilgeu ra found to jmhi Halt "'i Is, Is!'". hiioiAii ANf) hi;mmtahian'. Hauiy abolished In the IliitUh domlnloi , liXI Alexander II, nupeior of lliii.la, eiiiauclulCs Ivveuty-lluei' million hiK Imii, l.lncolit's Kmaniipatloii I'loclaiuatlou, In".'. I'lt liilein.illoii.il Cspibltloii in llule l'aik, London, 1&.1I. l'irl hettlcuieiil ol an iiitdiiatioiial ipnriil by ailiitratlou instead of war (Alabama Claum ot I he United Mate agalul llnglmd), 1M1, International I'elie (.'om;ich unillluli(, by Iliibia, nut Is at the llitfiu, It-'f.i, Urgaulzatluii of tin Ited I'lu-s Sodily at l,e lima, )Wt liig.iiilzailou ot the Wouum's ChrUtl.in Tern pciaiuu union, JS7J. First C'olleere frttltmviit etablUhei, I i 0. llu Christian Herald adopts .,mn ililldr.n orphaned by the India Famine, lit". Kl'.IJfllOl'S. Org.iuirJllun of the Vmiiicaii llo.ud of Com inUsloiiiM for I'uii'Uu Missions, Pill'. I'lnt llllssloiiaiini M'llt out, 1311, ' Organization of the llrt Sunday School union in London, 1WU; Amiiiuii, lo'l. Ilritisli ami Foreign llihle wjckly founded, lbfll. Anierlean Illble toclety organized, 18IH, First Voung Men'n Christian association Culab lUheil by Oeorge Williams in l.omlon. hll. .- fnr fanoVtel, SCRANTON, PA. (b AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEA1RE Buratindir ARelj, Lessees and Mitier A. J. Duffy, Uusln5 Manager. TUKSDAY, Jfnflnee and Night, nECKMORB lt Burke's High Class Vaudeville With the following splendid company) I.'lllm llrlrklnrt, Sidney flrnnt and Apnes Xor ton, Mile. Clrectit, Cusey and I.celnlr, Iav cmlcr Illchardsoii, The Itlxfonl Drotlicra, Di'nuc nnd IletatiY, anil Sophia Uurnham. Xlght Pilecs 25c., .Tic, 60c. nud 75c. Matinee I'rlers 2o and M cent; children un der ii jiurs, lCc, O.NT, I'lIIIFORMAXCn oxr,v. .TIlllltSDAV, UECKMBKR l.'. CHAHLKS FlIOIIStAX'S COMCDIAXS. "Self and Lady" Presenting the Ilolllcklng Farce Success. In the same manner as fccn during Its recent rua at the Madison Square Theater, New York. The Compmy K. M. Holland, Frit?. Williams, Ar.old Daly, James Kearney, Jay Wilson, T. K. IMdingir, Fred. -Morris; Isabel Irvlnjf, Jby Rob son, .Maggie Hollovvay Fisher, Mario Perlck.son, May limlirrt, Nellie Rutler, May (lalver. Prices "-, 50, 75 cents, l.0(l, $1,50. Seats en sale Tuesday, Dec. 11, at U n. tn. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RBI 5 & BURijUNOER. Lejitth II. A. BROWN, Manair. AM. THIS WF.KK. Roe and Fenberg Co., In Ueiiertoire. Piescnting Monday fercnlng "Hoancke." Tuesday Matinee "A Lively Time." Puling the week other big well known prodiu tioi:s will be presented. Matinee Prices 10 and 20 ccnU. livening Prices 10, 20 and SO cents. New Gaiety Theatre II. It. I.OXO, Lessee and Minajer. Tiittri: DAYS, coMMr.xcixa MOlsDAY, D --C 10. ItlCi: & BAHTON'S BIG GAIETY BURLESQUERS A We.iltli of Scenic Splendor. A P.1I0 of Gorgeous Costumes. A Clhiic of Ilcwltching Maidens. Time Dijs, Commencing Thursday, Dec. 13. Bon Ton Siir eaquers ."Ci days ahead of them all. Matinee dally. I'HICT.S 13, 2-i, M, 50 cents. Tin- Inquisition abolished by Ihe Spanish Cortcn, lsju. tic ginning of the Salvation Ann)', 1W11. Doctiiue of Papal Infallibility formally en doised by the Kcumcnical Council, 1S70. Itible ltevision Xew Testament issuer, ls.51; Old Testament, tfct.". Orgaiiiatlon of liie In-t Young People's so ciety of Clnistiiii Kndeaviir, 1SS1. ()igani7itioii of (he Order of King's Daugh ters, lN-li. DNAftTT.ItS. nafth.viMkn : Caracas, 1M2: India (2.0cKJ pcisona killed), lslii; Canton. Chin 1 (li.-M) pei isled) ls'ji); C.ilaluii (1,000 persons Iiiiomi, s,lr,; San l)omin'o (C,noj killed), 131', South irn Italy (ll.UiO lives lost, ls52); CalibiU f!),0ir. killed). In"; Quito (5,0iX) deaths), 18.7); Mciiiloa, Suiith Ameiica (7,000 deiths), lsilO; Manila (l,H0i) deaths), 1W; Muyiciin fl.i.H) deaths), lai,7; " Arnpiipi and diit.'iit (::"(HkI deaths), ISI.S: Snn Jo.e, Colombia (I'.HiO deaths), 1f7S: Scio (-l.lHHt deaths), lsSl, Cifi,s-iniiei.ill (1,'i'K) deaths), lvst: Chirlestou, !. C. fprnpcnj vvoith s.-,,rKK).iKHl destro.ved and 41 lives Iivt),lSS7 in ihe Itivicra (2,(Xi deaths), t!S7 Japiu (1,(11 dead, .-..IKHl vveillllded), Ih'.ll. Famines: Inland, lSIBj Hussia (Amerca con tributid through 'Ihe Christian llerell a ran; nt 101 n, suit cm boanrthe l,eo), 1S0I: in I111IU 1M7, lsl'i), ISsVi. ImW, 1S7ii, 117, )"). in tit list two named .loan, tin 11 aero larg- Anuiicai 11 ntiibutloiis in money and I'j.i'in tlinuigh Tit Chrl-t...n lleiald. In ls'7 Inesi I'jiurihiuloiH amounicd to SKfi.Oilo, liuliidnu corn 011 bo.nd the City of KveiellJ In IM'O and Ktfl V'W."(l including com on boaid the iiiite. The gieat Hie III Chltairo, l.."l. The Coniiiiaugb Hood, destio.ving .I.i'in.bi'vn, l'a., IWi. Tidal wave al (i.ilicMon, Tex., 1'iclO. Tidal wave 111 Jipin sweeps aw i,v 'iU.i'iOO hou'il and kills J.ll'l iiet-Mins, lvsy, 1.1 ri:iiATt?itn. Cm the publishes Faust, I'M Victor Hugo writes J,es MMerible, IM Thomas Cail.vlc's History of the VVncli Item lilt Ion piilillslicd, Isl", llalpli Waldo laiicri-onV Kss.i.vi, 1S11-71. J0I111 llusklu'ii Modern I'alnti r puhli-'if-d, 1HM.H. Whittlii's 1'i.tnn. 1S.I7.7S, llaiilit lleeclier Slowe's I'lllle Tom's Cabin, IS.-.1-52. Haiivln's Oilgln ot Species, 1S.W, STATr-SMAXsllII. President Momcc propounds the doctrine thttf la .lis his 11 line. It--J. Mi Itobcit iec'1, premier of (Ireat Tlrittin, T--'l. I0I111 (heiinan, nnlticl Stales secretary of tr'ai my, icninis fpeilu paj incuts, 1S70. Abraham Lincoln dec led preslilmit 'Jidte.1 Mile, l". I), (lladslone linoimK piunier of Orel lliltalu, 1." lll.iuaiik 11111K1 iushlent ot tlio cabinet, l'ru. ill, ivli. (.'mint CaviMir, llheiator of Italy, appointed piimler, USA l.ouls lv'ossiith, dictator ol llungary, ISto, MIM'I'.LI.AXnOItS. (old ilmrmi'icil In California, hlS; In ,w ll.ill.i, l.s'.i; lu Iho Tiaiiovaal, IM; lu tho Klondike, I:i7. Hlamond nilncii winked in llu' Transvaal, 1870 Opining ul the Me.ut CcnU Tunnel, 171, but pikit of the I'nioii I'aelllc tailroail driven, ISiW, liaiis-Slbeilau 1alI10.nl operaled, WO. llpeulng ot I be Sue. Canal, 1M.0, AlaUa iciled by llussla lu Ihe United Stat.-s, U07. Fir.i session of the parliament of United Cat ad 1, IM)7. 'Hie Aiistiallas fuulcr one giiveunni'lit, 1000. Maximilian molted in Meilco, 1807. lIxpuMoii of the emperor fiom llraxil, 151. .ss.iM,lualloni Lincoln, 18(0: fiarlleld, Ubl Lnipeior Alexander II., list: Camot, prcsiden' ol Fiaiuc, ls:l: Shalt of I'crsla, lt06s Itlnj llambeit of Italy, ID.'. Impulsion of .levvo fiom Russia, 1S52-01. Mjsaeic of ( lirl.ll.'iiis in Auricula, lStlj. Vla.uie of inUilonariis und converts lu ( hint, WOO, Army iliaft 1 lot in New Yoik, Ui.1, Cliloiofoini tirst Used, s7, Van luallon legalized. Isut. 1'astoir tlluinvTb iimedy for lirdrophoWa bjf inoculation, lt-81. 'Ihe Kosctta btene furubhc) key to hie ro Wlvphi, 13U t t- iM' 'yMtJf H 1 v , ' tf jf'tif-- sf.J,. , 1 ' f