"-3H T!1 fey, y M H', ' H .-"' n; SrK; tnr. oSi-H i"f.r"M !f , rs"jn r v ,. l. ' ' rt THE SCRANTON TMBUNti-MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1900. MiA i(s TfJZ 1 !.7P7 i8e craMoi H8uhfc 1.1 VY S. 11ICIIA1II). IMllor. O. I', HYMIHE, Business Manager. Now Yoik Ofueoi 150 Nassau M. . Pole Agent lor Foiclgn Adicrtlslng. Enlcicd at ttir I'ostnfflcr- nl Scrahlon, l.i Heiond-Class Mall Mailer. When spire will permit. The Tribune IV1"".' Bl.nl M print short Utters from IM friends hear- M1K "" I II. It", U'N,-, - '" -..' I... imi.l bo clgncd. tor iiuhHinlliin. by V'1'. V ... rral name; and lit.' ontlltim prtocdent ti - iiptaitri Is Hint nil ronlrlhnllotn shall be sulijiu inn: ii iitrreni wpii, '"" 'v ' . .1 . .ii.r1 i editorial levWoii SCHANTON. nKOKAtURP. 10. 1'' The proposition I'liiunntps from Pltts liltrrr to t'XlU'illli' till' rnlllltlllB of IV tnrrm on election night by cliniiBltiK the lnw so that election otllcers will not linyo tmy Ineetltlvu for nutkhiK two ilnys' work ottl of one In ouler to mul tiply their fee.. The IMltnburR plan Is to allow tlietn $.' apleee, whethur their work uovui'H one day, two ilays or three days. If tin; Intent Is In liasten the I'ount, why not try voting machines? This Is the era of liibor-smvliiK ilevlces and tlie vo'tliiK machlno Is certainly en titled to appear In Hit labor-saving ciitcRory. Centralized or Diffused? 1" -w- -y EltK Select Councilman Itoche's conlldcnce in' the ability of councils to exeici.se wisely the appointive powers now vested In the mayor's ofllce general, the second class city problem would cease to be a problem and would become Instead an Incident. Tnfortunntely, ft is not common, nor have recent exposures In councilnmnie circles tended to eli minate tho placing of additional lower in councils. That as a result of those exposures a belter daps of men may be brought Into councils Is hoped and believed, yet not even a 1 10 Inl council would. In our opinion, 1 i. so well fitted to supervise tho ex ecutive functions and processes of tha illy Kovernmont as would nil execu tive conimandor-in-chlef directly eii'iloil by and directly rasp&nslblc to the people. Mr. Itoche's expedience as a business nnn will doubtless bear out the .'latcment that n Itii'KC majority of the Micie.sful private enteipibes of the .'ountry are one-man affairs, if cor- l oration-, they may have boards of I -i tins, executive committees and .. i'ii-. boards tor purposes of con- s i rio'; In nail quest ions of policy .nl fur purposes of ornamentation: it tin' icsposlliility fur the execution f i '.'Ps is nei"'s'aill.v centered in ' I" naer. and tb" lvtter the maiia- n tin' mure eompleti ly lie constit- ' 1 -!, fur all piaclieal purposes, the iM'iip.iuv. city crovernmipiit piesents a j.iiiillel. At its Iiciul Is the mayor. vim Mioiild be and In the best rov- 11 11 'I litlcs is In pr.ictical effect the prreral manager. The peoiin know him and can Ret at him. lie should p.. "llRiblo to re-election as a reward for Rood service, just as he is now iliRihle for Rcncr.il condemnation as a penalty for bad service. To put executive power in councils U In hide it. People not qualified to 1 let Rood mayors, knowing how nun h depends on havinR a Rood one, would certainly bo disqualified from s"ciuiiiR a butter average grade of executive genius in councils. Pranklln county, Penn., with a popu lation one-third as large as Lacka wanna, had but thirty bills of indict ment before Its last grand jury and has only thirty-five convicts in its jail. The Postal Service. FItOM THR PACT that it Is tho one department of the na tional government with which each citizen Is brought Into frequent, if not dally, contact, a large degree of interest attaches to cveiv feature of the postal service. This will explain and Justify the generous space nlloted elsewhere to the summary of Postmaster General Charles Kmory Smith's instructive and admirably prc imred annual report. Its distinctive feature is the argu ment made for tho extension of rural free delivery, a proposition having the administration's fullest indorsement and support. Under arrangements either completed or pending, about 3, 000,000 Americans resident on farms nt some distance from postal centers aro served with periodical delivery of their malls, and tho result has been 11 very noticeable increase in tho volume of rural correspondence. What the post master general now urges is that con gress shall provide tho means, estl mated nt not more than $14,000,000 a year, whereby this partial rural fice delivery may bo extended rogulaily ovor. tho l.OOQ.OOO square miles and unions the 21,000,000 people within the practicable limits of such a service. Ho points out that it congress would simply undo tho gross abuses now ex isting In the eocond-clnss mall classl llcatlon, whereby fake periodicals and trashy advertising shoots get cheap postal rates Intended for genulnu nows and literary publications, a saving .of 112,000,000 would ba effected, or almost enough to pay the entlro net cost of making rural Uea delivery permanent and complete, Aa to tho economto end social signifi cance of bringing tho farms into regu- larmnd frequent communication vvjtn tho cities and towus, Mr. .Smith truly says; ' n'uraV free flelWery 8ttmulate social ami busl veii correiponJence anil to awells the poital re reints. Ita introduction It invariably followed by a large hurcHo in the circulation of the prt'M ami periodical literature. The fann ia thua la-ought into diiett 11111 contact wllii the cup rcnU M" nioyeimuta of tho business world. A itjore accurate knowledco of ruling markets and an Iiib prices la litHuwil, and the producer, with Ms quicker rommuiut'atlon and larger Informa tion, is placed on a tunr footing. The value of farm land is uihanced. Good roads become InJU pensable, and their impruicincnt., (j the essential condition ot Ihe serhe. The material and meas uratyc bcuilHs aic signal and unmistakable. Hut the moirnnnt cteulscs a wider and deeper inllie 'ince. Ilic deposition, tq )rae Ihu faun for the town Is ihickrd, and may be materially changed, by an alliance which conicjn many of the ad Vintages e( the lvu W the farm, llural fun delivery brings Hie form wllliln the dally range of Ilic Intellectual nd commercial activities of the world, unit tlic lotntloti and monotony which hue turn the bine of agricultural life are son nihil' mitigated. It prole to be one of the most eftri (Hi1 ami powerful ol educational agendes, Miicit It Is extended the schools "Improve, ntnl tin- 1 lih' spirit of the (omnninlty feel a Mew piikitlon. The Maiiilanl nf liitcllliccnie s raised, inlliihliiiiil IiiIuckI In puli'lc' nlfiilm Is quick' iiuil ntnl lielter cltDutshlii follows. Willi the mentis or effecting this ureal remtlt so easily nl hand, ciinttrcss will not bu oxoiiHoJ for failure to act upon tin1 iKiitniaatoi' Rcncrnl'd reasonable mill timely siiKKOHllon. Including tho cost of deepening the haibors at Chicago nntl Dultith bo as to admit ocean steamships, the esti mated cost of a 30-foot ship canal from Hit gieat lakes to tidewater, nil on American soil, connecting l.uke Krle with t.nko Ontario and tho latter with the Hudson river via Oswego and the Mohawk vnlley. Is given by nn expert commission as $:i20.st2,000 with a yeaity maintenance cost of about $3,000,000, This suggests the next question, Is it worth It V Reducing the Revenues. OMR OP the criticisms nind'j upon the bill of the ways and means committee to 1 educe tho war-revenue taxes are fair and rami' ate unfair. Secretary (Jage makes a fair criticism when ho says that to j educe the govinment's Income $10,000,000 at one clip, when the most cnieful flguilng could not discover a safe way to get nlong with inoi'i than a $30,000,000 reduction, sa vors of Imprudence, especially In view of the possibilities of unfore seen tiouble nnd consequent expense In our new possessions. There Is also fairness In the criticism that the ways and means committee has displayed unnecessary eagerness to lift $10,000, 000 or taxation off the brewing inter ests of the country, a burden not felt by the community nt large and be lieved to bo not disproportionate to the profits in the brewing business. But it Is unfair to criticise the com mittee, as some persons arc doing, for proposing the removal of the stamp tax on bank checks, drafts, certificates of deposit, foreign bills of exchange, conveyances, insurance policies, ex press receipts, leases, conveyance.-, contracts, warehouse receipts and similar papers indicative of wealth. If bonds, mortgages and promissory notes aic to be relieved of stamp tax ation, as everybody agrees that they should be and as the ways and means committee proposes, on the ground of giving lellef to the debtor class, then it follows logically that the emergen cy extra tax on thrift, being no lon-P'M- needed to support the government, should likewise bo removed. ISut In any scheme of tax reduction It Is wis. to remember Pied (Grant's remark that "a surplus is easier to handle than .1 deficit.' The Amoilcin output of tin plates 1ms ini'i eased from 1R.R03 tons in JMJ to :;ri7.7ii7 tons in ISO!), while within the same pel Ind the imports of British tin plates have fallen from 26S.472 tons to fiSUir. tons. It will be recalled that the same political intluences now opposing the ship subsidy bill which has for its pin pose the stimulation of an Ameri can merchant -marine ten years a-jo were cocksure that an American t n plate industry could not be develoued under similar protection. Drury Unmasked. F' OR THE purpose of muk'ng clear the fact that rioss de ception was pt noticed by William Drury in seeming his election ns state senator in the Twenty-first senatorial district we In vite attention to the subjoined corre spondence, reproduced from Saturday's issue of the Plttston Gazette: Lr.TCT.lt TO DlllJHV. l'lcelanil. Pa., June IS, I'M. Mr, Willliin llriny. llcur Senitnr: Since jour cmii.ii tlirongli tliN town .mil vicinity we.haie been iloint: comlilcr .ihto in mii intcict anions the Quay Kcpubli lain, wlio by far aio In the majoiity, but Hem tor Siott lias plnce been throiiKli here and by the stitement that you were alwais an untl-Qua.iite li.n coii'lilrruhly undermined our work, he hai inr 111 my peional friends in this town who will vote nnd work iiKain-t him only through his stand in oppoMiiK the re-election of Senator (Juiy for United States senator, und to nsaln Bet Senator Scott's yuay friends h.uk into line and many others who we are yet to see it will be impossible to Ret tlinn out upon my state mint alone that jou had a-i-uicil me jou would if noniiniti'd and ojcitul vole for and oupport lion. M. S. Quay for re-elntion to the United States suntc Unless I cm sliow them oier ,our own i-liaiatiuc tint jmi hair ulien me those nsiiiraiii'i'S iiboic nuiilloiinl it will be Impossible to Ret many of tlie regular Hepublicans to sup port jou. Awaiting an immediate reply, I inn .Most respectfully jouis, Sim J, IteiiliuiKcr. DlirilV'S Itl'.l'I.V. 1'ittston, Pa., June ;:o, W. .Mr, i iitnirgcr. riceland, l'a, Deal Sir; Your communication to hand ,ies leidiy, In answer will say I am Kl.nl to haie tho sympathy of your people, also your's. As you Know my political feelliiRR in the matter Is just as I told ,mii wben 1 was down there, it lias not varied unj thine whatcier, 1 was miuh Hat tiled at the uieptlon I ncelied whiln in jour little town, and the kind support I think jou will Klie me 1111 next Saturday. Of course, "Mr. Siott is uslnir ever tiling in Ids power to draw sjmpalhy towards him. 1 liau not i-ald nnjtliliiK in all my eanuiss in regards 1o ability nr character of Mr, biott and do not intend to do so, 1 1 1 1 ink that his past history us n senitnr speaks for itself, also Ids open letter is iiiniigh to defeat him should lie get tlie nom ination, in my opinion and also the opinion of some of our best men, that If he should get tlie nomination for slate senator he would be de feated at Iho polls In November by a large ma jority, to we cannot alToul to lose tlie s.atc sen atorship under any consideration, I thank jou very much for the interest ou have taken in me, and hope to be able to return it In Hie future. Kind regards to all from, Vuurs respectfully, William Diury, Tho letter of Mr. Keunurger is an exact copy of the original, taken from hie Jotter book; tho letter of Mr, Pru ry Is nn exact .copy of U10 original, now In Mr, Neuburgor's possession, a lithographic reproduction of which ap pears in the Gazette. Mr. Neuburger Is a well-known merchant of Free land, son of tho lota Joseph Neuburger, and his reputation for truthfulness stands unchallenged. Tho corres pondence occurred a few days prior to the Luzerne primaries. Criticism of prury resta upon tho well-established' fact that he deliber ately deceived nnd misrepresented to those fayorlng party regularity, When the Philadelphia Press brands as "ri diculously fnlse" the statement that Druiy agreed to support Quay, it shows that It is Ignorant of the facts. ffha facts Ju Ilia case pt Pscar U s llooz, the former cadet nt West Point now dead from the alleged effects of hazing, so Mr as the published testi mony goes, nre Hint on lop of mnnv small Indignities he wns forced to fight a. fellow-cadet of Inrger strength and size, nnd, Upon trying to run nwny, vvus seized and forced to swallow a mixture of hot Ingredients which caused ulcer ation of tils throat, some of It being thrown Into bin eyes, Injuring his sight. Ill addition, hot grenso was applied to li'ls Tcet nnd a tooth was knocked out. An Investigation Is certainly In order, Growing Trade u)ith Neu) Dependencies Special Correspondent e. Vahliiffton, Deo. S. SPOUTS from the United States to Cuba, H I'orto ltiui and Ihu Philippine, Hawaii in mill S1111101111 Wands wilt atrgresilr- ", UKI.ooo In the e.u 1UUH, against ifll.OUil.Oiid In IHim, tlli.WXi.iHKl In isms, and $I7,UOO.OOH In 1"')7. 'this mormons filuwlh Is chared by eaih nf Hie Inlands 11.11111 d dlit Is iici l.ill.i appaicnt in Hie i.ic of Poito lllin, lu wlih h tin' eTporti In the year ttaw under the tu'iv I'orto mean act villi '.how nn Inri'Miso of about fid per cent, ns rnmpired Willi last year, nnd 100 per cent, ns loiupiicd with pu'i'i'dltn; veils. The above tig iiics uie neies.iilly cthuattM -o far as they re late tn Nuviinber and Di'ii'iulni of tlie prient e.ir, but a utility nf tin- initial lUures of the pin tiling months of I'mii und the corresponding months of 1 S'JU and Mis justlHes an etlmite which hilngs the expoits tn I'orto Itico in tlie 1 iti-iiilar ear IHiX) up to Vi.400,000; to Culu, sill,nil(MKKI: to the Philippines, $.1,r,()0,000, to the Ilaivnllaii Islands, H..000,OIIO, and to the S'nmoan lnhinds and t.'uani, f'JOO.OOO, making tlie gianil total nf f'ift,IUU,(mil of exports to these islands in 1IO0, rotupared with ftl.-Vl.udl In 1S9I, l'Mi1,42 111 1S', nnd $lll,M.,:iOi 111 1B')7. 0 In eierj' rasi- our epoil9 to llies" Islands in tin- jpir llioo will evieed those In piccedlng jears. To Cuba the exports of the year will lie double the 111 ei age annual evpoils to that Island, eviept during tlie fi'.il years ISM, IStW and li'Jt, when the leclprocity treaty with Spain largely Increased our silos to that Island. To I'orto lllco the exports of the ear wiil be double those of any piccedlng ear exrept 18'n) and will exceed that year by 50 per cent. To Hie Hawaiian islands, estimating ligurrs of the doling months of the jenr upon thee of the earlier months and other obtainable data, the exports of tlie jenr are more than double those of any preceding car except 1B10. To the Philippines tlie figures for 1IKM will be double those of 18'n nnd mole than 10 times the high est figure In any earlier car. To the Sainoan Islands the total will be double that of any piccedlng year. Comparing our exports to the islands above mentioned with those in the great rerlpioilty car, 1811, when our exports to Cuba were double those of jeara Immediately 'preced ing the rri'ipioilty act, it will be seen that our total in WOO greatly exceeds that of the great est of the reeiprocilj ears, 'the total expoits to Cuhi, Poito llko, and the Hawaiian and Philippine islands in 1803 were i,OOI,OI7, and ns above indicated, will in 1000 amount to 30, 000,000 in round terms. The following table shows the total expoits from the United Slates to Cuba, I'oilo lliio, and the Hawaiian, Philippine and Almoin Islands in i-.ic.lt icar sitKp H-07, the tlgures for Novem ber and December, 1D0O, being estimated: ts'jT ifi,n2j,.'!o-) sns l'l.1TI,3fJ s'i 4l,.'iSI,0S4 l'SKf (estim.itrd) fiO,IIKI,0. Voiimber and lleenilier. 'Hie following table shows the imports I10111, and exports to Porto Kho in cull je.u, begin ning wilb 1WII. It will be seen tint the ex polls to the island line euoinimisli- Inuoaicd in IISXI as loinpared with iniy pieinling ear and cspeiially with the jears piereding IbOU, the in (iea.se being Ml pel cent, as epiupiied with 1S'i', und moie than 100 pie lent, as compared with the aieiage jear piior to that time: Imports fiom Kxpoits In i'orto lllin Poito Ituo. 1MH f.'.10S,7i-i J,210,.'iiH IsiiV t l.iC'I.OtO 2,001,0111 ism a.ill.Twi l.tl'il.hlt 1MI" 1,'ll.'l,2'l 2,0ii,7."1 isiis J,:is2,t7ii i.ini.iKii is- :;,tu;,nii .i.ii7,',.'ul 1IHI0- S,M)0,(I0'I 5,400,000 Noviiubei and Deiember e.stlmaud. The following tabl slums the impoiti fiom, and ixpoils to Porto liu o in eai h month of the- jear WOO foi which the lUurrs line been ni.'ivi'd lij" Hie llnreau pf Slutistli-s. Thi-. pres intiilion of tlie Imtmit and expoit tlgurei by iiKtiths enilile-. a lompirion nf the (nninieiio sinie the eniiitnicnt of the I'orto lluan law with that of the pii'icding months of the cal (tidir eai: Impoits fiom Exports in l'nitu Hiio. Poito llko. Jiuuiiy IMiiuaiy . Mauli .... April May June July August ... September ? t.'l.-i'lS M27,liat in,.rit2 2io,hfr, :i7,'i'i'l 2'I7,U!'I "'j.-'io jst.i.ii'i 1,10l,si,7 600,470 1,218,257 S'fl.ti'l'l 010,021 520,721) 2sl,!HU 42S,IS T2.2M 2S2,0II4 71,117 OWJ.si'J October Domestic exports only. FIHST CLASS ADVICE. l'roin the Philadelphia Times. Ten of Scranton'a boodle lounellmen have con cluded to go and not stand upon tlie order of their going to saie themselves from n worse fate. It is expected that others will follow the ex ample of the ten and that the iltbens of Seian- ton will be given a rnaniu 10 mi iwcniy vacan cies Instead of ten with nun who woii't-ucccpt bribes, If they can find them. The real test of the reform movement in Scran ton wliiih has driven a lot of coirupt louncll nun into pilvale life will be shown in Ihe char inter nt the men ihosen In till Ino pl.ucs of tliiiso witli 1 no itching palms. Snantoii has plen tj of honest men to sine as cmmcilmeu eveiy (Ity lias but this class are not seeking public' positions of no piotlt and little honor, The utllce must seek them if they aecipt it, and the Ski anion votei.s nre In great danger of tilling the. places of those who have been driven from olllio with those who will seek election to get u chance to bo corrupted. If the Scranton people want to leform their councils to some purpose (hey must turn a deaf ear to nil self-seekers and ilinose some council men who will require persuasion to accept elec tion. The man who Is willing (o give time and spend money to get elected to an office without salary or fees is tho man above all otheia who should not be elected either In Scranton or else where, OUR COUNTRY. "Our Countryl In her Intcrcour.so ,vUi for elgn nations may site always bo right; but, Our Country light or vvronRl" Stephen Decatur nt Norfolk, Va., April, I8I01 Up ro.se, tiliimpliant, fiom his scat Tlie llajaril of the tea Ihe Hon of our laureled flet, The kcouruo of llarbary. Ills Blass u.brlin with bubbllrg Hsht, He pluUed that brilliant throng; "Our Countryl H fclie ever right; Our C'ountiyl right or vvronul" Tlien round about the sounding board The Kobli-t.s leaped and rang, And fervid llii(?rr. piessed the sword As up tho gallants spung; No mawkish qualms or doubts had they, Hut rihoed deep and stiong; "Our Countiyl Ever rlglit, we pray; Our Countryl light or wiongl" Too well the stifling inlsU they Lueiv Tlat dimmed our lining star Ihe plots of banded traitors, who, Amid the stress of war, Made weightier their nation's woes, Till lose tho patriot uong: "When face to face with foreign foes, Our Country! right or wrongl" Standi lovers of our free domain, We ttiivo for truth and right Willi honest force of heait and bialn. As Hod may give iw light; Hut paity bonds aic chaff to break When darkening perils throng; And when tho sullen guns swale: "Our Countryl right or wrongl" New York IlracJ. doooooooooooooooo the Peoplle's Exchange- A I'OPtlfiAU Cf.F.AHINO 1IOUSI. for tho "V iinrlf nt Alt llm Hive Houses to , Kent, Ileal Kstatc or Other Property to Sell or Kxehange, or Who Want Situations or 1 Help These Small Adiertlfctncnts Cost One Cent a Word, Slv Insertions for I'lie Cents n Word-I'.xrcpt Situations Wanted, nnicn Are inserted Tree. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Male. MVN'Annit-nKMMtt.r. rum wants cu'Uii.i. nun fo in mage hrandi ofllce, taking dliei llon nf business. Salaiy l,200 und llbeial 10111 llllsslon. Hood u feu 111 is ntnl V'l) iali leqllltld. AiMieM, llox JIM, I'hlladdphla, Pa. Hecrults Wanted MARINR COItl'S, U. S. NAVY, HIX'RUIT-t wanted Able-bodied men, service on our war ships In all pnrla of tho world and on Irnil In (he Philippines when required. Itecrulting of ficer, 101 Wyoming avenue, Scranton. Situations Wanted PCITION WANTIID-HY A VOl Ml MAN, TO learn tlie rlectilrnl business! at piesent stuiljing ch'ctiliMl cnglneuliig. W., 700 snaii tou strict, ill. 1IONKST .MAN, 0001) HAIIli, VNT.S ANY position of tiusl. Ml He Trust, Tribune of fice. SITUATION WANTI'.l)-(iOOI) (Hill, WANTP.D (or general hciiMjwoik, at 0111 e, O'-O 'et I.ackauynna avenue. WASIHNd AND IIIONINU NHATI.Y l)ONP.; Call at 4U4 New stieet, Pine lliook. snuvrio.v w.sri:n - iiy i:.Pi:un:xt;i:D lidy stinogriiphir, woik by the hour ur piece. Address Stiuograjiher, Tiibune o'liee. WANTED WUIIK IIY Till'. HAY Klllt MONDAY and Tuesday as launihess on eveiy kind of vvoikj 1:111 gliu best lily nfeiences. Address M. 31., 702 i:im stieet. MAiiniF.n man, conni:r iiaiiits, compi:- tcnt, bonest, Iriislnoithy, no ililldicn, deslies situation ns bam man In private family or fire man or any position of tiust; good lefuencis.. Kellahle, 'i illume of Hi e. SITUATION WANTP.II-P.Y A YOCNC! WOMAN as took in pili ate family or hotel. Can give best of refeienecs. Addicss Tliouns Mc Kenna, Old Forge, Pa. A YOUNC1 -MAN WANT- A PO-il I'lOX OF ANY kind; lias bad -ix .vrais' experienie In gm cery store and can speak lauilish and Clirmau; city lcfercnces. Address A. !., nil l.ec court, ity. SITUATION WANT!:!) Ah IIOfsl'.KIIKPP.K FOU widower, witli snnll chllihen only, by widow 28 j'oars old: thoioughly lompetenli best icf cienccs. 1208 rear Illamond avenue. IjADIHS AND fJllNTI.KMIA- SIOPPINf! VT Ho tels can have their liuiidiv dune nt a ii'.ioi, able piire at 520 Pliasant strut. Iltst of rif ei ence. AN KXPI'.HT I.AUDHi:Ss WOULD IIKP. 'IO go out by the iliv washing and Inuiiug; bist of city refeienecs. ,12il Pleasant stieet, Wet Side. WltlTINd Ol? COl'YIMi 10 I!l AT IIDMI! evenings, by a joiing l.uh i good pciimin and thoroughly reli iblc; best lefi'iencis. Ad dress "Writing." Tiibune. "THE WORLD jjtjjj ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY"js5 Copv light, 1100, by k. 10. Hughes, Louis Mlie.l T HE ( IHVI if In Dhiolo, Hie popular name ulviit b.i his tnunlijiuen In the mo-t notniious and ilitidnl of modem It, ill in hiltf.tuils (and for whom a Flint li opera wliiih has riniiiieil a worldwide celebrity was named) hr-inme Invested now with a more gen iral and politlial inteust. His reli nunc was VlitheU- Pizza. At this time, from the ftc ipii'iiey anil amhiity of his mbbeiles and niur dtrs nlong the fnmtiir of the Teira ill l.noioe, he bet anie known as Era Diaiolo, tlie popular Mipcistitloii aciiedltlnit him witli Hie attributes of 'a monk nntl 11 ilemon. i'C7ii w isteu a neice ami untiring war ncilnst the l'lenih soldiers. Mis -ic'.i.ilt.x was tailing upon the Fienih govcrn mi'iit's coiiiicrs anil at one moment lie stitteetled in inmpleti'ly iiileriuptliiK all eeiiiiniiniialion lie tuten Naples uml Home. At last .lost pit Unii.i parte iut .1 piite on Piv.i' hcail, anil he was caught and killed, . Saviutjs lunks flrt tlotirl-heil n peiind nnrked by 11 great advame in tlie niganiatioii of piovt dent habit in giniial. Daniel Defoe Ind Mig gestcil theiu a liiiuiheil .lens before, but the time was not thin lipe. llrunswlt.k had one in ITCTi, nnd Hamburg llfteen jears lain-, llnwevei, they began to spread throughout Euiote in lsou. Not Hie price nf powder for use in (oal mines, but the price of powder for tho hull mm led the people of this pirlotl. In England n tax of one guinea for each person was in elicit and gieitly tinnojlng the wig nobility, gentry and .unman- ry- M. Millie, inventor of Hie famous ritle whlih beau ids name, was bom at Vlncennes, Franc?. The firFt United btalcs bankiupt law w.n passed during the jear. Among the births of the jeir of persons, who won fame in life were tlie following: Until Nanr, West Indian jouunllst. Unbelt Dale Owen, Amiliiun uiithor, Justus OUhiiusen, fieimin orlenlullst. Julius Von Mold, (irennn orientalist. Divid Meriwether, American stntcMiian. Ilemy Milke Edwanls, French naturalist, Adolphu Munod, Trench Piotestant tlivlne. John Isartl Middleton, Aiucrltan rtateMtian. Abbo Jacques Paul Jligne, Frinili editor. Hainan Maria, tie Naivac,!, Spanlsli stntcsiuan, Helmuth Von Moltke, Prussian Held marshal, Henry Miller, Amcriian physician und writer, Abraham Messier, Amciican clcrgimau and au thor. William Carmlihacl Nicholson, American naval odleer, Ia.ic Newton, American commissioner of agri culture. harah Ann Myers, Amcrlean educator anil au thoress. Johann Gerhard Orcken, Herman HaptUl prracher, Jacob Wilsh Miller, American law,er and statesman. James Harvey Atey, American Protestant Epis copal bishop and educator. I.eo It. tie Neckere, Helgian Roman Catholic bishop and educator in America. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Philadelphia has two doctors, a dentist and two druggists all named Slaughter. More deaths are utte to England to alcoholism than to diphtheria or typhoid fever, There is an asparagus farm of 200 acies near Charleston. It Is u big moneymaker. Immigrant, are arriving In Canada In large numbers from Britain ami elsewhere, Homicide lu South Caiollna have averaged over 200 a jear for tho last filu jears. The little town ol Scnola, Ha., has subscribed over $10,000 toward a $100,000 cuttou mill. The Dominion government railways coined $00,000 more last jear than tho jear before, , It is said that 400 acres of timber are de stroyed In tli United States every day In Ihe jear. In London walking is now looked upon as a health giving exercise, and is gi rally indulged in by all degrees. Tho Americans in the Klondlko havo exactly the sams rights and privileges and pay the samt taxes u Canadians. The report ol tho Ontario department of iinmi gratton for 1899 shows that 4,015 itctrage pas sengers settled In Ontario. ' The number ot persons in Berlin whoso in- For Bale. FOIl SM.II CtlKAP-SOMI) OAK, COMINIAti book rase, I ft. A In.xl ft, 111 In. adjustable oak shelves) will hold ISO hooks. A recent edi tion "Century lllctlonarj," I) ml., red morocco binding, Address, 1). P. M,, Tribune. t'UHNmiitn And itouskiioi.D titions mu pate at iiO,-, Adams atenile. Call utter 1 p. in. roii sai.k-a nixivMtv covrntr.n wahov, has been In Use about two months. Suitable for n grocerj' store, dry goods store or other tneicantlle purposrs. Apply to William Craig. rou sAMi-nmcK iiiJit.niNii, no. m i.ack- avv Hum avenue, comer Washington nienitf, being the properly lerently occupied and now being vacate! by the Hunt k Council Company. A. P.. HUNT. 1'Olt Bf.i:-CONTIiNTS OF IIOUSK I'tlttNI. ture, carpets, bedding, etc. 0J2 Washington avenue. Wnntod To Buy. WANriin-sr.coND-tiANii slot MAcinxr.s; imt be In aood older, state lurticuhri n In make ind prlte. Address I,. M,, gnieial lie ill cry, Siranlon, Pa. Board Wanted. IIOAIID WANTIID-FOU Tllltlli: ADULTS AND one small child, In respectable .lewMi fam ily, living Ir. first-class neighborhood. Ht lie prlie. W, A., Tribune office. Money to Loan, MH.N'P.Y TO LOAN ON IIOSD VNIi Mtllt KIAHK, any amount. M. II, lloljiite, Commomvcallh liuildli'ig. ANY AMOUNT OP MONP.Y TO I.OAN-(,UICK, stralglit loans 01 llulldlng nnd 1.01,1. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, ;IH-:I13 Council building. Business Opportunity. . wLsrIrr''rum to maki; money In the piesent n.iikets, wilte as. Sloiks, lionds. Provisions, eairieil oil . per ici,t. maiglii. P. .1. Piteis .t Co., S3 llroadway, .Now York. LEGAL. " Scranton, Pa., Dee. 1000. i:i.i: TION PltOCLAMATIOV. M)TICK-IN Pl'HSl'A.NCK OF IH'.SOLfllONS adoptul In Ihe Soled and Common Councils, tl,cit will lie" special elections held In the fol lowing wards on Tuesdai, Dec IS, lfHK). First ward-One person to serve us Common Councilman to till the unexulied term ol David 11. Iteise, lesigned. Second wani One prison to serve as Common Coiincllu.an to till the unevpiicd term of M. . Monis, lesigned. 'third waul On.' petsnn to seive as Common Count llmiin to till tlie unexniied term ol James J. drier, lesigned, Fouttli waul One ptrson to serve as SeKot Councilman to till the unexpiied lei 111 of Slnn'ii 'Minimis, resigned, and one 1111 son to seive as Conn 1 Councilman to fill the unexpiied term of W. . drlflllhs, lesisned. Fill It waul One pel son tn seive as Cotunion (1 urn iltu.in to till the unexpiiid teim of C L. Cod-hall, Ksigned. I'oiiiUeiilh waul lint' piitn to seive is Com mon Councilman In till the unexpiied teim of C. II. Wi-nrel, 11 signed, Filtccnth ward-il)ne pit-on to serve as Com mon Councilman to till the unexpiied teim of T. VI. Witiklus, 11 signed. Eighteenth wild-One poison to stive as Cotii nimi Court 1 1 in 111 to till the uiicxplicd Iciiii of 'thonias 1". Vli,rti, itsimittl. 'Iweutltlli waul One person to sene as Selei t Ctiiiticilmaii to III! the unexpired turn ol T. J. Coj re, lesigned. JA.MLS MOIH. Maim. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountnnt. nnW'AHD O SPAULDINO, O. era' Dank building. P. A., 23 Tr.AD- Architects. LDWAHD II. DAVIS, building, St ranton. AHCHITECT, CONNE1.L KHEDEHICK L IttlOWN. ARCIIITIXX PRICE builuim;, J26 Washington nicntie, Scianton. Cabs nnd Carriages. RUBBER TIRED CABS AND CARRIAOE3; BEST of servile Prompt attention given orders, by 'Dhone. 'Phones 2G72 and 5332. Joseph Kclley. IU Linden. Dentists. DnTC.E. eTiEVUERGEW. PAULI ItUILDLNO. Spruce street. Scranton. DR. I. O. LYMAN. SCRANTON PRIVATE HOS pltal. cornir Wjoming and Mulberrj'. DR. C. C. LAUBAC'II. 115 WYOMING AVENUE. DR. II. P. REYNOLDS, Ol'P. P. O. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 AND 187 FRANKLIN AVT- nue. Rates reasonable. P. ZE1GLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. PAi sengei depot. Contlut'tid on the European plan. VICTOR ICOCH. Proprietor. Physicians and Surgeons. JAMES P. PURSKLL, M. II. , SPECIALIST. Mtnttil and Ninons Diseases. Linibii stieet (opp. P. O.) DR. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. I.'AMOREAUX, OFFICE R30 WASH Ington avenue. Rciitlencc, 1313 Mulbcriy. Chronic diseases, lun'js, heart, kltlnejs and genito-urlnaiy crgaus a specialty. Hours, 1 to i p. HI. Lawyers. J, W. BROWNING, AHORNEY AND COUNSEL, lor-at-law. Rooms 312-31.1 Hears building. D B. RKPLOOI.E. ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tlat'cil on leal estate security, Mcars building, corner Washington avenue and Spruco street. WILLARD. WAItRCN k KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and tounsellois-at-law. Republican building, Washington uvcnue. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-sellors-ut-law. Commonweal ill building, Rooms IP, 20 and 2L JAMKS W. OAKFOHD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 514, 515 and 610 Board of Tiads build ing. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. D03-U01, 0th floor, Mcars building. ROOMS h A WATRES. ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, BOARD 'of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. O. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON k WILCOX, TRADERS' NATIONAL Bank building. O. COMEQYS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BEUTIIOLP, ATTORNEY, MEARS I1LDG. Seeds, G. It. CLARK k CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NUR3 erymen, Btore 201 Washington avenue; gicen houses, 1050 North Main avenuo; ttoro tele phone, 782. come exceeds H1 a jear, and who must tlieic (ore pay an iniome tav, is 8 $0,00i). About 350 women seivantsuie engaged by Em peror William to look alter ihe twenty-two royal palaies und rallies that belong tn the crown. Many tlh lan produce musical soumls. The trlgia can pioduce long-diann notes lanijlng over nearly an octave. Olhus, notably twu upecles of ophidum, have sound-producing appuatus, con sisting of small movable hones, nhlili ran be nude Id produce a slioip rattle. The unions "diummlng" made by Hie spevles called umbrl v.i.s can be heard fiom a dipth of thirty fathoms. An AmeileanUed (Tilnamaiijivlng near Bristol, Conn., Is making an evullent living by ials lug vegetables for tle use of his rouutrjmeii in tho nearby cities. His name is Willi T.lng, ami his faun consists of one und one-half acres. Let tuio of a piiullsr bland, beans, squashes, ritroiw and ginger loot are some 01 1110 prooucis, an us ing of distinctive Chinese tjpes. In Ihu Island of Mluoia, 01 is ot tin Philippines, tho humming blids ure pugnacious little ma tures. A hunting party had a novel experience wllii thtm. Oro of the huntsmen wandered oil from his comrades, but soon his scieams were heard. Thousands of tlm humming u.rds had at tacked him and wounded him in hundreds of spots on hU face aud ncik, When ictcucd he was streaming with blood. ALWAYS BUSY, yjffraiy J Orsi. 6J lTJ Tlie voiuur man his no use for "Itubber Necks. ' hut he toiilil Inidly Hie through die winter without Itubber Hoots, We hive nil Ihe kll'ds lie nieds. Our Slnrni King he likes hot. STOKES OPEN P.VENIM!" I NTIL AITI.lt Till: HOLIDAYS. LewSsc&Rellly 114-UC WYOMING AVKNTIR. 'Phone 2 IM. Free delivery. Oyr Holiday. Lime Consisting of h CMstmas Cards, les, Prayer Books, Hymnals, Lcatler Go Ms, Faicy Ml Stamals aii Novelties Galore Will be ready on Saturday next for your inspection. ReyeoIdlsBros Stntioners ;ind Engravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Schools. SCHOOL OF niE I.V.CKAWANNA, fcCRANTON, l'a. Course piepii.uoiy to college, law, medi cine or business. Opens Sept. lith. Send for catalogue. Rev. Thomas M I'ann, LL. D, prin cipal mid piopiklor; W. E. Plumlcy, A. M., bcailinuster. Wire Screens. J0SEPiriiUr.TTi:L, REAR Ml LACKAWANNA cvenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN '10 ORDER; also ladies' wnlsts. Louis shouuaker, 21:! Adams an nue. Tn. BRKiGS CLEANS PlilVY VAULTS AND ' ccsi pools; nn odor. Improved pumps uset). A B Brigjrs, piopiielor. Lciie oidem 1IUU North Main nieiiue, 01 Eickc's thug stole, corner Adams antl Mulberry. Telephone 051. MRS. L. T. KELl.r.R, hCALP TREATMENT, 60c; shampooing, 50.'.; facial massage; manicur ing, 25c; (hliopody. 71 tjulncy. BAUEIPS ORCIIESTIIA MUSIC FOU BALLS, pienhs, panic rceiptlons, weddings antl con cert uork furnished. For terms address R. J. Bmer, conductor, II" Wjoming avenue, over llulbeit's music store. MEOAHGEE BROS., 1'RINTEIIS' SUPPLIES, EN velopcs, paper bags, twine. Warihouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scrinton, Pa. TliT WILKES ii.vitni: RECORD CAN UP. HAD In Serantm nt the news stands of Reisrmn nros., Wi S-pince uml 50.J Linden; M. Norton, 822 L.ukie.anna aviuue; 1. b. bchubcr, "11 Spruce stieet. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson. In ofTcet Nov. 2 irOO. Trilns foi C.iiliondale have Si union nt 0.20, 7 M ' h 1. I" M " '" -O"' -' " 1""'-' fl''-'' 0'")' 7.57, H-15, l''!'1-' !' In-I 'IU ' In- 'Vor lloiiestlale-ii.Mi, 10.13 a. 111.; J.ll and For'wilkes-niiie-r..l5, 7,ll. S.11. 0St, 10.41, 11.5-, a. in.; 1.2s, -M. 8-;li. -' 0-I. "-'N W.4'. 11.30 11. III. For L. V. R. B. points-0.-t5, 11, IS n. m.; 2.1S, 4.27 and 11. SO l. in. For l'eniv-ilvauia R. It. points 0.15, 0.3S .1. in.; 2.1S anil 4.27 p. 111. .! . ...i .11 ,,nt..,.i ..Anil, n in . ... I tu- Aininy unn an iuims ,iun4 .,-., .,. ,. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Fnr Ciibcnd.ik 11.00, 11,3.; n. in.; 1. II. 8.12, 5 17, 10.52 p. 111. For Hlll.1s-B.111e P.R8, 11.53 a, in.; Lad, 3.2s, fl 27, S.27 p. m. For Albany and points noilh ?.'! p. m. For lpiiesihlr--t).00 11. 111. and :i hi p. in. Lnwtst i.ites tn -ill points in United state) and Canidj. . ' ... .... .1. W. Hl'HDirii, G. P. A.. Alhiny. N. . II, W. CHO5!, , I'. A., Snantoii, Pa. Central Kailroad of New Jersey. Stations in New York Foot of Liberty stieet, N. ., nnd South 1'eiry, Anlhruiile 10.1l 11-ed exiiiHlvely, insuring (.leanllni'ss and romfnit. TIME TAIII.r. IV EFl'ITT NOV. 21. 1000. Tiiilm liave biiiintim for New Yoik, Ncvv.uk, 1'llrabitli, 1'hll.iilelplil.i, E.iflon, Iletlilihiiu, Al lintown, Jlaut.li Chiinl. and WI1II11 Haven, at 8.M) n, in.; express, 1.10; cvpris-s, 3.50 p. 111. miii dav. 2.11 p. in. For Plttston and Wllkch-llirre. S.30 a, in.; 1.10 and 3.50 p. m. Sumlajs, 2.15 p, in. For Baltimore and Washington, and points iintiih nnd We-t via Betltliliein, 8.30 a. m., 1.10 3,50 11. 111. Suudaj, 2.15 p. in. For lalllg IllltllVII, 'MJI. ...-., ..,, U. u..,v a. in. und 1,10 11. in. ..... ,. For Riading, l.ibanim und Ilaiibburg, vn Al lentown, S.30 a. in. and 1.10 p. in. Sundavs, 2.15 11 m For Pottsvllle, S.) u. in., 1.10 p. 111. Thiongh tliketH In all points iat, south aud wctt at lowest rates at the station. II, P. III.IWI Hi 11, Pass Agt. J. II. OI.IIAl'.SEX, Oen. Supt. Lehigh Valley Knllrond. In I'.lTect Nov. 23, 1WJ0. Tiains leave Mraulon For Philadelphia, and New York via ). k II. II II., at fl.4-1 and 11.5.1 n. m., and 2.18, 1.27 (lllk Diaiuuinl IMuess), nnd 1I.S0 p. m, Sun. lav I), k H, H. It., l.M, S-27 p. in. For Wltlto Haven, llarh on and prlncipil points In the mil regions, vli I. k II. II. It., 0.15, 2.1S and 4.27 lor Pottsvllle, 0.11, 2 IB and 4.27 p. m. 'For Betlileliini, lauton, Reading, HanWiiug and mlnilliat inltiuiullati' stations via I). & II, II II.. . IS. ll.M a. 111. 1 2 1S, 1.27 lllUk D.a. ni'oiul Eipli's-), 11.30 p. 111. MuidJJs, II. f, II, It. II.. 1.5H, B.27 P- "" For Tiinkhannoik, Toviunda, l.lmlra, Itluci, tleneva und piiucipjl Intiiinullale stations, vll IK, i W. It. It, WKi a. in,; l.ni and 3.10 For Geneva, lloihc.ter, Buffalo, Niagara I'allj, Chitugo, and all points west, via I). A II. It. II., 11 5.1 a. 111., 3.3-1 (Black Diamond Epie-). 7.4?. 10 41, 11.30 p. in. Sinn! 1 j s, H. k II. It. It., Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh allej parlor cam on all trains bctwreen Mllkts-llJiif end New York, Plilladilphla, Butfalo and Sus pension Bridge. ROLI.1N II- WILBUR, Gen. Supt., 2tl Cortland street. New York. ....,,. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen Pass Agt., 2t) Cortland stieet. New York. A. V. NONNF.MACHER, Dlv. Pa.s. Ai.1., Soulh Bethlehem, l'a. A, , , For tiikets and Pullman uwrvatlons apply to 09 LicklwiBua avsnue, Sttauton, l'a. Mm 1GP -11M iLtiLf Ji 00000 Rather premature perhaps, to mention "Spring Goods" but we just want to call your attention to, our new line of Fomilard Silks amid Satins That have been spe cially gotten up and finished for our Holiday Trade Needless to say they are deserving of more than a passing notice. What more appropriate gift for Christmas than a Dress JPaittern of one of them ? Every Design Exclusive 51 -512 IACIAWAMA AVENUE RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAil Schedule In Effect May 27, 1900. Trains leave Scranton, D. &. H. Station: 6.45 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Hairisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg nnd the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Reading Norristown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m.,) for Sunbury, Hasris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts vllle, Beading, &c. week days. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsvllle, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J. It. Vt OOP, lien. rass. rtgs. J, B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. .'isr. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Elicit Dee. 2, 1000. South Leave Si ranton lor New lork at 1.4i, .1 (K). 5.50, S OJ nntl 10 M a. in., 12.55, 3 :U p. ni. For Philadelphia 11 1 K00 and 10.05 a. 111.; 12.5 nun and 3.3.1 p. m. Per Stroudsburg at tl 10 n. 111. Milk nicominodatlon at 3.40 p. m. Aiiiv'o "nt llobok... at 0.30 7.18, 10 28. I'.OS. 3.1.1, 4.1b, 7,1!) p. m. Arrive at Phll udeliilii.i nt l.Od. .12), 0ll ami S.22 p. 111. Ar llvt from Niw Ynil; at l.H). 4 ml and 10.2, a. m.; 1.C0. 1.52. .1.11. AH '"' l"i0 !' m- Ttom Miii'uilsliiiig at -".0.1 1. in, Jvmlh Leave Scranton for Buffalo and Intcr mt.ll.le -lath-in at l.M, 4.10. and "";'';: 1.3.1, 6. IS and 1I..11 p. m. lor Oiwego and Sjia (iiJ at 4.10 a. m. and 1.53 P- m. For Utleit LIU ii. m. and LSI P- m. For Montiose at t'.Oil a in ; I.01 iir.il 5. IS p. m. For Nicholson at I.OO and il. Hi p. m. For lllngn union i".o a. in. Ai- Fran Jloiitiusj ut 10.IX) 11. jn. ; 3.20 and S.M '''llloomslung Divl.lnn-I.rave Scranton for Noithumberlan.l at " 15. 10 U. .1. "' ! '' '" .1 50 P. 111. I'm Pljliiimtli at l.tVi, .'.40, K50 p. 111. For KliiRfton ut l-.iu a, ni. Arriie tit Ntirtli iberan, at : - m.; I.I". ""' "; P A ill.' ul lilius-lon at .s.12 a. 111. Arrive at. Plvinoilli at 2.00. 4.32. H.4.1 p. in. Airlie In Hi. it 11 from Ntuthumheilai.tl at 0. 2 ... in.; 1:- 450 and S.H P. m. r'lr-in hingslon at 11 im a. 111. I'l.'in I'lj mouth at 7.3 a. in., 3.20, 5-:r' '' '" hlJN-DVV TRAINS. South-Leave Hianlon 1,40, 3.t. 6IB, 10.01 a. "i-lph-Vinlnn at 1.1.1, 4.10 n. in.; l.M, n-inmlbulIiii.inn-LraveSe,.,nt,mat 10.0., a. 111. and 5.W p. m- New York, Ontario and Western B.R. TIME TABLE IN I'.PFl CT SUNDAY, NOV, 4, North Bouiul Trains, Leave Hiantou. 10.40 n, in. 0.00 p. in. Leave I'adovla. l.cave aiiiw Caibonilale. Cadosla, 11 20 a. 111. Loi p. m. Airlvi- Carboudile 0,10 p. in. bunt li Hound. Line Arrive Caiboiulalc, Fuaiiton, 7,10 a. m. 7.40 a, ni. M.ll n. in. 1.20 n. m. 2.03 p. ID c...,,i...i noli-. North Bound, k Li IH' All lie s'efanloii Carliondale.- Cadosia, Tioo'iin. Aiilve IM.hondalc 7.40 p .... leave l-0'11' AlllY .?,,. 1 (Miboudale. Snanlon. vaub.14. . 7 in a. in. 035 p. m. 1.1IIJ, J! III WELSH', Tra-cling I'astuiger Agent, Siran. ion, Erie nnd Wyoming Valley. Tlmis Table in Etreit Sept. 17, 1000. n-...t.... fAH ll,.Ll..v nml Ineal noints. lonnect Ing at Haivlej with Erie lalboid for New York, Neii burgh, ad Intermediate points, leave Siran- ,n.. ut 7 111 a. lit. and 2.25 It. 111. Tieiiu anlie at Suaulon at 10 3a P. 10 p. IU , m. snd Foulard pi Oflf MiKS I ve In M'laliinn iiom int. s .. - - and in no 1. ni ; S0 and S.00 p. ni. Iront Os wego and Mm use .11 2.51 a. in.; .., and b. 00 p. in. Fiom Ftlta at '. .1. in.;. 12.. and . ! ... , vt, 1,. ...... nt 7.M 11. in. nnd 1.00 p. r. , I. in in. . nn ... 5.51 P. HI 'l'. ,l,,j leailllL- Hllll'lun at 10.40 .1. 111. 1 and i.Ma. m- Sundavs. in ike New ork. Cmu wkll Mil 1 own. ViUllon. """fji "" oiiie, I'tle.i, Oneidi and Oswego .onneetlons Fr ft 1 her liifoiniitlon lonsult ticket agents . !:' l'l:;iSui.nv Co., I'.vs. Act.. Niw Yoik. ' t r f.