The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Communications of
a news nature, per
sonals and all Jtcm
(or piMtfJMU3Mtr
be ygagTJTtliK.Trlb'',
'pto. - -t.
. lift!...
.Bis Last Letter from Pokhi What
! lie Thinks of the Chinese
,'' Theater.
.'Mi.-. F. K. Jenkins has teculved. nn
ii'thcr loiter In diary form from hM
husband, Acting Surgeon Jenkins. XT.
ss. A., who la with the Ninth Infun-.ry
,ftt Pckln.' A number of Its paa.sngvs
( general Interest wo are prlvHBciI
1)i give "to our tenders today:
l'rkln, China, Hepr. ti.
Ninth liif.uitry Camp.
I il in my tent in my ."""t clnlr nml M t
write I raise my ri nml see the Immense
-tp And vnll which mark the inliamn to the
IVirHtdJCh VIW, wherein His tlic Imperial pnhic.
, trmrd Is in front of It; tho K.itc Is clowl
vit.(l no nnc i allowed t" ciilisr. Very few hare
lirn inside, the iimuii having nurenl t' keep
t,Ut. , .,
rrkln in Mirioiiniliil by an Itimiciioc wnll,
Iruldc of which Is the Chinese city, attain Inside
i.f tint is another wnll. inside ot which is the
Tartar city, then .mother wall Inildo of which
1 the imperial city nnd still another wall and
the forbidden City. Had the Chinese lint hecn
r.-ircd to death no human power ronld Invo
taken tin rlty. The walls nre 6f mud and hrlek
jinrl are slsty to seventy-live feci Midi anil wldn
enonsh lor fourteen horsemen to ride abreast.
Tlic gateways are imminsc structures of the Mine
mitcrhl, surmounted with great pigndai, which
ire aiscnals. 'I ho one near in is filled with bmvH
ami airows by the inllllon, tlic airows are spears
tipped with Iron. Tlic arsenals of Chlni all
.ccm to be tilled with obsolete arms and equip
ment"! which probably hae been here for hun
dreds of j ears.
September 20. I tun ooninioiicltur to look out
for sonic mail and t lieu we are soon to have
a full equipped podollicc. We are livlnjr J little
better hero and now hae lols of cues and occa
sionally some fresh beef mid mutton, and are
al-o aide to cet pears and apples. I have re-
lived a letter minuend itnry of the part r took
in the relief ot burned lliltish soldiers, a very
cood lcttir to possess. H.ive been on
the tnoe asaln. On the morning of Oct. t our
marines who weie actios ns provost Ruirds (that
K a polite) moved on their way out of the
ottntry, and n battalion of the Ninth Infantry
cu,i ordered to take their station, which is in
the Tartar City In the estate ol tlic eighth
prince I was ordcied with them as medical otli
cr nnd have spent tlic last two clajs Retting
moved and to work again.
October 10. I am probably the happiest man
in the whole outfit till tnnrnlnir, because en
tcrdiy I received twonty-eii;ht letters, which rep
iiscn't my mail up to .lulv S7. Yesterday I at
tinded, with all other United State officers, tlie
presentation of Clilncrp umlircllas to (ienerals
I hatfee anil Wilson, it is the custom ainons the
t hinese to prei-ent iinibrcllis to people whom
they wish to honor. These umbrellas nre imdc
of silk, with hanKi'iiBS, and aie covered with Chi
ne characters. The pirly was accompanied bj
i Chinis-e band and speeches were made. It was
a sirious affair to them, ludicrous to tis.
October 12. Last evening the ofllccri of the
Vintli infantry save an entertainment In the
ndiiers of the Fourteenth at the Canton club
house in the Chinese city. We had a theatrical
pirfoimanco by a first class Chinese theater com
pany, nnd afterwards a conceit by the four
teenth infantry band, nnd a spiead with lots to
eat and drink. The Chinese pertoimance was a
t.vpical Chinese affair and, of course, was the
siqnt of a life time. It mostly cuiisisted of
ranting around the .staife ill extravagant cos
tume, whidi, however, were elegantly gotten up,
with the faces painted hoiribly in all colors,
unhiding gold and silver, and every actor jcilu!
at flic top ,of his voice, as, in fact, mot every
t'lilnamin docs when he talks. All the while the
"uhestra, tousMing mostly of drums, cymbal",
sfmaky fiddles and horns, kept up the most In
It i nil din. There was, however, quite a won
ili rful acrobatic performance, which relieved the
monotony of the affair. Nothing cl-e has hip
pened etept tint 1 hale had more wnrk allotted
to me is Mitgeon for the piovost marshal; iinme
Jy, to inspect the whole district under our cnie,
look to its sanitary condition, go among the
people tn look for mnillpo and other contagious
diseases ani any other work that loiucs under
that. head. This takes up a great deal of my
lime and keeps me on horseback a good portion
of the day. China will never again be
as It wa.-', for eveiy nation will keep enough
soldiers hcte to protect its people. There will
be soldiers here in force for many years to come
and American troops especially will be here, for
the Chinese look upon us as the protectors of
their interests and as nation who is here to
prevent tlio European nations from gobbling up
their country and dividing it against them
sehes. October 17. In the morning after sick tall I
went up tn the Ninth headquarters to see- the
pii-ing through the city of the newly arrived
i.' field marshal, Count Von Waldeisee.
in us lined all the streets through which lie
I and lie was accompanied by all the com
i mi'"is of the various forces now lieie. 1 hear
a u. II authenticated riimoi today that I am one
if the doetors who will go to Manila. 1 hope
.it i true, for 1 ((read the whiter in a uiM
Oct. 10. Have been nidcicd to Manila eiy sml.
dridy. wlih the Fourteenth infantrj, as ' ex
pected." I' lea v this evening for Tim Tsin In
"tlWjfp.pLBOinp sick ones who shall lie under my
are until I reach the hospital there.
November tl. Sailed on ti.inport Win i en for
The Hembergor String Quartette.
it Is with pleasure that w nialto
noto of tho ontorpriso now under wny
by which the people of Carbondule
a'nd vicinity will have the pleasure of
intending it series of concerts, four In
number, by tho HurnberRer String
(Uini'totte, consisting of Professor
Tlicortore Ilemberger, Hist violin; F.
li. Wldmnyor, second violin; A. N.
Itlpnnl, viola, nnd T. II. Rlppnrd, vlo
Innccllo. These concerts tire to be given in tho
Ur'.w parish honso nnd will bo under
tlifmannxtitTiont of the Key.stoni) Iy
iVtim iPirrau of Wllkes-n.irre. The
representative of the bureau, AV, Li.
S'ltwart, is now In the city anil his ef
t'tirts to hocuro subscriptions suftlolent
toSlrnver tho expepso of the series lms
thiis far met with the best of success.
It s undorstootl that' another artist,
either soloist or reader, will assist nt
fhch of. these concorts. Tho first of tho
ferles will be given somo time In Kub
tunry. '
Gum Chewers TJewnre!
A penny-ln-the-slot machine, which
wris partially llllcd with gupt and pen
nies, was iletnplicrt from Its position
ffclm, Jtn front of tho storo of W." it.
M(?on4rr' Ki iielmont street some tint's
ilftjijiK JJilduy night. t was promptly
rnlisetl when tho store was opened on
Saturday ht'oYnliur, and Alderman Dot
cvitu's oiHce nt Si ljelmnnt street, dl
icxjtly opposite, was nulekjy nut,lleil of
tfio theft. Sleuth dllby, cimnected
wjjh tho'iilllelnl stiuf of the nldurinau's
eo,urt, w,af, Ijahtlly put on the trail ami
bf(oro im)ti; iipiii elapsyd, had
'i sir. alt Throat and I.uuic Affections,
It Gctthegeuulue. Rtfuieiiibstltutej. A
Vis sure
,alvKtluOUcureKnuiutUB.. J.3(CU.
f struck a clue, which, on folowlnp, pro
duced the remains of the mncninc,
puns sum, sans pennies, but otherwise
Intnet. The thief had ptied open tho.
front of the box nnd extracted Its
pnraftlnlo contents nnd their etiutva-
i . i . l.... ,.e it. r. i.niilni 'I'tlnprt
I lent 111 COPIJIT UUIIIM Ul lllir il-iiniii .........
Is a slight clue to the perpetrator of
the larceny but nil persons nciutcicu
to tho chowlim of the luscious tuttl
(milt ulimtli! ho heedful not to let the
I penetrating eyo of dllby rest upon
litem Willie indulging in mo imnii.
The Performance at the Grand for
Their Benefit Postponed.
Tonight was to have been the night
at the Grand opera house when the
iimatuur thespltins of tho city were to
have hud their smnll number of en
tries received, coupled with tho fact
that "The Ideals" opera here tonight
for their week o repertoire. Manager
Daniel 1". liyiite has concluded to post
pone tho amateur production for a
few days. On Friday night. In con
junction with lite play, tho aspiring
young actors will be given an oppor
tunity. Manager Uyrne has offeieil
three substantial prizes for the compe
tition, and all who desire to try for
,them should send their names In at
once. Thos who have already signi
fied their purpose to try nre MImm
Heat lice Hndglns, Frank Trallo", Wil
lie McIIalo and James Campbell.
The Shoemakers and Cobblers Will
Organize Tonight.
Now that almost every industry In
this section hits felt the need of organ
ization and has acted accordingly, the
shoemakers have come to the conclus
ion that they, too, want to be union
ized. As cobblers, they feel It to be tin
imperative duty to Improve their own
standing an well as that of others, and
tonight iv 111 meet at the shop of J.
Pldffeon, on South Main street, to dis
cuss this phase.
Although not averse tocutting leather
they draw the line, or the knife, at
that, and think It Is about time to put
a stop to the cutting of rates which
afflicts their trade. The lenders of the
reform movement believe that nearly
oveiy "last" man in town In the busi
ness will join the proposed union.
The Next Lecture Course.
The High School Literary society has
arranged for a course of lectures and
entertainments to be held in the audi
torium of tho central building. The ob
ject of the scheme is primarily to give
the students opportunity for insttuc
tlon and Incidentally to provide money
to pay off the balance due on tho school
piano. The course will begin Immedi
ately after the Christmas vacation.
The plan is to secure speakers of loc il
repute, and already arrangements have
been made to have addresses by Hon.
.1. J. O'Neill, ttev. II. .1. Whalen and
Colonel Frank Fitzsitnmons, of Sctan
ton. A glee dub has also been formed
among the students and talent from
this will help to provide entertainment.
"The Ideals" This Week.
The Ideals' opening play, "The
Paradise," tonight will be followed to
morrow night by the famou- romantic
military drama, "Northern Lights,"
being, like "The Lost Paradise," tin
almost entirely new production to local
theater goers. It Is presented In tho
same careful manner characteristic of
all the Ideals' plays, and will undoubt
edly attract a largo audience. Tho
"Musical Havens" introducing their
high class and novel musical act will
bo seen at all performances and will
undoubtedly score the .same pro
nounced hit here as elsewhere. The
usual parade by Howsou's Twentieth
Century band will take place this
morning at 11.30 o'clock.
Funeral of Mrs. Mary Palerica.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Paleilcn,
who died at her home in Electric court
early on Saturday morning, after nn
Illness of three weeks, was held at the
Church of St. Hose de Lima yesterday
afternoon at I! o'clock. A huge num
ber of carriages and many of her na
tive countrymen and women on foot
formed a procession, which proceeded
from tho house to the church.
Mi's. Pnlerlca wns born In Italy and
was the'' wife of Joseph Palerica. She
wns forty-six years of age, The sur
vivors are her husband and one daugh
ter. Interment was made In St. llnse
Mr. Moon Resigns.
Suuuilnteinlent John .Moon, of the
Carbondale lias company, has tendered
his resignation, to take effect on the
15th Inst. For thirty-one yeais ho has
been with the company, winnlnir pro
motion regularly by virtue of merit
until he reached the offlco of sttnoiin
teudent. Ho Is one of the oldest ics.
dents of the city, nnd Is generally oi
teemed, Ho has not yet disclosed his
plans for tho future, but It Is to be
Imped that he will leinaln In this city
In the future,
Funeral at Forest City.
Thomas Hell, one of tho pioneers of
Forest City, who died at his vesldenca
thore on Friday, will be burled In St.
Agnes' cemetery this morning. Under
taker A, O. Purple, of this city, will
have charge of tho funoial, Mr. Hell
was one of tho first settle) s In what Is
now this thriving boiotigh ami hud
muny friends In this cty.
Carpenters Will Smoke.
Tho members of Fodeial union, No.
7201, which Is composed nlmost exclu
sively of carpenters, allied with the
Ameilcan Federation of Labor, will
hold an enteitulnmcnt and smoker at
(heir lodgo rooms tonight. A number
of contractors will be the guests of tho
carpenters and Joiners, and It Is hoped
that by this means, of entortalnlng,
more friendly relations will exist be
tween tho employed and employer.
Almost Well.
Ljtt.l Mary Addley, who underwent
a sldn-graftlng operation uome months
ugo, Is now well on tho road to recov
ery, The patches of skin transposed
from tho mother's arm to tho chili's
breast have united to tho flesh and are
rapidly covering tho scalded purl. Tlia
little girl was recently removed from
tho hospital to her home.
fi.L. Hatfield, man
ager of the Carban
dale edition, will be
pleated to receive
callers seeldnj Infor
mation or desirous of
Imparting It. Tele
phone numbers: New
286: old, 0423.
Ari Engineer of the Delaware nnd
Hudson Road Has a Fall.
Warien Kills, an engineer on the
Delaware and Hudson railroad, and
who lives nt S5 ltlver street, mot with
nn acldcnt yesterday which may have
cost hltn his life, but from which ho
escaped with Injuries which will lay
him up for a few days. Ho had been
"marked oft" to go out with an engine
which had Just conic In, and tho loco
motive was run Into tho round house
and over tin ash jilt to dump the'oshes.
Oil can In hand he started to lubricate
the engine. Tho big engines take up
so much room that there Is but little
room between the brick walls and the
cab. This Is covered by sheets of Iron.
As Mr. Kills stopped alongside tho
engine his foot slipped and he was pre
cipitated Into tho nsh pit ten feet be
low. He went head first. There were
no hot ashes In tho pit, It having just
been cleaned, or he would have been
terribly burned. When he fell his hat
was on his, head, and this circum
stance probably saved his life. As It
was, his head was severely cut, his
shoulder Injured, and his thumb
sprained. Two Huns, working In an
adjoining pit, rnn to his aid, seeing
him fall, and when the reached hint
he was unconscious. They procured a
wheelbarrow and rolled him out. He
was soon conscious nnd was able to
walk home by easy stages, with help.
Dr. Wheeler attended hltn and assured
the injured man that no bones were
broken and that he would be around
at right In a few days.
Large Congregations the Rule Spe
cial Features at Some Places of
At the Hereon llaptlst church yes
terday large congregations assembled
at both servulcL'S. The pastor, Rev.
Dr. Whalen, spoke In the morning on
the theme, "The Fall of Man." In the
evening th" pastor gave an Illustrate 1
sermon, and in the course of it a scene
was shown upon the blackboaid, en
titled, "I Pave found the rock at last,"
illustrating tho newest song of Miss
Fannie Crosby, the notPtl blind mu
sician, whoso famous songs are known
.ill over the civilized world. This sohg
wtis sung as a solo by Mrs. Whalen
hist evening and its beautiful melody
was given with much expression and
At the; Fit si Congregational church
the pastor, itev. M. C. J'llllott. spoke In
tho morning: to a big congregation on
the topic, "Christian Deflnlteness." In
the evening a song service of twenty
minutes preceded tho sermon, which
was delivered by the pastor. The sub
iect he chose was "The Power of
Choice." Both of these services and
all the others held In the church yes
terday were preparatoiy to tho special
services to be held next Sunday, De
cision Day.
At the Young Men's union Hev. M.
C. Elliott uddresscd the audience that
gathered at -1 o'clock In the afternoon
on the theme of "Religion as a Ilusl
ness Proposition." This service was
also a preparatory one for next Sun
day in the Congregational church.
At St. Paul's Lutheran chinch Hev.
F. Ehlnger, the pastor, delivered two
sermons during the day. In the even
ing the lessons for Christmas wore
given' out and preparations made to
celebrate the holiday in. accordance
with Lutheran custom,
The Church Revealed.
The scaffolding which has so long
disllgured the front of St. Hose's church
and which had become stained and tar
nished by the elements, hns nt last
been entirely icmoved, the strewn frag
ments removed, nnd yesterday the wor
shippers were gratified at seeing the
handsome edifice entirely free from its
dinging planks. Tho last board was
thrown clown on Saturday morning and
shortly afterward a force of laborers,
with brooms and other cleaning ap
paratus, swept up the lawns and u
wagon carted It away. Preparations
arc now almost completed for the re
dedlcation of the church next SuiidnY.
Sons of Veterans Elect.
At the last regular mooting of George
E. Randolph' camp. No. 13S, Sons or
Veterans, the following officers weie
elected for the next year: Captain, J,
S. HalKstead; llrst lieutenant, F. II,
Smith; second lieutenant, I. II. Cohin;
amp council, J, A. States, A. C. Sher
inorhorn, K. T. Kelly; delegato-at-largo
to the division encampment, C. S. Alex
ander; alternate, V, J, Finch; delegate
to tho division encampment, W. M.
Hnbbs; alternate delegate, Walter Haw
kins. Thanks to Helpers.
i'iinlt Guild desires to thank all
who so kindly helped to make their
recent lair a success. Ai tides left un
sold fiom this fulr will be disposed of
nt private sale at the home of Mis. II.
C. 1'erklns. As quite a number of de
sirable articles wore left over, owing
to the bad weather whllo tho sale was
111 pi ogress, this should he a good
ehnnco to securo them at a i educed
A Dad Injury.
A little son of Mr. and Mis. .lames
Addley, of Forty-second street, mot
with n painful accident on Snturday,
He was playing with his little sister
and fell backward, striking the jagged
edgu of a bottle, The glass penetrated
deeply, causing a serious wound In the
hip. Ho was lemnved to tho Emer
gency hospital, where it was said last
evening he Wns doing very nicely,
A Bail Jumper Captured.
Wliinus Hull who jumped a ball bond
under which he was held for trial
last Juno, and whose bondsman uis
lately been having proceedings
brought to recover, came back to town
it day or two ago, Constable E, J,
Neary wns on tho lookout for him and
on Sattuduy put him In tho cltv jail.
At 7 o'clock that night the constable
look him to Sciauton and lodged hlitv
In the county jail.
Poor Taxes.
Anil now It Is the collector of poor
taxes who Is giving notice, of the tlmo
; being due to pay tithes. J. W. Hnr-
elt, tho collector, sayi that ull taxes
of this nature now due and unpaid by
January 1, three week from tomor
row, will be placed In the hands of an
alderman for collection,
An Altar Lost.
Tho now nltar for St. Rose'a church
has gone astray, It was last heard of
nt Hobotten. It Is thought It has been
snipped to nnothcr Carbondale, prob
ably In Illinois.
Atl the societies of the church are
to meet this week and arrange for a,
parade to escort visiting prelates to
tho parochial residence on Saturday
night nt 7 o'clock,.
A Challenge.
The Young Indians of this city chal
lenge any foot ball team under thir
teen yents of age to a game to be
played on Sandy's field next Saturday.
ThoniBH Gnrvey, manager; John Camp
bell, captain.
A Future Resident.
F. M. Carpenter nnd Charles Dlm
mlck have left the Ontario and West
ern section gung to become brukomen
on the same rond. Mr. Dlmmlck will
move to Carbondale In the near future.
Dime Entertainment.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the First
Methodist Episcopal church will give a
dime entertainment this evening. The
ladles have prepated a fine pro
gramme. New Foresters.
At the meeting of Daniel O'Connor
court, Ancient Order of Foresters, on
Friday evening several new members
were Initiated.
Forty Hours Devotion.
The Forty Hours' (Jevotlon for the
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart at St.
Rosa convent dosed yesterday morn
ing. Meetings Tonight.
Common council.
Olive Leaf Lodge, No. lnO, I. O. O. F.
Federal union, No. 7201.
At the Grand Opera House.
Tonight "The Lost Paradise."
Tomorrow night "Northern Lights.'
The Passing Throng.
Dr. David Ralley was In Scranton on
Carl. Gould, of Shnmokln. who has
been visiting In this city, has gono
Miss Ada tlodie, of Haines, h.iv re
turned to that place, after a week
spent In C.irbonCr.le.
Mr. and Mrs, Randolph Mason, tieo
Allfes Helen Albright, hnvc returned
from their wedding tour.
Mrs. W. H. Turn, of Helmont street,
returned home Saturday, after a
wejek's visit at Nineveh, where her
husband has charge of an extensive
lumber business.
A Statement from the Defendant
in the Famous Sidewalk Case.
Last Proposition.
The borough council held a regular
session last Friday evening, the mo
ceedings being mote than ordinarily in
teresting. Secretary Jones lead the fol
lowing statement and proposition from
Stocker Bros, regarding the sidewalk
ease, which was recently tried before
Judge Kelly, In which tho borough en
deavored to secure the cost of laying
the sidewalk In front of their property
on Bacon and Second streets:
Now that the above laso has bun (lied mil
in lourt and nuttett coniMled tlieievvith gt-nci-ally
ventilated, we wish In make the following
statement and pmposition:
First .1. D. Sleeker and Moekcr Dies, weie
anion; the hist to 1 ij' Monc II.ik udi walks on
all their .Main street piopeitlcs, and this b
fcte ai.y olfettive sidewalk uidmaiiee was pissed
M'conil On July h, IS'i;-, with about twenty
other citizens, .1. D. blockci luce, the boiuush
.auiicil. nt their leijuest. in the boiouuli Inilhl
iui;. This request was ill the .shape of a notiie
helved em cat h part.v likely lo lie luteiested,
which was to the clfcl tint council was inliiu;
inu to ict'i-ider passing 1111 oidinaniv providing
for l.i,i inir sidewalks on the following s(nets, to
wit: Main sued, Mcond, and .stub poilinm of
Mil on. Cemetery nnd II streets .H lie between
Main and second strectn. Nf.irlj eveiy person
on whom nolLe had been seived objected stiitm
ouly to any such action on tlic pirt of council,
fiajlii? that I'CriiifC of the lecent bald times
they tciihl not ulfoid such tin outlay. To these
people, meinbeia of the council Mr. Svvlek In
particular that they did not to op
press any one: that they meiely wauttd im
elfeettvc ordinance in fmce o that they could
lepalr certain sldivvalU which weie nt lint time
In bad condition, .1, II. Stocker vvai not one
of those wlio uiscd the above objection. Hut
he did my he would hy his walk if niieli an
ordinance ae they proposed was passed, provid
ing they would Klve him a special guile mi
Hut he would not have to damigc his own
piopeity, by cutti'iir down oliide trciw, lowcilmr
lence, etc. Soon after this he left and it was
not until later he learned that an oidiuaine
wjk passed. This ordinance provides for a Ron
eral made end also a tpeclal grade viheie ap
pllid foi and when lo council) it .shall seem nee-
tsury. At this Mine tneeiliiB a committee w'ld
appointed tn center with .1. B. Stocker on tho
Mibject of hpedal giade, This fact appears en
the minute book and may lie been I'V any ta
pajer. In wriiiimi of their duly the committee
Mine to mp me and their conference with nie
was, appneutly, most ftlendly. We discussed
Ihe iiieitlnn of grade and also the injection of
ilaniixca. I, at that time, olfensl to refer all
ilirferciueH between us to aibitraturs each party
to appoint win and the two thus appointed to
appoint another, and I olfered to give bonds to
abide by their deei-inii, If they would. Tiny
proml.sid tn lepmt linn nlfir nml also my re
quest for a spiel il giade tn council,
J was M'rioiisly clik nearly all of the jununcr
and fall of 18')S and unable tn tret about much. I
heard nothlnir further from council until Oct.
13, Itt'H, when I learned tint a force of men
vveto at work on my property on llaron street,
and later I learned, as was the fact, Mvorn lo
by the boiough'ii own vvltni'fefii, that council md
on Oct, 12, !!, adopted a special grade for
my properly, and It wns In puriiuanee of this
icsolutlon that they liegan work the net morn
ing. Now, as stall d above, I was ill nt this time
and usually letired eatly. Presumably, theufore,
this resolution was jusmsI after I went to lml
and they certainly began work before I got up.
'flaw It Is apparent In any one Hut I coiil.l
have hid im until e, actual or roiistruilive, of il.,
peclal grade. Neither did I li i any legal
notice, uu ieiiilics bv statute, of the gineral
II was upon these tuts that Hie horou.'h went
In trial and weie noii'sullul, 'Hull nun I est I
muny filled to net foilh a oulflcient cause of
action uml the court decided in my favor with,
ml the Introducing n any pvldeiue in my own
behalf whatever.
Now- il may be claimed tint vvi should nut
luve our sidewalk built for iiolhlii'. With
that sentiment, us tupaeis, we will uyree, Hut
we will not t.y the iruts ot a suit unjustly
Joiced upon us. We will not pay a finey pilej
for mateilul a priie made possible leeuiisc nt
ll.e collusion or iiitlinite huiluevi relatione of flic
iii.trn.tjii- with certain nlfliluU in ulrtce at Hat
time, hy means of which he was enabled to
charge the lioiuugli the taxpajcrs ut liiut isia)
nine than they would luvj hid to piy fur the
same material themselves and liavu still Ihe iiiual
I tofits.
In tonsid?rutiou nt the above facto J, .1, J),
Slocker,.liercliy inike the following pioposilicn lo
the bniouvli of Kliilin:
I will agree lo ufei all illlieiuiiis between
The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es
tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur
ing the Holidays.
Have Been Provided for the Christmas Trade.
Prices will be made extreme low and terms reasonable.
Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get
prices and see what money will buy.
Remember the P!aceG tier nsey Hall
314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor-
lis to a boanl of atbitialoi's, lo be i hoscti ..s
almve suiTKestiil. 'Jhis boaid shall lonsidei both
the nupioviinent which the IioioukIi ha. luade to
cur prnporli by kijin;: the sidewalk, and a!s
the il.imii;e which they did If our oth.M vrnpeilv
on llacuii stieet. 1 will bind m.vsclf to be IiiiiiU
and lln.illy bound by their decision and auric to
discontinue all suits whieh I at piesent m i.v have
against the Imimi'di. if the boioui;h will, mi its
put, bird Itself and so .isreo.
I consider this a lair piopositiou. f elesiie only
to be lift in us jrid condition in ickiiiI In thee
propeitlcs as I bcfoie. I lisle no concessions
oi incscnis tiniii the hoiiitigh. It this piopooiti'Mi
is nut nieeplable. the law must take its eoui-e
and the boioiiRh will be responsible foi tl ul-
lonie, vvlutever il in i.v be.
After ti sbort discussion It was, by
motion of Mr. Stanton, decided to i;i
polnt a committee of tlirco councllmen
to meet 31 r. Stocker and arranire to
arbitrate tbe matter. Mcshis. Badger,
Wheeler and' nawlincr were appointed.
Superintendent Geuhanlt was present
and stated it' council would ajjieo to
make a contract with the Klcetilc
Light comjiany for a specified teim of
years the comjmny would ninke a re
duction from the present cost of $" tn
$7-'.u() per Hunt ppf yenr. If the coun
cil would contract to tnkii the llirlts
for ti term of ten yeais the I'oinjinny
would either reduce the lights to $70
per year or pay Into the borough treus
ury the. sum of ?C00. The matter was
laid over for future consideration.
Councilman Kdmunds drew attention
to the damage and annoyance caused
the proprietor of the Sweeney house
throuyh the lack of :i sewer to carry
off the water from Vtu.shbtook street
after heavy rains, ami after consider
able discussion It was deckled to have
the street commissioner make a new
sewer and do uw.iy with the nuisance
complained of.
A communication was also read fiom
Attorney Donahue, of Scranton, In
which Andrew J, Gavin claimed duin
nges to the amount or $1,200 done his
property, on Second street, by reason
of lllllng In and changliii,' the grade of
the street some time ago. No action
.van taken In the mutter.
Patrick Illoomer. of the Thlrrt ward,
nnd Dr. S. D. Davit were appointed n
111 vacancies on the board of health,
and council endorsed the nppnlntinoiits.
Considerable discussion was had In
regard to the heutlnir of the boiough
building. A motion wns llually adopt
1 that a furnace be put In the Jail,
nnd that the whole of the liorounh
building be heated by this method. Ths
motion was adopted by a ea and nay
vote. A. Moon, Wheeler, T. Moon,
.Badger and Scull voting for the fur
nace and Davis, Itawllng and Stunlon
llfsllitlSt It.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson colliery will lecotve. their nav
this nfternoon.
Stops the Cough
nnd works off the Cold.
Laxative Hromn. Quinine Tablets
cuie u cold In one day. No Cure, No
I'ay. Price 23 rents.
The Chtistiaii Kndeavor society n
the Congregational church will hold tin
cintiiitalnmi'iit In the church this even
ing when tho following excellent pio
gramme will be tendered; Addles,
David 1'.'. Lewis; phonograph selection,
H. 13. Matthewson; lecltntlou, t'leitle
Hanniek; jihonogruph selection; solo,
Delos Davis; recitation, Molllo Han
nlel:; phonograph selection; solo, Annie
Jones: locltatlon, May I'vana; phono
graph selection. At the conclusion of
the progiiiiiiine refreshmuiita will be
served. Tickets, adults, 15 cents, chil
dren, 10 cents.
V. L. Kennedy, of llltighaintnn. Is
vlbltlog his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1.
V. Kennedy, of lllakely,
The borough council will meet to
night and seveial iniportunt matters
will be considered. Kleetriclan Dai tils
will report on the condition of the elec
tric light system as he has found it
after his recent tour of Inspection.
Several opinions aie also expected
fiom the borough atteiney regarding
legal matters.
The school boanl will meet at the
central school building tonight.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary
MeGinty was held fiom the home of
her sister, Mrs. John D.iliv, on Dun
tuoiv slrel. yesterday afternoon at "
o'clock. The icinalns were taken to
St. I'utilclt'K church, where the ser
vices for the dead were read by Uev.
P. J. Murphy, who also pteaehed a
short tunernl sermon eulogistic of the
deceased. Interment was made lu St.
Patrick's cemetery. There was a large
attendance of friends at the obsequies.
Frank. McLaughlin spent yesterday
at Plttston.
.Miss Lizzie Kdwards, of Taylor, vis
ited relatives in town yesterday.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Chuieli
of Immaculate Conception will hold a
grand supper in the basement of the
edifice tonight. A musical programme
has been arranged. Among those who
will take pint aie the Misses Little und
Mehin. Miss Kate Ueaidon and Miss
McGee, Mr. Monagan nnd others. There
will be two door prlsses, a parlor lamp
and ti water set. Tickets, thirty-five
The are light placed recently at No.
1 school building, on Noith Main street.
Is meeting with the approval of the
residents In that vicinity.
Tbi'ie Is a strong sentiment among
the members of the Price Library asso
ciation and the Young Men's christian
association In favor of combining as
one organization.
The United Mine Win Iters Drum
corps. No. 101'i, pniaded the principal
streets of our borough on Saturday
H. F. Kwni'tsi. t'onneiiy employed by
Judge & Co., has opened a green
grocery store In the Ilorger building on
Alain street.
A large representation of Taylor thu-Ure-goeis
witnessed the iierfornuinee
of "Away Down Knst," at the Lyceum
theatre, Scranton, on Saturday even
ing. The addioss ulven by Itev. C, 11.
Henry nt the Price Library rooms on
Friday was very Instructive anil Inter
estlug throughout.
Miss Gertrude Aten, of Maid Mount,
has been the. guest of Miss Grace Dav
enport, of South Taylor, for the past
few days.
Kmblem division, No. ", Rous of
Temperance, will meet In regular ses
sion this evening.
.Mrs, Inane rsoujnnilii. of llelluvue.wns
tho guest of her daughter, Mis, Daniel
Williams, In Ninth Taylor, on Satur
day. Mrs. David J. Davis, of Hyde Piik,
visited at the homo of her paieuts, Mr,
and Ali'H. Jacob nubbins, .f I'nlon
si net, yesterday. '
Itev. John .McLaughlin, of Die ctithe
dial, was u visitor tit the. home of bis
parents, on Union stieet, yesteiduy.
Mr. William Kvans has rctuineil from
a two months' visit with relatives In
CutiiHiiuiuii, Pa-
Miss F.dlth Powell, of Plymouth, Is
visiting lelatlves In town.
S. J. Horiibakei' Is 111.
Frank Nn.ick. who bus been III with
scarlet fever, Is able to be out again,
K. N. Swarts has abandoned 111
elder milking for this season and bus
applied his power for threshing and
Guernsey Hall
D 1
Established 1866.
Furs and Fur Garments of
all kinds, and our prices are
low, it is iu fact unsafe to
pay less. Call aud see our
Laylored Suits Jackets. Long
Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces
Boas, Muffs and Children's
Furs. We carry these in full
Furs repaired.
as soon as this Is through will Hpply
his wood power for sawing wood.
Mrs. Nixon and Mrs. Heterson, of
Nil Aug, weie the guests of friends
here recently.
rSctlla lliovvn hits been ill for the past
Joseph Kohlun u will soon move with
his family 10 Sri union.
Charles Xouk visited bis daughter,
Mrs. Davis, at '"Imhurst, Thursday.
S. M. Watts, of Kingston, N. Y.. will
spend a few weeks with his parents
here. ,
The funeral of Mr, James Hall, who
tiled Saturday night, will occur Tiles
day at. 1.80 p. ni. from tho homo of Mine
Foreman Langan, on Depot htreut. The
lemnlns will be taken tn the St. JaniPs
chinch, from there to the depot find
will be conveyed to Pittston on the ".'.O."
Delaware and Hudson train for burial.
Mr. Hall ciuuo lo this town In August,
1S0S, from Plttston, where ho spent ovei
fifteen years as mine foreman. He as
mimed a similar jiosltlou at tho Ster
rlek Creek mine of tills place ut the
tlmo of his death. Mr. Hall wns well
known throughout the valley, anil
leaves n largo number of friends to
mourn his loss, Ho Is survived by a
wife lu this place and four sisters, .Mrs.
Thomas nutchford, Mrs. Joseph Qulnu,
Mrs. Thomas Walsh and Mrs. John
Nowhait, and four brothers, Tliuiuns,
John, llenrv anil Joseph, nil of Pitts
ton. Miss liesslo liinwn. of Carbondale
fornieily of this place, bus been vb-lt
lug friends In town.
Tho school board hold a very Inter
estliio' meeting at their quarters Saiur.
day evening.
Among th teui'lieis who attended
the local institute ut Prlcebuig wern
.Mr. Moyles, .Misses Agnes aud Anna
Lawler and Miss Anna McAndiew, of
.Mr, McDonnell, of South Sei union, Is
visiting trleiids in town
Miss Maine McAlldrew, school teacher
at the High school, lslted her paients
at Moscow nn Sunday,
Tuesday evening u social will be held
at Sweeney's ball fur tlui benellt of
Jainea Hunney, who had his shoulder
blade broken In a guiue of foot ball re.