The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 10, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Difficult for Operators to Oot Coal to
Points Where It In Moat Needed.
Present State of the Iron Market.
Manufacturing Concerns In General
Report That the Forolgti Trade
Is Very Heavy Rumored Changes
In the Paesonger Service of the Le
high Valley.
Thin week's loiter In the KiiBlnour
Intf ntul Mining Journal, has the fcl
lotvlni? to huv about the anthracite
cnnl trade.
'flic ilemnnil for Inn) loal iuiiIIiiui-h I'll'1.! llie
opti.ilora find It illlllctill jel t cl forwiinl il
In thn iinlnn whirr It Is limM uatitnt unit iiki
me wry flrtn. Ciiiiiiiiiiitl,, nil iii!wui."r
Hlorlw j'uout Imci of million nf ilollnM tr .'
nnilit of tlu airlift.1 nil- touch .v.irn, It imtliliur
Tiorec Consumer Ju nil iHitlirjillp-lnmilnir ifP
llti.ry uuiit cnnl. Throughout Hip twit ami
nnttfiwrat .it Inland points ami uloiii? tin- In
liiiitl MUboaitl the iiuiciil romMiiJllon of lir.il1
ilrmnml ntul (food prliet Imt not been ciiulleil
I p. j Mire. l.ikp tiuiiialloti l stilt open and the
ii li'lns and tranpoit.itluii cnnituiiilt .ire Irilhi?
tlulr host to not in.ll foiwnrri, n ruvUiillmi i"y
ritr imy day.
lliu mitpimnt mI Imni llutfalo, ictwli!'
iiIiik Hi" Idti'ipvs of th fi'.'iuii and llii- tl.iiii.vr
uf slorni", li litfity, lint lln-re nic Mill to he
nuny lo.nlid ran itandliiK on tnuki llirre twitt
ing "for liouK Tin.- uuit-. of luir.l .it
Diilulli arc still fully .mMWO ton linlnw lift
jiui'ii flames at thl tli.ic. rtii- Illicit lake
fiilltlit latcs, 75c. fiom Uull.ilii to Like Jlldilwi
lw.rli., will pmlulilv help ri'd.irc llie moU'tmiit
of foal liy ttiitpr to ('nlt-into Imltory. Kiriipla
l.r rail mid lako ire Mill hihuv iliiiuiiiU
Climlmit i tlio lrp liio-t uantul. In tin.- past
roiiiniincm at points uil uf Cape Coil hit (oni
ons and thesp VaIr .11 Huston tln iloluvnl
.iliciiiK onlpr .mi, now utter coal lit uionl any
prlcp, so sjMit piul oninidnih a piernlnrn.
Hid licfilhcr li Inli-iUiliiK tilth iojslic triwu
portallon, and down e.i-t i.itumr Mill LnA
mil IiIkIi this winter.
Tlicrt' tile iilruul.v iiinijii of .1 grtJt sliike
In Hip ficltli iipm Apill. H 11 not unlikely
dial thi; operators will then undiltaku lo Millie
the wsco questi'm lor wjiiip time. At pteilit
tlio mlno empl)i4. putlcul.irly Hie lonnu men
.mil l.riiikcr li,w, (In not seem to ii.illze ln'
p.iit that" lutloml iiolltks pl.i.vod In Mtlli.g
the leicnl strike ai.d :.! ii'clincil to Moji work
on tcry in.ill piotcc.itioii.
IVo continue to ipioli frpp-limniiiir wtiitc ali
f. 11. b. Xpw Yolk I1.11U01 twn .in follows:
Itlutien, ?0; cai,', L'J.i! Mine and nut, t.jfl;
po.i, a.
At PltMmifi: fully U.ikmi.ikW Ini-lidi of coal
wrip shippwl (luiii.i; tin- Mcok, .1 luf,;e part of
width was destined lor the Nov Oilcan i1Uil.1t.
Condition of the Iron Market.
Tlio iron tiaile wai uomparatlvely
'lulct Inst weok. with an absenef; of
tlio November excitement. More ln
'inlry than salosi 1 lcportod by brok
irs. Consumer! aic willing' to buy,
but erroneous opinions seem to exist
as to the probable course of pi ices.
iV lat'Ke business Is reporter! In
stiucturnl steel, barn and merchant
stool. Pome 'orders for rails have
been placed, though th railroads are
lioldins- back all except absolute ne
cessities. Plates are In fair demand.
The r.illioads wll make a reduction,
piobably of 40e a ton, in rates from
i'ittsbur to the seaboaid. This is
distinct from the ri-ditptlon on export
Discussion of ne:t s ear's prices on
me and fuel lias already begun. Noth
ing definite has yet ben decided as
to ore prices, though furnaeeinen eeni
cnnlldent of a lower rale on Lake Su
perior ores. Some contract!' for cok"
have been made at $2 a ton, f. o. b.
ovens, and that rate sc'ins to be K''"
erallv ntcL'ptcd a ptobable for the
Big- Foreign Trade.
r'roin manufacturing com cms all
over the country come nothina but
the most glowliiK reports of the mag
nitude of the fotelKn trade carried.
A few Instances follow:
Oermxn railway Interests have con
Iracted with the Illclunond, Va Lo
comotive works for twenty-four im
pioved locomollvc. The same con
cern has lis employes working on
twelve locomotives to be delivered in
Finland In March nr Apt 11. It Is gov
ernment work and the Finland au
thorities wanted thlrty-uix locomo
tives In all but the Viiginians wore
unable to turn them out in the wpecl
Med time.
The Schenectady, X. Y.. Locomotive
works are preparing ten freight loco
motives for the Cape Government
railways in South Africa.
The B. F. Hturtnvant company, of
llo.ston, has an especially heavy for
i'Irii trade and repot is m tiers for en
irlnefi, blowers and oilier apparatus,
aggregating two hundred, for Japan,
seventy-five for Russia, furty for Qer
tnanv, thirty-two for Canada, and
twenty-four for Sweden, and a num
ber of smaller deals Willi Cuba, Mexi
co and South anil C1-utr.1I America.
Changes on the Lehigh Valley.
Many rumors ate In the air, regard
lug contemplated and important
chanRcs In the passenger service on
lite Lehigh Valley Uallroad. U Is
said that tialnmaster on the "Wyo
ming division, C-. L. riurke. has been
offered the MincTlntcndt'tiey of the
Mahunoy and Hiulelou division,
(hotild Stiperlntenilent Keith decide to
take, clan so of the New York anil
Pennsylvania division. It Is generally
understood that Supeilntetulum Keith
has decided to take the post.
Another 1 unior i to the effect that
passenger ciews, Instead of running
from .lei-coy City to ICastou, and
tlieneo to Sayre, will henceforth run
from Mnuch Chunk to Sayre, The
fact that the Kast Matieh Chunk en
sine house, which up to a few months
ago was used us a stoie house, has
been cleaned up and arranged for the
housing of engines, may have cuuped
the rumor,
A New Local Union.
The wave of labor organization which
accompanied the arrival of Organizer
Fred Dllcher, of tho United MlnoWork
ers, Into the city has now struck the
female domcstlcb of the city, and It Is
very likely that within a few weeks the
household iiueens wll have formed a
local union.
For some time past theie has been
talk of a servant girls' iind chamber
maids' union, but no .steps towards or-'
glinlzatlon have ever been tukijii. Or
ganizer Dllcher has received u com
munication, however, asking him lo or
jtiimWo the domestics, and with the aid
of one of tho Labor Federation officers
this will be done.
The Next Convention.
The next convention of the American
Federation of Labor will In all llkell-
hood be held In this city. The general
nentlmer.t'of the convention seems to
he In favor of Surantoii, and Ooorna H.
dothler, the local delcgnte Ir working
Industriously to secure It. '
Several telegrams of ti very sanguine
nature havr been received from Mr.
Clothier, nnd Friday night Organizer
Fred Dllcher.of the United Mine Work
uri' association, received 11 telegram
which was of n very encouraging na
ture. It was from President John
Mitchell, of the mine workers, and
stated that the convention was prac
tically an assured thing for Scranton.
Today's D., X. ft W. Board.
Today's U , X,. and W. board Is as
Sunday, Ucp. .
G p. in.- A, H. Ketcliiim,
h i. m.--ll. Ilonnett,
II i. tu.-ll, T. rtlloni-,
Moii'lm, Pro. 10.
wild cats mar.
MM a. 111. -II. Dolieit.i.
!l . 111. John Swnrti.
4 a. m.-r. (lllllgan.
tl a. 111. II, Ciistlipr.
X 11. in. (). ltandolili.
Itl.W a, in. T. Niiumaii.
1 p. in. II. HNIilnif. ,1, KntiN linn.
2 p. in. D, Wallace,
:1.45 p. m.-O. Kearno.i.
LIS p. in. ,t, tleirlt;.
S.W a. in,, upat II, Krounfelkcr,
II a. m wilt-W. If. Xlclinl".
J p. tn., west 1. C.irrli?i?.
:i p. in., pain .1. Jloler.
",VO p. in., punt II. (Illliitaii.
7 p. 111., Weil, from I'o.vukk, " piigllie W. It.
Mi faitie,
T p. 111., emt. fiom Nay Aug, !i ftialliM K. H,
10 a m. V. fJ. Spior.
5 a. 111., Ilouncr.
11. JO u. 1n.--.M11r.111.
7 p. in. Murpliy.
1.) p. tn. A. II. Hon p.
7 a. 111. Mullen.
S a. in. O. W. Kitzicuralit.
11 a. in. 0. Tliomat. Itoj-cn inn. ,
12 noon II Smith.
1 p. til. Kltiiciley.
1 p. in. J. K. llaslprs.
.'! p. in. J. Barber.
4 p. 111. ('. W. Dunn.
. p. 111." T. .1. '
5.S0 p. m. ". Kirliy. A. !. IliilntiilU'i men.
il p. m, --.I. Caliairnn.
7 p. 111. llaircerty.
7. SO p. in. (.'. Ilaitholoimw.
H p. n. O. CvKe.
This and That.
(Jentnal Organizer Sam 1). Xediy,
ot the American Federation of Labor,
was In the city Friday. He Is tour
ing Pennsylvania, Maryland and Dela
ware in the Interests of the Typo
graphical union. ,
A movement Is on foot to divide
Local No. 808, the big organization of
North Scranton mlnets, Into locals of
each breaker represented. Th mat
ter was discussed at Wednesday
night's meeting of the local.
The Seneca Coal company Is putting
in an extensive plant at Plttston to
furnish steam to both the Twin and
Coxey shafts and the breaker. The
new plant Is to be In every respect
up-to-date and will do away with the
old cylinder boiler. It is of the tubu
lar manufaetuie and Includes sixteen
boilers of over 00 horse power. It
will do away with twenty cylinder
boilers at the Twin shaft alone. Work
on the foundation walls is already
neating completion.
It is announced that the New Eng
land das and Coke company, of Bos
ton, has contracted for 60,000 tons of
slack or run-of-mine coal from the
Pittsburg district, to be used in Its
coke and gas plant, near Boston.
Heretofore this plant has used Nova
Scotia coal. It Is understood, how
ever, that the Dominion Coal com
pany til present can sell its Cape Bre
ton coal in Canada at batter prices
than aie obtained under Its contruct
with the New England company. Just
now , therefore, there is an advantage
In buying Pittsbuig coal, which Is also
of better quality than the Novu Scotia
A Foreigner Who Criticizes Tendency
to Gold Fillings in This Country.
1'roin (lie Xew York ai.n.
"The dentists of this country," said a
foreigner, "may be the best In the
world and their success In all other
countries has indeed proved thai, but
Il Is nevertheless the fact thai one
sees mote gold in the mouths of the
women here than could be found any
where else In the world. Jt may be
that dentistry Is cheap and In the
reach of everybody. Whatever the
reason, this peculiarity is nol a beau
ty of American women, and if the prac
tice Increases during the next ten years
as it bus during the pasl decade there
will be still more to crltlelw in the
looks of the women. I saw an actress
the other evening whose mouth might
have served for a dentist's sign, so
carefully were all her teeth built up
with gold. She was not supposed, of
course,, lo be anything beautiful and
was a comedienne to be laughed at.
Nevertheless she would have been very
much more entertaining If the amount
of gold had not been so very appar
ent. In Europe many of the dentists
haw used with women tho new por
celain fillings, which aie white, and In
nearly every way exactly like the nat
ural teeth, The gteat defect In them
Is th9lr frailness, They .are very like
ly, for instance, to break after one
suddenly drinks cold water or diop
out of the tooth as easily as If they
had never been put there to stay. The!
effect while It lasts Is, of course, very
much moie likely to Increase the ap
pearance of the mouth, but the system
as a substitute of metal has not been
a siicees.
"fivery now and then one hears of
Mime new Invention to lake the plate
of gold, So far they have all failed.
Now a new formula has been discov
ered which Is said to combine thn vis
ual merits of the porcelain with the
enduring property of the gold. In
that case many women will have cutis"
to be grateful and ro will men who am
weary with the sight of women with
gold in their mouths. A great many
of them who stand In need of this
kind of treatment gel In such a condi
tion through rubbing their teeth too
much and too hard. I read the other
day of a man old enough to know bet
ter who advised everybody to clomj
their teeth thiee minutes twice u day,
He. said that at least three minutes of
hard rubbing was necessary, and as
a shorter time could produce no good
lesultH, he advised everybody to do this
Hrst by the clock In order to get Info
the habit. A dentist told me that this
would certainly rub the enamel on the
strongest iceh If It were kept up. It
Is just as bad as the idea that some
persons have that a stiff tooth brush
so hard that It Is almost painful Is til's
best kind. As a matter of fact a tooth
brush to be properly used should al
ways be soaked for several minutes,
at least ten and not mora than fifteen,
In a glass of water, Then it will not
only do Its work much better, but
prove advantageous Instead of Injur
ious to the teeth." '
The Kind That Carries Con
fiction to Every Scran
ton Reader.
Conviction must follow such em
phatic proof as Is given here. The
testimony of Scranton residents should
satisfy the most skeptical. Here Is a
Scranton case. Head It and see it
doubt can exist In the face of this
Mrs. M. Kvans, of 1832 Washburn
street, says: "I had backache for at
least three years, not always real bad,
but It grew gradually worse. 1 saw
Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and
got them In Matthews Brothers' drug
store. They began to help me within
a week, and from that time l grow
better rapidly until cured."
For sale by all dealers. Price, 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
Wherein It Differs from the Style in
Vogue Here.
W. Ik Ouli in i:liiiaitu Itecord.
In Chins nothing changes. Every In
stitution, every custom and every Idea
Is based upon a foundation laid In the
da'n of Noah and Abraham. Sover
eigns reign and die, dynasties rise and
fall, and even foreign powers Invade
the empite and assume the throne, but
the Institutions of the country retnuln
Immutable, absorbing rather than be
ing absorbed by the foreign element
that occasionally Intrudes. The poli
tics, the social customs, the Inws, the
habits, the forms of procedure all con
form to the Ideas expressod by ihe
ancient sages, who were glfud with
perfect wisdom.
The manner of examination of candi
dates for otllce today is similar to hat
at the beginning of the Christian era.
The applicants report at the provincial
capitol and are graded In'.o classes.
Most of them already hold official posi
tions, otheis are students who have
spent years of preparation for the or
deal. On the appointed day each can
didate passes Into the hall of exam
inations, gives his name, the grade of
otllce for which he Is an asplmnr, his
residence, and other InformaWon.which
Is all caretully recorded. He Is then
presented with a sealed nvelnpe and
conducted to a cell, where he remains
without food or other refreshments
until he has written a thesis upon the
subject written upon a slip of paper In
Ihij envelope. As he comes out of the
cell on completing his work he hands
the manuscript to t'he man In charge
and goes his own way. A few weeks
later, after the manuscripts have all
been examined and marked according
to their merit, or, perhaps, us is often
tho case, by the use of money and other
influence wiMt tho Judges, the names
of the successful are announced, and
from that time lemaln upon a list of
"expectants," who are eligible for ap
pointment to offices of certain grades.
To obtain a promotion, us welt as an
original appointment', the same exam
ination Is necessniy. The topics fur
nished' to candidates are limited almost
exclusively to the ethics and philosophy
of Confucius. Under the Influence of
Kaug Yu Wei und other reformers in
IMS the emperor Issued un edict adopt
ing a new system and modernizing
the method so as to make It more prac
tical, but it was revoked by the em
press dowager, and the antiquated sys
tem of twenty centuries ago still pre
vails. It Is a cover for a great deal of
favoritism, despotism and corruption.
While theoretically the examinations
are In secret, and the judges who pasj
upon tho manuscripts are not supposed
to know who wrote them, candidates
who have a pull can get (heir names
Washington. D. C, and Return, Only
On account of the centennial celebra
tion of the establishment of govern
ment in the District of Columbia, to be
held In Washington, D. C Dec. 12,
1900, ticket agents of the Laeku wanna
railroad will sell special excursion
tickets at rate of one wav fare for
the round tilp, on sale good going on
any regular train Dec. 11, and for
return until Dec. 14 Inclusive.
Cave-In at Kingston.
fly Kluive Wirp fiuui 'flic Associated PreM.
KlngMim, X, V., Dec 9. The quarry of Hip
Liw rem e (Yinriit company, at Wlille Port, laved
in tills morning, I lie area licinif 104 liy 0U feet.
No one uni Injured, the men not uorklnir on
Sunday, Sete1.1l similar cite-inr. liau' oieuned
in tlic same win ot foment rod. lennlli, tli
Hist wcui 1 inn about ii'ar ago.
Strong Nerves
arc the true source of good, healthy
Persons with half-starved, nerves al
ways look worried aud "draggcd'Out."
You cannot be happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot be natural without
all the powers which nature meant you
to have.
produce a healthful glow which art
cannot Imitate. They Invigorate every
organ, put new force to the nerves,
elasticity to the atep and round cut the
fare and form tn Hues of health and
$1.00 per bo. 6 boxei (with written
guarantee), 11 00. Book tree, 1'K.U.
Hsnicisis Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
For tale ly .I.ilm II. I'liel, Plmrmadit, cornti
Wyoming menue uud hprue utreet.
u,rkiUJtihi. r. n.a.ciiik.rir.i. cut
inll la cut ftlur illftiUft Uil. MlVATIt
iOlllt (WMI ptl ury Butauttlc Imetliuil.
jrm pucmri8 ytutlii'MtuI
;l-ioih cwai din 4 lo I diyi.
""! iititiii.iieriii9.
H llrltwr, no uitmg.ilS;
iilverjttactcti. IWInfl)Miidi1t nd (
nl rnUr.t riuX
It is impossible to get more
for your money than we give
Others may offer lower
prices but they give you
much inferior work.
Some give good work, but
exhorbitant prices,
Our facilities are the best,
our work the best and our
prices the lowest.
213 Wyoming Ave.
Holiday Gifts
Smoking Jackets,
House Robes,
Traveling Cases,
Fine Neckwear,
Shirts, Hosiery,
Underwear, Etc.
Highest Grade,
Lowest Prices.
412 Spruce Street.
Heating Stoves,
Oil Stoves,
Gas Stoves,
tar Heaters,
Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue
Wo make a sped.ilt.v of fancy Creamery But
ter and strictly mfin and the piioe id as
low an first cU.- goods rati lie told at.
We do not liave any xpcdal ealc or leader
but at all limes carry! as complete a line of
Market (.oixls, Fancy Orocirica and Table Delica
cies an can bo found in the lara-est Now York
or 1'lilladelpliij Market which tie sell at right
W. H. Pierce,
IB Lackawanna At.
Prompt delivery.
110, 112, III Peon art.
The Dickson Manufacturing Co.
Korauton and WltkM-Barra, f.
Mauitfacturera or
BolUrs. Mclatlngand Pumping Macklaery.
Otntral Office, Bcranton. P
Sea Trips
of I wii lo fie dayi' tluratioa,
an- oflfrad by the
Norfolk, Ua.
Old Point Comforf, Ua.
Richmond, Ua.
Washington, D. C.
Steamer) tall dally rtrrpt Sunday frqm Pier 29,
North Itlver, foot of Beach utreet, New York,
Tickets, includine meal and atateroom accom
modations, $13,(10 and upward,
for full information apply to
81 Beech Street, New York, N, Y,
ll.U.WALKEIt.Traf.Mgr. J,J.DHOV.S',0-P...
Sale of Silks.
Very Low Prices
For New Beautiful Goods
It'. a spleudid showing that is displayed at the Silk Department
this morning. The are all colored silks new, desirable colorings. There
are Striped Silks, Plaid Silkg, Checked Silk, Brocaded Silks and Fancy
Silks of every description. They are all silks made for the F.ill and Win
ter season. They are all priced fully a third below the real value.
This is a rare oppoitunity for profitable investment in seasonable
silks. The very styles that would likely best meet your fancy later on are
surprised in this offering-. And it's just the time to provide for gowns and
waists you know you'll need by and by.
95 c a Yard
And largely shown in waist lengths of from 3 to 4 ,3'ards each, and fully
five hundred different patterns to choose from.
By the Way
This will be special Handkerchief and Umbrella week cur fine assortment
of these goods are ready for your inspection. We have never had so much
to show you, and we have never offered so much for so little.
Capital SSOO.OOO
Surplus 0OO.OOO
WM. CONNELL, President.
WILLIAM tl. PECK, Cartlsr.
Special attention riven to bun
naas accurnts. Three per cent in.
tereat pal on Interest deposit.
-nW- -- - www
Mnuufacturera r
N. Niath Street. SCRAllTOfl. PA
Telephone Call, 3333.
Itens 1 iid2,l'om'ltl. BTd'
lining and Blasting;
"--et Ueoeloaad Uui.iale Wetlu.
ills s
tetrle Batterlia, BleetriaExplofteri
spiex blMU, 3Xlr Zum an I
"The Faultless."
Perfect in
Construction and Finish. KF"Have Demonstrator
Show Its Merits.
Williams &
-Oj .
These Game Boards have Rules for 50 Games Including
Florey & BrooksTi 1 1 wrve,nneet.on
DR. DBNSTEN. an Spruct Stwt. Sren;
ton. Pa- i II cute an I Chronic DlacwM ol
Maa, Mom nan Children. Cunsulla Ion and
ciamlnatltn Ira. Offlc lloura Dall n4
buaJajr a. at. It it p. -
127 AND 129
We want you to see the
most perfect Carpet Sweep
er ever produced,
McAnuIty T-
Wall Paper. Draperies.
General Agent for thj Vyon
District for
Uiutnt,, Hlistlnc, Sporting-, Bmoktlesa anil th)
iUiauu4 Clirmlcal Company'i
High Explosives.
Safety Fiue, Caps and Eiplodera, Room 40 Ca
nell Duildiny, tk-ranton.
Tlioa. roitn .................Ptttttofc
JOHN 11. billTII k SON , Plymouth
K'. . UULUOAN' ,,,.WllkcaBarrt
u ,r
in K u A r -m3-