inn- - xt-' , .xsp T ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. 9 . 11 I si. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HAWLEV, feprelil to tlic Rirnnlon Trtliune. Hawley, Dec. ". Miss Quesle Column vlaltetl Honesdale on Thursday. Orant Kellnm nnti OoorRe Lobb e turned to their studies at the Sernnlon ttuMness college on Monday uiornliifr. Mliis Ella Palmer, a student at Wyo ming seminary, spent Thanksgiving with her parents here. Mrs. Prank Ilussell, ot Hlnuhamton, is visiting relatives In town, "Mrs. George Wilson, of Denver, Cojo fal6, Is renewing acqualntanres here. W. C. Knnpp spent Thursday In II ones tittle. Af. M. Trcadwoll and T, P. Mangnn woro In Mllford on business this week. Miss Delia Plerson, of Kimble's, 'called on relatives here Thursday. Monday afternoon, while being dtlvmi down Bellcmontc avenue, the horse of P. J. Bower ran away, throwing Mr. Hower out and breaking a wheel ort the wagon. The horse was caught on Mnln. street. Mrs. S. S. Speers returned from Brooklyn today. Mr. and Mrs. Dlghton Daniels spent Sunday with Mrs. E. K. Bassett, of Honesdale. M. P. Kilbride, of Plttston, h)piu Thanksgiving with his patents here. Mrs. Martin Header Is vlsltlns hop daughters In Oceania and New Bruns wick, N. .1. The letting of water from the new reservoir Into the pipes on Sunday was Kreatly appreciated by many, who liuva lifen without water for weeks. .Mrs. E. Watson visited Scrnnton last u eek. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ames were In Beranton on Monday. UNIONDALE. 8ji.ial lo the Siranton Tribune. I'niondole, Dec. 7. "Squire H. 11. Lewis and wife and Mrs. H. C". Kill spent seveial da; lutety visiting relatives In Blnghainton, N. Y. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian chuich mtt at the Piesbytcr lan pnrsunnge last i Thursday. The old offlci'i.s were re-olcctert for the coming J far. Miss I.ottle Eastman taught her Sunday school class last Sunday for lite first time allien her long illness. Many naneN of arples are being t-hll'pecl from here to different points vnuth. The lamps furnlshfil along Main .street, at the expense of different itiaens, are valuable contributions, i view of the servic." they afford to lie public on dark nights. There are ither portions of the town that need such accommodations,, (irateful for hat has been done, let us have mote light. Miss I.ottlo E.istman and Mrs. Tay lor yrc spending Ihe iiiesent week lth friends in Blnghamton. Mr. H. Boswcll leturned Monday, After visitliuj friends for two week tn Soranton. Sirs. Aided Karabee w'll lemain for come tima In her pi vent home and V ill pus-h to completion the new 1ioum 'n rourse of erection on tilt t'djacent ot. Mrs.' Prank Couch, of Carbondale, will spend Sunday with her parents, Hon. and Mrs. Phllo Burrllt. Pi'.ink Westgate, one of our enter in'UIng townsmen, is putting up an million to the large barn on his farm. A.'e liaie threv Inches of snow on the giound, the result of Wednesday's storm. K1NGSLEY. Fpnlil to the Srrunton 'liilmnr. Klngsley, Dec. 7. Mm. T. McCarthy and daughter Maggie were in Hop bottom Thursday. Prank Tiffany and M. Oakley made a business tilp to Set anion Thuis day. Mm. Case, of Altotd, .-.pent a few flays this week with lu-i miitluv, Mrs. Wagner, who is seriously ill. Miss Sadie Sager, ot Hophottom, as sisted in the entertalnmont at thu ;i. E. chinch last Vdnisi1ny eve ning. Notwithstanding the inclement wea ther, the entertainment for iho bene 1e of the Boys' Sunday School orch.s ra was voll attended. Mr. and Mrs. Tf, W. JeflViM and daughter have returned to Now York city. Mrs. S. noynnldf, of P.ietoryvllls, if- spending a few days with her -Inter Mlrs Al?xaiirtr. at Mis, LUI Tlf 'any's. K. C. Capson is laying the foun l.i (lon for the extension to the cieam ery. Mr. CSravensleln, of N. Y.. lias rented the creamciy and v. Ill take possession January 1. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Plan wore In Binghamtnn this w?2k put chasing holiday goods. The Larles' Aid ot the M. K. church will meet with Mrs. F. E. Moore Pri day, December 14, at dinner. All In vttel. THOMPSON. Ep c i a I to tlir Scr.intnn 'Iriluine. Thimpon, Doc. 7. Mbs Nina Har rison, whoso homo has been at Star rucu, Is now nn of th'j family of Mrs. A. C. Foster, on Main street. S. S. liubbnid, of Ctuhondalt', was doing business with his uld neighbors here to-day. Snow Hakes thiee Inches across came down upon us thick- and tho othor day for a little time, it annwert more or less for two days, sj STOCK IN PENNSYLVANIA CITIES Seranton Leads Philadelphia and Pittsburg in Cows, Horses and Swine. Washington, Dee, 7. -The ieii.114 burt.iu liu Until a sp,ial bullelln pnpaied under Jhu ulrec. Hon of 1'owira, ildef itatUtlilan fur arlmlture, (rvlng the nuinbir of iloniittla aiiluuls lot on farms and raises, but nnlnlj In ililcn and towiw. Iho lollowng table gives the total for i tacli lOO.uw Kiulatluii in all .ltlc In lVniisvanU havliig over S.VW0 population! Neat Dairy Cuttle, Cons. Horses. Mulus. Asses, bin en. bwlne. (Jo.ils, Philadelphia Utt U) jh 2j u u1' j,!j ' u'$'' t'ltuburg ,,, ,. , i&s ll .110) m 3 a jni) tllegheny ..,.,,,.., ,,..,,,, Ida bT .IHU 7fl .. JU or iS .raiiton ,..,, fill) Sin .;m) PM .'I 3 3H U7 Keudlnif , 47 It ,:ivu lilt I 13 1G Ul Erie ,,..,, 207 1! 3.U7 tU ,. 2 71 8 (Vjlkcu-liarrc i"0 HI r F.'js II ,,, i, lUrrisburtf ,.,., IM 0 aui lot 4 2 G M , Lancaster .....,..,, , 2.11 Ui H'rt Si 'J Mi US Altoona .,....,, , 4H ."J.2 2VSI 411 5 j.-, ,,) ,, lolmstovvn IOH.1 'HO :;.iut 331 U 81 lllentowu , 2Al 15U uri 00 ,. 3U 71 17 UcKcesuort ...,..., (U Ml 2J1.I 35 a 1 J &j riiester ,.,,,..,,,.,..... S50 S 3174 41 IS 13 rofk , mo un m-i 100 ,. w 403 21 Ir Cfitl ...,..,,, ,,...,,. IS0 4019 199 4 iQj Jl that out en the hills they have tali' slelghlnqr. In town It l-t a mlxtute of mud and snow, of dissolving tend ency. The nlmroilt or this and surrounding towns have npsembled In ' this neck of wodds" this week, armed and equlppa I with dow, and lia'p killed n few foxea. They tell this on one of the old hunt' era: Hi stood on the tunway when a. fox came along on the run, but In stead of shooting the follow, the hunt er kept his gun on his shoulder. 'Bilng up your dogs. Here Is thu fox." The Tuesday Night Library society has a 'ye old folks" cnteitnlnment," In Grand Army hall this evening. If nil the numbers advertised are called, roir," of the aged ones will "smllJ loud." Let me say for tlu benefit of tin many friends of new Leonard Cols (hat he was dressed nnd pitting In his chair this morning about as ha has b?en for the rnst ten dnys, not withstanding the olt ic pented story that comes up from .Suiuchanna these days that he "l seriously 111." Kv. A. D. David will speak for tha W. C. T. J. at Forest City next Sab bath evening-. Committees have bVn named by th Sabbath schools of the town, to pre pare for a union Christmas tree In the Free Baptist church Christmas i ve. P. D. Wright and his sister, Mrs. N'ettle Ford, of Hawley, are visiting In Suaquehnnnn to-day. Hew A. D. David and family are In Susquehanna nt this wilting. FOREST CITY. Special to Hip Kiranton Tribune. Forest fit), Dv. ". 1 Iwnin Hell, oi.e nt tile town's nhle.t nml inon Inglil) tespeitcil citizens tllcil last nlnht alter n lui lllncw with stniniili liouhle. lie uns the senior inemlicr ot lli( firm of Thoni.n Dell k Sin, although he never look an active ji.irt In the business. He is surihed by his wife, three il: u-rhlers, Mrs. II. V. Mi.iil il'ick, nf IliitTilii; Mrs. .1. L I'uber, of Xew York and JII. sir.ih, of Iciest flty, ami three son., John M. ami Willi un, of this plme. ami Thomas of Morris Hun 'lhoma.s I'.iriv, r.ilne foremin .it the ltirh iiniiililo working' ot th Klk lllll Coat ami Iron loinpinv, has lesljrnecl his position to tike ef feil toil.iy, and he will, next week, take ihiitte nf the Moosic mines of the Hillside Coil and Iron ioinp.iu. Mr. Parry is .in dtklent mluiii? expert ind was held ill eisteem by both the men and his emplejcrs. He was for jiars lirst ei-l-'iiiiit of Conipin.v It, llililteutli leslnuut, and lunntlj reslcned tlu- of llrst lliiiliinnt, to whiili he was tinaninmuslv elcded, afttr the repiment nturnid from the South. Hex. II. .1. Whiten, nf Carbnnd.ile, will preach in the Itaptlst ihtirch at ,1 o'doik hund.iv after noiin. IVrtus Midden and llenr.x have been ap pointed (heik wei(rhmiu for tile t'lifnnl and New e(dlnnes nf the Hillside here. (In Mnmlix eveninc: the followins will be in stalled as offtters nf I'nrest Cil.i lodfre. Kiee and Auepted Misons: 1,. It. Lewis, W. l.j II. P. .lohns, S .; (teortte K. Mr.ej. .1. W.: Alfrul fl.ois, seiritar.i; II. K. Aldrii h, tieisiuer; W. 1). (Iwiiis, M. Hendlri and V. K., trustees. Mis. (. II. Penman, of S, rautnn, was here this week in the interest of the Home for the l'rieinlli.. The Niws sas: "Mrs. Penman is cnniieited with the editorial departniuit nf the Stranlnii Tribune, and her artliles our the pen lume of "Saucy Itpss" have lontr been widely read and greatly admired features nt the fccran tnn paper. Her work also unbraces a wider Held, and the name Harriet Clay I'enmin has lieiome a familiar one in mauv of the leading pi nodical), throughout the country. It falls to the lot nf all nownpapir writers, howtver, to liaie iniiih nf their best matter e:n n'l to tne printed page without identlfltution marks, and prnbnbl.v snnie nf frs. Penman't. most (lever wotk is known nnlv to ttic offue force nf 'Ihe Tiibune, whose iiks In r pin helps to brighten. Piirmir li.-r briif vu-it in Korest I itj Mis. Pen nun m.iile a ple.uant (nil at the News nifne. Vr-. 1'iank nn llercn, of Aldenvillc, is visit lui; it the home nf simiic! (iiiumioe. (Iniles llnwui.iii, of White's Valley, has ac (cpWd a iHv-sitiun in the di goods department nf .1. I,. .. ('... Mis. .1. II. lludil is visiting In r sister, Mrs. .1. W,, in Sirinlon. Miss Mamie llinne is visiting friends m Stran- Mherl lldider his hern mule jinltnr of School No. I, vue David It. Hughes, r(-l-ncd. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scrantnn Tribune. Dec, 7. Tne I lilies' Aid of Ihe t'nl vcialUt (.huiih mil with Mrs. .1, .1. Austin,', and licdveeen fitlv and sixty persons wem j-eivcd with refn-slmunits. Mr. and Mrs. rin Knit, of Center coiml.v, arc visltin? lelilhcs and blends hire. Mrs. Crivei, who icuntlv brnke her hip, Is gaining as ripldlv as ian be ixpcited. Mm. .Iinet 1'erign Is cuing for liei. I.lttle Hugh Weslnn is i-li,;htlv lieltei at pres int. Dr. Maikt, nf .Mnulrnsc, i, attiudiug him and Miss .lennie eton is nrlng fur him. Mrs. .Inliu llnr..n and liei uinllier, Mrs, Kin ney li ix o returned from i visit in Wilkes-Ham-, Mrs, II. Jl, Dnhiviy nnd MIni .lcssi, polaway aie In a hospital In Wilkcs-llarre tin Iriatiueiit. . .s. Walille visited radnijvllle Mnmlij, look liiT aflir Ills propeitv llicie, biar 1'cwksbiii and I). .1, King ire on Ihe hick li-t, Mix i:ila lliile.v has .H(iilnl ,i pndlluu In a sihool near 1'hlluilclphla, 'Ihe plisteilng In Ihe rnhrmlbt climili is (oinplrted aid a paper hanger will iiiinniciue wink onii. MUs St. i liilison, of Seranton, U visiting her sister lure. How's ThUP We offer One Hundred Dollars Ilevvard !nr any rase ol Catarrh that t.ninot be cured by llall'i Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHUNKY .t CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known K, J, (limey for the last 15 jinrs, and believe him perfictly honorable in all business trans ictinm and flu in dally able to carry out any obligations made bv their arm. West k Truax, Wlmlisalp Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kimian k Man In, Wholesale Drus gistii, Tnltiln, 0. Hall's Catarili Cure Is taken Inlernilly, nitlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sjstrm. Tistimoniala sent free, price 73c, per bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. Hall' family Pills arc the best. NEW MILFORD, Special lo the Siranlon Tribune. .Vevv Mllfnnl, Dec. . Mr, llorallo narralt( mi Bgeil resilient of Ihls plsce, dletl at Ills home Dtr, a, niter mil) a few- itivx' Illness. Ihe fune ral servltes were tomturtrd from the linuc by Hex-, tl. It. Illshop, ot St. Mark's thiireh, at 2 o'tlotk Thursiliy iiflernoon, The deceised leaves one oti, II, H. llarmlt, of this duet one sister, Mm. I.ols CimimliiRs, of Oneonta, N, Y,, nnd llitee grnnd tllldren, Mm. Clnrles Alney nnd Mm. II. II, l.joiw, of Mnnlrnse, nnd li. 0. Mc I'ulliini, of this plate. .1. (,', Jlil'oiiiull Is In Ntvv York on business this week. The laillts ol the Mettmdlst cliiinh will serve n 10 etnt supper In the blsetnent ot the iliureh on Tuevdny nflcrnunn of next week. tlev. Itoliert P. V. I'lertc, the chalk talker nnd lecturer, will lie at the Preshvlerlnti ilnircli next Tuesday evening, Dec. II. This. Is Hie third ol the lei turc ( nurse. , .Mr. and Mrs. I.. W, Olllesple, of Ulnchamlon, spent .Siinda.v In this plaic. Miss llintna diins, who Ins been speiiilltiR n few daja with her mother 111 this place, returned to Salem, Ma-s., todiy, rtiv, t,. (,'. Plovd, presldlnir elder of the Ding. Ininton dlstrltt, will hold the third cjtiarlirly conference nt the Methodist church next Tiles iIjj nflirnoon nt 2oV1oik. 1'. .1. O'llirn, of Silem, Mnss., visited trlimls In town the nsl week, THEATRICAL. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE WEEK. Lyceum. Tliiirsdaj, 1'rMi.v mil Silurdiy and S1t11rd.1v inatlrcr "W'ny Down llast," Academy of Music. All Week The Ideals in repertoire. Gaiety. Last Thice l).iys""Tbc C.iy Ilutterlly." Next Week at Academy. The Itoe and Penlierg compmy will open a wick's cngagi incut at the Academv next Mnnriij (venlng, presenlllig Hal Iteld's inasterpleie "Ko onoke." Ihls (ompmy lias won fame In the eastern states bv the careful seleUlnn of its ros. ter, and the exiiting niinnir in wlikh Its plajs nic mounted, nnd Its llr-t tour tliiough ilns sec tion of the ccunliy will prove quite a suipne to tlinse acctistomtd to the usual icpeitolrc com. piny of 1J or II peopb. Ihe organl?itlon con. s'sts of twenty-four people anil .1 forty-foot I0..1I of sceneiy and bagsige. belts are now nil sale. There will be Mutinies everv dav, Winning Tuesdiv. Prlcei during this engagcimnt will be 10, 20 and :!0 cents at night, and 1) and 20 cents to the imtlnccs. A Clever Musical Team. One nf Ihe best comedy musiial acts now be fore the public is one done by Devemx and Do veiux, two (lever and 1 ultiired .ntists who have mule one of the most pronounced suu esses that Ins been known among the manv clcTcr artists seen in our best vaudeville theaters. Deveaux and Deveaux hive been specially engiged by Manager Fliirke, of the vaudeville conipiny, for a three weeks' engigement, nnd will he seen as niembeis of Ills splendid company nn t lis ir next appearame heic, width occuis on Tues day, Dec. 11, nintinee and utght. Large Barn Burned. By Exclusive Wire t m The Associited Press. lluntlngilon, Pa., Dec. 7. The lar,-?- birn of Miuiay Miiipson, ncn this phce, -vis bmned l.isl night, together Willi three horses, two cows, fKKI bushels nf wlieit, MHI bushels nf nits, sixtv tons of liiv and .1 Urge iinntitv nf ngrii implements, I.nss. fs.nno; insiirime, i.rim. in,, fire is supposed to lie of imimllar,v ortr;ln. For a Cold In the Head Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. Holiday equaled by the $y A Great Holiday Book Books liow grand they are I A solace; a di version instructive, en tertaining best of friends and companions. We arc not competent to advertise our hook department as it de serves to be advertised.. Our greatest efforts fall short of the truth. All ood books arc on our counters for sale at the lowest prices. Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, The: by Mark Twain; published at 1.75; our price 1.50. Solitary Summer and Elizabeth and Her German Garden; hand some two-volume sets, beautifully bound and illustrated; published at 5.00; our price Jt.OS. Wanted A Hatch maker; Paul Ford's ex quisite narrative of New York life; holiday edi tion; published at 2.00; our price 1.50. David Harum, Christ mas illustrated edition; handsomely gotten up; our special price, 1.59. In Tune with the Infin ite, and What All The World's a Seeking; two verv pretty volumes by Ralph Waldo Trine; our special price 1.00. Elsie Books for Girls, compiled by Martha Fiuley; a new one this year; our price 75c. four Jonas Long's Novelties. largest stores of New York City, Samter Brothers Scranton's Leading; Outfitters. The best books by all the best authors. Some charm you by the sweetness of versification; some arouse you with dashes of melo-drama; some impress you with the fervent saliency of vivid imagination; some please you with character drawing and delineation; some delight you with lucid descriptions of far-away localities, and others tell you of travels and discoveries, inventions and adven tures. Still others initiate you into ancient and modern, sacred and secular tradition and history. If you read for pastime, or if you read for Intellectual development if you seek pleasure or culture of Books, our collection will interest you. The money saving element is ever present from the plainest to the most elaborate edition. Henty Books for Boys, by G. A. Henty: a fine collection of narratives; !. tin.. Limp Leather Classics handy volume size, fine list of titles; our special price 05c. What Is Worth While series, containing many titles on interesting re ligious subjects; our price 3Hc. In His Steps, by Chas. Sheldon, the famous Endeavor edition for the holidays; our special price 1.50. The Drama and Lec tures Thereon, by Hen ry Irving; bound in white, published at 5.00; our special price 2.50. flarble Faun, by Haw- thornc, two volume edi tion bound in white and gold, published at 4.00; our price 2.50. Round the Year With the Poets, a collection of nature poems, compiled by Martha Capps Oli ver; published at 2.50; our special price 1.50. price -on. Alger Books for Boys by Horatio Alger, jr., a full assortment of titles; our special price 50c. Balzac's Works com plete; the famous Trent edition, finely bound and illustrated; pub lished at .'10.00; our special price 1'5.9S. Works of E. P. Roe, bound in handy volume size; nearly all titles; our special price !?0c. The Little Hlnister, Kirriemuir edition in two volumes, very ela borately gotten up; our special price U.OO. Poets,all of them bound in handsome padded leather editions, with front and side stamp ings; published at 2.00; our special price 1.25. The Swell "Raglan" Overcoat Don't confuse our "Raglan" with the ordinary ready-made just because it's ready to put on. It's different different in every way. We admit it is the most difficult garment to make, but when cut and tailored by experienced men it is the acme of grace. In our thirty years of succcessful busi ness we have had many problems to solve in the perfecting of our ready-to-wear clothes system. The "Raglan Overcoat" has not been an exception imitations of this new style have been put on the market. But in the "Raglan Overcoat" made to our order you will fine the designer, the tailor and the cloth mill have given us their best efforts, and we invite your inspection of the different IJIC ff OK qualities at . . V 10 111 VfaV We are receiving new Christmas Novelties every day, and when the last shipment is made we shall be able to present to the oeoDle of this citv an assortment onlv bee our show windows. Year Book of American Authors with a poem for everyday in the year; compiled by Ida Scott Taylor, published at 2.50 our special price 1.50. Shakespeare's Works, complete in one volume bound in leather; our special price 1.75. Shakespeare's Works, the Century edition of 15 volumes, small and compact; our special price JJ.OS. Illustrated Library of Famous Books, elegant ly bound and aptly il lustrated; our special price 50c. Charles Dickens' com plete works ifi 15 vol umes, bound in half qalf ; published at 30.00; our special price 10.00. Thackeray's Works, complete in 10 volumes, bound in half calf; pub lished at 25.00; our special price 12.00. The Dressy Chesterfield Overcoat The improved patterns for this season's "Chesterfield" Overcoat is a decided improvement. Every first-class custom tailor cuts his Chesterfield with a broader shoul der and a much fuller back than last season. Our coats are cut in exactly the same way. The best designers prepared them for our wholesale tailors. We want to ask you, as a duty to yourself, to compare the detail of workman in our Chesterfield with others, compare the cloth quality, the lin ings, the trimmings; in fact, every part down to the minutest trifle. . Then you will find out how differ ent a ready-to-wear Chesterfield Overcoat is from the imitation ready made. Quality decides 1f 010 the price from vlU LU V 10 1 'I Store The department sweeps the whole range of lit erature. The subjects are as various as the bindings, almost. Books of poetry, romance, science, travel, autobio graphy, politics, relig ion, history, memoirs, essays Hooks for the young, the old, the thoughtful, the imagin ative, and the price part is particularly pleasant. Walter Scott's Waver- ly Novels, bound in 12 volumes cloth ; pub lished at 15.00; our special price 7.75. RudyarJ Kipling's Works complete in 15 volumes of handsome cloth; published at 15.011; our special price S.00. Bulwer Lytton's com- plete works in JH vol- times of pretty green cloth; published at 12.00; our special price 0.50. Handy Volume Edi tions of the Classics, or namented in white and gold; the best in the world for gift purposes; our special price 40c and 25c. Catholic Prayer Books, a complete assortment of them, including man uals for children ; also in two-volume sets; spec iallv priced from 10c to :5.75. Sons WWWWYJ