f ,K 'r WJffVtflTl'"! m?5 t"tePvTviT' "1 ' 9"i'"f- -ittVSpp- V.1' p,ne.?v ", vi THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1000. Z? ;xxxxx 1Mb ModkhJ; ItAtioiTAna Stoh Among the Many Nuw patterns in pocket knives, there is nothing nicer than those with handles of gun metal. The blades )Aro. razor steel, warran J A ai, r. t,nT..,;ii Brand", two sizes, a dozen designs. Foote & Shear Co. 119 N. "Washington Ave ooooooooe L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Shoci arc oiii of the niot impot lauL Menu ol iluss :il nny time of tin- c.ir, mid o-.pici.illy now that we nio ccrl.iln tn have iliininairii. u cither. I'or tle, price unci qualll -i'e ui". We know we can ploa-o yuu. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. I" acka wanna 1 "TIIE" " 4n aundry. ;c.Pcnn Avenue. A. 13. WARMAN. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. T.m.il ilil.i for Jiecimher liulic-l. tcni! tine .il'.-L tctllpcl.ltlllc ilunildity: h .1. in " p. m WOO: ..41 ilestcis ... ."5 ilcirifct Ui pel cent. TU lie i i out. WOOLWORTH'S REOPENS TODAY Everything New, Including Floors and Ceilings Store Greatly En larged. Tlic doors of. C H. AVuolworth's re modeled store iiL No. 319 Lackawanna avenue, will bo thrown open to the lmbllc this morning after being closed for ten days, during which time every thing has been made new, oven the iloors and ceilings. Another most im portant change in the Woolworth store is the great amount of additional lloor space now occupied. The otllces have boon removed from the main Hour to a part of the newly acquited room on the second lloor. A greater portion of this largo room, however, which is reached by a mag nificent wide and ornamental stair case, Is de oted to display of goods in addition to the entire main lloor. The third lloor of the new addition Is used for storage purposes and is now packed with new goods for the holiday trade. Tho store throughout presents a striking appearance In Its new gaib, and no doubt ranks as one of tho llnest establishments of its kind In the slate. It was about this season of the year, in 1SSU, when Mr. Woolworth started business in Scranton, and that he has been Immensely successful no one can doubt after a visit to his htmdsome ly remodeled and one might say, en tirely new' stole, today. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES. It would appear tli.it tlicie cm lie no iqmln liuile to the Columbia Ilosu liuusu I'ur ln.uiy months jet. Tin- Kcnor.il ordinandi pioW.linif tor tr.ui-.fer fioni .uioin funds fur file tlcji u t uicnc luiio.-.i'.-t, unci uhkli included an Item tor 1 1 1 1 -s work, Ii.h In ecu hilled, ami there is miiiiII liopo tli.it. it Mill lie attain mmidcred tills jeai. Uulld ing In.pcclor J,iil.i.oii dues not kImii t lio lca ol those who contend that the bullilln;.' U in Imminent (Linger of eoll.ip-lnir .mil contendi that the cracU in the wall are old ones, cniwil by the Mttlliiff of the building after its election. 'Hie Hie nl.iim - etciii lias Ret fo luilly twisted up that Chief Zilcnunti lias bent to i- Votl. for one of the (ijiiiewcll company's lApeita to coinu on unit fctraUhtcn It out. lie will nnlvo in tho city uu Mundiy ami wilt ttay lieie until the system is analit in pelted uoikitie ruder, 'the trouble t-etnu In be with the nwluliboaid at tho telephone (ehansc, which for some re.i hon docd not iwl-ter piopcrly. An alsim nny lu turned In Hum one box ami an intliily dit ferent number may ielitir ami bo tent out to the vuilum liou loiiipanles. It is undeislood that the company will install an entirely mu ami up-to-date ifBlaterliit; uppaialus It ti H found (hat the old one cannot be put In shape. Two new die ul.iiin lioe3 who plated In position i'atuda' by Chief Klieluunn. One at llio'corncr of llliieuil and Carbon ttie-e t.s, which is to be known as Xo, US, and one at the corner of Mousey ttvinue ami Toplar eticet, to bo Known us No. 119. 'Ihc lalt Is in dose pioxlm jly tu the bolt and nut works, which has hcie lofme been without the benctlt of a neaily fire alarm. m AMagnlflcent Christmas Gift, Now in the time to select It. Go fo j, AV. Gurensey's delightfully utrniigeil muslo storotind seewhat tempting bar gains can be secured on a choice piano or organ. Don't forget tho place. Guernsey Hall, 314-310 Washington uve juie, Scranton, I'n. For a Cold in the Head Laxative Biomo-Quinine Tablets. i . .--j WHOLESALE THIEVING. Frank Gwzop and Anthony Purrell Triply Accused. Pniiik tlwzop and Anthony IMinell were utntlgnt'd befotc Aldcimun Kns son yestotdiiy, on the rlmme of slenl Ing it litrge ttinount of bound who fioni tho Scrantim Hallway fonipimy, mill weto held In $300 ball. They were later arraigned before Aldermuu Silllitf. t'lial'gcd with tho lafceiiy of In ass from the Dolawiire, Lncknwnniia a ml West ern and Delaware and Hudson Hnll roud companies, and held Int $.00 more ball. They weie tumble to furiilsh this it nd were comniltted to tho county Jail. The two men were accused of begin ning work nt VI o'clock on tho night of September II and continuing until 7 o'clock the next lftornlug.ou tho Scran ton Hallway company's lines, between Kiiivst City and Carbondule. At the end of that lime hundreds of ynnls of the wire connecting tho rnlls was inton ing and the company had suffered sev eral hundred dollars' damage. The Lackawanna special police claimed that about ninety pounds of binss journals, stolen out of company cars, were found to have been taken by theso men. Jlnrtln C'rlppeu, of the Delawaie and Hudson, nlo accused them of the larceny of bra". CARD0 CRUSHED UNDER ERIE CAR While Attempting to Board Train Itnlinn Miner Fell Under the Wheels Both Legs Crushed. AnU'ttti) Cardo, of Dtinmore, was inn over bv an Krle and Wyoming Valley r.il'road train nt Mooslc las: evening and hud both his legs so bad ly mangled that they were amputated ret the Lackawanna h"spltal. Several ribs weto broken, and Ilia recovery was last night .considered doubtful. Cardo was walking along the tracks about C o'clock, when ho lieaid the loud -whistle of the engine, and this train, a fast freight, came whizzing along. He made an attempt to board II, slipped and foil under the wheels. Tlioy passed over his body and legs, and when extricated from under them, Cardo's body was in a :nangl.d con dition. He was removed to the Lackawanna hospital, where It wan immediatel." seen that amputation was necessary, both of the man's legs being merely masses of shattered bono and torn flesh. Dr. A. J. Council of the hospi tal staff pet formed tho operation. Cardo Is twenty-six years of agi and is employed In t- 'nines. Ho has a wife In Italy and has been In this country only six months. He Avas le ported to be in a very serious con dition early this morning. APPLICATIONS FOR RELIEF WERE HEARD Tales of Trouble and Suffriug Re lated for the Poor Directors at Yesterday's Meeting of Board. The poor board listened tc a number of applicants for relief yesterday af llcrnoon and Incidentally disetutsed ways and means for ameliorating their condition. The nay some were dis posed of lifted burdens from heavy hearts, but others were not so fortun ate, particularly the able-bodied charges on the district, who occupy oomlortable beiths aL the Hlllsid'-! Home. The remedy suggested to Superin tendent Ik'i'tiior for the employment of tho latter was the breaking of stones and improvement of thu grounds ;fnd roads leading up la, the home. By this means tho beard hopes to decrease the number of charges on the district, and Incidentally check the ambitions of many who seek ad mission in the hope of being clothed, fed ard sheltered at the expense tit the district. Among tlie applicants for relier wa.i one Thomas Finnerty, of West Scran ton, who rought admission to the home until the board's attorney can find time to collect 5U,Fitl from Fln nei ty'a brother. The applicant alleges that the money is owing him for a period of nineteen years, as rent from real estate, etc. He is perfectly -willing to allow the board's attorney the $11 us ti remuneration for his services. The poor directors could not see their way clear to allow ?rr. Seragg to waste his time on such a case, and In consequence Jlr. Ftnnetty was dis missed. Another applicant, Thomas Moouoy, of Ninth street, whose claim for te lief was his Inability to work, owltv,' to a bad liver, wanted to bo lelurneil to the home, where he spent threo months lu comfort and peace. The board thought ho was able to earn a ilvlihood and refused to comply with his rotiuesl. Tho usual number of dOierled wives with countless chlldien were heard, and granted telief, and Piiretor Shot ton ventured the remark that SO por cent, of the applicants for relief come4 frrun women who have been deserted by their husbands. A pathotlc ap peal was inndu by a young girl from tho Seventh ward, for admlHtlon to tho homo until such lime as sho can be relieved of her trouble. The re quest was granted. air. Soldle, of Plltston, apui-.'ired be fore tho board In behalf of a woman In 1'ittston, who pought admission to the home. The request was gianto.l. The dUtilet phyMHiuift submitted their? reports, which wore concurred in. Archlti'ct IMclval Moiiis explained tho advantages of a patent window fastener, which lie Is desirous of hav ing ndopted. The matter ns icferred to tho building committee. Treasurer Vernoy submitted the fol lowing repot t: Balance lu bank, Nov. 1, l'iS.C0j Hecelpts, Nov. 1 to Dec, I, ft'OO.fiO; total, J9.02S.CO, Disbursements, Nov. 1 to Dee. 1, $7, HMO; balance In bank. Dec, 1, 2,190.M. Superintendent Deuiue-r submitted his ioport for-the month ending Nov. 30, which showed' Number of Inmates In tho home Nov. L, l'ii; number ad mitted during tho month, Insane mules 8; females, 2; sane males, 13; females, li; number burn during mouth, males, 2; ft'inales, 2; number dlpchargcd dur ing month, IS; nmiibii' died during niniiUi, "0; number remaining Nov, ao, IM. Colds Melt Away If yon use Ktause's Cold Cure, Pre pared in convenient capsule form they nte easy to take und effect 4.1 speedy cure of tho most obstinate cases, Price 23c. Sold by Matthews Bros. Pianos and Organs at Guernsey Hall at greatly reduced prices for tho holi days. Terms are eusy and goods the llnest In tho market. 314 Washington avenue, Scr.inton, Pa. WAY CHANGES CAN BE MADE COUNCILMAN'S VIEWS OF SITU ATION AS IT EXISTS. Fails to See Anything Very Dlfllcult About tho Passage of the City from the Third Into tho Second Class. Believes That Whatever Legisla tion Is Necessary Can Be Secured from the Legislature Prior to the First Monday in April Believes Change Will Be Beneficial. HON. JOHN B. KOCtlU, Select Councilman of flic Sountli Wild. lMltor of The Tribune Sir: 1 inn very much Interested In your Mr. Duffy's letters on tho subject of second-cluss cities, and from tho points he has furnished mu regarding tho failure on tho part of the general assembly to pi o vide a complete code for second class cities I 11m moved lo say that (lu one at leasl) this Is more' apparent than real. It may ap pear presumptions In me to set up my opinion In opposition to Mr. Klph Instone, of Allegheny, who is cited by Mr. Duffy as saying that, when Scrnnton enters tho second class, she cannot lelain any of Its thlid class city laws, By way of preface, I will say that tho olllcca affected are those of con troller, tieasiirer, elty attorn' y, city clerk and collector of dlllii(tieur. taxes. The acts of the .icgUlatui"; creating Hie ollleo of treasurer, defining his duties, etc.. are thoa of May 10, 1S37; April fi, 1SC7; March J2 and 21, lSGft: February 3S, 1S71; March M. IS7J; May 2:!, lf.74. June 12, 1S7S, and Fobiuary H, 1SS1. Those affecting the olllee of con (roller are of May ll!, 1S3"; June 10, 1SG0; Ai rll 0, 1RG7: Aptll IS. 1S73, and lime IS, 1SSII. The offi-e of city clerk Is governed by the acts of .March 7, 1S73 and June 34. 1SS7. The act of Apill 1, 1K!S, provides for the election of a city attorney and that of March 2J, 1S77, creates the ofllce and defines the duties of collector of lellnuiient taxe;-. THU18S7 ACT. The act of June If, ISSf, provides that Ihe olllces of controller, , treasurer, city attorney city clerks and collector of delinquent taxes shall iv main us heretofore, excont as herein otherwise provided. Does not this act of 1SS7 supply what was omittod? I am 110L a lawyer, but my opinion is that it-does. The duties of all the other otficers, and the time and manner of election are clearly de lined an! the acts cited by date her. makes it clear as to when and how the officers In question ate to be elected. But If I am wiong in my conclusion and here Is -where I cannot agree with Mr. 'Glpliinstone why cannot Scrnnton do ns Allegheny und Pitts burg have done? Your coircspondent says the laws Scranton stands In need of are supplied In Pittsburg and Allegheny by special chatter pro visions which these cities rolaiif-'d when they entered the second class, and Mr. ISlphinstone says that it Pcianton retains any of her charter features it would ho virtually per mitted to enjoy special legislation. If Pittsburg and Allegheny can do this why not Sctanton? If it Is held that she cannot, then Inasmuch as It Is provided that the mayor, treasurer, controller, city attorney, boaid of as sessors and city c'.eil: tball continue in ofllce until the end of th2 times for which they were elected, how can Scranton .suffer by reason of the change'' NO DIFFICULTY. I fall to see any dltllcttlty in making the change, and, as the legislature will be in session after January 1 next, all the necessary legislation can be supplied prior to tho first Monday in April, when the transit takes place. I inn also moved to say that no other legislation Is necessary, unless it be lo take the power of appoint ment fioni cuuneilH and give It to th-i niii or, and -whether In U13 abstract tint change would be an Improve ment Is an open question. Pittsburg Is satisfied with It. so is Allegheny, and It must be admitted that the ap pointments exclusively within the control of the councils of Scranton have not been bad. The changes have not been frequent, neither lias polities always Inllucneed tho members In their choice. Tho city clerk has held his office for twenty year.) and moie by appointment of both branches of councils, and the manner in which ho performs his duties cannot ho im proved upon. Tho elty engineer is elected tei m after term and makes aif excellent officer. Thu one Is a Democrat, th other a Kepubllean. The leduetlon lu the number of executive departments is, in my opinion, an Improvement, and taken as a. whole, I am disposed to the opinion that tho change will be a lieneflcl.il one. The most important chantse Is the taking uwuy fioni the mayor about all of the power of appointments and giv ing the same to councils. THHKK DKPAltTMKNTS. The next In Importance Is the crea tion of three executive departments, namely, tho department of publlu safety, of public woiks, and of char ities. Kxceptiug tho eleotlvo offices of mayor, Measurer and controller, and Florida Oranges. We have com pleted arrangements for direct shipments of Florida Oranges, We offer this week fine fruit at 35c per dozen, $3.75 per box, E. G. Goursen 439 Lackawanna Avenue. the offices of cliy clerk, assistant city clerk, city attorney and board of as sessors, filled by councils, the bends of these departments have divided ttltmng them nbotit till the1 executive powets of the city. The 111. si hits cliutge of the police, patk police, Ihe department, board of health, building and plumbing Inspec tion and house dtnliiage. The second has chaise of the open lug, grading, paving repining, cleaning and lighting of slteots and highways, construction und repair of publlu build ings and Inldgps, public parks, mar kets, engineering, sewerage and draln uge. The third has the care of churltlpo, almshouses und hospitals supported by the city. Councils appoints the heads of these departments, ilx their salaries, stipu late thu amount of the bonds they shall file and provide for such bureau I, clerks and assistants as are rcmtlrnil. The director appoints his sub-olllrets. Councils appoint police, police matron, city attorney, boutd of live ussessots, city clerk und assistant city clerk and fix their salaries, and a delinquent tav: collector, whose salary Is llxeel bv law. They also confirm tho nomination of live police mnglsttates named by the mayor. COUNCILS ItAVK SUPHltVlSION'. Councils ulso have exclusive super vision of nil city otllceis, except poll.-e oillcets: they shall examine complaints against them for neglect of duty or violations of law and, for those pur poses, have the power to subpoena wit nesses and compel their attendance. The live police magistrates are tin only nominations made by the mavor. All of these shall not be of the .same political party. The city will bo divide I Into districts, lo each of which one shall be assigned They shall serve dur ing good behavior, be paid u subtly, and pay Into the city treasury all IIiicm and costs collected by them. Tho other duties of the mayor, so far as I have discovered, are to pass upon legislation, Issue licenses to lodging houses, draw and distribute city war rants when certified by the contioller, act ns police magistrate, sign all com missions and contract for city adver tising. A member of council can vole for not more than four assessors, when a full board Is to be elected. Heal estate Is divided into thiee classes for assess ment purpose". The first includes busi ness property and unoccupied ground In the immediate vicinity, and property used for manufacturing purposes; the second, all properly used for railroad, railway and residence purposes, and unoccupied ground in the Immediate vicinity of residences; the thlid, nil properly used for farm and agricul tural purposes and all untlllable land not used for business, manufacturing, lallroad or residence purposes. Third-class property Is assessed at nne-third of the highest rule; second at three-fourths, thus making three fates of taxation; full limit, two-thirds and one-third. A POLL TAX. In lieu of occupation tux. all tesldent taxables shall pay a poll tax of $l. Taxes shall be paid twice a year. The cost of a liquor license is $1,100, und the city receives ?90o of this amount. Lodging houses accommodating ten or more may be licensed by the mayor on paying a license tax of $2. Master and Journeymen plumber. must be examined and proem e a license, for which the former must pay $j, the latter lifty cents. Election of officers by councils shall be by viva voce vote, and it reauires a majority of all the members to elect. When streets are graded the award of views cover any damage that may re sult. It will be seen from this tltat, except ing In the appointing power, the changes aie comparatively unimport ant. The creation of the department of public safety abolishes the offices of chief of police, chief of tire department and does away with the present board of health, building inspector and plumbing inspector. The duties of these are performed, under the new charter, by the director of the depart ment, the superintendent of the bureau of health, a superintendent of building Inspection and an assistant. These aru the only offices named In the law In connection with this department, and any other assistants or clerks must be authorized by councils, as is the case at present. OFFICES ABOLISHED. The offices of stieet commissioner, park commissioners and city engineer are abolished, and their duties are ad ministered by the director of the de partment of public works. His qualifi cations, as well as the number of hid assistants, are lo be fixed by councils, us now, I see no necessity for a department of charities, except to comply with the law. It is not obligatory on councils to build almshouses or hospitals. They are permitted to do so, but It Is not mandatory. The department of chai Itles could be organized in a nominal way and offices lesft vacant until such time as Dunmore should be divorced from the Scrnnton poor dlstilet and the present poor board letlred, The Tiibuue Invites contributions on second-class city affairs, ami ulso will be pleased to iccelve Inquiries concern ing any difficulties that our ivadtis may have encountered In a study of this matter. If the desired Information Is not Immediately at haml, every iea sonable effort will bo made to secur it. IMllor. For Sale. Three draft horses; set single, two sets double harness; two heavy, one Jifiht delivery wagons; lumber wagon; set bob sleds; buggy pole; four roll-top and three Hat lop deskb; two office tables; office chairs; two office clocks; Snilth-Piemler typewriter; copying machine; Anibcrg (He case; catalogue cabinet; largo hot water heuler; two heavy, one light platform scales; store shelf boxes; two showcases; cush regis ter; two plpe-utitting muchlues; four II. P, engines; 73 feet store track; $1,. H00 worth gas fixtures ami supplies; $3,000 worth plumbers' and steam-litters' goods, all at a bargain. The Hunt it Council Co. J, W. Guernsey hits Juat received a largo und beautiful stock of pianos nnel organs for tho holi day trade, the finest ever seen In Scranton. Pleaso cull and get pi Ices and terms. Guernsey Hull building, J. W. Guernsey, proprietor, 314 Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa, Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. Howley,231 Wyoming ave. i i - For Xmns, Fifteen plutlnettes, $3.G0. They are superior to the Hcmbrant and at half the price. Bo sure und see them be fore sitting for Xmus Photographs. The ciriniii Art Co. . TWO SIDES OF THE CASE ARE GIVEN llVliclutleil hum I'.ikc I should be tlon time, piovlded before leurgaulza- This was all right at Hint time, the exceptants say, but It does not apply now, Inasmuch ns the 18!), legislation, qtiuted above, straightens out the dllll fiiliy which the Supremo court wns confronted with and practically de stroys the effect of the Paxson decis ion. . The exceptants say that Allegheny In making the transition simply blun dered through the mutter of readjust ing Its common council, and this the Allegheny people pratleally admit. They had more common councllmen than the now law allowed and had to contract Instead of expand. The law, nt all events, was not followed and their action Is of no woith In determin ing Scranton's proper course. But luuvlng Allegheny out of the utiestlou altogether, as must lie 'ds bo done under the circumstances, the ad herents of the views conveyed In pre vious Ttlbune articles, still have plenty of ground, so they aver, on which to base their contentious. First of till they deny that the 1S93 enactment destroys the effect of the Paxson decision and say that no such reasoning can bo adduced fioni Ihe freest tending of the net. Tills, of eoiij'.se, Is u matter for the couit. Expansion of Council. Hegnrdliig the expansion of the com mon council, their contentions are these: The ISM law, above quoted, re garding apportionment, Is a second class city law. It provides for the ap pointment of a committee to make the apportionment. A third-class cltycotin clls can not exercise any of the rights or privileges bestowed by second-class elty legislation, consequently this com mittee must be selected from the second-class city councils, and qs there will be no second-class city councils until the flrrft Monday In Apiil next, no uppoi tlonnient of common connrll men can be made till that time. Applying these arguments to the 1SS3 legislation, the adherents of these lat ter views point out that the clutl&e, "the proper officers shall be elected to which the said city will become en titled," can not refer to the additional common councllmen, as It can not be determined at that time how many of such olllces the city "will become en titled" to. This being the case, they ay, the proper method of proceduie will be to appoint the apportionment committee immediately upon the organization of the second-class city government, take the return of the assessors as It ap pears fioni the lust assessment und having determined the number and location of the new common council men, declare the seats thut they are entitled to by the law to be vacancies and proceed to fill them by a special election. Assessors nt Work. Tlie city assessors are now working on a leturn of tlie resident taxables and expect to have It ready within a couple of weeks. It Is at the instiga tion of Mayor Molr that they are doing this, and It is the mayor's'Intentlon to have his beliefs put into practice by having tlie apportionment made by a committee of the present councils and proclaiming the February election day as the time for electing' the additional common councllmen. The Democrats who do not want the council expanded until after the first Monday In April, and who propose that the dlrectois of departments shall be chosen by the present councils as soon as the certillcate of the governor ar rives, will oppose this contemplated no tion of the mayor, and the chances are thin some Interesting quo wairanto proceedings will follow. VISIT TO THE SOUTH. Colonel Ripple and Warden Simpson Went Over Battle Fields. Colonel E. II. Hippie and Warden V. G. Simpson returned last night from a southern trip, which was chiefly a visit lo the old battle-grounds wheie both had fought In the Civil war. It will be remembered that Colonel Hippie, then but a youth, spent eight months in southern prisons. Florence, Ander sonvllle and Charleston, where he suf fered almost Incredible hardships. This week he went over the ground again where some of these awful months wete passed. In Floience, now a thriving town, he located the bur row which he had hollowed out during his Incurcerutlon in thut most terrible prison. It wuh from it that be mad" the escape among tlie drumatic scenes of which was his pursuit by blood hounds, the murks of whose teeth he will always carry. He visited the ceme tery the other day where uie burled 3,000 Union soldiers, most of whom died hi Florence prison, Colonel Hippie feels well pleased with his trip over the historic places which he last saw thirty-live years ago. Cooking Lessons. t'ommeuclug Tuesday, Dee, nth, at :i p. in., Mrs. Adulluo Wagg Smith, of Boston, will give the first of u series ot cooking lessons that will continue dally until the following Satutday, making a total of five liissous lu all, Through the Kindness of Jonas v wvVvyv rww swv s M hj AAfcAAAJ House Coats Once You Know Your Neckwear You can tell it at sight. It's different from tlie common i un it has a snap of style about it that others don't have. A splendid Aseoitment of Holiday Neckwear now on display, Exclusive Neckwear at 50c. IuiirlaU l'oui.lu.llaiiili llutteitly Tiej. New colors; new pjltri-m. 'Clio moat tw. ccs..ful flu for lilfli-baiiJ, lum-Jouu collari Is the Imttcilly nude io tit you. Fancy Hair Hose. Foine ot Ilia f j biles aiv; 1'iencli luiul made, llslo Unread; piuc bill, lo plain black nd fauey colors; flue cotton, fancy and plain colon. Prices fioin 60c. to $J.0O. $tt$S$$SWW$$$ra$JSS$-ra: The Issues That carry weight full diuner pail, lull value, full quality. Value autt quality are our cam paign motto always. Just look at this : Wines and Whiskies From 5oc to $2 Per Quart, at Casey Brothers', Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Long's Sons Mrs. Smith will deliver tho lecture on tho third Hour of their store, where preparations are being made to scat, a largo audience. Dur ing the lessons Mis. Smith will cook several dishes which will be passed to the ladles for criticism, and all atv icqitested to bring a fotk and spoon. Washington, D. C. nnd Return, Only S7.81. On account of tho celitejinlal celebra tion of the establishment of govern ment lu the District of Columbia, to be held In Washington, D. C. Dec. 12, 1000, ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special excursion tickets at rate of one way fare for the round trip, on sale good going on any legular train Dee. II, unit for return until Dec. 1 1 inclusive. Krnu3e's Headnche Capsules are unlike anything prepared In Amer ica. They were llr.st prescribed by Dr. Kniltte, Germany's famous court phy sician, long before atitlpyrlne was dis covered, and are ulmot marvelous, so speedily do they cure the most distrers ir.g cases. Price 2."c. Sold by Matthew Bros. Honest Goods. The plutlnettes at the Griffin Alt Co.'s studio. Mr. Griffin gives personal attention to sitters. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEpHONE Is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager's ofllce, 117 Adama avenue. Special Notice Recent and advanced scientific principles of construction render the Mtison & Hamlin Pianofortes instruments par excellence. This statement is borne out by musicians whose recognized lolty positions render to their words an ex-cathedra lorce. A full stock of these instruments may be seen at the waierooms ol L B. 131-m Washington Ave. A $wm A clean sweep we want to make on our scrap baskets. Good or they wouldn't be here at all. Low priced or we wouldn't be telling about them. Excellent for Christ' mas Gifts. Foote & Fuller Co. Wears Building. Hat Boxes 8 It's a (.'(million tliliii: to bear u nun ays V017 UAVi: 'I III! n.MisT mm: or nkckwhau cut luuiwiu to b'ci Jlitem. It's a tUJt tu ten tlie'lil, .NO TWO AI.IKi:. ifl.i to .'.M. Dent's Gloves. for lmIni euui; citlicr licny weight fain or tho tlalo color tiiedf, for cusiins wvar; hcay welfflit, while, or light weight, pcail. Oilier mikes at $1.50. CLMN a- BSiJ ' Gloves for Working Men I have always made A specialty at this sea son of Gloves for work ing men. Strong, well made, durable gloves at the lowest possible price I can afford to sell them. This year my stock is larger than ever. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenuft The Well-Kuown Modern Residence 605 Clay Avei Lot So feet front by 160 feet deep. FRUIT, SHADE TREES. BARN One of the finest res ident properties in the city. A . N. 129 Wyoming Avenue. THE ORIENTAL. Gifts selected now, reserved until Christ um lle. flaviland China This superior product of France, bclngr a household word umoiiK lovers of tlno talilownre, It Is .sufllclftit to .say: "Wo have It." A Il.iiil.nii1 China ?et of ion pli'ii'i-, (luui.iriil in mlois and tuned In Kolil; 111 In Ki'.ii'' the tahle nt u (picen, h a lilienl e iluiiic fur $35.00 Store open evenings, ciininienc llijf Monthly, Dpceinher 10, We Are in it.iti I im ...... Satisfying Business and cau supply one and all. The day store is ready, you Perpetuated Palm (that is better than those that live) is here for 39 cents. Tre9 seven and eight feet high at as inauy dollars also. The world of Fur niture is right here too! Can't begin to mention all, but suggest Music Cabiuets, China Closets, Bric-a-brac Cabiuets, Morris Chairs and CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! 77i tmbMY 221.223-225-227 WyomlngAy IMO no H ' i I Gruener & Co. I 1 205 WyominAvenue. I I 1 tz a iA-'ji . Tl . fc-ri.