gpymm THE SCkANTON TUIBUNIQ-FRtDAT, DECEMBER.?, 1000. 8 i INDUSTRIAL. X 4 About Saml-Monthly Pay. From llio present sliile of nrtiilin ev erything sums to forecast the ptub llsliliig of the semi-monthly myn "t nil the local mines, on ami after .Tun unry 1, 1900, UgsIiIps the rjelawnto una Jluilson Hulliund company which posU tlvoly announced that they will he Bin this mode of piiyliiR with the new year, a number of ttnmller eoniimnles now innke the Htiituincnt Unit they, too, will folow Ihn lend and Kiiinl the miners' drninnds for the semi-monthly visit' of the nnyiutiHtcr. The New York, Ontario and Western rnllrond and Drlnwure, l.itrkiiwitnim and AS'estein lliilltoml eonnmnli'H niu both conslderlnp the matter and It Ih pmuthtlly decided that the new 111 rp.nBir.Pitt will ro Into eifi-cl. The de mand nmonir the Ontario miners was not unanimous at Hist, hut now tin Brcat majority of the employes have petitioned It and flenerul Superinten dent of the foal Depailment llryileii yesterday Rave the 1'olloWliiK (ixplalia tlon to 11 Tribune limn i-ORiiMlinK the state of nffalis: "Ah yet no definite steji has been taken but the question Is beltiK Riven all due consideration. The mlneis nit: lirnctlonlly URipeil In askhiR for It, and I think that by January I. the eompatiy will be In line with the utneis, In RtantlnR the pays." It Is undei stood that the l.ehlRh Val ley ltallroad company starts the Mini-monthly inethoil, dathiR from Ui" cpinber 1, and the Temple Iron and Coal company adopted this tirraiiKC inent, already last month. It was de clared effective November I, and the first payment at the i-IrIu collleiles operated by the company was for the first fifteen days' wmK In the mines. The Hillside Iron and Cusil company will begin paying the men at Its elRht oolllerlcs on the twice a month plan during January, the Hist payment luk Iiir place after lifteen days' work. This is the first lime in the last twelve years that the semi-monthly pay kvs tein has been iimiU by the company. About eleven or twelve years uro the men demanded and weic ri anted the sernl-monlhly wage system, but after a short while lequested the namthly rays. Increases in the olllce slutYs of all the companies will be necessitated by the new method, as the arduous task of pieparhiR the pay roll Is thus doubled. New D. & H. Station. Tt Is likely that the wmk of te.utnR down the old "Weston mill bnlldliiR re cently purchased by the Uelawsire and Hudson Raihoad compuuy will be be Riin next week, and preparations start ed for the consti nctlon of the new frelffht station, which the compaiiy in ttnds locating on the site. "Work has progressed rhpldiy during the two past weeks In romovhiR the mill stock and machinery and today and tomorrow will complete the clearing of the bulld- IllR. The place has now been turned over ti the Delaware and Hudson and a big sIrii announces that the mill people have transferred their headquarters tn No. 12 Lackawanna avenue. Prac tically all the larRcr niachlneiy of the operating plant has now been removed, and a biR My wheel is the only thing which will cause considerable work In moving. The slack and the largest of the boileis have been retained by the "Weston JUill company, but the other boilers, shafting, etc., were sold i y the railroad company as junk to M illlam I?right, the North Seranton carriage manufacturer. A. D. Koberts, of Throop, had marge of the hauling to North Scran .on, A yoke of big, strong oxen were two of his mainstays In the heavy work, and the two powerful looking animals presented a ratlur unwonted spectacle standing so near the city's busiest thoroughfare. Joint Meeting of Railroaders. 'A meeting was held yesterday at the New York, Ontario and "Western railroad headquarters on "West Lacka wanna avenue between several repre sentatives of the companies and the Central Railroad of New Jersey traf 1lc: departments to look over the move ment of the freight and see If any Im provements or changes were needed in the present mode of handling this traffic. Division Freight Agent K. M, Sny der, of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, came on from Mauuh Chunk to attend the conference, and Contracting Freight Agent W. K. Thayer, of the Central railroad, joint agent for both companies, II. H. Ashley, special agent of, tho Ontario, II. If. Purdy, of Utlca, N. Y., and Dlstiiot Passenger Agent .1. 13. "Walsh, of tho Ontario, were the others present. Any ItnpiovemontK made as a result of this mooting will be embodied In a report' submitted to each company's transportation departments, Central May Bo Absorbed. There are strong rumors afloat the Philadelphia and Reading Itail load company authorlles are seeking to secure 11 controlling Interest In the Central ltallroad Company of New Jersey, and on acquiring this to work the two roads In harmony. There has boon good buying of Cen tral stock for several weeks past and It was reported In "Wall street that tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad was after the loud, iu order to seeuio its magnillcenl tei initials on the North river. Moth companies have donleit this mid now conies tho minor about llio Philadelphia nnd Reading, Tho Central road Is practically a continuation of tho Philadelphia and Reading from Round Ilrook to Jersey City, and there seems little doubt but thnt the Rending company would bo willing to take over tho Central toad. Tho company has twice before leased tho Central company, the ilrst time from May, iss:i until' 1SSG. in iwu the Central was again leased, this tlmo for n term of Will yearn, but hi August of tho samo year, tho courts of New Jer sey declared tho contract Illegal, and thu lease was cancelled by mutual f 4-4- -f 4- -f" 4- -f - 4- -f -f -f -f 4 -f f 4- 4 -f f -f 4- -f -f 4 -f 4- f 4- : Remember the Sale of the X X Nisbet Stock of X I $40,000 Worth of Dry Goods I Begins Today at the Old Store of "The J Fashion," 308 Lackawanna Ave, 4444 44-444 f4-44 44t4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4 4 4-44-4- agreement. This wnn tho reHillt of! bringing tho case Into court, on account of tho opposition aroused by tho leasing when Its terms were made known. District Passenger Agent .1. S. Swlsh pr yesterday disclaimed nny personal knowledge of any negotiations between th two companies. "1 inn not In tho least acqunlnted with the details of tiny iirnngeincnta with the Philadelphia and Reading," he remarked, "but I think that some arrangement will soon bo reached be tween the two companies. The Phil adelphia nnd Reading needs us, you know, as they can't got Into New York without our aid. The last agreement made with them, should have stood, I think." Todny'y D., L. & W. Bonrd. Today's 1")., 1.. and "W. board Is as follows: Tlmitilny, Poo, 0. VMI.l) CATS llASr. (! p. 111. -.1. M.ihIuk, Mllli M. I'lumoily'ii men. s.::u p. 111. (I. Hurl, It i. lit.- P. 1111 Wutiiirr. 1'ilil.iy, Doc. 7. wild Ii!.:) 11. 111 llolit, 11, Villi W.iifcIV men, ;i :i. in.--I. Ili'iinlurii. 4 11. 111.- .1. .1. Uml.t , r. 0. in, it, 'r. siniiii. it 11. in. r, viinutriti.. 11, in. I'r.iiik .M.1I11111, wllli lt.uurty men. s j. 111.- .Mm w.m, ! n. 111. - T. Huii'lu.iii. Il.W) a. 111,- M. J. I 1 1 1. III.- I'. l!lli,MII. 2 p. 111,- II, Cut in r. :i.i." p, in. it, ltni,l,ilili J.1.1 p. 111. t). W. Vit7irri.ilil. st; r .1 in . c il-l'.. MiAIIUtir. I i in., tait-. I. Mim iri. ti 1 1. 111,, cast -II, illllli.Mii. 7 p. in,, finin Vu.i Aug I! Duffy. 1) .1. 111., wol (!. I'roiinti'lkrr. 'I ,i. m i"l -. II, Milmli. II u. in,, ii r.niiKir. ' 7 p. 111., rv ftuni Cijuiua Mi l.inp, 7 1 1, in., (t (umi ( iis.1 (iiiilij, l'l'I.I int. in a. in. V, i:. S-uir. pusiiuns. f. a 111. O. lliiuscr. , 11.30 a. in. -.Mor.111. 7 i. 111. -M. Muipliy. 11 j. 111. T.aniiiii;j. I'AS'CNGKU KKOINTa, 7 a. 111. Oj!Tn".v. b !.0 p. 111. Kliiiiton. ' 7 p. III. M IliOMTII wn.n cvt's vi:st. 1 .1. (.I'll r :i. in. U. Smltli. a. 111 -C KiiiK-li-y. 111. ,1. I:. M.I-UI1. 1 11, 111.- .1. llnlii'i'. 7 a. 111. C Y. tluiiii. S a. til. T. .1. 'llioinii'Ull. i a. 111. W. Klili. iIIIi . (!. I lainmil ' iniii. 10 11. 111. II. lli-liini,', Willi .liiliu Cii1i,ij,.iii'i in. 11, 11 11. in II,ii;kmI,v. 12 o'rlncl. iiuiin- O. l'ae, ultliU. llaitlii)loiiui's tiiui. I p. 111. .1. t'lHilln, itli S. CiiiiiioiIC men. i p. in. .1. O'll.ll.l. II p. 111. --.I. II. Mif.iini. 1 p. m. T. .MiCirtliy, Willi (!. Hill'- men. r, p. 111.- -IV. l..ill.iiT. li p. in C. II. 'niilli. NOTIOI) Coiiilmtur 'llioma-i .MiCntli.v will tun (i p m.. Snmmil IT i-f, 'i'lmi'xl.i.i. Dee. H, in 1I.11 m II. (!illii;iiii, willi ( imii. Thin and -That. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad yesterday carried a very heavy passenger trnllle to New Voik city. Two extra coaches bad o be put on ti.iiu No. 4 and' one was added to train No. (i. Superintendent Dudgeon, oT the Buf falo division of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad com pany, has recalled the bulletin which reduced speed to six miles an hour over bridge No. fi, one-half mile west of Vestal. Speed may now be In 1 leased to twenty-five miles un hour. The order also has been recalled to le duce speed over No. IS bridge, one half mile west of Litchfield, Healing Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, H Heaters. mm FORSYTH, 325-327 PENN AVENUK. Lag-er Beer" Brewer MniiuTadiu'tnv) r OLD STOCK PILSNER 436 to 405 N. Niuth Stroat, Telephmis Call, 2;J;3. 1 liis s Sensible Holiday Gifts Smoking Jackets, House Robes, Traveling Cases, Fine Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Etc. Highest Grade, Lowest Prices. $fimy 412 Spruce Street. Merchant Tailorin CGoec It is impossible to get more for your money than we give you. Others may offer lower prices but they give you much inferior worlc. Some give good work, but exhorbitant prices, Our facilities are the best, our worlc the best and our prices the lowest. 213 Wyoming Ave. Of tV t- fW il.lJS ('iMMliolI, uiu ulkiLiI Iiy the eiifii lii '10 Norfolk, Ua. Old Point Comforf, Ua. Richmond, Ua. Washington, D. C. Klr.iineii. tJil "Inly cirpl SuniLiy finin 1'iir '20, Noilli HIm-M, fuol ol Di'icli stioct, New "iiul,. 'Ikkcl", incliuliu!,' tni'.il-. unci sLiti'iooiu an mil-moiljtion-, fl3.ii jiul upuuril. I'm' full liifoim.itinn apply lo OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81 Beech Street, Now York, N. Y. 11.11. V.M.i;i:il,'Iiaf.MKr. J.J.KHOW.N.G.l'.A. Hanan Shoes for Men, 0- Short Iyer The Best Shoes for the Smallest Prices g Friday &ndi Saturday 120 pair Jvaclies' bpntijr Heel Button $2,00 Shoes, at $1.25. 60 pair Ladies' Spring Heel $1.00 vShoes at 50c, 96 pair Ladies' Vici Kid and Box Calf, Goodyear welt, $3.i)0 Shoes at $2.50, 1 78 pair Ladies' Vici Kid Button and $2,00 Shoes, at 98c, $1.29 and $1,49, The above are only a few of the many bargains, We invite you to call and examine our goods butore buying elsewhere. Remember, there is no trouble to show you goods ami you will surely save money by it, rVJYER DAVIDOW S3 V THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SORANTON. ORGANIZED IB7B DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED 3TATE9. Capital SSOO.000 buhplus aoo.OOO WM. CONNELU 1' IIH.NRV UELIN, Jr., VlcoPres. WILLIAM tl. PHCK, Caslilar. Bpecta. ntteiittnn Riven tor bm. ness uccopntR. Three per cent, in. tereit pal uu Inlorcat drposlu. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue Wo' n jipct i.illj of t.ituj Crcnnoiy Hut (oi umi Miluly ini emj' .mil '" U It .is low III (list llllVt (,'UOill iuii In1 sold ,il, V Oo not Ium- ,in,t pulul m1i' r rn tint .it nil tllni'i rally ,is Miiuplcli1 it Hue of M.ukrt (iniuli., r.iiu.v (iiou'ilirt mill T.ilili' Di'llca rln ii lie (imiiil In tin' lJiKet New YnrK oi l'hlliililplil.1 Mmkl wlildi mi' H'll .it Hislit plius. . H. Pierce, 10 I.nikiw.inm Ave. Prnrnpt ilcllitry. 110, 112, 111 I'cnn Avr. DR. DBNPTEN. 311 Sprues SIrest. Scron ton, Pa. 'II Acute on I Chronic DHenscs ol .Men, NVom n nn . Chililreii. Cunsiiltatlonanil examination fr.-e. Office Hours Dully and Miniuy 8 a. m. to o p. m. saaiBaaEiagagBaBiHaasat; Not in Nature for anyone tn nlwny feel tired. There is no need to tlnijr out nu existence witlioiitniiiliitioii. Weak nencs ore responsil.le for Inn gtior, depreiiion, debility nnd arico ccle. Diseased nerves whether due to over work, ovcr-iiululsence or any other cause, can tic made strong as tteel by the use of ThevtotieandliiviKorate every orjjan of thu'biidr. soothe and strciiRtlieu the nerves mid transform broken down men and women into stroiiR. healthy, vigorous nidily-cheektd persons. If you find this i,n't io, you get your money back, $1.00 per box; (I boxes (with guaran tee), S-'ilH). llookfrer. 1i:.m. Mkdi cini: Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1'or sali' by .lolm II. I'lielpi, l'li.iiniaiinl, loincr Wjuniine aCtiiu? and Spruce clieet. 9 $ aviaow, 307 Lackawanna Ave. To be obtained in town. This statemeut is made without bluster or brag. Its fore? is merely that oi a demonstrated fact. The values offered for today and tomorrow speak for themselves, to all who care to read: Men's Shoes at $2.00, $3.00, $3. jo and $5'.oo, made by the best of makers, all styles and all widths. Ladies' Shoes at $2.00, $3.00 aud $4.00, in Pateut Leather, Kuamel aud fine Kid, all sizes aud all widths, A to E. 60 nair Men's K.ussia -alt. Box Calf, Leather Lined aud Euamel, Goodyear Welt Shoes, worth $3.30; today and tomorrow only $2.50. 14S pair Men's Calf, Vici Kid and Enamel Shoes, worth $3.00, at $2.00. xooo pair Men's Shoes at 98c, $1,29 and $1.49, worth nearly double ' the price, EXTRA HELP TO WAIT ON A Good Offering Repeated: Choice begins at a very little price for garments that are worth considerably more. They are of fresh, crisp taffetas in solid and changeable colors, with deep accordeon plait ruffle the same quality and style and at the same price as two previously large lots that were eagerly bought the same day tbey were announced $6.50 each, though $10.00 would be only fair. The assortment of other grades is most extensive doubt that a better one is shown anywhere. Every best style was gathered in every pretty shade, and all the taffetas are thoroughly good, whether the price be $0 50 or $25. Some very fine petticoats are $8.00 and some are $10.00. Others at $12.50, $13.50, on up to $25. CONNOLLY THE K! POWDER CO. Kooms 1 and 2, Com'lih IV I'd' 6CBA1VTON, PA. nining and Blasting PO ER M;de at Mooslo and Rusa lata Woricj. LA FUN & RAND POWDER CO3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Eli'otrlo ItatterlOJ, Hloatrlo Kxploltri, exploding blintH, snfuty Kimuai Renauno Chemical Co.'s expHo "veb - Kelly's Shoes for Ladies, Bargains 1. 000 na'.r Ladies' Common Sense Caudee 50c Rubbers, sizes 22 to 2,Vi) at 15c. Men's Slippers at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50. Ladies' Slippers at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Boys' aud Youths' Shoes at 98c and $1.25. Children's Shoes at all prices. The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue YOU, SCRANTON'S SHOPPING GENTER. Petticoats Many Styles. & WALLACE, esKSEKiffiisa tmaammmMuimmsmBX nmni "The Faultless." Perfect in Mechanical Construction and ti "TIIVlE, SAVES JlABOR, Williams & IMnuity ww. Carpets. Wall Paper. Draperies. AROMABINATtOrGAMESDL "---""Wllnr These Game Boards have Rules for 50 Games including CROKINOLE and all the CARROM GAMES FSorey & Brooks, 211 The Dickson MiMiiifiiotiU'liiX I'J. tcruiiton nml Wllltovliirr i'-. .Muiiurau.iirjrt o: LOCOMOTIVliS, SFATIONARV fiNOINBS Hollers, lloUtliiKunJI'u.npliieAlacliliisry. General Ofllce, Seranton, Pa. BUY THE OENUIINE ra . MANUFACTUnun UY . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ej"?,TnTiji!.VAsii:. ,, - t . . . -. T-.-rr-n (fh Pro!.Q.F.THEEL,ftl,D. n.'WmiO r. i V'OlOSrH.VriCl'O.VWIJOCt.t&i.mlfjliiltj 7 Pi:.T,uiiiul.rudtflil i.o.4alMlinnVrlmu.i J". ir.ii'1 Mill. It. l.,i,h..'tl.lIH"'"''f"," 1 iHiill.rtiU"Tilli'"i.:.8if'l',lii"",,"',l -A-A. A ' . " --- fc - ---. SYHUF IF FIGS 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE Sweeper Perfection We want you to see the most perfect Carpet Sweep- miimmmm Cl KVt:' i'"""11-"" Finish. B-y"Have Demonstrator Show Its Merits. GARRETS. rciw wm Washington Avenue. HENRY BEL1N, JR.. General Assent (or the Wyoming District lor Uinlns, lllastinr, Sporlins, Smolclejs md tli llciuuno Cliemlcal L'ompiny'i High Explosives. Sjfcty Tu-w, Ojps and niploJera. Itoom 101 Coo null llullilinsr. Seranton. AUUSCIUS: TltOS. I'OIII) , PltUton JOHN' II. SMITH ti t'O.V ...,.., I'Dmoutli V, U. MUU.IUAN , WilUsBirm mmn POWDER. Jl l V .11 iU t