The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 07, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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All Aro Making Preparations for
Enjoymont During- the Holiday
Season Republican Club, Ladles'
I. C. B. V., Robert Morris Lodge
' nnd C. M. B. A. Nominate and
Elect Officers Entertainment Pro
vided at the Carnival Other Short
er Paragraphs of Interest.
Judging from the appended list of
ovenis .chedujed for Hi" coining
month in social, church nml society
circles, In Wo?t tfcrunton, there Is nil
unusual activity among the ' young
people. The luerosiso earnings of tl'."
mint' workers nml the prospect of .1.
semi-monthly illhlrlbitthin -if waxes
nmong them, 1ms hml a wonderful
olTcct In stimulating business.
Appended Is the Hchodult'd nlti'tic
tiniis fur tlu; holiday suison anil fu
ture dates:
Clmi Xo. I:) In tlie Wii-Jiliinii Mint I'ri'-liy-terlan
IUI1I1! kIkiuI, t.imjlil by MI- 'lni.i MH
lifts. Is arr.uiKhi lor :i In In' lii'lil at tin'
Imrcli net Tlmiwlay inrnliiB;. Hit, I.I. Tlieii'
it notlili'i: .nperitltioit about tliU 1 1 im nml tlii'V
Iwvp I'linci'lw-il tlie IiIm cf ili.iiKiiiU 1111
niliiiIioii fee of I" rent", ami a ..iinll.ii iiinminl
fur icfrcliiiiriitii.
TI11 dime supper .'iniiauiiii'il fur Tur-d.iy i'vi
hiK, Iler. 11, .'it- Ioriti' lull. iimliT llii' .iii-l'i'i'i
fit :.inii Xo. "!. r.tiiiotic Diiiiv nt Aiiii'iiiMti',
li.11 been iiostponcl until TiH'wI.iy. .I.ui. II. nn.l
nil wIki 1kiu tulil ticket lor nosl wool; hip ie
iiistcil to nnlily tin- nt II"- 1 luiiKi'.
Tlie twenty-eighth siiinl.i'ii.ii.v inti it.iinineiii.
and social of Washington ramp. No. 17m, Patri
otic Oiilor Sons ot Anii'di.i, v ill I"' lii'lil at.
tearV lull WeilniMtlay i-wiitni.', Dei. I-', Ilarii
ticket pnieli.Tscd entitle" the holder to it oluiii-i.
on a Urn- hill: umlnell.i. The pioe;i.tiiiiii' will
l.e .-liiiicmitcd later. The piut ceils will lie lwd
in turiiMiins the 111 w home of the camp, wliiili
is mvr In fuiic-o nf election,
The Ymiiiii; People' -ocicty of the I'lnt WcMi
rniiirrcwallonal ehtireli will i nndiii t an enlei
tnlnnieiit ami social on We1h1c.1l.1y i-tentiej,
Jan. C.
The monthly meeting of the Vi union's
I'nreten .Missionary t-oeiety of the Simpson M-dho.
ilM iiplsoopal (jimrcli will he In hi this evenlni;
nt the home of MrA 1' Shield, mi Ninth
Sumner airnuc. An iiitniMliiir piogiamnie will
lie presented.
T!ic nietnlien of Ihe i;inliie City Wlierlinon
will conduct an nteit.iiiinienl anil at the
lull liniiM! fin l'liday evi'iiliKr. Dee. 11.. The
projrrainine will lie piilili-hcil laicr.
Urancli No. 41 of the Catholic M11tt1.1l Iltnrfl
oial av.ociation will hold their annuil election
ot oflicera in Ilari fi.iti hall on 'eilnpil ly inen
inc. Dec. IS.
The drawins for a silK umlnelli under the
For Ladies and Gentlemen.
Think of the
Nona Neckwear
There are so many novelties out this season that de
scriptions are impossible. For ladies Furs of every
class, Iyiberty Silks, Chiffons, and many Combina
tion Novelties that are beautiful beyond compare.
For gentlemen the variety and extent of our
Neckwear is boundless, while the qualities and styles
are irreproachable. '
As Christmas Gifts
There's a special display of these in our ceuter
aisle today which is worth attention. It represents
everything that can be called a Handkerchief, for all
classes, conditions and sexes of the human race.
My Lady's Fan
J Has' never before approached
the artistic excellence dis
' played this year, Many of
them are things of beauty,
.which ought to prove a joy
while life lasts.
Our Two Great Glove Departments
For Ladies
, We show everything that
' a .woman cau wear in Gloves
at any hour or function by
day or uight, aud our Gloves
are warranted.
Globe Warehouse
nmptti'S ot the, l.lly Social clnli will ncoir on
lire. 21,
The llrt mmn.ll coclnl nt Ihe llletlllu SpaiU
SiwIjI ilnli will he held III Me.ilf' hall on TUP!'
day pvrtilm,', llee. II.
A Hlhcilitlnn iI.iikc will he held lhl eirlilm;
at Ihe Siranton llltjcle Clnh Imil'e under llw
pulrniinui' nt the Wiitilla t'limpIiiK ilnlii of Wes
The "new heme" nf SI. Iliomleli'i
cniinrll, Vniinic Men's llistllilte. will he oprlied
al Ml Xoilli Main inenue mi ChiKtmai etc.
The iitr.ilr will he 111 the natlllc of n "fiirpile" ly In Hit ir (ihlidA and Inehlpnlally Mile In
ili.niKiiliiti' the epelillis of the loiiniU'fi mw
'I In' iholr id the I'lyinoiilli
r him li will enleilaln Willi n ami tllii.u.
in Hal ell New Vi'.tt'i elenlntr. A inpillolloiH
pinKIMIiiin!' in hellnr picpaied.
The ilrawlnir lor a pi Ire of iln In Rold will he
(nmliuleil ut the mcljl aeisliin nml iiml pr of
the Hyde I'.iik l'.tllipr Miithew miiidy In M.
1."i)'h li.ill mt Siiiidiy nlleinooii.
I'l'epar.ithim lile helntr tiimle hy the Wonieli'"
tlnilil nf M. Matli's ihmeli for rrtinv
ii supper mi Thtiimlay mid I'rlday eieiilncJ. Dee.
1.'t ami II.
The yotim; ladies of the I'list Wel-h H.iplW will ciiliilaln Willi a .lapaiiccc weihllnu
and mkI.iI on New' ee. The alfalr will
he chin in piopcr loslutne and Menle efl'ict.
The union senhe of the Woinoli'i l'liii'lan
Mi!snti.ii,r ' Miclcllcs of Sciiudon and lelnltv
will he held at Klin fall, i lunch on Monday
ntlprtiooii net at :.' o'rhnh. The piimamme Is
In (halite of the ineuilieit of ihe SlinpMiii, lhinii
ton mid I'rnvldeiii c ihtilcli -ocicties,
All impel tant IiucIIiil- of lie C.ihuilhl.l lln-e
nml cuinpanv will he held at lli''i
lii'inlipi.n li it net lloiiday i
An apion sale and he r renin ocl,il will lip
held iu"t Tuesday ami "eilncda, i.ieiiiiiirt mi
ller the siii.plics of tie' t.leaticis Mieicly of Ih"
Simp-oil Mcthodl-t episcopal chilli li at the honie
nf llr. ami Mi-. 1!. V. Ihnil-mi, emtier of .Mam
aremii! and .I.hI,-hi .Inel.
Y. W. C. A. Meetings,
AU nC Hit lllhh' I'liiHSOU tni't ri'Ster
ilay al'ti'iniiiui and inurh inli'ivst was
nimilfestud in the sttnly of tind'H work.
The suhji'i t I'oaslduroil was "About
Truths I Have Never Jlefurt' viinwn."
llany nf these truths weic nuitlu clear
In llli'r.e who atteinUnl,
A special ntei'tlnif l'nr Kliis will be
held at the rnimis timiorinw eyenliiif.
when the subject, ".My Kavorite liyniii,
Who Wrote It, and AVluit It Cleans to
Me," will be iliteussed. Those who will
take imrl In the tneelliisT are Misses
Dolly Thiinms, llnltle Davie, Miti'
Kai'i't .lainlesoti, May (Jreeii and Maude
ThoiiiitK. It will be a service of souk:,
anil all women and sdrls jire Invited.
Officers of Ladies' I. C. B. U.
The Ladles" I. '. I!. I". met III HI.
Leii'd hall last evelilliK' and eleeted the
i'ollowiiiK iilllcers: rresiilent, Miss
Nellie Dnylo: vleo-iirestdent, Miss
Laura Morali; secretary, Miss Cather
ine (lallaslier; troitsttrur, Miss Mary
Trustees, Miss Muritaret Delmer,
Miss Marsaret Citslek, Mrs. .1. A. Car
son; stowards. .Miss MntKaret Kellet,
Mai'KareL MeCrea, Nellie Cartln, Kai
ma Franz. B. 15. Uealey, Airs. .1. J.
Carson, Jirs. .leiiniiiKs, Mrs. Tiurke,
Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. Cummlng.".
Ivorites Nominate Officers.
The lloliert -Morris Imlifis of Ivorites
nominated Hm I'ollowlus candidates
for the various otllces last evening:
President, David Owens: vice-president,
Tallie Al! Kvans; recordinpr sec-
Pocket Books, Etc
If you buy a Pocket Book
Card Case or Bill Case here,
you can depend that its qual
ity is precisely as we say it
is, We don't sell bad pock
etbooks. For Gentlemen
Driving, Valkiug or Dress
Gloves of every make aud
quality are shown in a com
plete series of detail not
found elsewhere iu this city,
rrlnry David ,T. Davis (attqrney)S
tlnnncltil secretary, Palmer Williams!
treasurer, Kly llurrla and Daniel Jay
Ucoso; conductor, M. ttowland Dnvies:
rt toward, Louis A. Howell j Inslito sen
tinel, Howard Davlst outside soiitlnol,
lloser Kvnnit, John ,H, Phillips, John
t). Kdwttrds: trustee, Dnvld J, Davis
(hook-kcoiior)! tloli'Kittos In imind
lodge mootlit"; nl Taylor, James Mi
Powell, John It, Kdwnrils, Kly It arris.
Kevoi'itl atncndiuents lo the by-laws
woro adopted nt Hit; iiii'Ctlnrr. The
t'lpcthin of officers will occur nt the
inei'tlnK two weeks hence.
Entertainment at Carnival.
The success or tho dolt's carnival Is
doubly assured from the p:itronanu It
hits received during the week, and tho
entertainment provided has been tho
means of attrnetlnpr addltlonttl crowds
each evening. T.nst nlnlit an pM'ot'i'iit
entertainment was kIvcii and the nai;
tlclpants acipillted themselves credit
ably. Tonight promises to be the "star" at
traction of the carnival. The I'.hn Park
rhureh qtinrtetlewlll sing several num
bers, They aro Miss Kllznbeth Thomas,
sopriinoj Miss Duncan, contralto; Al
fred Wooler, tenor, itittl Philip 'Warren,
basso. Yontrllo'itilst Charles Hartley
will give Ills Inimitable, entertainment,
nnd Miss' llentrlce Morris will recite.
.Mr, "Warren 1ms also consented to slug
a solo, and a violin solo will be a tide I.
Republican Club Meeting;.
A regular mooting of the West Side.
llepnlilican club was Injlil last evening,
at which officers were nominated as
For president, Frank I!. Itecse and
f.'harloK K. Daniels; for vice-president,
Charles If, Acker and Charles 1.. Dan
iels; for secretary, Tallesen Phillips:
for niarshal, Charles it. Acker; for
lliiiineial secretary and treasurer, Pal
mer Williams and David Jeremy Da
vis: for trustees. William. J. Thomas
and W. 10, Thayer; for janitor, l.lfw
ellyn Davis.
The election will take place at the
first regular meeting In January. Ksc
Puii'olmiiu Ht'ephoii Dyer was eleetf'd to
Royal Arcanum Meeting.
The ineiiibeis of Lackawanna coun
cil. No. HSfi, lioyal Arcanum, will hold
another of their popular meetings In
Ivorlti; hall this evening, when Attor
ney Cornelius ('omes.vs will deliver an
address on the subject of ''Death and
Taxes." Kveiy member is urged to lie
Anotlie" Important feature of the
meeting will be tlie annual election of
iilllcers, and inasmuch as this Is an
event which requires much deliberation
and thought, the members are expected
to attend and participate in this elec
tion. The subject for discussion at the
meeting on Friday evening-, December
-I, will be "Socialism." As there are
several sides to this question, It be
hooves the members nf Lackawanna
council to attend this evening's meet
ing and find out which part of tlie .sub
ject they are expected In talk on.
C. M. B. A. Officers Elected.
The members of the ladies' branch.
No. !i7, of the embolic Mutual Hene
liclal association, have elected the fol
lowing officers for the coming year:
Piesiilent. Miss Mary Meilale: first
vice-president, Miss Mary Jordiin: sec
ond vice-president. Miss .Margaret 1 lad
gen; recording secretary. Miss Whit
tled Hiiggerty: assistant rci-onllng sec
retary, Miss Winifred F. Hiiggerty;
financial secretary, Miss Mary Harri
son: treasurer. Miss Mary Mcfionlgle;
guard, Mi', Anna (illl: trustees, Miss
Pai.-ih .McDonald. Miss Alice Chant,
Miss MaiRiuet Tralnor.
Miss Sarah McDonald was elected
delegate to tlie annual convention lo
be held al Detroit next July, wtlli Miss
Surah Meilale as nlternale.
To the Republican Voters of the
Fifth Ward.
Notice Is hereby given that a caucus
of the Itemibltean voters of the I'Mflh
ward of the city of Seranlon will be
held at the various polling places In
said ward on Saturday, December 17,,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m for
the purpose of nominating Ilepubllcan
candidates for tlie offices of common
council, school controller, register,
judges of election and inspectots of
All persons intending to become can
didates for said nominations are hen by
noltlleil to register with James P.
Thomas, 31S Twelfth street, on or he
fore Tuesday, December J I. Ilion,
I!y order of the
' Vigilance Committee.
Miss Bessie Phillips, of South .Main
avenue, Is spending u few days with
friends In New fork.
Mrs. Davltt, of Pitlston, Is the gitr-st
of Mrs. '.. Phillips, of South Mai.n ave
nue. .Miss Mabel pershiiner.of South Main
avenue, is entertaining .Miss Towner, of
Hornellsvllle, N. Y.
Tho following officers have liooi
elected In the Simpson Methodist Kpls
copal Sunday school: Superlntendi-'iit,
George L, Peck; Ilrst nssistaut, Unhurt
J. 'Williams; second assistant, William
H. Ilagcn: third assistant, Kdmuiul
Warner; secretary, Louis Jones; treas
urer, Jay; librarian, Harry Ran
dolph; pianist, Oussle Fritz.
liev, 'W. lio.sen Williams, a Welsh
preacher, who Is visiting friends hero,
preached a sermon al Ihe South Main
Avenue Welsh Calvlnlstlc Mel hod 1st
church last evening.
The remains of an Infant child of
Mr. and Mrs, John nibble, nf North
Flhnoro avenue, were Interred In the
Washburn street cemetery yesterday
The Hroadway Athletic club held,
their second annual entertainment and
dtiuco'lu 'Meat's' hull last evening.
programme of singing, dancing, reci
tations. Hie-,, was rendered and .Miss
Kate Uenrdon played for tho dance
which followed,
William Clllroy, of Jackson silent, has
succeeded J. J, Marly as West Seniu
ton correspondent of tlie Truth,
Division No. 1, Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, will meet this livening.
Complaint was made to the pollca
last evening about a crowd of boys
who continue to annoy the rehlent.
In the vicinity of Academy and Four
teenth streets, A iiuuiImt of nrresls
are likely to follow If parents do not
curb tin.' youngsters.
Willlum -MoDermott, of Hampton
street, who wits nrrested for abusing
his parents, was committed to tho
county jail for thirty days by Alder
man Moses,
Joseph Cooler. John Donovan and
Annie Petit, who were arrested for
keeping a disorderly house, were sent
lo Jail for fifteen days In dofnult of
thi'l'r lines.
John O'JInrn, of North Serantnn,
refractory prisoner, who assaulted
Patrolman Collins hen tho latter
prevented him from being run over on
the Lackawanna railroad ctrly yes
terday morning, vn fined $li by Al
derman Mosos In police court yester
day. Harry Jenkins, tho druggh't, has re
turned lumio from a week's pleasure)
trip to New York and Philadelphia.
John Fern, oulsldc foreman ut tho
Oxford, and Wallace CI, Mnsor, it re
porter on The Times, have announced
themselves ns candidates for select
and common council respectively In
tho Fourth ward,
Tntnc.1 Hastings, of Meridian street,
was arraigned before Alderman Kelly
lust evening on u charge of selling
liquor without u license. Ho was
committed for no ilnys In default of
a (Inn of $2,-. and costs.
There was n preaching service last
night In Ihe APIs Mission on Keyscr
avenue, I lev. J. It. Sweet, D. D was
the speaker. '
Guernsey Hall
Is the pluce lo buy a beautiful piano
or organ for a Christmas gift. Cnll and
got prices and terms. J. W. Oucrnsoy,
proprietor, ntt-nic Washington avenue,
Heranton, Pa.
A Busy Session of the Borough Coun
cil Last Night Other NeW3
Notss nnd Personals.
The council met In regular session
last night, with Messrs. McAllister,
Payton, Ward, Drogan and McLnltgh
lln present. Reports of various com
mittees were read nnd approved, Mar
tin Cooney appeared nnd complained
that he had not been pnld for some
masonry work, done under orders from
council, upon several properties on
AVebster avenue.
Tt was ordered that the grievance
committee consult with the boiottgh at
torney In regard to the matter nnd
take some nctlon. John Cordy, of
IJlnkely, was exonerated from personal
taxes for llidi).
A petition was presented from the
property holders of lower Drinker
street, nsklng that crosswalks be or
dered laid nt the Intorsectlonot Drinker
street and Monroe avenue, also at Dela
ware street and Monroe avenue. The
petition was granted, and Messrs. Mc
Laughlin, Payton nnd Tlergun were ap
pointed a committee with power to
order the Improvements made.
The streel commlssionerrepurted that
lie had run about ?r,2 over his allow
ance for last month, his time sheet
amounting to $3!2. A discussion arose
as to tlie right of the Drinker Turn
pike company to collect loll within the
borough limits, the borough attorney
contending they had no right to do so.
The council ordered their attorney to
further investigate the matter before
taking decisive action to abate the
There weie some very uncomplimen
tary things said of the Scranton Gas
and Water company In regard to tho
condilion In which they left niakely
street, after their recent excavating. It
was moved bv Mr. Ward that a gen
eral ordinance be drawn up by tlie
borough attorney, previous to tlie next
meeting, which will make it impossible
for this company or any other cotpora
tlun to tear up the host streets In -town
and leave tlient as they may see tit, la
tlie ftltuie.
Chief Tee vn n. of the lire department,
complained about the condition of the
lire alarm. The fire department com
mittee was instructed to look into tho
causes of the trouble. It was suggested
that an entire new sysleni bo Installed
and the gons located at Spencer's mine.
Assistant Chief Wert, representing
the Neptune Fire company, was pres
ent and complained that the chemical
engine pm chased from the Haclno
Chemical company, was out of order,
as It has been much of the time since
they have had 11. The contract states
that it shall be kept in repair for two
years, and council will lake action at
once to see that the western company
fullills this agreement. Messrs. Ward,
Payton, McLaughlin and liingau were
appointed to scurry around the county
for some suitable stone for road re
pairs. They are anxious to see the
handsome stone crusher recently pur
chased doing something besld-s dec
orating Mr. lliglln's back yard.
Complaint was made regarding the
poor servhe the electric light company
Is furnishing. It was reported that
live lights had been out fourteen con
secutive nights last month.
Orders were drawn for tho salaries
of the various borough officers nnd
bills amounting to $I.S7.::7 were ordered
Shorter News Notes.
The union revival services were held
last night in tits Tripp Avenue Chris
tian church. The house was tilled with
the audience, every chair being taken
and extra chairs being placed In the
aisles. The Rev. Krenmer delivered a
very Impressive address on the "Bit
ter and Sweet Waters." He Insisted
that all would dud bitter waters, but
Christ could sweeten them. At tho
closo or the services three young wo
men were baptized. The Rev. Mr.
Smith, or Ilonesdule, was the only vis
iting clergyman present last evening.
Tho services will be held In tho
Methodist church this evening nnd
Rev. J. 1. Dnbney, "f the Christian
church, will deliver tho address. Tills
may close tho union services.
A large number of Junior American
Mechanics go to Georgetown tonight,
where they Install a new council, A
special train leaves on the Uric and
Wyoming Valley rnilrmid nt 7,"0 for
their accommodation, '
The Initial dunce of tlm Dttnmoro
Dancing class, hold In Mauley's ball
lost evening, proved a most enjoyable
and grand success. The management
nrn doing all In their power to make
this one of the best classes of tho sen
Tin- (,tlr ami (eillval ot llm I'lOilileiun I'lcliy.
tirUu lailleii eieiilni.' .iltiarlnl a tunc miiii
Iht ot p.itiuiis i.lin apparently pint tlielf money
(inly nml nt the hi iiiu lime oiijujiil a plea.nit
tin-Ill iiei.i.tuli. Tliey Hilt -''no .pleniliil sup.
pm tills evening lur i"i tent, uml aLo sell ice
i li.uii.
'flie ktatli'iMty rimlnci'H met lat eiening at
St. Mary'" hall, mi Wet MJi' itievt.
Hairy A. Smith, n( Noitli Miln iimiiiip, It t on
ale.ici'nl .lilir mi attuil; ot t'pliulil fi'vir,
Mr, and Mlt. Iloiiy Slnioin, u( Uiiiuli avenue,
am vMtlng Mr, 0, W. Simon, o( Hamilton,
Wiijiia tomity.
.Mis. .1. II. Wceott, ot rinilTli nti'inif, It .low.
ly iceowilns bom a n'rioiu iiltail; ot typhoid
The Ka.teili Star coimnanilery, Xo. 521, Ktil!itl
i( Malta, will hold an Impoiliint iiii'ellmc nil
Kiliiulay cvi'iihiff, Pec. S, at ".30. All iiicmlior
are rrijiieslnl to lie preee-nt, at busiie ot lire
uiiiic( will ho transacted.
LcmoiiI Mi'ieaq, who was foimilly employed
hy II. A. Nlrvi'iK, lias nioici! to Ui'lowlale,
whi'i'o lie will risliki with Id father,
John Owens, ol Koitli Main avenue, who lias
hern away un u luulness flip, lias letuineil.
Anilivw Smith, Jr., who U mine (ou'nian at
llii- Maiilne, tool; a mlng pally tlirouj-h the
mine L.t evenhi.', ami an enjoyable tunc v.uj
had by every oiw.
They Defeated tho North End Stars
Lnst Night by n Score of 10 to 0.
News of tho Fair Funerals of Mrs,
Frederick Wlrth and Jacob Brier.
Mrs. Win. Morris and Robert Jnr
vis Surprised by Their Friends.
Several Accidents Other News and
Personal Notes. ,
That the HI. John's basket ball team
(the Defenders) Is the undisputed
champion ot the county, was again de
monstrated last evening before a largo
aud enthusiast to audience In St.
John's hall, Stone avenue, when they
met the strong 'North Knd Stunt and
routed t heiii after n most llcrce and
stubborn game. The score was 10 to tl.
The boys from North .Scranton urn
sonic "shucks" when It comes to play
ing basket ball nnd uro very aggres
sive and plucky, but the superior tac
tics and defense of the St. John's told
on their lighter opponents. Uy win
ning this game the St. John's team
,has secured a pormuncnt hold on the
championship, having defeated all the
teams played thus far.
The line-up wns us follows:
Ilnl.inil ....
Mi hit 're .,
llalihfimi .
i-l.l del' . ...
for w.i nl R a ns
fnrw Jl it M.C'li wK -y
i lift ii nt cr Connolly
rli;lit renter Jonet
Kii.nil Tul tie
lt.i-.Kett, Mclnt' re,
llnl.iliii, 1. Referee,
.McCtnw anil p.uli;
1; Oiilnn, 1; '1'Une, :;;
Jl. .1. Xealon: mnplie.t,
tlmeKecperi1, Jhirphy and
Tlgtte's gymnasium team will play
the St. John's next Thursday night
In St. John's hall.
At the Fair.
As the Athletic, club fair progresses
Interest grows apace, and the throngs
which crowd the hull are . becoming
more dense each night. There is also
a notable thinning out of the many
eholej bits of lace, embroidery an.l
chlnaware, which sagacious house
wives and thinking husband's have
purchased, knowing well Whit they
arc worth,
The door prize on Wednesday even
ing was won by No. CO;! anil consisted
of a handsome, water set donated by
Miss Pauline Lindner. Flore Brothers'
Mandolin club was the star attraction
last night, and their excellent perform
ance of different numbers on the man
dolin and guitar was greatly appre
ciated. They rendered the following pro
gramme: .March, "My Tiger Lily,"
Sloane: "Salome Intermezzo," Lor
raine; waltz, " Lily of the Nile," Ber
liner; "The Minor Dance," Snlffen;
March, "The Ameer," Victor Herbert.
Tonight will be .lunger Maennerchor
night, and that famous organization
will attend In a body and render a
number of their prize selections.
Funeral of Mrs. Wirth.
Tlie funeral of Mrs. Frederick Wlrth
took place yesterday morning at 10
o'clock from the homo of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips, of ,VJj
Maple streel, and was very largely at
tended. Prior to the funeral the
bouse was thronged with sympathiz
ing friends, many of whom tenderly
deposited upon the casket a bouquet ot
Shortly before 10 o'clock the casket
was closed and lite cortege moved to
St. Mary's church, Uiver street, where
a high mass of requiem was cele
brated by Father Stopper, after which
interment was made in St. Mary's
cemetery, No. .".
The pall-henrers were Joeph Kram
er, Charles Uose, William Smith and
lteinluild Smith. The flower-bearers
were James Best and Chris Nailer.
Undertaker li. A. Miller had charge
of the funeral.
Funeral of Jacob Brier.
Another largely attended funeral
took place yesterday morning', when
Jacob Brier, of Hickory street, was
laid to rest in St. Mary's cemetery. A
mass of requiem wns celebrated iu
St. Mary's church at !) o'clock, by liev.
Peter Christ, who -also preached a fu
neral sermon, titter which the cortege
wended Its way to the No. ." ceme
tery, where interment was made. St.
Mary's Sodality and St, Mary's Glee
and Dramatic association attended the
funeral In a body.
The pall-bearers were: George llelf,
Charles Meyers, Joseph Itompc, Joseph
'Miller. The flower-bearers were John
Haas and Anthony Herhster.
Double Surprise Party.
A double surprise party was held
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Conner, on Brook street, when
her tdster, Mrs. William .Morris, and
grandson, Itobert .larvls, were sur
prised by a largo number of their
friends, the occasion being Mrs. .Mor
ris' sixtieth birthday and Mr. .larvls'
Tho evening was cnjoyably spent In
dulging in various gnntes, amuseinenls,
charades, music, vocal and Instrumen
tal, until a .Into hour, when refresh
ments were served.
Those present were: Mrs. .Tnrvls,
Mrs. Girt, .Mrs. Ruth Jarvls, .Miss
Laura Jarvls, Miss firnce Conner, Liz
zie Williams, Kmm'a Holder, Kdlth
Hnmm, Jennie Conner, .Margaret
Thomas and .Messrs, David Conner,
Robert Jarvls, Robert Wntkln.s, Flor
ence Fuller, John Morgan, Will Jones,
Will Major, William IXumiu aud
Clyd Williams.
Peter Schuoster Surprised.
Peter Sehuester, of Hotel Itosur, was
tendered a very pleasant surprise party
AVitilncsduy evening, Tho evening was
cnjoyably spent Indulging In various
amusements, Ringing and dancing, and
later rofrrslimuiits were served.
Those present woro Mr. and Mrs.
Snft, .Mrs. Paul Rarrult, Mrs. Sunday,
Misses Kit to Keyset', Marie Wolsfdt,
Millie Dclchnuiuu, Laura Saft, Mr, and
Mrs, Lelunkohl, and Messrs. William
Riif-iir, Kdward Hanun, William Zting,
August fielger, George Wlrth nml Jo
seph Haas.
Miss Rose Judge, of 901 Stone avenue,
while engaged In washing, yesterday
morning, accidentally upset a pall of
boiling water, fearfully scalding her
left forearm. Dr. J, J. Walsh was hast
ily summoned und dressed the unfor
tunate young lady's Injuries.
Itobert Farrell, of Cedar itvenue, u
brukemau ut the South works, had his
loft foot badly crushed yesterday, whllu
endeuvorlng to couplo two cars. He was
Monsters and Microbes.
How ilio Microbe Would Appear
Ii Magnified in Slzo io Cor-
respond With lis Tower.
The world has always believed in
monsters great dragons of the land,
nnd huge serpents of the sett, As a
rule these monsters have been fairly
peaceable, and beyond frightening peo
ple occasionally, they have done little
recorded harm. The, red calamities of
humanity have come from the smallest
forms of life. Tlie minute microbe has
slain its millions upon millions. If this
microscopic form of life were dcpicled
in size nnd form equal to its danger and
deaillincss we should see a monster
which would dwarf into insignificance
nil the monsters ever begotten by hu
man imagination. The microbe has tins
in common with the fabled monster, its
food is human flesh nnd its drink human
blood. It battens on slaughter. For
centuries medical science fought this
microbic foe in darkness. The presence
of the foe was recognized, its deadliness
conceded. But it was ever an invisible
foe, unknown and unnamed. To-day
science with eye-power increased a mil
lion fold finds this lurking foe, knows it
and names it.
1'INDIKG Tint l'OI?
is the first step, fighting it intelligently
is the next. We know this minute or
ganism lurks in tlie air we breathe, the
food we eat, the water we drink. We
know the object of attack is the blood.
We know that as the microbe is bred
from foulness it must be fed on foulness.
Hence, we know that the microbe finds
no lodgment in the body when the blood
is pure. Keep the blood pure and you
shut out the microbe.
When the bloodis impure nature at
once begins to show the red danger sig
nals. Boils, blotches, pimples, erup
tions begin to work upon tlie skin sur
face, as signs and symptoms of the cor
ruption of the blood. When these or
any signs of blood impurity appear, the
use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery is confidently recommended as a
most powerful nnd perfect blood -purifying
"I consider your 'Golden Medical
Discovers' ' one of the, best medicines on
the face of tlie earth,"' writes Win, 1'loe
ter, Esq., of Redoak, Montgomery Co.,
Iowa. "While in the south-west, three
years ago, I got poisoned with poison
ivy. The poison settled in my blood
and tlie horrors I suffered cannot be told
in words. I thought I would go crazy.
I could do nothing but scratch. I would
go to sleep scratching, would wake up in
the morning and find myself scratching.
I scratched for eight months. Had it
taken to the Moses Taylor hospital for
The Young People's society of tho
Hickory Street Presbyterian church
held tliolr regular monthly business
meeting lust evening in the old church.
After the business was transacted, a
very pleasant social hour wns spent,
during which games and amusements
predominated. There was also a piano
solo by Miss Freda Nordt, and a vocal
solo hy Miss Louisa. Lohiuauu.
Ucv. Father lirall. of Pitlston, who
has Just completed a lour through
Kurope andjtho Holy Land, is visiting
Rov. Peter Christ, of Hickory street.
Christian Ilrahler, the young son of
Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Braider, of Cedar
avenue, Is ill with the measles.
Peter Judge, of Plltston avenue,
leaves today tor Philadelphia, where lie
will undergo nil operation on his eves.
Charles Delslug, of lilreh street, 11
South Side street railway conductor, Is
ill at his home with a severe cold.
The parlor fair for the benefit of the
Green Ridge library, yesterihty after
noon and evening, wns 11 very delight
ful affair. Fancy articles, cake and
home-made candy sold rapidly. Delic
ious refreshments were served, and u
good .sum. realized for tlm library.
.Mrs. Farrer. of Wllkes-llarre, spent
yesterduy with her mint, Mrs. Andiuw
Nlcol, of Dickson iivouuc.
The funeral of John Conk took place
from his late home, HL'O Dickson ave
nue, yesterduy morning at 9 o'clock. A
requiem mass was sung at St, Paul's
church, and interment was inadii lit St.
Rose Catholic ceinetcry at Carlionilnle,
The pall-bearers were James Clark,
James Phillips, James Kelley, John
Rniine, Patrick Gllboy and Anthony
Duffy. Among tho friends who attend
ed from out of town were Mr, and Mrs,
Anthony Horan, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Gllboy, Mr. aud .Mrs. Aiithony Duffy,
Mis. P. Heuly and Mr. and Mrs. Wlli
Iniu Uergnn. of Carliondale.
Green Ridge camp. No. SCSI), Modern
Woodmen of America, received several
now members at their meeting Wed
nesday evening aud elected tho follow
ing olllcers: Ylcij-cousul, George S, At
kins; adviser, Charles W. Helmut.;
clerk, Joseph Fldhini; bunker, James
M. Atherton: escort, K. W. Finn:
watchman, W. W. Wunlull: managers,
C, F Tobey, T, H. Mct'lintock; exam
ining physicians, Dr. .1, L. Rea and Dr.
W. G. Lent; delegate to State camp nt
Hurrlsburg, Joseph Fldliim: alternate,
James A. Waters. Tho Installation will
bo held January -, when a bunquut will
be served,
Mr. and Mrs. K. Ar. Dolpli, of Madi
son nvenue, entertained delightfully In
honor of their guest, Miss llolton, of
lllnglmmton, on Wednesday evening at
Miss Pearl K. Trcverton spent
Thanksgiving week with her futhor
and mother, Dr, nnd Mrs. Trcverton,
of Green Ridge.
a progressive ouchrc, Among those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Ciipwull.
Mr. und Mrs, Caryl, Mr. and Mrs.
Gould.' Mr. und Mrs. Hodby, .Mr. una
Mrs. Payne, Mr. und Mrs, Pendleton,
I Mr. and Mrs. Zurlllch, Misses Meitlco
y-?S--a?SgP''' , , lfjfjnfc-rmmfata--
' ir -
not been for your Golden Medicftl Dis
covery ' I would be scratching yel. 1
tried different kinds of medicine, tried
((liferent doctors, but nit the relief they
could give me was to make my pocket
book lighter. 1 then began taking
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Took four bottles without relief. Kept
taking it. I took in nil ten bottles and
got entirely cured, I can say that if
people would take your medicine instead
of fooling with some of the quacks that
infest both the small and large towns,
disease would flee like chnff before the
Tlie use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
tail Discovery will absolutely drive out
and eliminate the poisoiw which, cor
rupt the blood.
cannot go together. But when the
blood is purified and enriched by "Gold
en Medical Discovery," Ihe result is re
corded in sound health.
Boils, blotches, pimples
and other eruptions dlsap
' pear ns the impurities
which causcti mem are
removed. The skin is
healthy, the flesh is firm.
The dull nnd sluggish feel
ing is a thing of the past.
The appetite is good, sleep
is sound and refreshing
and labor an enjoyment
instead of a burden.
" It gives me much pleas
ure to testify to the merits
of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery," writes
Miss Anuic Wells, of Fer
gussons Wharf, Isle of
Wight Co., Vn. "I can
say honestly and candidly
that it is the grandest
medicine ever compound
ed for purifying the blood.
I suffered terribly with
rheumatism, and pimples
on the skin .and swelling
in my knees and feet so
Hill mat i couta not walk, k
Mi.V spent about twenty dollars
paying doctors' bills but
," received no benefit. A
year or two ago I was reading one of
your Memorandum Books, and I de
cided to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and ' Favorite Prescription,'
and am entirely cured."
Of all prevalent forms of blood dis.
case, scrofula is the most intractable.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
has a remarkable record of cures of
scrofulous diseases ; remarkable both in
the number of cures and their variety
as well as in the fact that these cures
were effected many times in cases where
all other treatment had proved utterly
" I cured my little girl's scrofula with
your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and
' Pleasant Pellets,"' writes Mr. Eli Ash
ford of Raney, Hunt Co., Texas. "It
lias been four years since then, and
there has not been any return of the
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is entirely free
from opium, cocaine and all other nar
cotics. Why does a dealer sometimes try to
sell a substitute for Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, claiming it is "just
as good ? " Is it for the customer's ben
efit? It can't be. If the two medicines
are equal in merit there's no advantage
to the purchaser in an even exchange.
The medicines are not equal in merit,
and the reason for selling a substitute
is only because the less meritorious med
icine puts a little more profit into the
dealer's pocket. His gain is the cus
tomer's loss.
a work on household medicine when
you can get a good one free. Dr. v
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser contains 1008 large pages nnd
over 700 illustrations. It is sent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense
of mailing only. Send 31 one -cent
stamps for the cloth -bound volume
or only 21 stamps for the book in
paper -covers. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
-Burundcr & Hels, Lessee and Manazcrs
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
rot'it l'linroiiMAXCES.
Thursday, Friday, Satrday Night
and Saturday Matinee.
.Mr. W111. A. Hiaily's DeautKul Pioduction,
'Way Down East
IXilioialnl by Jos. li. (,'iibnicr, 33 played
127 limes in Xuw Yoilc city. ,,,,,
IS) time in MiUnilPlpluA
"111 times in Ilo'tnn. 1211 times, in L'hlcaso.'iilns Price-2.V., Mc 75u. ami $1.00.
Matinee l'iieo I'.nliie Imivr flour, fiOc; rntliu
balcony, 'J'k'. Seatb on sale Tuesday ut 0 a, in.
I'lTSDAY, Jl.tineo ami Sight, DKCUJUILR 11.
High Class
Willi tlie following splendid company:
I.'lll.iu IliirUiait, Milney Grunt ami Acnes Nor
ton, Mile. Illei'ta, Casey and heiluir, lav
ender Kicli.ii'il-'iii. The llUfonl lltollicis,
Deiauv and llowiuv, and b'uplilu Uuriiliatv
Nlldit. Prices 2.V., ::3e,, 50e. and T.'e,
Matinee 1'rlees- 23 awl 00 cents; children m
iler 12 scare, 15c.
UBIS & DUIKIUNDER, l.esss-5.
It. A. HttOWN. Alunaz-r.
Jiil.n A. Illiiinieloln'a ills? Comedy Company,
thee: ideals.
I'ieentii.i: Tliiuday matinee, "A riamiii,!
Mlllloii"; "Wit. "lX'lc's Nest": l'ri
ij.iy matinee, "I,ot I'.nauW'j I'rlday niffl't,
"Xoilliein bights."
AU. next wi:t:ic,
KvenhiR Prices 10, '.'0 and J10 rents,
llitineo Prices 10 and so centi.
New Gaiety Theatre
II, It, I.OXU, l.envee and Manager.
Three Payi Con.nieiuine Thursday, Pec. 6.
A I'leicr consloim fallen cl tuftleliut ceecn
trlittle. Three Day C'onnneiiclni: Mondiy, Pec. 10,
lllCli & IIAI.TO.VS
I'dci'k 15, 25, 35 and HOC.
Hayley, Bella Williams, and Messrs,
David McKonnit and Arnold Kurllleh.
Prizes worn awarded In Miss llaylcy
and Mr. MoKennn, Hist; MM. Payne
and Mr. Hodby, second.
Pr, Trcverton was called to Hones
dule today to' attend the Illness of his
uncle, George Olver.
. i
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