"W' THE SCIUNTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1000, i ;xe Tub Moment IIahuwaih Srom New patterns in pocket knives, there is nothing nicer than those with handles of gun metal. The blades are razor steel, warran ted. Ask forthe"Twill Brand", two sizes, a dozen designs. Footc & Shear Co. 119 N. "Washington Ave L. R. D. & M. AT ALL SEASONS Slior arc one ol tho most important ileuv. of ilrcM) at any tuno ot the jrai, ami csnoclall s now that we ire certain to lime iIiiiiriiIjIu weather. Tor btjle, price and qtnlilj sic cnus. AVe know vio tin please jou. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & HURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. ackawanna I "THE" aundry. IcSPenn ATenuo. A. a WARiMAN. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. T.ocnl difa for Dot. li, 1MW: Highest Icniperituic SS iUsuc l.oivct tempo Jlurt So iUih Humidity: S ft. m. 71 per cert, 8 p. m l3 pa (cut. precipitation, !1 hum.', Hiding' H p in , irm'. PERSONAL. Mrs. T. J, Jlfgiigic, of G1J Washington uc flue, is spending scleral djjs in C-uIioiiiliilr Assistant United State Distiict Attuinej M.i rt, of 1'ittsbuiE, ia m tlii eilj on a tutsan- tup. "UK Moran, of IUciint JIuiuil, i (lie j;iirt of her cistcr. Jfr. .1. 1'. Kelly, of ni niton fctrcet. Miss Helen JlcWermutt, of WW Pill'lcii, lia returned homo after a tun weeks' vi-it with Scranton relatiics. Fritz J. I'ranl., the iicsicin iiditiiislu; niiii ngcr of one of tho Colliery l.ixlneci it'iupini' publications, 13 spending j. ftw ilij in ilie nlj. AN UNPARDONABLE CRIME. Just Think of It, Two Tiamps Ar rested for Stealing Milk. Thoio are two unknown gentlemen of the genus hobo locked up In U13 central police station, and If the crime with which they ate charged ever gets to the ears of their fellow knights of tho road they will undoubtedly be os tiaclzed and disgraced f 01 over. They ore chargpd with stealing milk. For several mornings past many of tho residents ot tlreen Rldgo have found that their mill: bottles have been stolen In the oatly motnlng. Two tramplsh looking individuals had been Been lolteilmr nrouml the stieets In the early moinlng bonis and their de scription was given Seigeant of Police Charles Itldgway, who lives on Wyo ming avenue, near Clieen Ridge street. Ho was .suipilscd last night about 0.30 o'clock by being summoned to tli loor in respousu to a knock and find ing there the two men whose descilp tlons hud been given him. "Wo want something to eat," suld 0110 of them. "We haven't had a blto to ent for twelve hours. "C guess you'll take your next meals In Jail," lospoudod tho seigeant, as ho learned out both aims and placed tho men tinder aitost. The patrol wagon was telephoned for and the two men wmo taken to headquarters. They will ho given a hen i Ins this morning. MRS. BRINK ARRESTED. She Is Accused of Setiously Neglect ing Her Children. Jdis. Nellie Hi Ink of Noilh Kin un ion, was last night nualgneil before Aldeiman Miliar at tho Instance of Mrs. W. H. Busman, agent for the as K''latrd chin Itles, who chaiged her with non-suppoit and neglect of bor chlldicn. TI10 rhlMicn, two glils and one hoy, weto at the nldei man's olllie, and piesent dining the heaiinw. They weio taken to the Homo tor the i-'rlenUlens and tho mother was dUoliaigcd. Him told a pitiiblo story of hoc husuiud desertlnsf her last year, Since then, s-ho elalmi to havo been nnablo to secure work and prop el ly euro for the dilution. The sills were nine nnd tioveu yeais of ago and the boy Is a little fellow of flyo. ' AMagniflcent Chiistmas Gift, Now Is tho time to select It, do to j, W, Cluiensey's delightfully auanged music sloro and scewhut tempting bar gains can bo seemed on a choice piano or organ. Don't forget tho place. Guernsey Hall, 314-310 Washington ue uo, Scranton, Pa. DONATIONS FOR NOVEMBER. They Are Acknowledged by Direc tors of Florence Mission. The directors ot the Plot mire Ciltlen don Home, 712 Iliinlson avenue, ac knowledge with ninny thanks the fol lowing donations for the month of No vember: .lotin T. I'orlir, one Inn wip! Mr". Hunk unf tun fruit! Mi. W s. 'Dlclil, oirp.M, tiipit mvrcpir, tiiko, foiu pilr lnw, ill1u! lleow Jllllir, to il-wni r1I Mr. .1. I C'l.iivfuul. tine Ml tci i np nnd Miieerit, one doren nip, nno tlo?tti ImttcMl Mrs. M. A. dunlins, one ViM, one pair tlrnucr: Mr. !. (1. Micphenl, oiie pnlr tnui'K mm npioni Mi. I'.throtli. one pilr touelil Mr, tl. W. Mir. upilcs one ham, mint; Mr. I. ,flu l.i'. loirie! Mr. Iliur, Cnliondale. lehrvi Mr. Ti.llnr, l'iriolt nicime, one lied Rtciil, one nnr, one iiinli-tatid limcnui Mr. W It. liijlor. luu dlditii Mik. A. .1. Vjii (loidei. tliiec 101H! Jlri (. Mallhriii, one dore'i tatde ffhss llir. Itlflnnl llloiiw,, one pldine, Jlri. A. 1). Melle, Hold Dint, Hon Ami! Ml. Xnlile, one 101c limit', tint, llniurd Slelle, one pot jam; III. It mil, toinlcneil milk! VI1111U .V hpemrr, Blioe! Noy Ahr Lumber loihpnnv, le relpled bill for work J -Mis. Ditiwui, li .lennlij Miller, ?li Onuliii Ten, Wnvhbimi tieet rhuidi, $2 J I)i. Anna Clarke, mrdlial venlie! Hirinlon Dilry tonipany, milk dillii Ijirkaiianna Dilry compaii,!', milk ililly, lee irenm tnuiitlil) i Jhii berger, Ajlswortli, Annbnut, ('air, Woiimer, Mrn. Uleld, melt Tiiontlilyi Pierce' maiket, let table neel.ly; I.lndcr'H lnkeri. bieid, pte, riko, Zcldlri, bind. The folloilnic are Hie nime of iloniir and loiilcnln of bos from it I'lttslon: Mis. ,l. 1,. (Iilllltb, imuiea; Mr, riurlei Law, prune! Mrs. William It. Six, raimcd fiullj Mi. A. f, Towner, Jellj ; Mrs. . D Miller. Jilli. Mw. Jame It. Miiet, twu urn tomitoc: Mi llieodorc WronR, one doin ran liua nnd suciu tnili; Mrs. (Jpoikc n. "1 liampioii. Ihiee i tin (inn, Mrc C. S. Crane, gliiitliiin; Mi C. II. t-'uul. rIukImiii; Mi. A. A. f.iw, 10-if, Mis 11t11 lci -t,UM)ii, drlid apple! Ml. Lewis .1niie, oliflialf dozen com stin.li; Mr, .laim C hlpp, one hall dorm nipkln, one p ill tonil! Nivdli' WniU C11II1I, twilie ciiiiient! Mi . I. lllbb, t, one nlr towel: Mr. W. II Hi 11. innlln; Mr. M. L'. While, W) irnl. FAILURE OF S. L. GALLEN. He Has Filed a Voluntaty Petition in Bankruptcy. S. 1.. liallen, the clothier ot J". and 227 Lackawanna ,iemie, tluough hW attorneys, Wlllaid, 'Wurien & Knapp, yesteiday tiled a oluntniy petition In bankiuptcy with the United States dlstilct eouit in Pittsburg. The schedules attuvhed shows the liabilities to be ? I7.0J.I and the esti mated assets $11,800. It Is undei stood that accompanying this petition an application was made for the appoint ment of .1 lecelver pending the elec tion of a tiustee by the tiedltois. The appointment of such a lecelver would penult the lesumptiou of business im mediately or elhe the imeiitniy and fcale of the stock. Mr. Gallen. who has ulwnys been lec ognlzed as one of Sci.inton's leading business men, came to this city In 1SS1 Horn Philadelphia and established in the letall clothing business at 1-'.' Penn avenue. He failed that same ear but almost Immediately lesumed business and in two yeais hud settled with ull his Lieditois. In 1S90 he moed to 1 !7-l:i' Penn rf' nue, wheie he lem.uned until ld--L Apill, whin he removed into his pies ent splendidly appointed tdoie 011 Lackawanna avenue. The inus-es as signed for tlii failuie aio dull business caused by the leeent big stilke, un seasonable weather and heavy ex pi nses. CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION. Joseph Certa, of Caibondale, Is Now in County Jail. Joseph Cen a, of raibondnle, iias yesteiday committed to tho county jail by Aldeiman Monison, 011 tl'O chaige of abducting ficm her home a idxteen-year-old gul, who also lived in Caibondale. Both are Italians. The two eloped about tlnce weeks ago, and an indtistiloiis .seaich by the gill's patents acquainted them M ith the fact that tho two weie living together in Blnghamten. A decoy letter was hent Cen.i bv the young vvomnn's patents, in wblcli he Mas infoimed that If he ard their daughter tetutned all ivould be for given and thsy would bo lecolved with open aims. Ceii.e was un-ii-plcIou-, and yesteidav ai lived In Caiboiulale with the ghl, ft inn the Pallor City. Ho found the open aims, pm thev weio those ot a constable aimed with .1 wan ant, and poor Cena was given a heailng, bill was Imposed, and In detault he was committed to tho county jail. He w.ib Li ought up by '(instable Pleico. FRAUD IS CHARGED. Scianton Men Ask for a Receiver for Big New York Concern. Attorney J. W. Cai pouter, Marvin V. Carter and Pulaski (.'alter, of this city, have gone Into the United States cotut lor the piupose of having a lecelver appointed for the Auglo-Ameilean Savings and Loan association of New York, in which company they ate stockholdei.s. It Is chaiged that the dlieetois of the company havo bi ought it to the vetge of financial uiln lor their own peisonal benefit. Tho Intel est and as sets of the association amount to about $2,500,000. Court Ibsued an older 1 etui liable to day lostialning the company fiom making payments of any kind. The Messrs. Caipenter and Cuter, aio, It Is undei stood, acting In behalf of a number of stockholdei.s, Including many Seiantoninns, OBITUARY. 'I Im nun fill mis Lf 1', l', Muldiii will ho bhoikcd l leatn of Ids buddiu mill nioit un timely 1I1 .ith, which (Kenned ut his lata hunie, Ull VVext Ltekiw.imu .mime jetlinby nfiei noun. Hi) w.11 lukin III on bnnil.i.v ciinlnt; l-t-r wilh tipliold piupmonla, and minim il in a pieeutloui eoildlllull until the1 tluio uf Id ili.illi. .Iiiht at the time when tliei butt w.h tliiUn;; in the Witt bU mid peacefully wafted It UIkIii In till tiieat be.iond. Ho "as. boiu on tin) l.'ih uf Deceinbei, 1670. In iiveinbci, ISifl, lie via uuirled in Katie h. tl.uk, of IhU illy, anil their union uaa blecil by ono nun, Paul. Mr, Madden lias a incut aiiilahlo anil loiliu' htii bind, u kind f.itlul, a kluetie' and ii.tini-hcjitcd fill ml. Ill andablo iiulltii and theetful dl pillnu rmliaied him tu all vilm kuiw I1I111, At llu' time of his ikatli be lias int'uirril a u bailsman in llm Newuik Shoo btoie, knd uai nsaiilid by hU employer as a Iribtcd, ef lleiiut and imut valuable man. llo was pcilup 1110111 giucrally known un the druuiiiiei of iliuci'j baud, in which oiuaultatluii he ua attached for a iniiubcr of .icais, and in bind (lulo waj leKardid ai one of tho best In Ida pioftbilou. He viai a member of the bciunlon Ktillita of Columbui and .Scuntim Lndgn of l'll.s, in both of vildili oifaiiltatlun he wai very popular, The (uncial urwngcimnN halo not .ill bein completed. Mis llle J. faille), of Ija Itl.le lion, died laic Wi dm sil jy nlalil, nftci telu.il weik.' Illncf. bho 11.1 S3 jraii of Jne and J Mini. id b her biubjiid and one bun, Mile J. Canity, r. The funeral Mill be held at i o'eloek to morrow allcrnoon, uitlt tervleis at bt. rele,' lalliedul, and interment In the L'athcthal cciue. tiry. TEN RESIGN . IN COUNCILS Part ot Aareeincnt Between I dieted Members and the Munici pal Leaoue Is Fulfilled. SCENESAT TWO MEETINGS Mr, Oliver Made a Brief Speech Ex piesslng Regret at the Mlsfpitune That Had Come to Mr. Thomns nnd Mr. Coyne, nnd In tho ower Blanch, Mr. Griffiths Upon Resign ing, the Chairmanship, Spoke Feel ingly for' a Few Minutes to His Fellow Members Special Election Ot doted for December 18 to Fill the Vacancies Some Jockeying for Chairman Giifflths' Place Re sulted In Delaying the Meeting of the Coinmonets. 'I'lte ten eotmellnien Indicted by the last giand luiy for accepting In Hies. loslgned their .eats last night, In pait fulilltneiit of the agreement with the Municipal league, by which Miey ate to escape pioeculIon iu tin cilmlnal cotut. They have nlieady signed a paper stipulating that they will not seek or accept public ofllee for live yeais, and befoio next Momluy 111 e to raise a fund of $2,200. to be dlstilbuted among certain of the1 city's chailtable Institutions. On Monday morning, to which tlmo the consideration of their cases was postponed, the aUoines of the league will go befoie colli t and ask that vetdlcts ol not guilty be entoied In each ca.se. including that of e Seleetinan Horatio T Fellows, who subset Ib"d to such oL the exactions a3 be was Iu a position to tulllll. It was uinioiotl about the city ves teulaj that M-vei.il of the ui cued couiieilnieii had tllscnveied thnt they weio not guilty and would back out of their .igieement to le-lgn, ai d defv the league to pttno them guilty. Tills would nieiin that none ot the leslmia tions would be foi thcoitiing, as the league stipulated that all 01 none of tlteateuseil should cuter Into the ugue ment Tills .uousod some sjit'culatlnn up to the time of the council meeting, and In consenueiice theie was an unitu,illy huge galleiy iu both eliambeis when the meetings weie called to Older. Some weio theie, of course, I'uough tneie cuiloIty, hut the presence of munv could only be aecounted foi by anxiety tt know whether or not the tesignatlons would eventuate. MANY SlUX'TATOHS. Agent Uobeit Wilson, of the Munici pal league, lolteied about the 0011 (dot to hem the III st news of what took place. Mayor .Moh looked In over the shouldeis ot the cioud that lino I the tear of the common council chamber in fiont of the committee loom. Seveial attorneys weie noticed among the as semblage of spectatoi.s. The select council was the Hist to get down to business. The loutiup of I he Hist th tee 01 deis of business was gone tluough with, as If nothing unusual was on tho eat pet, and when the fourth Older, "coniniiiiileatioiis," was called bv Cliahm.in 'Wagner, the lesigntitlons of Mr Thomas and Mr. Coyne weie taken up tiom the table bv Cleik La velle and lead In the same pot timolol y manner In which he would disclose the contents of a letter convening a claim lor damages from a blocked sewer or something of that sort. Mr. Thomas' leslgnatlon was lead (list. It was typewilttfii, except as to the n Hue of tile waul he lepresented and as to the slgimtiue. All the leslg nnlions weie vlmilailv dialted, ns fat as the tv pew ill ten pint went, and read as follows; 'In the niliteis ind iiinnlci. of the -i I i I roiui- 1 ll uf till (III Of st)llttolf iituthuuu: I hitihi ttiuh'i mi u-iualion .1? .1 ineuibii in ih, -eleft rmimil "f th" till- of -tuinlun, foi tli I'ouilh w.nd uf slid elh, lo I iko elicit I lei ID. l'lim Simon 'Ihonns Suiiilnii. Pi . livi 1, I'm) A hush fell over tho council whn the cleil; stalled to toad the icsigiia tlon and it was itnliroken till Mr. Oliver nioso and in low moiT-uied tones said- (lenthuiiii: Willi nlucliuci I li-e to mole In .icupi thU lt.sU'iiitiwi. 1 aciud in lliu lower I I null of tniiniil with Mr. 'I limn is 'or time .Miirt and tin- mail 1 11 11 in IhU In inch, mid tin- 0X111111111" a ln- tillmi lntiubei impil me In mi tint 1 Dlittiirlj itnt this oct 1 ion. t lope the ilai will mil lie Mi dUt.ua when Ihc iliiiul width houi urn thU juuut, 111.111's lite will bo dH'tllul. COYNir.S UKSlflNATION. linly 11 foiv voices weie audible when the vote to accept the leslgnatlon was taken, and thete weie low and solemn of tone, Following the leading of Mr. Coyne's leslgnatlon Mr. Oliver moved its ac ceptance "under the same conditions," as he put It, "as the pievlous leslgna tlon." Tho voting was similar to that lu -Mi. Thomas' case. 'Neither 'Mr. Thomas nor Mr. Coyno weio present at the meeting. II was 8.15 o'clock when the common council convened. Those of tho conn oilmen who weio to lomaln In ofllcp hud boon flguilng on tho lining of tip? vacancy lu tho chnlimanslilp and each Florida Oranges. We have com pleted arrangements for direct shipments of Florida Oranges, We offer this week fine fruit at 35c per dozen, $3.75 per box, E. G. Coursen 480 Lackawanna Avenue. side was fearful that the oilier would spilng some ttap to captuto the place, 'i'ltu division would stund eleven Dem ocrats to ten ttbpiiblleutis with the council Intact, and, as Mr. drier and Mr. doilshull wera absent tbe Demo emtio itiajoilty would leinaln the same. The Doniooiats, however, un dei stood thnt tho Republicans counted on one of the Deinocints to sitppott Mr. Keller for chairman, and they wore expecting Hint tin attempt would ho muili' to capture the place for Mr. Keller by having Mr. Uiltllths ieMgn lliu chair and then go Into the elec tion of his successor befoio tho icslg nntloiiM weie offered. The Republicans nuclei stood Hint the Democrats pioposed lo cupttno the plate for Mr. Calptn by having the election take place Immediately upon the leslgnatlons being presented. Thou the councils would slant! .seven Demo crats as against three Republicans, If the leslgnlng inoinbeis letralned from voting, as they might be expected to do. If they Insisted on voting, the di vision would bo ten Domocints as against nine Republicans, nven with a backslider or two the Demoeiats weio suie they would entry tho day, as they had promises of suppott, so It was leported, tiolu seveial of the accused counellmeii of Republican ten dency. HLKCTlON POSTPONED. Hut lifter a lot of Jockeying it soil of mutual undeistandlng was reached thai the election of a chairman would not he attempted and the meeting wns ptoceeded with. All the 1 online business was finished up before theie was any hint ol the nil Impottant matter for which tho meeting vvns spoclnlly called. Chaliman C.rllllths anise and aftet a In let period ot hesitancy said: (icuthtueu if the Common f'uiliull: We lime nnw airiied at I lie -erioiis pait of the iiiietlnc. scitial ot join im ml or ue ininpdhd to ir sltfn in piimiitirc to in ai.it t mi lit intend into with the Municipal limine. It I not nett-sii.i tot m to tie il with the dttail of tin ilfaii. Our local pjpn look t ue of that Whit I want to haj i thl. I tli.ink jou heutil.i toi .io'ii louitcou lirittMiit and upptnl iliirlui; the lUht 111011II11 I hue tiiiipietl the thill. Om lni'etliiK hue iliiii.iit been plei-int; nut a sin Kle iueiihnl hi llktli pi ice tint i mild be t died .1 bleach of drcuiiiui. It I uiitiirliinite thai Ihl llulif hi cite lined, but a ion ill ki ow tine 1 tin- liabihtj alwiin tbil vim--tlilii-t will imp up -Dim tiuu' In inn nun' life tliatlhat, vitll. tint I iife'lill iblc We aie null- ibulit lo ltCtile I he It -Igli itifins 'I he Mjom 1 thine lite Idler ind so on. A 1 fn n 1 nsk jou to lit Mi K lit 1 tike the 1 hih l iiiini the rt iiiintieit Cinth mi n, I bid ?tnt .tditii -Mr. Gilllillis fsjjok" feelingly nil tluough his ntldiess and as ho stepped ft 0111 the plotfoiin his lountenitni'.1 betoUenei1 no small mental pain. Ills i"hlgnation was gi anted by tl'" Uemociats by sllenl ussent. All'. Kel ler took the chair and then one after Hie other the eight lcslgnatlons were leatl in the following ctdoi: Chniles K. AVenzel, V 11. 1 loose, T. M. Wat kins. J. .1. GiU i, M V. Munis, T. F. Monls, Cli.tilos i:. GoiUii-ill, W. V. Gi ll'lllis. I'.L'.SIGNATIONS HI' VD. Cleik Lvnett's usuallv tobtist volte was loweied to a feeble mi Innclioly pitt h as ho load the losign.' tlons. and theie was a deep lloncc tlnoughout the v.hole pi ot ceding among the mem-bei.-, save when a. motion to accept r. leslginitltm was being l ut, and voted upon. As In the select blanch the voting was low toned and pat ticlpate.l lu only bv two or tluee inembcis at a time. At the conclusion of Hie meeting tho letlied membcis lecolved hearty hand shakes tiom their lroie fotunnte bietlnrn. It was extiemi lv einbaiiass Ing all around as the most that could bo pNch.iiiried wns 'wtll, good bvo, old man." A Joint lesoltltloii was iatsC,(i Hxin Tuesday. December Is, as the timu for holding the special i lecllon lo fill the acancIOb. The boaid of levlston and appeals meets this afternoon, ami 11 is piob able that iosgniitlon I of Mjjssrs. Tliomns, .Mollis and Loose will be loi thtoming. COLLIERIES SOLD TO THE ERIE COMPANY They Weie the Piopeitics of the Butlei Mine Company, of Pittston. An iuipuilant u.ilM'il of uiluiii iii'i lllfi look jiljie it I'ilt-lmi .ii.leulii, vilicn tin huldliM of the llullei Mine tompiui, of tlilt clly Weie taken lulo pnt-lnn In (he lllll hide Coal and ll nil touipiui, of width C ipl tin W. A. Mi, of thl ill, i the iuan.igii, 'the plOlielll eif the IlllllCI iomp.111 eoulst of llllte main opening, the Ihapui.in, the Ilutlti .ml tin ruiiwonil, with two liuil.cn, luiiipaiatlich new, .it Hie lallti niliird tollieiin, Willi seui il hundud Jill ot to.ll lilid pull deitlopid. 'Ihe luopcilles in iiii-tion ale all loeitttl in l'ilhtnp. tnwnhip, 'Ihe new actiuhillon i a inot vain able one lb llio HIlMde toiupiii, a Hut pi, -tiouly owned c unhide table uuiuipinitd land ad Joining tliu Ilutlei enuipiui. licit tnfuie the pio duct of the lolllciir? his been nhipped oici the, cll oik, h-uvjiieli inni and Western, Ihe I.chlth ValU ami the Ft mi Inula iiihuaiN, but iu Inline villi be shipped iiiiiuly mil tlio lhlo lailioad. 'lliu Unlit r Cod cuiuplli L iiiiiipjied of A. Houithloii and O. W. Hump, both of Colli iuiC, V. V nnd S 11 lit illicit, ut l'lttilun, lho hitler bclnj Ihe resident iiianiRii- dui- in,' tho Ihiiteiii e.in which (lie tompjiiy hat colillollid Ihuo mine. 'Jlie bjlo I auothii 1 1 1'h in e of Ihe polity of tin lito'O toal taii.Mm; inuipmhs to ellmlnale bin ill optiatluie fioui Hit iiuthiaeite niiuiti; liibiucsi, mid thus pivuni the eoiisliu Hon of the e,w- toil told, 'I lie HilUIdc Cell and lion eolliii.ni u lliu 11 lino uide'l uliieh Ihe J lie toiiipiiiy couth lis it iiiinlii.- epeiatlon. 'lho lain iniiipaii i lulki ly opiriMtl to the lomiiiii Hon of the piupo-eil toad to tidewatei. For Sale. Tin i'u diaft hoisesj set single, two sots doublo hniness; two heavy, one light dellveiy wagons; lumber wagon; set bob sleds; buggy polo; four i oil-top and tlueo Hat top desks; two olllco tables; olllco chillis; two olllco clock,; Smlth-Piemler typewiltor; copying maehlne; Ambeig Hie case; cntulogue cabinet; luigo hot water healer; two heavy, one light platfotm scales; storo shelf boxes; two showcases; cash legis ter; two pipe-cutting machines; four II. P. engines; 73 feet stoto Hack; $1, 600 woith gas (lxtuvcs and supplies; $5,000 woith pluiubeis' and stcum-flt-teis' goods, all at u baiguln. The Hunt cc Connell Co. J, W. Guernsey hns Juat iccelved a largo anil beautiful stock ot pianos and organs for tho hull duy tiude, tho llnest ever seen In Scianton. Peaso call ami get pi Ices and tcims. Guernsey Hall building, J. W. Guernsey, pioprletor. 311 Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa, HOW CHANGE WILL AFFECT THE SCHOOLS ICniiiliitled fiom I'.iae I pie.uimed to opointe, was unionstlHt HoiiiiI, liiasniiU'h as It piovMrd for n school dlstilct In cities of tho second dnss, and such legislation, under the decision In the Kennedy cne, was un constitutional, It being an attempt to clnsslry school dlstllcts nnd legislate specially for different classes. Rut to the suipilse of the mnjoilty nf In wye if, tliu Supremo cotut sits tallied tho Act of 1871 and continued the boaid of twenty-one In olllco. Mr. Ruins was one of the nttoini'.v.s who was engaged In the assault on the 1VTI nrt and, It Is lensnnnble to piesuine. Is thoiotiglity neciualntod with the matter In all Us inmlllcatlous, Mr. Hums says ho Is satisfied that If the constitution ality of the Act of ISO"., the Kennedy act. Is again hi ought up, the Supiomo couit will into that It Is good law, nnd that an en or was committed when It was declared Invalid. One Way Out. This suggests ono way the Scianton school dlstilct may solve tho dltllctiltv Hint confronts It. Another way Is that championed by Mr. Reedy, the boaid's rolleltor. lie holds that In the absence ol any code of laws for school dlstilds In second-class cities, the Scianton school dlstilct will be entitled to totttln her piesent laws, even though thev tlo apply lo school dlstllcts In cities of the llilitl class. Ills aifiiiinent Is that tho teiiu "school dlstllcts In cities of '.he llilitl class" Is a googiaphlcul i.ithei than a legislative distinction, mid that al (hole It? no piovlslon mode im "school dlstllcts in cities of the second class," and none can be nude, the Scianton school dlstflct must needs keep what laws It bus, at least until such time as other laws aie passed to supplant them, ns would eventuate in the case of the Kennedy act being de clined valid by the Supienie mint le vel sing Itself. If nolthei of these Iews sue ac quiesced in by the Supienie couit Sd anion's school district would natur ally have lo tail back on lho genci.it Act of 1S11, as Allegheny did, and when this thing comes to pass, If It should, Scianton can look out for bother. The Act of 1S"4 ptovliles for a separ ate school boaid in each wind and a cpnti.il hnaitl composed of all the mem be; s of ull the ward boaids. This would give Scianton a school boaid of ISO nienilieis. Allegheny has &K winds less lliau Scianton, but at that It Is ioiii pldlnlng gtleiously of Hie blilkiness of lis cenlial boaid. The vvoik Is done mainly by committees of fifteen, but all their transactions aie under tho dliec t Urn and subject to the uppioval ol the whole boaid. The Centtal Boaid. Tho cential bum tl levies a l.i sn cient lo p ty foi the High school's ex penses, for the salaiy of ofticeis. teach eis and other genei.il employes, iur tet books, stiitioneij and supplies and. iu fact, for all geneial expenses. The sub-boaids aie, undei the law. mail" a tiuasl-coipoiatlon and have pi.ii tlc.illv all the pow eis of the general lioanl. It levies a lax for the constiuc linn -nnl maintenance of the building ot hiiliil Ings in Its lespectlve bailiwkk. selects the teacbeis, hiios and lia.vs lite jinl lois and looks alter all lopalis and other mntteis of miilntonam e. Councils must assess and i ollei t whatever tax the school bonds Uvv. II Is mand.itoi v on the count lis ami theie Is nothing to Intel foi e with Hie school eontiolleis' dNcietlon in the mutter, even the mints being nowei less to Intel feie. In Alleghenv the schmil la lin sitli boaul pin litiscs vailes In the illo'eien' wauls fiom a tiaetion ol a mill to eight or nine mills. Tin. tax tor gcii'i.tl school pin poses It, about tluee mills The whole tax i about six mills, and this is on a total valuation ol sni.CiOi). 000, or, to be esaot, on fiO per te-nt, of $70,000,000, the abatement ot one-lhiitl on iui.il pi oi)oi ty nnd one-hull on agil cilltural piopeity lesitltlng in a i educ tion of 10 per cent. At piesent one of the Allegheny wnids Is building a .200,ti0u school house. Two of ihe wauls maintain in duslilal seliools. Pianos and Oignns at Guernsey Hall at gieatly reduced pi lees for the holl das. Tonus aie easy and goods the tlnest In the mat hot. M14 Washington avenue, Scianton, Pa. 4 -f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-t-f---- f ?- Stylishness does not t mean expensiveness heie $ Swell Shirts f -f - f f f Supeib patterns in Percales. line Imperials, Four-in-hand Ties. f f f 4- 4 50c Blight, new and snappy with a dollar's woith of style. f f -f Corliss, Coon & Co's Collars 2 for 25c If you need underwear, hosiery, gloves twill pay you to buy them heie.' f Mr Wuhlnston AytW- WMMHMHMlWH $1.00 I "ON T!lyWUAf, i Remember the Sale of the j t Nisbet Stock of X j $40,000 Worth of Dry Goods ! Begins Today at the Old Store of (The Fashion," 308 Lackawanna Ave, fif UI H t Httf The Issues ' That carry weight full dinner pail, i'ull value, full quality. Value and quality arc our cam paign niolto always. Just took at this : Wines and Whiskies From Soc to $2 Per Quart, at Casey Brothers', Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. BATTLE SERIOUSLY CHARGED. Coloied Man Accused of Assaulting Nellie Wilson. Sim tls H.ittlc, 11 young coloied innn, living In Conlor stieel, wns niiostcd lust night nnd taken to tin iVnlei'i stleet police slallon, on a w ut unit Is sued by Aldeiman .Millar, at the In slunce of Miss Nellie Wilson, of West laickiuiuimu uvenue, who iitcuseil him nf attempting to cilinlnally assault her, and falling lu this, of buitlng mid nt tncklng her, Tlieio will be a homing In the onse al " o clock this iittcinoon. Ml.s Wilson, who Is u conieb voting white woniini of iw only-one yeais, alleges that on Titos day night, December 1, Hattlo elleotod nil ontiy into hei liedcliinnhci, bv bl caking the tloot. She a.vs that h' then itttcuipted lo ouliage her, and lulling In his pin pose, became em aged at her ttlt.tunce and stiuclc her vio lently, scilousl.v hiuMng her. llnttle claims to have lived with the womiiii for sonic time past, and says that her accusation Is enliiely false. Washington, D. C, and Retain, Only ?7.81. On account of the cuiteiinial celebia tlon tif the establishment of govern ment iu the Dlstilct of Columbia, to be held In Washington, IJ. C, Dec. VI, 1000, ticket ugeiits ot the I-ackuwunua lalhoud will sell special exclusion tickets at late of one way faie foi the lound til), on sale good going on any tegular tiain Doe. 11, and toi letuin until Dec. Inclusive. Maeuueiclior Night al Set anion Athletic Fair, Alder stieel, to-ulghl. Admi-sioii ten cents V DIED. kltOIl If. Vn lifint ton or Ml ue! Mr V. liiotti, of bu.nunii. I u ti.il loilji jL Ju0 t 'tloi k. I mi, i il piuati. We wish to call your special attention to our a a ill n a i All the beautiful ma terials to make up your own Christmas Presents if you don't want to buy them ready-made. Come and See' It. Tlio I'opular UouficfuniMilue torc gulfing a pottery ZFicketr VWi lull' lir.uii lho mulu-i i.f a lioi- clin.ittiiliil. It, U i .if i In nullum tint llic .ml hoi of fmli uiiuik li.nl never Uiioiui tlio tii llKlits of UiliiK 1 "luu lliunel" l.i7r, nil tulai no t-lianrt III l)iilii- llti' ilollji-aml-a-lialf Mini ue ii'iri.nit tin in. Foote & Fuller Co. M V'liM HEARS BUILDING, Department A Is P fit BBnT m iw US Ud -r t - V..' N 2?-5PC-ssPb3' If.' sc':s . Gloves for Working Men I have always made a specialty at this sea son of Gloves for work ing men. Strong, well made, durable gloves at the lowest possible price I can afford to sell them. This year my stock is larger than ever. CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Avenus Carpet Facts This stock is absolutely new not a yard of it but what is absolutely the best value pro curable at the price asked. Wa want YOU personally to Ma this stock. If you're a bit hard to please come and see our ldeai of beauty. DRAPERIES, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES P. McCrea & Co 427 Lackawanna Ave. 3 THE ORIENTAL. GUIs selected nniv, reserved until Christ mas Kio. Bronze Statuary Those beautiful reproductions of the old masters, aie hero in htieh vailety as to permit selec tion to cxpiess jour exact idea of the artistic. AS TO VALUES. V Innii7-t but, "This I irvptl in Oirl," ll'i incliOH inclie liimli Ak colors lusliible and 'iniwiitiil Hut, to lied inlco $ .75. tUAU kAAAAAAAAkAAAAAY The Weather Man. . . leminded us of rainy-day goods; incidentally of our largo stock of Umbrella Stands Can we interest youP We will try by reducing pi ices on two lines: Twisted wi ought iron stand, extia heavy, scxol-work ef fects, in designs so popular in wiouglit iron. A pretty useful oinnment to any home. 83,00 value at Wood finme stands, heavy iron pan, diuable, well con stiiicted SI, 50 value at But the weather man has not inteifeietl In tho least with our big sale (adveitised Sunday) It goes on with a lush. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY J THE: &0N0MY 221-223-225-227 WyomlngAve n s Gruener & Co. I I 205 Wyoming' Avenue. I Ho I " 'i ' i -.-