The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 07, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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b, t
5 "Best Milk for Family Use, M
"Babies thrive on It."
With Phosphates
and Hypoplioa-
phites Added.
Taste not changed.
H .
Sold by Grocers and Druggists.
JJ The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
H WrlloforbooLlct. SCRANTON, PA.
Ice Cream.
OE Per
JC Quart.
1 clcjihone Orders Promptly Dell vorai
;if33j Adam Avenue.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
Office J)., X. & W. Passenger
Station. Phone G25.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Office Houre 9 a. Pi. to 11.33 p. m.: 2 to 4
Williams Building, Op. Pastofflco.
Mi:i:r THIS .MOlt.NIXC The lu.miiffcrs of tin-
Hume tor th! I'tirnillis will meet litis uioin-
ins .it !i.K0 at the. Yoiiiik Women's C'hri.-l i.m .'-t-uci.iliiui.
ClllJISni SU'I'I'II. Tlio ladles ol i!o rum
Aii'imi; IS.iptUL .tumli &cncil ;iu chil.oute tvii
ley Miper l.t uittht in the ihuieli lurliiib.
Scht.iI IiiimIiviI people M'U' prcse'it, Th menu
wns ikliciuus ami the r.itiou.s wolu will plcisoil.
M5.M (MIKSUT IN" ISKIC An 1'-j-( n-oM
iiami'il Sliafi'i' was taken to t lie )ln-v T.iiier J0iti.'i.i3- afternoon .is the!: nt in
juiies received at the Nnutieiiko mit'i'. lie his hfl aim caught in a l.tijfi' licit ami
f-rierely hiuieil.
l'AV DAYS. Tin- lVl.iw.iii! ami lliuKon Hail
mad company jcslonl.iy paiil at the (Myphunt
mid lilily 1'ierli lolliciics. The l..u k.iuaniu'i
i mpliiyi". at Ike car nliopi ami I'.uic, Taylor anil
llnlili'ii I'ollicilcs lecehcil (heir pay and tinlay
tlio men at the ni.icliino-sliopi and C.i.uif,.! anil
llii.-liin mines will lip p.iiil.
huass tiiii:vi:s auukmth. -rraiik cwp
and Ai.lhony ftuxip, of .Irt.Mip, were nire-Ud
l.i-t niglil on wjiranU issued liy Alileimiii Millar
at tin in-lanee of lli'let'tmi )l,e SoUiii.hi. il.u
rliaiKPS tlii'iii with Ike larceny of Iihk, jnnnials
If.'in (lie- Jlclawaie, l.iekuw.iiitui and c-itiin
lailtoad on Oil. J:i. Tiny will hac a l.cauii
OXI'S" rAUHi:r AMlTsKMI'.vr.-Tlie .earn of
oxen;iil in tho liaulliiK of the nuchimiy
liom thu old Woslon mill Imiklinir canned u
KOnil (leal of niiiU'cmcnl about the Delaware
and Hudson ftation ycilcnLiy murnliifr. One of
tlio incumiiiK hains iaii-cd a mlllo of excitement
to pass our the animals' limws, and a sm.ill
tiny nearby attempted lit mothe tliim wltli a
li.nulful of bay. whiih tln-y M'ornrnlly irtu-cd
la eveti look at.
DOMKSTIU St;ii:xCi:.-.Yc.t null fie .nliM
of Seianlon will the- pnilii;e of altendn.e;
u brief course of cooking Iimou, m h.. siien by
.Mm. Ad.ilino Wiiatr Mnilh, tho uolnl fooklnj,
Seliool teacher ot llo-ton, limlui;- liip Ie.-mj
ovcral dMas will be picpaied and mmviiI to
tlio Indies in attenilance, TIiuiukIi Ike imir-te.-y
of donas Ln-mV Sous 111.' loeliin will bo
delivered en thu tliinl iloor of their More. I'or
more nieeillo iiifoiiiiation wauli I lie papers.
SW OITICi:i(S rilO.K.V. S.rjuloa iiiw,
So. 1SS, Ladies of the llaccalu rs, t-lcitiil the
followiiii,- offirei.s last iiIkIiI: l.ady lonniiind.r,
Jlis. Anna (lle.ison; lieiiteiiaut loniuiaiider, .Mis
.lemiio l.'rren-D.'ibyi lady refonl ami finance
keeper, lliis .Mainu 0"l'wili; lady m'iki'.iiii, MI-s
.le,ii Mili'olihiil;; lady iuli.liv at .iniu, Mm.
Kiiiiua l)emv.ey; Frnllnel, Jli. I.oul-c lawis;
piiket, ills. 11. llit'llii; 1 1i.tpt.iiu. Mis. .lulu
Jlti-h, captain of thu au.iid'i, .Mi.v, Alaliel Ikiiiiin,
IIIAtillAlt Cli'lINS 10l)AY.-TliU iiiiu'iiIiik the
iliaiflMiu for dm Symphony onhestia uaneit nf
-Monday cyeiilnir opens ut the Lycemii bo otliec,
An extremely larire house is iivtiuvil, The or
( liuinbeM iiieludo fi'liclloii.s Horn Milt
ilclssolm, Wibcr, Wjcnrr anil the t;reat Italian
Sjtuphony written by .Sqii.imbati. Dr. t'.ul Hunt
is to bo tlio vocal soloist unit will sin kpieial
laruo atl.T.. llayUli Ulan will pbn- Jlendels.
Kilm'ti G Jlinor Conceito lur piano and the inllic
orUicsti'4 of bKly-two perfoiineH.
HOI.THAM WAS COMliriTIIP. Ile.t lha.,i,
Specially selected for the
Boxes of 85, 50 and 100
each. Finest brands of
lowest prices op llnest goods,
by the box, by the hundred, by
the thousand.
5 (gSKW
14 T77ST
J & l
; E. C. Dean
X 4o8 Connell Building.
PHQ,NE 5223,
a oiiiil' limn tioatill'ic nl the reslilcnto ol Gtorvc
f..,.-.!... nl to-, I Ii..Ia.. I,aaI. leil In.t
ICIII". 'l l" ...".. ..""I - " '
nrralciinl ttr-lom Altlormuti Miliar on tin Hm:
.r 41. A lit-r..ti' ,l .1 i.'ttf nt IrmwiM- .lilt I II V
II 111'- l.illl 'l I " ' -- -
fimii FerrlRn. Iii itrfnntt of ) ImII no w
.,.',,,111.. I i II,,. 1 1 ma v lilt. At Itm coiielii"!
nf (ho lieiirltur lbillli.ini kwoip mil it count
wnrtntil for the artist ot l'mlito diiRht
Ada. whom lie ilmrRnl wllli soliciting. M
rerrliro wan illnli.HKid.
At.CltSMII Ot-' HOIHIIIUY. .lolm Kopnk, of
West Sim'titon, wai rotmnlticit lu the comity Jail
lait iiluht by AliUrin.111 Mlllell mi tin. Huw
ol rohbi'ry. preferreil by a lltinu.irhnt tnlnor, who
lin.tuh nt bis tione. The hitler nlle(i'. H1.1l
Kopok took .Jl(i from him. Kopok mjn lliat IH
boarder bcianio III arrears In payment lor lit
ItnlKlitif, (luilnif the ctllkc, and win n lie tccclnl
lilt tint pay Inve.lril It In n tieailtllul Jnif.
While In llila condition Kopok pnyi Hut lie took
tho money from him, for latekeepllur, ut'd "ft"
ilediictlnt,' llie .I0 duo hlinsclf, rcturncil lliu 1ai-
DONATIONS ITlIt MISSION'. The director of
Iho I'lorenie Crlttenton Home neknowlcditc with
iininy thntil,!. the follow ItiR iloni
tlons from frlimls: J. W. lvlllo, $JI I own !
llelllv, $:: Mri.. A. It. It iuli. fV, Mm. .t. X. lllcc,
$1! .Mm. Dr. Ileildoe, ?l! Mr.. W. I. Illblis, t;
Mrs. V. Ik While, f.0 cents! Mm. Cluulcs llobln
son, one ibven cans fruit; Mr. I'. I!, l'latt, ono
turkey, clothlnui Mrs. II. II. Itejnohk one Ballon
oysters; Mrs. Thomas Dickson, one turkey; J. It.
McClure, ono peek sweet potatoes; llc pounds
butter; Mrs. O. W. Fritz, meat, apples and ham;
I'. (!. Coursen, oranges, cranberries, siiRar;
l'ierco'a market, turnips, potatoes, npples,
onions; Mrs. W, S. Dlchl, cranberries, celery,
directors nf St. l'alrlck's orphiniiitc acknowledge
with grateful thanks the following donations
from the frlciiils of the Institution (or the month
of November and Thanki-ghliig: ltl'tht llev. M.
.1. lloban, D. I)., KX) potimls c.indy; Lewis fc
licllly, ?a; Alpine Knitting mill, I'lllston, twen-ly-fHo
iloren clilldmi's nmletwear; ex-SherllT
t'harlrs Itohlnson, turkey ami crate of orangoN;
Jtrs. 11. A. lloban, chickens; lo'-cph I'.mbrry,
turkey; Oeorge 1'. Mcflarthy, giocerles; Miss
Nellie McCarthy, (lowers and fruit; MUs Mary
McCarthy, barrel apple; Mrs. plum, .lefTcrsoii
avenue, two barrels apples; Thomas Daeey, tur
key; l II. rinley, fifty j.uds llanncl; Mrs. 1).
M. Ilellly, turkey; Mr.s. Wilson, barrel apples;
Mrs. (,'ln, turkey; Mrs. T. .1. Kelly, candy and
fruit; Mrs. MeNully, cakes and prescryes; Mrs.
Ilurkc, Ninth stieet, children's hoods; Mis. Han
son, hickcns; Mr;'. I'ldlbiu, Miuook.i, clothing:
Mis. Knitlh', ?J; Mrs. Carey, clothing; Mrs.
Hamlin, lamp; Clarke Ilrolhers, kindling wood;
.lames S. I.twsnn, dry goods; Mrs. Mctliilrc, dry
goods; llc-s bakery, bread and buns; MM Marv
Mcllonough, hosiery; Mrs. M. .1. Kelly, box of
cakes; Mir. MiPoiiough, bread and prcserics.
Unique Entertainment Given for
Building Fund of New Synagogue.
Doll Show and Tombola.
A lnttsle doll show, followed by that
novel variety of lottery known tis tlio
tnmboln. was thu proKintnmc carried
out at the Kscclslor Social ;Iuli lust
liislit under tln auspices of the Indies
of thu Linden street temple, and thoi
imjrhly enjoyed and very much of a
suivesH It proved. Tito no; proovds
were devoted to the buildlM? fund of
the now cynaKOKUP and from. a I'n.iii
:lal Htandpoiitt as well as from every
other, the'resttlts more th-tn exeeeded
all anticipation.
Tile doll show was a one net panto
mime, with musical accompaniment,
all but live of tin; dramatic persona?,
enaetiim- the role of dolls. This part
of the entertainment was in charge of
Airs. Albert X. Kramer, and the
of any IrroKUlarlty or awfcwaril-lo.-'i,
was the Krvtetsc tribute to the
ability of the directress. The com
mittee in charire of the entire enter
tainment was made up of Airs. Sam
uel banner, Sirs. It. M. Goldsmith.
Mrs. A. X. Kramer. Mrs. J. O. Aolter
nmn. Mrs. Hoi. Goldsmith, Alts. Louis
Oesttinirer and Mrs. A. Bresehel, and
their earnest and industrious efforts
were mainly responsible for tl.o af
fair's success.
Tin- curtain rose promptly tit S'l."
o'clock and disclosed the interior of
a small, but cosily fitted doll-shop.
Several cabinets cunliitniiur tin; var
ious prizes of the tombola were in
evidence, and larRe draperies of Amer
ican Mass formed a splendid back
ground. The proprietor or the "Temple lia
zanr," as the shop was called, provided
to lie Samuel Otis Skinner, as the pro
Kramme designated htm, hut who Is
heller known to the city at large as
Samuel Sumter, l.ouls Spencer 'Levy,
and Aineliti liacharach, iinpersoiiatinij
an English tourist and wife, wero
ushered p bv (he attendant, irvlu
Well. They wove acconipaniiid by lit
tle .lean Samier, supposedly the In
fant dauKhltjr. brouKht to the estab
lislunent to pick out a doll
The proprietor ol' the shop then
brouahl in one by one the human
dolls, who. impersonated by "fail
wotneii and brave men." proved of
considerable more interest than ordi
nary puppets, Each doll was wound
up by the propiletor, and to appropri
ate music played by Mrs. .7. O. Acker
man, went throitfili a number of fancy
steps. .Miss Nellie Kramer lnolu-d
charming-, and made a winsome "Lady
Hubble" doll, and Miss IJose Worm
.'rr as "Kntherine Sehottlsche," looked
as thoiiKh she had Jual blown in from
Aliss Helen AVormscr, as a talklnt
French doll, was very clever, and the
same ern be said of A'iss Anna Koos,
who did a graceful dunce as a Spanish
doll, "Ulin Carmeticlta." .Miss Harriet
Prlesen was a pretty baby doli, and
Miss Itose Ciallen, as Topsy.with lovely
kinky hair and a very dusky complex
Ion, scored one of 1 he greatest hits of
the eVenlliK',
.Miss Ksther .Moses was attired in a
lmtidHouiii bridal (jowii, and presente.l
a stately appearance, and Miss Paiilliu
Goldsmith was an Ideal (.elsha Rlrl, In
lier Jnpaneso cosuime, as the "Peat I of
The ntali) dolls were there In num
ber, Jolly, rotund Hoi Goldsmith and the
Hrown brothers, Gits and Ike. Mr.
Goldsmith was wheeled onto tlio staffo,
and his chubby face beamed out from
a mass of white whiskers with the
usual Jocular look attributed to Santa,
riiius, which was the polo assigned him.
Ike Hrown was a Krlunluir, painted
clown, Willi a jaekknlfo movement
which evoked roars of laughter, and
his yoiiitKCr brother skilfully enacted
tlte passive, rolo of "(laps Fredorlekson
Geblasen," a soldier of renown.
All of lite performers did splendidly,
and besides thu dolls, 100 much cannot
bo said of thu work of Miss llacliarach,
Mr. Levy, Mr, Hamtep and uttlo .lean
Sumter, irvlu Well did well In a rolo
which did not afford sreat opportun
ities. Tlio grand Haute, la which thu
dolls eamo to llfo anil perform a
nilnuut, was very cfuvurly executed.
At tho close of tho doll show, tliote
was a wild rush for chances in thu
tombola, and during 'the remainder of
thu ultjlit refreshments were served,
and a tlmu of Beneral social enjoyment
spent. The tombola was the cause of a
dual of amusement, and various guess
intf contests, fortunu-tellers' booths,
etc., also contributed to tho entertain
ment. There were a larse number of
out of the city guests present.
When Judge David Cameron Con
signed Her to tho Eastern Peniten
tiary for Three Years She Cried Out
nnd Appeared to Swoon In Falling
Her Head Struck Against the
Bench and Sho Was Rendered Un
consciousTried to Commit Sui
cide in County Jail.
ISdlth Pond was yesterday tnornlni;
returned RUllly of robbery by tho Jury
to which the ease was given Wednes
day afternoon and was at onco sen
tenet d by Judge David (.'ameron, of
Tioga county, before whom she wns
tried, to three years In the Eastern
penitentiary, and $100 fine.
As soon as the Judge pronounced
the words she uttered a sillied cry
ami fell forward on tho stenographer's
desk and then toppled over sideways,
striking her head against the base
board of tho Judge's bench with her
head, it was the opinion or the Jail
olllclals that rIiu was shamming when
she fell, but there was no shamming
about It after sho struck her head.
She was carried Into the law library,
whore, after a time, nhe revived.
AVhen she was committed to await
trial on the charge of robbing D. S.
Johnson, of which she was yesterday
convicted, a young colored man. Ar
thur Morris, with whom she lived,
was arrested and given thirty days
largely on general principles.
About a week ago ho bud occasion
to pass the gate that leads to the
women's corridor in the jail anal she
called after him:
"Go to !" was his unfeeling
This greatly affected her and .a short
time afterwards sho was discovered
trying to hang herself in her cell.
On the trial she said Morris is her
husband and a prtifesslonal gambler
by occupation. Ho denies tho relation
ship. Chief of police Holding- has received
infoiinatlon from tho police authori
ties of Indianapolis, whore the Pond
woman formerly lived, which shows
that sho had a very bad record. Sho
was arrested In that city on several
occasions for larceny and prostitution
for which sho ha3 served several short
terms in prison. She was known there
its Ycager.
Tho police of Cleveland, Ohio, with
whom Chief Robling also communi
cated, knew rhe woman's record, but
had nothing speelllc agtiinst her.
Otlie'- cases that received attention
yesterday were:
The jury in the case of Michael
Gallagher, of North Seranlon. charged
by the Municipal league with selling
liquor without a license, had evident y
some very determined men among its
members. Tho jury retired at I
o'clock 'Wednesday afternoon and had
not reached a verdict up to the hour
that court adjourned yesterday..' 1:1
lite morning the jurors asked to be, but Judge Arehbnld refused
to do so, rnd in the afternoon they
sent a note to tho judge asking him
to disehnrgj them. Again ho refused
to il them go, saying it was their
duty to try nnd reconcile and har
monize tho differences between them.
One of the jurors, Honjamln Castles,
said he thought It was impossible for
them to agree, but the judge decided
lo give them another opportunity to
came together.
An echo of the killing, on Xov. 2.1,
of Mrs. Alary Itose, bj .Mrs. Josephine
Huvclac'iue was the calling up of tho
cases charging the dead woman
with malicious mischief and fundi) lo
entry and detainer. In the llrst men
tioned cast." Mrs. Josephine Hevelaciui"'
wns the prosecutrix and in the second
Pasqual BoMdatque, the husband of
Josephine. It was the acts on which
these suits vtre foiind that led to Iho
Ill-feeling which resulted In the kill
ing. A nol 1 ros was taken in the case
of Ualph Mack, Lynn Alack and Julu
Craig, charged with destroying shadr
trees of Martin Deickiuillur, of North
Scrim ton. The indictment was notl
drawn under the proper act of assem
bly and that this might he remedied
It was decided to nol pros tho'eas
It was reported that George out
tor, who Is charged with ae.lueing
Hertha Lead-"' under promls.-; of mnr
tiaae, lias lift the city and the cisa
wi nt over mtll the net term. Tils
bail was forfillcd.
. .c-rdirt or not guilt v wis la'seti
in th ) ci s't! of Airs. John i;.gnn.
iliarged with perjury by Joseph
.lchn Maivoi leh and his wife Chris
tian, Anthony Probolovleh and hi a
wife, Annie, Michael Smltu and his
wife Susie, and Steven Wasslna were,
tried for riot and assisting prisoners
to escape. Constable S. A. Gllby was
the prosecutor. Ho had ,i warrant
'sstV'.'l by Jti?t'ci of the Petu i.'ph
of Fell township to serv.- on Alirco
vi "i and Sm'lh and when ho arrive 1
at tlw place whore they llv lu Simp,
sou, ho found a wedding In progress.
When lie tried to arrest 'the men the
constable says, he was set upon and
badly injured by tho persons indicted.
The defense was that Gllby did not
produce or read a warrant nnd that
ho was thu agressor In iho terriblo
If you would ever nttnln that
degree of success which you be
lieve certain others already en
1oy; you must STltlVE for it.
They did, and you must.
Tlio longer you delay, tho t-'inal-ler
tho degree and the shorter
thu tlmo of enjoyment will be.
Ever seo It so','
Savings Department
Cor, Wyoming and Spruce
assaulting or the women who pio
testotl against his conduct In Inter
feirlng with the festivities. The Jttttga
In charging tho Jury look from Its
consideration tin rharge of riot and
left lo be pressed upon them the mat
ter of ttsrnulting a public olllecr, and
assisting prisoners to escnpe. llu
Mil 1 1 1 thai he was of lite opinion that
there was no evidence to connect Mrs.
Smith with lite trouble. At ;t o'clock
the Jury retlted to consular tho case
and at returned 11 verdict ot not
guilty and plnclng tho costs on the
conn l. v.
A Verdict of not guilty was taken
In thu case of John Ponm who was
rimmed with larceny by Halle.s S.
IJ. Martin,
Max Herring was willing lo plead
guilty to a charge ot perjury In con
nection with pwciirlng out fatso war
rants against keepers of houses of in
finite, but It was decided not to talte
his pica at present as ho Is wanted as
a witness against Jacob Ellman, who
he alleges, Is the principal In the case.
Herring said ho was a boot-blade
when KUman eamo to him and ex
plained that he could make lots of
money by rollowlng his Instructions
wl'th referent..; to arresting pcoplo.
He did so and Is now willing to 'plead
guilty to perjury. Fllmrtn Is under
arrest on a charge growing out of
the transaction but has not yet boon
About all of yesterday was con
sumed with tho trlnl or the case of
Alainanzo Porter and Alonzo Porter,
wlto i'ro charged with receiving
stolon goods, buying junk from min
ors and neglect Ins to keep a record
of purchases of junk.
Tlte evidence was that on June S
Kobert Howard and three other boy.?,
all under lti years of age, and resi
dents of AVest Setantou, entered tho
small foundry of Hughes- Hrothers in
that part of the city, and stole $10 or
$10 worth of brass and U'ud which they
took to tho Porters about 9 o'clock
that night and sold for ?.2.r0. It was
further alleged that when tho Hughes
Mrothers went to Porter's- In search of
the property stolen from them, Alonso
llorter .showed them whnit he had
purchased front the boys, but when
they came back with an olllcer a, con
siderable amount of brass and alt thu
lead bad disappeared.
Alonzo Purler admitted that hot
bought some brass from the boys on
June X. Ho said they came to his
place about S:'1) in the evening an.l
pleaded Vilth him to buy It. Young
Hand was the spokesman and ho said
they bad arranged to go on an ex
cursion the next day and wanted sum..'
money, lie told them he did not want
lo buy the stuff but they pleaded 30
hard that they would lose tlio day'a
pleasure If they could , not sell the
brass and other stuff they had, that
his heart was moved to pity, and be
gave them $i'.r,0 and sent them on their
way rejoicing.
Alnninuzu Porter was nol present
at the time and knew nothing of thli
transaction. The books nf the firm
were produced to show they keen a
record of purchases as required by
l'. hut it was not sulliclontly com
plete. In charging tho jury, Judge Ed
wards tsild the jury their verdict
would he nol guilty as to AlamanKo
Porter, si rev it was clear he had noth
ing to do with the tt impaction. A
largo number of prominent business
men were put on the stand who tes
tified to tho good character of the
accused men.
The case excited a considerable
amount, ol' interest since it iB the
first one tried ttntl'M- the act passed
by the lasl legislature which makes
it a criminal offense lor a. dealer to
buy junk from a minor. Thu evil of
The best offer of the season. A great opportunity of
securing handsome garments at after holiday prices.
Purchase now, while the selection is complete. The largest
stock of Fine Garments ever shown in city.
Laaies liapes,
mis, Skirts and
Fur Clusters
We mention a few inducements:
Misses' Fine Double Faced Golf Capes $ 4.95
39 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, not one in the lot
worth less than $10.00, all at one price 6.95
28 Ladies' Very Stylish Jackets, good material,
perfect fitting, well made, and all $15.00 value, at 10.00
Child's Coats, not shoddy, but a warm, good looking
Coat 3.95
Children's Heavy Bouclay Coats 4.95
25 Imitation Seal Muffs, $2.50 value, for 1.50
28 Real Martin Collarettes 5.95
20 Imitation Seal Scarfs 3.95
Large line of fine Furs, Neck
Pieces, Sable Mink, Martin, Etc.
415-417 Lackawanna Avenue,
4 -- - 4 4 f s). 4.
I ' Remember the Sale of the X
X Nisbet Stock of ' X
j$40,000Worthof Dry Goods j
Begins Today at the Old Store of ''The
Fashion," 308 Lackawanna Ave.
-fr-f 4, -f-ft 4
boy thieves, being encouraged hyjuntc
dealers who bought their tuods, be
came! so great that tho last legis
lature passed this drastlo measure,
with a view to furnishing 11 definite
manner In which the Junk dealer
could be reached. Before tho trial be
gan Attorney Horngg, who defended
the Porters, talseit tin; point that the
act was utieonstlttitloual utid in the
event of hhe qonvlctt'on an ,nppeal
will be taken lo the supremo court,
Judge Edwards having rotated lo
agree with Mr. Sorngg that the law
was inconslltutlonal. Tho Jury agreed
upon a verdict at f o'clock lasl eve
ning nnd sealed It.
When court adjournal John Woot
kers ot Wlllltitn street, this city, was
on trial, charged with selling liquor
without a license. Robert Wilson, ot
thu Municipal League, wns the prose
cutor. Only one witness was exam
ined up to adjourning hour.' That was
T. J. Itullilng, an agent of the league,
who swore that on August 1 nnd Sep
tember 2 lu company with another
agent, he bought Intoxicating liquors.
While he was In there ho saw nlhers
come in nnd purchase Intoxicants.
William Hnrko nnd Andrew Nealon
pleaded guilty lo thu theft of three
chickens. They will bo sentenced Sat
urday. John Mulllgnn pleaded guilty to fel
onous wounding and was sentenced to
pay a lino of ?10 and spend three
niothns lu the county jail.
John Wllholm was leturncd not
guilty of breaking down the fence of
Max Koanor, who lives on Lincoln
avenue. Ho was directed to pay two
thirds of the costs nad tho prosecutor
A verdict of not guilty was taken
In tho case against Hugh Price of
Carbondale, charged by Constable II.
II. yrlce, of tho same place, with sell
ing cigars without a license. Tho
Commonwealth was unable to make
out a case.
Just before adjournment hour a Jury
went out to consider the case of Alice
Moraka and Ignas Varmskl, who are
charged with smashing a carriage and
abusing a horse they rented from L.
F. Connelly of North Scranton.
Two Divorce Cases.
John Gelgel yesterday filed a petition
for a. divorce from Elizabeth Gelgel, to
whom he was married July II, 1SS'J. On
November 1, 1SJIS, he alleges that his
wife deserted him and has since per
sisted in his desertion.
Margaret Drecher asked for a divorce
from John Drecher, to whom she was
wedded May 2a. IS07. She alleges that
Drecher was cruel to her and that on
.March 2S. 18SIS, he deserted her.
Can't Control Him.
Airs. Lucy Finch, of Peckville, filed
a petition with Prothonotary Copeland
yesterday, asking that her son, Earl
Finch, aged fourteen years, be com
mitted to the House of Kefuge. His
father Is dead, and Mrs. Finch says
the boy will neither go to school nor
Judge Kelly llxed Saturday morning
as the time for a hearing In the case.
Guernsey Hall
is headquarters for J. W. Guernsey's
beautiful music warerooms, whore you
can find an endless variety of the finest
and most charming pianos and organs
ever exhibited In one place. Prices are
low and terms reasonable. Please call
and examine. :!lt-310 Washington ave
nue, Scranton, I'a.
Remember the Lecture
by llev. I. J. Lansing tonight in Green
Ridge Presbyterian chapel, under the
auspices of King's Daughters. ""
ay bargains in
and Boas.
- )4fT f-f 4ff,i
Santa Claus Partner
Wilt Hud this store a convenient, comfortable, satisfactory, safo
plaeo for Mulshing up tho senson's shopping, To thoso who are
undecided as to what to buy: For a lady, we would suggest a
piece of cut glass. Wo tiro solo agents for l.lbbey's, and can give
you a Horry Dish for $t,fiO, u Punch Howl for $90, and a hundred
other nrtlules at prions ranging between them. There is nothing
made In china thai Is desirable that we have not In stock. Christ
mas purchases delivered as late us Christmas morning.
Geo. V. Millar &
Gold Crowns $3
Gold Fillings..' $1
Bridge Work (t.,) $3
Set of Teeth $5
All worlc Rimrniitcdl for 10 jcars. Cull mill
hnvc ymir teeth examined free of charge.
S.itl.sfai linn or nn pay.
One Hundred Parlor Rocking Chairs in both
Oak and Mahogany of a Unique and Stylish
Construction, Strongly Put Together, and
Upholstered in Rich Patterns of Finest Ve
lours and Tapestries. Bought to sell at $4
and worth every cent of that figure.
See Them in Our Big Show Win
dow, and take your choice of the
lot while they last at
In Our New Store.
.406 Lackawanna A
5? vStsSSSs.
I Diamond Pins
S Diamond Studs
Diamond Rings t
Diamond Brooches
Diamond Pendants S
"Why is a diamond
fellow asked, and
cause it is a dear
Quite right ! Can you think of anything nicer for
Christmas Gift ? Doesn't it touch the proper chord ?
Isn't it a safe way to invest your money? D!i:l you
ever see a good diamond but what you could sell it for
its worth ?
Think over these questions when you're buying
presents this year. Spend your money practically.
We carry quite the best assortment of Diamonds in
Scranton, if you consider "quality" as representing the
best Pure water stones, imported direct from the Dia
mond Fabrik of Amsterdam, 'Holland.
A. Eo Rogers
213 Lackawanna Aye.
rt 00000000000000000
r and
The Only Rug Store,
your riifis of us it nuans you are sura you ars getting the bsit at the lowest price. It will
certainly pay you to see our holiday bargains.!
1 Bale of Kazok Bugs at $10. each, worth $12 to $15.
50 Largs Size Howoni Persian Bugs at $18 to ?S5, worth $20 to $40,
The latest designs of Wilton and Smyrna Rugs at a special discount,
Co. "JSa8
We nuke n siecljlt.v of llnu Crown anil
lhliltfc Work mill It will p.iy jmi to cU anil
tct our prices lieforc KoluiC elienlier.1. All
worlc absolutely I'.iliilcs.
Dr. Beyer, Dentist
Si4 Spruce St., Opp. Court House.
Scranton Carpet
& Furniture Co.
Call and Examine g
Our Line of
A great1 variety of styles
constantly on hand. No
slipping and falling, No
more sore and contracted
126 and
like a baby ?" the
he got a reply
little thing.
ft ar4m Durvc
124 Washington Avenue.
hve the l-iruest and finest collection of Persian
Turkish Ruks and Carpets. When vou bin
? 'A-t . . .