pFTW THE SOBANTON -TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1900. HARD TO FIND - A CUSTOMER DIFFICULTY IN SELLING THE " SEWER BONDS. Only Two Bids for $135,000 Issue Wcro Received Last Night and ' Both of These Had to Be Rejected Because They Were Conditional nnd Were Unaccompanied by Cer tified Checks for $3,000 Day & Co.'s Agent Saw All Bidders Other Business In Select and Common. It would appear that the city of lerantott 1m going to have a pretty turd job )f It wuntH to get anybody lo dike tlu ?13.',000 worth of Hewer bonds which It has placed on the market anil which wpio refused by K. L. Day & Co., of Hoston and New York, The rlty clerk readvertlsetl for bids Just a week ago today with the provis ion that nil bids should bo accompanied by n certified check for R000 nnd that they should be absolutely uncondi tional, When the fourth order of business was reached at lasL night's regular meeting of select council, Chairman "Warner announced that lie bad re ceived two bids for the bonds but that as both were unaccompanied by the lrqulred certified check and contained a condition that tbey were not to be binding if the bidding firm's attorneys declared the Issue illegal, ho would bo "hiked lo o both out of order. It would seem that unless another special election Is held for the purpose of getting the taxpayers' consent to ls fcue tho bonds It will be impossible to fdlspuse of them. The point raised against the legality of the bonds by IS. L. Day & Co. is that the election .was not properly conducted. DAY H CO. WANT CHECK HACK. Day & Co.'s chock for $.1,000 is still in the hands of the city and tney are, of course, desirous of getting it hack. Their agent was in the city yesterday nnd made It a point to see all the rep ii sen tat Ives of bond firms who came to this city to put in bids. Ho explained to each the lensons for bis firm's re fusal to accept tho bonds and in at le.-if-t one case prevented a bid being put in. . A Tribune man was In City Clerk La velle's ninco when the representative of one of the bond firms which Intend ed bidding came in for information. Ho told the city clerk that Day & Co.'s man hail seen him and had stated that his firm (Day's) was willing to take tho bonds if they felt sure of their lo cality. The city clerk explained that It was the prevailing Idea that Day & Co. didn't want tho bonds and that after a deal of searching they had finally raised a technical point about the elec tion aw an excuse for backing out and getting their .'!,000 back. He said that In his nineteen years of experience a bond issue had never before been more .legally authorized. "That's all tight," said the young man, "but Day & Co. have a high standing In the business world and their story goes as far with us as does the city's-. Our firm will not bid for the bonds unless the bid can be made conditional." WANTS HIS CHECK BACK. A communication was read from R. A. aialone, of Lancaster, who also wants a check back. HI? check is in the sum of $1,500 and accompanied a bid for a sewer contract which he now doesn't went to take up. He has already written several communica tions asking for tile return of his money. The one received last night was referred to, the city solicitor. The communication from the city solicitor regarding the contemplated settlement with the Ablnglon Turn pike company as outline1 In yester day's Tiibunc, was road and Chair man Wagner named as members of the committee suggested by Mr. Vos burg, Messrs. Clemons, Melvln and Williams. The special committee appointed to consider the pioporition ot President Scranton, of the Scranton Gas and Water company for an increased rato for water used for public purposes, asked for two weeks' more time in which to airain confer with Mr. Scran ton and see if he would agree to a five-year contract with the privilege of a five-year renewal, Tho permis sion was granted. The following new ordinances were Introduced: Iiy Mr. Williams: Exonerating the Alcntruz Tavlng company from thu penalty occasioned by their failure to complete the Hyde Patk avenua pave within the required limit of time. I'.y Mr, Vaughan: Changing the name of Stone avenue to South Web ster avenue. A resolution was Introduced by Mr. Oliver directing the street commis sioner, the city solicitor and tho city engineer to Investigate and recom mend to councils the best way of .set tling damages caused by the overflow of a pipe drain on Aswell court. The ordlnanco transferring $200 for Urn rent of the Liberty hose house pulsed third reading, SESSION OF THE COMMON. Mr. Keller's Objections at Last Bear Right Kind of Fruit. Patience and perseverance, It Is said, wM sometimes nccompllsh tho seem- , liu'ly impossible. The truth of this "adage was Instanced In common coun- iVtglit. Je'r since Mr, Keller took his seat ho has fought against Irregular ex penditures. '.Most of the tlmo hu fought singly and alone and all tho time until last night his efforts were lit vain. His years of effort, however, wow finally crowned with success, Ho defeated an uttempt to spend money Iri'lguhirlv, ''he first ordinance to comn up on third reading was one transferring $200 for tho heating of Liberty hose houso fnftu tho $1,200 that was transferred frpm various balances to general flra : tldpnrtmeiit uses. Mr, Keller protest, ed against this because It was trans ferring from n transfer and on tho vii v face of lt"'. Tint ortflrjance, however, passed, Next came an ordinance trnnsfer rlu.r $50 from the board of health np- ,'DrBull's ' Cures H Throat aud Lung Affections. , COUGH SYRUP '. Qettlie genuine. Refuse eutntlluta, A VIS sure JUVilWH vu uun witiuwuiai lS4kH, i proprlatlon to pay tho cost of putting In a circular cltrb at tho corner of Washburn street nnd Main nvenuo. Again Mr. Keller protested vigorously, claiming It was Irregular and unbusi nesslike to cut Into tho appropriation of a department nnd take Its needed money for an Improvement that could wait till the appropriation rommltteo provided for it hi the regular way. JUut once more Mr. Keller's protest was unheeded. Then enmo an ordinance transfer ring $200 for the deficiency In the sal ary of nn additional permanent man at tho Columbia hoso house from the bal ance in last year's appropriation for permanent men. This brought nn unusually vehement objection from the commoners' great objector, it was wrong, radically wrong, and any member who support ed the measure would do so knowing he was not doing his whole duty. IUOJtT TRIUMPHS. Mr. Paine look a turn at entering a protest. How, he wanted to know, could such n transfer be mode. The law clearly specifies that all balances shall be merged In the Judgments and' Inci dentals fund at the close of the fiscal year, and If the controller had done his duty there was no balance In any ap propriation of lost year to be trans ferred. "If ho merged this balance, there can be no transfer," said Mr. Paine. "If lie didn't merge (It, I'd like to know why ho didn't." Mr. Keller seconded these Ideas and added a few more words of protest, and then the motion to pass the ordl nanco on final reading was put to a vote. To tho great surprise of every body, and Mr. Keller In particular, tho ordinance was defeated. "Nine ayes, ton nays," announced Clerk Lvnett. "What?" exclaimed Mr. Keller, scarce ly able to believe his ears. Clerk Ly nett repeated the announcement, "Then the ordinance Is defeated?" anxiously Inquired Mr. Keller, to make sure thai there was no mistake about 11. "The motion Is lost," declared Chairman Griffiths. "Well," s.Tld Mr. Keller, with a chuckle. "I tell you, boys, we'll win If we only keep at it." This was about the whole extent of the routine business that preceded the resignations. The communication In the turnpike matter from City Solicitor Vosburg was read, and Messrs. Keller, Harvey and Cnlpin appointed ns the common ers' end of the Joint committee. An ordinance was introduced by Mr. Wen zel for two electric lights In the Four teenth ward, and Mr. Paine secured the passage on first and second read ings' of the water rale ordinance. An ordinance for an electric light on Will lam street passed final reading. MERCHANT AT PANTHER SHOOTS TWO MEN James H. Chambers Kills Dr. Elmer Tomlinson and Adam Bailey. Acquitted at Preliminary Trial. By Exclusive Who fiom The AsfociatcS Pipss. Panther, W. Vu., Dec. . Dr. Elmer Tomlinson, of Williamsport, Pa,., and Adam Palley, of this place, were shot and Instantly killed last night by James H. Chambeis, a prominent mer chant of this place. Dr. Tomlinson came here from Williamsport several mouths ago, where he secured a posi tion as surgeon for the Panther Lum ber company. Recently he decided to leave town and return to Williams port. He sold portion of his furniture to Mr. Chambeis, and tills caused the trouble that led to his death. When settling the deal last night he and Chambers engaged In an argument and finally the men came to blows. Then Chambers ordeied tho doctor to leave his store. The latter did so, but re turned soon afterwards carrying a re volver in his hand. He told Chambers as he came Into the store that one of the two must die and that light speedily. Chambeis was prepared for Tomlinson, and, without rising from his chair, tired. Ills aim was good. The doctor fell. He aiose quickly, however, and sprang out of the door way, shooting back over his shoulder as he did so. Tomlinson had not walked throe steps on th street until ho fell and a minute later was dead. He had been shot through the left breast. Adam Hailey, a former business partner of Chambers' was coming up tho street, heard the thots and saw the doctor fall. He was an lntlmat? fiiend of tho Pennsylvania!!. Hushing into the store, boiling with rage, Rai Iey pulled his revolver. "That was a cowardly murder,'' cried Bailey to Chamlcrs, "and you will have to kill me or I will kill you." No sooner were tin1 words uttered by Rulley than Chambers, who al ready bad a double barreled shotgun lying across the counter In front of him. raised the weapoi. and tired. The contents enteiod Dallcy's lit east, com pletely penetrating his body, maklnj a bole large enough to drop an egg through. Ho tell in the store, but Chambers dragged the body otitslda of his store and laid it beside that ot Dr. Tomlinson, whore ho left them. There they lay In tin stieot until after midnight, when a- coroner's In quest was held, Chambers Immediately surrendeicd. At his preliminary dial to-dav bo was acquitted. Chambers Is a hi other of Judge Chambers, of this jullclal circuit, and Is one or the best known men of this county, EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Interesting- Papers Read at Wilkes- .Barre Yesterday, tly i:ihiile Wlie from The A&sociitcrt 1'iesi. Wilki'ii'llaili', Dm-, il. I'hU .! thu second diy uf the lonuntloii of thu KuiiKeliol Alii univ nf Pirin.vlwml.i. t the muiiiiiu.M'.'.liui, 1U. I', A, III. uly, ot Willianirpoii, cluio ct the ilctftllciial eciiUe, "! I'lrieiulioii of Hie ( Imulie. I'i.iUU-.iLlet" ij the Milijict of it p.ipu- ic.ul l lle, it. W, .Milhr, P. IV, of lt,.idin', "Intcidi'iioiiniutlonii Afllllallim" una Iho title of .1 paper lead Iiy benjamin l!, Welch, uf CiKlckiiicie, "The itel.i. linn uf .Mullein llewlopmcnl tn )',.in Ki'llratimi" u'lu the eiihjcit ot u paper lij 1", J,, Home, ot Si union, At the eienlnu' (.essiun p.ipim wcte lead lij Jt'i . 1'i.hhU Tin k, 1), I),, nt Willianupuit, and Hey, ,. M, Seinoii, I), p., of Philadelphia, PANEL OF JURORS DISCHARGED Recorder Goff Wants n Pair Consider ation of Election Cased, 11 i:eltilu' Wiic hum Tho Associated Pifn. New Voil;, Ike, 0, llccouler flutf cwatul a tciieatlon late llim afleinonn ill u'liiiial si'.iim, couit Iiy ordering the illlmigo of the whole panel of 100 juiou, callui to tiy election rase). Deputy Atorney OcnciaU Hcitais ami Hammond luo been prosecutinif cais in the ifcoidet's court for scleral dajo pat. Several jurors complained that other Jurors had stated they would never com let any ono in election case, iu nutter what the testimony. Therefore, Hecordcr Joft decided to UUcluige thu whuls panel. DAMAGES NOT A REAL DEBT JOINT ANSWER TO MR. KEL LER'S VIADUCT PETITION. It Will Be Presented to Court Today nnd Sets Forth That the Damages Which May Be Caused by the Erec tion of the Viaduct So Not Come Within the Constitutional Prohibi tion of Increase of City's Debt. Many of Mr. Keller's Contentions Are Denied. The Joint answer of the city of Scranlon, the Scranton Hallway com pany and tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company to the hill of equity filed by Luther Kel ler, petitioning for a rule declaring the viaduct ordinance null and void, and for an Injunction restraining said viaduct, will be tiled In court today. The allegations in that section ot Mr. Keller's petition which states that tho city of Scranton in erecting tho viaduct Is entering into a contract, for the benefit of the two companies ate denied. It Is contended that the viaduct Is for the benefit of the pub lic nt large. It is not admitted by the defendants that the property of Mr. Keller will be almost entirely ruined by the erection of tho viaduct, as nlleged. The separate contentions on the part of Mr. Keller that the ordinance Is null and void for four separate reasons are tacit denied In the nn swer. It is contended that the ordi nance contains only one general sub ject, namely, the construction of a viaduct, of which the vacation of the street Is but an incident, ns Is also the temporary permission granted the Scranton Hallway company to occu py other streets. "The title to the or dinance," says the answer, "Is not re qulicd by law to bo In the nature ot an index of the ordinance, and the title of this ordinance fairly gives no tice ot the contents of it. DENIAL KNTERKD. It is denied that the property of the complainant will be completely .but off from any connection with the !--trect upon the completion of the via duct, It being contended that by rais ing his hulldlng he will have perfect access to the street and will also re tain his present switching facilities. Regarding the assertion that the debt of the city is to be illegally -Increased beyond tho constitutional limit, the answer says: "The construction of this viaduct will not increase the indebtedness of the city of Scranton in any sum, as the entire cost of the construction of tho viaduct will be paid by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company and the Scranton Railway company. The consequen tial damages, if any, to the abut ting properties, are unliquidated, and arise ex delicto, and therefore cannot be regarded as a debt of the city within the meaning of tho constitu tional prohibition of the Increase of the indebtedness of municipalities. "It is not admitted that the dam ages to abutting! properties will equal the sum of $100. It is not true that the complainant would be deprived of any means of collecting his damages from the city, even In case it should bo held that the con struction of this viaduct created an incieaso of debt which is Illegal." MTt. KELLER'S CONTENTION. Regarding Mr. Keller's contention that It is the intention of the city to proceed with tho construction of the viaduct before securing to him com pensation for the damage caused thereby, the answer says: "The complainant has the right to apply to the court for security for any damages which he may sustain by i eason of the construction of said via duct. If the law requires a munici pality to furnish security In such cases, which is not admitted." The answer sets forth that as there Is to be no expenditure by the city for the construction of the viaduct that no appropriation is necessary, this In answer to Mr. Keller's statement that no appropriation bad been made. inasmuch as a question of fact Is raised in iho answer, It will bo neces sary to have a hearing at tho next term of equity court, the first week In January. HAD TO CALL THE POLICE. Unpleasant Experience of Landlord Weichel, of the Irving. Landlord "Welehel, of the Hotel Irv ing', early this morning- told Patrolman Kinh Peters and a Tribune man the stoi y of the attempt to inveigle from the hotel and rob one of his puests, which is a thriller. About 12.45 o'clock tlio 'elenhoi e bell laug- furiously at the central station, and on Hank Ofllcer Thompson answer ing, he received the following message: "Send some cine down to the Hotel Irv ing 'at once. There's a gang of men hanging around here waiting to rob one of our guests." Patrolmun Peters gtabbeil his club, felt his hip pocket to fcee If his revolver was safe, and hast ened to the hotel, where Landlord Welehel informed him that flaring a period of between half and three-quarters of an hour, seven or eight dls i eputable men had been loitering about the place, tapping on the window pane, and trying tti Induce an out-of-town man stopping nt the hotel to join them. They had accosted him on his wny from the station, and he having a big wad oC bills on his person, didn't al together llkp their attentions. On Mr, Wi'Ichel ordering them to movo on, they refused and threatened and cursed the host In n manner which gavo the atmosphere an azute hue, On hearing the 'phone boll jingle, they evidently guessed that the pollco were being notified, for on tlio patrol man's arrival they had nil vanished. Mr. Welehel says they have been loiter ing about his place for several con secutive nights, Stops tho Cough and works off the Cold, l.axaflvo Ilroiuo-Qulnlne Tablets euro a cold In one day, No Cure, No Pay. Prlco L'5 rents. PARKPLACE. Mw. Waililnnn, of Momoo iiu'liue, while Ult ,111:; her uiolhei, .Mh. Samuel llradci, of I'uuit Hieet, fell and epialueil her ankle yeslcidjy. She uji icuwM'il to her home on Mumoe au'iiuc. Alheit Keltllng, of Shoit neniie, has leturneil home after a few da). llt with (rieniU In .Veiv Voik city, MIh Hazel Aikeuou, of Wood oticcf, U ill. A liuelucMi meeting of the Kpworth league wai held in the lecture! room of tho McthodUt KpU. copal c bun li, Court ttrcct, alter which a debato was laid, Thuuday night. URGING A COIN MEASURE. Action of the Chamber of Commerce in New York. fly Etchi'lvr Wire from Tlio Awoclatccl Prwu. Now York, Dec. 6. The New York chamber of commerce adopted tho fol lowing resolutions today! Wlierea, In the larlmti tlUcmilon rclnlliijt tn tlio until standard, in.nlo during t lie lite prcsl ilvnlitl campaign, It. became cvblcnt tint tlm no tion nt conjrrcM In Mnrcli nl this jcar, ikclarimr lor tlio gold itatulnul and prnUriliii? (or (lie ic ilf nipt Ion or p.imcnt In nold of United Statu note and trcmtiry miles made no proilslon for ranking n oml its roM, silver currency of ll'e country and, owhiff to tills fuel, kmvc feaw were entertained let the accession to adminis tration of a parly umunllled to tlio free coln iirc1 ot silver might Jie followed by an attempt to force the country upon a silver IkuIr In ad vance nt any Ugislntlon to that effect. Itoiobcd, That Iho chamber of commerce of the state of New Vork respectfully request anil urge upon eniiRrcw the ltnl Importance nt adopting at the piesenl wwlon a hill author Irlnif and directing the secretary of the treasury to exchange gold coin for any othrr money li RUed or coined by the United States whenever It may be necessary te do so. TOWBRMAN ACQUITTED. Judge Holds Sleeping Upon Duty Is Not Culpable Negligence. Iiy I'Aclusbe Wire from The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Dec. G. Prank Lantell, formerly a towerman for tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was acquitted In court today of voluntary manslaughter In causlnc the deaths of George K. Laub and William F. Hinchman, en gineer and fireman of two freight trnlns wrecked and burned In tho tunnel near Fulrmount park, last May. A train of twenty-eight cars had entered tho tun nel. Laub's train came along, nnd tho white signal being displayed, he also entered tho tunnel. The collision fol lowed, und cars containing naptha and petroleum exploded, making the tunnel n mans of flames. Lantell, who was stationed at the en trance to the tunnel, admitted having been asleep. In Instructing the Jury, the court said today that no culoable negligence had been shown and tho de fondant could not be convicted of man slaughter. MR. TOWNE'S APPOINTMENT. Will Fill Vacancy Caused by Death of Senator Davis. fly t:cliisie Who fi otn The soi ialtil Pies, St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 8. Former Con gressman Charles A. Towne, Sliver Re publican, of Duluth, arrived In this city this afternoon and called on Governor Llnd. He then formally accepted the ap pointment to the United States senate for the vacancy caused by the death of Cushman K. Davies, teceived his com mission immediately and will leave as soon as possible for Washington to take the seat, which he will hold until the legislature, which is overwhelm ingly Republican, elects a senator to the place. RECEPTION TO RIBBONERS. Delegates to the W. C. T. U. Conven tion Entertained at White House. By Kclushc Wire from The Associated 1'iess. Washington, Bee. 6. The President and Mis. McKlnley gdu a leccption this afternoon lo the 1U00 dclemtes to tin Women's Christian Temperance union compntlon. The elnhoratt dcooutions ot the ilinfipal looms which had been pun tried in honor of the commissioner-! to the Palis epositon who wtie the pieadent'i, Kitcits at dinner l.iH night, lem.iinrd in place. The m.irinc hand furnished the linnie. The leceivitiK utly consisted of the Pie'ident and Sin, JIoKiide.w Secietaiy and Air. Gage, Secretaiy and JIiv. Long:, Attorney and Mi.. Oritftr. and Seuetary and Miss Wilcon. WATER COMPANY FINED. A Penalty of $1,100 Imposed by Mayor of Wilkes-Barre. By Kcluslvo Wiie from The Associated Pi ess. Wilkc-.-narre, Dee. il, Sonic months -ij,'o the ofltciald ot the Si.iinn ISrook Wiiter company, which supplies Willces-Harro and other town in the Wyoming valley with water, wci. anitcd, ihurged with vitiating a city ordiname in tail inK to piivide filtirs and fuinihinp lon-umcia with impuie water. A treat deal of testimony was heml in tlio com;. The major withheld hi-, decision until to iliy, when he announced that he had decided to Impair a fine of ?1,100 on the company. It :'.s undcir-tood tho will appeal. I. Pennsylvania Postmasters. ' By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated l'reisS. WashiiiRton, Dec, 0. The piesident today t.ent the following noininiiloiu. of. rcnni.jlv.inia post to the hemic: ll.i'.nhleton P. Vilnn, Alloona: Win. W. Champion. Jiontoiiracille, ha It. IJmni, Dillnooil. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Tlieie will be a ncneial soup I eciiluir at thi Voimc Women's Christian association this ecen inff. A candy pull will be one of tho featmes of the evening und all mtmbcis of the assoeii lion are incited to come in and enjoj- it. The (Jirlis' club, which wa oiRanim'. last Triday afternoon, will meet again todaj" at I n'cloik. The woik of the afternoon will be a lihfun in tho making uf Christmas candj-, Net week we jre to learn tn make some simple and iiic.ciciilp Cluistmas gifts, All joung girls are invited to join the club. The secretary suggests that any ono wishing to help joung women can pay for a scholarship in the cooking school of the Y.W, O, A, and send a gill who otheiwise could not come. PITTSTON. Special to I lie Scranton Tribune. PitUtnn.Dce, 0. Hohert llrann, agid L'i.of Ip. tor borough, wan fitally injuicd this ninrning by being struck bj- a iiiuaway trip of cais on a lope In tlio 1'nrty Tint mine, lie died u the .Mercy hospital, at Wllkes-Hairn. Mm. Mary Kiribati, widow ff the lite John T, Kierhart, at one time .1 well kWwu lesldent of West I'itlston, died hut night lit I'hiladi-l. phia, ulirte Blip has resided for about (en jeats. Deceased at one time Heed on Iho Kirrhirt farm, which Included the Maud nf that name in the bickiiwanna iber, Jut ahoc I'ittHlon Junction. Liter she lived for about fifteen jenu in the Kveihait nimsion, on Susquehanna .iceiine, Wct 1'ittstnn. The remains will bo brought here Sat urday afternoon fur Inteiment in West Plttstou cemeterj-, (icoige II, llos.ud, manager of tlio Plttsloii blanch of the United States i:pre.s company, and Miss Cariie Dennis, ,i well known West I'itlston lady, quietly slipped away jcleiday to Xew- Vork city and wem united in marilagn by iter, ff, P. Kckniin1'pator of St, Paul's Mctho. ilit Ilplscopal chinch. The event was. u pleas ant htiiirlp fm the puny fileuds of Ihe con Inn ting couple, Mr, and Mrs. nossanl will bo at home with the bide' niothir, on Vork ae. nue, West I'itlston, after Dec, 10, :. ,. Cobb, of William street, hid Ids left loif biokcn Just below bc thigh ulillu at wink in (lie IIjIij Ion bnaker la.t cloning, MIm Cmuii Cjiicbner, daughter of Mi, ami .Mis. If, f!. Carlchner, of lluglie,tuin, died tliU mornliiif, aged Id jcus. Piuicul Sunday aftei. nuiiii. PR1CEBURG, Hubert rolburn, of Price streel, has so far recovered from his lecent Illness us to be able tu resume his usual duties. John Wesley caBtle, No. ?n), Knights of tho Golden Eagle, will meet In Odd Fellows' hall tit 7 o'clock this evening. William Perils, Jr., late of Maple street, has gone with his wife to re side In Green Hldge. Dr. J. J. Uelhelmer has purchased the comer lot on Main street, opposite' mkHBBh The finest and most complete wholesale and retail musical es tablishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Great inducements and great attractions will be offered dur ing the Holidays. OVER BE Nave Bien Prices will be made extremely low and terms reasonable. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Don't fail to call and get prices and see what money will buy. Remember the PlaceGuernsey Hall 314 Washington Avenue, Scranton, Pa. J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. where he now resides, and has com menced excavations, preparatory to erecting' a fine residence thereon. Mr. and Airs. Friend have removed from the Odd Fellows' building, on Lincoln street, to Maple street. Mrs. Proudlock, of Lincoln and Jack son streets, is building' a store near her residence, which she Intends to open ns soon as completed. OLYPHANT. 'Mis-, Mary McGlnty died at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Daley, on Dun moro street, yesterday afternoon af ter an illness of ono week's duration. Deceased was born In Ireland and was 63 yeais ot age. She has been a resi dent of this town for many years. She was a woman of true Christian quali ties and highly esteemed b- all her ac quaintances. One sister and two brothers survive her, namely, Mrs. John Dalej-, John and Patrick McGln ty. The funeral will take place Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In St. Patrick's cemeteiy. A good sized audience witnessed "A Brothers' Revenge," presented by the La Porto Comedj- company at the Father Mathow opera house last even ing. Several pleasong specialties were introduced between the auts. "An Un equal Mutch" will be produced this evening. According to the census leport Oly pliant has a population of 6,180, which Is a remarkable Increase over the last census. The population In 181)0 was I.OSO. Mrs. S. M. Cullender, of Scranton, was a visitor at tho home of her moth er, airs. Edwaid Jones in liiakely yes terday, John J, Priest, Jr., of liiakely, Is get ting nicely over his serious full of twenty feet at the Lackawanna break er lust Monday evening. Fortunately no bones were broken. Mrs. Albert Klesling and Mrs, S. A. IClesIing, of Providence, visited rela tives on the West Side yesterday, Georgo W. Williams, formerly with 'A. D, Kdwnrds, Is now in the employ of the Onjtuio Store company. The Young Pctople's societies of the Baptist churches of this place are in- vlted to attend a rally in tho Baptist church at Jenny n on Monday evnlng next. Mr. and Mrs. 0, J. Hull expect to move Into their new homo In Blnkely next month. It occupies a fine location next to the resldnneo of his father, G. M. Hull. The employes of No, and Kddy Creek cutleries were paid yesterday. This Is tho first general pay In threa months. m DURYEA. On Monday, December ltd, the prop erties of Jlr, Paul Urban and John Dauchasause, on Stephenson street, worn consumed by fire. The cnuss Is unknown. It wns Impossible to save tho btilldlnc,'s on account of lack of llro. lighting facilities. Out of tho soven water plugs located In Hie dif ferent patts of town, not ono can bo used In cas-e of (he, Tho old hoso company not receiving aid of tlio property holders, were unable to pay tho water tent, consmiuently the water company locked the plugs. A tew of, the faithful members of the old hohe company unlved at the seen') of action and offered their assistance In saving tho furniture. A meeting will be called In the near futun to form a new hose company, Class number boven of the UrU'k Metbodlht Uplscopnl Sunday School irave a successful social on Monday evening at the parsonage Numerous games were Indulged In. Tho pi ONE HUNDRED UN D 1 Provided for toe Christmas Trade. winner of the peanut hunt was Mr. Joseph Marcy, the prize being free? lunch. Next same was the pie race: Mr. Silas Kandall and Duane R. Dills compted for the prize. After having their hands tied behind their backs, two pumpkin pies were placed, before them and both started to eat the pie. Laughter was never heard be fore like it was at the pie race. The winner of the pie race was Duana It. Dills. Several pupils were promoted from Miss Dills loom to iho High school on Monday. Those ptomoted were as follows: Joseph Bovlncs, Frank l.angan, Frank Joj-ce, Martin Galla gher, Joseph Boyle, Mary McGrath, Alice Foster, Teressa Jackson, Wini fred Gill, Alice Brown, Rose Hoover, lluy Regan. Margaiet Price, Beatrice Perry, (Jlara Walsh, Dlsie Hughes, and Mary Burke. The ladies who wish to aid tho Lawrence Hose company with their fair will meet in the hall Friday evening, December 7. All are cordi ally invited to attend. airs. James Connolly, who wns in jured some time ago In tho Scranton Traction company's wreck, still Ilea in a criticul condition. Mr. and .Mrs. Host lattended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Best, of New York state. Mr. Rudolph Godwallis, who had his too smashed a few days ago while at work, is Improving. TAYLOR. The Price library association will bold their resular meeting this evenbicf and It Is Important that all member.? or those des'rfitn of becoming mem bers shall beo resent, Rev, C, B, Hen ry, pastor of the Methodist Kpiicopal church, will deliver the addres'i of the evening. A short musical programme will be rendered previous to the ad I'less. Prominent speakers and enter tamers have been secured and tho presence of every one who Is Interested In good reading and the destto for a general education Is solicited. The socials hold last evening at the Cavalry and Congregationul churches wore largely attended nnd as a conse- quonce a neat sum was realized from encli event, The committee of the Christmas day eisteddfod are sparing no possible means to make this oven excel any musical festival held hero for homo time, Five choirs havo been organized to compete on the chief competition namely, Olyphant, Providence, Hyde Park, Plymouth nnd Taylor choirs. The adjudicators will be; On music, Professor C. C. Kvans, of Wllkes Barre; on recitations, etc,, Rev. David P, Joiies, of Scranton. The olllcers of tho day are oh folows: Morning ses sion, Chairman. M. M. Williams; con ductor, J. K. Walklns, esq,; afternoon, session, chairman, David K. Lewis, Olyphant: conductor, Hon. If, M, Ed ward, of Scranton, The population of Taylor borough Is 1,215. Henry S. Davis, of Dutch Gap, called on friends heio on Wednesday, Miss Edith Houser, of Main stn'i , whoh as been the guest of friends in New Yoik stale, has returned home. Invincible commandery, No. UM, Knights of alalia, will met in tegular session this evening, The choir of the Calvary Baptist church Mill met this evening- for ic Merchant M. l Judge Is In New York on a business nip. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company paid their epiployos of tho Taylor, Pyne and Iloldcn mines here yesterday. Machinery for the new silk factory Guernsey Hall Headquarters for J.W. 'S SCRANTON'S LEADING FUR ES TABLISHMENT. F. L. Crane Established 1866. Furs and Fur Garment ol all kinds, and our prices are low, it is iu fact unsafe to pay less. Call aud see our Laylored Suits Jackets, Ioag Coats, Box Coats, Neckpieces Boas, Muffs and Children's Furs. We carry these in full assortment. Furs repaired. RAW FURS BOUGHT. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE has arrived and Is being hauled to th factory on High street, where machin ists are placing the material In posb lion ns soon as possible. Washington camp, No. 492, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will meet this evening. Mrs. Davd Lloyd, of Pond street, loft yesterday for a month's visit to Glens Falls, X. Y. AVOCA. The barbers nf Plttstou and Avoca havo organized a union. Tho following from Avoca were elected officers; President, J, J. Waters; recording sec retary, J, V. aicCtirthy: trustee, aiartln aiunloy, They will enforce tho Sunday movement closing and all shops will be closed at 8 o'clock except Wednes day and Saturday. John atcKeon, of Spring street, Is a candidate for councilman, Miss Mary Moylatt entertained a party of friends at her home last even ing. There will bo union services In th Prhnltva aiothodlst, Langcliffe and Methodist Kplscopal churches every Sunday ovenlg during the month of January. ailne Foreman Solomon Deeble wan tendered n banquet In Hotel Jermyn Wednesday evening by the operators of the Keystone colliery, The colliery has recently exchanged hands and lo lest tho capacity of the mine they asked the foreman If It were possible ui get out (1,000 tons. Tho output was 7,000 tons and the operators knew ol no better way to show their esteem for air, Deeble, Then are twenty-six men I com Avoca employed at the mine, CLARK'S SUMMIT. Fur Sale Two valuable lots. Finest In Claik's Summit. ley, M South .Main street, Wllkes-Harre, Pa. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing' Syrup lias been uwd for ner KlFTV VI1AUS by MILLIONS ol JIOIIIIIKS foi lluir (;i!ll,DRKS IU1II.K TKWlllNti. will' I'tlll'EOT SUUKSS. It FOOTIIKS thu CHILD. SOmiNS tlio OUUS. Al.LAVH all PAIN; CUHKb WIN!) (X)MO, ,, is the bct remedy for DUKKHOKA. Sold b, l)rujrglt in every part ol the world. Be ture and ask for "Jin. Winslow'a Soothimr, 8yrup," und take 110 otbtr kind. Two)t icni., j liotU. GUERNSEY EXTENSIVE BEAUTIFUL WAER01S OH .