The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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    v "S'cvniKiij1 !' -1??
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.HP oimi v ?r.f?ANTniM PAPPR iJPr.PlviNr: tub rnMDi btc mcu;c cumifi-' nP tup A?QnriATt:n pbkcq this horatcct mbwq Ancwr.v im tug ujnw n
v i u i wv)wiiawti ui'v .-.vuitiii I IIU WIMI LiU I U MUUU UUI I lJU w !- fWU WITH liL lUkJWI ft I 1- UIXLtfl I UU I MUITU nJUM - 111 I IILi T VILiL-S.
Over Four Hours Devoted bu Sen
ator Morgan to the Han
Pauncetotc Treaty.
Senator Moiijnn Loads the Discus
sion Ho Intimntes That England
Might Dcclnie War in Case the
Nicaingun Canal Is Constructed
by the United States and in Our
Own Way The Leader in the Dis
cussion Filed with Many Questions
Concerning His Theories.
fly Exclusive Wire from 'the UsolI.iUiI l'irw.
"Washington, Dec. ( The .senate was
In executive session lor moio than four
bonis today, the entile time being de
voted to the discussion by Senator Mor
gan of the Ihiy-Panneefolo treaty lor
the abrogation of the portion of the
Claytoti-Bulw er treaty which 1 elates to
the Nicaragua canal.
The senator made It eiy plain, In
Iho course of his leinarks, that while
he was not opposed to the peudliiK
treaty in almost any l'oim, his pilnei
.il, if not his only concern In that con
nection is for the passage of the canal
bill, and ho allowed It to be very hi Odd
ly understood that he had engaged In
tlio ticaty discussion because ot his
conviction that thoie was a mtijorin
of senators who would insist upon ac
tion upon the treaty as a condition
piecedent to the passage of the canal
bill. For this leason, he said, lie was
rvllling to discuss the tieaty. lie inti
mated privately to other senatoi1-, how
ever, tiiaL he would not consent to the
IKing of a lime for a -vote upon the
honly until there also could be u time
rlxed for like action upon the iN'lturu
piinii canal bill.
In the com so of his speech, ho said
that he did not in reality consider that
the treaty need have unv especial bear
ins upon the bill and that he believed
it competent lor the (hilled States
to proceed with the building of the
canal, legai'dlcts of the treaty or of
(.boat Hi Main's wishes in the mattei,
but to satisly other senatoi'-, ami also
to meet the wishes of the sccietaiy of
state, for whom he Incidentally ex
messed the highest esteem, he would
consent to action upon the tic.ily and
i all he could Tor it. He would vote
for the nKTeomcnt, whether it should
he amended or not, though be would
pieler that there sliouhl be no mm nil
men t.
Discussing the out.stlon of the loitifl
ratlon of tho canal, Senator Morgan
ensued strenuously against it, both .is
unnecessary and undeshable. Ho con
tended that Cheat lliltatii was not the
only power whose inteiests would lie
affected by a piovi.sion for loitillcatlon,
and said that Nieaingu.t. and Costa
lllwi had a light to be considered in
that connecliou. Fin thci moie, in case
of war, eveiybody knew that the canal
would be piotieled to the lullest i -tent.
so that any piovislon whatever
beailng upon this point was needless.
Jle admitted, however, that he had no
doubt that if the United States should
proceed with the consti action of the
canal without Hist taking steps to sc
ow o the neutrality ol the canal. Ciieat
Ihituln would be giievously nftended,
and that ho thought It not Impossible
that tho olfonie would bo consldeied
Milliciontly guno to lead to hostilities
between the two eountilcs.
A Probability.
"Do you mean," ashed Senator I3ov
oridge, ' "that notwithstanding the
piesent friendly relations between the
countries, ihigland might dcclaiew.u
if wo should construct the canal with
our own means and in our own way" '
Senator Moigun replied that he con
sldeied that Ksult among the prob
abilities. "but," ho continued, "1 should not
bo detened by that eiicumstanees,"
IVhut Ihigland would do, ho said, of
com so was n mere matter of .specula
tion, mid added that he had only re
ferred to this pos.dbllitv in older to
eniphiislo his opinion that tho canal
should bo consti noted In anv con
tingency. The Anicilran people, he
said, had mapped out that canal and
tliey weie not going to allow any ob
stacle, no matter how serious, to .stand
In tho way. He believed that tho ad
ministration would underluko to build
tho canal Know lug that to do so meant
war, would bo eiidoised by the poop'o
at huge by a bigger maloilly than
that which McKinley had tecelsed
over Ihyan In the list election.
Senator Moigan was plied with many
questions by Fonutois Mason, Teller,
Haver Idge. Tillman unci olhcis. Mr.
Mason asked whether it was tine tint
if the Ilay-PauncofoU' negotiation
prevented the use of tho canal to
Cheat Biltuin in time of war tho con
vene proposition that it also pre
vented such use by tho Vnlted States
will bo not also true. To this Mr.
Morgan did not iwtKo direct icply,
baying that ho would take up
point later in his discussion, in dis
cussing tho points jf the treaty with
Senator Toller the Alabama fcenato.
expressed tl.e ow that tho Clayton
Hulwer tieaty Is 11nrnnstilutl011.1l and
for this leason If for no other wild
it should bo disiegaidcd,
Revenue Ofllce Burglarized,
By i:tcluIvc Wiic from 'flic Asaotlattil Picss.
Wilkcs-llaire, Ike, . At uu tally hour tlili
mi mint; burtdus lnole into tliu oltlio of the
deputy Intertill uu line callutui In U1I1 ill,
lliry made deven link In tliu safe and llun
vnu bcaud' otr. 'Ihcio n frW.OiiO oitli if
iUmiu lu tho f.ifo,
Typos Wlthdiaw.
Dy Kxcluslte Wire from 'Iho .U'oclatrl Vreu.
Kenaik, 0., Doc, 0. 'I lie T)iua'rjphUal union
tlthdrew hum the Oliij. 1'itkrjtlon ol Ijlor, In
u-.-ilon here today, liccauw of tlio failure cf tliu
K'liH'iitlon to uipt uolutlvii. ceiisuiiii the
iltc adinlnljtrjtluii.
Addiess from tho Throne at
Opening of Parliament.
By Kxilmho Wire from Tliu ApikI.iIu1 Prc.
London, Uet1. G. A few minutes nftcr
tho Hpenkor, Wllllitin Court dully, had
taken his chair hi the house of com
mons tills afternoon, tho gentleman
usher of the Ulack riod, Oeneral Sir
Michael lllddulph, appealed and .sum
moned the commons to the house of
lords, whole the laid chancellor, the
Km I of Ilalsbiiry, read the tUeens
speech, as follows:
My Lords mill (Stiulcrnrii' It Ins Iuhomp lit 1
tjr. In iniku further iruiflnn fur tin' t
iiiiwh Inniirul i, t lie upi ration "f nil' luinlos
III Smith Atilt.i nnil C bin 1 I liiir siuuinunril
.Mill to hoi. 1 il H'cclll fmI..ii lu uuler III it .Mill
miy Kile ,cm imtlmi Id tin' uuit.miits 11
Milicil foi this piupusj, " on will not intir inUi
otlicr pi.lilii 1111 1 toi-, ruiulrliih Jour .lltcntlun
tint II tliu onllniiy tin otinif ol pm Hunt til In tli
A uumbei of women weie piesent In
the house of lends, although the pens
numbeicd less than a dozen, outside of
the four loyal commissioners lepre
sentlng the queen, among whom was
tho Duke, or Mailboiotigh.
The ceieniony was eiy bilef: tlie
cominoners letuined to the lower house
and business was suspended until 3.30
p. m.
By Outer of the Piesident the Unex-
piied Foition of His Sentence
Is Remitted.
11 i:ilu-ho Who frrm Tliu Av,oihtcil Pu.,
AVaslilngtoii, Ulc. C Bilgadler Oen
eial C'huiles P. Kagan, commissar v
geneial of subsistence, who has beerr
under stispenslon since Febiuaiy 9,
lb'"D, by sentence of coutt-mai tiul, for
alleged Intemperate and abushe liuv
gunge eonceinlng Lieutenant Geneial
.Miies 111 connection with tho aimy beef . Call and Mr. Mann, of Illinois. Manv
investigation, was lestoied to duty to- I of the Demociats, howcer, oted
diy and immediately atterw.ud was against the motion, because they weie
placed on the ictlted list of tho ainij. opposed not only to the 1 organization
The stoiy is told in two special 01- j bill, hut also to tonllnuiue the totn
deis which weie bulletined at the war ' aimy at its piesent stieii"tli.
depaitment this atteinoon. They are , Quite a number of amendments ov
issued by command ol Lieutenant Gen
eral .Miles, commanding the at my. The
fiist Is as lollows: DcpulniPiil
W.i-,lnn'ton, I) C, IM. ii, KOi 1.
In dip asr nf Hiuiilui fit 11. 1 it Clinks I.
1'iKin. Kininiiss.n. iinuil u MilNKii'i., t nt-
ttil taUN arm., llif iinimoil poitlon of lliu
stilt 11. e nb imlillslipil m K'tniiil onlcis No. -i.
IVh 1, lb')'l, triplu lion-( lulis tf I lie llim, l..
Ii iliiiitlnn cf Uu inislildil, iiinill .1, .iinl tic
U mstuiiil lo 1 stuns of rluij with iLition In
tills lh. (SikiiiiI) I'llllll Itn t.
The second older is as follows:
lb ill iiuitrrs of ilip ,ir:n,
Ijutant Ceiurarh iiHir,
Wxshliiston, ). c , lire. 11. IWi
'the ithriiKiit fi.mi r(io s(ii(r i ir.
piisldi it, Die. 1'., lull 1, 11111K1 tin' iiulsim.-. of
nit 1.111 I, 'Jl, rcMstil stitntfs, of IIiu-jiIni l,.u- (hull's I'. I'llMII, II lllllllssIM iinrjl of
riilisNtcnti, upon hf-. own ipplii iticm .11111 ililr
tr ..iii M'rm, is HiiiouiiKil to tlio r.iuilii.1
o, tt,ii. v.ininl l.'i'in will iioiicJ in his
1 uu- 'Uu lira.l 1 iijoinul is nctissnv for iho
pi lilll SUM l' ll.l .olllllllllll of
1 U'lliiinit (i'ciiiuI Mile .
If. ('. r-orlim, ilnt ml (,miii d.
The acancy thus oieated will errble
the piisldent to cany out his"
ol appointing Colonel John K. 'Weston,
assistant eommissaiy geneial of sub
.sIstonimfH, to be 1 y geneial.
Colonel Weston's nomination will be
sent to tlte senate in a day or two.
Colonel A ostein is one ol the most otllceis in the aimy and has
bad a long and ei editable military
caieor. He served with distinction in
a Kentucky leglment of the volun
tier aimv dining the Civil war and
van mtistoicd out as a major.' lim
ing the ,i nnMi war ho was made a
bilgadler geneial of vohmtcei.s and
mm evil with distinction in the fsantltigo
campaign. He has been actingom
nilss.iry geneial of stihsistem e ever
since the suspension of (ieneial Kag
an, ncailv two yeais ago, but hai
di.iwn only the pay of colonel.
Gov. Stone Decides That the Rhodes
Hand Case Is of Civil Nature.
Dy I'vcliishc Win. fiom Iho .UsoiIjUi1 Pro-a
Hairisbiug, Dec. C Uoveinor Stone
this atteinoon letused to issue a
iciiiisltion on tho govdnor of Now
Yoik In the case of "William Uliodes,
chaigc'd by MKs Minion Hand, of
Philadelphia, with defiaudlng her out!
ol $",000. Ithodcs, -who was lu Ihe leal
estate business in Philadelphia, dis
appeaied scveial years fgo and was
iccently attested In New Yoik state.
Khodes was lepesenlcd by 15, S.
Weeks, of New Yoik, and Ch.ules
AValteis, of Plilliulelphia. Tho gov
ernor, after a careful ovamlnatlon ot
the papeis .submitted, concluded that
the c.isii was wholly of a civil natuio
and not being of a eiiminal char
acter ho lefused to giant tho requisi
tion. - ii
To Be Forwarded from Philadelphia
Instead of New York,
tly Krcltisho Wire from 'Ihe Associateil Prfss
Washlnston, Dee. C General Sup
eiintendent AYlilto of the inllway mall
seivlco has Issued a general older
dlieetlng that hereafter all malls for
the Province of Santiago, Cuba, shall
be forwntded as far as possible from
Philadelphia, instead of Now Yoik.
The malls will ho eairled by tho con
tract mall steamships of tho Ameri
can Mall Steamship Company, sailing
from Philadelphia every Thursday,
The change makes a having of from
three to four days in sailing time.
No Business in Open Session.
ly DxihbUo Wire from Ihe Associated I'resa.
Wuihlnuton, 1K', r. Tlio sciuto today tians
ot ted no l)i.liiC3S of iinporlince In open h-iIoii.
'llirnui;liont almost the entire uflcmoon it n
In etuuthu widen. 'iho blilp bulmdy bill,
tlerifore, icuhcd no coiidljiratlon.
Correspondence Institute,
Dy i:chialte Wire from Ihe Aoilatcd I'rcu.
Jhnir, Pi I., bee. 0. 'Hi I'liiiisjlwiiU Cones
iximlentc Institute, WilLiD-llarie, l'a vjj jn.
torporatcii laro today j caiital, 100,0XI.
Measure for Armu Reoraanization
Approved In the House bu
Vote of 166 to 133.
Mr. McCall, of Massachusetts, Votes
with tho Demociats and Hall, of
Pennsylvania, Underbill and Clay
ton Support the Measuie A Lively
Eight Made Upon a Substitute 01
fered by Mr. Littlefleld for the
Canteen Section The Prohibition
Amendment Adopted.
By Fuliniip Wire from Tlio Aiodjteil 1'roi!
AVashington, Dec. 0. The house of
lepiesentutivcs today, at the end of a
long sitting, passed the .11 my teoigan
intlon bill by a vote ol Jtiii to 13J.
Tluee Democrats, Messis. Hull, of
j-ciinsyivania, and I'liileilllll ami C'l.iv
ton, of New Yoik, voted with tho Ke-
nil 1 iniiu fin. Mi I. Ill ....! 11.. 11.-1..11
,- . ..w...... tyjt 1Mb J.U, .111. .lllVilll.
Uepublican, of Massachusetts, with the
Demociats against it. Otherwise it was
a stiiet paity otc.
The pioposltlon which some of the
Demociats attempted to commit their
side to in cucus, 'an extension of the
piesent tempoiaiy .11 my until June 1,
1901!, which was voted upon Indiiectly
on a motion to lecommlt. commanded
the votes of only about half the oppo-
sition and of two Republicans, Mi. AIc-
placed unoii the bill befoie it was
The liveliest light was made upon
substitute offeied bv Mr. Littlefleld
ot Maine, foi the caution s lion. Tho
substitute absolutely piohlblted tin
sale ot Intoxicants at military posts.
It suppoitri' by Mcssi. Little
field, C.iosenor, Dlofc, ( ltep., Ohio),
and Hay, (Dem Va.), and opposed bv
Messis. Ulajden (Dem.. TV.), Fitz
geiald (Dem.. Mass.). Pernio (Hep.
Mo.). Paikee (Hep., N. .1.) mid n,u
tolai (Itep.. Mo.). Lillet! delegations
fiom the W. C. T. (T., which is in
session in ll.l- city, watched tho light
fiom the galltries. AVhor- (he ot
was taken the piohibition amendment
was carried by an ovo-w helming ma-jont-l.V
to r.l. Mi. mitholdt al
tempted to seeiue a ucoid ou in the
bouse but the peculiar paillumenlaiy
status shut him out. The sections
,ir.. t.. .i .- . ... ...
ui"sisiii..-ii 10 reiue v,euei.ii rsiriilter as
a major general arrd Generals riln
liugh Lee and James H. Wilson, in
bilgadler generals, were stricken mil.
Among the amendment.' adopted wer-1
lliuse providing for llfty volunteer
surgforrs and lr.O assistant .surgeons
lor seiviee in tho Philippines: tor 30
dental iiugeons and for a vcteiinaiy
coips with rctual rank. The ollicein
ot the pay coips weie incie.isid eleven
and of the signal corps 23. The age
limit wes lomoved fiom oluuter
ofliccis eligible to appointmrnt as (list
and second lieutennnts ami tlte pro
lisir.n for retiring ofllcers who soived
in Hie civil war as of next higher
giade was stricken our.
The oleonmrgailne bill v hieli was
postponed to-day will come up tor
1 onslderation. to-moirow.
Littlefleld's Substitute.
Mr. Littlefleld's substitute for the
canteen pioilslon of the bill Is as lol-iow.-:
'Iho sale of ci di'illuj; in iiitoUatiiig hiiuors
hi' .ui perou In mj pu&t, cmIuiuu 01 laiituu
u aiiu.i trampoit or upui aiij pumisei ueil lor
inllltiiM iniiposob li the Cnlu.l .states h hiulij
irohlliitid. 'llu mrtiiry of war is liein.j 1I1
leited to cany the punUioiij of this billion
into full force and clliu,
Mr. Llttlelleld levlewed the long
standing controversy over this sub
ject ami the legislation onucted. Tho
fcection for which tlte .substitute was
olfered, bu said, practically was a ie
enaetmerrt of the pre.serrt law. Mr.
Littlefleld read a letter fiom Adjutant
General cor birr stating that 1)5 per tent,
of the ofliccis of the aimy favoied the
canteen system. Against the present
opinion of General Cor bin Mr. Little
tlold read a statement made bv Gen
eial Coibln in IS!):', condemning tho
canteen ,sstem as not conducive to
tliu discipllrro or best Interests of tho
aoldler. Mr. Llttlelleld also toad 11
statement by Geneial Ludlow, who
testified to tho good effect of discour
aging the sale of llriuor to soldiers hr
Mr. Fitzgerald (Mass.) opposed the
amendment. Ho said hu believed that
every sensible member must recog
nize that the canteen system, ns now
operated, was tho best method of
handling this great question.
"Unless wo desire to act ns hypo
crltes," mild he, "wo should vote down
this amendment. It is Impossible- to
enfoico prohibition lu any poitlon of
this eountiy or of tho world. Wo can.
not enlist sixty-live thousand men for
service In tho Philippines, or anywhere
else, who can be mado total iibstalno s.
Yo should seek to piomoto tompeiance
In tho way which will bilng the best
Mr. Fitzgerald concluded with nrr at
tack upon prohibition as II obtained Jn
Jlr. arosvenor (Ohio) deilared that
prohibition had been a falluio wher
ever It had been tried. Nevertheless,
ho said, ho would voto for tho amend
ment. If good came or It, ho would
thank God, If not, us ho believed It
would not. no harm would bo done an I
congress could easily letraco IU steps.
Against Hysteria,
air. Slayden (Texus), who is a mem
ber of thu military iornmlt03, opposed
tho urnendment. If reason, and not
liystcilu, was to control legislation, hi
said, It would bo voted down. Ho falJ
that ofllcers convoisant with the walk
ings of tho canteen sstem were unani
mous In ondotsliig It. It was an in
iluence for tcinpoiauc.
Mr. Pearco (Jlbsourl) opposed the
amendment. After caieful Investiga
tion, he said, he was mc;micd to as
sert that nothing would do so much to
break down title temperance In thy
aimy as absolute piohihitlon.
Mr. Hay (Vhglnla) favoicd the
amendment. Aside from the uueslion
of tcmpeianec, lie believed It was wiong
for the go eminent to engnge In the
sale of liquor. He was opposed to
throwing temptation in the dhoct path
of young men who enteied the at my.
He asset ted thai the evl leneo of the
at my olllccis was not altogether on one
side of the question. (Applause.)
Mr. Puikcr (X. .).), a member of the
military committer, opposed the
amendment. The whiskey di Inking
nrmy of the old days of the sutler and
post tiader had become a tempeiate
ni my under the canteen system.
After some fill tiled debate, Mr. Dick
(O.), lu favor of the amendment, and
Mr. ltartholdt (.Mo.), against It, Mr.
I-lttlelleld closed the debate on tiie
amendment, and defended prohibition
In Maine, which he Insisted made for
moialltj and tcnipianee. The amend
ment was adopted, loll to CI. Many
membeis of the AV. P. T. IT. weie In
the gaileiy and loudly applauded the
Mr. Fltzgeiald then purposed an
amendment to ptohiblt the sale of li
quor In the capltol building, but Air.
1 Hull made the point of order that the
I ""c"'t "" "" M-imniiir- ana was
.Mr. Williams (.Miss.) asked unani
mous consent that .Mr. Fltzgeiald be
allowed to offer bis amendment.
'T object." said Mi. .Shattlic (O.)
Consideration 01' the other sections
of the bill then proceeded with the le
sults stated above.
Entiie State Shut Off fiom the Kest
of the Countiy by Heavy Fall
of the Beautiful.
It I iltisiw Uirf fiom Ihe si,Kiitcil Prcs
MolitpelliT, Vermont, lice. I,. The en
tile .state of Voimoiit has hePii 11 ic-
tliallv .shut otr Horn the lest of the
lountiy l wiie 1 onnei tiou tor two
davs, owing In the di stun tiou of tli
piopeit ol the leleguiph .i'id telephone
tompanles, caused by the ten hi- snow
sloun and high gale ol Tueilav n'ghr
and ye.tcula.v. Out ot tills tits, im .1
dlstanie or fit lieu miles,' leleg aph
wiles aie Hat on the giound, and in all
p.nts of the state wlies aie in a tom
Tdete tangle. Hcie and there a sfiav
teluphoiie fine, and an occasional local
telegraph who, gles a meagre Iriinee
to reach sin rounding ferritin.
The railroads been badly handi-
apped. Albans icpoils that the stoim
was the heaviest known 111 several
ears there. Tlie snmv u,ii lied i depth
of two feet and diltltd badly, causing
a general blockade. Musiness jester
day was .suspendt d for the day. All
trains over the Central Voimonl ss
Icm weie dela.vid and sum weie can
The Robinson Slander Chniges Un
. suported by Testimony.
fly Ktrlutltr Wm from The Associated Press
Pittshuig, Dec. C A non-suit was
granted by Judge Wilson, of Beaver
county today in tlio case of Thomas
Koblnson, e.-stato pi Inter, against
John Wannniaker. The suit was for
$-1,000 damages lor slander.
During the campaign ol 1S9S n,-,
AViinaniiiker is aleged to hare made
ehaiges that Hobinson conspired, with
othets, to detraucl.
Tiie delense assci ted that the general
declaration ascribed to the
in the stall nient of the plalntlll had
not been proved, and that the hiuen
docs hud been lett unstiported by any
testimony. Tho non-suit granted by
Judge AVllson closes tho case.
Sollenberger and Sheets Must Serve
Three Months.
Py KttliHhe Wire fiuin The ssoelated Pre'i
Plilladolphia, Dee. (!. Hariy E. Sol
lonsbciger and 13ra Sheets, faith
curists, pleaded guilty befoio Judge
Auderrrlod today on tho cluuge of in
voluntary manslaughter, and weie each
sentenced to soive tlnee mouths In tho
county prison, A portion of this time
they lrase already soived.
The defendants conducted tho "Hett
lah Orphanage" or "Plro liaptized
Holiness Mission," and the charge
against them grow out of tho death of
Hdwaid Uncle, a soven-montlis-old In
taut. The child was air luinato of tho
institution and heennio 111, Instead of
providing medical treatment, tho de
fondants depended on faith to eifect a
cure, with tho lesuit that tho child died.
All Trains on the Gulf, Colorado and
Santa Fo Are Tied Up,
Hy Kichisiic Whe from The Awoclntul I'resa.
Foit Wot til, Texas, Bee. C A sttlko
of telegraphers took place at 11 n. in,
today on the Clulf, Coloi.ido and Hanto
Fo railroad. Twins between Galveston,
Texas, and I'm cell, I. T are tied up.
As members of tlio Older of Hallway
Telegiaphois, tho operators demanded
a revision of rules and icgulatloirs and
luci eased salailcs. The ollielals ex
piessod a willingness to icfer tho mut
ter of wages to arbitrators, but refused
to ameird Its 1 tiles. A stilUe followed
of all operators orr tho line,
Pennsylvania Po3tmasteis.
By I'Niliiilvt' Whe fiom The ,s?ociat(l l'roiJ.
Wushlnuton, Ihf, H Tlie folhmlnj lourtli
claM I'tniilvjiiii poituustcrd who appointed
IoiIj; Ciirhcwi, I.'. II. I'uil); Jimup, I.jikj.
w j 11 11.1 county, J, It. Kwun; New Ilalllmori', Som
irtet county. A. I'. Itlfllo Plolittc, Clarion
county, IV. V.. Hull; Sliutun, Cliarilcld tuuuty,
Iteiibeu Holt; ToniKln.ville, I.iil.anjniu county,
J. W. UobuU
He Honors the Courage of the Fol
lowers of Oom Paul, but Be
lieves Their Gause Wrong.
The Buighors Were Misled by Their
Rulers Piomises Them Equal
Bights and Privileges with British-Born
Subjects When Peace Has
Been Bestored Lord Kitchener
Sends Intelligence Regarding Re
cent Engagement at Baffelspoort.
Dy i:elmlic Who from The Associated Tress.
Din ban. Doc. 5. Lord Roberts, on
bon'd the Canada, has started for
Cape Town. He was given an enthu
siastic send-olT. All of the ships lu
the liiu bur were decorated with flags.
Miss HobeCs, who accompanied her
rather, has returned to Johannesburg,
whete she will ioln her mother and
sister, going from that place to Capo
Tow n.
Prior to his departuic, Lord Roberts
made a speech duilng tho course of
lie adjuicd hishcaiers to' hold , dllsn,os!n& of the business before it, to
0 hand of fellowship to those I da?' s, PenIB session having been de-
out tlio hand of fellowship
wlio had been their enemies.
"When blessed peace lias been ro
stoied, ' lie said, "you will tell them
that we are allj one in one country,
that we lime 0110 irrtetest and that we
honor ilreni. They have been fighting
for a wrong cause, having been in
duced to do so by their misguided
inlers. Nevertheless, wo honor them
for fighting for tho llbeity we our
selves so thoioughly bollee in. And
now, In tiie spirit of Ilbeity, tiuth an.l
justice and lreedom, wc are prepared
to extend those piKilcgc"' which every
Ihigllshnicn values to those who have
been lighting against us."
Dispatch from Kitchener.
Loudon, Dec. 1! The war ofllce has
leceived a dlsDalcIi fiom Lord Kitch
ener, dated Hloemlonteiu. Dec. ti, an
r muring tiiat General Delaney, with
r.OO Hoeis, attacked a convoy pioceed
Ing 11 0111 1'iotoila to Itustenbeig, at
Hufrolspooit. Dec. ::, binned half the
eoinoy and killed fifteen men and
wounded tweiit.v-lhiee, including Lieu
tenant Haher. The Poeis, the despatch
adds, suffcied lonsldeiable loss, some
ol them being killed with case shot at
liftv y.uds Guns, anil assistance weie
sent from Itustenherg and the Boei.s
weie diiven oil.
Tiie adviio.s also sis General De
Wet 1 1 osscd the Caledeou, Doc. 0, at
Kaieepout diltl, making for Odendul.
fieneral Krrox was follow lug him. The
di lit was held by a detachment of the
guaids and the liver was flooded.
W. S. Groves, Charged with Criminal
Neglect, Escapes Punishment.
11 Luliisive Wne from Die Associated Pre'".
Philadelphia. Dee. ti. W. S. Gloves,
fouuer train dispatcher of the Head
ing Hallway company, wno was placed
on at Xoiristovvn yesteidoy,
cliaiged with tiimlnal negligence In
eonneition with the wreck otr Septem
ber 2 at Hatlleld, which lesulted In
the death of 31 poisons, was acciuttted
Alter all the evidence had been
heiud in Attorney Hendrlcksan
nounctd that he i ould not ask for a
continuation. Judge Wound then in
structed tho jury to acquit the de
fendant and the 1 osts weie placed 011
tho county. j
Immense Crowds Gather at Stations
at the Hague.
tly llvluslve Wire from 'Ihe .taiociitcil Press.
'Ihe llisuc. Pet. (!. Mr. Kuigcr met with
uuiiilirCiil I'LLipliuiis cvci.vwherc en his trip
hue fiom Coln'iie tojij. Ilo loathed the fron
t iii ut eve 11 1,11. lminonv crowds gitlKrii ut
all Ihe .st.llloiw, vUilch vvcie tlrtoiatcil with 111 IT-;
the hiiiguiniatei nuilu f n e Iici .mil tho mIhio!
thililreii bani;. Mi. Kniirn mule many 11 piles,
in limit nf uhiili hu it (in seated tliu Traiisvaul
.is .1 little thihl vvhiuii 11 liul nun vvlshul to
kill. In nne he Illiiitr.itul his point by
clr twing attention tu a fill Inlieil girl in the
"If tint chllil was outi.igcil," saiil lu,
"eviijlmily would run to lici ii-iuc, but ill my
cnmtiy rhlhlrrii tint! women .ire beim; dally
1 illumed by an eiumy tin times btro.ijir than
Dy IJxcluilio Wire from The Aoclatcd Prew.
W.i'-liliiijtoii, Die. 0 Sci.ator llanni, ihiiiinan
(if the Hihuhllciii lutioiul committee, this nf
1 01 noon t'llueil to 3Ir. Juliu Joy i;d.ou, of llil.i
city, tlio chiliin.iiishlu of tho InaiiBural commit
tie. Mr. IM-ou aiiipttil the Under and will
tilie tnii;o of the iiuuisuratlon certiiionleii. Mr,
.Iniiii Joy VA-iir.t Ills livid In Washington since
tlio vv-ir of tho rebellion. He wis furnurly .1
cleik In tho tiriiiiiry iltpii tiiient and is now
prcihluit of tliu Kiullable Co-operative llulhllin;
Publisher Fined.
By Ilielmbo Wire from Ihe Associated Pren.
Loudon, Id, 0 t u result of the 6111111110115
obtained Ii) tlio And lijiiililint,' leauue ufaliut U.
Arthur 1'i.irson for pu1IUIilng tKlll comietitions
In hU viukly pipir, 51 r. 1'iarbon v114 fimd l(t)
pouiuli and lints Imla,
Bid for a College,
Dy r Wire from Iho AssoilJlcd Pica.
Altooiu, I'a., Doe, 0. J, S. I.cicnrtng, tsij.
of tills city, ofTcrd to donate fifteen ucies of
land in' the tiihuibi of Altooiu If the United
Kvaiipciiial church villi met tho Ctntral I'cmi
n.vhanli tolKt;c tluicon,
Hospltol Presented with 8100,000.
Dy KxclutUe Ulrc from The Associated I'nas.
Cleveland, lcc. 0. 11. Melville llarina, a bioth
er of bciutor llamu, lias given to the Lahc bide
hospital, of this city, one thousand bhaics of
Northern I'atlllo picfirred stock, the agKrcgate
par value of whlih h lUO.UOO. 'Ihe prosint
market value of the stock is about Pi per thare.
Weather Indication Today,
1 Rcnrml llntr Change of City Lana Will Af-
fut Si hoot Ouveriimiiit,
Sui.ito Dlsdnsei the llnj-I'annccfoto Treaty.
Army 1torgititz.itlon Hill PawM the House.
(icinral lioherts Honors Courage of the lloi".
ii I.oial Council I'roceedli gi
Joint Answer to Coiincllnun Kclier'rt Vlailucl
bailiavvanna County Xcvv.
S I.oial Itccord of u llusy Day in Criminal
i lalltorial.
Note and Comment.
5 I.01.1I I'm Indicted Coumllmiii HosIrh,
Jlrle ltillroiil till a Collieries,
0 l.ocit W'ist Scranton and Subuibm.
7 Oeneral Work of the White lillilioiius at
Nurllicasterii I'nitbanla.
I'lmncld niul ('oinnicrcl.-il.
3 Local Live X.ra of tliu Induslrlil World.
Large Attendance in Louisville.
Spirited Debate Over a Motion
to Seat Delegates.
Dy Exclusive Wire hum Tin Atsoelated Puss.
Louisville, Dec. 6. Tomorrow will
find the American Federation of Labor
Yuieu to welcoming naaresses, reports
and the appointment of committees.
The attendance is the largest in the
history of the federation. Prominent
among tiro delegates are the three wo
men lepresents, Miss Sarah Groshans,
of Stteator, III.; Mis. Emma Lanphcre,
Gaiesburg, 111., and Miss Ellen King,
of Petersburg, Ind. Each represents
a labor organization. Among those on
the stage weie Samuel Weir, the dele
gate from Scotland, and Peter Cur
rap, representing the Pritlsh trades
union congtess.
There aie two piotests against the
seating of delegates, the first by the
National Brewers' union, filed against
the Stationary Firemen and Engineer's
Jirotlterlrood, and by the United Gar
ment Makers' union ugainst the Chi
cago Labor union. The contests are
on question of Jurisdiction. Evidence
will be heaid by the committee on
cicdentials and a lepoit made to the
At tiie afternoon session Treasurer
John n. Lennon lead his leport which
showed icceipts of $79,67.1 and o:pens?s
?6S,37o. The repoit was lefeired to
;he proper committee.
Tho chair appointed committees on
niles and order of business, president
leport executive councils' leport,
treasiuer's leport. resolutions, laws,
ogunlzilon, labels, boyi otts, griev
ances and local and fedf rated bodies.
The lemalnder of the afternoon ses
sion was devoted to tho presentation
and reference to the proper commit
tees ot lesolutions and tho leport of
committee on rules.
A spirited debate took place over a
motion to seat tho delegates from the
unions w hose delegates have been pro
tested. The motion was deleated and
tho matter is still In the hands of
tho committee on cicdentials.
Miss Lottie Sutton, an Actress, Has
a Narrow Escape from Cremation.
Wllkes-Harie, Pa., Dec. b Miss Lot
tie Sutton, a member of a dramatic
company now playing In this city and
whose homo is in New York, was bailiy
binned in her loom at tho Windsor
hotel In this ell-, ut an caily hour this
mot nlng. She felt nervous and arising
lighted a cigarette and went back to
lied. She fell asleep with the lighted
cigarette in her hand. The bed cloth
ing was set on lire and soon the loom
was in a blaze. Her ciles for help
in ought the watchman wno bioko In
the door and lescued the woman, who
was in nu unconscious condition.
An examination showed that she was
hoverely burned about ,the body but
will recover.
Steamship Ai rivals.
D) llxiluilve Wire from 'Ihe Awoitalrrl Pic.
Ntw oili, Ike, fl. Arrived: Siullnlin, from
UUivrott ; l.alui, Uiemeii; Dcutschlaud, Hau
buiir, houtlumptou and CheiliourK. hailed: I.a
Cii"toiriii, Ilavie. Llitrliuuii; Aiiivul: Pnloila,
New York via I'ljiuouth, tor llimbuiff. ((ueini
tuvvn Silltil; Mijiitle, New York. lliemen
Aillvcd: Kaiatr Wllhelm Per (.niwe, New Yoik
via 1,'lieibniiii; and S-outhampton. ilotlenliui
h.tllid: Itotttrilam, ItouloKiie and .Vv oilc.
New ork- rriid: I'rieilrkli Her (Iroae, llie
luui, boulliimiiton and Chchourir.
President's Nominations.
By Inclusive Wire from Tho Aoclatcd Pres.
Waslilnuton, Ike, 0. The prtsldint today sent
Ihe following iiomiiiiilioiis to the emitc Daniil
II, McMlllin, of Nov Yoilv, to be asiodatn jlMiu'
of the siipiium court of New Mtlm; Lewis I,
O'.Vil, of the DUtilct of Cnlunihh, to be ju.tlie
of the peace in the District of Columbia.
Coiporntlons Chart eied.
Py rviwlvc Wire from The Afcoclatcd Press.
Han Mini tr Dec, 0. TIusq cinders veie Li
hiiid today. Cambria Tcimlnil Itillroad Co,,
Cainliria tuuuty; capital, S70.00O. l.'iMon, 'I at.
amy mid llmeor Slnet Itiilway conijuny, tip.
Ital, 00,000. Clumbiriiburi; ami (litt)burt;
lllcdrlo Hallway Co., lapltal, IjjO.ixW.
Killed by Pall of Coal,
ny Kiclusiio Wire from 'Iho Associated Press.
bhainokln, Dee, (I. Paul Piclnla and I'ranK
Andims were killed last nlk'bt by a full of toaj
in (he laiko Tiddler mini', The men who work
Im; on it lueatt of ioal when u la rue mas', above
thtm irave vuj and toniilettly covered them,
m I...
.Newspaper Plant Destroyed.
fly delusive Wire from The Auoclatld Press.
llarrUmuu, Dec. 0 Hie ntvvtpapcr and print.
hu plant of the I.ktns ltiul.ttr, at I.) kens, this
county, was destroyed by fire tills inoruini;. Loss,
Superintendent of Coast Survey,
I) Kvclud.u Wiie Horn The Associated Press.
Washington, Die. 0. Tho senato today con
flrmid Otto II. Tltinau, or MUoOuri, to bo suycr
intcndiut of tbo coast anil geodetic survey,
Opinion Wldclu Differs as to Wail
the Scrnnton School District
Will Be Governed.
Some Contend That the Kennedy Act
Will Be Reinstated if the Suprema
Court Is Asked to Reinstate It, as
It Has Virtually Reversed ItselJ
by the -.uling in the Pittston
School Board Case Others Believa
the Board of Twenty-One Will Con
tinue and Others That We Will
Have to Fall Back on the General
Act of 1854 as Did Allegheny.
If, as It is reported, the school board
committee has gone to Pittsburg and
Allegheny, to see what steps, If any, aro
being taken to provide a codo of legis
lation for school districts In cities o
the second elass, it will learn that not
only aro no steps being taken in that
direction, but that tho school author
ities there are firmly of tho opinion that
nothing of that kind can be done.
Tills conviction Is born of the decli
ion in the Chalfant against Edwards
case, by which the Kennedy Act of 1S05
was declared wholly unconstitutional
and void, on the ground that it was
special and local legislation.
Pittsburg had been conducting her
school affairs under the provision of
special acts passed in 18fi5 and 1869.
Allegheny was -W orklng under the gen
eral school act of 1834. Their codus
weie piactlcaliy the same, but it was
deemed expedient to make them exact
ly Uniterm and in 1S93 an act, known
as the Kennedy act. was introduced
and passed by the legislature, which
provided a complete system of govern
ment for school districts in cities ot the
second class. Pittsburg also caused to
be passed an net repealing the special
acts under which it had been working.
The Kennedy act was directly at
tacked on the ground of being special
and local legislation. The assailants
claimed that any law- that did not ap
ply lo all school dlstiiets must neccs
sailly be a local law, because school
the btatc.
A Different Proposition.
"With municipalities it is different.
Cities do not cover all the state.
Theie are boroughs und townships
helping to make up the total list of
municipal divisions. Laws can bo
passed for cities without offending1
against tlio constitutional provision
against local or special legislation, and
under tho constitutional piovislon clas
sifying cities, special laws can bo
passed for special oitles, provided,
however, that they must apply to cveiy
city of that class. School affairs not
being in the natuie of municipal func
tions, could not be mado a part of o,
city government, consequently, any law
passed for school dlstiiets must apply
to all .school districts, and no law con
bo passed that will apply to a paitlcu
lar kind of school districts Tills tho
Supreme court held was u good and
valid aigument and decided that tho
Kennedy act was unconstitutional.
Pittsburg, In consequence, was In a
gieat dllemtna. Its old laws had been
repealed and the new law, which it in
tended should supply tiro placo of
them, was declared unconstitutional.
Allegheny had been, as piovlously
stated, working under tho old geneial
school law of ISo-t, ami .simply fell baric
on it w hen the Kennedy law was killed.
Pittsburg came to tlio conclusion that
it would have to iidopt the old 1S5I law
and was proceeding to chango her
school government to ion foi in to It
when tho Supremo court camo to its
assistance with a decision dochirliisr
unconstitutional the act repealing tiro
old special acts. This rehabilitated
Pittsburg In its old clothes and ever
shico It has been content to get alonu
with them rather than um tlio risk of
any more such experiences as It had
with tlio Kennedy act.
May Beverso Itself.
But theio Is a possibility, some con
tend, particularly I. 11. Hums, that tho
Supremo court will reverse itself in tho
Kennedy decision If It is fairly asked
to do so. Mr. Hums and those who
think as he does in tho mattor, contend
that tho decision In the Pittston school
board case, declining tho Act of IS7I to
bo constitutional, was ylitually a ic
versal of tho decision In tlio Kennedy
cum), and that If a boiud of contiol, or
ganized under tho Kennedy act, makes
a bid for tho seats of tho piesent board,
tho Supreme court can not but approvo
their claim, In tho face of their recent
decision In the Pittston case.
In this Pittston case, on which tho
light between the board of sK and
board of twenty-one lu Hcrunton also
hinged, the attack on tho boaid nf
twenty-one wus mado on tho ground
that tho Act of 1871, under which It
IContlnued on Page 0.
Washington, Dec. 0. l'orecast for Fri
day nd Saturday! Eastern 1'inn.iih.inia
Cloudy Prldai j rain ut night and feat
urdav; colder Saturday afliruoon; Muds
becoming frcli mulhcasterly.
t --"-